CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Mar 1913, p. 10

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A"Then eninied quite a Wait for the ovcs 1O .mad7:30 p. M o U~SR151 meeting Place between Wilkins and 41J ) f te a.,33 nq80 .I *5,1 P JII t he-drver of Q oml u te a WROTE iainiytation extendd taeeV-A T TO L~A~3E A OLVYTlunwalt for proitably an hour b. e N UN si or oieaon t 11< nJ .ILI U' theY board the sound of wuon uia139 service% lat itord's day.f wheels. Drawlag their revolvers the for"~--.------a Po licemen waited the nearer approsch j an)s jWp-Whitney Sustans De- orth wgo.Jstau he waon &p Former Waukegan Newspaper gi j mTx TO Mrs. Thomas Boyle of Decatur; juuoein ui oftheerVs rof tndhoeth Wilins Mani is Accorded a High Manages té ýOot Oficers to Ah Voilva, Just, et ai. wth their weaponz. Thers * n Honor at Washington. R O RT AT FORT Intercede For Her. _______opportunlty for hlm ta put up a fight and lhe sub ltted to araest and vau »ST FILE NEW PAPERS. broug1It te the police station -where HGLDS A FINE POSITION. O= . radbury, Jr., bas reoelved BYFRE I W G.e 11W_______ entai cadet at West me look Much Wire. Point Miitary academy tbrough the Hat Ojt Eas Start a Step to Appeal FuIY rilve miles ot copper wire Started in Newspaper Game on efort,,SSt Laurence B. Stringer, con-i eclared He Was 18 When he 'm iOnc-I4mportant Ruling9 dred pOunds,ha liedbend si hue- Te u-AsTthe Tp Bradbary's order ln to report at'Fort Was But 15---SjIecia( Rul- l,, in. the Case. Pair of ppUers wib w iolen.the i Has Been Rapid.' Sheridan April 29 and et West point ing for the Mother. a huit been eut down from the pols, J- 4.a a vas found lu.Wlkins pocket. The o ýiv»Chaules Wbitncy thls wlvre alh bad been taken en the Mil. Grafton Wiicox, a formeur Wluke-' Waukegaaa, Ili., Match il, 1913.- 'e 0ft butanei th dmurer auee oadnoth f Gan avu... 9«. sinevapaper man, but now thse WýS IO NK EII3MTi~s. Thomas BDoyle of Decatur ba le his gmurur ýcorresponael.t in thé Ho tILM..? Rý O buen waging an effort te get her 15. lIUS o f CilMiller, son of Mayeri The Cbleiago teiephone coxm<,nyahn1 onla IlMwof ionCity,.n b vb Millerlfor the lsst two or titres years bualot Réresentatlveu of the sociated ya-l o a Ior $000.the defendutahi- eIxperiencing considérable trou- Pieas, playd a maît importantat DR*a-Çffl â Sf~ Yerod o humaP., eut of su-lt 21Overser Voliva, Frak H. ust blo In melntaining their tol Unes in nsdlgetehudeaonv vice at the na-al training Station, the e U«tyill GergeBut a & ndgoeut sape thmughout thecounty be- pliers ai over thecountry the news NAorthVS.iAagOY? :,îuse of bié y.uth K I 4iWerIL Dpew f monCity 1 cuse o ttderdaati o i Ol adntclatcd rs Inaugaion.eUs oOY ntruh h neet o fLes -Xesuit vas breuglt iy Mlllefrthleve. Il vas hecause ofths tatThe AsscatdPres.aige i $* daim for damages farth trb- $ 250* ruw5rd vraisoffered yreli theImportant t1 f rtn at the station who ftuit a personai u 1ts ~gm a te Sn tr th t Mre 1-Ithe irat man in his artof the états! the leed to the night diepal e4 eotdThtTi cinhsterest in her case. word came tht, I ~. *wmdIt and provieus ta the tequellfy for the reward. Il re-'out from Washington. lThis vas a usertd TDroppis Aof rn- sateounter hmeithou lertelnaritd<,ej 1 -eut ofar1cls a1-quied liired wdstkineofshrewdestet a liedO te moef .Caued ropinofetimn.tYiaeoermorewihoina-Igre masibaveoen w r Uclesn Pnaaics nteprto yrl ePortant w fth a.This a s ai Ch~arge Today. quired to pay the balance due th brIf ~ohv be rttni PnmiceII goveriment under ruina vhicb l Z lig Miler, thse daim belng that - ffet the caPture and few leutha vithout doubt the mont Impjortant as. 87.T X&lS. e Pw rete tem. ln the siate could have varked thet signaient made fend that til vays gevera such ý"eno a ojtn f thse demurrer Imatter ouit b such a successful con- sheuld have gone taeWflcox epeakIi Waukesan. fl., Match 11. 