CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 1

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LAKECouNTYINDE-PENDENT tWAUKEGAN WEEKY SUN ___ VOL. XXI.-NO. 22. TWELVE PÂGE8 LIBERTYVILL1E LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS I'RIAY FEBRUA1IY 21, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT $1 o0PE~R YEAR iN ADVANCE If ho lied been feeling badiy. Heart ebided hIm (Smth) 'fer bis actions.A 0A B lff And, when ont,,ditch wa luse ,hlif ir IIY*f"fi trouble was aacribed as the cause of Smith la sald ta have Stfttck the ina U *ll* IJ Ltbey aouId carry the ELEL Ilta an- i IU bis deat'b. N shal over the bond *» a beer bottie other. In tbis aav, it IUUUUEUUUEIUEUUthe Leave, Large Famlly IIi î UUUUUUUIUMUI 'neaâle>' was con.1 thtient knawn and tte offcers bat wa, Irnashed ,a- IV VV 1re llgbting effort wasvr it i UIUIIV AU III ,H en of Warren township. He would urne z cu lm Àtihough lie escaped IDJUrY biasl up ggg fesi land amateurish bave been 49 yeare aid net Jne. He qliU T ~ r~ l IIM 'I he ire lay riglit alongs1de the tel E jaea Isadtan cbiidren, thse e* a h system oitheii mmli 11h i i y0nngeet being but Z yeairs aid, te m 'lI I..u u .vem iierp ts fieNrhet eldest 25. He vas the owtIer of thse of w IL -91 z i Q 1 , ires fel w hen the poles gave way th__ - known au Inealey'g Grotte, a spotBE I undîr the terrific beat. This puf1 PRP aOWiE RDN long thse river, visere Ian>' pieutes WIF THREATENED WITH DEATH D 'PO' M A FIRST FACTORY BUILDING BUILT the compaies service out of business AC 1i 4N BEGUN IN CIRCUIT hRP ED WHL IIG ave been beld b>' varlaons Waukegan bewenMiwukean hiao n CUTq GE CTO MOUE' PROM MCHENRY ON aocetie, especially tise German soe- ý UNLESS SItE RELEASED HUSl- 6lRITE5UET 11151 BY DOWIE OESTROYED bt well w an ak t e pa hcagoand OURT T OGE ATNL tien, as Mr. Kneaaiey vas a Germinn BAND 5FhFRi'V1LIIt l!beconetas t rpar tsen.AGINLAMRESN. LOADO0F FLOUR and piominent ln German circies Of Th RMBLOLS V LMS'le tire attracted many persansJ -.thse CoUt>. EeyFa-tI ont ifrom Waukegan as weil as the sur- Te show bow v.l? and trong lneEer FamsjCO tYWI rounding terrItor>' about Zion.A ha uIl va. earned that. ail the CUES -HUSBANDS RS eAsked têNO pBring h1i7ftTU esae sed auegna LEAVES A LARGE FIIYpreviens week he lied been orking CAUS 'S ARRST Be n ota send i I ST CASE wOF iTHE 9f11D putting Up ie witb TL lood and even Soi e. IE NKOKI mssg on Mondait, ?eh. 101h. ho lbed spetit thse -1 _ther services were of no use seeing -day blping Le. Tiood pot op tee.1 that there was insuificient wster ][iquent aturda>', conducted bit Cor- OS NOW INMATE OF Cq.UNTY JA8iLRESSREYilDATION COTLMPLÂTS SITUA 01I8COVERED 8V FRIENO, I4ENRV aAI er TsD EN WLL. LP.- INADEQUAtE WATE PR UE pressure for thse inait Zion lire de-' CIN CNEMLTSSTA WHOaATizing Ber aylor.BOUtOVbe DeTHEV.- MENACEO FACTORY 'partment ta work ta advantage. TION WHERE DEFENDANTS TYTLIOR EPNG II1 IIH PT IGRAND JURY Red Ukng eSfits to b W itDITITTbe men connected with te oi-COULO BE JAILED. uaaTHiA LEPIG IIN a PTUevLae offzWllatDITRCTPany are "Independ enta," that la, not - "" N ~Be The Last.