~$h4~u5. C.oem#r~r.ot. Vou&ejan ..N~ 41.W AT$WA 0T0#4. ms. î-m- ls LMI T WAIJKGAk4 BOYSALOÔM flMàU5TPAY fi#S1', ivT CJ,âtmr>w -m' WUN m EuOtumD lIi'U IK8 POLICE MIEL'JUOGE WHMNRY £NTIEREOJUDG- ay o. Saumon, soi e« W. O. Sam- MENT ON 1VRSSDIN: FA JOHN UAM WHO A FW DA'YS 0a,06the t a! hOwnu cei and a4_ B.ELLEN jp4ICINBON, 104, MAS BsOY APPEAI TO POLICE FOR AS, MOUS SALOON HMJa"s ~m BT A#0, hiir a eu dîte olt a ««N I RE OFDAOMA WEDNESDAY NIONT. ZION CITY tSeOKIN« CASE TAKEN -,Dl»AT Il O1CLoOK. lun.Washington, 1D. C. lit. $"Usladb FOFJ11MEE AVILUNOIRstudied law 'wbile lu Wahlaaton,,St ASK- TonyICrger ! 8rhugstiet UDERADISKPMENT; BRIEFS NAD LIV» ON WAUKEOAN SOME th.e Natoua nlvrlysdguai XTTER 9ECEIVED FRIDAY AK oyKoe f Pi e-t'uWILL BE MADE. TIME #ANDONCE CONDUCYIED ue aiUhnorersiysd mTlrd atà lmG AiD FOR CHt&RCH WAS arrested at a laie hour Wednesd&Y toawt ooe odaie l" ANSWERED DV DAUGIITER nlgàt on comPlaant of his12 Year aid1 juige Charie" Whltaoes c.Modai EXPREs. BUIIINESS.ra hth a us eýAmte 0 son. Stauley (reger, vho clmlmed hls a! ternoonentered Jueguela SotheI Tb*r&#y thataslae lias lostheDtanthembtred h MMs Eflan jeukliisoi, 104 years old, rtber lad bouton him unmercliully verdict, for 8.000 i the casa of Cath- li ~$Betla eul fti olebrtea bleItBurlk tre~ Uc l nud that h. V5aafrald ta roturei home erlne Ourlen agint.. Stolarah am is dvieather la Wauxega dled lmat Mr. Samson tg vel l novu la Waa- Worh utickatee, te ldstfor fuar tat he wonld get auotbqr George Cesser, two saloon haupe. 31811t t aIUW ocla uthei. De M-> k«g.a ltohau ho liehem cslu Wah- R idamL t ke county sud parbapa tIaAt Onra aMotion for an ajppeal vws ter h..pi. BlsUmnme vsJO"n lngtez ter beu eansMiong thiser kasiaas cflIlUDole. 3 le elld tO ho Tva policemen accompaaled ithe boy maie.,*but Intar thu al, a wllmn 0mb., a meisat orMarket street. linth* Oam place M asaelo lrk oge priday it -was feared a" o uit te bis home et 11.15 o'clock sud viii-and Inigment waa eNtendr. CMn O'. I ý Who wu35 ru CidMdand segr«À" yta OMU4apuuauGoeras lef ta de ou Sh lain ltW ti! ut ic hedoor whitle ith* la Brilas lad mmcdthe saloon keebm uon Who. u ontti14e vus engagsi luthe Ua ftes, vlan ho vas ebalrflan aithe and__ bernrelatives furase teppad lu. A cuit on the ssr .vwb ie h.grougd tat titan hi souli er -PI ax15bulUn sINý4'-wu vs oui ith iCOMMIlttea oM naval &M" e axae sway vflbout regainlung con. sent theboDy spinun u s ereeev- liushand Ilquer stea ismpt le abhaBeismlust Baturday ave: u hs cvai ass eaataLu.1 P. Pa& Oussest A raild decci lin belth UtIOn ieidl&Wy lthe policen é- on the. "blaCk-li15t2' Ajury lad ro uE.RsIseSlevr dOlli si i.secos r oes hI ba soot a week Np. on ThoUra- tered the bon»mansd aller a skarp tas- cd a verdict lu lier gvfa erta, ,oo. offsMd tha ahI. Uoughlns i savent am or the eeMnttese. 