SUBINTAXE Z be put ID, te le used ln an emer- lu addî'ton te 1W, sub-intake. tb,~ $en taien on 1the aub- fldtbe IfoWlng de- tW ndthqeaslvea Inothe affrmatie: bJt~rvi carl Atterbex>', Clarence 'W~yr ail JJ. Diehmeyer. Aft-"taLteI,' upon bits retura Ihome U~t~vnJngcamiplaioner Orvis 11<%Uated Mayor Bidinger ta ciii a -,Ufflia1 meeting o! the council 1<> con- r,,~YiFvtability of acting at ostce qui,4r Q. the Plan of extendling a ma-itake, Ino theb.arbgr. Hlis 'VIsOL vas compiteti with. Mr. Orvls ,*Mt a largo part o! Tuestia>'ln ~Phf~ ecuingprIÇe. On lb. 408t W~fgthiepropoted tem-parary anasd il was bis demire toi rcshothe ocher inembers ! 4von nilsla oorder (bal lie>' it Immedia1el>' on the.malteri la ee tey see thse same llght. lngineer Paicn was invitedto l the .0 (Botat the 0councll i glit . t frin any suggestions be bcd ho Mr. l18ion saitd liatIn10 b ~~tpIt woulti be Impossible to gel I iehere anti laid tositie cf a hi b>wiich ime tihe Ie troubles boa b.lhg of tsepaut. Wtth re- se.placlng a tire. million tapar p, t tihewater'e etge te) ilt wslli e saidti Iis coulti wkpe'iiin ten deys but lie tid mseer very enthlsisastie over the Ia.'l' rent sueli a ptsmp, he said, oel$25 a day, Jn addition 10o &M4 laylog tise neoassarp pive, gInlgo! a bouse for the pump 0 W aaary of a man.ho tend the Sregard 10 the sub-inlake plan, ~tÏ1 çould b. laid 10 ativai. bu laid4a, u sci a pernmanent th11 vienever tise City deaires «ened thse intake, tbat tise oxln- à-,,m4oe ta the endi of tht, suli. ralser than ho ltheendi o! lie ,-uaeas -i underalaul dat, "la mçrely for tomporary w, neyer the m* I> hiakin lu00 à èlb. assu er a. naig oo nea il. abore, àano, ",à~ h~bure a.itt cam.tým a ýWitIb.ront. . My &atÙat on 1>0 t p ou Place à Cap oveçr 44 0f thisa li-ttake and fasten -'ý11 ù îlt;1bu soy. Thon it would Îe au a malter ta raise or lowr î d 1,;wa eurt at Iadr> &>la opinion the Cilty will never gett l rm Its tee trouble. entirel>'j ý2s»UM&la aextended Imb doep .7 .Member 0f thie commiasion te 'i. a sttements andiidisus-. tbe lsasibiity of the varions t W~maioner Orvis toda>' receiveti ý,érfrein Lnden C...Trow. auper- t of thelb.Lakre Forest vator y tlu vtticbseverai ietpfil ug- wcS e male. Tis e ttIer wae P~.44he~OuoilMeeting adeos ,-4OibuSe ediscustsio.9 1011~'alows:9 '14U5 Vret. Iii.,l'ai. 4, 1913. îr. P. V. OrVIsP. 1-*1 by by our local laper tisatI yqu t'a contemplallar tnstailiirg an emer-, 1uaCY Intale for a shaort dtstsao ltu-o i te tb. ikabor auid I toht b ii iýtW miglit be 0f assi.fance to You tif 1 waild let yen know liat It ta not ne- cessary te 0amg sno pip.elselow the. surface aoflthe ground> but that 1h migit be run along the top of the TDAITDI1ÂL ground and a short distance Itt the E harbor and (bat the flow o! water Int the well may lie atarteti wlth pour vacuum item, and the flow main- (Caniluna tram Pége On..) talned untit pou desire ta reieaae 1, whtch ts done b>' admtttiog air toto satd the engineer. "The slush te 504 the pipe. The pipe w hieb goes down needle ie.laOur sasteat fo. for, wliil loto the weil, muat of course, go down the reaervoir ln service. we have tiseà far enough se that tise lower end wîîî Prusaura which enables us te flah