CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 31 Jan 1913, p. 1

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IDEPENENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY UL__ xILN. u bURtEViOPW MAN 9U9E4LECE TIARMILE POODUCERS' AUSOIAT+ION. I L GAuhlE? 18 INTE[qSTiNo MEETING AiT LonUER- TO "STICk ToogTi4rmtt Uhorlyville. Jan. 25.-the ana mâeeting of the Ltke Cout MIN Ps-- doeats He uff sgodatl va boîdl lie- kila Vi mI flSlorsforoth md ft:or the bP1iW emave yo a C.g. ail Oke0 l-. assîl o gastron thelte t muSe te tme Ho ured tie fo lI ,male tb. faim l!.e pleasant snd pro- grssie as a meama of keeplng tbt boys ou ths farm. Theo0soff o aertary Wvns given b a local mmeushs sd carud souis surPrise as ho bai jdt heuo,% P-meober of lb. &um01tgm, N. B. Gasert, ;,trtyiile, eWrmn o! lb. organlisg cosnssslts9, , ou rier .otoary of thse )ary fer- MaWs Prolsetîve Amuil, vam tbeunatsl mous Cholet for tfe bhow" offie.' Tise eeflos o!r coctora took Ur o.O 1111e finie as the desi-e of aIl pse- ,ut wpm ho aleel siembura vho wer and bai tise Varions Issum mst ao eia brst. Jaisa L. Esmmors o«asthe O@»t ma» e- )slsr.NeCadmorei$a IoniWanbogau, whéSw *Isa a sMwtasy. and- Va O ', eG. ImoiW$ me&sk eed. unla l 1 - lgM 0 ie Lai ee uty bramât aS" jo vIsse puient of lhe association. For t6 e s-oaniIg dirtetoroalsî bmS oesddatie vus. amué: E. P. Blachard o WaOkmgs. IP- W. CIttladuaIu-., amid . . atzem .Uherlvllle. Ur. elaebarda nnom was Vahihavs b. lmou habalUolilsg bugan, lising Chi'- laBilesud iGatzevtla lts.eSde. Gai- Mt the ii.aueuaaluicadidats. iers vere juf 21 delegaies prea- et fs-maisl pau" of Lake Cosinty. vee tgsad pcn, aflsung fie. being: A. S. Jaci, Atilorh. candidate for se- emetsry o! lb. samoclaion. Ur. Jaci a'poke IMesi nguyotlie prusmuf asitaion. .eplig b. hécondition aIsài courrons tise daltj tarses snd lling -sa fI ay semsdy ôé«Igsaia a astaroma thSatisbe mij .1kdams-t Iot viibu toumita meut ithe prodpisffldesian. Ur. Jack vwas l ru«Oim m sea 8004 bepasasica Sert ail..aewmtas-j01 lisGrain es- ebas san orgaisasfor lie efflV farinas asaouîs, gave a rapld-llrs alog g Iutfa e oussly formels10 wmms u mprowume o*tal. ?sUmat bas unie. advinsset,' Olm S"e aaoluntea osmuulsa.ý 1il d bllvu uat Ur. OSwaiwiVI Du thougis nthlng d4.1.115la lumowD e. ineasiAs.'.wilI b.bell iu CbiflcaO, Fobre",O'Sd, St helb. hamanBoum.. FKvuqro" ue lseeltu daiynu la e. qpuutW aet atend t ibis mting as9Ith 5 iatlin lacritical sud alope muet b* chnguconditions asuoosn #4 posible. 5~J 5TT RSCIIOOUS ~ilIeSuperintendCilts Daallfi wM, th 5e .PoNce, Organl» âa 'eloomneon'. IL, Jan. 24-Disatis facil aiOnýsmg a numbes- e! the cat3 #"»pmedoul 0000ino aholo la il Vih,4I4,motodaad policles o! OU - W ueltadesil or public instrue Ilu14l <ho, osg»aiofubarse tod - .,Cfcoppty puperlutesidenl' loammi j>d 4. I orîl-cfprlssgfild vas chose , -preîmt sud D. P. moula cd Plif afe, à,lOar. wcmmltt«e on legiSalti P OâeOa, . , iW'. $de 1 M. ~oLVlo PAPES' U~EITVUL LKECOUNTY, ILLIOIBS P RIDAY J ANI i~OV~0~ TO,,MAKE GASi ARt fURI - UBARRINGTON VOU14G MEN MEE. SIPIÇLOPN ie, AS maPR.BAD ACCIDENT WHEN TRV* ~0RMB ATJN WAITERING TO FILL TANK. , L' ODAY.Walter Cannon and Wliiam Grunau AT ~OOLfi0N 