flo it seem possible at last, that the bridge improve- eit is novw t be gone ahead with, regardieés of possible blèctIons on the part of opponents? -Greece mourns the, loss of an efficient king, a kind bier and a distinguished diplomat. And the anarchlati ý» slew hum can only b. hung, shot, or imprisoned for It looks as if the Lakce County company which pur- bases milk from farmers is a litIle more generous th4n be one wktch controls the. situation in Kane Oounty. The ices lier. are better and farmers are better satisfled. One foreigner answering questions during the natur- Muztion hearings Tuesday was asked this question: 1'tWho e Kayor of Waukegan? " and he replied: Il Denen! " He meatrifle mixed, but othervise he got through in finet -On. man suggests that Officer Salmon b. given a Madl for shooting the fellow who attacked him; his thebry àlugthat ruffians who fight one another on the street and ken seek t tlay out" officers are dangerous characters ô permit in the city. This is a busy tinie for printers in Zion City, for, with pandbills wiiich the. tlantis" are issuing against,Volivai W6 the press matter which Voliva is sending out about popponents, it's a case of seeing who can 'tge thie most" thelb othet fellow. -With ail those foundry companies in North Chicago, ~Mee Sam ill have some job keeping Iheir mail straight. Mrtwe have tIlThe Chicago Hardware Company," thon, lii. Chicago Hardware Foundi-y Compa.ny," and nov ýoes Il The North Chicago Foundry Company." Dr. Foley'a statement that a good live health lnapec-i A-s needed now worse than at any tim. in the y.ar, la tWlyrlght-thc clity DGES need sucéi au officer. itspr-mg coming on, It ies the lime of ail limes bus in such a malter and seS that ail possible heaU , up to. Thereis lots of work for a real, live, 0JtQly ofticials must now permit nothing-absolutely -le luterfere with starting work on the Genusse vauct. Too long alheady business in lhe ity lma -s a result of that trucure being outof um; to )epeople bee3l inconnW#»c"u a h g l"waJk the. old bridge; too long has trade been kept frMr ybeause people tW lh. south dontl chernu ltheides acrosa the bridge oach lime they corne tl town. thIaltich bida are ln, that the Ire legtimate, and leV& have thinga hurried along wi al possible sp. in irat laLartJagt.obsemvethal lthe court rulIng tha a driver of an auto may be careleuan sd ««e speed lava, but, if an accident occurs, his careeo- dmo not impair the. chances of companiona in tho car Urne from their cîsarna for damages, from a munlol- In luthe particular case where th. mater vas taken charge was-really made of carelesaness of lhe driver cainwere lit1h. city vau 10 make suck aa daim -hnce the court's ruling la important as il prewmtu up tiat point. It's a fine point at that. Playgrounds for childi-en of 1h. city are fine things, lu urmind, publie parka for everybody are jusl as îetil or more so. Gildreu CAN amuse themselvez ions ways if they haven't public playgrounds. Play- ýid for children in congested cilles are more necessaa-y lun country towns like Waukeffu. Haa'tit ever oc- Oe Wo you liaI p arents lies. days seek to, do loomuch ýMeves Wo AMUSE the. children? They r bnng lliem lu expect to have every litIle whim and desire çcheibed -qjuckly given by th. parents. Isn't there sucli a thing takingchiudren personally helplesin bigger things by Og TOO good to them in providing every little