be submerged. An 8-loch pipe rite bacis lhe intahe whenever those two thus ln the harbor wlil gîve yeu lm- kinds of tee forte at the intaie. With mediate and very effective relief for the anchar tee, however, It tn different the purpose of hack flusiing yaur tn. for il Ireaeots a menace whtch we taise. The only danger of such an ln cannot flush off asud w. have liad ta tale ls that there la always the tetn. get out wilh potes to clear away thse piato ho resort te the use0 0f this intike. We have aever been waler for the rît>' SuPPly wble 'an. rpable t esa r te Intake cher ite" as îlogged the long intake. from the needie and siush tee, the -An arrangement of Ibis ki.nd îa reservoir aiways cotning to the front flnly a makeshift and a teMporary ln fine shape and gtving us the needed accomodation and wili net forniali an>' pressure for flushing.' auch relief as yen woutd have by ex. Watskogan Men Buitd 8ystem. teoding your JIaise toto deeper water The North Chicago wgtler woAsts or byy tue ereetton of a reservoîr and sYstom were butit ln 1900-1901 b>' with latter le, 0f course, moat dantra. two Waukegan men, W. J. Allen and hie as it affords yau a neang of back William Wright, lioth enginears andti fiushlng your lntake andi a source a! engin. builders. Tlh.>' worked undera city suppi> aI lise samne Unie. the firm nanse of Allen & Wrtgbt andt Trusing that yen andi the cily Instl5iled the entire water systetn o t wisose weifare you have tu banti will psutl tbrougi thîs wlnter witisouî an>' serlousalois due to shartage o! va. ter, 1 remain, Yours ver>' Irul>', LINDEtN C TROW. Atlen Favors Sub.Intake. Engineer Allen o!flise *ater woriss tilked enthuilaetlcatl>' regarding thie building o! a aub-lstake. When astieti If lie thaughl vori s houid tart at once ise said "No." "Supposing we were to agreed b astart at once. We coulti flt begin for about 16 days. be- canse we woutd have te watt tisat long for the deliver>' for the pipe and 'heu thie water troubles would ho aimait over," lie sid. "It wauld cost toc muncismoDe>' for tiat viiereas, If we watt untit spring, 1ht wlll ual cost go mueis. We vauld save about $100.' Mr. FalCOn agreed witi Mr. Alleni al aaied permission t se the spc- cilicatlous for lie sub-ntake when ready. BOTTIERS FBOiIT TU IL9 RAIS',E WILI. sOT PAY4ffçAEA8E IN THEI WHOI.ISLZ PRICE FIXED UV PRiDUCERS ASSN. Atirora.Ilit., Feli. 6.-Mtlk bottiers of Aurora andthle aurrouodlog country' announcedt oda>' tIsaI lbe viiemle pricesel b>' tbe Mille Producera' aaeo- clatian aIt tte1ç, meeting Jo, Chicago an Monda>' vas about 25 cents per 100 Pounda more thbm tbey viii gel. "We paldth te mik producers $1.26% Per 100 pousots laut year and I do 001 bibis va vîli pi>' an>' more this year.'1 an officiat of tIse higgest dlr>' coni- flas ai tada>'. Tise Milk Producers' associaton ix. ed the Price at $1.50 Per 100 pounda but I gunees the farinersailtaseý whatt bey gel wheo Bor-den andi the otîser big Clilcago deaierelx tise prie Marcis 15. i do nouIlois for an ln- crase Jo tise retail prie.' **ývIt bu ffleactl e t t sui. tsiulo, metal or pbltmelesj. fraib bàvt rwu. *owtbu àéjia ramm&aa ului thélieoblld, aloirlp. "Wi Ms, p ouas aisme? Do pou t"l