tEE 8 Louis in sonate! lieuse CasIer. OREASE THE WAYSj 0. HATIELDZ WestVirgnieGovenorVista scons oltrike ots. NE.LSONI'WiNI ACK OlDE ffttling end Wife Who Wsnted D* vorce Patch Up ifferenoe. Denver, Cola., March 20.-Battlfi Nelson and bis bride have become reconciled and she bas instructed At-~ torney John Bottom ta take no fr ther action ln ber proposed sit for divorce. As soon as Neson concludes hie' theatrical engagement, Mr&. Nelsoný states, site and ber bumband wili leave' for Portland, Ore., wbere tbeY will spend lbirty days boneymoonilfg. ThIa trIp Is realiy to be trial matrl-! mony, as the pretty Young woman WAction la Desled snd Membera ________ Obmit..Wis,1a 1-r1Ma . NEW GRAND JURY ORDERED itytby Ame.tsining What Objea. r ne May -ne Made and Clearine Médmbers of Alegsd "rsn ig Mml Away as oon sas Possible. v yArraigned ln Chicago. ~lngauMarh 2.-Qiekre-Chicago, March 20.-Investigstlun1 ý"gon f chChIcago's s -aie argon trust" bçalunleUders acceptabeo theby a special grand Jury will begini ,oetl leder aibat boseso!next Wedskesday. Judge Richard E.ý w as the abject o a confer- n Burkse bas ordered the Inveeftigating' . t h.e i.ranking tarilY ne- Ibody empaneled.1 lisa o te prtyinOh.senteWhie appication for the Jury wa551 Ork touePryl h Dt belng made ten men. accused of be. b ose.c, alln h cung membei'5 ot the '*flre-bag ring.'» k o!frne t ai wilnbili i ere being arraigued ln court on an- other fleur ln tbe crimlinel court buili etWu particulars by the bouge îng. a t d uneans committes, waa de ________ d s a move ta flet togther o Mo« ground anSd a moth the IGNORES PLEA 0F WILSON ~ forthe iauucbing h is New Jersey Inserts ln BilAtiend- pai c tariff luiany years un- Spoicy or swift. barmorilous ac- mn e tsS Trenton, . J.Marcb 20-Thel $*"*tort Go te Houte Sida. bouse by a vote of 27 te 26 lnsertedt Mtors Sîmmons uf North Cara4J tu the jury reform billtthe ameiid- illislrmnor the senate finance Gov. Hatfleid Visite Strike Zone, ment su wblcb Presidsut Wilson Ob- $attee, snd Senators Stone, John harieston W. Va, arch 20-- jects, providioz that eacit county May p3Tlis.ms, anS Smith af Geor- Goveë ri )lalel aebslrtdeüide wisetiscr or flot It Wlii adopt ,,outltutsd the senate subcomn- trip ta the trike district of te Kan the jury commission system. and We for ths conference witts Chair- awbs county coal fields atuce be"om- then passed thee measure. t Underwood aud nome of bis col- ing thte chi,! exci utive. Thtis ilhrûws the bil \Into conten- ues of the ways and means com- puce, as the senate bas pasgeS it ln se, the. senators going te theth osi etrPOPthEpeldu ne aide lu accordance wthtbhte lhai tuictloiii of the bouse. II ~ ~ u the tarf eIinpotraà MAY NOT RECOVER ROMAN CATHOLICS tii.a arlifrevitn theoghr bemvtives ou the commttee bad ",thiu fdiros ed a drate Pontif's Physician Is Far trom NO B R 51 415 ',omttee:wre isaten on, HotuI ai of utcame UoIted States Shoiters 14,312 point diat asbrought It l'ben tii. eommttee completed lis Rame, Niarch 20.-)tiring tise pat CliDîcies ai That Faith. k% aadjournusiut vas taken un-1 two days thse pope ba suffered from jue«aYThe experts empioyed Insomnia and hegs of appetite. The Ne oMac20-Teear r»e ommittee vers Instructed liquid diet wbicb bie bas been takiig 1Newl'8Yoman ca 0.Tboislherae lmwethe rates In the pro- rbas falie. o vrcome the weaknss nSSaes 151418 Ro r. aodint ael tivielon sud ta report visat r luoig t .o.iles Ou bis nai vntedSaeets po te,191 ditngt $1o irevenue. Upon tis report compelied to remanin lubcd and for -Kennedy's Officiai Catholie Direc- ýÂW04 he atre f te ucoe te irs tie inc li wq odaiedtory." sud, according to the samne aul- %« foUdthe natuere of the incthe tbe fist tims nce betu wa ratedastority, there are 23,329,047 Roman ats i i.e ro nr d y he rls toccasion . b e t et b a e~ C athol es under the protection af the ou titisaffo Atcaslotrt.e, Unted States flag. Theefigures la RatesAre Lw. Prfeesr Marchiatava. thte popels raeso the Proposeit revision Physicien, aays tbst be les arasS that ibis directory are suppited by the M.