31uwr 1usdae PoueNumbar 2260R LiNu betLrtYrille Exchange b eno haS1Ai0a~1~U~ @*1Ol, bve, mg: taxs .~ tholos fr Dsqi -berd tth- pomt.dlce Kt Litw>.ýriviIIe. Ii., sas lemrid Cl e f i. a oseu vI OlMail1I1 iul 1 ZCê 'bm a aa- WISla55d£w*1 ioyl eýi adI ut omgteSrtii.îevwt u Woeklv Adertitinst Rates Mode Known on .Mpli-ation. preun fldUy. T Mr.bas besuMuB elsi thuStiu~~1nl edl~ 0Io ,atOWli b i 'er v altii... i+ait 1- 41. cUbais taptltutl ySClTONPIE I 0PRVAR STRICTLY IN AOVANCE .conomlc lwoft -ndd ii= 1bis ben syitniae- alp tax collector, the . Bau et 19 conte cation thot thebooks ornu lie cloied "etsel trth si - , i - - - -- - caflyRICv, $1a50d.ER U7nj*§ 0= A tiuew1o corne up wu *0 e-ber taxai on IL lot itu Northi Chicago s.rlif baU usl>a.'AU perw,SatUu55 4ai th ..smi tme. *od, l. 4.,1 SMiTH .... ... .... .... .......... ......................rrpr ia sla le ored' odb. ind-fti.ya 92 t looihram nUtb ~I yMrCi1 tti~ pib.nlis sob u he '. nid* F.0.SMT4.................................... Manager stroyed, TtiW Ià*» t0 Deu 3it tIl 10 te SL&*rn et. 5Wfl-gula? fat tbSt It cm o20cents la t. at. ortei. Iaw gir tii Ollet1,thé. "au.poi.i'gam u ofaMd t* *AY . MUBBRO......... ...........................i> dtr n eeabe 14bindsryolbiqaime ~t a end the ltter.litr. Mutaw aoa afY uwanlpaet f~~ ,.ii~0 aitv ...... .Ct Eio atlonl l OvidencO l s#àW . inaau4, sho1w ttfut nludy it a>und eeçm .Notrube<f>n heO=Y spicimlInmi oishoq FRII)A i.FEBRIARY 14, 1913. keip .OtiuiippIy :fromlourlba i»,ý "P-le Z l - yenWho letaa ng touet 0f iiE-. ajhlen4i4 bslp giout * 1 bentrtai. axe n ante lg«Wmýl"-th Mit ro hr aIelos ê got<oby hih onvct c th uat mu, dortlie gotl4ofthe 4eliberate duXIpP-;rap.. Luat year mih.Sent ving amouatedîfo $124.94. Tla'h0 ~.ad Volv-h'a ai deenan ih c o aon ilInofais i'AdsMy 1CrOdofpttitoayolds.Uhubg t.hem for a prjCe! Ias made n theiftrnet O LR !1t~ rsiuafo u> et ht l.,bv low*rtitae ieC0.fIa-UOfls.boeen ttheyougi b gt. malles postage samsi.th e lpériton e o mbii eaof 04 i Asd @moral backer in mare lawouits'pThistho priPant"itheaCMtiin . Thia ItUi .-.,. ln addition tha ibis latter. another WUEA A ISTDA oitbtas eiul i.sl ui hman>, man Who ever cimed Lake convct gaber prevails i CMd5o ud O ilen in. goiount b M I.r aui ha 1, .rcle rm 'mi uQ. NNUAL. mr1o-THR bave bad a grolit educationl benaIt ety s hehome. in h. regard v arks wth grsat uccess. The rom"> .uwIsg(sb w>c 1osfi@ çaagn by,* l c anada. Otiers wer. teouived train O1FCRsRS XNAMD. exprissed b> the, sale. avueutîsasOol.And, thej ara lmproved far beyond thoe lu Il- s~.o' Ru. o. e aa.N.MMl ACi...........,2~ .wr»r se ms to thrîve off tham.ilinai., the canvicts like the outdoor iDn*.US5 creatu.,SCrflrtOCl. Li0 t ii CtyMalIst lgt ai tha b.iIUO.... ................ TIbeyrs lue soothing eyruP to hlm, lfe and overy blody seems sstlsflad. "pue" of bread nibtter1mb *b.firewould be ne-IBeahority eandtictea afi <. The 'ace tiiasie ostJ'near AlndeYSto n ................ ....4 for ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o <h oeh ei1.bto oAd h tt oeisbtapa oe.Tidgçould at ft, an4 b vuBeacb. C'-' a l., aud f Wth but. rsail.f Ii. msu thIlnis uaîUc meaUe ovAl hald Cr aio......... .......... 