lla9t euvra lrime M r ow lut.vdu% I ~ ~ ~ u MrescabgO m mlai 1North Cictago, excepting the setîllor weii. lIn other words, the>' butît tise water vorks, piaceti the engines, laid tise mains, erectedthle reservoîr, laid the. Iaise, anti completel>' bnatailed the system wbich bas aiways given excePtionail>' gooti resultt. The Wîukegan Intake. The mAosth of the Waukegan intaise lies 4,000 fet-t from shore, extendinit in a diagonsl direction, leadlng te lb. sontheust. Tise Jtaise iesB in 21 feet o! waier. but at Its enti there le an tsp-sboot pipe wbicb runs elght feet ab:ove tise Itle, ln other word,, put- lng the mauti but, 13 fot below lie surface. The mati ts net (lie same ie as the 24-Inci pipe leadtng ont from shore. The mouts of lie ln- tSi. la a flarlog arrangement, posai- bI>' 36 Inchea ln diaibeter, wbereas the pipe lself ta but 24 loches. The~ opening of the ln taire thug sticks up lnth lbtaise. rlsng from-hie botons andi runnlng up te wltln il foot of~ the. top, lIse vater- aotertng the pipe as a rassît o! gravit>', rallier than b.- lug sucset I nto tIsebinaise bY the. ISlupsaut tl is Wtor works. The force of gravit>' shows tbe vaher ta rush mbt theCuP-liise mouth andth le settl- lg voi lthuglin iept fiio-vienIles formation doesn't prevent lb. vater enterIng. SAYS CITY WOULD BE LIA- BLE FOR DAMAGES. iCanunuel tram Pageon.) Des-asie.Oa the tOrch On lie roof anti vîtheut waitng ta miSe a clamer in- vestigation ran out a long loati o! Ioft anti ver-e about te turo on the vater pressure wieu Ihe>' dscovered tha true facta, The emplo>'. responsible for al lb.h trouble waa caileti upon the carpet at Once anti vas given a "caliing" l na u.certain terme b>' the fareman o! tise roundisouse, Oemnand Prmteaniin, People al over the cil>' taise the saie vtew o! the malter as dues lise local attorney>' vis l (uoleti iiove, Tiese>ay it voulu laise practicati> ant heur for the sily mains te be l'sied vith water alter tha>' bave been drain- on, even It! tise>ugar refilsos->'or lise wire miii wcre to caeetethis rtwu Of the cil>'. B>' Ibis lime tue fI* voulu Isave lad tise te get iuch a istar-t that it vuusîili e Impossible for an>' arnount of vater- to do an>' ga<sa Tlsy P iite ths ad t tsat Ihere 16 rnot another- city on lte norti sehore vîsicîs r-une tb. sans. riasas tges tii.watee ropiei I¶m $ ethi ed effeetiOY qS Oh"q lie lauchi as North C£1to àbLake PFWMt.Tise fact t1àt Watt- %MMU r an M fortunate lu 4caping a bit 0 s t a time wben tii. water waa #iut off, tii.> say, la merety good 'torÏisuà apd tiers le no telling wben tk* Mîý la aterminatiais of thia ltf~c.Severai have sasit they etaluly wouid looks ta th.ecii>' t e« lmu, hora Iln bcase 0f i loasab>' ire a >et 0f these limes. Others fear that fire tosurance rates may b. advanced golemsthier, l8 sans. relief. IMiAT1 --NEE0LE iCE iT FORM AT INTAKEL (Cantinratil frons Page 0ne.) next ta it is perfect>' clear. But, tala the. latter 1>0M1.and shak. Il titlàt> andi luan Instant. it bas tilleti with e which ia practicali) tie Ramne forma- tion a lie oit>'labeing troublsd wtth ait1h. Intaiso. Thun, It vas the. agita- lien whIch i auetitise le t.form , the bottie, the. temperature being lust right