CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Feb 1913, p. 12

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r~oe~ I~T NOW LIVINi IN ZION CITY ON AND bAUOIArý1EW 0F AGEO PAUTY TO WEDDIUO ARtE OLDER TWfAN iUSUAt4O Cupi,"got lu wrang"' i cuoshâ aLunay wbaa ho preslded over ani lpenOt or a Chicag couple, Hor- Mt A. G. Maiske sud Mns. Valons la LoMa.Ewlnfi Boue, wbo rere mar- *4 by Rey. Peter BlaIr, late Saturday ftelflO for the father of the bride- reom, Ileman Maîske bas declared but bel nil appeal te the state'g at- frmei9.t Cook coult! 5and If neces- 1*7t te h off iclass et Kenooba county pbave tbe mma5e anoied. The mAer declares tha t(he bridegrooni 4,Wyn 20 yOhiY5 et age. altbotlgb rhen 1» aecured bis lîcense for tbe marri RU ho gave-bii is g. a 1The bride Ji 69 years old and bas a record n tb mallmouWlaldP. Sho dlvorced »r second iiusband n Chicago lait rvieuber. Mrg. Lgamffl Erlng Boue 14"6sk la sali te ho1a member of 15 Ilifeet chuehes and several reltgi- ces cultseSMe bai been a member af Sorle wMotailty andi bas a sou aud imaiter living ln Zion City. Both son su daughter'are older than the yçuiiz "sa ah. bau just promlsed to love, Oçeor aud ohey. Tii. bride bas a son 30 years old OMl a daugter 29 yeall ohd. The (oibtr le-Ilviagl a MZon Ct. The ýqflresided lunZMon City several ppoths and rai a followr of Alex- *êierDorle. lier finaL h9,band as fiOf l Ewlug AWlAp ' i 35 pssa.Then ah. msfled George e. eo.le They lved togther for 30 7wsaid rere iîvorced lu Novemn WwË.e rSrewéafl ,îvor.e qq ber seond busband it caueed a en«. Tbey llved lu Evauistan l onr voîl kuown. -Ber husaud NUrer te ber suit &aleged elle spent = lanb mai07 cotrlbuting ta the nrbsta rhlebwr a aia mu- MIten theseieposti sbe began fWhaA Mtur#.s6qme 'U 11MEast utis»vouth areet..her present resl- Dy ».ANI AT ULA INQiE (contlnued Prom page one.) WwlWg out of bis rer t aaid a crlp-t ,Ob. Ai ex-solderi once toli me ho W5Stta 50 I.incoli. lHe bai beent loade battis sud used crutchles.t j'vecolumet ntAt ai (coishlm lisbA 'iftitte officle.ré rth(ey talked for au bour. Then, Uncolu bha Che .40 'milite takeu ta tihe bosptal. To- "M~ru truIn polticens sai, 'Oh, Do I r -bey madea a ame for thons- '4o' 4toTerAsg te esn lieLncoln sud , 'WssbbLugo. "ey rire net eXlIclaed'as re are.' If auythlug, Un- colu necelved mare crltictâm. lie ras Vbaoee rouli nr cai a reforçuer. »oe diflot bellese tu men bavlng too ltuch, vea)b. lHe believe ln (hem Wfig aftsr tbey bai sufficleutt o beep. ihm the remaluder of their Ils,,," sai the speaker. Mve. Thoasi aise spoke unuchili labor and deuounced the low rage.. roclved hi irkers ou romeeos gar- Hnat.le Bisa - reterred te tbe tou e- %Uni&. *To many people live ln tou QUaiStetnants," hoe aud. «Thîs la un- ?MPIýyand 1 hope smre day (bat a "f ate to have a lcense and t *I11t rIlPermit lut 'o mauy peu. "'Plb te liv. tii.e. ".:lnyeî, have seen haIt a dozen ffluni Isuddled togethor lu one Un> lpsi. Another (bIng 1 rant to tli UalI0t las is: I unientani you have faplagles boe. 1I be ctîlat none of tbuemploi chsliren. I hope (ha' 'Om'eYeu ion eple allor your ChW " vsm terk then. Bulld gymnaslume -»t lasaonnectlon rltb the church -bot. xwaym tm hendu end the 3lti*Ang Res Tbomai, Principal SW. C. Knelk. oft(ho igh ochool fe spoe for about 30 nminutes. litI.s ul j1t- Wu, *Wbat Duaslncoîns UtÀf )&Ma te Us?" lHe apaie on educa ï' «iÏ today &Ud as It rasin Ltucoln' neoiSk exception (o stafl- ie ecently (bat moern 09@Ig nae fnt up ta tiiose of out belseia tas. tim lit and pros m4lobome nberesthse present ex un vu~er bllered by UmssVerIt 1~ws. ue sot. en "Thinailu -t Vis la 19b. 1805." ss. Ry 4w" ga«ve mufihhr osuanad R" fluntas closed the baffluet wlt& a short talk TeMeu Meat BIscuit Mashed Potatues Green Peas Combnatioi Salai FIg Jely Olives Pie a la Mode CaR ee blAse Nelle Wlllams. wth a large corps of assistants. girls who volun teered. raltsi on thie guests. and are to ho cnmpllmented fer thelr splendid work. Owlug (o a delay n 8ev. Thomas' anrisaI, the -banquet did flot begin un- ti about 8:15. The affair lasted utli about 1:30 POLICE DEPT. IS NOW ENSCONDED IN THE NEW STATIONI tContlnued From Page Une.) provements Ail bave te ho made be- fore they are in good shape. This dampuesa AIll be a thlug of the uast ln future as arneet bave been made to drain off anY rater s hlch mlgbt collect. 