CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 14 Mar 1913, p. 12

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MEN WERE? eue<Ion o!île Noft bie oe" a i. o- Pronr n Ie ox ltcers are: ih0c tfiMt Pgerecrteat-Rn acil R itizanomhnry Wh Xen oa tVhPe e ienofthe Ja mSuA rt- Csteler Holdsor ofort. Ion.fe _________ eretar'one'Ms Marrs . Grie. NE I" L Theasr-iorg e « asJ. P oape laS "RZ T E TheneiePoeceAsca IHRE LOWYER(S TO memibers of the MAR Producers Association Declare They Court Deep Inquiry. SAY THEY ARE NOT RICH. D. C. We earnestiy petltion for the pas- sage of thse Sima AmendaiOnt tu Bill FL & .27876:. "pmvldlng that it shahl b. a coudition precedient te the 115y»eU14 md n3'sd al appropriationsi in tits Sot. that 1thse Panama Eixposi- tion comnpanLy siail coltract w1tth thse Secretai'y;o the. 'ireasury f0 keeîî the gatez of thtu Expositon closed on Sunays, ejuring the eitre perlod of thse Expositon*' This pttionaccords wilh Sunday cioaing 4agreementut made la foriner years liy Elpositoîî ,-oaipaniles te _______ 'wblch the gowM'nnsot icoatrlttîîted ~ilIr Fllo WasHel fo Q ~Tha 1hlarge sanie of money. 060mw Je g o ,jntsHed fr 0îec 'ha ey arelForced W an u Sabbalh ase a day of #0ù UderConte i *-a 0 OBTH CHICAGO MW vleSh WakeanStre0 Now to Seil Cheaply and rest sud worshlf. anîd s auiti t lti ______ ePulicPaytore.ean tien iecussary fo ur nation, Iflits I 1_PblcPys____ena people are to conmtinuec te grow, pbysi- Mrs. 1B, D. Âmes sud irs. , . tcaily. lIneliectuiliv ad eplrtlliy. Vwosin otto isusi , AreiL~thuîr were visitors la Clîcago te-1'Tie Mlk Producers' association., of Dr. Ontromssid , in part: "Teil nie whlcb tMends ot theirs have day. hilh theru are a nneler of moui'yOur flrm conviction u'oncirnlng Je-1 W trylng toi ,iick" womeu who' i ananyoi tnig n 0 offi», estthtr'ettntinscourisel te muet tle goverumeut at tit1- ra, wIii ellyen whai yoîîr fil- ousm The Incidents rèferred to!e; tn ti tin nFVc .tc and declared chat they have ne- tare utîli bc. fly Jesuis oi Nazareth hall oit Stae street. It la expscted q«ocrjust lateiv 'but took, tinslt toufer front, the prospective lu. meutitassboni Of fie Virgin ý ccrthat iiere wil li severai candidates vestlgatlaes by federal aflcurs. ît Io Mary 2000 years ago ta Bethlehem: mawuegn il ntoeii,] te bc volt eno. lalladtitat theaso ,aocntJesuB the carpentr's soit, Jinssthe PII5On St. Patrick'$ lgît this tg Tonnlieconsirusd as m combnastion. wunditrfui persou wlîo for te lisai 19 DEIR o! a,îmont'alertaia the public wih a dance P'Urlier dlaIms are made tilat th, ceaturionlbas lîvuti litheini ndsanad wmhe urecaile, .years ago a wlll e faner havergaîîtzed to break np lhî'es of!sai the civiized word.%Voit. .young somau nnsrd te hag ~Âuloluî.ea ionlu Ithey hav'e agreed that ,]er'ful, 1 aid, yi'e aionmitflait' pur. certain store o cnionn oNMus, i. s'i Witt netproduire milk etleoisnage lt sorv' i uo street. The' magaut o! ber, vho was taken te the' bospItali 1h 5cranirc.Tert byotnaoi, h ha i u'vl o didnotclurlai tem 1~~auiega on!tindu lastîi aOut15 greil alolala31hcents a quart, a local; lic'won e aio ar lie had no Ùime--he like,] Iheun occasioii5lly thue sie. 