CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Feb 1913, p. 11

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LAKE <~<>D>ENDy F!RA'Y, FEBRUAIRY 7,1913. O UNSA T. No? SIART IP tOh O*PCIALS WOUi.a ftmfl'tMlf4 VOLIVAITES. L menlbers of tbe Progrese o f Zion Cty bave exPressed In- Ion aI ýthé ftint or two ZWon y«1n4 mon for aileged adsauits otýît'eders andl hare ex. MWiffljtJo T0 lhe 16un in Mb xr..s tbeingelves lu no uS4iaalanguage. ?éOmmunleaticn foilows: 1'"Ir, oterb ffl Taspayers of Lake coMfty. he 1 nglote%" f the excssive cf01) me.h 1aapfed agaluat os- 0 *ýaj* lénvy-'oler by Jualge sOlt Wukegan ilui. Saturday mtie4 isIProvokes the rl&bte- rO5jeg .Lqaue i Zn CityI. Aw th bonet ofthse votera and1 lOs it.o!làke county Who are "Y artisée xpeu ebille w#ielh au a tegloia*ee omseguei acta of a mallcous démagogue, hbis flowlnt et midgW'led sel. îrnuqu«radlag ou r.Uuionistsa, l'1 ff the facto ieading up to thie ~~d offene wj1i sueso tu a bette? voeratandlag or conditions jwevail- WO t sLa commoalty wilch ta ai Ibis 11Wt lime undergoing the ieglti- S 9effectp 0f fraudulant represents la matuera bath relilous andl cody ie On the evening ofthie alloged of. ifttser-e wsuh i uuai gathering g(women accotapealed wlth 'certain bov4 feilodve 0f tise baser sort,' at tbe mlewbere tbçée youpg men ind Ilfulandlteonnerutive employment titsc woxmen anld moi were gathered tbie 5 Jsa bubeen Ibir urattce twie a/%ay for neariy 10 months for the1 a", veal Purpose tf rvoklng and In.- Ofitinit people lawfelly and Inoffen-( «vely purusln& tiseir chosen vocation@s 1 bas been thie practIce of these of-i f Uru t. huri sncb ciithets ta those Il" e played sas'wboremongers:> iWeégdhogs,' 'wblakey guzers,'< ISD0:bounda., '&tlnkers.' 'skunks,' and i cÏ equaily elegant expressions. Asc ie iaw-ablding Gtizens. know- &%À,aur rigist» knouin&that we are1 led te protection from tbe ciiy1 rMie LSd thM uILteluthseduiy ofj ýjayor 141 ee4b&b and Dialatala loele ea0aituas Amé!lcant *oUon t. ana Imow ar plcx' *epleynuns we have pétitlaned1 jAor ta enJoin ibese disturber> e.publie peace. from furtber of wthstandlug our reepectfîsl pc le Wrblch we a frmed that lt * ays bes urZed determnina- ct aoperute wtb tbe mayor and Ç qqleu ka every effort ta uic lIme m yof tub Comumonwealthî ~ordisances of the muoklipalityt it IL la s«MIow' ur nention tado if' conIstet wltb a pron, na!arersonai rigbîs v as eopieand Our Owtî -r~ t. euo gros, offenses eumt out,»seI'un Individuels. andt ce, lest thse gp i 11of the clty, arc s(permlUred. 4tE'ruue ilat the Mayor dosgmrt sanction thes continu tel, offenees aganut the city whlcb au It baî sireusly been pointeij eut la e tihe Publie prnis wll, sooner or latera If 'pot topped by thes trgng ar-m &S 161k Iav, resuit ln llîl more ser-lons 4'cbiee tb'e peace aÉd bas eoven pro*lse'is> set ln motion the author tm_.