2IeatIng appaa tus Inside of the-Bcaleu will tend flot ouly W diepel dampnes> -but rIll pro- vent freezing An the rl!g9r time Wl4lCh bas always been a blg drawrback. Att- er ail this bas Ijeen eosnpleted the »cales will b. An the boat possible con- dItIon. The weigblng arm rAIl be placet] inside the station andi Deak 1 ergéaut John MananrA Ill again of- llciate as city -weigbuiaster. o MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clsase PcGuire. Autiocb ......... .29 Olga HAcart. samn..... ........23 Annette Izowe. Chiscago ... ....... 18 George E. Loary,. sane ........ Jos. Paupke. Weost Allia ......... 23 Nlartha Tabert. saine ......1 John L Pritchard. Mlanitowac .... 2 Lucle Maniîn, saine............. 22 Nick LîUnken. Antloeb .........-...33 Susie ltadate. samo .............30 Thos. Joyce, Ft Sherian ....24 Florence Crisl, Hlgbwood .....21 SKATE 75 KMUES ON DES3 PLAINES BVER TWO CHICAGO BROTHERS SKATUI FROM CHICAGO CLEAR TO WISCONSIN LINE. Attention Ite katers! if mou have not yet dlscovered the Des Plaine@ river as sultablo place for long distance skatIng Dow la the tAme ta get busy. At leai thIs la rbat the tro Hlvorsen brothers of Chi- cago a anad (bey shouli kuow. for (bey completed a trip up the river ta the WIsconsln state lIneo ystet'tiy auornlng, a stralght anay of 76 miles. B. A. Hlvorsen and bis brother, George, 4035 West Harrison street Chicago, started Friday uorulug at 11:16 'cloct on (heIn jouruey, leav- lssg Lake street ouneue of th. amootis- est snd itrangsst leeots !p tho country. Theu. accoonilug ta theIn tary, tbeî apei along rîthout nter-e ruitiai until tboy reeched UAbertyvîîleb at 5:30 oclock la the eveîlng. o Lodglug fer thse ilght ras obtaleti at Lbertyville and rltis the crack of dawn, tihe pair blted nortis on th. 1er traîl rîthout a marring Incdet of auy kAud. A rather 'bîgbwnd rasr hattlng out 0f the uorth and thelr0 progieesa ras baltei sous. by thAs. otb' erwise everythlng ras ne lovoîy as1 couli ho. "We rould ho golng yet" sali 1Hal.i vonsen No. 1 (that's h A.) Satundayt ulght, "but ne demonstrated to oUr arn satisfaction that the oulmIit ta skatIng on the Des Plaines ras (ho lenglis of the river. W. rent on over the border for about a mile sud i.ben declded ta corne back s oes.W. k caught (ho electnlc at Waubegan. but eanynne wlho taises thLe trip ranli 49 ,fbtter by grabblng a train at Rtusseli. «'A. fur tbe skating, eAsy Atrai -lpy immense.Ithe Ite;le no very s sootb that t 115 uselese (o start un- ,lossia <e bs very eharp skate. And inet oDIYlastbe ice smootb, but ik as %troug enougb ta bhl up a train. Why. LI heY'ne cuttlng tee a fout aid a hait hîci. Only lu spota rbere the va' tenr as eballon, sud ruuulng srlfti teras t thîn enossgb nwarrant steer- alu g anouud t." The lterurban traluzuon are mak- Ing preparatlons for (hein ltb ansunal bal te ho glvon at Ravhula part. Mdou- day evonlug, Marcb 24. If yeur vite joins tho Bridge or Ladies Novrer Home Journal Club. lu- gst on ber "tablug iltu,". k.M.. Te&. trIl reglate ber babitta W. W. Pesso. i . ~.