- =rahY0lower han those sim- tbe pope wii flot last long. lu Cathollc ishops aud cbancellera of âth dewo llof 11 n aeI i ilnt euebga-thse dioceses coucerned. M i , N e et h e lén d erv o o inb u is o 1 9 1 f oy as e i i fon t r - m b s U T h e r e a r e 1 4 ,.' 1 2 C a t h o ll c c h u r c h e s i toý12 t .ves beless theof M , Suene owi r eauot ucdPri nr . u uîsentaI United States, 9.503 af - to ii. nsout aireveue Rmols hirhrsucted arisb ne vbic ave reident pristis, the other ktlýnId acruefe inthe me saurs. garS tatble serin t.. sao P 1,111 experts report that the ro> lu started gossip n absposai 4.809 bieng mission tburchea. There liton would nt yieid enough hie succeasor. The naine msuet fre- are 17,945 Roman Catholic priests.I = thewbeels orgovernment lu quentlv menisioned is tat of tardinititree cardinale. elesen active arcb- 011111.tonth ifeene il eDiuuiede Falconto. Ia birhops. titree titular arclbbips. Oph4ytehe 4oiffne vIi e104 blabops, tva artis-sitots aud if- tha the revUeincues tan. i teyteen aithots lu thse U.nit dStates. ment teurevenes vauld jat PRISON FOR AUTO BANDITS Tisere are eighty-tive eceisia IM, ileet requ e mensa oine asesînaries in wbicb 6,169 young men, ph Robbertte ipalg Webb Muet Stil Stand Tnisi are being traineS for thse priestisood; I" Sat rate lutead of a gradusted fon Murder. 23f) coleges for boys and 684 acad- 8kadordicg te the aise of the lu- Chicago, . Marris 20.-Robent Webb enies for girls. Tbere are la tise !ls. a bas been urgtS by many. sud Thomas Burke, tw ofu the auto various tates of the Union. 5,2111 1<-~bandits, iueaded guilty to a charge af Cstbolic parochiai scboois viti s'anat- ND bunglary before Judge Kensèten and tendanceè of 1,360,761. W M TO O Uv ere sentenced te tise pententiary. Titere are. according ta tise sa W RTheir imiisonment ls au tndetermin- autbority, 288 Roman Catholic orpbao mai~~ ~EAaise ancetf rom une to twentv vears. asyluma ln wbicb 47,415 orpbans are MLIbV UbD WAb Webb ta.ta.hbc trieSd for the monder besug <areS for. ________of a Detective Peter Hart within the near futtire. Assistant States Attar Ma- qam ret icor e pey Jo nFleming and John K. Mur- sAMNESYBILL REJECTED ,ý Sroat Vicia ai lt tiseir Intention te dis- pose of the robbtry and burghary Cuban Senate Doses Pot Like Measuire Ichbalja.cases againsitishe auto bandits hetone as ChangeS by House. _______ hey Lake up the isurder case, Itavana. Miarcb 20 Tise senate ne- -- l.GranNarhI.-l ested tise uew amuesty bill vbich re- kioeogne. Germ arey. Marb 2.-te - H. K. KOHLSAAT STRICKEN stricteS the benettsef tl e pa o- jimtesa aaae & parugtade- *ltîcal offenSera. Wa4 toso othe Biataes a srpeedy Pubiieher ut Chicago Inter Ocean Mat It aisea dopted a nesohutIn n- inykytlcodn bsitesnlusireands- Sruke ut Apoplexy. questing the bouse te furnisb the sn ~~keai aacordang to anfiuhe minudis éeob foto Berlinuta thse Cologne (As- Chicago, Mrrh 20 -That }lerman st !bacpyo iemn tes ise Mill. I. Kobsasat, pubihaben ofthtie Chic&- session viten thse bill vas passedl anS 42@Snstaftinopie, bMrb 2o.- A ve- go Inter Oresu, auuftered a aigt to show boy tise new measure cou- #ry la officiaiiy caimed for te Turk- stroke of açoptexy in New York aunformeStvitis the protesta ofthOie Unit- #kýfonces iu a tweuty-four-bour bat- Ssturday evening became kuovu cd States agaluat the original bill. $6 Miong the Tcbataldja, Bues defend- bers. W tsecity. Whllie tise lrst reports wçre Jiat bu GOVERN«MENT CLOSES CASE ýýé< Ottoman troape took the of- vas tu a serions condition. Iter ad- ýîaàve. openlus th.e ttack by an ad vices are tisati bs stroke vas a sigbt Unted States Steel Corporstion Ad. pas.. of their rlgbt wiug. viir pro one. tisat ise Is. cutsiderably improved Journe Ite Defense for à Tîme. qWdma as fer as Slvaskeut, Railla- sud la recoverilsg. ,e Yo.Mnc20-Wtha ým . o!o Bulgarlaus were en President Eita s79. stipulation that a tew mare are r.