«el. in hlm £sud la hlm only. te àS#ilI hd mllAnoider ln tbE cô"~unlty; notwihotti4ng ail tluI, tlqgfeues are sutlipel'mittcul and ciur#etly Ul«snpo sreigesa su. t al' o exceptions btO te vii' "4ératibnis of thie learned J 'loatlng tothé1Wgreat nscessity dlgntty and autbqrlty of theu J.e commopwealth shoulal be but we dissent most em- lyte;fftlsappiicatian of tbe adl- auy of us hore are not oid renl-r of Lake county, but durin.g ourt resIderace bfiè r S!obseerations h4 caw4 ilsté arrivé at the une- n un O#antôu that t Is the mal-ad' tratian ai' justice wWick bas tbe unbappy lawiess candiios vlosobtlI Jothii ma1ctipalty at thelr p'eeLt 111e nd wbicps looner 1 >ter, "-er7haps wltb the éa'peratlon o4h. iioVt!caubosses .of the coun- Wisud r&pe in upte of tieir o:p- tion and obstriactive practices. - rb6 uupercoded by more civillzed ,mq rourensive êaet"oi.t emçw"n *04ssent from the ~ot cthée ever. Iodge. htisIthe jI4l1" .0af'tbe ina "dm nfine; af 'of 8100 èLàalnt two Young mn.u 0,f tbens aity 17 'years of age ani lrtoffem, tu IL la au oaeeye "r'*atillqai>o fdiosel teualfy M Dnt Pallais n tbe e -a %ié ~s ~ 0ly lees t1Àat har lwee tu. a weak aba nd ffîciént city administration. If, the poiticat, bosses o! Lake céanty are ln CabOOtu wib the chie£ distUrber 0f the Public peace; thqj blatant deflagogije of 'Zion, Who jo addlng to the ta, burdenis or Ihowa-s ty bY bis studied offenses agaiit g90M law and good Oorals. as We are «astraifle(d 10believe ls true, we take occaslon 10 aay 10 the laxpay*rs and voters Of the cOuunty tbat wç ichall b. untirlng ln our efforts to ttiI yrt the1 consommai ion of the unboiy falliance. J. C. JAMÈS os: ANtIOd4 COPW PLETED N(ài WEATHER RE- W9ATiIEft MUCI4 MbR i &EMeNT THAN bURING SAMSIMMONTH IN MANY VEARO PAST. Joseph C. James of Alitlocb. officiai' weather observer andl recorder l'or Lake county bas complied bIs report for the past month as weii as for the last 10 y eara giving comparative lig- uounî.n. iores. tuis records show the lowea-t A. F.' BAIKi, Preuldeut, point te whîcls the mercury sanie waa R. .1 StililVA-J, sec. 8 belon. Last year during the mos>lb the température snnk iQ 1i deg>ee NO FUX<i BEINCk JUDOE bleow. Duriug JajIaiY, .leQ4,.it su 10 25 helow. Takén uI'g *baie Mr. Aliliougb the job Is a lretie good James says 1the weather, eg just av- one, after ail. lt's na fun heing a erage for Januiary. Judge-wltb a Zion City wîthin your ilsB report iay moitis 4law.': terrltory. Weather report fer jan ary. For exaipple. last week, Tiîesday. lifl- elaldge Perabeu.amnotered a fine o.aret 2 1I $100 on 614>1. Waiker-, Voliva'n hody-1('oldest day-S beiow on 121h and guard. RlWULT-Voliva andallhisii3tii. people were greatiy locensed-and'the~ Average temperaturb-23.77. Indepeudeais. the anti-Voliva peuple Raînfal1.81 luches. glebfuiy salal te each alther: 'Flue, Snow fal-il inches. tia'sthe s'sy--soakl lte îhem; thev 1 1?1 degérve Il. The fite la noue ioo \Varmest day-. 2 on 2d great.' lol1dest day-lt beiow o:i 7t i aud Anld tiieu, on Satuirday thie sanie4 11h, iudze. iudwe Icrsona, admiistered i Aerage iemnperature-7 i-) fiisa o!$100 ecdion Vogler andl Graf,, Rainfaîl 1I'_1 Ich. Snon rail -21 thé Cqok cnuploeK, for @bssault. The'luches. aniti-Voivaites beeame luceneed whIli 1911- the Voivaies gieefully declared thl Warmest day-46 on 26th. fines were noue 100 greai, that the! 