-s MAE NM3 ÀFTI3R ALL e (Contlnued Froint Page On..) eand, ln the end. get rld of ja u 1$100.400 for whlch they are incorporai- cd. Record Thus Madt. l. Thua. It la sald, a 'record ras made ain this respect ln the clty. for, nob 'ody ever recals a case rhere persona bai tlocked t0 the tanner of any ne r-l poration lu a desire te Inveat thelr money. In tact. màxx Persans i'OaIly begged to be allowed to "get In" on the bani stock -sale. It all rent to show two iblge: PIISST-Tbat. atter ail. theres laui of luie money An Waukogau. rblcb t>e runersa re rllitug ta Inveat ren tboyr sec tho propor place ta, Put At. sCOND.-That tbey conalder baut invenaient 'in Wankegan a good and sfc place. THlItD-That tbey apparently have groat confidence ln the mon rho 'are, promoting the uer Insttution. Wii Transfor Te Bank. Wbile the. four men rho pureba»é the Berry blocks purcbased It An tbels oru naines, lt a tho plan as seoai the bank geti under ray for (hem to transfer the property ta tbe balck proper lunhwose naine and lutereate tboy have purcbasedILAt The site la consldenod au admirabile one for a bank and the lmprovement'l there AIll ho oneof the fine thîngu of Ibe cl(y. -for. rhlle thse aId Berr) block ln a land mark, it bas not boni a repreoutatise business *lock. Ends Long Cerer. The sale of the'buldIng eds a lon# cereer An the lgar-tobacco busîeus of li-red Berry. Mr. Berry bas beéià lu the corner stand for a great mai! years. usoslug there after the voat' office ras taou n aY trOm the cor- ner. The postoffîce ras locatod there msuy years. The last postinaster te hold office lu the nid site van lMr. Moran.pow dereasod. Mr. Berry mgr. cd bi store frou tIhe ohd Prlce buIl- Ing. (rbere thsesootIs portion of eh Globe non I1) le tho store nor sui hy 84 rangso barber shop. Thon. rn. Berry wlsbed the corner elte and the postoffice ras oblged te vacate. rbere upon ho took the site and bas usei At ointe. The location bas proved a great eue for the cîgar business for Mr. Berry and nîthosit question ho bas sold inore cigare aud tobateo thau auy fr0 store*, lu the ct durlug bis career there. MAr. BerryI lhely bas made enougb quaney so ho nill retire f rom, activei business. H-is son James bas hees as- soclated nlth hlm lu the store for sous. years. REVERSES TABLES1 ON HOLDUP MANI (Contlnued From Page one.) Marsh. The police were notîlled at once. A description of tàie robber ras glv. ea as follors: lielght. 6 foot, f luhes. welght about 140 fflads; 11È4 co«- pleilol, sfio. about 26 yeara antd clou>r ed An a dark suit. TuAs descriptiod bas been furnlsbed the police deisit. queuts of practîcally every clty ou tb@ uorth, shore aud Atla hoped that nme trace of the holdup inau eau ho se& Oured. The police bave request.d PhY. sîclans ta ho on tho ook-out for auy mnan applylng te thein for medical a» salatance for they are lncllned te thlnk that at, leaat, one tb. bullote from Marahas gun took effect. fflends of Marsha are compliment- lng hlm upon hAs pluclt An meeting the robber upon bis orn groundsaid dlsarmlng hlm WAS ST4JLEN A dark bai hanse. (hrought te thse police snathon uniay morulua hi lta boys trous the North Side.o. rm al tbiy bai faundIt feodihg Ou the&r lama. bai causai mucis tlslulg An the tiolice departusent. The boriee ra placid iu a lAvey saIle sud theo on. en ras paUietly araltei. Up te (bAs afternean theowoner bai mot apliear- id. TIse police are non Iucllaei ta ho. leethat soussone Otete oal sud. rldlug t le W&Ube"a baide.& serto it, aften taing tho sadile and brie. The bora. relalsa about .000 If Da cuesahoe l1e4auMb4 trouble fisdug Ibm ktenheuta Utm ollteer'IL ILM.Twi<ë ai- opier; ik regutes. SPle.W. Pearce. fer Sanddày. wn o mgtraolu Shop Early Skiris Fý,urs D)ressing Sacqe W/at ler Ps'tticoais -Coats Fur Sels Knitied Caps Boys' Su ils QuaIM Mrcups The Flogu$ te, s,,. = mgt Choin flWm Dnve-Cmt eneCo 4-.Lolk Ckdh PAIGE 5PamsnérTourig Car, Moisi Gleawood, $1275 doUqKNOW a good deal about the iuitmttîal1 e1îîipiîieiît of the Iage "36." You ku<w» 14baB the faniîons (Ira" & Davis Efrectiié, tartiîîg and( Lightiîîg f4ymtein. That point of iwt e notîgl W to Inapk the Paige as a distinctive value ini it. pIiee fiejý. Yoîî know it buetto 13se Mag- j ieto, for ignitionî. No betteîr to bl iîad. 