0FOPERATION -of Barrington ame cOlned ta tbfiIf MT -o»INounMcaD A suc- Ornes wth lad cuit ad huarnsas the9 Cap aEv M. BAVIN, POSTAL DEPT. MAS AUTMONRIZED resuit 0f an erploMauwbich occurred INSTALLATION 0F OFFICE whiie they were conductlpg expert- ..OtU5» iif' ficlte, eraiion waa AT INSULL FARM mente lu an attempt te produce arti ,p 4 lm bon- ficiaj gas fro e rbide and water and etaiemou wimm a Aplee was- jr« l bole ad plcedtore it ila ata"k for une in fiing the, ici, i" ffle?:rt-ls ef an. AN RE! FN ERT E . "Preat--lte" SU toakà for automobile d0WOela au i*0k te gsi the tollghts. The youla:iln conduct a gar- pte <obailtocethor. The ciler-- age ln fii t laft and bsd been la iresw. perforxnad on Paul Frmnk, àACTO U E «SRRS.ET h utmo àv a o hspr *~Ieao chauffeur. Whio was lnlursd ATO UMSApURRS oste eus rouacf ica gaforlnteelpur a ilW 'eka MMo wben an automobile REBIDENTS 0F LISERTYVILLE poseksiipod freuof anhicago10tvEe vce.<?net sud oreeked by a Chicago tnk.NDti, oua 0 a ineniv & Iortiemtorniller at Valley î4 AD VOINTYturo of mind tiiey eonceIved the Ides luouit eat ietfRaveia tu Lakebo COSi -ofmanufacturlng their nvvn gas ouf 0f ty. k ua erformed hi Dr. John E. carbide and accosdngly rlgged Up ali owea, chl amlgeon ot the Chilcago & Surpris was crealod tbis week at Noxlsweoter rallroad, assisted by Dr., Libertyville wbe, word reached there tank for the puryoeo. and were experi-f Edward Ford Gavin. the companyl9 that the poatoffice depmrtment hadlle- menting with i wien the accid ent Oc.i physicen lu Waukegan. Frank was sued orderS at Waahington authoriz- curred. They ba'i pIc the carbido t a~ the operating table for one houring th esetablablnent of IL postoffilce ln tihe tank and turned water on h to an a baîf. At the conclusion of tii. at Hewthoi-e farm, the fine summer create- the ga. . egas evidently operation Dr. Gin expressed the ho- home of Slamuel Insut]. President of lief test lit hall been & complete suc. the Commonwealth Edison company Of fre o uclcnigapesr coL iChicago, the farm heing located about greater than the gongs at the top oiti Paul Frank, It wl hb recaloed. wns1 two miles south of Ubertyvilie pogt- the tank could tand. The boys state7 driving the automobile aithle time il Office. that te hand on the guage point ed was @truck. Ludwig, wife of ai Andrew Efinger. P>uperintendIent Of ta ,,0lolînesjst bi.oe ote explosion Chcago firemun, wbo waa rldlng in!iMr. Inaous' big estate. bas already -Occured and as It tu built ta rglter t tMe haSo brway ta attend a funerul. apîdlied for the position of posinaster 200 pounds tbey dIA net anticipate the was killed lnantly. Frank was ta at the new station, and it la under- explosion -whîah telle place almo.t il ken to the-lilcAlister hospital and fot stnod fthe Inatters bave been arranged stantly aftes.warda, giving thon nob a few dsys hetween If fe and go that ho uilli ho named by President time ta get out or. the way. Alter deat. Ten e îowl bean i r- Taft before lie retires trou' offie. reacbtng the 50-pSofd mark the thor coler. IFotia3ter Taylor of Libertyvilie bas la titat the gaa vas iorming se fast A fsw days ago an X-ray pîcturo ol received a formai notice from Wash- that It drove