CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Feb 1913, p. 5

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VILLEI BREMNER BRO. High Grade Biscuits GralmmCraok.10lo package, 3 for _25c Sods......10ec package, 3 for 25c mmiu isot...... 5cpackage, '1 for 25e Whist 8ugir Waters ... .10e package, 3 for 25C Krgiwood Sugar Wafer. 10e package, 8 for 25e SnoVilake Crakers.. 15o paclage, * for 25c Shu» Waters 10e c kage, 8 for 25o Colonial Tes, Biscuit..10elo package, 8 for 25e Je ELI TRIGOS PHONE 2 5-S3 Makes it necessary for youf to ,make an early selection of your Easter clotb- ing. If you want a suit' that represents -the utmnost clothes value -the newest style features -the best possible fit ___ then you want a suit tailored-to-order by Ed. V. Price & Co. q The new saxnples are in and we _____ -are showing a large numbLer of al wool fabrica. rnany of them exclusive patternh. We can taire y our:rneas- ure and deliver your suit in time for Easter if you place your order now. q Why flot corne in and make your selection today and wear a suit cut in the prevailing metropolitan fashion, pect in fit and lastiag in service. at a price that your means- can t asily aford. $18.00 to $3000. EVERYFHING FOR MEN PHO NE 14 1EIberitI : : z: GET BUSY u e al Marchfiretwill o ebers sud a gret nianychauges wl emd BEEDIIIG TIXE Wncnewith &l e gret RUSH of other sprnt work, vo auggeat that yn ou itke our S.ed soloctionsaNow vhile pou Lave tic tinie snd stockearse nost complote. XKUCH MONEY MADE Greter crops auonb. liavoted vitb littlse rna* poster uting our Tested Selectod Seeda. And don't fait t. TILE AND FERTILIZE. Yen uinover nisto a istaire If pou DO llT NOW. W. can ave yen moncy on aiU pour neods. Libertyjville Lumber Companyj Down by the Oid Ospot. Phone 47 Beena Haro 20 Yars. 4'ait E. H. coRLimi. G. A. IOIMDBICKS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS D"*mort la FANCY end STAPLIE GROCERI ES FRESI1 and SALT MEATS Ogiters ini Seo-son PiLone 80. Il FLOCAL AND h'ERSONAL MENTION FOW THI IMPS I - I::F: Ta insurt publication ln the Indepen- The tTinsChapter cf the tetmntor dont.tapir mustbhln thoffice no laterGuiid wlllmeta"the homne a frm. thon Tuesday of osch vot. Adver- P. Cristy, Tussday evounug, Feb. 2î). tisera. especially. are asked ta tako 'a he local linde Iystie Work..ra of the particular ngtice ta this ffet. Worid wiii have iother of tbeir social 0. A. lieweon Ie vlstlng bis parents lunmeting Toceday eneung, Pet). 25. Indiens. Thern vili ho missle and a gpneral soiai tinte..Lunch yul ho erred. Mmr. Au. Phalpe la reportsd very ili et bar ome ore.The regular meeting of Exe!sîqor Camp Bert hoehamr nof a ,@pttNO. 387, IR. N. A.. was hld ait thehaill Serayit hambraincfivanhds entWedneday atornoon. Twa,, andidate gund, wlb Uertyllllnleda. were litatsd 1.10 the nîpoteries o! th& L. H. Llchtfeid of Waukegau, tran. order altor wbich luncheon vas served eacted busiuese lu tclai e ty Tuesday. and a goneral good cime enjooved hi ail. Lt 1Mr. Love eutertala pour ehldreu Barry Kaiser lent week saturday harlda. vuig eb 21ha a n drwent a» operation for appendicitia hall. bihahome ln Waucondu. Dr> Foley of V. W. Ilurris le .ujoyion a vieil;Ifroinm Wukean, ssalatsd by Dr. J. L. Taylor Dia mother uhoe home b in tPlatteville, 01 tîîîs dty performed lb.. operatiou. Win., Latent reports bave lit Harry in cou- Mils Mine, lavin nS Chcago, la viiug vailesclng. ber cousin, Umes[rene Lawrence. this 1luutaor chiche never misa ur wsek. n11tiatr il ou Iasd Lttie Chick Starter. lirs. W. H. Tifany of Antioch, speut everytbipg in It except the cluet, eold lutI weok Thora y wit lira. lBay L. nIY .MtIÀB Z'Y VILLE LuaîîEuCa. - Hubbard. The steroptico, lecture on "Darkegt if pou vant good bard wood, aove Chcago and Bar Waifo" given by Rot. l.