lrb.prwl»Iwlspu ollvehsi* * Xéioq00bo naiS th#,awmtbed oauw, prI s. i se a~i v %ff altambtcthley retiewîo-bubou J. 0. Sion; lthirl rse. rs( Jausoleodry theIvcloeeand tiraw SsI pe Raye k. dnulag ah proceti.. Mr. adMis. Jolsie egai the !Noth For ttwi isaslof thaonsvhosau 616egpv a isnt 1 Niakmi gMes. l5*umlmilgr cill tire mthodos employeti Koeili,, lb. 60 . In awug thlis ftheiasFOX L. fteaul' rem1ybs-id tor th@ OSIl-lJe fu lis owsll tote air bmoofai t Fos Lake ochool nottéd "wuseItms. sonounceineni <Of socia fontkinsand future teslivitoe a ho milet a box 16 or ttispbomed te 508, Minn iui'dtd Atre, Lundi daulir. or lela pemsn&ulu, mitir J04r A. HQît. têtBi Mý ý» rb JOU l.-untieuter- Halpit Bidg., Foi Lake, lit. CI" o d " Xerlb.Pb 1.L E OL Nir. É4Mtis B. 0. Howard Sud LC IL Iorgèem 1tbu endcotas otoiînlia Misn Peaol Mce»o uviailei bet @inter. Wal2 = oi . suaastoppinz be M m Bert, Galîglasu Salua-day and Sun- Mi. ormalosftJcsN. tMr. and Mis.Lso jarotable &are re Ur. *M Gir@,BMi. *u Mrmandi M td jolelogovtirr lb. ardiW l h asýon bain Seboeos. kbowm uas aôrty", aya4 van'uaml* (iras. Lots. Barry Kepoor asti loba Mts. MeNsi ot Fax Lake. died btac Jbtegoa viiteti Nr. aud UMis. o. Sunday amorales. Oh. e -anosolti is. Koefia, Sumdayd.lîintfrai grass Lokbe tin ati isud .» cou advmocei in by rso on 1h. lme, pars hslng somecire enear nlnsty. Mro.Joa P. Sipîeati and daughter Ocar Sorenso spent Baluiday night Aine. oftadedth. Valerton 8W and évMsaey u pauilng's Corser.. A"ue nle ' dane la Chicago. Wed»@ dey svmbg *me Sort Qaliglisi atnded tie sale at .Tiras. McCaneau onTnosday. vaho.0- eofir.Jr., J le ,oiln<a W@kU NMie. 0ev Book wmas"octtly scaldeti vçaluealuUbiugo, sau he goaOt 09 »r. Hrh.rt Lorirer, andi mii$a*od the QJt.b0ry fot Nmo 7sumont club donce Saurdoy eeni. Thi. Formera Inestitut, ai Lake Villa The ftoneiez porsons jute, loi Fez bat ogooti attesdtâme. Laite for varions pointe a ponti9 inier have roturnoi for chir is teraîij- . vocation: Prom OCbicag. Mis«sFlorence n Spicoat. Mis* Ma Dai1; l'o. Pttaung,>- Ps, Bd TweedIF. Twoed trai ugle River, WsN.aniMsI W. Jansa, Mré-.J. iB. Bon" and sonLeslie at- e. Brtmkotr; fra. as1 OUlia touethe IP&FrmeaInstituts ai Round Androw Boesger. It u 6 h ieo;i Lake Satuitiay aad aIso Afredi Spaflord. tuerontl te noua thoasM,. Battinger Uro. A.W.SaBord»adidaugitet Helen returnetil rom FPlortldah> escapet&e ii i stllgMre..Baiph Wheton 0t excessivebhat mmditheOmtilty of he Wirtor, Ililinois. moqutoe.. miils Ur. Md Mis. Janse snti M. Bmoadkorb reiqvned troi the The Farnsre; Instituts mi Niiburo wu$. oh sortlasan Wlsmnn ta > masiv»ed ttended ti ai aofathlbsessions. 