CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 7 Mar 1913, p. 1

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rr~1T'1~TT7<TT Lie 2 41._0 TWUZLVIC PAGES L!IBZRTYVILLC LAKE ()OUNTY. ILLINOm» IRIDAY MLARC11 7, 1913. ONE TO BIGHT 81 50 PER YEÂR iN AJ)VANCK Placesl at Duo and thse orne UInes, and 'a~sit In sItÉîag ID * hot, poorly ven- MS LE ER OIJS nodout ti. nw yrtyla o b.cop- B ASTjtIJated bonne, da*tug ravenouIY. He fi ff PRES. LLN GR WITli À REV'L no sab h e at t onm L S ITYB the. tell&yilats lie 10 goîng teLhI4l& DIED SUNDAY MORN. AR I L 9 DU I IO eâe a shai a leader Whio ARmuF SNE'4 die"'If di.41 *t ulill be because ho IJ F R $5OO e Ellen Gerry, a resident of Wau 1 ACITW LA ~UhyffhÂV Borne of'tise liidepecdeêts, bowever, 'Il A I Thene statinelpts, hum the repre- VA KEUA CID egne forry the a20ar igo tet. o ll ITE 1IV»lAI are a blt dubto about the. 'wtde i1C LI VIIiIl sentaflve of tuS i5flaCe Company FORi Fiiai IIAILIEft died at ber home Bunday mornin;atj DEP Fft1eJ open" plut outllned by thse Mesure. -_ which cairrWedtïi rus on the reflue- 2:z30. tir. Garry bal been Ill for Ùià,adAv ry explosoort thige sa eiitireiy new several nionths and ber death wasfo Uvely Tim as, Acting Mayor Dulvenan hi adli' tu "eht Representative of Big InSUr. ligbt on tb. Maillir àaài If hieis ReMasnttienso Lake unexpected by ber relatives. At the, George Sherman, Aged il « Md ~ ~ gol Tarnis Ex.m of p ance seeïm ta are true tisW On many Of the vie b1, achr f er death, Mrs. Gerrr wasl Ca.Arhm 4 a tara. hW ~ ~ miusi tmo bec o Mer 5Ul lapitd8 years olil. 8he.1 lu urvived by beri _UoRIo *-di lO1 eama b beeu figuring o untyd n nednhtr n é6pum one the Iým. utoffl aou4 5PP th *11. Mit7 Effeot SettInOt&. goutlag lare'ïiia mfrom the cernt- For Lake County.te ls and dangebther n i >P.- Been Gone For Dy. ettsaIuwà.aaand coeu wii siater Mm. A. Goulil et Shserman- MdiOR uat lt a co asequentm Place.' er'othera are John Asibley, SULLIVAN SAVES THE DAY. IF nome bave alruad declined te bock MEETING WITH DIFFICULTY BILL AFFECTS JUDGE'S FEE Fsrank %1u~ idAsi sls"OIEAKDT ERI no Mheaon "Progressive" Poliels. b-- IN f Bseett. la. Fsneral services at the livig he t b pogm" n hehoe .Vdnsdyat 1 o'clock. Exciting Tim ai Meeting' when wroing throns a . prgeen nteSays Shyster Lawyers Have ME N Y NeW Mease Before Senate The noyllbe held et th : ~One ofthe Boys, Abraham L04 PmRe prssf Seeks - ln tihe mean Urne Voliva le direct- Create'i Wrong Impression B L ) ES Provides tnorease in Salary are In acondtion te taire the bsody i n h WsOio nOWhiu' rK the. war behinil ea«vy ulg. gansY L D iS Io Mllburn cemetery for hurla]. i n W oW sM o t0 Cover the Dongs. a ài. tise M1exîan situation pales into of Liahility Law.rn For Ceunty iudge. Mn. Gerry was a mensier of the! Probation From Court Inhirdilancewhe we ompae tha 1Lady 11larcabees and tihe AmerIcan: o Cic.<ty, Feb a2.- tn iets 1! ~ :;e wse oofpr theean loges... 8 11.