1 h apiIiaacmts ci5 %le lced Kruer lnithe police eBib This tle tilret lime lu th' hitoi plce The dm wuvasprintai exclue- Ur.Surson vawu ov lu W.",- L;dd stncs, that Urne ehleba roc- tien. He vas allowed ta go Upou. hlm Of the clu that smclia came bas lbeau v"Ny fiMaIf~$s 9l-.HO Wv"aouedSUgan egst ccis mthousab avins hem, Mnis meon Sha lis. aten noili- owu rccognizaiiceansd ie heuring bas trled heme aud tbe tact liat a jury 1by the iuoeSUd glveii shelter. Tues- gtgnogiple for varions attorays, Lv 4al~ beu set for SaVBuday mruag o01vasu ntals o returu sasbst,,tt'id&Y Dr. 7 01«. CiyphYiclsu. eiaiu lacdinclig Orvls & Beaublcu, ClaIre C. *eges l U eirtoi hsvai ot aidaas.,doutieeviI d -ltisuMdseat l&lm ta the 1boopItât 11ivards. Judga Persons C. T. Hey- the SthGanrateft thi wek aouu ofdamaesdouties wll bera ho hoped ta relier. ha lm ii- iqeker sud ho alto vas court report- h us..ekineon complotee a iii The boy appiared 5t tic police &ta- have a salutary eeacIoan ailer sa- ýu mualn oee.tn ubo aCrutcutfrnm so ~~o. acondition of affaire verY lion on Wednesday evenlng sud tld loon keapars lu the dli vho mai 1alot .ataton. Havee ie r t ducl r- l u Irci coutfoiO Irm ale.z *Mud. mile buaeven chldrcn. a very pitîfol tale of bavtng Do place have Deen vrlatlug tbe la inuthelthtahe fl w eap 1dmoffse thedur. Hf acemarr let (rk. n e. Mul olilld.en. 48 grcat granichi- ta go sud not knovuug vharc haovw paL Nov that ludgmeut ban been hglech etir ofe b o-0Jacndavi uv cio eng tva reat-grai.gadchil golng tu sil>becaume hig Parents bat f eteed tiere la nothing for the tva 1tor's Intentions ad sule tnîglit hic toucher. HB isfttedied luat lal - teslalg i.atremeselus hmsuumercituly.-Y TV a hbï,TeU00n eepers to- do but inike a set-* succumbai. Washington folloving an operae.tian. ntuia.te ekinm's codiionu 'tii vs vryuuc80ucd ieunWilliam Orabu of Geneva, a brother. mn. Samson u as Damilu ka Fm,. là BtdsAsiiUereiit ecileshave youngnter- The police looki hie tori The 15v regardlug th, mlllng toan~arvdleaeirl eoeh ic.etl 84 eu dctdl i as isy s osi-la gooi lattah sud vent o the Daî's habituai drukard via bas beau black WIth him V0" Dr. P- M. MareItîller, the . Waukegau sohools sud ithe Wauk.ga uoaied a aYasni -hm it ikeig u fsgtlisted by bim vife lu a very severe, famlly phybettcLsn1Bath vere preftnt! Business collage.. t>e. vil!haten t10&s cber lehome)u vlth Qhlmdtekeemmdiugi on t ai alghtng- panes saalas it le belleved 80 that thiiy cauld vatcli develop. one sud vhie It rarely le teatis viOaiateed teiaef 1 ungt ~ iva ut fe das e ti ente.,ti the lu inthe celiasain the botter! rahm U"ntu Waukegau tamfle- &Ion lhe young man smv the.oppor- Tis8moruhng Mr%. Kreger sud ber ofa the argument. It le