the regIter up and brcke M left leg was taken ln an elfort to lngton authorizlng Ilm ta supply the the guage inatastanemaly. Bits of fIl m4wby a broken houe dld flt mend Hawthorne postkllhce witb postOffice îng gl asd mutaà 1ftruck fthe youngP This revealed the faet that a portion u PPîea and ta funsh the office on men. cansing bad. Cut while at the't o the, boue Vas misaine. the lusulI place, after lit is open for same tne te enseig gas was Ignit-C it wse tboight aetfrt that a pil business. by a locked pouch by rural ie4 on account o! lji fflg pressure and0 oi melimight ho used te conuet th carrier nUMber ose out of the UAber- they were badly hw. idahout the face. the ivo portions of boue. bat Dr. Owen tyville oilice. Hawthorne farte la W0 Both young mS' *e rcovering . 1 declded bat the suturing of theue 'cated OnnDo ràlrosd uxceptlng the fast aas eould bu orveced s ad wll sur!I wold b b. heboter allT do t~hM .J. & E. boit Une, whichpucsfer no permanent li:pIm but It ViI 'hi réïniored 1a poril the aO! atiromgb the nofth rarl of Mr. mel buIlesorerni weeb liê3ky I r (tha long boue au the.aide etf l. agiOut gala. runâu %W Mmciimore âan placed lit hetwoe eu .fgocfty'r4 AIdttg Ofthe Section have beau uuvurely burmed tbalPf45ep ld big «eao! tbetibia.Granulai flmme waa UMahI. tuliure Ontthe lb.mie ~r os- weuuda wil boi s ~tli au.r pl&ffl wth the portion of boue and ItaibIig a portafile on the lnmull no'l, but are no ame s tons, ai. la enpscled that the portions of boue place la face of Ias proxlnîlty te the t tough, perbapa mon4.palfl. HIE ViII poV togtier and hecome in=& lib-evfY1l office. The only way iti banda and face weru su,4Ilo.tha again. 'The operaton la one liatil ý cma b. lgured out by ruolduats of the lhe akin will enflrely cq» oiend bIe atompt"o oly Il expert srgeons. nelghborhood la that Mir. mmuli pan. left breuat wasspunctued by, a pièce apendins mors tins. on bise etate than of glae or metal. CannoWnsbjurte WE O M 1;forrnerîyad Ilhaismamil la no ex- Vere <,0tflued more ftu cola. but be le Wu~W w 4>TOSE &itensîve and of such imiarauce liai &lIeu sufferlng frozu sovontjainful AiIISEWU KLATIJ h. took stepse to get Il -dollvered te berns. hlm at a private pastoel csah an WINNIFRED ILSREATH OF LIS- h 00l obv.tcfr5 ion coSjI4dy OW!D "lm ERTYILLETELL OF HORT ibis la the onîy office of the klnd ERTYVILE TLLS F SORT that lias beon estahlisbed on a private MARRIEO LIFE IN BILL. jpiece Of proporty anywheru ln the DOONE COUNTV STATES ATTOR- 'Uied States and It la feit that onl NEY WJBMITS TO AUDIT WITH YOUNG WOMAN WIIOSE MARRI !by exertinfi great Influence. could Mir. SURPRISING RESULTO. At OCCURRED IN LIBERTY- Ingull persuade the postal authorites VILLE la COMPLAINANT f0 establlsh lil for hlm. for apparently, P. H. OiJonnell, state's attorney or If la done prlncipally for bis couvent Bone county. in the campaign prooed- Uarrlud at Llberly#Mle, on October lence, for the force mainfsined on bis lin&tee November electiflaiWau clarg- 12. 