CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Feb 1913, p. 5

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UNW1 MNER os. 2Sx4t - Iwo$. mte mde. toePveeie. :uted. J. B. Morse & Co. s !V!ERYTtING roR MrN : TELEPHONE 14. L.IBERaTYxvILLe, ILL1 NOW IS THE TIME TO READ Ilow to 1-ertilize and Plant Your Farms We have our Uncle Obediah A-L MANA C Now. Il is weil worth gour lime, Pleese cali for gour copu now. Libertyville. Lumber Compang WE BELL FEEO hne4 WE BELL SEEDS X. H. OORLETT G. A. 14>EDERICKSi.1 CORLETT & FREDERICKS Desisl IANCY end STAPL'E GROCIERIIES FRIESI1 end SALTT MEATS Oysters in Seaion- p-o tlu 0 - U»eUTmýLE, 11, IEFSI 'HighGrade Bsut Grmiiam, Orsokers... 10o package; 3 for 25o Solsot Sodas......... 10o package, 8 for 25c EzoelaJ.Bisuit ....... 5c package,?7 for Sic Wb.istSuga Wafors.... .10c package, 8 for 25c Knlwood Sugar Wafer. 100 package ,S for 25c Snovflake Orakme 15c package, 2 for Sic Ch....Waters- - 10- 0 cpackage, 8 for 2ic Colonial Tes Biscuit 1epîckage, 8 for 25c JELI TRIGGQS PHMYE 2543 VYO.U WILL. NEED WARM CLOTIiING Bdfore this rnonth hia passed& You have had a saniple, the. -s week, of what old man winter has in store for you and the w.ahhr sharks say that the fulli order wl. be d.Iiverod. There le, however, no cause for great alan as a great rnany people have passed through quit. a few severe winters And resIy emjoyed thie experience. The = l precaution tii.y took wa» to corne in let s ft them out with tood warrn clotling. The sanie opportunity ia open to yo% and you have the addad uJvantage of saving mony by our low cash prices. We are offering a line of Heavy Wool Union suita *ha t previoualy sold for $2.25 for ..................................4.$15 Um"vY loed Lined Underwesr, the usval Olovoe "onebuckle .... . ........... . 0 ýhe a"m Shoe in the four buckie .. . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . Glov an Witen ofgood leatheran Caps of ai kinds sud styles at price. from 90 .lâc tW........................... 0 foninenly ai ibis pace,unudervént e ai ouopérstiop et thé jane McA lister hospîtel ou@ne y lest vsk. Thé opéra- lion proved very succéeluL. If yaa haveu't beau vlsieud by a canvaser for Bunetéede Laite Couuty liretary and vent yaar netu t appéar thérein leeve word ai tuie office sud ve viimes that yaur vanta are capplléd. Newe reachm es sta thé effet Boy tlernlck. sou of tUr, sud Um 5D. D. Herrick of tris ciiy, is very crht"aly ilU St thé Preébytenlan hospital, Chicago, eufféring with pernicione auaémla. Uitile hop@ le eutertained for iris recavery. Thé Antici Club gar. anotirroai ieir popalar dancing parties at thé tawn hall test ve Thursday night. Thé nézi dame, a Valéntiné perty, will hé iven nexi Thursday night, Féhruary 13. An'ibis psrty ilatche tlvée-piece striugéd orchestra viii furnisir runie. On Stinday, .lariary 261. wbîle filhin« Bt tiraysiake, Wmn. Laycýock bad thé good fortuné ta land a pterél weighlng« mévéritéen pouudéi. Ihrreaeured iort3'- one inchés in length Whén 'd r. Laycock dreseed tire loh hé iound in ite storuacir a black bams, wigbing anec éud one-hall poundte. Can you béat lu'. Eltonu Henean, vbo vas taken ta Jane MeAiiétpr