1h. severe oticeallier. Win. meOire apent saturday mith. Augut Seirer baustvmmoormed bis fiands at Waukegaa. gs Cg Iao a boas atory md untiSi Thomas oriffu ai Waukegaa, @pont liedrcion of Mater boat boitller. gaerai day m cilli-is ii.n Peul mmd 1r. Lehmaa l rflodulg nime very .nftyp ant irsi. W.G. cuie.1 rocbate r ii huiig ssiu. I The Ladies Aid nlt bas postponed Boine. Adamio manager lor one ai tlirirreg ler. monîhui nmeeing antil tire Haibaugli lunihor aids bas- resigneti orui hie poetitlou, effecive Match 14t. Ni*. A. E. Maitin transaciet buiness Jacab*garon Jr cho la moîking in in îbcago the past iret. Fart Nopera, l Je.laresaslug big eux Labo frieutscai eivofplI ,posae Ri, E liontipîl ciliiho the entertainer carda, depitiun *mour* in tirat;locailîy. at ibecbureh Sarday svening. Feb. 15. A. Noyerais ops-aid an uto siedi n Tiromany trinda af 0. J. Minto wiii commission on Nipperoiak Laks. hob.pees" tu learn that lie ie mucl Pio&nt Pasdeloup. of the lai Lae boter. Lots CoMarsel aiAssu cidi sseen d rai aIomti iBidinger transacteti business eoeliysallr the lu e alimg soson fur a a ire borg Thiiieday. nueuM ofte aosciaoion. TiiholndId . antiMm-..Barrt' of Bull Day vnid- miliicomprbsad abs otiun a 1of i5 ly atedtitr Isilte es ')ale""' niteataended the nstiguembene 0"at 1110 n. n o0f o a poigu fui Mis. Elizabeth Tomer pmosed ber 871k fi.he os arun. milettono FrlIsyý E. C. RBocard te paning le eu& a ca fnalfso.hb lit« i-i1cs tbolin hcha HCOR 01 theC.NM. aSe. PR ML aboutilie eqeess igbs dl alurimm«s for Mir-asti M eLes L B illad daugunarr ibse e l cia a msobrt ist nciE nasinsofniPemtasi rie. ePltTués. epl tress. dU s fi. boue ol0. L. SIlsabok. Tb@ vIiI.ea boMtstd làe . aslr 'TuSho ii#y 05Ufj SebWl mNbold' seeadmTiruday, Mils. 6t1k-. te aaoatbiy a t thelie cué. Foi. 20. Tii.-ladi seiezlam reMis B. W. 4ncmll 01 om ryslsks cas la Grimsdmai N. Savage. Ladilen are ne tourqs 0M07awPresstlmg AttY PMUiiqoestedt a brleg anouiles santi hmble. Louis Vagi, tbes @ro1hBn Mn.CP.Lsn4dry tu on a wtte t heAmons hir,sfl 7eha wcdo'uhtiisfBeat pont»te utWashingon Hkitu, 111. ake possessionth lilt of Marc. a wdeucaerSo me. ectrLobsase PiS a cliigv sn Noitt The ox akeBusineM ens ."Los Au nWoe te ecb fosa. EHoar, our versatile "Poidier oftSuts i oin fortun" 1 n g au ireati*ubr oc ai inl mois 5 at Marrie lmi houses. In ad i@Th Ladiles Aid sociof y meeting Bt lion t0 hie dotas as Paideloupe buffat. Mr@. Webb&mes mild attendeti. Alil - the nsm officersa oficlateti. The lvgular dontai lialhng sssun le Mis . nry Griffin la nending a few nom lu falit ieas oarrisi'bmech, cers dasnlaKeaosha. tlalntair "'iilis'" are ttaeas alimsiey daigeAyto*thi. conternation of Bn Amas a ofClicaga. anti Chse liasEp fde thes i iumabeti. Then iGuire ofAnliocli, spet undmy at O.1 kevplunk 0f Ibshr boaillaitltating h.bLiloilenbeck's. Aquà Para. lu connetion.mîth a vrolley, rhrPdro n le oot oftdtuted expletlveat. lsuliraim the rhrPdro n le oe emvrnuetigts l uieineraij»PontSuanda, euth iriende in Laks Villa. = Mlas. minaled i ltia boares y9je foirLUMiand UMi. Cariet Palton @peut cbatterang tteeti. Onda, au tir,.anud Mra. Eruet Weil@ uqietirer mitir the cllnq oaIlus cakes itfNîliun YuKnow Us W ..airsla buusm -vrlgbt b ers w o c y en ..You are an lf-not-mtWW fl fler ohoulti provo the mucorty et our daims. Wi e asme nboileve ce have th otlaxatve anti iraitop ou sbticent weuh ou umquolifet pro-n bue te situen dituiut question or fornmulty tire mon" po- us furi h, if lu dom. et