190. vingt&" ug loratl or lb. astate la not go great th"t tbey would ai by blli emierles with baulW galbA ertyvife dd net bave a very long m-rhjo partlcularlycoennedtrulf0tuoerunao lofIe1le Ild lifte, coordng te tii. bill which tsncb an arrangement. county superintendent oftachools. ber oouaél hbaSlied ln Circuit court Ille cai were made fron the &U thrhaadFrank M. il stump by Dr. Tallerday and the resuit agalat br usan$50,00M l'OR LAKE wwn liaian audit of hle accouats fol- Fer. elle glaisa that on the 281h o! fcOM ST UNIVERSITY loved. Juage W. C. Deweit of BeIl- pecoumber ot <bt sanne year, sile vaw-u dore appolntlng a committee te ex cbl dte itive lier iiuahand becaute HANIISOMIE DONATION MADE TO amine Mr. ODDnnell'a bocks and rec- lau became s cruel te ber obhu could LAKE COUNTY COLLEGE BV ords. ot stand kf t t*Oo. OIL KINGS INTERESTS The recui proves thal Inteai o! OÙç hurgM w th intse vent vîi h i - the Bone county tate'à attorney tet. ha bie of bie tati in Blsmark. New York, Jan. 24. - The genersi wthboldlng fees and funda of the coun N. D.. ssiion October 17tb of the cmrnelucatiosi board orgaàized by John D. tl, fie ounty la indebted htebMr O- year. 3maI a veels affer Ile marriage, 1IRockefeller te prornote edlucation la DosInl in the sum of $4211,66. Olion- bc ehobsi ber everli; and thal ho tis counry. et ts annual meeting te- neil la well known ta many la Har- dii tbe @m* "<cionDecember 2 and day, vtd appropriations of $125.000 fard. but bIs friands neyer entertain- Dommber 4 ta Whitaman oollege, Wala Walla, .4 the Idea titat ite badivrongfully 1 Tireteleud er LIf.. Wash., and $50.000 eacli te L&ke For- takis1 cent. ta whiclih. Ileva. lot eu- ls ealaégus furtber tetheli,2îtf est ulveralfy, Lake Forent, Ill., and tiîled. The fact, however, that thue of test saine monte, lho attacked her Alleghne olege, Mseadville, Pa. Un- Impartial committoe whicb examined and tlreatened te il ber, tlsrefore der tue board'a ferma the tiree Insfitu- fthe books as state's attorney found ah. lait i $ and is adde liai ho nev- tiens muet ln other ways rais. auma tireosit y Indebted ta hlina teail of er:made ayat±unpt te reconcile mat larer flian those gvn today The lilCYDOnnell ta the o unty la grly I u a are thee oaiýd's fis-sf gift t o IeL. ___________ Fredlerick T Gatevas e tdWcar- l'oR EXPERT man of thse board for 1913 and Andre s-DOWIE CONVICTS M C1ngeva Ilgte ebrar-FOR I'RMERS 'y- eleaied for thice yeass. in Iposi tha complaint o! the Boy. -Springfield, El., fan. 22.-An appro- LeGladstone Devis. îon o Alexandier Whle itlila net knovu iîetitlely, t pfls*iou for a dairy-expert ta travel c. DO-wrl 0f Zont Cit fame, John Ballon, ýis belteved thai 1h11 big donation te obi Hblssis and teach dairyrnen sani- Wbo #*Oeiat 8702 'Houston avenue, the colle meana taILaaev building tlt1Ich and cleanlinesa vill ho agked of ýe* Souâ li blo BaýUrday was found vl soon:ahoelco la lini.,ith the Illinisl by the dalrymeues convention galby ! eellnuency and senteisced iala &afnonui rScmtlV, vbeoby a wl esininii ci.Toa Id toQU *ar -W.5tu» S llositof th WinI ho possibe, msevfetie mmn sQIeAo s devoted te cattle Judglig ýq tioum0t teeu ta1ansd fihed $90. , sud WoiiluO or *0 al . ¶tw1e ebat lim aosing o! butter. 1% Dr.