'olal st (laY--6helow 0-i 11h rofenders gol what ihey cdeserved. lieu 1Average temnperature-2 -12. wee even euirIuli-iî 10 ore. Rajfal- 8-10 Inchs. And,. ulule 'soia hecampe ro aliiry Snow fall-6 loches. over iho jud-es fine Ihat he issued iflO- a staiemeni declariug he ne ver woiildWarmest day-40 on 21th. let another case corne 'sefore the lo- Cfi (dest day-15 on 7th. cal judgs, the antýs nere expecteal Average temPerature-!t16. ho merely swaiiow the medîcine wîîhl Hiain faii-2.20 tachies. a wbImPer ibut thats ail. Not.0 SDowfali-1O Inchee. bowever. for, Ioday, thé Progreesj 19- Lesgue. the (Cook factory empio -vts'. Warmcsi day--415 on 3rd. organizaios bas bessued a formai stsie- 'oldest day-TO beiow ou th ment whlch appears lu another col- - Average temperaure-2- 83, unmn rebuklng Jualge Persons and îîoe' Rainfaîl-2.20 loches. the Jud@e cao try and figure omut nhich- Snow flil-6 lOches. faction likés ini leasi, the Volis sites 1908- or the antis. That the court lsn .t 'sarmest day-45 on 61h, muîc3i leruriîed over the malter is ' oldest day -12 hciow on 301h. qlutte evidént. hi' friends mho ha'.e Avecage temperatu re-23. I beard o! the incidenta cannit beli, Rainfall-2.S2 incites huit think, that. after il- : It's Snow fall1 I nchîs@ fun bcbng a jualge and trying te please li everybody, especialîy whepl factonal' Warmest day--49 on 7th. feelings exist in a eonununity like ('oldest day-9 below on 26tb. the doIn io.'*[t' a as ofwhee, Average temperature-22.10. If be ines one aide tbat uide la angry Snwfl- 12Ice daa the other la pipased; then, If hej War-mest day-58 on 201)h, ines the other. tie siîoe la on tle allier foot. Coldest day-3 above on Rthi "fi' Do un einga jug-,Average temperature-e3tî 7. "Itsno suo ein a jida' lainfal-2.20 loches. BNIPFLING 800w flau- Inlch. WAUKKGAMXTES I 905- EXCEPTIOÎNAL NUMBIEfiOF CASESý Warmest day-43 on 16t. AT THIIS TibME 0F VEAR- (oldeat day-12 below en l4tis. C)^éAL ETE. Average.temperature-I3. j CHANEABL WEAH~R. Ralfal-l Inchs. Waukegan la in the midst of a soif- jSnow flu 10 incises lling. cougbiug, soeezîng eptidemîre.- Rlgî ad ef . uerons min nd Warmeat day-37 on Sth. women. are s-uifltung, coughing, aneez- Cletdyý2î6lwo 5h log, taling as if îhrouigi a tin can, Average tempeltre-S above. tue udni-i h'crt o hs RUnfail-2-4 Inchi. The pidmiIs, he ors forthi Onweila- 5 1-2 loches. tîme of thie ycar liai has luepu seen talil- in. sule ears t %armest day 46 ou 29t. The changes in the eesther ilu tue ioldepst îay 10 below on 121h. Ileveal b hae e iaused tlii- nt, Average lemperature 1.46. es te iecomne rvaleuî andl local daoc- Raiiufai 1- 2 lnch. tors are (riryng o ina outî lhe easisiut Surin fal:11-2 Inchtes. ana quickebt umnthods of overcornig 1902.- tise disagreeshe aithouîgh 001 sert- Warmeéî day-48 on 261h. nus aliments wilh eiliclii siu uîny <oîeId day 9 below on 11h. are stifférlng Aserage làemp lur-16,8ST il Al[Met everYIuod% unue neetm usa Rainfati 1.40 Incites. es colal. Alnsst everyluody rau snceze Suon fail-I i-2 luchtes. at wîli andl iO.Oy a ma 1au uîîî about lie clly can laik uuulyin mu ebli -*itlifalli liiilildes meltel siion pers. luslas-t, sio liualy of the e his pering sort are scen slrolliîig aui _________ tawu that the sîcti '0s h aie '0 li eareful net Co be piaceal In the He DIES AS NEI410OÉ% wblcb a lpatienit once was Aeneu hiI15BEING BURIED was havîug bis voire treated by a docto * 1MR. CLARK Or ZION CITY SUC- The man isad "'bat lus voice" aund CUMBS SHORTLY AFTER BE- spoie only in whispers. lie had Ieen 1 IGANITDS LES going In the doctors reguiarly and"tep PhYsIcian îoid hlm tedrops lu afier church anal be woîîld gise hlm anothu'ri Mru(tarito etin~.Zintiy treatouent. liail jîst.ieen auoolnted for lîeaiing After church the' patie-nt ranig tIuî ii lîlers o! the bewis faction anal bell ai the doc'îor's home analtise iph)- juie aI tbe timte a neigbhir a block sicians wnu'e answerod bis ring. away %vas heing <'arr-led te the cerne- "la Ibe dçcior at home?"