4 Nb..» it fort lgste goad rmade a nmo0mii et 5L ~ ~ Ia .faat f*r0birds mIça 1i* ncoae uaey for taxes. roeaffront the annual élection eof fteer o i. OtSeia........31.10 house. Table Ma* M M*4USrS d oaS pmctioaMy ya sr î3toqk place wlth maelta ai xLake ...... -..............3.22 lit le sid that thle convict laber isw way clear ta try out the plan liem .receptaci toi. e u *0 ite hé kga1 gljr lituiela vast* stance the, lots on wbi#b tuer a&W ib". falbowsa Giayolake............... .9 idluttiounr, u tt #seS ip laf upon Inlutlaxes are ocatad ln Nortb Ciii. gAr.Robart B. Conoily,, fr-.. preai- (Arase ............ .......... 9.2il edi h ortyad h dair42fscage. dnt 1r e < . Higlland Park ...............2.91 We sano sc wy ook ad thr plnedmalil tmiififtof lthe fs*iumr 111.1 mmous over u '*luletters 1 have recuved 1 bave dt Mr.rJ. Richards, Bretn e.Hi iweod (lit)>..... ........1.00 oaoà& tbe sent via parcel post as well as othii' flsiiitis -th&l rot bicausle hocannt o1gather Ibist lthe prope ie enInformait that the mority of odvc.roi.i.j zlie.......................25 ~0flf, or luIhs ge bokamdprte mttm ane aimut He knows thon are hungryfolS Wbo coUld est 1t1,rn. tiene womeu purchased tileir lots District Vie Prasldenlu-M.T. H. C. Lake Bluff.......... .......10,0.> MgLu ydiae"1r, Mut.aw said. 'lt " ll I.; Mir. Proctor, Antloch.. Lake Vili.. 6.27 alonaginthle phriters and publinhern 1 ugt oDe son of fi004 t eom .ma en crime Thre n»emr@ t sg ta b onnuÂe.Rael ll;1r ousSlaorra...............21 11àl isciaioo heai sfo lDs llos1k codt emais syndicat. wonas a mper- Lhbertyvilie ...... ............ 17.51 of he osofice eprtmnt vent such au Offenseaans humanlty by proviu for'...ca organisation wblcb rocelved a Becreary-Mr. L A. Dooittle. M)cHenry (tombier>............ 2.00 4~spar of11e pslofic dparmen.the pumsbIment of any set 0f min vho would be guity Of certain percantage for every lot they - vmsure-wm R......e............ 1.00 doing such a lhing. soadrd oftDiecio-Te serve twa Naval station . ...... 29.00 Ill esaton Oison as a director of a Lake C<nMin taiu- ........-,Tbey ad vertised the matter In the 1 year: NIilr. T. B. (Ileave. charnan- Northi Oicago ............... 25.4l tb PEO. leadig tempérance publicaton il M. I. Miller, If r. Hove. To serve one Praiie Viser................ 4.48 1101 phanage! Wol, thatempbaszeagaintbatMr.f ,EEHUNDRED DOLLARS OF RECENT. E10PLOYE OF THE soIover the. couptrY andi the world fôr year: M. P. l.....r.....r.....d.9.60 OUIa a pei'sonal interest in Lake CounV tbIingu de- TFREE FOR ARREST OF TH4E ' PLVS BANK( GOES TO NATL. thâ1 matter anld liai la the reasan Tii.ndesaue c..e..w.t..a.ri.in bis nesidence in McHinry County. Tien aan ot.her KIRBY WINE TAPPERS 'f ANK( MONOAY NEXT. tiers are people in ail parts of the vTheetaing s lit .tri g cRoun............4 bolders n'other counils wio have more Lime than1 Àwarld holding tille tu lots in Northu may aîîVoll sechsu e................... ...... .20 w ipiyim1 eimmetibtliyvA evrfrer5d of $300 hai becu affered Gra.nt Mchrthur, whos esilguation Chicago. an nye thm nti see afsoWiUaswortda................165 Oist ipa i Sniensbtte"ee o the arrest o!ftour aleged vire tai> et the People's hank receutly vawuale- **Theelots are iocated about a mile'!ea u icntaeful li aWauckgan............ ...... 177.56 liii desire or wilHignews w do sol pers wbo aiele ing sougbt lu connect- ed lu the eun, bas accepted! a peut-~ west of the eiectric raliroati tracin ea n ba lur flyaieteWtk" ......... .176 to____________In vitb aualleged sid perpetrat- te tie re al a abiand tiNortii ('icago and are practîcalîv a tbe adventagsmof!holding&tirat claseWinknotka sud Hubbard.a Woods eti ou Dr. William% T. lClnby, who con- bagins wvan there Monda>, next In a wlderness. Thay were aimpi>, subdlv- an the bhowines nd f or cîtbypul1W...r1p..a.. .............2. 00lt 1% would be a fine job for tie prisent aUditor Of tht4 dueted tie detuncu Klrby Savlngs batik capacity,quite similar to that hae held itird aete lime and nolilug further! îagete h iet poultry show ever oncî...........n books to gel a job for re-audi*m 0Yom & O0m- 1lin Chicago. 'The>, are: John Stroauil- at thé. Peope& bank where lie vonked w~ai ver doue 10th tem. Thora ara held in lhe State of Illinois wIli be o Vt_........... _20 drallas William Strosulter; allais for 12 years, or. over since the bank oipaeensudihdubfl<betinWueanlspl. sa.udit of Ivo years ago, wouldiil it? Can il bOenlupoeinsad ti oMli edln'akgnnx pig ~, ~ .~ ~ & . >~John Slba; John D. finarley,. alias slarted. tbey coutld be solti. tu h e.A ths eetnggé evofemer TOTAL . ..i. .................. $78843 * wbysa etu&tisinSuuainsolasARJî, o IB&john.<Graham. allas Judge Mahotie>,; -MnAtves ot Iunertameeb ting a8M OUVE RHED. 'tv ya p to asfeu wh county offcasPit areEae .F du uteFrederick, Nid., Feb. 6.-Released piald $350 for il and lit le nov assesedber we sîrongi> adise yaul u t Z in nChristms eal Commoittlce plcbult n lngiit lu as statet tram jli windows bars, ta whildbho for $15. Thus qie pas' taxes onaI_________ ,v enaf10r e a to festh"lhe veaeloy SL i;that the Lynch & Harding Déetive bad! been bandeuffed whitliven 15 valuation ai but $5. 1 doubî If sueanihp godtn au. r. ! N moe acout tan ii viiagS UZOEII'>'Itlbes for vifebeatlng. Robert PhIlUps Stipervisoit Hiram l'are>, of Bauton lulie sm beah i dnilbi adi de ot panageîiy vouldythe read. act mlyaeuut a hri ~ould Lot anythlng for lhe lot ifmise 'bai rcntedl bis 100 acre faiM te AI or ecods eynd wô oue Nv.,FOI6.-'rnï accs.gan, vho appliat tire liait.and,. clamp. vere te attemapt teo eil IL. Severai Congrean umiira c. Copia>' basin. iDriscavho ls 10 ru i t fer' a ysar et têkpmii*lo v emr' atdit o eod çn w eo N, t .-lakBc.Ing Piga'o baud, said: '"Mincitoblig- limes i bave received Inquirici from traducet a bilîl luContrais seaking issat. <r. l'omiT wli rauve te bis ~.ThuI faneM!Of t* fact, hi, mjght iaki tWd va*flegm.tween 110 snd 120 years odaidat. heliff." Aften boing convictelà dîerout people ln voeu",- parts ofn appropriation of $20.0410 vith whîi-bungalow to lb. South ii t h. farcm. laacertain couny officor o! a fîww o &u 0 agG et the c«>"ty bo*Wibel ylHe Phltiipepreiferria.the a'ippinhg pont Ii~ vow.