whlu r visi? In years past, Uth "Idd" amused themselvcu ),Uying children's games, such as ithouseit for girls; - '<xun, she.p, run" for boys. Leave the average Amer- 4 boys te, theniselves and, if thy've gel tthe rigil stufi r.acm, they'll find just as innocent amusements Wo en- Wun themselves as if they had a playground ail fllled playtuigs. If they don't, they can usually be class- as"spoiled kids." T-ho Folk& Prom Méline. Two Apologie&. il governer of Mains w&& at théai An American edtor advertles. for, l and vas tellng the itupiawliat bis mlssing bat - The gentleman ~o pie of dIfferent sates amers w.ho inadeertently took our new beay. L Now, lie aald, ..iho eopla er,oaird ieft ani nferior article lnItiil ,ýindiana are called Hoo,lers- th~ stead will do us inhtrîlîe kinduesai b i from Norto (CarolînaTar ileela I retur.l. ours. le alIireceée ouf people front Mlit itîgan me- kiiouwiaruet thanksansd two anloies Ichîgauders Newa, '.haut lte boy 1 Lru apology for the- trouble we hart fi can tell nie abat te eoie 91% glen hlm, and the 'apoiogy for a baL' 1 hie are caed?"'.i known' aai'bits leî us "London Telpgruph. ~i girl, 'W,11. %bat aie Wei _______ di* l kdte govcrûr -Mauj, -NrokVlrgllat, -l'ÂnîConcentratad Wiedom. *mont dIffcut thlng fr a bride rtmontra tu underataniin la ta asira'!nMay accaaloall>- 'salît 1 er te spen'! an irour or twu viti eont belleve ite'1 need 1," raplisi -Mr. Lligglns i if ho even bearns.titO anivens Lu ail the questions he ara, ire wilU koow more than the proea. 6t ors." 'Yuare lu love viLli a blonde." r. marbedth ie fortune telier, "but alai You a rrY htsf beware of a brunette Valus. vho-' "No danger,"remanke'! the eof courue e ivortir mom patron; Ita tire lame woma.'-Tbt ,bndo j'-'- --.zdinem 'd a - -i..-- ~~Frank Boliwery bas returned from n OE'O G R Guy SheffLer of Taylor-villIelit., Chcago wbere lhe submltted ta an X EilI Io spendlng a few day ln thiI.clty un eay examln&tbon. He lbas been ijute IliitfAI ',rOe business. 'Il for the lotit week or two II ManvCIofAiNM 'yster SuclotEnjr.Oe Exaainwork on thie iOstOfflect The tire departaient was calied out _____ EINQ WRECKED. site la belng ruslied by a bg gang at 9:12 'clock tbis Inornlng ta Px- Worknien have aurted On the tallit An unuaui lamount of lnterest 10ttc- of men and teains. tîngulali a grass lire at theo cirne *Of Grand Lodge Officers of State of learlîîg down the large round barn lng fte&, in the mitîstrel that la ta Frederick Netzeilihas purchased the Clesnut itreet and Rldgcland avule. WHI be the OUeSts of Honor on fie aldi Martir. latin on -22»d lbe given Tlrursday, March 27 at the old N. A. Steel coupe! and wil use Il There was no damiage. At the Affair. rtreet and wit tlie planning of the euditorlin. North Ch7ilcago, liy thAt li flus hack business. Bert A. Blousat, pust exalted nrier ituge building whlch hbsbonm a iand!- ibooter organizatlon, The PrOgrevit Mrs. Carl Martin af Washngton0of the Elks et joUlet, dis'! thm . ua-1 mark fer mî>- years there lirbrougIit club. The tast Ili rehearslng every street lasapending the day ln Chicago day. Me va& a brother ta Madame Thursday evelng ln the Battery C.'ta nilnd the fact that the tast of th niglri and they are nvw prepared la îigltlng with relatives. Dauzat 0f the Madamanes Of Secret! Armury un Northi County street, theftarm building lit the clty litoits will give tw., hours uofgtîod wbalemome uniti 'The Man on the Btox," willlieothe Ileart, I*ke Foretit. Kigbti of Pyths lodifes of LaI5flandbave bft-orno obliterated. lvl netliitt ýaIatoiai theaScbwartz theatre Wtli weather surit as roday te MeHenry counttes wili glve au n l- Il Io a very lîterpstirig tact Io kn<Iw Lvlaot 4Igitfoutth"rear Easter StndayMatilnteeand eeeniiig.work of excavating or, rît- site et te that thie, onertab fi ~il lid lut he ctîîtwas he arie.