hosuîltal oun.Jan. 6l, for s second <peration au bis limb whtcb vwai iîadly braken in an accident Bt tire gravel pit lait July, waa brougiri home Wednésday. Thé opration in pro- nauced suece,-elul, but iulîl hé some time belte hé viilhé altrIé a héabout. t'riday at her home ai Waukegsn, occurréd theédesth oiflIre. Entil Johrnson, immédiate causé hélng typirold lever. Tire finnral services vers ireld Monday imoruing ai 10Oa. m. frointhtie chanciroa thé Immaculaté Conception ai tirat place vith hurlinlu8t. Mary'acenteteny. Mrs. Johnson vms saister of tire. Henry Lawrence, tirs. C. A.e Appley and Mines Mary Biavin of tris placé. 1LIFE INSURANCE Security sud stabiiity of a Life imeut. suc company e boud in ita lose.payiaff 225 pln.. On thir occasion,smon theéulght théy playéd ait Lake ["oresi Ilut véek, théy sntashed thé siley reord for alove-ntau iudîvldual gamé, roIlmg e sore ai 978. Tlréy alto roiiéd the leét total ior tbree gamnes ever rolled on thé Richelieu alléy, 'totalllng 2738. Tom Suydam, s new xmember ai thé club, ahowed grest sblty, volling thé hjiret tudivîduai ecoré o1 thé évenlng bédbm capturing thé honore for thé irlgiset av'sraué for thé titregamue, 207. Thé score fllo we. LiBERTV VILLE Sle...................... 245 146 158 guydam .................192 175 254 Morrile...................208 165 161 Horion .................... 162 It 71910 Mainte ...................191 150 1P14 William@.... ..... 200 197 101 Oison ......7 ....... .... U 180 Saduskey............ ..... j4m 1'5 '142 Arnold@ .... ...... 118 15,1 225 Brunke-,> ....... 153 212 170 Lihértyville........................... 273:1 Waukegan . . ....................... 2508 Thé local bo , wili roll Lake Fort lianday niglit Fr-b. 10, at Lihértyvi ... Episcopal Services Services at the- Episcapai churcb every Sunday a ohs:Church services ati 10:80 a. rn. aui 8uuday echool at 11:30. Ail are cardirslly invltéd to attend. Bev. E. Si.I1té, itéctor. Notice The elgbhth Installmeut of Spécial Auséément No, 1, thé seventh iustaîl ment aI pécial Ameéssent No. 2, and thé tblu8 insîall1iment of Spécial Apséé- mueut No. 3, are nov due sud payable at nry office ou tule second floor oi thé Luce bidg. c-15-ti A. V. &'HNAI:iiELIE, VillaeéColléCtor. Be sure and go to the NOVELTY STORE to select your lut ies Imovet. Jhave a complete aaaortment B S YI FromIc to50c. :A.NB 'RN >lsoUaleudle P.Osî C'rd$- Qld Cole"y Ufe laue. Compas) JOHN LESTER Offlu e tahmnda mic s Dlkey Block -Libertyvilig ýLI]B1RTYV ILL' '1 supposé yaa vaut tbe iesflê "'Nat liv a juglul," respoudéd l '«l an or&lring ft i lyseli, Dl ot Cormpanyv. The order vas eerré,l sudone thé sbrlmp was eXhausted. JO, friends lu tihe nieanuimne badreleu silent twt tiat hé.vrruld eali a twiarecýleanilng uo thé dish. Théh'T instead oi calling frrr a tootipltwl thé lait af the 50-cent ondér 1 , LOCAL AND IPIRSONAL MENTION î7 ZT E WE Toinsure publication in the Indepen- Msuad Bs. j- Poilé werée alied &éni, copy muet b. in thé office nolater tae<ienSco unaïrby the death o! Iiie. than Tueeday of each w.ek. Adver Poil"'s rnothe . B. . E. Wlgbtnaan. lésas. especially. areaseked bteks héflon a vs holdet Gleneoe Tuémday