'hereas fthe huying combine roelves Place to lay tdbi h-eliwatt sopour thc, i oun counp ui< t fre- Owtîîg btueicquantifies Ofo! o1wlifcents e quart lu the refait traietha f the hree lm ta anoth e d goto.iis particuaIur fInie an,] lce ftiaet have tison melied duingOn farie salut that the pi'oducers tonil.O, h'flr' a~l b we aie came ith îe store. he; thliePest few days snd thse clogged ýwere luinbe grasp o! a systpmn that alînorienUnricaIthy' limentoue edunder the caoter, tellng an-1condâlion o! the open ditchus. m#.ny1i<5 grown up lu open violation of boise neteeo Uieaiysuet a Clark te gui ber ta levave as basemunts la the vcinltY O! U411 .ncolilcilîes of Justice an,]tlie law. an,] telli Yeumach, but everyiuody lu the as Possible, expiaiaig te ber'an,] Victoria slreet.s were 1floodil tes- tfie femera doctare tbey bave a per- bcivilise,Heortd nowsaom. eihngv ,,te abject o! lier attentions was terdsy. The' condition wae oniv tem-ifeet rihiste quît the production ofa! OtJsj.H'hdn m.len porary. however, muet of Itlie 'ster muîk unleis tue1 caa get a living raie er gave Orler». lie had no chariots o! plan flt wrk fier ufiIintngnaont siace tant nîglit il'rfor fil they have a rlght to say su wr yet lie bas outlive,] the generl -w~~~ fln cO u-~ .'" a reece and Ronie, lie was neyer woam etayed. Sue siayed ana ces anTereaèhe InIXM lins- coiiectlveiy or ludividualit' as an as-kona aIle. e ulisof Atthe lime the Young mOn coea lad the tires ail but extingulslied.lsaaistioe. Tliey ar e nt propoffiag t nw sa10tr e b isot AIunder tbe couanter. W&I-I The ('oreopsîs club maet lesteve- Interfere wsis auybody wlo io ses ta lîvu,] ail the auihors of Chlritendoni. riH hu Imniug sud eiectsd MaOhl s foilaca: profiece and self nmîîk t anyt' ller 8Jeus 'sas tfitret ma wlo ever jêr ber to depar.lee aa . 1 0 food on Ibis easth and cdeme, world Prezident. Vffllu - lfwtî.Vice fgr.Mnpl r eta ftat mouje flime sud dared fnt show tigIdre.omioionolHeorsrestreint o! trad IS9, betays]. The second Pi'sSdeflt, Rilo »sors». ecratarY. la flot amed 5aisaut la net desfired. wiedouo.Head'oyeta Misu-ty ssul; rer, __________ ail the' world. Preach Ini Jadea aud :ýkCowng filet nuniber oue dld M5 lt eel ie1 _______ - Samlaria and tlie ubteravoat parts of rapily by word or act, liadtEthui Gariley; fle~est a Arm.' iffltot of : 1 r C~elCarence 'Phlipeti. ibseofilcers are C N ER N Ethe eaHtb, We woiiiut bavet i ayelecte,] for a perlod of six mouthi.,IQ F R EO Ho's' No standing arniy, nogra Hie did tht. saersf times"l% elob ta pilftng on giving a' w w s"f eib o'I s oke ltr erk hall ta stand for ît. danceusud car,] pariy about t ie it, CO.ENllilL IAS S s w. - 1sesoel owIt 'sas dotte. "Theru Mra oradah ,teO! Aprili 1pre niant' echemes o! religion, but. voues kept ou tile job. wating Rlier Skating ai tht' Grealt Iakes' îLiUIi be5Vi avir sudpeopltsh o l tso thone number oue tu return. At station ltTooroweveuiug 5311 drawV, HL D T R O Y sauird arsag'asHe bora la s hne -ucdepmrted and hg emarged laniant' frotteNorth Chîcago,especialiy snyeragwsboeInam gr -.M bi idisu Place. cra-ped sud the yauing people 'sho enjoyth Ue sporti i'Contintued Fronit' Page' Onu.) lu the village of Bethleem. Two Umde- t M belug klrked snd tel- or- skatiug. Invitat ions are giveun - ..hloussnd years sUter lis birili ihere tuI comrte of &etton bs" aut out eascli -'sca. .intoe t otlo'siag divisions, tise feu- Io still no usietur naie nuder Fian- the hast klnd o! reaet. jTiie fanerai of tht' late Chanton It' andit (o,. tht' farriît an,] the lbook, ellis sky ta Jeslîs, Jeaus.