îst cs a skr ooIeRisi A very prettlly trimniod winidow lnew roderai building cati goi alongntato ei n crte hobavei- onsikii lr thr-e fot "IY r alîral-t. st. q«lt.h.us -» belng slimu heGoeatie lon ata ac. ragmet av ycosrredfot iaiI)pr.ltaîîraîît and trerid tu ait oyster suit- lai met off with Raster decorationis. findsaind fle b5. i o aril. filebeen madie for an orchestra, a WalSke- dtased trontiltîe wreluage if te pradsiki i h xen ff foinaiolf ii ýstredti h i an quartet and an elociutioniet front Worlds Faîr btilldiitm. Jollt-y antd Mr, Nartin lieckor. Bre Joseph Sextoun bsrBitTurne here ordetr. Ohio, makini; thecoencrt on< tat ro th bruiméitfleur ta he oitthe fLiailplants -re talked laver witl hton Naslville, Tenn., Military, aa-1 Ru'.Oea. .% eCilîtuis wltaî.eak ta-uîudletbrtgi njydflt toi. tl uI îîirthf.Lîe- conittlee. E'irtlhiîtg lm ready> delny frointwhlcb lie graduated. nîiiht (oni ioliawing (iil ait he' Tolero aetbrogK. eof P. of ad teîadouI I ttîterolt 190fi-et for te bilg thotw ift- relierai opinion TBereare .reWeaofePr laensinandnLslia a dainetrhofloriteei. of thunse prèw.I Ben P.Weaer a srloaly111wlt FiatBaptiBt churcli. Froint 6 ;I loLake county. Tbey tire iocated at, Four îta.tinailties ire etigage(ti n thn grippe and tbreateoing witb pneu-17430 tbe ladies will 5serve, a eîtmîî:l- Waukegan, Lakte Fiorent and HliM.'Ibe work of demiloliiiîîtheliteiiîiuing, Bt the *Man iof M>4.-ry. Evpey monia ut bis home on WalblngolnImentary supper ta tee w ctfivort$. wod.The iodges ftanthe, two unýGem ,aieAsrnilla bdthwdrigh oi. e Park. A mariage license waa lisiîed in Clii- ties comprise tile district ef Northern'atld te fourlt lias siipîred tîr i D M'alter tif le ite lu l t-dged ta bei-h 1.. E. Redfern lm1in Chilcago 1lidaylcasa Yesiter-day to Chat lt-a Nîtîtseit. 26 llinoIeGa nd n oraettha ory but letwel-înibeul. tt. anrk o u fit" auirl Iluthi-i uts Ibouit au iit*endilig tbe 4reainiakers- convE . -Years oid. afrLibertyville, and iMissi tate viii lie the guéâta 0f bottir ai tettriltgdrivait lm 1)urgresl:tg swltly aiti lie iiîalta ini tlout %ho itti 1 tien ln progrelas 1tiere u atirslia. Meta Abirahamn, 17 yearsautid, ut Chii- the affair. Thmet- bar c th.. riant,.- iýtlîttt ihedti utti lii the lr ofle shoiw aurd Iren hledsand te Auditorium. cag 0. Intbe atternoaf the iodges Immond ititi a i arlt onillei.- rialî ti tur èby say ItI Ii l i00taI. Ititat ae Th uyi h opdmg ae'John J 0l f %, Kgwand 0. tIwo counties a ahibelita r.-ttr,4lîh/.- h itlta. ltoC5'st Ths e ury In olckthe Oip ama er As renJ. ou B agta1aui %%ase I 'tOihSIBbh5Slu e rotrrt'- rmt. aî tîtagoteotier. wat itcued t o'ioc ttisater A.i*aan0fillaoid Park are slrowU tieetiîig In the Jlleldge bail. The Et. iîtS-ot-:slîîîll rt. A gir at irîtt. i' art- tr-ihasll nti and aftèèr a short rodes. IL Wa5 as canidates Ou the Illinais Soclaliot- annual election of oflcers wtl ieb.o0e0thi, titrrirgfi'()' I' rit ittal rt in Wa"-ilit Wli.gtrt 'ti AH ,,. V.iii lai ýrý tire Intention to go aitead wit the tait le ballot for mniîtterutoftifihe îatlonalicofle features of tbia meeting. ' Ieo sheatru itani t ii I utmra5Vr -ar fî i, i -t îitîiîîld mir .