ý Dffli I ied ts",Balon vas beon ta* 0< 4oa4 *u,4' p roeo -11»0 Illinois butermkers ase b eldi Saddlblu4 te hall daIAU d dd tiU ot *14êlIIO lif detIln the nmers Ver. ad- M lo & ,hý 1W'8 W I. te0"e'It fl 1It» r«»d by Joseph Newman of El- ta. ~ ~ mow tiotif be1l*a ie U5< if"*eud aa Seue t !the dairymun vill be ,flua a the tu 6, O*u*tm ouiel Vivllba uuml>es bc a; oi'd*oiatralouoansd tlie location of TW dmU *~l. iom orl.ensing year. ýUARY 31, 1913. ON1E TO EIGH [T 81 50 PER YEAR iN ADVANCE IIf1II1iI1 m~ ASCOUNITRY CLUBS? munis <gg SUPp~ERVISORS 0F WILL COUNTV UYI~ 111111 ARE ENGAGEO IN INVESTI- il Aoo l PAPERSING CH A T E P IN FIGURES FROM CO. CLERK'S REC- ORDS SHOW INCREASE ALL1 TO CONDITIONS WHICH- EX- IST AT PRESENT. GAI IBLITA SET F~R JURY PROSECUTION AND SEEK SI GNERS DEFEiqm TO ALONG.TI'E LINE Dynl Icutytes"vsrsPETITIONS are investigatlng the charge that Cnua- boa D".1.s are conductod like P88,0~9 OVER LAST YEAR 'tuy < Je".l-ode ogiefheASKS FOR CHANGE 0F i iji Pubic somol Idea of the trutbfuineau o! the charge the Jollet Nowa prinfa LIBERTYVILLE RANKS SIXTH iN.the daily programi observed blnthse STATE TO FIGHT TO KEEP 4 AMOUNT 0F TAXES TO BE iPrison cîlys hostile. It la gîven as PERJURV TRIAL IN PAID IN EACH TOWN àingfolloev: a m.LAKE COUNTV ______Breakfast et 7. Properiy Ovuors ln tite clty of!\Vau-. Recreation. card playlng and visît- Caon Ovîrmesr WiIbur Glenn Volivai kegan yl pay $33,046.74 nmor,3 ing fron 7:30 to il. tsfsrrIiunLk Ou0y- fo teyer 92,tbn taxesi Lunaeon et 11:30. gtafi ro*-nLk ony fo teyer 92 itntisey -did lu prswlk n adafo 20 Are h... enough faIr-mmndi M' 1911 visen tbey go ta tise ta- :e ,o- Sf0orts, wi.,Lakeacdntcatdeo m a 12:30 tors tiiasping. Tite amourittfoi, IM, fu:30p..atnLake aint ogo Ithe w rso waî $191,473.112; for 1912, i w]be Sup t .and, sfter Mighuard teeVdedOl1 $224519.76. ijPrisonema locked ln their *cle af 6'îns ae1tori vtvsI Aillite people of Lake couut' psrjury, roah an unblafed vu-. bie cao l pon la pay $8,96989 mo e Oîtsde fte slrhlt assistance ren- 4 taxes tiis leur flan the prevlaus yer. dorai the juil auithorities ln loopIng dict?- Tise fax u101a as 925 ,fr thoir quartera dlean. ftho prlsorters Voliva and- bis conlusel, Atloesu3t 1912. Li wilho $991,544.3f7. bave nothlng ta, do. Wliholesome food George Fleld, Insiat that hocaaO- The lers l Couf ytIek Hede41Bi prèvided for thon. tbey bave con-' and tboy declare test tisiery 114 offic bai finahee thofask fortahie bais et nigiti. friends are ai-' huidrodi cf men lu LAke cossti bsi offcebae fnibe th tskofex. lowed ho carry fruit andl tobacco to a mot7fidvt11th AA0;4 teudlng tise taxes andl soute Interest- thorn visiors are admttai during the VI aeafdiifa .&io bongs fgrsaeotnelfnt'le afternoon. Abolit the only exertiosi a fair triai. fhey are calleel upon ta exhibit la ta uo h te ad tt' Tho ota fa lathotow aiWausitave thoinseîves wltb a raxor profid- îoruiey Dady insiste ho cuit &M4 kpgan (not iaeludiag ftho city), for ed by the county.Ilieves ho cao gel as MMIsul ho11 $4 2.74948.2, w l milar conditions -1-f i In ane f0 nmales affidavilt Ihal efeta - Tli toal42,e749.alaf8n.o cuniy and in practie ..y ovel:. One lias counsel Can gel te sua tà* The toal asessei valutio f f the102 coulos Ir the tate. 0v- proporty lu f-Ake count y twitait1laosto-e., 1montits ago a Chîcagul anpotepion tird tise full value) la: $20.242.947 