probable thet neya sevral years ago and conduc- tunity of studylng ileuite nation- 4 eaIYd uelisaiappearcd lunlthe olicestatIon aller Wmikegaa vomen vfIl artcd su exPreem busincss. He seelled ai Institution and bas sInce appli MMju aiumusonreceivai a sud gave tbeir ie of i tory.M imailiar enie ln case (ici laid lIat fairli Prouverons for a Urne, but of 'himBl cloal ta the liau astt aa tàm aurez, O.. lu hich ahe Kregcr througli au InteTpreter. declar- tbe lav lu thelr case le eug violat- tle vswu andanes]strette, sud oten liceplng up lis. vorli onthe Unaval 10 Me IOte ter, lucloshag ed th. boy lied beau ,unrusueeed.i sIpPIt tf dama. icommIttea. AccordIngly. hie trieuSe w hep ci aciircîfoream ure s~ sli be culiîlo t I 430 'clck u l. atemoon Too libaral libations for the lad 'wlU Deoglad totaueau h51 halias*du- tu hevp, ot a clirc Y leep hlm troum runuhng avai trou Juige Brne. completai hlm argument iBeverai menthem are hlamed largely for esfolly pasd the bar examinaln in» leau-hom wauteal&Km.liFcoutheb.Zîon City smoking lis. condition, bath fi"al andaupliY- > sud tbat h.onov bas enrollai as ana 40 raI»e. h.det ou s On WOdflOSdy. Sbesali. Bb* gave e aud'tien prayed the prrliege aeu.0f the legal fraterntitl of lat dIstileL ,&,*iUt U c ac se ecloouail lm a vhlpping for stoaling snd Uic of submltting a briet. Jndge Whitney Dr. J. C. Poley., ePhyiean viio ulththeMegth"thelad rnu avral.HedIld not show up took tbecase onder adisement sud'attended Galu. tais aftercoon gave i1A C I TA vue« iand t ise asa oue- OmatStlet.ln the eavong sud aie par- gave the attorney ton isys lu whlch i ts d itztn ln to> est4 di net kuov lat had heomme ai tu wI.TIre bis Metaf.The defenbeainî!LM resultiug fram apssiurevawbat NORTN CHIICAGO, te a .turotpodIgUlella l.Whou h. dlii arriveaelle mayeatheactlon are givan fOve dflamsdice aused Gr»W doutai. fMls lntaper- .a hiauband gave ll a -coutli- plaIntiff lve days for argument. 1 ate habits maie him malle talta- A riuavwar frelght car Iosded *wtt ahnI, alim1e note wv as, ho vwu gettlug home Mo umi.. JuigoBars,maie a stong argu-n the eladara, dahsidovu the sillet.a tqà.F«r sMa Utle lUme, s"a ays, selliMnitai appoumna to Demakig t. ti re sud the lspaoe acalim drgevaop- ..a i CccapaI *-a le M b ave hem thiialg a test case. Prom hlieattitude I &p.f u la rhChicago tais morutflgsud et sadlng tha boy to a retormscIa.! Puers l.ilucase au udvrneruecls- The body le eaI Mdêa a !Wa'aIl- 1 etiidunage vfhlci viiaunt ta wpl.ppnim hére ho cauhlaiscipline&.elle Ion in eaiat. tat h lie IappQI «Wldngil establsmnt W'wbt toussada af dollars tu usolasci tbepapr 1m'Wtbuhft a bec.dvlse foitale the mau«tte the hlgheest cou fmort I nceaieHa eovi eevrevhene fht fonerai snd th. building. YOM -,a u 1 la 01v. U vti'Sa a.Attorney