îr 1r ing of testimoity. tociallatic comuiottie.-.au niection. recitaI, concert andt dance starta at i ilon. ir-thî.r;.s rttnt-I rrfrnt fatirlitht-rîtil, fi. ,î, ri Irt Cil-ago itr- Tire Lurlierat IAtagrre <ifrte Swed alîlcit la being ittaîittîit Ileadquareight <tclt'cb 1ln the Armory. 11'ur- r-fl,-.trr (ls,i-ra*uitIrats, Ititait d S: ritri-iaand .rtt ish Lutheran clircribelli ait tnilttrt ýters . . îl-t ai at-4 îrrri]the ~large teir tickt-s-a îtl ti lî-firt- a thlie arn meeting Isat uvenilt in te clirit ,,u< 1u tiiI-Passeti. ft rît %Jli iarîiiite Na valI Srt :t -itolti -r a r.'rt- ,r .d out . very "'arlor;'AiepCitytofragraoslwa frt-n generali îalrd A itlc w-as grayena ed.Rn - laît at iltaaia bK- There veresauotie quîestlins lu -etttirit itt. tllig. M an> n rît, tri-- iiilibtrand iftlook,; dered which was greatly enjoyed. .1 ~ ~~~gralthy reqiured lit the çrellînlnary fex iiNorthi-g . iii.a iig! -1%Iiuiii ol fregliments er srvd.11o8a l ectrie Raiiway coinpany adam aJoéifor foîi bl.,taatt-iiuuens iotgr ii. iAsllr'el' ouî theWItire îGan-an ectrlc Cot'tw dnt 'la-ho as-useItra t alrit ismrfiii îîîîrîîed lit- îî.tti(etil tui 1i. tIothe liteltit. At the meeting of theWisconiiln'Oasua-dpîred ta admision Lv lite bar Amùngý,n ý,hAdFfLc a1 bet vr tl. -" ial At Lte metin WattenaPar-pany before tire raitraad caomistiîthem vas--Nainre ten animai# that i î taîiat xrcstri. il UEeyntti.ro i-tuti eign Mssianar>- soclety of thes Mettofa Wisconsin dentanding au itvestiga- Usve blnie Arette -zone," îre Young iett lltt iW ltçaru i uu > lîi c-tît dist churcli yesterday atternoan Il was Uan 0f ail utfliies suppliud ta te man wrote: uFtve polar beurs and J Wttmvitîlne tirtelntaune0frNMartin for th gr.-atti-itrat tutturest sbott voted to adopt a resoltulon regard- people of the cîty b>- tese coipaiîîe.litre seala N. B.Peruritrune ta cait C. Deetras betng a iiittdai.te oit t;,,- andîtiltsut ir ii .iii-etis realizo.i Ing expectoration ln1ublie places, al-I- n asaileged tbat supîples of gos. fourt attention ta te fact tliri b. (titietî5tict.et for ttre iiLtec of at are l a lie itri fîîr iitpirposes, anti se endorsing the vont of te Wîens efisclight, power andi teat, 'ere qustIon dons net specify Chat the an- 1îorltey. rTîa awas arr t-ru-ar as Mr. illmIsa ltastirî- ftor mnait> b tw Federation for a curtew law. indeuae ad ha lte ieraio otImlmslOoidtsn dîfuen ýrieie" ittitr a uiLbtIlticketlai lt-bt hiirtutia-rtit tire iutg ir gro I Amel, te ton year aId son of NMr.the, local Etreet raîîaay wsunai-1 adies Home Journal.frtttolc oko i -iiîuta and Mra. Aunel icellar. 307 Southi Jack- !acoD7PgonOy.ledClny so stetde uaa-renn - Myrlligrw-î ottg 0-Whou a résident in the London Statement of lte Asstmtsanti liabîlities utott-e SIATIt IIANi OF LAKE 9:45 o'ciock, after a nitre days' Ilress day ta conter allîr Westcolt anddlio- ros'!, Reading, Engloani, came dowa- FOREST, locateti at Laite Fotrest,Ililinois, at the etisi- u t brîiuîtlpm n lte lt of scarlet fever anrd diptlerta. Be- nebnrg, consuitiîrg engineers on tite liaira recently, hie round! perche on ay of Decemnber, 1912, ahshsrcwn by lte annuai repotlofl te said baik as aides biIs parents lie leaves two bot-Proposed Genesee treet siacît. He the top bar af the grate ln the draw.Ia tusat omiaw adthie