- odmnnurecyMv RePreseistatlve Thsomas Grahantof chargeof th funerbeee will be inITlinoas. agss lad 1 akgn IL er ary lad Wedneeda ,Waukegan, IllInoLke.i, rose durtng thse RO I R M A " Iabukean toay peit t~he ~ Vîsî lnkea a >4i1 lns the? itate legisiature proxim- IUYD YA u ni1 er fae uapa meeting andi poissted tearepreaeflta. RO DF Od A -. dVams ut tidseictmeo te Corns tlog for $15,000 lsr tise purpose of es Frids evein Àet THdEie th% ANTIaim oafsiis ah vaiciime of thek Corn!i~4 wred aee t latan thee Pe tive of thse Chicago and Waukegan fgjm TQLl Prodsi c eiining comusany explso COURThin a mi.aceyI Lk eeakdt lct h fPu preas andi weistei tihe cissirman ta but asserts it lo almiost a hpeless LOCAML LOD« U NDECIDED. county. The bill lis nt yeî :),!Pl Iy hi rpete hoeord baahl jetsi icad ulias Mr~P lIIH~ a-k because of a idlataken conception actefi upon, but it is said it scut DEA TUN S . byteprn.worpre,4 leader of tise Prgei lege was A1.jlII4 S:~ass.'~ h ibutylwo iepr f sure of passage iii tihe flouse unds I iTte todsa.ý abu te-deqte uine*e tise familles of the dead Mien and of Action of JoWnng«Mover:ent I tisat assurance lias bleesi btainet tisat! Shrmn Tise boys are: y n f t se e s ' w " o w e r e I n J u r e d . F e w . i fi i l g t r u h t e S e a e a G e o r g e S s r s a , n e 1 h Mab out ted tdee tihe audibe en e Gie Lake County neith an ' ofethe victima, lie salid. have se- Deferred toa Later Meeting i Ante Imotn bil whie 1-1 Circuit Court and Grand lury fate okatosmiithài lng 'Mhat lhe thouglit he ouglît te go. FîiS rvl od nt e tedii the mnies' whicb ie coming toi near Besie>' place andl Bl. Tis rpote uoodUpan areee ins Grve "od in unthe cmestina asý on MaiOh Twelfth. fects Lake cossnty ias Introduvsel in Convened as Wel as the ete. tis chiran.exlailn lis ffiia Enir Stte tise> se tbvgns he nai ea- tise Senate. la one wvhich fixes tise Charles Abraham, agesi 14, ilon tliat they can secure mucli more' eaaia0 ost'jde nal~-Spriosfatser l& a South Bide barber and pstoan y ehdconé Mhore. bywlig r oltae easton andi Ju 'ies under $250 000 populationi et $-lres near tise Sherna huis. - positon ani whyhe issi - y wallng. Dr. loîtr 000 a year and ln counoties of Over hebywrel eni He thon walted for tise verdict and Sisyster lawyere and ablnesiyne,2. hrmm.t J%ýudge-l'oby e ut* plactng his notaisook is Pokt A NOCS OUNTY.haesfrnCicg ablael.> ~ E.Csr aet ak 250,000 popsulation at $10,0000 a lea;'. JUDGE DONNELLY PRESIDES ýro,s4g the ravine neal. tise A TNO COS T C ciasrs"frniChiag ar bam s Ygatla M'edneeday evonlng to addreesl Other mesaures Introducedi whichi wue prepared te b. ssowss tMe door. -him fer cauzing this feeling of dissatis Irwp n h neetn fin on tie tMs lodern Woodrna SU LAite Camp bail interest Lakte cosenty people Isiclude beeradts neetn fato ntepart of h victime., enhal each le said to have suilivan holà just talsi bie audience Several Hundred Dollars a H-e se thse se shysters have ban tel- wlîh thse ides of fnteèreating tiseniun these: Few Important Cases up at the >.22 alibre revolver. A boy tisat ho befioved ln a equr deai te . ilg m"ny thinga which are not truel tise Ihllisois *oim Insurgent aâýBy MacLean-Allowing a man on iienna Cit>. asin #aÀ> Week lncrease in Business lis order that they ma>' set a pari 0f sombi> movmen toyd, tuor'n thea> iesai xmto f 1 pnn esino or 1tise same leoigisee au the. victimeg gain ona 0f thse 90 mole present, te tieCg anrj-D oe lae et a plans thero itriWi have been lnconetotent te turf à re. ts tiesteethees ie> wektame gartaiee. asW appliesav 1W ris., - a ready audience. wo au 51n B>' Corftwoll-Aondling tse auto.