LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, WAUKEGANWEEKLYSUIN VOL. XXI.-No. t. LINCOLN'S IERR-I 5OMORIEDI AN ÀT LOCALMI&QUET R£V. J. 8, LAGO THOMAS SPOKI ON ."REINCARNATION 0F SPIRIT OF LINCOLN.- CALLI LINCOLN A REFORMER TOAOTMA&TIR GILBERT RICU. AROCAU&ED LAUGH4; W. C KNOELX, SPEAKER M(ÂUIÇJION, Illinois, Feb. 12. - gYSr 2ZONfflPOOe atteuded thle ban- quet given lu honor of Abrahamn Lin- coln la thiePIMrot btiiodiut churcb on Toeday nght. t Wv$ heid u lu ii ýpr1o. >f thse câurcb. Re.,J. s. SLaUd Thomnas, pastor of thue Austin m. M ehurch, vas the chiet speaker. Git- bert Richards acted as toustamâiter, goe kept the diniere lu a continuai roar of laugter an a renuît of hie wltfy iioiig the. banquet a violla solo as. resdered by Nin. Rykoiff and liien Mm s.James Mrrov enterfained 'sitil a rscit&Uio. Rey. Thornas spoke for about an bout. Athough his subjeet W&&s"The Eolucarbatjon et thie Spirit of Ab'a bauLincoln.- ho abotouched oni thu coaàdIllon under vbhi vow live. "Tbfi detb 0of Unoln wua greMeran sd wa teit mure tian that or Wwbluufon.' asala the. speker. "Not because Lin- coin vu a greafoer mu.i but hocaua. ho vs» tabou awaY at a Umne aRen be woa abie tu do 'gornuoh good.lile vie a MartYr lte thecause ho ielisved la amd comuuanathe sdrnlratiopu of tkp wvend. Limcoln lke aIl auit o. himeis. -We chofs et troe .pour. bqMPa pletectatveidhave he im~~~ul04g -At abpoint U~. I'h fiG pen upon imla Cà -U ail-I.MPUtY and of the groat lOve cith$ eMaD. He ditd sot 1k. loup tod vouid neyer refum e te. "Y orne.00 matter vlumn st vas. He b" Ita Sont!word for al lad otte -4Comtued on Pue Pour.) FEUIS SPEEDER WILL JUIP TR'ÀCK; LEI FRACTIJREDI SEEKINQ TO LIEAP FROM MOTOR DRIVEN CAR, LOCAL MAN CAUGIIT IN THE WHEEL. INTERPRETER TELLS STOUT GASOLINE SPEEDER WAS TRAVEL. INO AT A 0000 CLIP WI4EN ACCIDENT MAPPENKO. WAUKEGAN. Illînols, Poli. 12.- FuIr tbat a gaollue spooder O vhlch ho vas rldlng vould lump tho 4trick, reserday afteoru, cauaed Tony Petri. 33 yeaus old et 767 Mar- lon stieet. te austaîn s frac.urod 11mb ands everai cuts sud bruises. He la nov et- hiae boe hih lie vii lie un- abile o avc for s»verai days. Fetri vb ls a Macodonian. là ecs- ploy4d aas aloon hansd on thoeB., J. & IL.' railirS. Tueaday atterueon about 5:30 tihe men lias! quit v ont and,vere noaring Madison stroot on lte'1, . . S. tracts vhen thse speai- r avee0theo lcft. Wvghioed fttri acrearnes! sud b.made as if bo jump. 7ue car vas rasnnng flovîr 'but hie foot cauglât in the vliel. in bigta hitt l etract it, tise othe ou ot beeoam fastenus! snd by the tics. tie car -wée stoppes! ho vas Yelling as thon"h mortalî vwounde!. o thée men that verkes! vitl i m carried hlm up hhi!]ut t Dr Ktobta oSe. on Om«rneeo treet. Her. Use excites! 4 healaneratels! he Ucoccident hla S e.* iben places! under fthe X-Ray sai ain. eamination vas made 0f bis ' la1we WUt. thseexception oetble frotbos 4bile on Use rlht tmg he vwu uthaUt sariosuly. ling lirulsos abo«tbot&Ri bues ud ns!l«. Fotri le sot abie tu apeait Enilsis à" àtM va oet through su ablpote tba r Ilnheatlon cois! luibtain- dMatebw o wy bas!je t u- - O à@Seh Mad beau bniaSsi le wM **m to fi% h. oue ist08>1 Imv PART TWO. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL., FEBRUJARY 14. 1913. WAUKEIIAN'PEOPLE lIAVU MONEY AFTIIR ALL; SIIOWN BY DELUIRE 0F REQUESTS TO INVEST IN NEW BANK lntcrestlng Situation Developed When Wauke. gin National Bank was ILaunched--Offlcers Swamnped Wlth Persgns who Wlshcd to "Ibe Permltted" to lnvest il t. lllusîtratlve of flue confidence Wau. ta ia'..e jlaceti $300t,M)< liadti tat kegan People 1haLVeilu libats of fb. aount tîcen avaIlabiýe.. clty sais of thelr bellefs that bank ilujFlielly. after the promotere Iliad s'eMmenleare safe i l '.estments, la tLb,1atltethetutsatter dowu andi goKtogetil situation alîlci develaped folovin Iler ta sec 'sho hail really been promis- t1le launching ofthtie new Waukegan ieti afin k, il lis saidth iey foundti iat National lisut receutiy lu Wauske#sn$2m i iitlad realiy bcen hilf promiacti According to affiulseons of mm@s liy 'arioiis tromoters, caci Dot knowý of the îromoters. wbeu thelebas of 1Iuig;'shat the alier had proiais. tile haut c re malle publie sud fbe Had te Sift fil Oown. nailoes of the men promntlng K4 lie- Tule resait sas thaL ftie pranilteis came known. tilt> 'ere deiugsd vitilb ildtu get together sud "divy'.' ulptii. requosfs 1la~Permit lis tu buy tockL.« stock as feir as its-ent. foi-,Lise lu- Imaglnp Wsukegasiu îpîe *"aklng Corporat i l hall piarînoti takiug a to lue allomet ta purchase stock te lu- greatr portion of il eniselves. Thor, voit ln as _ nontItution "fore. instesti of having ta ieek pe Yet. that ls vhat la ssdto have vdoua b take tise stock, Il w's aounti bec, the. condition. The ilank vas lu-1 they 's.,ere th ie position uofilaviîig corporaed for $100,000 and, it le nov tecui down on till man nd that.' carne frocs enougb pensons for «t«k (Continues! on rage Pour) JOIN WOJTON IS ANXIOUS TO FLY OVERTIE LÂKE. WOULD ABOLISII PARTY CIRCLE ON JUDIIAL TICKETSI WRITE3 TO SUN SAVINO ME SENATOR OLSON INTRODUCES IM. WOUL.O MAKE WAUKEA- PORTANT MEASURE IN THE STARTING POINT 0F TRIP STATE SENATE TUES. NOW FLYING UN CALIFORNIA IEGW LAKE'S REPS. VOTED FEW DAYS AGO MADE $1.500 FOR REPRESENTATIVES FROM HEREI A FOUR GAV' FLIGI4T; Il STUCK TO PARTY MAN FOR I4AVING 0000 LUCI<. SENATOR; BILLS UP John Wojtean, Waskeguns boy avia. tor, Is aniions ta malte a fligbi. ecrose bale Mchigan, t Wsqkegais snd ending at une of the citiez oppos- ite bore ou the Miebiganushore. lie Ïiasi mate a requet ta'lie SuIs tlust auch s feat bh. arraasged If possible, la a letter ta The Sun lie docarea hbR le csakIng fligilts right along snd &p. Becauso tise natter of ellmniiatIug the circlo froue the top of eteotion and prlmary tballots haa beau dîscussedti u Illinois tir -one ime pîsat. t ls la- tereutlug te uano that Senator OlIson of Wiui district, lu Lise Senate Tuesday Introduced a ýbilI to 'knack the party clrce'~ froin the lîtilclal ballot. iel peurs te have lef t aIl of bis hati ltjk bill upplies to aIl jutiges f i-oui munici- t beInd hlm. **My jinx bas blowu.' liel nsd city LtisaheSuçrenie court;p w ri tes. ? provîdes that tiie li-at voluma of any r Hls ltter. viscil le an laistreeltipa ballot shail bc devatedtiet caudiatesa one, folevi toi- tise judciary, visa shaîl fle prop-u Les Angeles, Cal, Peb. 4. 