poisoe=tirorl»stW faetory ta yen, mu blieve ce re on- titi.4 te yor sonfdenos Ou businoes a musaandi prestige daeutiuopen yeur oconftiuos in u. We boom ce muet soeur suadi loWt yeur ao»Ueei!»es a 0,6te gai anad .oldars maoth lei e wm Doe mat vh S15laitai cs un po. ur ci er 17 rdeliisurtljition. They oct 10 ovarcomo tirseau.. etConstipation. Tiey tend lueli asthe cause oft slck bouacire, blltumneas. bad lieti. nrvunm uaand ti ler iis oatsaltupon inative bomils Make Us Prove This Wecoaniyr7m ta cme aai@tars a" utl s aokffl oss~ rd l&U» lma mrUssP the.entire b=. Tbeoff St reolentizely »I .cos ast uitefl usanti »U=in rsamtirs mena lne » amatsvc.Ws aoucei Oqu, empulse. lir it . m aid ' Wh ~o bm MM e.m Pc,»tcra a xtirpet arai ? mmdsraedi m wcwb mfr bacc of. Tvy TIwm at Our Rlsk UIBR The ~dmîm uthen 0" M n a,«on. si.t. eaide,01t p MM tLu o ut ma orvu Po" " »m >»ishets, Uah bauls.0 -T tsn-iemp00 deets LOO. =2.1wriuehaW iTiC:O gmo Up hais Tom un bav P" sb sla usWamW ale m m ui a nors ruA Ton «a lL3oEd"mLR04DILNI MW b«wp-.Ud inowet': t, P.Z.Drceitor yak lOe.Tuitfor J.bWc-k Loaualndy ngitrtM. ant i M. J. Benehan méestir. victme of' o surprise pity,tlindais- hing theirtwmtY.fth annlveaaat lriende thoaght il a suigob e1.toa lgi inutisa. Thera cVu i a. umaber o et gu romuaet mro, 1dg gby Sl imue tbeyl loftnDot moaiia*,q aleenjoyeti themdssiTe@- Nia s MBlaciBouffioa ai Chicago, spsnigonds, mi. ber mother, tirs. ilarsn. Brwic loi s I.tirs Bexali Diug tore-Drune Drap. Ca. Mis argaret Getides of Cblacao, mon a suret ohcislmCma aLobloli lasI Saturday gai ondas. ~IU~yolâkeI Remfit. On Applicati.n Dr. Canle fflot Saturday and Sun- d&Y la Cirlesgu. UmIs.*% ~Pfanconatill paassetelmm sa bosglatffi n, WednesdavF, F 5. .k altr =& Ilîneu.s. t theage of tony seven.ybssg. NlaePfannensqtill Eormetly lived t Slsary andi Freinont wchete sire mas met mMd favoiahly knnl*n.1 811e legeo ai&g I -father and moths?,1 Mr. andUi. jolks Pfannenotil l ainj lake; time .aitos, Nies Lizzie Planum- sitili of Gogyolske. and Mm .M«ry Rorcer 0of LntlOh; and îwo brotbers Joeeph ai bsit"llle, and John fhom M BeaIry. b sd . M AIuy other rlailv en nd f rieud4 [ i eu o t pla ce ami Premouf. A brant nec . m ai ar-i arriveti st li buhome ai Mr. anti Mrs. Brsry ls iY 'asket Ssii mt Monday moriilag, s nisPoundi o><- The (irsYO4ah.basket ball tesa ieaslly Ma. anti ]dm.J. jý Losagabouili ae- detetee thélis oaulegan bigir sciool companl u itrson Joos andi la 1 yon tmarnai llage h40 al Batnurtiay nigIf au uto ridti [AiseBuff. The hp oa.abgs loeipel 1 oh camM aisellasgaurene srSn la tbe Guo iebltirabelnuadr thetiocta'i overmwbhn Aufit eof I54 ta 1.3 but lias cars th pistcot. @uai" " o fthei l4-81efteau comu- Aile tiade. moiticilsof Waukfgau, bnati àf~stSUate basket tara- ware guelte of relatives bers onmday. log ana 'Sors@lug provedt tualarge Mie elruai a bi owea ania p fte bboys frai the eounty at waaksgmm sanday affor spetidinat l'As VWsisèr esertîrpietihy theaba. seveval doys u'ith Henrry Kuabker anti genuofaiCoilg, brystiais andi Imapnron lamily. bat; neve= ssplayeti