- connected wvhs VoUiva.1 Eflf@ute home from McHeflry whitw, AIlLA À ILLiiLSS .BRYVLE Fb 3 brl As the resuit of thse recent farts Fiecfunnwn1rgn eTrye hen igaet eo rt.Bin Zsep alenincirui cur er. ho.ledhai tokn a Ioad of wtet ta ise Ihat beer 'asbanti stood over ber ail ItTeseoVosona faction In Zion cialm icday, an effort la being miade b> 1 f dites lLTrUC ers Insttuts wblcb vae lield in Lake eJben mt evrbue the lire started froin elgarets throwný ground into flour Thursda>', Pcb. 13.1 O ÀFEW 1131113ofWeneday nigist tlireatenlng ber coun1î', tarmers la dIfferent parts of and coai yards et ZVon City Sunday loto tise building by tbree boys who' States Attorney Dady for tbe village George Kneauley, on@ of thse hout tisat site would flot be îîermntted taO1 the county have decidéti t o be n, atternoon, entailltg a loue of about'crept into il and accidentally dropped of Barringtos to secure a prniane lt Inown mon of Warren townshiip, top-i e l pie osr dad n tse ai s he îsm issHan WechOctgenr- iceustil morning nnej se signed time is raising sulcent fund. 105ta scoere 0,0israne.In- a *'hit."'îTne Independents deny tis isnJunction against an alleged viôia, pidoe ou ntelndacur6a isHn W lh cognr ee ibmsrvjces ef a soit expert. w& trudging aiong stear Grayilake ian, Resident of County For ber n1n oappr ywihb1adequate vater pressure endagrd ept.trftbdy-oeerir ntsa 4 Mi redm niihoIenyTylor, Samuel Insull of Liiseityvliie, it Is re- Wodoi elr as taken toaX'ol- îîsrted; bas promtised ta give $;n,'ooo' tise ifactoryTdistrictlaNImportant fe rl g h, P a s e sAbe h i n do y is t icn Ne sw e- a w io w a s c o n d u c tin g b is S u n d a y , v i l 8 . T e a t n le m p r n 1 . $&___lt aoe n, tpin i t Lîoerty% ile a!nd other saloons O oadafn ascr nba -and Western Union sires to the nuo-am eno meig ntetbr aclcuse it la tihe tiret tume ln thhise h team, whle WsKriBss*- IM RCE TY Lake cossot>', ra. 0. E. Petersont of1 rdaprodng tiscores i îfe ero abnre ar ned of f He clomernglnthmayo rnei ehwnory 0!ndBOE IM EE tisebrtvll oi et.poidn Locamrll Optionro aiav thature ffH cle frermyr,1ndnIgýtryo heL a pio awta ley's, lhe rusiNatei slattera wagon, ___Lîetvls s~ aid ta baie ipassedent taris of tise caunty manirestin- tise joies, crippling service letween idisrce lmt aeahnS an effort bain een made ta prosecute stoppd thse Knegay team and JUmp. si. naWll -doe ,tirougb an ordeal qulte sîîui'ur in an r~îeogs lepa tIe.Milwaaukee and Chicago. and ns10 acet hin igtn tse a uncethisnetsd --Ing on the ioad of fleur, tqaa *hoCked varai,-d t ,kecnu'for tire to tise terrible tale wbinis lii Il bas heen decided te îay plans ai Tise building destroye a rgn n ie asee pts l liig h fnd neaIe ws dad.l'ls ie nîy >ears, passed awas in th renttt ra butnhlebad anquet wicb 900« in tae b eld ln ally lthe Zion City Plaining M.Iii and mîli. The case la dirteted against George covery, fnt belng made unflîai ** e ne cA1ister bospitai Tues. uwrsinrai t i e l tlueeard bad seie ailedtotie, Gîriee. thse exact date ot iavig actstrtbuing for factory use, Spverai harrela of trbarleped the Forenan and lts wife and son Jams. had rsehod thse Kneaaley home alter ,:20o'ciîockas lihe indirect resîjit ,f twr ia Seoele4ied be ,enst. At Ibis banquet tisree fart- ever erected liitishe c ty aben Dowie lire t gain in tory. 