1913. en petitions. andti hat tise oldest Judge s Miiter Waukegau Sun.:iii point of continunus service shall Waukeffl.Ilil. I1hati he liat.other. e lots forg Douz Sir: - pIin.Plitical parties are proili. 1 Arn droplng you a few linos tu let Itoti tram maklug nominations. a Yeu kuov Ian0 still alive and hato Thse Vote on Senâtor. b"as goond tîme. 1 flev lu the. Ripresentsîtives F. S. Mauro votes! Queenscsouth international qpoot f or Font for Unitedotifates senator ut uhLch s te have lieeu '4w4, rusudy's lialloting t Sprinigfield; but whlclu mas changes! te o DO 005 loias Grahiam votes! for J. Han aviationfiels!. Tisa date ot the rnot Levis. anti Et Sburtleff votes! for L. via tromi Januazy 29 te Pebruaryr 2. Y.Sheorman. Titusa, escis represeuta. I pUlles!dovu 8x1,500 lu four dais. Net en b4. l it tive.voLes! for thse candidate advauceti 1 arn golng toê San Diego to111 it y Lise Part>. vhici electeti bics te thse. oehoMk.. Munro for Lb. Progressve over vitRi the Curtis. conspany ft e Gaa o h eertadSuet If tisey eau put up a littie sum <of Glasufor ho erlcnc at ud Sbut moner for ume for a flighit froua Los lifson.repti Repubican.enaforr.1- Ageo. team Fla rancisco.Shermuan lu fthe Sonate. Bay, If Yous cou arranomennp vllh B14 Wouîu* Tait Sîchelons. t auy clty acrosa the laité on sone big day for me ta fly &crosesthe.4lse lt' liacielora-defiued as urnarrieti me baba. 1 arn cSing baot tu Wou- malsîceof 32 years et sga or ever-wili kegacn oumi hirtlsday, April 9. I psy an aunual fax 0f $100 rearli, col. You heur of suytlulng or cous moite leçte4 along witb Lise rest of Lise taxes auy sucli des.], if yl mallete fliglitIl the.bilîl Introduces! ly BeaUlu lu e oer the laite. Wliats the. use et Iliv sonate liecomea s 15v. Eacli tacheter Ing if a mu canit de souletliig? Nu &bal ho entered ou the b>ooks of the more accidents, tisata thie luck 1 bave Iasseseor as taxable, "mnes, hé eau nov. My uini bubaslin. prove ta the satisfacti1on ofthte a"sae- Wtahng eu it he eetof uckon that thore are reanona abicis voulti Wlsilug Ou al tb bea et uck pt hics for matrirnony.' vili close vifithmy beet re.gads. OhrSntBl@ AVIATOR JOHN WOJTON.Ote nt il. L.0, jOgeleso. a- Curts-ýAiIovlng county boards Thiis ltter. togothor vlth otbgo er s-te moite appropriations fnot excèàedIug coes! dfrous Wojtu, laicatliq Io 15,000 a Yeaa for susu'ad crop Irn- lailt the tieat blus of lmotla ty- provemeut associat.ions. log ln thse Soutblan4, At trot ho ba Dr Leauuburg-îAppropriating 81.00 a ai 1umild ot a lev spWs. j$paInt a portrait of ex4ovornr C. but evortiuutg seenupla *l I .Dneu on lang ln the exocuIve of- nov. One 4htnV8amr, Wqlioo bu foo ebmmn ho oa0is. Or; and <hw la DuJouiia*-.ukng jurteata -Orhiia t*i«thM 4 t iouead of ' Wa* »* 6 . - f ad biseettU fil. éoe ei l 40~ *wnmb u 'na ig$jso sm f t". &M à" 11" IlIEu iWATER MARK SET IN PROPERTY VALUES'Bï SALE PRICE PAID FOR BERRY ILOCK ESTABLISMES RECORD N WAUKEGAN SALES. TIIREE COMPARISONS MADE THE SUN 0 TAINED FIGURESSON OTHER :UUtN ESOSBLOCKS SOLO IN RECIENT VEARS TIie'sale ut ftheBerry bilark tuthle prouaters of the. nov Waukegan blij,, Consideraf ion of $40,000. marks