t teoffeof ir Aesai it ftrhtPub l inrons crsand a sîster. The futteral vas itellit vshes a cansult te archirect bet-,re ing-rooi a Pigeon vhich lbndconte joursuttire la dan f ilr] nare fic-fh 1913.io o ubi Acun yesterday atternoon witb bhurli lnbSt. the cdcvn tireacbiînnsy, ILL had .rou li tAS3SEtS.yo Jna,111 Marye cemelery. opltecandtrat thele m-rewd. it vas ýwtltla consîderable quantity of Bot. Cas aon Lisaitianiditue frtttoiain 119t 0 SecetryGobect f te au ec tet a theeiniuiodatut ires-Whoeuthe occupier apene'! the vinl-tasi lit bands orfagentls attrilit tourste ot Irao. gan Y. M. C. A., la planning ta attend wiren Lhe bilds vere oled. dow IbthePigeon matei*els ecale. înisflit ..__. ..._ .... lb67 $112028.72 tiré 2t international convention aof- -- >thre Y. M. C. A., vitichIo staulie heid 'lkO DoiT, a balli! ta County J£19111 W;'ÏAho DOerisv api' -oans oitresl ..siate, belng lIrsHt-ensltercoit... i2t,if. OUe Ilircinnati .O0.,May 16-18. Repre- Golrns, Chicago, la the record spend- 1aNIlhI men who deserve..ta ......a>#i.8:&v ise-natives wifl liepresent frontal etlrolle'! h3'the feulrai court. -iïe cl4Ppe'! on the face: He wholia ýh r .o v 4)Oelmuot-tal - - lbar',r pat !tr o',was given tire tank saome tinte ago of a -an uf pawer; hoe Wlio ntera a Àitterest tile' ..... prsoth oi.bollse uninvite'! and unwelconred;he-Lt.ii :lltu3t The Somane Cubr and represeonta- oatertaining Dr. William T. Klrby, Who givea ordera In a bouse trot hl iertraftm 938,78 tives of other organisationsin th ie cil>- head of i.he defuncî Kjrby Savings own howho tak«a seat ao lbigiitocs ad Bnds1i0,172 held a mieeting titis atternoon ln tire Banik, Who aet that tins vas sopposelicl ti 'OU; lhe uho speaks la one Who iPurnîture antd fittur.-, ,12u0.78f Sesaine Club roonts for tlie purposeiti> bu Insane. Tueeday lh. turned In 40etrt listen te hlm; hoe wro in. 117 of diaislng the matter ar furnisit-j a bill for $255. Judgs Landis louottrtilez on t convestion of OtersE Total Asseta $067c240.08 Ing fr heY.M.C.A.whchla rapîi- ltroiter aslvsenent. ire Who bseee avons front the ungen- L.ABLlITIES. tîy nearlng compietton. Ilrua n ho Who inspecte love front lapitai stock paldIti $.Nul0It ing fo tie Y M C.A. itîitJ. 0. lientali, Secretar-> of thé 1iii- hEuala-'o a Persiau Sayins- Surplus oi isatd t.iO Uiîdivideti profits ... .. .8,887.161 l.at evenlng ut te Naval Station nola Socialistic PartY bas challenged,î>vîdend.s npîald.. 1.0000 auditorium te bluejacitets gave a Mayor Bidinger ta a debate on tre! sticît obelerice. iDeposîts ---59,23 vauevile bowwlicb iroed ve>-question af the igb coet o! living, ILady of House-"WVIrt cause'! fOUý spierid plndgrm v ertdgoer.A1as a resuItoftire mayors recent t ae 1 tebecoors a îrmpt" RagedRgr@ î:Total bîailities 'it-~,- 6.40.08 apleuid pogran wasrendre en t ttat ILla"thie cattof big li -"-,Thesfantif physc, ui.Hea-1StvoIliisCutY(fLteh.16, which a numhter of local peoplie tûoit in'ratber than "the higli cent a!fIIv_-,118ed mete 10taelong vaikea mter me FrankîB.IlWarreun, Uashiîr, une oftufhe i taunagirîg tuticepr-, anîd ieorgp FInd- i meîs. n' 'y. een aihlng ~ ay, anrd liîtry tC.inrarut.l tw ir e iirettrs tif rth- itate iBank of Laite par. lagca cas ereru boirin' whlch people are faclng nov,; ever ince." Fotresît. a. cotrpoirationo tr flr - aI.- tir lutl.beirig .i-tral . 