flpli Day, uiita nt & CsIa ity' connS iai the jtg telta lae e 10151. fac fmnnrol sa gS y oI& oo T o u l 'h police today ssai tlhed oae- riglit 10 coustrue a stauts vb"lerî icvi . ý taeir lIýee, BeVOMI OUItheinr *plf lUs tIai v» &M 1te siim>la troubla vf the iiKregelboy ltter laBuat ezactilyplsin c. a point oKO ~5 elviug Injuries ia the smash'up. ea.i £110113 a PU lmetelUme snd srehnWlndMtua s kirMsla heUiccase vtihiregard la __Wlam Athînsou laid tva riba brac bos e..tr t zcoMu lait bu ladeverved the vhlppiag bis f&a1 the smoLkig UlIter. O F ex main, tra sund Mle bulez sutatnei Itu- a * mie m ho we ter gae hlm. II-Jurin t bia hiaad._ Otiiers savai 0W a àl C»DOMa K. W UKV ArtOTfiIdAu< REPORTEO NORTH ONiGCGO WO. themmalvee Dy Iomiyng. -Grcus vsla 10« 70urs BOTHE RE OUWETSN0FMAN UARRIEO *UN WHIO Teammtre vera ait orli unlcadag AMd hsMdM h RTNER EE 15WES ANO OF H W PUT iAM S AT ONCE LEPT HIER. , claders for the. clty froamthc Cyclone a siedS 004 1 bluou h SHERIFF V_ . .GREEN. -The gosuipe have bus »y viwteli #rack t su aarly bour ibi - bcl sai lo vii ineja -STATEMIENT 18 A REAUIATIOM vask ltii a vlld aid voly fitaleormornulng vheii the varanig 10018 ef 8viSam e eMo"estar The oanim rage-4r tanlliaPat the AOAINST CHARGES MAÔE UV a North Clilcago rouas vouoas vho j# a big trigalc angine on the EB . J nigltin lutheccanny 1jeu lait Iglt Au- ORVIS ON MONDAy. beportai! tuhat es.em uMied te B trctdt à tenIn vas arrastad on complaint of hie 12 't'Pm fmi y-n choses, WilIoli dec mtsembe iimanebortkv A car of ciniers vhicb the train 'lira, ll."yeïr ld oy a, vwsarreseli&gain ilut woIdyeu pesate tho cldoste mpreem bnssl$om f . or a-cevbi c a iatp ftb u Mmre.Jmebmm wisonvsleu II lit htou a charge prefeived by Ia s 08004 tsiiaiUhe u wd. sofheraiaxce a ete h o fteh tIboltter rmd fi b lalilirD'ia.vs aiAtnhd buot- a rnom M"aàiohsd'? lPMI.n0 ruas:sA vas bearlng répilydovu upon tiien lutJaealla.Ia.ls an - Hm ae ookeh4if hbhU Ccess OM l a W herole e:Asuad It, vasby the cloaent margln liaI ff.ju otr" u 9fll~ a, aasIf h.Iouier ge 9 tsOrva uan esith mm o gRse ihe or c4lutrod#M &-01w s ~a vI. A itile Iner. Kree. ag,. ii amg s mUl Ma ppreuice alaler a the mesneaaeddeath or at laoui -a b thtsak vIlelsite ratuira- gais vilssnd bie laitier appeerei udapia*e i "Mas uwm nmsein w Ot» ievauli laie em es. oucaae ttatheyMd baW ue clia- «OI etteitje-YOUSIA valualle plece of machlnery liaI 4tf atsalln Sud ealoch-a oanah. ~ . <vu bohalaSunicadai fortha ucv plunt- beiu0 l»4 1gl11o t te om jli. Êbypz it- ewmgie o' as nssalied tutua a vrtlm ba icce las Ibec a a N5imt lThe cs. uulWa televu abmel 55 e eebr fn msc fu-ptru i upn ter tha lm se40 vmis.by PoIl.M agIDWtrat.Water Taylt Ia lorner1Mayer J.bc iuttu hr.i oft5U f lu lIp iikof lihemen jumping thm- Sbok@ ua Irolasii, Wburm«Ocd ttleMUig.Thc case lioUghtUIa 5t hao.u l"tsmitls ta11onesthe tMot if eothio. r sip an vgrt io sela tfeco im osr h sois ta BroolMn N. T. AtuKreoc by ti son viI lhoOeard --lst file a«U becanmalme>.CM& m-~l oIecuto aadyugLi ieatOv.toiI p.I obae~ ip te **ka Ahaahastoo uth vîl0fbu s"bybt to aUega hve heboy sen tgteratonS but.Mission ds masthe waler _ leutata ut - sud g ana neatth i g vin- 'W"M ae.r auea u TeaotmaCs. alu ff Mn ntW te b« giBd- d rmsdemolimhod. ltl I flet Uttle mer« thai a wUe ". Tue Case of Arthur vas howutroublat e i 0~pn.' t Utraste-u -that tedeusse vrout t ill et lie ga. ealein-atei arrest na achargeairafewa -o vs ivas 0 atluntia t 11 at M iTb@ sethat en . l I.,os fcmaybc frqleavîeA liclorte er 1041h brtbday Man vIe clalisi Neson la i shota meetIng v5tMU e ea diSt N.&<B tuioeg u Is hmlgt~n u udIang. l Clrlalgmaiday Li a sulu falrly bosla lb isemoeat whitle shootbag aitleurs or ilti!M lhvas lsa41d aoe1 rts e. mnwS > et ai. Ta Iju r ç escae o »Me haia.caasiderlug lier jsge. a tArgot. valheard 17 Plice liSaIs the Mayor iqial. AAWvay. 1di IBie f to mrmiXi nn oebteoy- aTheijrdmnweecdfr »Iotten said she vas not atraid latutriteTaylor. TheaimaVIlli tti. p- a- i wurlatgo.« ttis MnuOmis eUiMoab M01,110«.-u ocl dectors, thePhiysicien for the, l_%bu ie lame lime le alwysctuiîdae 9 9 lit.trt ( a) pee ..us- ceaItvsi yn fs tgi]IL. J. & ]ELarrivngsaomo lime star. but ai ~ ~ y@ho. dAims i peld for ithe garmet "Orvis mye ,an talg t0e Wt si sht, e it,.pri 81 fimaJ mfcasvrams n h cn bon usweelta ober sud mia vould The bols vas an laslgnlficmt ne, The glory. LIm in f~er ntelliut ODl»Mi of er gJ.luoffiatelo nthe imae ud ta iv, a fev years longer. Bbc iulàfltrlie vuns for s»king Muray itnft t - -i*i ny li t »Mâfev>ltteW 18ts~M5 USO5ihf* oiting > t f th e n amae e nd liasbeen very praud of ber eimoApsy orleass 0051 edgi- iasadmlaltoradpoblie g' otUs4rs ueetvl theiIPut Vbsdimen. ,10111 the tact thcat abc woavasable atolas1-h.olbubeas u fl ode, lb. a lu e al- la mlla Idv semheerainse esa qu i facl aIse a al ]t y. hy baviug Nelson puy $5. Tbet oo totu wt, asMM m ormenbote. 1os !fie s'y- D ig lB tai 1lb thecrin crav ha * ¶lUuidqule upyiy t 0a few egaînet hlm vas lien dliesed fMMaî _ ago ae 10k gral dit he ual dOnc go Chief of Pole. Atter. 1 k jea ,.Opnasatas uisi ftheuayi~s.toue clnesllg Ile by er d sio hotOkgratdeIgýbery soo eay sbaesl --1lserie4fttt SoOOedugS »u " «k olg h" cou @Mgance.eyweedon rlebaod islue Em enfral mtia firear ta iehlm the asty î dm s ftiin bg av491t1ta.