as -ho d been co màIns tted for jneP pe. N aov ut comparai f0 $20.096.636 fortte previ-ofns,'cl dupnisrelusse that Andi if vulei v o tJu4S One year. o1 oathnab ci loa The to decdeVbu é~i Tihe state toax for the conuty for the Cook couati Josil vas "" -111 moremm etcf1Ab U' $t 1912:, $7711975; couuty tex. $112,- Auro EWBacon-NeVIas Y:1 M t1 552.75-, fown fax. $18.317.19. *Kan. cou bas apent Ihoiseais lnela 51V ciebolatwo Railirceiltaxem, 1912: 124610.71. Io!dolhars in past yeers psovdlng auSium l in b&t fJ IW cto viflagé taxes for aU purpossu Ii<fir ' s gb o tàri, ~ in $ut 217.0901 'o. -d unibriae Whillethe taxpaerp of lthe 34e iw, 9 ,ixisa~ and gravel, j$118& sel.%Z%_001, $434.- have houa puttiug up théb. mus1ey 0,r -oM Dot »on»urs a fais Iulw - seeuA% In V-rlout Towsa. 'forced teuniai. 1ha1 evu livin ,g hy 1h la 5100iiiEMd«"Wt1i5 Below ame îbovu lie total taxes fer tise ve f cf lser l"vlduai and col -IMYorerD*.# 9 N etuemm the varlo.u towvbipe of the cilunt y. ln lucivu broya Wby trettaie op ln UM W ViO5IWsM fl other nords, aeonbe vilI have te par sesicos thoughi aimplan fi, sUn.dy Idavltint fn E b taxes on tise foîlovlng amontalu the thia evîl?" cti 1mon casMsuai' varicus towns flua sprlng: aveil as eRve.- Beoou-----------------$15,888.62 tHOPKINS AI'TeR SAT TVinactirefts tesotu thm S<I"dl City o! Zion--------------.50.580.01 wl .peetdt b Newport------------------ 15622.66 -Who muat pacn thi* WO5<« 't Ant loch------------------.2.284.65 -AURORAN OPEN& I4EADQUARTERS va's couinaulliahihho b.8"WWà Grant-------------------.Il 198.08 IN SPRINGFIELD TO URGE of venu. 10 aasd eflarcutY Avon------..-------------27695.32 '-mis CANDIOACV. this case, 100On sWbslUi>, t.' WVarren........-..........-24697.41 Làet le MoNéaly. - TownofWaukegan-------42,4 9.48 Senator A. J. Hopkins bas opened if Ilas-ScaibOd '<bat Po"neff ity of- kgn .... 2451.6headquartms at Springfield for lhe ad- ln s kul for a change Of vUa-m Town ! She ...--------58911.341vancemeut o! bis intereste for ithe LbocOulti, lu fis@ftjnOW& lsm lilyo! aIeForat - 25 9291 aort tern lns fteUnited tStates sen- case, and 1< vont tu MCHUeUs Oi f4bertyvsie-----------...44,883.94bttejr hr aOabÇ ,ý F~remont------------------.1,202.339 te- dbut tee JUr finse tavet a 11 O Wauconda----------------..13866.41 Accqrding ta reporte fs-on the, state dc gia l inteLi Cuba--------------------..20296.14 capitol thoproîeagiug o! lie deadiock r t ' Elas...................... 20.567.59 bas serveil fo brIug ouf s §eId o!fsma- Thu5, ni>'O ubt. Velfv'8M i Vernon-------------------.16,774.36dlsites sMOng republcans for lh. vIl) aek tse case»V'l'?M West Deerfield ...........-31,203.29 ,ahort terzna onaiorshlp. Moul active la ho la chari iVlh perjui'y s&f Deerfleld-----------------.53372.88 On the gs-cnnd Vers the reflesu't'- een so Indiclel hte th be uê* City o! Highsland ParIs .... -148,617.09 livn of fermer Senatar A. J.HoPine grand Jus-i teonou* io t» Ot - o! Autors. whose manage. F. B. C0i11- mention5 of tie district MM* MQ TO0rAL-------------... 991.544.37 1ver, arrivai ou tiie ground snd cpened 'Os- WIite 1beg.1 t ____________ h.adquartera Yesies-dai. John C. Mr-. 