1I3.- Young BaYIeu, vb a saidt! theb un, jMr. $ mthat thse compisinants muet cinsienmet eloQuentiy for the abillty or the TIto -ase Iaieat Dontlaiciszk rulY. eniisted ln thse navy somns titrsr1 ff erppr nthe case or _________ former Wauikegan man. -Mvery mol- S Market ' treet saloankesper, tnontha ugo. He avore tisaI bshie g ~qV I0 aOI n__. Ingpaper ln tise country tisat uses cbsrged wîtis having Bold liqnar ta vas 18 snd as ho l, large for bis gmîtlg i49tfey t'harloa lDarnaes and Atty thM ILlM ie Assooiats Press sel-vice printed Wadieloy Lad )Cgudsk, 19 y>.t years. ho lias accepted. Ilie mother Ber ty;RE . . IL Ivonrisatl tishe account ofth inaugu- aid éonofMa. sdMu-J.*)an Czud- did not kO wherele a andaWo fi s or h ea wo t ook chena s LiN.O W A (.Ff T'Pration tiat as s n utL W ikox. zck of Nortl& C hlf ic a s dls sed state-wide saiCh as made. Pnaiy ..éa f thethe hecl r t ed t. l; A 3 i ~ t VW ilco z la ell k n va lan W aukegan this a ferno n #isrh t Il a mp up foraise learned bue ax in tie navy and tkesayK. . rvi fo tse ern IN TA F 0 He entored the snewapaper busineusstril luinJustice Bosford'a cqurt. it abe came hure te Invesdigatu. I«M«y . . th r s r ton he COM th.Waukegan Delly Sun. Wisesa I nçlerstod that a bOttemnent vas ~ ~claatlendld Dt settbrti tiseJohn Alexander Iolve canceived Zi. made out et Court. Wlla the nature HadoPaayey tt sÏeofation om the allezed libel on City It happuned.that lWlcoz wusetth~e atttetant v«ie t Mind pub. The rue of thae aavy la that, whea bug ~ Ivisonthi pinttiat heable te g1ve au exclusive stery te Uc it lauderstood thM ]ICeiuik aaay recrit la diaciaaged fom servie gn - oWus talsed thse denaurrer. Mangi Who COMftuted FirstfRe- the Chicago Chronîcle. a paper that Rgr6ed te drop thés praaecuUauon o the vîthm insx imenthe atter enlstnaent t*, Vltery fer Voliva. vivat in Waukegan is Now ba salits gens nt t Q'busina e o ieciau u lv13.gigfr lalit.lemutp, ~s he ecnd lctr70f he a Knsa Snatr.On the. serength eft tu s tory lbs robhedihi& caph reglster urvdln ag te e ovornimeua tise amnont repa-s-ftae - foi iasâhfseod to feeigaothe aKnavSntr as given a position on the Chronldlejlthe charge 0frellngIiquor te & min- sented ln thse ciothing siven hlma 4>0 ourtruen waethattheani more than "made good," lister Or vas dropped. In aU probabilty 6niistmunt, visici la $60. %ira. Boyiel eow ron va tsa tie ali e sscured a position on the Chaicagoath eas ag st t * -by ia<» e vas bld this ould bu nece.sarylu aqew be dRpcoa-dsteHeofaiedAanct freiely lnedet ina-okpsdn dfopud#nsbw.>! .-au afact o lel ntereast nwin a Wauke- an rnsile there opedfo çt of eprooscution. ibis case, and subtracting visat thse eanasesak cunt utnvlafc nl lhe rucelved a Position wltb tise Sevai gays Ugn "IMedie" Ctu boy had conrlng te hlm as pay. itl ef intiseaction vas aecured Of thse religlous revival vbîcis la pro- soitdPes i asgne Otawrnts r ablcef$3.0wlhsewtft Parties oxcepUins1Mr. ss&ttau greasslng ln thse Waukegan Armory l asoatdPe. lkv .rse oavaratIoa blac0f$L0vihshwud icao sd isava me.