so thaItishe siight agitation bas quickly traasfornsed the water loto es. Somma t. Form at MidnigM. It la a singular thioz but history et citles whlch have trouvte withh oedle le-e la that Si seume to form for orne reason or anather 1which ta inexplain- able, betweeii thea hura of midnlght and4 OOOD6 usuaity riglit after iddutght. This athe. case all ong thie lakeanad engineers are unable ta secouait for the reanogsof the tee forming moetly during theae particular blisr. Tbuis, North Ohicgo. i>y being abie te, ceaie pumping during mluch af these bourg, eacaIýa the danger whlch thiq clty faces TO PRES. WILSON (Continuel from Pagi. Ona.> and poicies et bisa adinisttration te tha- retresentatives 'of the, foregn balrareby. an'& tins ellmlaate a condi- tion wbich. il u cr jadausnt, ondan- gers the. succe.., of any administra. tion. RteaOved (3 'litInJ Car opinion1 suck action wouid nace with the hear. ty IaPProt Of More tIsSuthree-fourths of the good Citizen. of Ainerica. 1 Tht.s nRrnlng in County court. James Sweeney of Htghwood was1 Placed under bonda of $600 for six1 montha ta keep the îuace. Ho ap- peated the case and was allowed to go upon bis own recognizance for 30 days, durlng whlch time -he in ai- iowed te perfet lits appeat. The charge aganst Sweeney was made by his brother John, who claimed that severai titues hia brother badl at- tacked lm and threatened his life. On one occasion hie said hNa brother lîad knockett hlm dowo wtth a club and lie fears that bc wit tale is life. .JainO-i weeneY d.impst he ctharges. .Ianeévilie, Win., F'eh. 4-The City' Cierk tis gafternoon I*1.4 à wTtt»n 8ta4lement b>' whtch lie refuges te cati a spectat hilection for the recail of the Present civ>' officiais. as demiasded by the Petit ion fied by the. recait elemeot clalming legai grouinda for bis refus. READY FOR BUSINESS at 105 - 107 N. eniesee Street , north of Perýes orner ovtia&Cô At SP ECIALS' Every Overcoat Must ÇGo, eade~o t Just take a look atso ô f thé bargah in our bgwindows-Moire b S a ,n inide-tme and' See us in o'ur NeW Locaétion. h*n. £5 Il AWAY INClI~IC William ». Beasie>', one.or i known Besie>' brathers, wio go years conducted 1h. Waoiese loy brewery, died It hbh bonle son, Dr. Pred Beate>', 4tbli Orgm avenue, Chicago, Wednesdaye Feb. 5, at 9 'clCIGDeati W to pnoumonia wlth whicls he hi sic-k but a few daya. For sosz past, however, lits healthi hi very poorty. NMc. I3eicy, 78 years otd,w eldest of the six P«ee>'n whose sushrolces lifes up to luC aga, when Etivard D. Besiey du attracted national attention,1 it la seldom liaI six brother. scii ripe agea as these brotbe Thtus, b>' the death of W.'B. iwo of the six have passed on thse otisers are ail enjaylng good witl h.eexception of eGofge Hlenry',who i. nons, tono i retiret frin the drug hualee wii" nug vas bail te- 41iBOuthe. advins, ,LIUU bitY of latroduelug seaoiogy toto thne Degreo f v >89 nortit shore achoola. Thse cokmnttee for sone t&Do !àra =m ý,ooo un &nm-n ta taire charv. or tie wort and nu ~ ~ - 11;2lda.em.