thle retord price paid for business prap- erty ln Waukegan. t establishes ftse hilcb water mark. and llkelyiŽ wiIIeel, that place for sQrnO years to came, for, It 1 an a hais about vînîsiar ta, the f routage values lu Blaoîîîiîîgtan. a city of 30,4.OO Comparcd With Others. The Suni las made inquîry ao ileter mine ho's the prico aid for tiis ig block compares vlth qoue otltîir sale, made in recent yearse of ocha siiosa locations 'sere equaiiy desirable, holld Ingi, about of the mre relehl4, alue. etc. lures tbe comparison: BERRY BLOCKC - 040,000 for 25 foot lot on Ganeagetrot; 80 fret deep-, makea value of $1,600 por front foot e on stase.&tract. 0000E SLOCI-4811ffl pad ta -W, H. Dodg"~y. Samausi Schwartz, 3 few ago; fuentîge cf 23 fej.] On Waahlngtosi atreet. 69 feet on Genea e treet: Maltas an average eft O60 porttruntfoot. GLOBE DEPARYMUNT STORIE-The OwiWIg 0fOfih* 810a peld 040,000 for site ahoie noe, aos ago; ha« frontage 0f 40 lfoot os dn.... streut and 132 on Madison stroct; maltes an acerage' per f ronit foot on Geneace stroot ci $m4. SEARLES BLOCK-4&40,04 paid re. cmntly te Mr&. Fonnfe Gracie by Chargea and Robert lnfgalîa for 47 foot frontage on Gonlesse strict and 100 foot deep; avera. of 51 per front foot on Gonoos. street. Thia la the one of four sales whero the building Ia loCatad inthe cen- ter of the block, rathet than on a corner. Shows Values ac Rialng. Thuuu, th. sale on Monday, ndicates tluat buelness.Rrap.-rfy values are na'w 1steadily rlaîng lin aukogan and that 1peoPle generally cansîder lnvestments .ln sncb property as tory iae. Wlth buaineessProîîorty values here. as Iigi as they are lu a city of 10,000 more population tissu Wasukegan, - Bloocsln»ton-it alîlvars as If thse fu- ture of Waukegan sa coneldereti tory promlalug blIr nvestttrs generally. Tise relative increase as sbown, by file above tbree deats Isarnerely tlue grai- ual nia. lu values to- the tliroe corner eites in question are ail] locate! ad- vanlageously aud flic buildings ou thé greund viien sales 'sere rnade, vere relatlvely of about the sme ciaracter aud value. PAOBLEM 0F HOME 61UOV DV PUPILS DISCUSSEO IN EDI- TORIAL 0F ELEMEN- TARV TEACHER." Complote ne-rgilzatlau of the sebeol day anti year lsasuggcstes! as s meas of dolng away vith horne studyj bi pupils In an editoriai i staternent lu thé curreut nunher efth<le Ele- muetary tichool-Teec ler' te bli lsueti teday St tb. University et Chicago. Tbe editorial asserts that the ouly 5t5y tu elimnate outtade work te W give tise teachors çi lange extension of tbrne fer condue fing thie exercice. The educational wrltor affrme that reorg&auton voult mean botter equlpuient et achools and au Increase lu thé teaching staff, but mars c-op- eratien between the home inS tise scoolut i lie the propor sol&uon. New York. Peli. il .-ýClaI.naaggre- suting $8.027,274 for tb. lou et0flite, lireoer and for péreonal InJuries sua- laina i tu the, Ttaulc ilastar lunt APM lbave heen filés! azsiathtie WblsStar line. ovuers ef tise nW-t os! steemshp. This vas Ube lut sdey on valohfilme claimas couls! bied. Doutorsa Keiovki u»i Elatmr tous! gapu , 1isse lb. Lab o*y Modi. vaUaLt-ut lIa meoapi ks.iRM POUR PAGES8 REVERSES TABLES ON liOLD=UP MAN; DISORMS HIM AND FIRES SIIOTS AT HIS RETREATING FIGURE F. E. Marsh of Highland Park but Formerly of Libertyville. had Encounter With Footpad Tuesday Evening in Whlch Masked Man Camcfout Second Bes3t. A holdup ui n et with a warni r,- over qîîickly and grasplng thei wea-1 etoptlon at the handit of P. E. M.