particulsa notice ta this effect. wlth Iternent et Mcilenry. We nunits wlth thé many finondeIn ex tending aur Oea ~.Lynb o Chcag, clta ~heartiei sympathy ta Mr. au Mne.. Ose.0. ynchof bleo, ell onPoilie. friende bers Friday faut. The Ladiee' Aid of the Prembytérian The W. C. T. U. will méat wlth tirs. bureh beld their anuelia id-wluter Bryant on Tueeday afternoon, F'éb. 11 - dlnuer ai thé homne of lMr@.C. F. Wright Bailed shavlngs et the LiBEDTYVILLE laut week Thuneday iternoin, Forty Lumaas C. c.7- ~ members sud ielnds weré préent and a junrbamn Duplai galet ' vreors et ouly inotet enjoyst>lq time wase pnt.Whea S t DECKER&D OMII thé diuner hour c anud thé eastwee Remémbér thet tiewick'a Photo announcéd thasé préent were aliowéd Studio wil hé opén for huainéeà n 1101- te servé themsélvpé irom tablés laden day sud Tueedeynét, Feb.10aud Il. almont heyond ib.elr capaeity with Bit for youir phatoa t Beswbck's Photo edîbléebath dsiuty and subotautial al Studio either nex Mouday or Tuésday, lai which proved very inviting ta thé lFéb. 10th or 1lth. Photo potals Bt'guesto, Te ils théezpression of one $i.0prdosén. Rememhberthé dates. iwho wus there. "It eerréd as dînnér. TheDalry Farupér' ProtéctiveAssocia. 5uppéT and breakfast anrd dinner the tion wili hald a meeting at the towu eit day." hall 8atarday alght4, ïeb. 8, aet 8:00 o'claek. Wit te .Bowiers The Woma'so uild@ tihe Epieopal Laet wéék Wédnesday iight Liberty, churcirwiU meélsi thé ruldem éof tirs, ville Bowling club met a pîwk up team et Frank Johnson on Thursday afterooan, ,the Luce alieys wibt the re'ult the Feb. lStb. Thére vii heéwinir. "Pick las" held the rezulars dowu teaa At the Lyric Restaurant Senday a sore af 2377 ta 23110 for thé bre chicken dinner will hé eerved for 12:30) gamee. ta 2:00 o'ciock. Adulte 50c, children Aiter puttiug li over Lake' Forest at 25C.Leké ioreutoh Monday îuiglît tathe MienIrete awrnce a@ eoinedbertune of i2679 ta 2468 it l Oiimenethey MiééreneLawé~cébai eéluéd ér:hould rollil etaét a uoîîry ai400 position st lerk ai thé W. W. Carrol ir. ver thé local pik il , &n Sous Ca.. north store, résignation takLing lhe oreflu@ effeci Mouday. ao IETSL W. E. [)aviés@peut the latter part o'd .'rîlér.. .......... .. 181 1 17le 518 lset vvévi at Springfield in attendaucé Waters............... lei;111 158-87i- upn ééig ith ilnîsS~erMorrim .............141 1>N4 186-511 Agricultural Bourd. 1Horton .............lI169 164 168-501 Thé TerisaChapter af thé Westminster Muhîke .............. 1661 1117 1139-472 Gtld viii ment at thé Lame a i @ PIcES t'î'é Heinen Carroll Manday éveiing, Feb. 1(). Meyer@ .............157 1-3 G 155-448 Chapter 4 wiii ha studied. B rown......... 81 144 122-347 Work f liting ocalcke bumau . 1AU N l11-448 Wok i liig ocl c hnss a luyarre.......184 1721 0H-536 memd Mondsy &fter thégenerail thai. v.r.. ...... 