* asked Ihue ters. . lehe csîîddenly suceiuobcd. piatienît wblspering, of course. for ce NMc Clark nas a close Irleumalor usteml«erlie bad iost his voice) lira Glhsou. nho iived a iblocke away Ta bis aur-prise, the aoctrs wl!e fromt the Clarke haine ana ltil as a answer-ed (also in a whiaper:) 'No, remarkabie coincidence tIsaI be sbould be isn't, corne rigist la" pasu away Juat as ber funerai "la" ldlstary doan't record whether he artarting from. ber borne for Oliv et went In or nhether be beat Iî aownocemetery. ber deatis baving ostcurrd lihe 8treet. lire days îîrevîourdy In Elliais szs At any raie, there are so many men pi-e. where aite nau reporteal 10 have about Waukegan just non In the saute heen bealeal on the llrst of Janulars Mix as the M"sas kJove referred to that nuder the direction of the Zion el- women wisbre Ibey niay cai to sec ders. their huabsinda, better niâkc atia'e of Mrs. (fllark's sister died reccully i their vocal 'conadition bef6re revellng the lbOuse nLext door ta the ClIar fiseir wiuubgàfl ess 1 a atrendly homo, visit unbekûovu ta tiseir bubtsie». Moet o!ftisq tboat tr*éble la due- ta affections af 'ke l due te P it .blâkIead,â*«dtged ý6 ' the. Changes lu tise veatiser vsicistIbis SIu«lt1Iý -*ViM upsW g s section bas »non n !requently laIe «UiLsHofIter, t.'.*," ly. WW, eic i-i the Sotb Side. This report ls de- ni1ed. If aUcb liai bef» the Intention l las aid that a Poorer day couid nov have been secîîred as the officiais would lie the leau! favorabiy conclur- ed with the water famine existing dktins býfoe th d,ýnaTment If Speeds you along, et rois p eari ii1Y iey g lis aîlîiîiousl help, whlch 1 lx-h a clear head. new feeling ail av*r ciliPct. i w ill not be necessarry to0 's Mollister's R. x. Tea. W. W. mai iiio irces 1 arnexpeeing I daîrlion j in ta cit gl nd me my have faith In it. An earnest, straight- forward telephone talk will put it th rough. It is flot necessary, nor is it always advis- able to disturb 'a busy man of affairs by a cali in person. Yqu may be able to obtain bis ii'ost concentrated attention by a brief, poined tak over the. tels phone. Go directly to the " brains of the busi- ness;" to the very thought contoer which weigbs and decides. The Long Distance Telephone is a moit courteus and effective method of approacb. Chicago Telephone Compapy A. R. ANDRECWS, Muiagsr. tiusîn- ~s, ere in Waukegan tuuuliy ror iaYPd cousIdprali n 1i-'vlng tuci iIiý the lî,rpose or having ail the hiie in-, 'i rau i 5y j-us! w-lat chanci-e 'ail, siirauîi( -agients ln the ciii j iuipli jhave tb be niade iur'Pofaiuiaîter c iih j agreemento10wrItel, uijes %Vuatrous uaîd - i have laidthe econ aI unifcurn rates. Tht- rsting o! citles are made iîy eX. liert iiuruectors andAl re furn ý,heal 10 the loi aI agents. Notagent can e et for lesý than another. amlal] agents m u"t ipor i h -ough batni r ng bu-' I I ' E ce-au e 'ere the secretary stamps te, CAN BE CURED AT HOME report as correct with the iuspector's