%arsh. Port. residing ait Prospet street and Dale' Thera 'sas a short striîggle andj avene, Hghlnd Prk Tesdy avu- larfili hecanh. îioasessed of the gun.1 aveue.liihlaid 'aik Tcady ~ As the rotyer fled Marsh fired severali ing, wlven ho atteintiteil toa h] dtliejý hats ai hiau. The latter up Marsh waa on hiq way haiehacever after a short chase eluded iso, front1th Uietation aildliail mas*bad liiuirsiiei t hd L s 1101kuîowuî aether Prospect street. a few blocks (mot of I île was etriîck by any of thse bulleta. fthe station and i wtlîn a short dv -1Nlr. Niar8h out recently mOved ta tLance of bis haine 's len ho wa8 start! Ilighland Park (rain Lberi.yville wbere led by seeing a yaiing ion. ,afparent1 lie oieul 1the Gratton t sock tarin. Ilo ]y weil dresed, wili a bllack iûa8lei a large niau and was miore than Il over bis race, miel) out lu froni of hlm. maultch fortheii holdup. A raski "Throw up yau nas- lie arderedj 0f black cloth. whieh the bandit otre 'sas faund, IL had bean dîopsd ehile Marsh obeyed. A,, tIlhe haymnn a BearCinhi s intended victim'a1 fIle lien w'ere i4triiggling fer posseait- iockets the riglît haut! of the bandit, ion of the, revolver. The 'soallan. a the oune lu wlh iilit, lield the guri, 'as.1 2 alibre, h lin posseslion t fMr. monventartly lowered. 'larah qukckly- tank sdvanitage af (Mis lîy rcaching (Couîtiaued an l'aga Four.) 'WAUXEfiAN PEOPLE POLICE DEPT. IS ARE NOI ANXIOUS, NO'W ENSCONCED IN TO ADOPT BABIES TUE NEW STATION CAPT. COOK HAS FOUND HOMESý FOR TEN WAIFS HERE INSIDE 0F LAST TWO VEARS. WORKMEN ARE SUSY COMPLET- NO THE FMNSHING 0FT INTERIOR WORK. THINKS DEMANO EXHAUSTEDITO REPAIR CITY SCALES PLEA FOR SOME ONE TO ADOPT EXPERT TO PLACE THEM IN G000 WEEK-OLO INFANT MAS NOT CONDITION; HEAT TO PRE- VET BEEN ANSWERED. VENT DAMPNESS. las flic deuîand for liabii.s lu Waiike- gaul exaaîte.I?1 taptain J W. Cook, lsead af 11w lo- cal Lrancli of the. Volunteerus or Ameni-1 Ca. belleves it le. NoveraI tisys agoj lic alîpealefi ta The Sun tuasaaest hilm lu finduig a hoameu for a weok-ad( In- faut. Ilei las lîad na satiefactary ra. pty to bis llea and bas about mail. up b1îisîincilie 'ilI bave ta go clse-, 'shert-t ir h fiis a houie for thie In-1 fant. Ive had prctty gooti suce-s8 in findhses lihomes for infants la thle piat hc sall. "luaLise last two yoans f ,have faunti homes ln Waulegan for ten babies. It baes got to s point aber0 girls in C'hicago seoin ta took to niel ta, heli, thein out of tht-jr traouble. A littIe af it ilaIl rlght, but if a hait ii not called some place there la no ellig 'sheroit 'silI endi. Tbev evi-I denty think 1 muet ru an orpisan asyluas" Tise reqaest ta land a homle frc ilber chilîl came ta Capt. Cook froia a girl la a Chicago hospîtal. Sise clalmeti a pliysician isati oleredtu b îertarmto tb task forflber, but vanteil ta