'I'lieîî thiîîk of ail tlîe rest of the eqt4pment-veii- tilatiîîg w isdshield (huilt into tlhe 1)A 'v), tsilk mîohair' top (taxi Iiued), top boot id curtains, Stewart revolvinîg dial speedoîîeter, 12-iîwlî cleetriv het.adlights, elctric side aOid ýaI laîaps,' five denuîuitable riîîîs, robe)) and foot rails, extra tir'e irons, Iiceneîîs racket anîd ail the iîiiital cquip- mient suili as Iîoî-, îîîîîp, jaek, ef<.* Tlhe trinuniîîgs throîîglioît are of heavy nickel. srh ne I- .~ - 4. sioto ....Wn5 IUZ, - 1e-1ecoomica«dmyi- ort --Pi. As Iae1-tilies o> l '1'Ie t505 der englue. . It bhm a f-inch stiroko. rblh 4-lncb bore.. Tho ryl- in s of gray iron arecesmt en blo, ivlng the utuÉiet rlghly and perfect aligumnt, nitIs the Ilghpet degreof sAsnb11ty. Thée ls trength ail through the Palge "36."1 Strsusgth tus tbe 4-lnch deep -pneesed oteel trame., Streuath lu the drop-forged froet axle and (ho floatIng type rea*ale-axles tiat are s(rssng essough for a car oftwtIce *,he relgbt. Stren(h su tise droîs- forgei steerIng knuckles. Strength lu (ho big .i4-huch nhoels. 8trength lu (ho braie coutrol. Thon. la trengtb sud safety lu every part and every dutail body and the Isevy. finit fefera.M We have gien yon bore a few huis eorthp 4ptyet Palge Coustructlon. We can't.telA oal ausoit:et t LÉW e t(Is. We raut yau t e s ehocar Itwelf.te tUeAfS U 4ialvI apeaklsg, and se for yourself ibat it la luit s psl, equ- mont. on botter. '5 -s Tbero are fOve body types af the Palge 186," eh adIstInct- veîy stylish. serslceable car-taurlng car, roadqer, nacoabout. coupe sud sciais. Just Motor Company IBEAGVELEc - LL.oguc q "quest PFAIGE 25 $950'o The %ago Lieu a"luludes Paige "'25.'. a menat excellent car for those mIsa nant a smailler car #usaÀ,ùs-Paie36.1, Palge «125" loe mat as remarkabîy priced. We do not belleve auy ather manufacturer oser offered etbcb eleltb$(iais. tiusani CarefuAl construction and painslaklng vorkmanshlp bave maide (he, Paige "25"' s leader l in e c &e. ¶ sam QaLlt 140 I l~ t ln 'tts lealrsbp. "j" Wý'- e 410I1W P '.,, P. ~ Twe poplar types, ýModel Brunswick. 5-pasenger tauring car, and Model KaenIIwth; 4 .1955qiflp.dtebnlLl Regulaxly eqssIppçd lunnickel tnmng ig.vth ramn-vIson lnd-saei sll mhai e.ti itadeu.aa ~~q n 5 nickel and black cuamel lampa, Prest-O-LIte tank, 5 demountable rins-, tire Irons,- bons, puuiot. m'ý PAIGE 5SPassoget Tqurlng Car. Midel Brunswick, 1050 AG de BE SURE AND JUST MOlORý COwmMy $rtOur REMARKABLEcPuoStion BEIFORE BUYING Lhrytie .Pbffl13 The construction of this remarkable, car is as extraordinary as its equip- ment VOL. PROP8 moue TAYL TF Enroute * se. h. hsd ceore 1 known m pied oser was trud Hia frie,1e aMW hlm tsam, Wh ey's, ho stopptd t -Ing on tAh te flnd 1M covef'y, n hsd raci hsvlng ri alongilde alevinagAI y seespir Thîs et et a mati day Au hi bealtb. a shocli h0 bai dl litrai pIe allUg $esu-thi lobai of 1 body of lng anotl4 Taylor te Mcet of riieat lac boint wbeat te fleur an( o'clock. Taylor, i smoking. been CaiI val mat« bis frien f lopr. Nt Taylor 1,noved il inarked illg feati frlend al hlm s" that bo cold, P-. and sien te hlm I tlng 01011 They te more., à I oekei e more tAL hlm ln c borses thom. A ville, 1-A thoy cau paas the haIt the ..1 the rhat ns Ing hael hlm but cluded b Iset ave bebind fast as "Ail t] the yard lly caqu downtni re fen Mr. IN stature' 260 pau: 4 luche co.ssdl n the é, tely seulSi >,_k iew b, 4-and atr' profeusl Mn. K ago by sntb th hlm. 1 fq t

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