1- worn, tart ways atter the show ta accomotlate Thte tia-or. no doubit, will pa>- no at- rp tri ititti t - the people along tire norti r ine wbo entîott ta tihe challenge. -- TIra t lietmallesth i i-r Lca- tt tor tire Juarptuii. tf utîttu utltg w iti te ru- atedd1PIty. curenttntstofSectiouns 9 andi 1tt of ait art orft.-euttaAsaunrill>of thre atted1dC, H. Jackson, 409 Waabing An grl wlo lias a ateady bean faelsStati- ofIlilinois.,cîrtitIeci, 'An Actta ru Fi liiifor atutti llat. tte Adminis-. Pran Opka atiy tlclaed hatstree toay gave the Krebs 1eer-tsam kind of pit>- for lire girl Who tabu uTut i rs otnuls- lirts naome hitdbeeonplaced an s ,- cnray tocnvr li atîtIs alan, nîglitlatter nigit thataL eb. TiraItirhe foregtrilreprort of tire sat iSttte BnidartLaite Forest oi lierocratlc ticket witout is consent jers solîi goid watcit intoa aring, Tite; boy Whoiauaodive lias for te onte whoDetmter U1>1Lanrd tire txtibits acuntuytiglire -ante are true andu and added titat vitenlite isites ta o ld assayeti btter tlian 18 itaraL! la afnald ta wade tlu above bis knese." correct lit ait respects tri te be-rt o! Iýis liibowltit<r- .aotultiilIt- aîd ltat Ill- came ot for office lte knew enougi Tire ring witt lie liait arr loch vide o___ ur inuaing lîreprte.su tat îo- î it alIutiî.l>iî ieprrti tdo se wititoot samne One else doing and vili vercb il itennyweigitt an ler Hllun- I-lI ac t FANK i. WARREN. IL for hlm, iisnanehadl been plac- nsually massive ornamnent. The i chWaukegan truda>- fraio lluit. Ifi isa liWOI-vRGE ItIRLANl ed ait tireUtiket for justice of te - aa over 90 years ai'!. Mr. akt thouglît lid ud %%lrvilI speit'ieti tîte uIrtumoIttiari19:r -peuce. He vent ta TQwîî Clrk George »Motber car'îe'! l for yf efon ubualire, lie vent ritu Hootlluse verai SEcrtrdArnJar ut iitrtrr i ett.A I. uL i UtrN'E. -19A1'KMi. N iiutchlnsoa Iis aftinrootn ta bave bisgae jt hrco.montit agu Lu aite up the praclice wiSKMh-1ýAL i .x ii tsi:,atKPublie 1 trame reanoveti trami te ticket. of LAW. 'i'irere wiIli e a slion evenlng pray- er lu the cliapel of Cùrirlt citurcithtiti evenlng t 7:80, vitir sermon: "Our Lords Lait Weelî vitlliI-Is isiple-t'" (:1 "Tire fesertion of Al Lte Disci- pICs." On everyf evenîng or tiis wer teet Saturday, there wiii bu evening praie uand conrtinuatintn if tussaer- les of sermoni: "Our Lerda Lesat Weeit wit Hia Discipes."On tlood i-riday titere vii lie a Chitidren's qýrv- ce ai 430 vîtir sermon ator>-: "%"t a Cild Sav Wiren Jeaus vas Cruci- tIi-i.- There lsaislo Iltnay, Penten- loIl Office and Hol>- Communion ai 16 cvtîry rnornlng. A marniage lîconse vas Ismed taday ta Mite Prelen, 29 y ears aid, an'! Jo- sets. Makaver. 20 fears ol'!, bath ai Wanitegan. i>r. Ilellows bas In his possession tte copi- of a reigiaus paper that waa puihlshed in Ma>, 1851. It urne giv en hiîî ity lts father. He Intende ta bave il tranude. W. T. Taylor, father or rallce Mas' istrate Walter A. Taylor. todaf came ta Waulcegau ta tur oavor tire collec- tar'a books for Antiocli tovnship. Mr. Taylor la tire clioctar tirere. '110v to a Bible Christian," wîli IrE tse subje-ct ai the Congrffltional citîrrei, toniglit at 7:45. An import- ant and brief conference ofthtie teacli ers and oltersaof tleiaSunda>- acho will lie ield. Tue cburcia comnlttee viii conft witb n>- vio plan untting ilth tht churcb aette hrst conmmiunion season an Mardi 30ý Prof, R. R, ,aughlin viii les'! tht singing, The chair viii ment for thi -t- - ' - --i-i s-- etî bol to on th l kga WC ka 40