t'nsight y pirm les, eczcma, Ali ompunles daing lire lflsUcanci busines are memaberi of eiîher une or, the other of lb.., two combina- tlous and demamld tisaItiseir agents wrîîe accordiog 't. the inspc'or'î rate-conequently tiiere is no cate cuting Ily agents, Reports, It in ailegeal. thai 'ome of the local agents nere Iocliniîd to cmi rates nheuevu-r tiey fosmn l t tu heli advantage in do se, lt la saal bas oc- ,eaioned the visit of tisé.OfficiaIs who estaiuiiahed temporary qqartars in the Waesburn botei and at.015e invitea à couference wllh the varfous lire In surance agents Ivu the clty. A fcw Were flot iire'enî at thé coférence sundrthese wceuvisiteal persanaily in timeiroffices,- To juat what culent this alieged rate cutting bai lieco carrted on In Wasskegan is uiol known, but as a ré- suit Of the ilait of the repreientatives o!f the Inn big combinatianu Itlais ald thirre wili be no more of it In thé fu. t ure. At lirsI it was reluorteal Ihat the af- liciais had heen ius ted bere In ai effort to gel the louai rate eut dowî mater-l1 as a re,,ult of estabuisbing tbe lire department in the new sta- tion anal adding tlhe autou for the, ffi chie!, together nîllu lLe auto trucke on Headache. <logemibowels, isour stomaca, poor appet île, puts anc down and out; taise Ilolîstcc's R. M. Tea aDd' corne back Btrong. 35c. W. W. Pearce. For SaupeSt*wo and Fb~aa~4u LefI avers of roast lamh. Veai or beef. 1 he cheager culs of freash neaM lsd owls, too aid for roastng. maie dïdlM ansd nouriilpge...K DU. alngm 'k theosdonbl atractive ý!aod lbe wIý5 la mal o enomll-an oWleIo » familles Wisl esar. 60bMe »ana aust~ he made togo as far as possile. IK c Dumplinga By Mr. Nevada llriggu, the weil known bakmug expeut. t OjiS 'Ëtt. 8lel lfehpoolvids KGc cup korie g; milk or crea . -' Oss lut>ýhking psdcr arn]ul at j imo this work the siîirîu'nin au& tie crcam or cuilk ta niais, adougs leusa sif uluan for s4w theeéw tb hudoc 5thaltish riqudaea Dot caver tichealtt i i M& aI lauîp of Cuud camer ta salj msboîl- irq gI rop ithe dough iu large s$onfels on ta~ memi or chicken. CW M e -K C uma Cega-III l le --e se wy, duipinis15u~ esè su arnd cicious ciild -.e and au] skin ertiptions are soomi rehlieveal livsinîllu ap;ily lu. ex- terday o or uhree limes a CRAiNS PIMPLE REMEDY. A clean. liquutl.non-greasy îîreîîsratioo iliat geîa rilitatthe seau of troubl,-< as no gi-easy salivi, ilat ciogsup thlie pores, raui. Mlal safe auîi rsure. No luernîl md tc-ue muinuothe sttiniach. Seuid 25(j u for a ft'Iisize lotile of (RAiNS PIMPLE REI5EDY today. Every bottie guaranleed or 5-our money F refundeal. Send mn 10 CRAIN -DRUVG Ca., Chicago Rleights. Il t[ J ANI<ER'8 LAWYERS SAY POLICE WILL PRODUCE EVIOENCE 0F WIRIIE TAPPING FRAUD. Evidence that there were wire-tap- jpers and that they did swinîlie Dr. William T. K.irby out of the 2,u LI for the faiiure tu rroduce wliîch llie rand hîs elfe have been seriie"uced ,to Jal is in the bands of tChicago Poclice îoday. aecowdlng t10 <'Oisei for eKirby, Bat owing to the lueredulous recepztiun accorded Judge ati tthe Kirby hearini. the iawyers sad it Aould be the police who %ojldk tes- tify 10 that effect filcourt. iFor thîs ressonrt te hearlng: waaP"ifdaý fêw daý s. l'le ruew argumecnts are to si-i eýidi. Judge i..audis' decision on the grotinds iliat the 1police have corne uion tiroof 1 hat tlwi. wag at the tIme Dr. Kirby 10't Ilis $20.000 a man named John Sbea e ho dld VIsit 1710 Michigan ave- Ilue, the atilegeal "wire-taPiig den,' anîd that Shea iived at the Drexei .Xrms hotei .