'Tiese>tood near lu case the application for in3uation havlng ridden for seven ales ~sitting, a fali down a fliglit of stepsa afew and site, standing ln thee wlndo,@ of ltheers f r3m 'achtovu ia thse cuu lIfounded it maný years ago. It stoodtiesuspoin fiemanoU-aganeatleMrcstinhusS alongilde hie friend's body, be-monibsa ag'o wbiclî restîlted ~p~ tower prayed that bier taiwar SobSe aîîpolted as a specipil conitîee rltist sontis o! the Zion depot, tia. itbutfatse ti', #.evlng ail tise inte tisaI lhewo moe- en leg ;ers migit arrive ln inttscave ber 0tu ake a persanal esnvaiss o! ail tise o! tise Nortbwestern lracks. MI whleVoilasScolde. action, tise Forenitns, if touaS egp y sleeping. Miss Weleb eas laken ta tise lis- Standing thiepraying. bier prayrl ,,ansirsliving ln theliz town for tint The Ichnson S'miths conipan>' owned Trains rnnning throug s iety' tiquer, caunlie Iisled Imb court, flaed: Thisssudden and nnerpected endingpilaiImmceiately buttecatise o! bier vere tretiuentiy inuerrupte i b>' B!lwe prpose of aecuring tbit îsignature tiseth"business but tise builidings *were vere forced ta slow down Witie go- hisel'y ad inrSoed if thse ecauI dfa ay n luislife.visovsie leue ot ained atie alimte o stesu lse eard viso lssisled tisat sie Conle a pelîtion and aise a-donation cf $5,; owned Sy Hiram Ferry, Sr., and bis ing througi tise dense smnoke. coastidera h nucinbnhm daylube lfe.wbowonth pitur of tanedai hedîn oftheInJry hedown ta ineet ber fate, St site begged frain eaci fernmer. BoYau bundred sîg- sonsIHiramn and JanbeE. and tise es. Voliva kept on vits is sermon. td. bealtis, veigbing 260 poiuds. created broken bons dîd nt l<nit for sot a few minutes lon5eer ta pra>'. the natuRves and donatiom of tbia kind; tale of Edward Ferry.i lie took cognisance o! tise lire, ateriTise cbJscery bill Us Id iWÀM à. siocis ta tise md o! Taylor visicis lti re. Tise knilting togethsr~ ~ o ot ae hwn sl ia r eesr'Str h leertTise buildings dsr e icoe: sndinfl men ta igitit tise fiaunes htat tise viliig vot" dry AV£ l lie liedditficcît>' vercaing. the leg wosafolloved lmmediately b>'brby eec>ig ie r cnS eird " os oprta tirade, saytng Xnbetco uisorn, visOM 1908, but avers tisat. ever asincé It vas tieseuat unuiual BihtP'; a compltcation o! dîseases wviielriveS lu ttne ta la>' Bluebeard and [n case tise farmie not iant. 2---Sinail tee bose. John Alexander Dovie. toundis of gauet, 1912, ms 7n1e1oeca pie along tise old plani TendU h"54ver4 consei ber ueatis. recel;ed tieseister> grateful tisanks. test suffilcient iXr~.~s5egepc .-Coal Shed.jton City, haudcharacterlzeud au s wk ~rsa.Jamba * *Md a èl quar aem-îisat etone fariner drvifl IsWli cae rte.jTise sainend of a nghtst ag us- wviiibe ecured anyvani atn. er. 4.-4Smai bari. fpos.- tuiIy Semrved tise tille. tiamU>'lu tiseir reetar*m tta W! fond a! fleur on visicis la>'tise dsait John of tLiertyviîle. and >lrs. A. F. ed b>' lire. Peterson, according te tise leu viii be oni>' for private ierts Teian sueSb'JbiolArînglon. 