isînlu manoy. Tbnoîighs a frlonti 'sio hat linon afssste I lis a tîie cf ujeolby (dapt. Cook aie board of tlie local Vlnteers officer anti 'rotehlm fise letter. Nowabais bas 'srltten biiîi a second letter urgîng him ta finti a honut', for tise cisilti as souniail possible as t'.. le auxious ta geL out andi get tau'sark. Cspt. Cook says lha intendste va isit tise girl lu Chicago anti have a taI wlth ber. lie says lieln about inclIn- es! tu gîte up tise task of fiading homes for babies as ho son on ulti have lits biande f ull dolng nothing but llndtig bomnes for hableS If ho ver., La accedle to ail lhe nequests of Ibis kiuid show- eres! upon hlm. Rie in always tory carefilte lves- tigate thse antecedeute 0f s cils! ho- fore ho recaineds it for adoption te anrone sud thîs always outals ou. eldorallo xponse for misîclube nove- has any return. He thinta Ihere mouIs slot lie 90 maur honielees babies et tbl Isd Insf II; vre liarder to lins! hom"es oriu $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVA1NOE. MRS. T. B. RUSS DJIES SUDDENLY AT BOME NEAR CITY WIFE 0F WELL I<NOWN FARMIER SICK BUT FEW HOUARS AND DIEU LATE TUESDAY. DRS. PRESENT, HELPLESS DR$. FOLEV AND BOUTON IN AT- TENDANCL6 ON PATIENT WHEN EN CAME. . T r.H. Russ. vife of sa'sali known fariner living on the olfi Adams fram. tiist north of Waakea.a oi Sheridan road. died tory suddeniy »ud unexpectedly at ber home Tuesday ai lier deatb was due ta a sudden and unexpected developmueinl a cold sud grip condition and came wheu Doçters k'oley sud fiauton asveili s Mrs.. Bou- ton, 'sere pîient lu the rooun vith Mr. Nirs. Russ was takou sick bMondai afteriîoou snd acut tW bed bMonday iight andi remaiued ther, Tuamia!y. wiseu the fouud the diti sot feel voL. A tioctor 'sas summoune and lier co- dit ion grew w'orse duriug the. day. a clîi"iug feeing fine.ily cornung over ber 'sith the resuit that ber tbUi c-hakejd ail te tied very, auiddeulY dehpite file efforts of the phiisam 10 mCu iser. xirs.[flims vas 62 years olti aud her niarrIage Io tir. Ruse occurre! 24 y caris mgo lu Wluthrop Harbor. liii. county. ami their horne. buias lvYs, bceen inu is e coia. , ar.t surviveii amdil"* m, mtùoea;Utivac Parker of BeverlY, Ne.., aBos Fi-Pd er of Teruetavu. Ps. ' il. la lntorestlug te note that ;Mr. Rus returne f romt a trip tu Niaga only a 'scek ag. PauseraI Friday at 2 o'clock frorntthe ilausut, fuarial at Lake Meuns! cerne- toi y, Beuton. PATHETIO HOS- PITAL CASEC MR. McPHERSON 0F RAILMOAR MENIS HOME OPERATEO ON AT McALISTEA HOSPITAL Une of th.eumont patbeflc cnes elur recordad lu the MeAtister luospftal le that lu mblch a m ai'uie! McI>t- won. an irnuate of the railroai rMeW» home atiigblaud Park 1 licheVbc. tint. bicPherson. totally iuiluti sud vith, ont suy bauds. tbas just paattroueg a miner operation sud lu nov gettiai on niceiy. It la sai! o u y i& e ali&* fa beave theo isapitai te rotum ito the home thIilater part of thie e»X.' While thse operation perforiued en lthe mans by a local physictia vu ad te beo f 11<11e conaequoie. ,the fact that the patiewf caunot a&.eaa" bas neither of his bauds, malce hm case a Mfost pitiful one. Becauoe of bis physical coiLUnu. lîlePherson', bas