-ghhi ral up LiBEHBTYNvLL« Luinige Co.. . 22.2 J. R Dick-)Y at thc Presbyterian church The . C T. . wll old te eig la usi Frldey svsnng avia.very iargely ThetngW .T. C.miirhld ilsnia jattendod and grestly e.joy7ed by ail meetng lthlir Saab aso oupreoeut. We undoe.tand a noat sum Tueday, Fati. 25. vas realised. Bejamin Simone le Ibis veek @end- Rry1 ul l- oItW.noes o lug Severai days vlatlnir relatives sud harrhom a. oMnaloft W.dn. whefree friends et Cedar lRapide, la. wîîî Omain for tht summ er e vii lir. Ma Pie.of t. ani Mnu.,make the trip ovsriand with a borne agent several da ta fuît week witb lMr. sund buggy. Bis desdtinaton au sbo-it l'îiSos mothar. lMr. L. C. Pries, boe- . 200 miles distant aud Hfr srr aid ho Llb(nrtyville Photo Studio wiii ho open el pecred go complet the trip Ly iuuday. ou Maonday and TuWsay of neil v..ek. Wr a eurci.d1r.t h k'eb. 24th sud 25th.1Wodbsbe evdhr tte C. A. B, oe Prop. leffect C. Royden Pugh for tioje.. ears Il you bave any bonae for qale or rent Iprior la lhie . ear principal of the local li theni with Hubtiard & Hubbard. cbooalt, vas ODe of tifty-thre.. who Tbey viliinuseery effort 10 ive .Û.-îaéed the agate bar xawnoation oa. faction. jNorth Carolina rostiy. liuriug the The Wman' Guid wii met ettheI; ryar&of is vork ber.. Mr. Pugb 'l'h.Woma's (uildwillmeetaIjîetaîended night lav ichool in Ciii.ago. reoidonc-e of li@. Ellsworth on Tburaday ero w SdRdCm antl atteoonFeb 27t. Thre ill elou w bethe' tbey gel egs or îlot sud1 neviug. why. Sbld auly eaIIBF.IoTYvILLv. Mundeeao batchery viii ho open Satur- LtliBEa Co. c-22-2 day, liareh lat sud will hateh for lbhe The Ladia' Aid of the M. E. ebnrch comlng season. Eggs 4ce ooe or 83 50 heid a colonial thumble part! at the per 100 iots, home aIflir&. L. H. Baubyv,Tuesday J. Eli Triggs lof t Tueaday for S"D alternoon. AÀ good atteudanie vas Berulla and other points lu Southeru prenant aud ail ladies vere dreoaed iu Texas on a business trip. Bo vmU ho colonial stvle. Au lnterestiog litérary goue Ivo veeka. and musical progrâm um areudered aSter Uir. sud lim. S. J. Young of Elleudale, wvbicb a dalnty Ileobeoin vas erved. A S. D., are apoudlng a couple of veeka tory pleasault 500D vas& spent. vlah Unr. Young'@ parent.,lir. aud Ber's a dverails overdrait notice lim. Bilas Wrght. imageai h a bank do"iilu Tonnessee: J. Poiseux moved is famiiy lMouda Your account @@ena ovkrchscked. Ira th Jon Geson ous ocrcard Piease ad vise il mot correct. fro th Jon Gesen bumeop rebrd Tht Suprorne Court says ve mis. etreet tw Chcsgo wvbore they vilmake appropriate thair futurs boms. Fundo vhou vo pay an over-chock. A sure cure for lost appetits le to boy And îhough ve wapitd ho gladti a ioad of bardvoodchuuke. apillut pour self, try IL. Soid by LinEItTYVILLIE aecommotdaIs.. Lumis i Co. c-22-2 We do not vaut to liat It in lhe ueck. est. W. J. Kinselsa of Chiefago, vasaa caller lu Our villae mla& Priday, comlug boe.ou secount of4tbt death cf ou@ of bis former parlafiionere. Mir. sud lire. John Rittlen and dangh- ter May, of Washington, lova, are apending a veek or Ivo vith lir. and Pile.. Frank Iittier boe.. Tht Ladie' Aid eoclty of the Presby- terian church viii hold a baker!sale et the Ray Furniture Store, Saturday afiornoon. February 22nd. lira. Fred Supdam wisies to aunounce tluât ahe viii ho et the Leter Novety store thé lest Saîorday of each moutb ta calect R. N. A. duos. e-21-2 Mundee@ Ligbtning Raup Cireo lime beel in the world, le nov on the. market. Gîte hirm a trial order. ,Oc aud $1.00. 