- s ntle potrot*M4 .. ;zoLo_ Àad*o"rd la camé ru pat U 110bio ae oouaty sfim "W tei 0Cition thAI cf the. victime seens te thsal The insurgeat -rm veel>' -Met mobIle 1&,« b, pqmft» Me uanean lIlisls Wia"l ,i~~~ Ofte ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ts> of ontîies taes grave roore ofteW a wave of tnu'eacy t losuer- an>' hôru maklng a fond' gansi harp WueaIlniKrs 311- Tt1wdthm va nme q t etierpotas a B ut rvl ol a ieunder the comspensetion act tus, rea4- noiseom frinsi fo li ofere hl a i> l tte tu a short trne, elsen Mhe rond ly is tise case," besii ' is esgenc>' ln Lakse camp, oém. wile tise Tdy a bs'da butts, tsas is hsmn visitas, urgesi houk ansi other theddgm-role htts -cutbue CIrcuit court, thse grand niane>' at ail, WhIle tiseà eirtuerviics e eai ra tsew bali;g huilt boeen Lakte NIlla Who were confinei te tise isoaptal out>' cape ý» and s4selztesrsosetna'ieoeapry1 urrieciycutas iespr has a. saliU amoma An_ and4 amit 10554 cheoms la and Antiacis ands Lake, Villa andi have utstedazgtly refucesi to aecept tise vsnw inAiiasl i.b~ue which Mli scribe joisses, ho was per-. te~a~ tbe > iay ie lciisgt hn a Cook count>' die*rilot insurgent divorce proceedilagu ln case of alliai- iioswr nssin baa ateby1b mittesi te etay. trUIse ro i eaounsie The oul ofa 'Pýpydayausd àit bas iseetn allomwosit m neetings. tise muembera vetesi te deter ter'>. luettse mornlng, circuit court Con- *@site OU%. asI takm a tata unl eri 2 thie tise mat abou 1a9e> Tisce hoi ots tis Brt er. d. Jusige Whitnsey pru.lding un- court cen thse roeaê ct t»s rhssiiusatre hw Y1koonvaGaaat n AeVI i, MmiLUntOucsed l the ,o,.y,,IactiOn tiIi noo>sh 12,epo he« thet fat-' Otav HaaleyeTh ansi ais ether waa! o Tuaepiit I firnesehon b keausvlaGryaliseaus00L00 lnla l ean Tt la tr Ii ta diecssaed et lent. Tise isoos of Locomo1tivea Engineer relquir t I in thezu bappl l cour t Jisig dlre bina, sain effot. Sullvan Wu pprcistd ad th teAntIch.and ý biltentrol omosfl heu nî.gbt kept Meu! «W". lng ail trains te carr gagMon. t i utelcplaeS ug'elr fnd&iqum.b Dow Pvart va appreoat an ing o tis e o r pactich, ansi th oiut ir dIa' l !> e. n wt ls. o s u Tie visiter& explamesi the purpose Bs' Cýa m»ell-Amens criminal lOnnelly rellevesi ias at nomo n d i i nýng Miat hoe ooffl 4o, nhe, martyo humu aint ssisin s fgavifr rcici> tish n iro d uis. te cmest oe van et go eýf the issssrgency rnovmt te fight code t niaise penalty for larcens' of preiding over court aeeebim frons, wi' hlm. Tise indue Iffl tTse mils po vo um at tndu en, sii Tise comisletlticts of tMis roasiw ea gt moe omes.o e 0t tise lnred rate plan an ue te more than $16 i'ison sentences oDW on for a weok. rroiation ass net à date eaeattlo 5sln lr us ti oen a ae haepasaotdwee The Grond Jury vas to report ta lmia asîlonnact apver>'Mcprofonssionsmao- thaveplanakedoptsitvhMis lut