a bard upilîl Wî. Peekor mant ily ai Wanbsgaa, gaie autsl gst oddis viol idrelatives huies 1h. Obé, iffl=hall master andi harder Susds.,v.faugîtth"ii1athie aat anti .enuttiinaa The next numrmhof tihebntertwanent score 0o6INS f. lu tire s.cond bail au course@cwih ho ili aturday eveiDut &lGraplais bai inn ap an enormoas score tire Congregloaecirrc. Barge cailotii Ne alla meu Siauta lo Thare li h. a leture ilou lai y a talls hie paW eBrandststtsnplayedtihlb native allias M. B. churcia Friday aven- cbile gsassirIgit Irward anti matis lus. a] gnootiboclng tisapite tir fattliatShb - - met hard look lu basket sbootlmg. Orin Norbile e01LotsViliet mase a i- Mana ployai a gondigaule at enard anti er ber@ Monda. helpedtl o > lias score Joositi. Tue Mir, anti Mm L. C. Lates ai Wiimol reai starsmtrOiafie mere floot ait more gueateofot B. J. Loites anti tamil; rmnter andti Blurge t ftlbrward. Tbe ituaday. istoin gaa»ife mihobpla3eu t atWanke- abs ab« té 1t. Thelits up m tharge Brandetetter ut Chicaga, m sore arsen btole: epuding o couple a ekes euhhie, BrandataotI......ri .. ison, Bradbuiy brother William anti frimul,. Barge, Shawse....-Ilf.....O' 'Farrell A aue ndyo wntnýrc-LggttsBook ................. c ..........aloli Ahtclati ut mont .oie-uigte. Manuia. .... .......... rg.. . tynsié' el, Jn Cicltat bIeaIîuSos. Paddock... ..: .....lg... Wino Swarta Oeo. Sraudatetter. Jr, andi Ban iFild liasses: Book 12. Burge 9. Thiomson transateti business In Wauke- Irantseter« 2, Blianko 2, Manna. Brad- gan, Monda. bury 3 al.Osn SiriFs Grantipa LaftIn.bas lissa laid up adi thlo W : 161= 12, OFareeli. Mdesdames White. Schaffer, Fenlon, Langsbougb, ant iiss Daiey Doclittis ilii ettertain at a daning parly t- niglit, lurday evenimg, oStirbe opéra bouse. Jatige Fitchb las basa quit@ iii the pant meb. ]Notice Taxes oie nom dus. I wili be et Rounti]LAW.e, Tuestisys; Lake Villa, Tbureta; Biajalats. Wednesdays anti gaîsirdaywuaoli Mainh 8th. JoKUàfMfsat. Tai Collectai. e-2&.4 Mr. a mmMs LeNar smmd tanglter, John Cape wmle vist ai To ias GladMofi vata.speut the poot Bd me week ciii Mr. andi Mms.Tom Moge ie. Tom F.!qirw m slanW&ue~ Mr. sad XMis. GOulou.more colles Tnesamd brike fMrs. JamsWb st tb. Kolisu home Iumdoy. bom . it fr asmhivios. ClarmeesWedns of Milbri, liesbSu sn j . Welchb W.@idol& irsarita eaming cooti la tbis vicinity. John Straban. Little Warren Chard boa been on -the Blanche Olivet spéïaf Snudoy wltli Mis. alt liaI. Spenceri Zeailord. Na. antiMis J. B. Keller @peut Mon- dey aBthle Suas Wrights haie st Lbertiville. Haroldi clati"" 01Giaysae, mwu caliag an friand. inre Sanday. 