181 18M 1 (;7-536 le is reprorti! about siéven luchés thick Lîbertyvillé .......................23771 snd oflau excellent quallty. Plek U0..... -..............1...2310 Thé neit régular ureetugofthteréMyotic Fouls-Waiérs, 1Bavi2 Workére lodge yl hé Tuesay, Féb. Il. --4Bon2 Ater lodué tirére will hé refreahmuent.e Frîdayiitoee thé local alleys thé aud music snd the good >lmé se ainsI. uhé.ayvllig BoglI Club ralled Wauké. Conté snd bring your friénda. gau îhrS fàIè-«gm"e trmining thé Tb@ Wocmaoaithe Episcopal church elotore hy e&se4Whty of 4:12 pointe, thé vili bold & .ksry%sl;atUr. Walronda total scores idâs Llbertyvillé 2644, etors sati Saturday durlng Lent Wseiegsu flikc hbe.glnl thé comlsg Ssturdy, Fête,8. Again on Mesdey igirt thé bo ys Imyo ardesevii t r. Wslroud. playel a retoru t»mé on thé Richelieu QnGarantséd raworu et DRa & as AelievaWaukjo. m»d addsd another BoNn's. vlctory ta thqlr 16M lift byddfstlng Airs. Wm. Springer. ofaI rakehetiébo-ysaitirée oouaty smat tawu hy SCIIOOL Notrâ ILNOSHAVWI E&YABLISi4ES A RECORD S IN DEVOURINO SNRIMP uight in B aukegari. rie. i'lîîwiig. takén tram tue Houton, Madol nZo a betli ai Texam: I1iiroiàîcle, of vhich pirpér Lester day mornirrng. This vair a surcprise a. ber record for atiéndarice is reinarkable il (Bla iriuerly eonnoeted with thra Dorotby Schanck, U H. S 12. i- uuîw iý sr'r' i isnaniaging editor. is éuîplayed as clerk in W. W. carlil & lîut rf ie o? 11ýfîeur amusiug incidents sons Go. Phil Protine lé desitiné-2 ta become a;aiiditrpi h eéttpt h great epartingéeditor as iis account af Lu er Ru, Olrandre Valley of Texas oi thé thé basket bail gamV Saturday nlght l ver>- thriHing. Hé givedue prare .j, artv r'of hdiSl,rty' vas a menthér: our teant sud thé delicacy vitb vhic hé flatters thé defoatéd Waucouda teant It may hé c'însr,éred fmore or lésa eltove rare tact. remarkable tha, ta, hampion ehrimp Harvey Mass sppésired at ochool lion- ester a! Houston shîîuld bé a native ai a day morning minus one iront tootir aud distant state, yet it is a bald. tact. Lait bauf ai anotirér. Accidenté viii haptrénn lu thé Lest réglaiéd hasket bail gains. igiri "Shorty-' Miller rot Lifiertyville, Fram anaother source ve iearn that Late Gounty. lllinois. îeriirmed a pra- the oni>- accident oi an>- consequence digous gaetronouiical éturît that whlch occuréd lu thé game scas when crownéd hlm king of ail mhriiiiîp éaters. Protine felI sud disiocated hiis tosécap. Toda>- héein vérinlç a pair of fcrown. A doctor vira vas on thé floor @et it for monthes ago hé von Lake Uounty- aud advlééd Proie nat ta play- auy more. Lloyd Taylor, farméri> L. H 8. honore by iretlng twa dîzen rivale in a 13, nov oi Nartirvesteru Academy, pis eating content. At that time thé Sulished thé gsmé. pies eufféred terrible punishment, but nu Edythe Briale le doing cadet work ai more tirsu did tire defensélees shrimp téacher lu thé tiret grade. She teaches lait nigiri. readlng. Accompanied b>- ibre men iront his Thé weekl>- prograin lait Frlday alter- home towu and twa Houston irlend% noon vms veli rénderéd. Harry Olen- Miller walkéd imb a local restaurant dort deserves spéciai pralsé for blé piano sola, hi@ expression being fine. Oreon Whbich make a specialt>- o! purveying Pierce leq always good ai a readér sud@ses food. Seing front a section virér Dors Fredericte gave thé current eventé shrimp, avetere snd crabe are a luxur>- Weil. Miarie,.Englebreeht waé ta have sdt éoiié nya nams spoken bltiai aiabsent. adt aotle oye nams Thé Senior