'Mr, Puremntrama a body o! i frlend' aud neigisior. bis' Clçugh of Vernmont. Tise former vaal tale aise laId Marsisal Limiserr> af Lis- sncb as Armniurs, SwitatsInsul i d tewart. liverymen and tise>'maagn t Lake Zurlish usier _,>WUteani foiiowing iong Sebifld, pull' t ber bedaide at tise tInte o!ber iertyvIle wts ie xepinh!tietieretofliecimnviabaet eglrsjrsxisresfon is l5c IduAfIgv mhoneorIiliorre.rvIlttu iug anotiserbond o! fic1 deatis and tise latter bai ýbeen notlfied broher teture-for elle boit no brotis- extensive reaity iodings lu tise COUD-,bebfr teuh ie ,m4,A5as~css ers aise eould 'f leurie feed bouse eontaîned abi The new actIon la miS 10ave bhm Taylor liedse5cuoipnued KDeue n d l u e peedtng tovard hcol expect, therefore ber Po-; ty. Tisese men realfte tise value otf! ppi>' wiîci, couiui It bave Seen re- S L I~ S tbnbcuets abvte~~ te Mceer>'. eaois aking over a ladTise exact bour of lise funerai cannot' ito was eveu more criticai tisais sucis an expert and are viiling ta pa>' neu d vouidaseteauhýii b", etwhstteSeground lutinfleur leav- Se sel untii Il la known visaI imai mat as tbd'etorin er ts ale Bine - ig a llisefvritcon l edgts esîdenîs cf Zian Ut>' for ted it w»eo iI te kDiU4 wei ofwhattabu ebermnd' for e tablens i ný ta .1e1.ssrvce. i e>' ar e i bave e gnsofon it y ors O LAs pR tnSil mg t l 1 iqur e p uMg w* tmg bome at 7 'clock, Tise>'tank thee@lie viii arrive. ba--s a ete nbrds n laethenfretis t ie>'cowi iennerau iebossa ei.Ien.eSrpaei'.B'teO iset te tise Mi, il vas ground into For years Miss Welcb lived ihaber-h iatdcde nbrditinssaetebeelsI te hw h itran h hr«a a, eetel.B fleur aud tise>'etarted homne about 3 brotiser at Mlhlburus, and uoeihaap<~t'frofndighm n> nodnr'aoota neel ~îddaton nv liilu5Sthef be oh l o~coc. l asabut 9 ocleck tisaideatb ie cmoved ta Waukega a îeSucceeda on Titrant. Tiose aniong the far-miers visa favi .Acradneiafotacrs re hDeeax W rhMi~smnivoletseaucià Taylor, sttlug on bis- a o ndad w ilS ber cousin, James Welcis and And tsaItishe voman feit lieseant thseplan, and tisere are ma>', sa>y ! lrtgad or in eae e Dso- for, tise office coudds toepila smoking and sisortî>' &fter hise t amily of North Cosfly street tunera t le ad u eie rottise thre ta n scth 2nge a b. Tis Oe irîa arla ofcies. oo-solate Wife Behind tak: e te n ustody lust itle1111 been caling out ta Kneaale>'om ine- aplsndt hv ie't- IePresented t1 3-aiu i o ri n et val malter, lt hve hefueri tctedt eIoe otin arivdaft By hebryerwfeeiedthrofoatsnuf hsorts.cdtw bval mted lopiedSa ln ie bte ofThorada>' aterna. lu tise White & er he lied frequentl>' exlended lber lite tis e frroerstrenotbeycannalitselp but tyf falsrs e AT THE FORT ALL WINTER courts. Tise effort lu dsigued bisopr ' opl acLDuth ug f oin uidertaktng routin. The SorialIL few minutes in order ta persuade u tse ebenefit o! secnriug Siîch an In he hed whchcontained celtieir pince decaeffldaapubliliu Nalghbor Tellaelthe Facto. vl aepac rdymring aiîlber 10 aigri tiserelease o! bie "blacik.xetwbr ect b rub er a ainspu> fai rdssd theretore ot a nature lIhte Taylor'a descriptionicf tise incident 1o'ciack ai Antiocis. MiessWelch is tet'. sueinally igned tise paper lSe. et such a nominal cost te tise ave' IIt lis estinxated that tise aou n iRather Interesting Series of lnl court should enjeto tram oerta * 1roved tisa tise deatis o! Kneamie>' was son ftheb Ides eie ftecause ise Selîeved it