-tiat ev.M.B. lllam, he anA fev yeare ugo lis abiiity caused Kelsgkjile Q804 tl he ~.have te pay. Site explalnod thîs S4, q rtwe *i<aI jus vljo cou velted the irat reaî revival tuis big novsasomciationi ta seud bhtsboy b"ed"tafped" Wuis M&I e tals u» woulaj bc a severo hardailp forlierý vPttesars Tné., fc nWaticsgart, 12 Yers aoe, and ont, te ls ehre. ntise tOfa$19 l ky tvstiu etgtn e ae odle ib ten'ftbte artLcIe#, 1Mr. wleesI mb istory sasthe iargestt sh re reesluthe ivielu adisy t w te titii u ve t psy Libeat ageod ti laillrs n~ ýxI; raturned te ZMon b u ot oapcoa a I nbm et-aiOW5iSeOlprofession, Wlleox h sitlils b ei Rda~Gd e ta mO 11100dIrue. Thoy accordlngly took itf p. pvVoUvaa Private secretarY. îngs. la nov not engage<î in evan- "oego" uCeeadihnetth -zoat * os bvsal . Cl akhlngtendeautharitte et the. suIt nome Mioths gehîtical lions, but bas become a asgemoent that cauld be given. Tisb ée Ino, atCakrcmmnefLsta x *retsdquî. asenatin t ZI tameapeltldas.crowinlashonor came vîaenlho vas At tiehe eang In plle. eenrt the ception be made in this case. A virel seected te write the tead ta the niglit boy adDatted isavlug takasa. $2 trou d ame teday that linstructici abd bea- selWaua ta lIataten. It la learaaed that Rev. Wllams l tajmn u ruWailge. ts eltu bte sedha lng, emit he aacet o AU w avperste b. the. nov a états enator tramn a farmln $or etakea r Wshnto. the veisbut. e a b. led , and ed A erl ngl wa tse q hq seconddhWbin lce district ln thae étatesatfIKansas anolpraa dta psk, 8e, tW4. eh. $19» nore.Acodngy h h 4M * ik la fjea i ty* has been seavlag vîtis coniderable baR1E( TWflyN A b O t e~ << te:q $9 a a andrl i ae wi ll ta ke d be ro distinction In thet capacity in tise D Uns CEI À ltisse ameut ai a rfweld te 5f-tis iae inh o obn h Western états. V AlE lCVii ie fer ail of Il ratisor tiasu face trou-tehe mnefo tig Te Itlaaie ntretig e no Iat LAR K * ,..,OU ble. bove sum vas thse amouat on Fout. 2 er d agatthe 28Uî so tw ibc. roditlid somevbat ~illn. 6 ese hI 8sIut reason Mr. Wjliams la nat nov EANIbA Ausquel te lise enneoceeon n- now. ..wio stands six font two la lu evaseîsîlc voit. la beeause ho lest ITU L DR NK a b h aoui ftiieby h wu ae u nd èrai. hut1 b is v luesas a rouait ot itsexcesive a y b t esa a t <>f The beh rge ofvIa o ng m anf vas lacd asdhram~use lu revival voris. and It necessitat- ____ u ..e t-.~ ~ Ts Ise morning by Assistaurt Chiofeltm r_____feite___ om.Itis diacharge &uf Lise*ayeu elh iomes Tyrreli, on a charge tan trlsrmtieptou.t keeper eisaiWing 11.8 lie mil tise toi ~a solon rive moiles of tels. la aald that, for a Urnebue coulai net Saloonkeepers Pay Damages Uquor sud sothlnltasied on tise vir tan tot ins eertei Peak a word. te aay notilg of orat- f SpeeCourt nlghie hWvasalioel 10 bave stohen Milwaukee Rondi by the CW.Ing lnt tise o oaivrI shoad folov-th ony ~7 Telephons uaaPapy. Tise fol- sd for some years. Has Made Ruling. tiemny easaugt rd isded. As a . Later, after ieavlaag the platform. «! the 4eapturq et thîs tuau, tise Mr. Wlllama volce retnrned sufi. t p olicif :red recelve e clently te enable hlm te tlk but net Are you an habitua] driankard' ARE T", LY '41tib ofere bythetels. vitil auy particular power liane, TOU are If yeta Set druk tvice OMMqsy for theantruland i ie ho as l)caPaitated saefatas ys.B f lF " or vire thieves. Tlie cap. conductias revivals vas concerned, hoe bm csilderedi one eft tie Mont retatgli s enficent oratory te enable Acris1 f pno xrs mfade berse :ln letie. inlndt heéttssenatorbt and sy a local atorey t upre:I CouCArtR nAm ~10 ecsly by clevea- detective voit visicisfala aad te bu ver" commeisd- tvice a year la an habituai drunkard, lUi Ptt Of Tyrreli. IL ada eu-5abl. andi any salooniceeper w'io sella te Constitunts o! Repreeontative lut , aut aPrt r.WIIM.ill rcUe.lateCongrue.George IlImndai os bave LJ wpaae faaaviacond ucteti the ainsational tragdabnut ih b. aNc ' ~R coved A îîp. revival la tise bis tabernacle erecteai foundationa for a perfeotly good dam- bli el Le.1aINP, Chicago. fa-iday, Nt________________ 7f46Yay afernoan W¶Iklus, vio on lise Crooker lot ou County street, age suit againat iimaputt. 