* lTA-A. othfie jouuo1 Houeli as hel,] thie afternoon. 1 the faniuît' aut song. tht' famuily sud "If the' resurrucilon of Jeas s'sre -chh l a eetnmret, Tisoitore Adams lbas rentedi he the environnient. 'e lie. low 'sf11 Yeu aecouai for the blis -~5ftJmo! aotier otinJhi oJackson building on State street su,]lanoni)uncertaa toteslie pal,] lits tory'o h'st2< 'as Pi i I th femana mer t t ls'l! moite la ou Saturdat'. compliments te tht' average navel earth lias been the. sopulchra delfeat. lu teRBUW STRUCK 'soat hicli 'as fit onit' for the. lire sud ed; If la abat thmngb sund tirough anaen lm.SheuptSISONSEN ST U V Ysncb songeas '"Mas Anybody bliea 'illlight: Jeans paeee,] Ibrougli If. --lestore uqtil mh@ hll become a TRAIN AT WINTHROP HARBOR. ls-en Kelly" ihonlutlbu tabooed. Ht' 'Soie man tulas me le thinkas Je- Peuit.. Andrt"s Smoaseî'. a weii kuowa ci- calle,] thesiloona aceaspool 'shicli sua s wea botter aia tian Shsakes- ni did aise staY long. bencu, lzen o! Nort h Chicago. rt'siding an 1siuouîut buls ipu, ouf o! existence. This peare. i tell you If ise had uit the visonliese8w lber couing inl l7tb struet., recelved asilgît iujurieslremark brought forth a storai of ap- Reileemer of tle 'son,] he la the~ iy sil otp tepeedor on Saudyeeig wh s'oasprvJ greateat cheat. the moat consume the oor andber l s'as ot 'kocked down tut a C. & N. W. pass-i omer Haaunotree lias recovereit lieur o! ait bîstory. If Yeu do not ac- te ellberbe as ut. enser train at Wlnthrop Harbior. cold aut sang vert' effective- cePt bis Meselasip btter kilt the able leave? Mr- Sîmonsetu 'orks at ont' of the11>, that oid sang: 'Wliun Fatler sacrifice,] butlan,] return a the (lead har. mtachine chopseli Winthrop an,] 'sise, rayi 'Albert Hoto bas bucome rituai. ins hus aoun]. hoe iisd rYylut Ionru t a ava ,Ig train on bis; popular sitb tht' ladies who oftea "'fPie supremr question o! the hotîr hlm 'Ie eu oreturne,]. Tht' buyhom, sîjpeut and the hadliold! aead reqiiesus go the platforin fo4laIo What la yoiir relation toJeanus of ceik roui,] mt ordur lier tronm on flhe iast-coach strîîtk hlm in theu1liii '10 repeat Rangs. Nazareth?' lit that i do not mls or tlic faunlit' sers go ades],Ht' sang yeslerday. "My Mother'as wliat art' your ophions of a mor of the place. l ie %sas îulrked up by tht' train rew's Prsyer." filfe. i muis smpiy visat 1 salut, If clcrk niser oua kelt onu.i-lnd alu fl tujutre hspacre n r out, t Ru-lev fint Bryant uit Zion City-, Ihure fle nyouse bure s'bo duosns uîî1 la the iebox 'sîulo the nices ere lu 'sas at lret ou ilit.e1 elii!hre'.M.Moreof kuow ulat pitailon lie beara te uuuv! wsalttng itout hlm outatlde. îaess ttver. antinu uys lheTirettthkuSvlor1 Ihen tht' (lils to do harf0Mon'oe 'Ïqiniedlonger titan' ver h.. A iuuuty tacerateil tar aut a fe' part lufti-dccussiothers ouar t'lff l hlmain,]te o lIoY<gu -s A e, ailt thelime. 