ciase hase started ihéi r prohibitive prie, Miler thaugbt hé vark lu Civics sndfSud ih extremély dit- would niake up for lent timé. ficuit indéed. Na égamination vas When hé alliaed his 240 paunde ta givén lu United Stteeé ietor>-. thé drap into a chair lire chair groaued. standings ibeing caiculatéd front thé About that time tiré Walter aeépped ior- dail>- gradés and santé diflicuit nap yard and »oiletéd ordére. *"I thmnk l'il work. Thé Mothër'@ club met lait %Wednéa. have about 50 cents Worth ai uhrimp, day and vaiWeeli atténded lu tact a thé red kiiid," @ald Muter. Thé Houston munih langer crowd tunirout ihan vai friénde aif thé Li.bertyvilié, Late Caanty,' expected Al fibe Moihers le! t express. Illinois, mati looked airhait sud pluchai lng their intereet in thé yack and thé ihéméélve, ta sme if thé>- vere realiy promise ai their beari>- ca-opération. svake, Thé vaiter, tfo, seemed ai- lmMoyne Stafford lett Wainésday- tounded. In a second hé had! caught hie vitir her parenrts for a souibérn trip. Thé>- vii stop off for a iew dayeai breath, bawver, sud then rentarkea: Ktsnsse City aiter which the>- viii go an ________________ ta Texas. Thé Juniors ail ive a basket social ai thé srhoui bouse, l"riday eveurng, #'eb. 14th. Au excellant plagrarn le being prepared b>- thé ment ers ai tue DOUBTLESS MANY 01 clan». Ail ladies are requetd ta bring lunch for tva. TP Y Harry Cti isite) the bigb ocbooi Mouria>- altéraoou. iatti vraiforuieci>- a, muenltheai the cams 18 tic onov si- teuding ryaiiî busineâss lu ,bisago. Thé bigtr echool piano ba@ beau tunedti You also realize that É Thaîs bas ani ocr-ured fan yearé aintostin. nnterabié sud ih certaini>- soundishéttén. deposit in a bank. lia Haven vent te Waukegan Satur- day evenlng. The only question re A ceant>- téachée' meeting viii hé héld ai eLake Bluff, Sasurday, Féb. 8. 1918, heglnuiug ai 9:80 s. nM. Cm eesC démonsiriona vinl taté place luab Ia ~ morulng. Atrnoan mnlg vUl hé îhldLathe lave hall Prinibpal W. S. _ _ _ __ _ _ _ 0Owen of théetChicago Iurmal subool vIl eseat. Thé Llhénty ville higir échool basket We have anticipated bal isa met thé Wauconda boys ai Wauconda Saturday nlghi and daéasif Cali et our baik we are pi theig ,y irte score ai 87 tdf 16. Thé tirst bal ai tire gainte vs railber slow showiing "ht the andenDdedvlltihéscamre 9 te8 laWau. coudas favor. Tbeirés lhtyvillssettled deva sud made siringe iniereeling hi 1 kééplng thé hall slipplng througb thé a e C u t iloup. Thé Wanuconda tana are niéS ail yull hé sontetea. Thé llneup vasasm IBrRTYN tollove: doyens............. C............J. Mous Thiee..............R F.........H. Mom e je place for yotitrd Kirwy .... .....L F....... Oiendon! Kaisker........L 6 . ...........Flagg m - CapitalSupus asu nd Thé greatesi fésture ai tiré gainté m", thé basket made by Mass ireinXtt oher feld. @tars for Waucanda, Sovére;io Lihénlyvillé, Moie, Flagg, Olondor!. Thé second gradé are busy conètruct- ing a colonial village, thé tenter of attraction héiug tke kitchen oi the o -r George Washington résdence. Hère a F r F r n colonial Orepisce, grandiathers docSk, lantique store, grjddlep, pans, ekilléts, si table and granité