- umzl 5ss th0 name of!'Howard Mooreo4ý a of ais U~~h*C (bltê4c;u~u lion . aaid t a~se oha. snwade renttî la b*no me lime id been was the rothets, led, iai Isecause 0live thi eir bave. .Bealey, n. wbfle )d healîli ung andi T tqïorrgw at. G.?!!on VOUicertainy do npt nedro>r Aabout how much to pawhen -you can get such wonderfu bargains as these: Stamped Wal§ïVog mtea Stamaped ready for embroidering, with eyelet anhd Punch w~ork designs, the material is fine pearline Iawn speeI ~ftoIxly ularly at I 'spîcially priced for t - morrow (se wssw dsssv at pei yard 49'C Ta l am flb ntwered'de- wide, our regular 377)e seller for Wednewday speeial at peryard 29c Curtaniwiteand dsu long, eoyne single or 1in pairs, speeial at ea(h è~~~ ~ ' ~ ~ 4fI.I.Fine pure cooI 4- ~.otn LcILIIting, % Pound 1ro11, sold at 19,e but for a ledrw aemairked it at pnly 13c. Wu*hi Ut U.S n specw éeé1 WAýLýESALE ýWaIAfl0 RtocpFORQ.ILI. PI9JCt!. b s a yeir mgo. Edward D. Bes],'v dIeti November. 1911. Tiese urvtvlng broîhers are: Jbohn W, Wauisegan. George W., Mdlenr>'. L. C. BeSIe>', Couneli Bluffs, la. B. W., Houston, Texas. Tises. sons ver. al cbildr-en of Mr. anti Mrs. William BesIe>'. Mr. Deala>' having estahltshed the Waukegan Beate>' brewer>', whtch lrought woriM- vide publcit>' Io Waukegan tbrough the. edvertlstng of tbe famons Peste>' ale. Thp sons vent loto th. business wlth thelr falier and after-'bis death carri ed It on for year8, but of lte years had no connected i vth it, huv- tng solti their Intereata bo new peo- pIe.severai pears ago. Wiilam B. Besiey was fýr years one 0f the principal officers in the cens- pan>', aerving as treasurer, dumelors, vice prestdent anti holding varIons other officeri durlng bis long connect- ions vit I L Wiac Former Alderman. Mr. Beale>' wae alderman o! tise olti tiret yard for two terms ln the SO's. At tiaI lime thse famsl>' liveti luit souti o! tIse brewery. That was the pertod tisat the E., J. & E. came to Wauisogan andi Mr. .Beeley vas one o! tishe l"who vot.ed tu gire tIse campai rubs, thus bring ho Wau- kegan lhe bet'tine raitrast. Born in Michigan. Mr. Beste>' vas bor-n inPontiac, Mici., Nov. 22, 1816, anti came ta Waukegan In1853. Hits home bad been made ln telie tpinces tut lime until about 18 montha ago. when bc ant ilts vife, with thelrtiaughter, Mariam, movedti 10Chicago,, hning apartmenls viti Dr. Fred A. flesiey on Green- vooti avenue. Besides his vldow, '%Ir, Bhesie>' beaves four chiltiren, Dr. Fred. vho la 00w one of lise ieadtng surgeons a! M ýSPECIAL N.10>pilKete Rndered àLard 1 N~t1wo ~. ..Pot................... Il BofP R"ît... »L à rt cut, lb....... Fanoy Ituoed Ragsiot, e! f.... ... ..... ........ a.yEt e te ib Roaît 1 e6id Lid...... m'lm reroua5te'k..........sIoi.. ........ Smwet Plvkled Pork. . l2ç bref eak, 3 IbB...... .m 'Ieef op nguLaM .15e T?îC IC ama...~ Lmb 4to............... .. li Lm bRoast................... ro* ,'sakfat fao...... lot. Vt........... ...... 1 le nm~ous 8akiSug......leCfBri ................ 9 "BodSuap..5...... . .e-Gêfv ..... 5~~~~s PofÏ 1ffn àOxIys...... 17t m kxiy PeoA$ t6Ie ib LitI~é l to.êO a.........iO Yma,2 pounda é.... "qu b, , 4w osal .ric. ... ... ... . . E- -i-----------~~ r, W. bm The of 81 h "bs e *Jlb act r ly fit ei r;: On 1hl ti i, plevi -itis v avvt 15 lt aî ai irePulic ues- ante un l atis ti obi the ves t a0lpro Inr d e off's lii.. 18v