1Mich 29. RODIreoetalle Pos has t r. b., emplgeod aa a lineanan for dlrectly scrons the street framn wsere "Ilie Sulpreuso court bas iselti that bera u acenedtibY Charles BC Thonm- -, bou êQs p an 9celear s amr nw'tands andi viere a mana, If hc sets duunis t-vlcea ya- Bon, Progressive. The banquet la lta.v lstPt as tie rotrmthe *wst absout a tise Preaunt revival le progrosslng. la a habituai drunkard. A Case t1404 teudeai to ho a sort et a testimonial - tese day, ego, cme te Wun- Mr. Wiliam, vwas conspictions lae vas before tisat body, but a ehas-l affala-, visre tua. Tsnti district Rs-. andi sougisI taenaqlo sa local titaougis tiie'terrltic onlangjat ho Matie Uime ago. ira wlcbdamages isaaibeen Plmasiscan auexpress isola- apiarecta- te udrivé a herse sud wagon ta on varions tiings and bfcanse of the avarded thae plalalit by the lover 'tien of tise servies, porformeti u tet8so ... >et on Grand avenue nea- Lb,.language lie usea Inludams se. 111. courts. Vas upiseld. vhon if vi ain- WssW-ington by !Mrs. Pesa, Snator & M m oa leRoad. Ife stipultti tisat metîsado vere questioneai evon by tus oen tisat tise plaintiff bailt baue Inteal, William Alden Smthtiof Mihigan u 1 . . . . . . . *go. muaI bu on tise grauntipeople who lielpotd , 'r tin btm e, catedt Ice a yeaa-, and heuglât iquoe, 43@verar Insne Ni Fous ofMassa- ' .t ..........ou....... two n'eOloik Tîîesday Mrnini-. andt la geîaeradly fatt tlat saubes. dllnug te yeat,".bu sald. -t iseîiclaets aud 1epa-eitaivea fltCeou. M ?y fosSta aln Chiet Tyrreit sot s lip andi quent revival movuments have beau thai asasloon k eer vio aeld a drink 111409, Arthsur W. Kepi> of Wlacon, ~ ......... uns ver,. arnuseti et once impat-u<I tea a rtain extent becatass te a Man wih suit a reputatten, olai, Air thur4 ntep o! zenay1vsai 19 I rSta,. .... Fknev of lsefîs of tliPisone oft lImebad aster vblciscame frnt hie :vbliiir It vus viile 'ho vae OM bAn~d George A. Laid ot Mc Igan vi11 -Mo tise Nllvwaukef.ts.. Ts Wlimmoîtgmsdmthl. or otiserwise, wasa mat as hable eab» tise speakers. _viae bal tisOn isba-ml ty Wilktu .._______ aîay dealer %%ho soidti ta drunkeR Tise chances ar-e tisaI poutamter fT nu te bu a party tu the arresl man Wtow ls hodo --rn* Be og«ý. wu as ecesary for ryrreil, tu GRAND AVE. AND ST. JAMES Cuialderabic discussion ant i 0- 'M"a-oua, of ~nloCerm- XII)D m"" Orenti Avenue andi St. James treet Ig ntsaluons have heen arouwel fron, Leke County *111 beSa staia n. asS an10sd wagon. TotuaMoona re I i1t84 ls vtsbrc.'aelY asu a rosult of thé films of sev-lias banquet. Sugir ..$.'à K. DrU 6 Qf s local ltvea-y statle, vas ieoassieisis slokevshe Jd jw*P id as tise driver. Tyrreil lise-decîdetidetf-inttely l'y th ralatsaautelonepusvs ngeCharles WhitaowJig ugr 4PocHm ~*vti~wgoatta atiuB oard oft tLocal I1arovemetet tthleir P~blclsodpp ersonsa adCharlesoG. 1Wrtr94........ s score of potuffons sud cllter Pt.s-fithebMAumà&iýee lxsachargeuo La nWi.ltilera, somte asklug for brick sud ., th4aqe ,U..... Som. efor creostuA M-blocs,-v ba rU uàde On the #roud htý mre is ge n tisel - onn iit I rieê i agter, prei4u e lin eti ed tbat ie couti aie pavar TIJJJW L TO thont paying tise monefWue tu@ avermeait vsoý balfinotelasa *,yI U. . my'e hin. verS oout tis<'ux montas Dr chf aditted oh. coulai net do aythlug vici h t thome.