08.11 & Clevelidhippati a carloati of stock Tuestiay aigi., - Wirat te the malter mIh aour iIs' Aid nacîety? Oh baven' me ns? Georgve Clevlanti mas a Chlcagul viitai Waduestiay. Mr. anti Mrs. R. N. Lismiler spent Monday milli lie formers parents at Liuertyvile. Mr, anti Mrs. George Clevelant enter- teineti a naîber ai Erenda witIb carda an Thirsoy svening. Liglit rehehmants mers serveti anti a goqd lima snîoye iby au. tir, antitrs. Chas. Thayer @pent Wsdnesday ah the James home. Arthur i.,.,oaiChicago. epent Sanday cli WiI t.Neii anti cailet on hie mony Irieurdsbiers. F. J. I)ruce lias sagrageti a drugglat lroî Chicago tut alescharge af ber store et Round Lake mmic lihas bean untisi the praicient charge Of tir, anti Mr. VinelttedWho cl liais Ibis spring. for tbir nec home in Texas. LIBERTY VILLE CABINET W69KS We -ake ail kinds'o! URNITURtE tARY TABLES, 28xl44 $1 7.0 PAIRINGO0F ALLKIINOS. ltering. Pictur. fraimea M4 Caned. Mira-ors Rsliwas-0 IU Work Prompt ly ExWcsated., 19, n-I Severai trom hiae ,allatis ie hemas- queratieaitiRussell c& landay niglit. MdissHatti@ Zantiespent Sunday at hone. Mir@. Chanvy Ns-lia le visiting -Miss Kat@ Gellen. Wili Welch je Bt homo tram Chicago fora femtiays. Jamea lTuter i oufimt lutire line cilli lagrippe. OSes oi Firet National Sale Deposit Company of Lilier-fville, Illinois, Januai, 30, 1913. Public notice in h.ceby given thal a à pcilimeeting of the Slocbboiders ai gteCorporation Firal National Sale rDepisit Caoipany ai LiJaryville, IIi. yWifl ba ieltiet oinlS of tliasCompany in >LIh.ilyvile. IM., onuhlb 11h day ai M Iarri 1913. et the boni oh îles a'ciock p. m., fta h ias. aIofconeidering the question afin raiasng tira capital stSk of saîid corporation JOHN L. TAiOS. J. S3ELEGn iiLE?. BENJAIu1-Z H. MILLEIL. 'G. CAîcaOLL 0GeînLrvY, Jau. 3.Feli. 7-14 Baileti ebacngostItIle LîngERTVILLE rLumBER Ca, Lihertyvllo. 20 PIER CIENT 201 DISCOUNT We are givilaï Fou 20 per cent Discount on al STOCK' FOODS Nem is t ie tts eavotage of tu itis m8sie a"d b«V get sock fond. Jo-. 1overse o Mon.a%, la hre, f John Brene send teroi Va ston '0n'emb. issilathientireas ibrelng nd on ofuSping Goulf it beoiitc ort Gore hea l atie swerai su mubes rmm n geadeain i tri Ib eir otnBe.2. Jn Cuterse of lMoa a, laerie afur ahIs- ieon buslinf tp ei Jonb.oe blbants afor baiestiton f» a rs maare n aieancea. h Ai lasty aIra Smwl eth lait hre dseuin aioon d cor bodv eport a fluie lime.Th ea. omeeti. averyl bnomand mules; gedtaemen and ladie bThe asMon.ntRollndvisit andh letStherlaud;vIeiwalso. Tee maofisa lucs BbesonHalo won 0 rthprenle bbe beWt ctOeh. for be n itmeetn Paroe lthbi. estet place i. C whmo Tu alrgea actrnhen dea ch 61k.n veryodyrvioets a Au tirsisTi nuetin hcg . arclng oa afaire; geJontman ahdlcodi-s tion ti avor'Teon . tan h Gl1 ceennumireTle qult skmitg Mis. O. . Waiepeod ntWednedyi ÀChimicago. oi hcaol tkn AGIRL Alr 29 Mental and Physical Develupment Ar, rested for ElgOIs e 6-- cil For Girl in Mnneapolis. Minneapolie, Feb. 4.-Hler develoP. ment, bath mental andi physical. coni- pletely arreeteti mben she mas Il1 yeareo ofage, a maman now 29 years ýold, haspasgeet as a littie girl ln Min-I men, attorneye, social service mokers' anti even caurts. Froni the time she. mas 14 untill ee as 28 asemas em- ploye* tt tmork snch as le usually' doue by chiltiren of là or 16. By cb.anglng places every year or two sire kept lier employers and aasociates tromn noticlng ber failire to grow olti- er. Prof. J. 13-BMiller of the