8old by DEIK Eu & Bain orsee. Mundee. Attorney sud lMre. B. H. Miller sud litli sou returued Tue@day nigît from a oeserai weekq* solouru at Washington. D. C. Tbey report a very pleassult trp. Mtiss Harriet Gridley, accompanisd bp Mise Ellen E. Foster of Evaniton, visitei over Saturday sud Sundap vith Milas Grideps mother, Mfr. .e<org" hiridlsy at ber borne ou Division street. Tuesday and t'ridsy nights are special two sud three reel feature ightsaI the Lyrie Theatre. On Friday nigbt (to-nigbt) wlll ho presented "The Toya of feeling," a Ivo rmol isature. Csaa prices of admission. Mir. and lMr@. J. E. lieredith accom- panied Mr. Meredth s mother as fer as Chicago lionday enroute tu ber homo ln Michigan alter bavlng spen1 several weeke visting at the homeo f ber son bers. A sure cqiro for iost appetito e 1tu buy a Ioa" of bard wood ebunke, eplit it jour self, try it. Sold by LWEETyviLLE LuxUmcitCo. LIFE INSURÂNCE Securty sudabllty ni a Leiimu- eucs compa Io fonnd inita les$-spu Old Ç*W W p - ÇeqW 03. C. GridJep @peut tlb. ral o! the veek lu Springfield vimere the Illinois Biukers Association Comumittee on Agriculture sud Vocâktional Educabion cf vhieh ho issanienihr, sud the aoceistion'a com milles on Good Roas preseead îhroee ille1cor st. eaid lu ugfrieullural extension, voctionsi educalicu sud bard roada reslîcctively, ta the govei-uor, tate officesudinouï- bore of the leglîlaure sudoesuats at a unucheon on Tueday. Tvo more entertaiumenla on 4be course for thim vear buté gond. Musical Favorites sud Cohby oee ime cartoonist on OailyNovl e' .dandy. Reoerveai setfor bathetrtaiumgnte 75c, single admiss;ion S Oc, general admission We, bidren 2-w. S. L. Scheiliand family accompsuied bp Miss Vers Hend e. viii leave Satur- dsy moa ing fir Florida, going b! vay of Philadopihîansd Harrisburg. Penn. where tbey a Il visil finondaafler vbocb lhey viii continue theîr journey to Washington aud Bsltimore from vhich place hbep take a threc dayA trip dovWu lime Atantic coast Ly boat ta Jackon. ville viiere t4b' v viii take the train for Ft. liper near whicb place the woil locale. The Llberty viIIll ovlilg Club vont la Lake Foreet Monday night sud mFt thaîr tirat defeat of the aeasou lu a ciase gamo vitii..e Lake Forest boys bp a margin of serentp.oD.isa, tbe total acores bing. Lake Forest, 2597; Lihortyvillo 25-26 Tht boys have roi led Ivelve gamos lhiis eason sud bave a strlug 01 eleven victorias tw their credit vilS butIone defest. Thia la s good record sund tb..y havé juet cause for f!ecingproud. Thui;day niglut ia Animateai Weekly nlght at the Lyrie Theatre. The Ani- uuatsd Wgekiy ailwaya funnlahes intoroal. ig pptures. (lood ahowa guarauteed etory ught. 1be Vibaàtm 1- tlb. Photo studio to be Open Pino uk' Amîi lub at the. tOwu hal] last Thure., Bosvick's Photo Studio. viii heo cu Ader?% Piano $hop iii Vs day 'eveuing vas attsnded by a largee for bcuiesaou Monday and Theeday. the place to bave your pis. crowd, beween t:, suad Aixty COUPIe Februarv20 u 21hfut week repair,-. rellniehing. newvsel y 24h ad 2th o net kTbpy seIl the Shonloger la holug present. The couinittee @pared and then agan on M.areh lOb sund Sehuirpiano. ll4Northt3heri, no paine in dKeorating the hall1 and saga lith. C. A. BîERIVIIý, Prop. Waukegan. Obituary Mise Mary Siavin vas boru Maceh 12. 