~tu~ya l orspiai u l cdllei son. Fart vbo bu bee tuai- remmmberetid osaI>, tbe'liret lusugu- te 60 dit l jolil or a fine ef $25, ai- t- ittvta l rdvlowg t ayael o otf'el od ilng lthe faflui.tgte remeve tO Zion le he aMneffdy OOUM qusio lration ef Madisonas Presidont. iarnaaives deerseib>,- le cotart. 1t e v lite value oft noir iota se that Moisis. City. J--1 f.~ Fl.r.. st. N oui.. Bun fLYr~vte Kr the bîmefil and assintance of depositors in our Savings Department, vo have adopted Ibese hniiisoiiiii îiickie-pI.eled banks, and viii Iend ou@ wlthout charge Io auy pÇn'ofl opeKing an accouiit P, A N . o R sA V N G MwE YTb as'la banks help yon to save, as they alford a este, convenlenl place in whlch. to accumIulate i-> aati amoutu, and am ve keep the key, yoiL cannol ho temptgdto spend what yon have sgved. In oider Io give eerqone ait opportunlit try the nov plan of saving We Joan a Bank to Anyone -Who Wiil Open- an Account for $1 .00 or More. CAPITAL' SURPLUS AND PROFITS PRESOURSES OVER Oua' rprsesatve wili MRi upon you to explain Our' SBvins.pis anad wll le,. a Home Saving Bank with you if Y"u dqoait a dollar or more vitih ch to openl an accoeun REMEMBER YOU GET THE DOLLAR BACK And the use of the littie bank couts you nothing. We solcit the moneys of the fariner, laborer, meçhanic, clerk. teacher, capitaliat, professional men, women and chuidren. Cheerful and careful attention wiIl b. given to al depositora whether their accounts are large or unail. A dollar saved today may be the foundation of your fortune. The person ia wise who in youtb provides for old age. Titis table shows the tesuits of steady. systematic saviflg orfsmail sums for only Five Years. Amourt ; Interfflt lJepomited Earned 10 cents@lper day ...... . 5250 15 cent per day . ...... 273 -1:., 20 coto pr day .. ........3i <00 25 cent@ per day ..... ..... 80 mt- per dy........ 40 cen tspr daiy........ . .3000J 50 eetaper day.... .... 91250 75 oenaper day .... ...... 136 75 $100 per day .................. C82., 00 1.25 per day ......... ... .... 2,281 27, 1.50per day ............. 2,7 37.50> 1.75 per day ......... .... :1. 193 7 200 par dei ............. ... ,60 M $ 25,000-00 11000.00 250,000.00 OFFI CERS: B. H. MILLER J. L TAYLOR J. S. GRIDLEY G. C. GRIDLEY- HARRY C. MEYER President Vice-Preiclent Cashier Asst. Cashier Teller DIRECTORS: JL. TAYLOR J. S. GRIDLEY B. Il. MILLER GEO. QUENTIN WM. WALROND GERk1ARD 8CHRSCK ALBERT SAUER Begin Saving tA~ay and in a feiw short year ou will have a ciapital wlth which to go into busiuee or btiy a home. DO you know Ihat if yoli save z5 cents each worklng day for five yaryou wiIi have accnmulated, by tie aid of the interest T sWII . o~rsIf Y.0 Make The Ef It's what you SAVE, not w4t you earnthlet min" WEALTH. 3 per cent interest paid on Sv p eýmoits, compouuded euanaly Under Supeso of- the United States Goveumment - 'r 4 liai>, saviuuisKb o Fi re Ypars Total Auout 19824 :19648 495.60 5914 -2 991.20 1,48680 1.982 40 2,47800 2:978.0 3,46)201 '1,964.80 1574 47 22 Ï8 7) 157 40 19175 2M.10 27 -- 45 314. NO The abov is-on a basîis of 3 percentper annure.- 1 1 ! 1