eryatrauoneatoetelaeave.y eleaareotise sensat-seo tise frnat>'one tisecourt. bu. vii ohpciia rfuln fr- aTe est pans 'Oat eau la Mbat ..A a matter o! fact tise Copn Woodman lis Laite couaty wii gve 50 By Holaday-Provides for free gr wandjrt the en iiso h only h 111111101. go Due botter tisu tise olsi lIs- trip. Tie;atpr f tall htter. In case of sieath il i>i'vidoe th conta escis towards tise tuiisee-tasottodfsho lie graen d Jury ta sesin i hiait got along. Tuein dependent Party. tdie county bas not hesit a y a cent' i the fatmidees bise prolhaieatioefgs h ale oeB rnsoteio fsbolcidrnwe MrhtrmB . okn gdp axed i rbainm for IL Ail tise labor vas doosatesi >'tIe famnle f otis eimial l ss'> te> tour Opstioe raine r twa or more echool dstricts have B. iiollinworts. nvefcie nblt't Sullivans la employesi asbliarsrn sito grvlva byl5c~e an!nuteuvln afu poiinEcutri been coneolidatos.Mristr-eog v. nitis cil e IS, abisit te havt cleris at tise Co ac tor>' Inisa' vihcnrbtoamie b>'! u inealmes their anna eala"rient in the Tise> were metu witb opposition b>' Bs' Karcli-Prevents marriage wlits! ri e'-hre J avsas h o iealfe i iabi dreseh istatesi tMat tse>' hasi ba almon 0f Austloci. Grayelake 'ansi Laité! Ssof tise mon ZlUei lis the explosion C. T. Heysieclter andi other membere wite persons of an>' persans baving Charles E. Vais Pattai. . tiIh y ductise ondte bod igt ine he one e otisla e amount of liabilits' viicli tise com. h visastei tise raising cf a furis af oniWeighth or more parts negro bloond. Maris terni-F. J .O'Boyle. Il Matn hlml'ginse atae trbd, Mar luh Ricardon tise came bis ZioijVIea pan>' ls responahble varies froni $150() Mla sort vas not esaential ansi pro- B>' Kilene--.Iis te prevent evasion Maci teri-C B.m tux g______________ bo ansi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ M boyint-tsattia forsbs . icn . v iso friis bis M'ueIt, $3500. Slater la theo oui>' meus ihl teâteil vigorously againlt ItL Thînge of provisions ot divorce decreos 117 Marc termJaeps Kelsr. been put forts te supprase taiff at t s o , t iAitli friesi . aisù a recoiving suficient salars' ta e x ains armor' some 515e.asus tne making Il a felon>' Eamr na. M*rcs terni-David Adiam. Chse, VilItitje bis tamils' tôi $3500 whleh la is meuti provesi one Ofthei hOttect allier statle withln statutar>' tume imit. Wh J .Brse niJh were ohletlonablie la tii. It>'. For ibuflIdin M the0 rend &cmi Lae ill axIu aEnun 'Wfb J.maes n t.tai enlesinWdnhllRctev Ls. Brffe andV flI Joh $k' * g ç u tisat reaaon tise>' liai fornesi tie Pn ta Antiocis am incrase of severai sn e o ag in slr'na't.l er.1 reciternshl ietRaol.Li. ILeV LiW l idresi dollars a week la business la ex- Mrhtr-tbr uslLk ge en gu and hpsii giet ho @idv jp~ elorteb buess e n. aTe ata ITie average ismount of liabilIts in tise. Froni the s'enerai expreeelans ot fi. A. . VETERANS Foet LK.l DaRvisT NothChen gtes egis a cmIns h. hops ho li m.or, b>'to belsesill nsen. bTiel at- Icase of tise men viso were iîlies here Wauisegan niembere. tise>' do 'Dot fa-, g~ eleDvs otsCis Ma wul e ffctv. OOI hd ,&ePoât. emhos t uf'e l n tise blast la $2200. ver tue plan of