vasih haéjn are diâplayed. tiartha Washington le C a lsI shownusaithé preud mîstrmseofitins C ARles domaein. Shé esaquaint Quatén ladyil A E ca i ieWebsru.ep, pron aud Shaker gowne Nov yl N w H m sieFr Miss Mctrev gare a théatre Party for M ch an uua Li ail the tesachers lait Thureda>- evenlng. M c ia uu iLf mise, Wlliam'@ puîriis are goiug ta UleERTYN miuae curtains for thear rouai Windows. Miséa5ltowley bas tai> new pupilé __________________ prariioted fraui thé second gradé Falipsa- and John Cicby.________________ Mamie Hapke spent a icv dayo vlth ber, Mire.IH. Kramer in Jloliet, 111. Winuifred Morore is absent vithciricken H wihHazel fimale. M TMe teCrs pnt Tueda>- ea n i nga a u f c wihber sister in Chicago. " ifa Botan>- laie afLihértyville high Expérience bas taugbt usth aechool vili ca.aperaté wih the crop Quitte, Coinfetees snd elisa irrîprovemént committée lu thé nttéret ibise&euionsd w. bavet ai testing grains for sprlng plentlng. The>- viii héa Sd ttat e éd rn and démend vlth au amui. iuwl !other graine for auyone in tire cari- munit Whovira vii uhmit a sample. BATTS 0F MANY SIZL Thé date for hlgh echool commence- SILKOLINE, C meut hbaunset for Wsdnésday. June 4, or Thuredwy, June 5th,theexsct date CALICOS, tobhédéterminai hy thé commencement speaker. APRON AND DJtESSGI Photo Studio tlobé Open P. SHEETUINS Bésvick'p Photo Studio viii hé onenPI.IOWT JBN for business on Monda>- and Tuésday, STA1MPED EMBROIDEI this question. If ymi «pared to off« you psc National 1ILt, ILL. depoeits. kivided Profits. Life nsurzif, 5EE D. Proctor, iTFOR eInsurance Compap, 'Insurance Conipo vILLE ILL ffme res in Lar at as nfàs«Ull le umber ai Ir beub.d a"dcle are made ,blred te provide fer the anntul ý AND QUAUITIES. COTTON CHALLIES. S,YARNS AND WADDU INGI*AMS. A.ND MUSLINS. JTICKING, TABLE LIN RY PIECES. ,É%-rm c r. fc.OF LLL OTHER ACCESSOI ig Thmngs are comIng tr LL &SONS( SOUTH4 STen% and Inétructeri bîm ta répet dia4,î Féaring lest thé Lîhértyvilbe i i iht averdo thé thing hie Slot, friandés ugge@ted that Miller svlicb to a lighter artiele af diét. The mu tion wae met vlîh s look ai Morfi.: havé mereiy irad an appétiser," hoeil and waded luto thé reffiéuleied diib. Aiter fluishiug thé second iretidol worth Miler orderddslx ihareln.1 and loaked viprbly pained viro oé that !Tube vere aut of sée»On. A Correction ln laat week'o issue vs e uomelq .bandéd one" ta Prairéie VJepoitl when we stated ihat«I "hileasr .s ' qpersoas wiii get mail et the'*tsne tthau ai thé Prairié Vie 91 others nearby.' It lit anuetabllb~ that of thé Inlsnd pont offices aê eaunty Prairie Vlew rnatiw1üi tavoard thé ioremost, and evlewMe, iapolàgictaforthé iaîury untblnIIï adminiotered. Notice of She-Hoiders MeS INotice le béreby glveu thai a meeting ai thé shar@-hôlders ai National Bauk ai Lahértyrilfl.%W ibeld in thé hauke offlicnluUbhérl u lliuois, on thé éleventh day afIN 1913 at thé ouraifJour a'clock 4- for tas purpose aicaueldenleg q qiieétlon ai inereaalug thé capital yi of@id haut. J. 8. ODLUt, eslil Bâiled ahavingseat thé Lien the beat way ta save is rmaining in your 1BAN] k5 p 'i T s 51

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