- ýNNOUNCEMWtNT F EN- attorey\fgmoe GAGEMENT IS MADE. WsHà. rct TRIAL ON (PUORE LAND-IS. Defense is Claim That no Crime Was Commtitted Nor Ini- tended by the Deals. "Tise action of tises. tefmaduetse- vas Part of tie gnerat cieme ta procure coallande ibrouigisdummy entrymen sud thon oeil tise valuabie 007fction et Piolerta' ta tise Onugo- bisgle. We viii show tat actuat cr- fespondence botven the uggn- iseline and tisege dofendauta tooS This stateSaat vwu mades by Iiao ciel Asistant Attornoj, Grnaere Î). i). Townaoutl 'sterday lu hi. open- log atitieai lu tise criminal prasocun- tion befote VFoirl luaige Landis 1of Albert Prost anti tour ca-dofeudantu for alieesicouipiray te detranai lise governmout lai the acquirenient bY entra' et AlMkan coaatlands verts $10,000,00é. Tie otbea- deendanta hm-oPerre G. Beach et Cisîcago George A. Bail. a hsvyer ot Kuncis, End.; Gere M. seard sd ranS Wislio. Attrney Nathaniei C. Seara for the defense, salai ho voulil proce tisere hai boen ne cnspracy nor latent ta detraudtheibm oarnamont. Bfltousis, beisadacises or tiseS ache, due ta disordereai stomacis andi boeet, praanptly relleveti by lolli- ters R. M. 'les; try ft anda" u, 35c. MT. aud Ma-s. Milion P. Bidaitwe, fWauksgan aunouonce tse, mengs. sont eft leir daugitr l"an.toi la-y P. Pa-usius son o!fMusons' 1Pruasios. The date oethlie naarisse enom aunounacei. 1 1 Mies Bilahaout taone of Wauke- ans mont poPular Young vomea. For nUMaiihr et Yeaa- s e vas Inaîructor ,flattula 1h. Wlatikegaa alisj Seat, ting oas of tbe mont afti- tnt Instructors Lb. local inttti ver poseesea. lie vas very popu- - 'viatisthestudenU but vithal mla- ned tise disciplias noaaecesaary ta 10 sucoosfnl toaching eta subJect. Ma-. Pruming Io connectei vltb bilte and Tabor, ansetor ia, large 3ai eetato firme hn Chicag. lie iotds responsiblo poson a iLi tise COU- a-n and bis prospects for Lise future se vegy brigsi. Tise nararisse un- Dbtedly. viibu onu of tise most fliant evea- ld here. Tise betrostal In tisa second an-j ,teeint made In tise famîta ot, tr Pruasins vîthia the manth, nova1 tse un8Um of Mrs. Elle Jo-. uloscod f etrina(faa-merly Bila Ta-us-1 as>) te Herr Wiflter Priedelserg et ntlln isaving camne tram Bertin four TKEACINR' EXAMINATION tAn examinatlon for tescisers' cor- fcalesvilltoniseslailu my oaice. Tri- &y sud BaIns-day, lilarcs 21 anti 22,' eginnîng ai nine o'clock eacb more- 9. Coie-hatf of tise subjecta Blasai ach day. Candotiales idaoutd i-ead gtey's Ciasuroona Management ho- or tise oxamInation. T. A. SIMPSON, C (o. Superteaqejst. KCispute. KCisàà%çéýIr fui. It reaIIj, does ,mlk hgshter, ncer mtt akwe and patytathe4 fashioned single acting e baling pwders Anidyou pay n'Iy a"~ No baking powdcr LMuuioae, m oisown Our FaemeeMomrEad Me . Fait lu eE.mi.fe *Lard Uc b..8 .........g. to1 . ..Z ut. b .. .... - Pqe ....t............. llçajuIOç Sp..............,1 ...... #1c i M Z Lrd...... 140 imd ev Il t.". -lc amb ......... .......VICU . . . . . . . . . 1.11> Sind r ...........I,, l. . . 'nfers.......... pt ........ ........ ... 1 .. . ...... -.. . . . .. . . . .1. . . . . . . .. .12c i1M P4 hi ci Pl Pl Wau Ci] lield flanc Voli talkg ed. Thi the 1 at ot agai the' the t the, muit bieni to ki took (isiti witlî î>iail îlail ra8e oride the appt wifl the

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