been shovu n UsUal attent Ion b>. fhe attendants at the.Iton- pifai 'sho 'have sought te ald hlm la every way possible. He la 47 Toma ol and has beeu ai n inate aitthe horne for soin.sears M»Y CONTROL t MARRIAGEC BILL FORUIDOtNG WEOOINO 0F WHITE8 WITN BLACKS MA-. LAVO, ETC.. PASSES. WambinluonlIb. l0---lhe liousete day. hy a vote of 92 ta 8, passes! à bi problbitisg lise intormarriage of lte 'shites aiLli Etiopiais, Malaya or Nlongalloaslflue Dfitit of0f0Coui» bIs. Representalîvos 'Mann, Madu ausd Powler voteti agalInst I it vWs argueti lu support of tise bil ht& . mnost every Mtate lui the Union lias a law 'shicis prohibîtste h.ratTtaêet any visite penson 'sîti nagroéa. la*0 many of tise Western states. 'VâMs tht-i-elm a faurly large populatIo et Mongoliens anti Malays. the lave against. hierusarlago bave la x tendedse auas teo momie thoee ,nOW IL vas recoguised laisdoba»te h there le a vide sentiment a@e , intermarriages vhlch the bMD aStt prevent, ans! the rece tm i4* Chilcago negroec vltl h ite dovebopeti te b hot etouu! whlchbulatenes!th mou*5f 4 baIl. WAUKEGAN. Illlos, Pcb, 12. -i 'rite police departasent la novflrmai ly enscanceti iit lis ne's quartera la tlue new police station anti are 'sait iuig wlth more or less patience the camPletion of the interlor 'sork. Tiloro are several daors 'shicu muest yet lie hung sud couisideraille painting sud Intorior ilecoratiion o 'sblhchb muit tua doue beforo tue bbuilding la coin- plateilu teîf. Thenu tii tere are. tise cejIs which i ust iho installei. Assistant ChIot of Palice Thsomas lyrreil Lliis îornling expreasoti tise opinion tisat these colla will have an- riveti anti been placot InluPosition ln- aitie of three 'seeks. There in net no mucihbaste about iuetalllug Lhe aid colis lis thse baieenit as titis part of the building viiiliebuuse! aiment oe.- cluslvely tan stuayavers. It niay bc ncossary teta atýethse ld',cells spart before they cars.ho tatou through th. door'says. Every vestige of furulsbing bas been removeti frau tIhe teanoorary police station on West Madison street. ,Thse Public Service compaauy has net yet iladti tIo ainstaîl permanent fix- turcs tisnoagbout thse building, but eut- licleuit tcnporary ligis bave beeu lu- staltet t do until tise ceai fuxture can, be installei. Nfr. Tyrrelî's private ot- lice on thS second fluor et thie build- ing bat been littati up ant in ready forl oucpancy The~ police rnsglstrate's ioncis andl Lb. chiare bave been ln- stalîcti litise court rooin 'suds occu- pies tise entire front portion sbofthLb setcond floor. AJIlthe ieture, are lie- lIcg givon a oast ef varuli auoLiey vinl look au goS! as nov. The 'sork et overhaullng tiie city @cales vblch bave nuaL lienluuse ince vont of constructing thie nea statloui hegau. 'sf11 beglu 'stîhin a f ca tisys. Chlef of Police Cari Atterbery bas matie urrangements vittu a large seule comnrta enns an expert bore tc ov'érhaul tise scales tisarougisly sud replace any portions tlaat msy ho do teotue. IL lu sais! that dampuese luas caus! msorne of fthe tron beums te rist se bas!iy t-bat itl e alxnost impossible for theun te h. adluatés!. Severailmlu- 1 (Continues! on Page Four.) 1 1