enterlng tais nove- L-,O E TÏ tisat vouls b.efc ive Pelba ade M'e Sylva Heai , a luf is.c "lu tise case of tise InJurmenmn.Th etrsoi Woe- AEEV E Marcs emWila Enmm lus "O, tst iveV'olvaani tieeijcompaitensatiolnwet tse omenstio se prvidsatatlimet.Tuenieitirs tea vhle.e R LIC itcke.ltr Rockefheller.amaus ea« oe n ei aghmef"te a noi cre et autaios Mines nom foui isaseg th&at Lait DA>rnh tomWila VkIy lb.A .Egauo lk ea mer taL .... take ad 'nage o the' glnnlng vils thse elgist day after tise count' isas a count>' organisation for, FB T IL Mari term-Wlliey J Vicier>. and. Ciao A b. ,se o!t ft soMtedtidMt n i o u rn uigfotacident lu a case of total disaiit>' tlghting tise increased rate more, if Mri en-hmo rn.$500por eile ie iIg "wu UO"itia ut.asii vs~ ieroirnsng tam Ciagnd thofr lem-lr Lawisi Bar-.uls h a PJsllmnss ru Nov Yor toi fallur. He aim'tdans o yet We troughW4mke», tise>'k shall receire one-bait oft erais> mosse>'emad tsoudb ý ýL tale..Hohaist ou . yt.Wesalars' evrr> pay-day up t0 lhe Urne" turse over ta thie counts' organýization H. W. Hall Recerves Part ofa rcis erns-' Lavence Bar-eneMereuaM% t*ei tai- theugi Waskean Glotoek auss ow l"19n cill, isa tiseh Theiae reterue t triesPI basn u a mt u v ae Vad ust. Tie oel rod tise total dîsabllits' onds., cs i f a tirhan the Illinsos aSàoialon; Tree IAIi., Was e reeds by Mac et-.P iznhlr jenoaday For many> moathea i hansis.AtlS etei oes,= leW r olr n otisers rep-e- Bullets-in a Battle. Marchs term-T. H. Meyer.. has giron it up -s lelt foseva be W ans e n se sai it . pubie a o thes> hi rre o e mesaie alsîlt teshah receiv ho sl Ornoir ans "" I'.i Marue teniJ P.e Misetse Vwe adistansce Of trami tva t tive ties, ta Iheir familles ln case tise>' hasi hsen Mosl canspicuonaneies0 ieo1Rchr .Hvsis as essapre apoe v libatvrnes, wla Ziuion ttpuli AssIrosTuics1 thei rendtels.w suprvee sanbaon tisaId wsud1eml1et .T essc er s On f tse or-RicardW Hom-akns.iLvnaa hsws var ek , laoter eslye ubet ladee va i gy cistlusl lThon tt I t iebo sersi av.oen and supe rv d> sll.ser viso oppoged tbe increase la rates Veteraus uf tise Civil War ln Wau- . ean Up Docket.' Ing Pullman cars bai fouait tisie ue ans a ymnilni.The tse oysMeari Baes,'frmas asiRlciar-1"Tisere ls a mistaken Idea amng ands ho la bocting the coont>' plan,. ksegan are congratulatlng themoelve Tise court went lisrougs tise ilociet lace'ansi his cldren hal been vol vouisi not gooff te Waulkessn ansi son. Whso entsuees tise farmere aven sanie ofthlie men wIish regard te tise Tise vieitaota explained t, unlese Ioday as the resait of a amail planit ta dlean up tbe olsi cnses andi Moeg lit ileover aince. A relative toSk t4M ts eiter mon.' ansi get Ibt bad thse PrOPOell andI meuagesi 10 gel daenages tise>' are entiltlei te ln cas. Lakte couns sibers contrlhole 50 recesed tsv tem visicis wae taken -vere sîriciten off tse siocîcelti eIM lset ieJvls tr n comisan'," saisithepeakser. the business Men ta niaise generous0i prsnn.daiuenn t ieir cents esels. tliev -111 nas ho recos'- front one ou.t tise trees at Cisicamasga leave la reinstate: vaclacto oth $15.000 etoses tan t1U SelBran,~~o b>ptervm'asI