vas tise oî yrage fariner This mater vîllie dis-1 feed and grain o! varions kinds ta- cidents Preceded This ta tise 4lcoifiture"et lise hUas isarked b>' a net unusual anSdexeit- sacot Os eî î ats '-talled $4,00. Tise aid piniiogmil les îîg teumure. He tlId tise star>' te a coont>' and leaves a hast o! sorrav- lbing tisat vould save ber lite train ber cussed lu Setail et tise banquet visicisvsa v to>Sffitndaot 0 on liis Part. Carows. CIserd bas oued EiUcabe"i * fr-end about ai toliav: 'i ng fr-ends and relatives. isusianda vwraIs. At an>' rate, tise pa-- 18 ta Se beld and tise consxnliuees1 150 a twinletoy ir andabCha60SIF. alitton suit, won'IasdrI-ltng along a a Jog, sud' _________ Iper- vas slgned andsh ie adiitted ta wvichis viigo out vilI Se eutisused' 5 eti egh h a lu agn vrNel h a i ereLBolse loaking up av Kneaaley apparenti>'y tise afficer loda&Ibat ise hait titent sufficleuti>' ta put in gond wark for Tsee r 1o bilbngsvsnos ase e v r l bngng tovte Mcx i Tse asfiet!ofGorgapu e &Ofu t leanng over as If uleep. I valched BOYS RARE UU>AML tise vorst iLga in hier- lite, belevngthse navemmenL up tise business vere ail connected'colisn lertin 10iewte vsflSoraplt.icut' din sS te~ co , [f Young Froe Devereux et Cleve- cut. isaImie re a d tllent ouaed nieee> Iut ia Ievud .klo ti o te n tiese talis m isedIlike arrangement and extend- landi, visela lu Chicago ater bisdîng cold, P-i .. 'ultrI 'q paei SOI hum.iii'as a result o! ber baaband's anger. avaliing theinselves o! tise opportuni- e1o5 îma lckaogtievstfarevali toliser isusiand viso ieft Bat- V I A I O C and alfep>'."' At an>' rate aiit signed tise palier- t>of ecurlng usese experts at suc Isade o! tise ralimoadîraks.urda>' tor Fort SiI!, Okla. vitis tie fLL OM D14at? Morses Stick In Road.WiicrsngteMes5llnte and Peterson beIIeved lSe thus vuld a reasonabie figure and Lalte county' tt l~Mus Fort Shseridan tUnited States "tien decided 1 iebaetter gel UP Pouturo errFox Lake lest Sunday Teehee ltpireeil o gansScsPt tnStaS telat age is trlsa-td thlieIce ioseternesDeeeuht is oug ilin ta im Sut hiethargne aseavers trot-, two fumer boys came upon lse bc u ebetepoertiurai.doentItdtaethtnttgl Yn Dvexleteyn Mlon Ef £ U îing glowly and, as i came up sud tred o! a man visa, trans ail appearances,'Bt fisore le baS tlie ta "tank U'm îe ieoii SIgnkon tvs -aire 'an ot multi-nllanaire De ver- - tapas, thtise nase" tieir opoed. b.d issen Sead several Saya. jole repartedth ie mater ta Marsiaà parted It vas of Incendiar>' origin but, uat toelm ie evs C U T'~ V j , Thykptti tpfr irsemls rD tisstatenient bai not yet been fixeS. !eux, ondt onae i vas ieSvtst T'.SuuY vuM mTs.e>' pttine p1ortree Smilestora aie o>. ic csoerdvs iber nt .putnd atseP. INSULL POISON! A nman worktng at tise lace plant b a a iiaabie n ia maa. Ser lpo tie t gtpet mttn MIoranussd fronzen stif, Tise erson fArm, arrested Peterson anSdicvrd mk lsnaig!o ie gawna icagoF re , leand Sm iste>' vld a eI asi ead auS, as I boys brougisi lie neya 0ftisheir dis- icvrdsoeemntn ri h loaked cii st George 1 realized ailtihe ctwer>' ta tiser honmes and tise Suring 0khmtcLiet>ievsr evsLIBERTYVILLE MAN, PlIES. 