~PCTTING M, s ce O Deli, .inroe, \Vhiî1,le and \orri , rePresentativeL , ofihe ýWeui.'rn lîjeuranceUion and file %Vetî' fn Insurance Bureau, e hi, hLaro the tw o hig combines lu the usrac MAS LEFI FOR NEWYORK JO DO HIS SPRUNG BUYING B3EFORE he went, he left orders to dis- pose of ail merchandise stili in stock. H1e said, too, "give the people big values for their money." We're going to do it too, cornmencing tornorrow. Corne in, let us show you. Flmnnol Nightgowns Blesk PNttiteett AilsOCao Ladies' and Children's Extraf good black mer'- Laisan mse' liav famelgons erized pettieoats, with LSi' d 1î~a~ fanîl owsdeep flo nees and în-knitted auto caps, al .3Tc ilyl(K, -1IIee ,a S7e colors, worth59 30.00 PLI 5H 0MATS14Mû 25,00 NÉW 51115 9.15 20.00 CLOTI GOAlS 18 8.00 O1ILOR'S O0AT1.08 15.00 MISSES SmTS6.98 5.00 LADIES' SWOES 2.49 TUE PlROQltSSIVË STORE Pap I VV~l.III l3Clasi i SE PACE. d, - TWlme Z. O MR-At FOR SALE-$ilO per acre, about IGO acres near Spauldlng corners 01n Grand avenue. its a snap. 100 per cent profit by cutting 10 smail tracts. Addresa H. B. Price, 1461 Cook St., Denver, ('olo wkly-4t POSITION WANTEC-Oy marrical man ho nork ou a dairy farîn, near Iluruce preferreal. Adalceus H . Nelson Gurnee, 111. wkly-1I m alz. I dii- et îer 1ri es i van make no po- WILL LAW EFFEOT sîî- 'atemeuî. POST OFFICE? 1 If Il d-ot uni cc i ultional cm- MR. WATROIJS iS AWAITING IN. lie irîlî c,îî1e eee STRUCTIONS PROM WASH- is f lsoiitlewr nSidy INGTON BEFORE ANSWERING ir. l, îiiu'îoko udy L'nless Posîmasier Charle (;.Vat 'FThe cirl% nii îzg ci eio coald cous gels word from iic Postuiffilije iîone amavi wii, bujt twouiîi nov Department that he îma vemffioy ad. tike ' 1do l u i sabsoluicie ocm- dîtionai carriers andl clerks 10 briug peîl lu t.Wheu w e gel our is« î tbe working force at the local lyotof losu ci îoc ui i eiîeu e lice under the new cîglit lilir lic tanîl and e'lîat c(weia(haîî' te do" Passed by Congreïs and whlch le- lu sieaklng fîîrther o! the malter, comes effectie ou March 1,i. t ii~îWairouls eaid lie îIid not auticiiîaie be necessary for several rirasuie ahi rippIiug of thl service beesau changes toalie made. lie tiiiijks ihît the aîîxlllary assiat Posîmasiers ln souleor f lii'aijolu 51 C 'aill lie' sifficieni to keeiî the cm. lng c!ile. suiîh au Ajîcora, Elgin andi PiiPu 'Aithin th.e lyrpecribeal elglii Jlilethaie flot nalteal for the uew lac l1oi1. s o f ilu. ta beconie effietiv'e tiefore makug thie necensary chianges. In tbese cities the psstmasters bave amie away wlîh tbe early moroing coiletion of mail, have delayed the liraI delilery of mail in the morning a hait heuir, haie made the iasî îlelivery lu the afternoon a bial! hojîr earler anal haie derideil b I do &a.,s itih ail Sudai-work iii the ]B ell offices, The effecis o! thes' changesa re mniufola. lu the firsi lplace it nivaila Ithal îîeojulehaie 1taido withojîî heir brealifasi mail, haie Io give up thpeir l practiici' of giiing mjail on Sjîu lat s 1 bore. a has merit. You

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