'sas get lbraises-tare the' onît'effectfs c suearIntedsuio. uslfthmadfntotYtici dir for tht' Ice box h,boi en terne,]. Peopule fromnt Itamonut Lake. <Gagesusvr kaow o!f the 'sonderfiui love o! ~' cud u tat artiula da. Lke. Gratafla'-. Western Springs, Jt'an$ outiu yieu ry for yonrsai!. Yoti y. suie rni tne,] an iclogan,]ey.lurnet'. Russell,, Rorecraits. Rockefel- lara living Ila acountry abere yon lle mprine orsc loadler, Zion CiIt'. Lake F1oret, Itake colant set awat'frtu oi ,],latact %lm at bu aioat forozucta,athoTngw UBluff, Nortb Chlcago. York Hous,tht' vert' tunutamental leinrlplus of Wilc inlie autin]a sock as datre . M" [Af i t@. Raudojut, Ubertyvtllt'. Antiocli. Hig'u- our sovt'runiut are founute,]aupou cýCt oisc at', f @o slia's edi lan,] Park an,] South Chicago 'sers the touchînga o! Jeans o! Nazareth.," of. hm forieua is e t'<ftnotd WIan tfnualsIismonlg i *ocick 1 bifrsoladyfini. e ut wba mat ll, - ea 'sas tablete tabuprnsenl. Owlng at tht'Waukegan Business college I40eneil nalliedoese nt, latiiis d 1J5u.'à 01M 5As~~ AU JArmant' Meetings. Dr. Ostroni adutresoe,] tht'atuidenia of bow elle almoat wae theu1 - 0. Toalgbt Dr. tiatroni se.aks o.a,]s los'et ivmenb AleeHit ofm iingh« Young ian1w Burnett £DIC 110te Hatcttery Ca Meaning and] Mystert' of Husman aut H. Ata otr eýda ictm n relaiguven 1il'fial] to aloulice i at ti et'are re. Sorrow, an,] oi'ruiurslay aigu on Ail Suinuat' achoolteacSs;eansd I-Wasla the midleîso!fithe stiai 'c.%iig -ggs dailite taiuatcfu liilueir Squarlng,tise Square Deai." 'oniiers o! tht' cty are ruqueste,] fa I Msuuuiunttui Incubator." Write for tact night If was dectdeu taor- neut Dr. Ostri et lh. close of the' tri- îrcla. ehiui ai aiof î, u-gantas a conmmte. ot loi0meansho servie,lounorrow naht. Ifs YOUo'sdo! lise illan t'cuhator lca le,libaseulenît o! y& _'soul,] seek te proniote the princîples ta teu aut yu ca hav ~ erse clothlag store, 121 North u Gee-o! issus christ ta tht' communitst.JA. .BLNHR WES it eu ndyenceahae alitleset' SI . Wankegsuu, 111. Mchlt! Tise uxecutîve comuui ite ms to --JA._BBAN HAR___ Îte younsuf Ift'on donusill ul. igît aller service tu tht' Armor3'. Tha orlgt1:0Intscap t.for thsy ru gospel triat.Tis ornng t 1:30In he ha FOR SALIS Seveut room fhonse, tu -Church Offlcsrs, Nati Moadat' ulgit lise churcli of- el o! Christ churdli, rector Love nunît- iace let.l.iard 'sood flours, afil laficens an,] thulr 'sves sudPitaroe e,]inumarrlage James Browsn usla- AND PAR IS godcoiîditiouî, lot 601125aa aise oe Mdtbeir vives an,] BecretauT <G<> air,.sno r.Ed ri ba natuai on Grueu Bay rted, reciiî and teile 511uueet la the.Cous- ilso ofM. wr -1NR ITN eVC 1-2 hlocke front to'sn conuter; 1380(), gregational ehurenl&ILa ito> lunc. b cbrwbo dives *mrtJ#weat of aIN IO YS VI E pG.tHciht'Hit b lan Parkinie . di8sT, 1>0: o anteungreqnestud te brtng a Waukegaa, te lias Alaiea Moore of rt FO RIET--0acre of lnd air M tf ilse meeting le 6:30 P. M The Foilowlag a short vist to relatives Meeting is CaIled to Start Rsel I1E 111ttY aces o! blaad n a iDattsa illfurniali the caffeasnsd assitfrienutebliue. then couple 5311 to Protect Chidren gooldtant. Wu-ite or coult tra. A. Sunday Clesing for Paname louve for Park City, afontanil, viere of The City. R-noit 1 sIlttSt- ('bîcago. Dr. Otrom's dagter-in-law. Mrs, Mn, Blanchard bas leeni f- orme@v _______wkiy 2t+ Salien McWlrter