a ncaentis, difiguremen sit et te eatl o t15,0t core il tha e learn tu the recent ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~Itbt asal ae hnV-CU.NYta ncs i iIgrmn osmn e.met sn battis, On JWYs 20, 1863.! tn. againt C. & M. ElectrIc. teral htMs pau e g listis reontaasstl caa, iso Vo CONTYTREASURER Inot disable tbeni more tisais tise elgsti Tse'stuaton in Lake counits 1.s pe- Tbe isianit. whic was cul froni tse Heydecker vs. Strong, Contssi 10o! i ansi recoverel tue pears. T4ù lia' cusdee vae isI itlvan Iday peroi t tise>' are ente ta culler as Miis ttas ont of the original true. shows baîf a dozen ballets visiciOcober. Mesko faniui> wiii receive $1,05 m vire anti êURTS TWO- FINGERS. siarnaes ot exceeding one-taurts of lasurguscy pbsr aninvI ee-ideilsts re oe ieets1 Bradley, illetcaIf Co. vs. Sugar, jr'yard. bsail hol of a wiecabie eac too tas' es -onsad4Wltl x ogd ntete.Hlsw ete Part luast.rlklng tue eiders. Tise>' tise ofdage tisaI vouhld ta palsi. in plainesi tisaI obers are aeeiig ta ballets isassed tbrougs are aie ta beicalledlas aehas.I a n cae f eai.lis case ties' are dis- brlisg tue Laite <'osissts MeMbere into seen. Iappeni. POSTOFFICE SOON muet have »eun Éis gist. iowever, Carl Westerifield. canîs treasurer, ablesi orer tise eigist day perosi tues a Moiemnent contrar>' te tise original'ie resie was mecesOs Tsîrsi> Thl Spevîsay for vlteesevor tat is vaIes lwtssed tWO thngers vert severels' Fmi-1 receire comtpensation d)ffereistîs îsieas o! insurgency. Âdcordlisgls' tise isnins i eeasH .Hlta oIo h uevtr eepe- OB OLC strlgit hmetha niht ns sisi sotda' n~is w li lYies isasetisali. 'I aq are net ontîtei ta siailsages o Illinois assemble praniotfre, fl Laite Horace Parker Whso, 'oile dams in ent yben Ciarman Clarkse aesUDE C.OD.PA ene ts Vlalt taIl. Sullivan, IT Wi l e e e thveaboeIe dnue ie eet hi i't ate OsI',ee abv aW atulieur Chicamauga 0.naes ta gel haAonbnea rira 'co iue ton, @vtr onl tes, uset tiset thjees bers.T hearîlesa vas' of looising aI it bust Tt Offlly _,Uoremesil witisin, m Insurgea- Il for bis comradoe. o atmeigvr es niIi to, voe n ats ha dsptetu br, i)e.waa mlas'ed betweeu la ail prOVIdei for la tishopssto ~~oesn.Iogtselclmnwi f ouit boat- eeting diu r end a n iiessa'al\aisg i.Fl 7-u> dense !og ands tue fastnppacigeie0 ie" mr i iegml, HOwever. tise reiner>' do. flot 'ta tise battie are Fred Worth, Charles,10O, cormjittee vans te occupy tis in collect on deliverv telture yul hoe drueWhuyucudntdti-et tihe Oçatral achisol. jîntansi te lire 'Opi t thse 1ntter et ths P I HRI 4$Bdleoias li aI ie a-tematne sî 0teiaclpi eve sirines.vho oi cull lo d8t ibetrgebi Vu~ «en ta gain pos.l îav ans in as ee f "er% diètl a lisCHRC Thee el l ot 'th euni . Court o s tisspam pant s50evi*& gulais a tors '30 yards 1itn he1 va sterma ise ael eg ins also Geremntvattisiiicslssase' ' aIAlCtk enWrao,"ns - u ihe onti exiito una tisen afr.ý- A.l R. A._._u bi tJa oret.usiliasss put i nt hso i .4pa ne Whih realost bssistis fop 4tie aterfeI o his tns tsa tsala levu'> p51 ' -' on o!excuor, . .1ie-etis- sle te egln'ys

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