-*ville Tb@cliunla %uqeIsoi. t. ate ta he l eihIng. for ebootîng enltrearm vîthîsltmite.t or ti e it atte a" hieaction 'o toe aiam iith* cm a« Vctk 01410811. ,John oBlaau anemploye ofo!the wer te 9M ldday," Go Ma Ate à hoe. cailloug tale meeting vithegin#te *4*let 1015 s4109ia aMd e ltaa ity eîî- ~cellciiminer Injuries. vereticguaiaiddais' 01 Mn Afon Clué. meto bu pissent vas obly 5511c ir téuetIersai ~ ~ Atog~fl aaasenst ~Uturemarked. -These new Feulx Ptookun gaI rather ostenoes mure on bis part. Why go parcn h leIe rnss14, tCll l adwutonbuIns lan ai e ii polelule thae lin- damaageiovws4 #l grlls ouade0fdllrsl. ac tutn De:ai Iglbu gie e eserayafer ndmwvlen the po-i.ltglie have tia lutak e ctenutu sud not bes al te fa e*ssliStIcbera- lues veretestmires 'thevrech .* id fashoned wa', of d61ng Il(,-e rrlved 10 arreîi hlm, look t10big if Orna thlmlma h.eeau t aven anI baud. namef Usacva>fiust n.Orea em rý Jenltmuon net er haiuebesanSd gave the off ice qultea ac5s.D hm pnai<pasa h euls ie mofr tdphda t".Sdbnuia imn iIgl sf#lb railIoads, treet Il wshooked ou a charge o! disand làetsmea.b ourtfqmen I mIe vr 1indesue% allen as desu su cthe cdetan asgvnao f bMayor Biiaper riglit alon biu <Re I i bj~e$aclose proxlity taIthe vreck u1tIch .Cod nfidÜfS.ther ride n1._______ mlnSUùnei thnt as extension of the cliy thot Ume, to~p ~lad tier a liincme vira- Of-lând a b la~~~~~tahe I.la ehe ly proper solution ior7 lm, à uM Marnl.bwi.e'teipn#n Imàe ol fig ~~sl~u a tg Word ha% belen ri-ceIved bere- of the, vtrtrouble havanssdih., ab seeri tlo yl : -lelm §«n«dmstrvol in- lratve cur- deatb le Kenia of Arhbîr o'îîaraiMoro deteenthai liashaven lu ý tl1% undoalledly have met, vîihveyet- G:c :. 1mon a! the ho. Ijvustas b so fte aePtr 'iia.Ieý1- oWadM àwxostnt UsretoRts. Ça'Pesr ie l tatot lie o-old h e - in 51«. Leal notices of tthé'Baniue :- IrbTe opeistor on the cran, bahk th i- t-I Vaukegan -and wafs ws- I krown bere 1. teproeet futaiIlapuoyro uelienone-okt i rcd-ahnPt _tThe tuners ei w te be ?d liror ho à morni sg et 10 O5) <) k et St.Ta', show tlipt pelst aeorgroreet ta theiAs poOl a14letI for07Chi4agh a YiBoni Taupe, nîglm it e robaryll*ot.ti ost.Utatmpa Ktlevains Pl"5710,tuie The vreckred machine vhicb vas a ' eh uc -r ' er-poalNriWe au4epot le WuusUM sui eMal e *4,0 0 i lnt 0traveling cran" for lie galvniizing ch ~~~ a tend h~busau-ceiaa pasItion ès day opera- otil fLUtpropcrty t.e stuaficlalie roomi, sio erpae uie0 4>OtI& s t F rw s-fElgn tn a 1h Ya. paeetdept. ~leoa abrur> 51h£ , -mblda, o.90, dsie, scrding ta lntorutien re- Sdîs.i~~i P.cIIdrinofEline :;r-Place la the local depot bu bbeau fThelaapplication twu"Be ve .cov*d fromthlbofficieis sud vil Iceedcirui jugeof hekmb y E, roya, fonusnly egotAnt Pvvuaff , e7li, m *t - egreatly dalay thsui gettiug tated i J ticrel o11thle vacancy thea iectric statios n luZMCty, l"ho bViuNat, . n. t lI tb ot*rty'. the nev buflding.Unie"s a temio- Z #tLe ddea b lest Navember change Doesme ~ .~s rary crae ma cal rigged up tie sa1k !