UnivOr- slty ot Minnesota bas prenotinced bler case -the muet interesting psychlo-. gicol cIndy of which ha bas evet 666 For hebsnmatlsm and Gout. LakeWs bit me oby-MDUWUNDINT- WAtJKOGoldsmith, blessafàa00 NEW BSINESSBflOCet he uni& he M ESSRO. JACOB GOLDSMITH AND ________ JERRY HUSSEY PLAN BL00. IMPROVEMENT ICON. PI L Jacob Godsmitb andi Jerry Hussey P 1 L E today admltted that they hava plans unerwa frth eecin f Co ured at I store building andi baseneent faclng (}eneeee stret bridge at the soruti r-Oi Nagreasy ointment o tion of the structure andi plans are ioy oiigupea te start work thus fali. 1 ioy ohn nl" The lot Io owned by Mfr. Goldsmith An absoiutely haml« andi Huseey le purchaulng an Interet fies frin ail aplates 01f En lt, the papere being under way now. ~ , j The lot le so iocated that the base- Bradley'& MeB ment wiil be deeper than the otheri Godsmith buildings te the south andi the disposition of the lamer rooms lale a @Ma~Ili lElastie Capo chat ia now holding up the plane, the taken thise or four th, projectora belng uncertain Just shal ht touches tire sote and 10 arangethenifoi.elW fqurck and certain. The building ilii stand on a lot 95 opeéu by 100 feed and i mii contain two stores blen.bin oper faelng the bridge. Report first bai miii yield to Ibisteatum It that there moulti be tour Stores but Seuil today for a 50 Ibile mont the case. Globules coniainig oz Announcement that the structure trestment. Your manej wouiti go up thlis spring causes soie surprise lnafaue ot the plans for ersct- If mot penseetrlioitief. Ing a new bridge. t hati gener'ally!g been expecteti that no more buildingi C. BRADI ln the ravine moalti ha sean until the Mf.P1ai< bridge wau ln place. but, according te f*Pan i Mlessrs. Hfussey anti Goldsmth, they CHICAGO HEIGMIT ama practlcially decidedtie1 go ahsat suie te ile box cisI SPECI'ALýI 20 lb.. SUGÂR...*.1.00* 4 ibe. GINGER SNAPS .......... .25 3 lb.. RLAIS ......S..... 25 C,7EZSM& FLOUE, bbl- - -- - - - -5.00 CER LOPUE, Sack....1.80 PILLSBUFLOTUE, bbl .......4.75 BRAN. OI MIEAL SHORTS, MIDDLIINGS CORN AND OATS RED DOG FLOUR ATTTII!131G STORE WEST Or, R. R. MR C. H. BARNSTABL Giire% Mlhnoi8 E YOU SICK?. for Poison Blood Uv- &e. D*od, -aCean e h v *9 l.UkSue e h Nerve, '~ hre... up~hs.FerCte.rrh. Sorefule SerHi aîum " Uceus. HuiRs Uni hopOen hIbe F OntiiMo, Hndoche Crun.m d el Ilourd nSy cause. For er mdu euffl e bM Mshia and Ast, pue.-"CHIL.LAX1' inthe worid'a i-cal. O«t.Abolutety sure, smat ndiuurmless te <hi, tyet meextremcly fatal te the mb isa. d"ine ca ss., ldrives the poison moairly omt &<ho minl 3 daom.A Mild Fmmily laxative bTihe New Discovery -Fur RHEVIMA71SM sud GOUT, deep- - fn1 d mm rely hopeleus cases, n «W «boadicio. UedbySpeciaista in 1," quarter .ofahm Globe. Pleasant co taite DonSam m ws u CZ .,ouM"dme, r-" dm sumeiiunt$ Cure Tour Kideaes For KidS7s Dlsd.m d U my%,ese, whM. if ËW" p* tede <o DrWgisea DIasmeekN FLSHi snuies peedy aiMd falr ro fejr long standing KIDNBY etablo.poboesmrb s stiseptie power -uit-irriu08»111d Jauwo1m"m«fAmS'MA&,Wupea. 11