0F, tee ibouse andlise sounded tliseni, ioanW oSum w t k more 1h11 aomtliiug vaisvrofl. Grave omficJm vers at once notîtied. 1isound over te tise grand jury. He vswAu&C PIR ASN.DE- jtot Sthre 'lok.,Tise invas sa plesed atishie chusoetiat be Lk S Mi le alter Mle i trieS ta setiPont Tise SoSdy vastakeutalise elatter vil- sLenAKEgltClO.nkeFAIRi limn 'aStoffered e gorgeous collar of dia-Lk Reported to Have Re. bimnlun0I'er ta tp is tealit.but theOlage visere il lg yet unldentttied, ' andE ONTRI HOE. iredthetiient S Olu5tal S.u@t.monde ta tise bride anti a fine in- ' Ceived$000F Sorses vagIS net let me get up 10. Manda>' iorning efthis veek wordlingadpacSntiecn>'Il___ ment exceptlng a fev nmen visa re- tisemi. A lait, as ve drev usar Haine-, wateuMt ta Mcilenry lisat il vas tise Kept Out of Moume. London, Peis. i-Saicel lusull, mained at tise station, vent la the came la tise brideemoani.Th irilyrcsutoM.Ve ville, 1tkeiplyeilng-'visea anS inali> bod>'Of Mar-in r1aeîen, son of Peler iIn lise tiret place Peterson kept bis p>eide tis te Commonwealths sdi- acene, aid vil tiseir gasoline e- Tise supposed Devereux bride ai- aTisellgtgisiSvrnstF m. elvogg thycm ua valk anS 1 vms able te Tielen 0f Mflieur>'. but laler in tise vite ot ot tise bouseountil midigit son compan>' o! Chicago vilI isave gue, did wisat the> coulti Sut tise mast tmnediately marrieti a Chicagotie lîoar nt-tptntne paealsein, stopin tise rot and tisue da>' a telepisone message vas receiv- anS oponlier return be Segan ta inak5 forNue-York itislitsr, fannti'anebildigs wee o!atciaraclr viîciu cotllio leadr.padtertcis ever biait h eml1 vrinM.Telu h as te o ewYr'euxi besu o uldnswr o hrctrwi hmiseit. selected a Clevelandi girl cine manufacturer, bas bein settled tisteugh ti tramSlMop.itulen, visa l he tis reats againt liser. Site InsisteS tolnOu'ruW on tise armupta atter a peruited the l ire tu apread rapidi>,'ex n o ourt, KellopItlg.prtd I thoan elîmbeti on i vagon ta1se'Tise body' laundoubletil>' tiaI <of atisat lie kept telling lber ise votîl net tvo menthe' trip taEurope, He In- asd ils an inadequate suppl>'01 vso recelved Ithe dianuont dog colla, r 1O lt eotS visI as asa ate cu-on lber marriage. aing ber suie2,0s0ya foerau tram, ingbul s e motter anti toind hl- IY'stranger wvs unknavn ta tise pea- lite untIl mornIng ln case ise dIS 001 tended relurning ta Amecica aveek w tbe ecould do notising of con- ncb Deieresuitn a moamen o! Dettrai l gbaek on the baS. 1 trIeS ta rouepie of lise vIcInit>' ln viichitt vas dis- ign tisa paper anSdlisese t-timlut-e arlter, but e-as kept hosrey'an at- sequesce and tise varionts buildings FrnhDvexlnam etof eri. Se Sbu tli net responti8'a 1 cois- coverad sud as tes tinsaiesererw ver-ena ntecai ak fpuman osoig ouiscume ath ae w recesv atits else ltfi cloSeSlise vas aleep. 