Outuom n la crcusat-eu-ai menthesand] 'here lie lateaits 'sAng a report oncniin FOR RENT-Fsrni o!f 4 acres situal-I- gantoa etin eigWtefri ali Higblad Park comssies t' 1i1t4 mles tramn Russell sud 3.4 Sundat' loslug o! the Panama expo. sltinat BSum1Francisco. MI .North SuionsJuveilie Pe tablle f rom Taylor GrOe, ailk iepot. Dr. Ostri salitva au-e a Babatit Tl s tt'les aet tn Y tOMisagie- lataioseb calis,] a muse mes- Appit'Mues Melville. dan' o! F. KeSplug nation sud wvabsoul,] pejti tg t 5, tlglut trouseeand light ta ic erli bum M ninit'WIby.Box62.Rt.1.Zlou cty.l)tien Conres. te cIotse eexposition v t-vîi li e revIve,] for ie Modtul UMch '14. Preifuoo ia wkIyt Othe(b Lord'a day. youg ian for the macesOf M1913. ait Beauhivcrasty o Chiceo The. Petiticu recelve,]hundreits af accord"ugta dictataa a! the. dîcea ME unaddrail oi. "WOi'k, Ai-IWANTEO-A stuadyit' 'ilufor geanit s9iokures I*tedayl Tho'r ettlonS ociety oM Marchant T&llots et thoi Cuidrem4" 5hdý*hsu- 531ll eri w 'ork; Must bu 'agoond milIer. <ullov: sprtug dînuer Ilu e ite li Aàlhl - C-'41 J. L~. Flooit.3 smules north o! i. L- National W. C. T. U. meitoe Tucdni night. Thc claties viii te, via or fichter tiien ever betore anidlte cans wu .s ougaxiiecd sjeerlyville oraultissJ. IL. Fl'ood, R, <ougu-,s o!tiseUnitedt Statéa. Cam 311llie shorter. t mtcuhirs.ta télc oorupt. 1D.No. 2, liburty-id-, IM1. wkY-lt o! Bepresaenlative Tiimpotior (Cam- Acrusmue atajiatshort wire4M t hfuitiier prIanuctlous. rwn.400«om I*' Kffosh an lnallothr ctie oftheai hewholeeslers, Tests for sbrink.i ARE AFIER BUT ER @Itaneunder the direction of the stat<s :ge tui the butter are en ma _1 ,P ITS, WEJiBO TS whilhaa enlstedthe active s.rvlces, belng 1watered'" at creanierles adb of the sealers or welght» and mou- ;Jolibers ln prdeil' ta Increase profits uire« lna ailof the ' dUes of on Il.The shrlnkage that has beell ofat. îel diseovered thuïs rrln the test bas State Wide Crusade Is Started s en ml. att ecalwdthti in1 Wisconsinî for Honest ('ltY Sialer Feuix Mayer of Kenosh&1 lie bsa sufi-bet Itolashowm that muI' tuc-P'ot the prItta are flot honew(iy made. tter Wights. rate wltth t'e tate in the big flghi.t OlThe tiret arresta nmade In Kenoolia _________secure evldoiice agaînst the crner* showe< a varlanco of severai ouaeu lus sd udlitter agents. Unoder the d11 tfrotte the ciainied weight. WAUKEGAN GETS' PRINTS. rection of h ! t aipe fprlntaj la__ eFlired and these wlll bc tested bvy As ia a Pesch. ilecause mîîch of!'the butter- soid the stale. ~ The M5J7lafd .baked peaila111 Il, auken oincs f(,ncrearhelespeacb and no ipatake. aud %Itl Waue~îî otnsfr<n4cram4eres Alrslaly pro4ecutIpaiS havé eebut1 enougii tu have made thi e ils of li Keijosha and iieigbboerlng Wlscon. ini*tle lia Kenosha county on acon star. tua 4v. mde jove »Ili îracl the following from 1of the' sale o! short wetghit priais of n.t bis1. bunder and 14@ptmae bis tri. the lKenosha News 1#3 lnterestlng snd, butter and it le certain that the ncw dent for a second belpoing.