11.10 very positive lu blé 1 SII RIL F! RfD OglOshi, lieutenant goversor, la belslf 1*litaI Volliva cannif t * JRIet SHU TL ff ýINJU ED us-ged by another clament o! the party inlu aie conu. sa yla iït b bl -vble stilI a thlrd la advocating for- aisead pecfured muni --s-i - DAVLIGHT SPECIAL WRECKED mer Congresaman Frankt O. Lowdeu. lie petitiOns vbiCh le, Mat AND M'HENRY COUNTV MAN Tue republicana vilI maie a vigorous Attoney Weiaa. lu direl5tIffl WAS INURED.fight for thiaf short torm. At the same Ont Of ccuRtY. lHe belle*eF i WAS INURED. L. Uy. Sites-ana asupporters lu- lui ho dan mal. e b@M -lie 4, TvoIllnoi Ielssfos, iopesniâtlîthat ho ho supporteil for fthe short court VIll ho such, thal thsee 901,1 ta Ill. DSisrleff ftorm e speak terenIf hoe'annot ho put ln the long 51 once grant tii. o&Blge o! V«OURs eand Representafive Frank J. Riante-potonfrwlh erelvd m.Dy nteoirba ua [o! tise Tisirteenth district, Chicago a the pmnary indorsenent. tfhat tise men o! LabKo comStî aMt affenoo amng te 2 pesonala- INQ ESI VER BOY they cao bear lie evlde3co.*8" a r afernon aongthe 4 prson in INQ ESTOVER BOV an unblased verdict based oas lii Jfuted vio t enrallgbtaloa ti -dence raiber thon, upon pifioot o!e tiase îln oa l viCntra 111. DIef lputy Coroner Edward Conrad vas Ing is iai mght bu Inflfu e" . li e pfrac a e a r ov ili, 1&s am ng h called ta Zion i Cty tfis fterneoOf1 t eir l Ukes os- d sl es for V dltva, M o eseo sta îv y n vaH sa n ed w ie me t 4 o' lo a h o Isteneld f0 ho d e s- o !fZM on. maltsoropîy lJura.nH sutaled ia ttise deaf b o! an Infant Voliva hinsel! has opeOIY abrolen Ieg. Former Speaker Short-' aitcit dîed two bouma after hirtit on 1u his Meetings thiat he cn-.tý le!! aufferod bruines. Suiîda. afiomnoon. I ifs15undersiood faim play la Labo cont nusd insu A relie! train fs-on Kankakee me- týtteewgn hsca ntelesysoe tt' toiil Imai04 tise ment serfoualy Injured tocag.etttr a upyilnl i'cîst ardSaeaAfssF 1Chicago. arrlving ai 12:80 o'clock ttsce.ami otiser officiaIs. ,f mrn Ing ..I bai- o 1yot loarned o!fthe facis' * m1. Dady ou tise ollie- hap4. n Teorin Wann t h at fNr. Conrad sad today. "I aie been tht if would cot the satae80 aabout 30 mlles an bour vlten thse cama' informed tisat a nurse n-as ita tien j fy mucis bhave the case 0Mt 9began 10 leave the rails. The ongîne dlance. but visefthem or not ahe unis a oIsifr aounty and 1h51le I. '> broke away fron the tender and rau Ilensed midylfe I bave flot >et heoit arguments ho VIII advancat dabout 1,000 teet, but 414 nai beave ibo iaformed. Tisere are tvo or tbree I lan rmying fa keep liecsa. 1- tracks. cenaed rnidwlves ln ZIon and It Ilaf)oî- couwty. 1- The baigage car, day cach and day 'ible ibat one o! thon had charge o! One îusîng la cemtaht---tUbi car veto rolled over, the buffet car tis case."I b. a làrd figlif lu e vras fIlted and tee pas-bm cas- vas de. The case excites mos-e flan Ori- guments for a o-5~ s-1 afla but nol Overlumnol. The cars, aary lutereaf because of lise oterIno-l- up wlth Ms-r a et1of steel construction, vere but aligbt- qest. fa Inqlri loto deaihs lu ZIon ,hure sudMsX&1.14 Ir dausage& er. ldony recenl. lias onS oIng euflubne. I IT $1.50 PER YBAR iN ADVANCZ

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