1t trev a bieu- or lelters et an>' description tista tsr ttliaeg en tsTclhecko pnman ptsung oo îîcubd ath taesvsîi a axlutorI cseo vr H t a ket aver u, bistcised ti>eain (M1fosînt ln the ciotises le eor-e Il lequlte in tise yard until mldllgist, ceuseS thei Mr. lusuIli as been in Landau, bis, plowed aloig tise roofs anti tom atlime a oun.l cs fw.H akte several yeara andti ieir- trouble bebinS bisaanti started ft oae 5lilkeYl>'tttise bod>' viiiSe bumliet woman t. iniaîl>' gise va>'andtu itsgu birlispiace, ail except ane veek ofthtreatened to ]eap across tise trackslias been going tliroîgbbise motions ciginaliy started tisere. according te fast ai possible. w tu frtiser investigation. the paper ise desircd. tise elgist, visen lie mode a quiet ta tise Zion baking factomy and fuir«-of senqarlt leauol...rtonal reports wiicb came oi "Ail Ibid time 1 fet lieliead juil goeswne iFr hr, a I tt îe o cco o ieciSo ia aeTsngBfr. swing tbrougis Paris. Amsterdam, Ber-- bier soutiu arrosa tiese treet ta tiese ite atortuSieridf puati novh ise - t etecut ea ab lila hi aken ifi. Wben Igtt O eI 50Tesane1 tahpe - ih r. lin,SBasic, Zurich and Geneva. lttnalier siseds oflise Jaisnsoti-SmIittis o!tiir affair,. tise yard. i calleS tferiseip ant ishi tain.1 - Paterson once befare as a esult oft «'I bave Issen axer biers parti>' on cnpn.How ever. tise aind va knowls-dge inta, immediate and activeî ealterbsbenareocli l>' camne ot andi ielpeti me gel isin LOSÊ JEWFLS VALUED AT OVER' "biacklisllng" berisusliand. TisaIlimeah dyatiprI'ocusns.b aorpabln aît is a0s9bilins practice. Lgil hn isbe ~eocIl Sovis off tloaS. Tben il vas tisaI _a_____________nbuinss__efvoabea_ te he uldlngatios." btt th-s only nmeans hi at Mr$. vetounuSlie vas Seati. I $4.000 WMILE IN LOS lier lisbASnd 'became sa angr>' Ibat ie but noling speciat'lbise aid. '1 were not set on ire. Thie englns 1 Kellogg j, a ti , e!-t in possession et Mr. lneasley vas reau>' a glant ln ANGELES. ciased hem tramn tise Souseand Otite neyer «W -Great Britain'ok trade boom- mom of tise olt ii, Sut w iich ied AE ES Sati h ontyctii erLaeMci atature' iHs net oui>' veigisetiover -'tise voada vere se feforefuge. îng eu vanderuui>'. Activity i lu . been ont ot service, vas damageti but gp n a i,1lui-.' .îî td owieni 6utileni 260 paundi, Sut lSe stand about 6tet Las Angeles, Febs 5i-. F. R.' Siseremained tier. ail nigist and tise Ish IsujphsidlSu a esPeciy pMarkecthe ala, o! brick, stoati Intact afier James Harve>' Johnson, aged 8ý), " ,oail r'j-.oîîahls-expences. 4 nies I n eofte st H e s aimen'Pardritige of Highland Pari(, Ill.. vas, next Sa>' baS ber iuabanti amiesteS. .Lat year's igures verç.o, au tielire subsideS. dieS ai tihe Melcaif homne near (,'ir-' '1"î',, ' trial Sas one of bis$ Intise count>' and usedte taenjo>' triend- robbeti of a bracelet aluddeti wilb dia- Me vas sent tla Jail nnder a ins for a titaJanUUMy9 are stili bottietissu the MachIner>' ln Pctory. nee ai one'clock Pritiay, Fei). i.foi- 'no'ft ix aluj(nzia tisiever aok plane l~y senfles vilS nmen visa liougil tise>'monda andtiseveral iamanti rings val-' six mnte' period, but bis vite laler gam audis a ayear age." ý,. * Tiere vas cansiderable inacitsyl>'iing a prolongedSaici<ness. o 'gi.Kellotz leneari> 4b knev boy ta vreatie. He vas au big oeel l ailtattbelveen $4.000 anti $5,'ý reliented anS palSbits fine. In etise aid Ptainlng Mili bcs a m oaanbSbe aîî iW» lt Iatbsvte eacs sud stroiW Ibat, veatre ago, sine o!hils Mr.titaat9roo. eraprisetanTsePelriedlv o tserod ea. fCas MGureph M#p zjcs nt naseb> tsepr-l-reses titani nrabisne wruuiafe' u tqHeniaonaç né*4

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