-ffltliuOfl tnmportant: Investigation by the state will brlng i. Coats, Sulu~ and Dresses in Auto ritative Srn2 Styles Sprîiîîg ~ îksfiot thefli lîctif» iff îî. it l .i aiii' ilg d<'sire for glad îri e% 1«iluîu(ýict -aliîtliîaii;tl Pîii is ladytlaf is iitcîesfî'd iii flic lat<'st iîneles. Coats at - ' lv iîî the iîlit iti fih lit-i i-ifn it e'tTcts dt heiîi lt'iî'ttstr-uiglif lîi'tt tint, twtui m.'thi-eluutttuiîi tl'ts aie jiîtvvîiliîîg. ltlllgaliil utndtMoiret f liiiîngs art' îroîlillieîh fm 411 l. ani tii 'tvt'l-t. t lilult-s ,andtsu-rgest-thîli tt cil î'ei-s'i Illi fle îctvfinis, gîhi t vs, llai'kS .111 iiitijtliît ll<i-tandî sulîd <'loi-s. Spring Suits, 18M0 Nt ' uîi ttli uiaî bsî ti flt !t l itt,î a-i-tv~ sifsftl'iu iut';ul.......t'... îî$18 ýFet i iîi' l, alîhut e, uor Iili itat e;u îîiligi,îîtl, utîl and'/.lS, 5tri d l, ut 'o t .'il. Serge Dresses Ilig',-l i ti'g~uii'-itt.t iiFîciît' l îl .41 )1.111 Serges, vilfit t1011 if 1IfiiIgh- t-v ial oire tiliiiîg, aiso lace and ulîittoiuî l'iiiuîîcel with aliltheflciiw fa in iii<'t, laieis ', îî îissc Giùýgham House Dresses- Mait' of sti1p-l ittand 'iî'lginîgli.aîs wtithlîeîîliîation 11ti'iiîiîigs,Ilîiglîhijli'i u î ilk pîîg 98 Styles, Spîeial. t, gailitii'îî.......... ....... ........... 8 Pétticoats 69c-Tajîior madle llavi e io<'fi"ias. itailv it» Itigl gr'ade iîîci'ecî',]izcd lS;teî'il, $ . aIlues, ;it,69 Extensive Showin& of Fashion Voiles The Very Agmosphere of Sprini Itself is in These New Dainty Fabrics Striped Voile-10 i it. es w in ii ivt a ntdlilw'k iîtlltc stripes tof dîfTer'u'ît w îdtIls, tî~softt aitI Sutivr lainer Seral a'ar ..........29c Corded Voiles -40 itý sîu etîrti u'tl-tanîd esilk sti-ipes tif ink, bi tiI' anid blai-k, oni twhitc gr-nuîîd, exeep- tionally 'uleer anid 'Printed Voiles- 4() in- i-liîs tit. iii fuhloal - ivt'tî >tttt'iui tr-ft-s, Iitr-dt'îs, %ttlijt' gri'uuid. leîiutuitn builllet,jiîîk, at'culi' 'u-,S.tlîl .ad......29c Ratine Voiles- ii) il- î-Ilîts tt ic. st cipedt ra- til le e ft'Iî'-, ilî î)il 1k, 1l)let, fil ahifu Iîuu-k 'I )1 i 1 fi il 111iial if~' tt 'tî29(-, Si t-ja 1, uit. tut i-il 19C Offéringà from Our Basement At Fricots that Afford the G reats Possible savicis O1JSTLESS MOP-Sanltary, polishes aud cleana; fittutvalue, at-.... -*<... 39 MAIL SOXE8-ltlack Japan- t',, large sîze. extra 19 hîeavy---------- .. 19 "'ýiANTLE8- Single 'seave, tITI,CA . ES-.Mattiag ?n coss, 24 Iach trams,.reIn- - orceil cor- nersa ..... ....... ...-9- MIXING UOWL- la svariett' o! phapes aud] sîzes,' 15e îunu-----------... IS TAULE SPOONS - Bille?, piateit table spooni4 set Of six 1 at ., ... ... ... *OILIER-Extra liuavy. block tin. 14 ounce copper boitoni, $1.25 vaine, ai .. . . ... .. .. . 1 C JARDINEER -Glas.,] Inside anut, uadeom'e patteras---------------- 1C BASTING SPOON-10 Inch at-je, binue an,] 'hite maillîetl. 10vaine-...C TE>..POONS-Btlvt'r plate,] tua spoons, set o! 6 for--------------U9 PAINT -Globe Spaclal Honsehol,] palats, gallon .. .....1.39 KNIVE8 AND FORItS - Roger Bros.. sîlver piatud kalves aid-forks. la a vsrtety or patterais. set or 6 racli, at ...........24 HAMMER - Tack liammer, liard wood handle ...............S ALUMINUM SALT AND PEPPER SHAKER-.15 Onu set lanhbox .... C BOAP - Armours' Family Llghthouse soaji. 7 bars for............ SC GOLO 0 U 8ST - Fairbanks' Gold Dust. 4 pound package............ C IVORV SOAP-Three 10e for ..........20c [P-

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