ÎlrY B. ' ~W ill-. Judge Ir. Mrs. Jolis BatometR9ghvOi î.l iaigig depa.rtmant vIlli hosearilialy t1I> l. Progresove ticket <>Juate j veso"Pm a uVitiauetth. e 11001t -e. &cd MrMm nimotfor oqe time. The nav uma- sQ8iýre Put In tbe ficld &aMt1 ta viRe vut M@sTUàA& L£- MN tUpeY aud fIMW, <Of 14 moue-achine, VIIO te-4lu a ry valuabi oMa 4 j b. cSsud socialiatu C=pulw »«M« Sb rIs ondtela oipleté iVeci. ,,.v~ loe Saai ami Co. ose 50. UoEt! it»lLe. Mo-ig ey 0dm213u, tasi0e v. mi eueaie n" u0 0sp 6v» frmuee Site saehpustlmlsamiel. Louis J. Yeoman Mr:Wilson Invites- Everybody to Inspect Ladies' and Children' S.Goôds Ladies' cambray and glnghaii.41eii*e 03 Ladies Stipe and Corw.t Covers .......... 10to qp Ladiés' crepe Kimo .. a......s.. *i.s0 o 89 comple Sine Lad..'Shirt W$1.2. [*5 to $8 Ladies',e1k liste, fle.'ce, woolen ai-d cotton hbuse. 100 to &Se Ladi«'C(ollar Supportes ad Unir Nt.....Sfor 100, Children's Apronp, Bm pore and Drexes. 250 to $2.50 Children'a 8houIdr Garteresuad Knit Waise .......... 250 Children'. Seis a snd Wind *or Tien. <Jhildren'a M4ttens .nd t4olf (Môves. Childrev's Legginîs and Sweaters. Infènî'e Uoato, Dremse, Shiris and Sacques. Infaptedliootffl and lho.. Infant'ea », Venus and Rabèn Shirts. Baby Blaule, Sorh Pauts and Iaaitary OShas. MU EASSO2TXUT OIF DOLJ.4 Comploe.line Reistal S.nltaY 0*od&. THE WILSON STORE ttauby Block. LibertyviIIe. A NNOUNCEMENT «We are pleaaed to anouae to our fionde lu this vicinity. th'tt we will ho ready February l5th with two of the greatest brande of F"ertilisera kijown. Geuai selSumeCrcp Gower nuiveom ......-... a2arsi . .... . ..... Ava'Mepbes.Aad Ste? paneent Po"mmé SsbII....4 t 5 oe blu. ...... i taîàp« «Mu ............ 12 Amek. ......B3eea Po s. .. .......l12te 13p«ru IusohshhPotka e 2 cip am We eau seU yon botter goodo'for leu mouey thau any Biru today, on account of ownlng our owu mine, onr own mili, near Coe"vlbo. Pean. We are ire. iromaU combinee.rtUii*. Compare the' anallufsof the," gçiode- with otbor brande, got théir prices, audthont cali on us. (, rbie. tu,' leutellt ç'o)u how by livesting a littie mnny lu thme forth-. Izera, joueau got biggei roturne %ban aa>y lnvest. ment on the farm today. Your y1eld in too light W. cmii holp ion. . The Meredith,,Mjin ~l MIlngCo. bau 3. Shmnk BuUdiSg Jh Nb"h. lhi 1in- ood, Condition. WiI if IB John-Y -'ù*eu 900 FEUI W"l SEREIA i Dai, * ci INTER GA&OLI I NO A WAU vhlch i ion aira and soi nov a. able tu ploy4i J. & B &bout 1 or awc fttri au Jum. but hi@ car 'vs thc me hlm np on ame vne * mbou" wu lu eusm -ew ve AT RaV. J. CALLI TOAOTIA ARDU quai glv4 coin la ti Toedsy bpnerM na kept of laugh Voilow =as read a recit Rer. 1 bour. A, laincara condillom deauli of tek mur cOls vu vas a m lpa am tkp von -49