1843, lu lrelsnd, sud died Thursday, i!'b. 13, 1913, st the home of ber tinter, lira. Benry Lawrence on Newhtrry avenue, thet mmediate canse of desth htaug uemonta. At tibe% ega of one pear the, vit behr parents came ICi Ameripca, seltliug at Wuconda vhtre the llved until about tweuty peare ugo vhtn the renîoved te Liberlyville, vblch plae tbe bai ince mas ber bomne. Du ring ber enti'-e lisie bai been a devoul i.'.aholic. utlug htr everv effort lu the intercale of the fotbeanee oI the cbureh. Mdise Siaven vas the oldest of a famfly of thirteen elidren, seven girls anddsix boys, tour of vbom survive btr, ire. lHsnry Lavrence and lire. C. A. Appiey of Lbertyvillo, idre. Bose Tleruey of Wankesha. aud John giavin of Chicago. A @ad coincdeut la tbe fact that the death of Mdiss Siavin marks the paasiug of three Wstera during a peromd of fourteen monîba. The funerai vas held at St. Joseph'a chnrch Saturday mornug at 10 o'eiock, lIev. Fallier Luttreli ofllciating. Inter- ment vas nmadin theCatholie cons-tory a t Wauconda. Card of Thanks %N. vimob t) expressouer bearîleit thanîks lu the .nighbars anaifriendo wvue aoeîsleol us aller tbhe desth ofi aur sister, Mary Siavin. Mou . ANIo Mini. HEcNay LAoo iE.,O.E AND Episcopal Services sunday chool at 10:30l. Preasohiug ah lgi. Bolycommunioon uînînidiately followhug presching service. REV. BERNoARD., Rtor. Pirivate Sale Auni eaving th ity ansd villioeili my housebold efecto iucluding ail furniture ud ousehoid utensilà at privato sale tcanmencing Tuesday maruiug, Feh. 25. aud iasttiug unili Fridav evoning, Feb. 28. E. F. KIGHiT, Second bouse voit cf Stewart avenus on Park avenue, c-22-1 Fruit Trocs and Vines i soi now takiug ordere for fruit 1,e and vines for one of tue boit nurseries lu Ilichigan ah about half p ries ofcfari- vaser,. G. H. SUfAýNCIe. Phpne i1 1 M4. Notice Vs, von. lhe other dey haudeai a co 1i viii hoat Fred Croclera tailor @hop oS h le iso! Pino. Atpsal, a y svery day froiu nov until Mareb 101h prInted at Nue'-a (k ro». Ile of lues, ta recelve our taxas. C-22-3 eontaining Ivelvo ix coumm. Pages@et PETER Borin, Colator. '13 ]ÔPoint (oee ite lgger type thon_________ nw. betsdcU lOa 1 cf Notice advsrïtbg bilathe 0 hii1uPrims la ihh aal t Pur pstper W -' Ol ouh- > Theog nt e'metoufoS peclal tîn bMA-aemeut No, 1, the seveat luelsil iwbn tb at Kiure? Ulo. lm, vs'remeto pWAP" n,-N.,ad to do It 6 *the third Futaiîmcnf cf pscslà.ec ment No. a. arc »ovduoeaMd Papable ai '5phIooIo J>viiib.ope, my office on the second floon ime Lheune «id non Yust lb. 94b ~hbldg. cIà-il 0 ~ A. IL SdaRltbxaLg, Village CÏ)Isotor. Some of these days you'll be asking yourself Tom Wataisequestion: "Where Arn 1 At?" Yes you will, and the answer will flot be very gratifying either, we fear, unle you "rustie" nome Good Sense ý a For Fire and Life Insurance SEE Charles D. Proctor, i AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan MutuaiLi1e Insurance Company. UBERTYVILL. ILL Home = Manufactures inLet Exponoe bst.gtustatueuuullàrs"umbrs Quilta. Coiferters sud oi".,benaold artUl"sors e at this ease., sud vs bave trisd to protide fer theauua dc.nand Wftt as M ZPle sOPPIY Ofci Uicncnrp mt4Is0. BATTS 0F MANY S17E AND QUALITIES. SILKOLINES, COTTON CHALLIES. CALICOS, YARNS AND WADDIN<Q. APRON AND DRESS GINGHAMS. SHEETINGS AND MUSLINS. PlLLOW TURING, TICKING, TABLE UINE STAMPED EMBROIDERY PIECES. SILKS AND COTTON FLOSSES. HOOPS AND ALL OTHER ACCESSORII XKany of the New Spring Things are conig in te W. WeCARRO\fMLL,& SONS C( INORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STOREPfbo id Ils vs te e the begun OK ited racuit the ro<îm was profu@elY Sm- beiîbed wth littie red ha-rts sud arrows. veiy appropriate for the. oes- Miou. Prof. Hatcha orchhatra of J sues- ville, fouisjhed the music. Aller the. dauce a party of 1111, reparëd tu the Lyrle Retaurant sud partook of au oistor aupper prepared e-ipecially for the. occasion. Thee@vout vas greatly enjoYed by &iU as ile cb funtou givenuncder the auspices of the club. il y3u vaut good bard wood, slave leugthae ail up LasTi'ILLE LI-mIBEit CO. c22-2 Friday oveuing, Febrnary 14,.%Ir. aud lire. F. L. Bittlerentertained iL. Earuest Worcer Suuday achool close sud their frieudeata a Valentime prt! St thoir home ou Mlwaukee avenue. The roonlt woro very tAstily docorated with ornaments suitabio ýo ths occasion sud valeutine favors ver. uaed at tho elaborated supper oervsd the. guesite juml before the hour for departure. A smeil- iug coutes#at athich lire. F. H. Just won the priresand a gueuialur coutesi vlth W. 8 MclJlain vinuer of the prt., besidee readinga, music, etc.. comprlaod the progruum fur the eveuingo' entertalo- meut. About forty-live ver, prout audsat he hour or departure they voiced »s one. tbeir thankeg for the pleasant eveulug spent, declaring their boat sud hostes. royal entortaioore. go te, Dcker & Bond'@ tu get your entertalunoîmat rmeorved. Board open nov. ect good sat.i@ whitebep last. A telepbYeme rail vill get a seat for Von ilForu tant corne peraoally. The basket social given by the pupils of the Lbertyviiie bigb snhool at the achool bouse last Eriday oveang vas a sucesa oboth saeially sud lluancially. A. C. Murray olflciated as auctioneer at tho sale of the baskets aud the oumi of $22 was realizrd. The folowiug pro- gram vas roudered: Soiction ......................... Orchestra Votai Solo .................Kate Carrol Song .......................Junior Clas Piano Duel.Mlals-I Murrie, Aimsa Back Mire. Jarley'@ Wsxworkm.... Ju nior ('la@@ Sangz.......................Juniîor Clame Sel)ectulo.......................Orhetia Songe wer. wrilîon b! mn bers of the *d0". Accompaiat. EFile S olakoif. Wax vorko e ore represetations of senior ciamme ueîers. Orchestra: Harry Golti, planidt; Lucian Ellsworth, clani- nett; Koneth Lovoil, violin. Incubalar chiche nover nie@ Iheir moîhor If pou feed Little Cblck Starter, overythiug lu la exeept thee dock, sbld only at LiDEBTYV[LLE LumBEri Co. c22-2 ML- and find out whore a good, trustworthy bank in at.- It wll fot be necessary to look far. We are anxious to help you gain your bearinge, my non- depositing friend. Call and sec us, Lake County National Ban&." UIBERTVVILLE, ILL. Capital, Surplus and Undivided Profits, $90,00.S' Real Estate &Bartni Third &t, modem inp. v emments, fruit snd sad"e ... 7-romu, ous. sud Lotwithb ha uou coruer North a 5-cet,. Houa. sd Lot with bre onu Second St.,w-11 inmpioeved ....................$1 40W EASY PAYMENTS. Stnctly Modern Hona te Wsidmlauxe vossrcegtmil, M . * bath, 2 store remahardw ooerasas -Wd eemidtr, a imua large ster.. bot air fumuoce. Large bar.. Cocu. lot à soe, w sud aidevsilu din s ouspe"d.PRIE 13 VERT 8.reom Homme snd Lot os Diue. htr*et. uew and suidtly q ail impovemeaisi lot 4OX2O4; @sent aA bý &-romn Houas sud Lot ultIhotur,..mhllvaukesAvineig tev1un mikbAde cU frauitm.d stde, o-bensesof mmd, rime veon vte,goed ere. Cea i. bouse... 6-room Houn u l5waukee A10.oubt, belmselalmd Phono LEETYVLL 1

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