- tecd nt tbase tlsnee places, and Cambridge, -Nass.. M arcb 20_- serve bookse msy be put ln evidence Oghtiug soon spread aiong tbf Charles W. Eliot, presidcnt emeritus, later, the United States goverument front. The Turkish traop, of H arvard, clebrated bis sevenîy- eud o! tise prosecutiais ta dissolve the thdi Bulgarians from thein iintis irthday today. United Sttes Steel corporation end- nd tank possession. . k Turkisb renter ten advanced Tseeeeeeeee lhe defense wili taIse au adjouru. 'ýabzaedthebelgts n thl, WATHR OBERVTION. :ment of six wesis teto montha e sI r n a wIu e d ti s e yit e i g t i n t h e i n e aM E B E V A I N .~ f o r e l i t o p e n s I t s c a s e . a s et the point ai the hayonet. *Taken by United States Weathe Fe ulia uaeet5 ae Sen bureau lu Washington. D. É. Fe ulvnInRsnhlC» :~~~~~~~,~~ NeiieaCrysTw.Tmn ew York, Mancb 20.-Jack Sullil oz. ociaisteCarr a Twn. Tom. _ van. *'king ai the nevaboys." charged ýJ IUlli. Miens,,Marris 20. .inal ne- 0New York ...51 Clear mct nth odra e 7,r ouTv tarbors, Mniin - mu. :Abany ........ 4 (lear e iti .lc t nte udro Il a :sowtattt- o tisAtiantic tity .. 4X Her aMrman Rosenthal. tise suang ea s l o t ec iait ew ep. Wil : Bost ott......... ....... Ilear : Se mber , vas fme eS ton lacIs ef evi. B. P. Chistenson. ludependeut, : Chicago.... 6 Part tiaudy : 01 tdn eDond "1037. 0 St. Latis ..... 66 Clear e hoSuat aDond :New oroans ..6) Ram n ltbfcs. N. Y., Marcb 20. -Walter Aae"sWemtin te Vote. Washington 58.t t Cioudy :aScott Richarde a! Catiaud. 0.. a Cor. Aý«k, bare ý,._T e aPhiladelpiela-F , f, ean :neli student. vas drovued about ialsathebMugbl .l'h. - e 0twenty teet north or thelilghthouge e Fse.Thssdefia i orgecait for Yomorrow. : ier et the bed aifssyusa lake. a 4beuiseeti vote la etOhr gan. Wiscnsin anS laa- : Columbi iy u. ad 0-b ilie, bulexetavu sa e CodMrm IL c of !the lPifth district wviiDisent eee@5@Ce*C*CPC*CCSCS bevmsch 27. EVENTUAL LY YOU WILL9 OR 0O9 BUY VOUR OLOTHES HERE WIIY MOT CSUE HURE AT FTB' And Save te Trouble of LooklmgArom Remember, this store is a Women's and Children's Specialty Clothlng Store. Remember, we-buy and seil more Woînen's and Children's clothing t.han several Department Stores combined, therefore, we buy fromn the manu- facturer for less and you buy from us for less. Remember, tlîat we have twice the selection here that can be found in any- other store. Remeruber, QUALITY is the flrst consideration always, with us, it means more value and better satisfaction for you. Remember, our Mr. Hein attends to the huying personally and the most careful judgxnent is used at ail times. Handsome Coats, Suits, Waists, Skirts, Dresses, Shoes, Millinery and Everything Read-to-Wear in extensive assortnients and exceptionally fine values await you here in great niumb ers and variety. ONCE YOU TRY US, YOU'LL. ALWAYS STICK BY US. Eastor Barf Beautiful Conts und Suis Arrivg every day as they are by the wagn load, makes the showing complete at any time you cail. Al the new materials are represented and most any shade, mixture and striped effect iil be found here at three special prices $10, $15, $25 _ Huadreds of Wash Dresses You, perhaps, have purchased in S the p ast one or more of the splendid wash dresses we have been selling at $1.00. We admit they were a big value for the money. We have 100 more, even better values, that wifl be placed on sale tomor- row, at............... 1.00 White Serge Skh'ls Extra good quality white atorm serge skirts in a variety d ty8 button trimmed, wlth and Ipit u panel back. These 4kirts mrg abo- lutely our $4.Q0 and $500 Vgffle and we offer them for 29 tomorrow ouly, at .....2.9 Whie Petlionls4 We are particularly proud'of the showing we are msng on Wbîte Petticoats. Hundredsof 110w styles have just arrived. Extra deep embroidered and lace flounes -some safloped and some «0 pot. Ail with wide ribbon insert-f, ions. Special, at ..... Yom Can Now Bny by Mail From Hein"s We Prepay Charges By Parcel, Post Our Grodit Dspartment W E w iii Uc glad to xtendtlthe coîîrtesy of oui- CREDIT DE- PARTMENT to aiv yout-ot tsswll-ts tomers- whow~ill fuî-nisli lyo u tsi- ness rreflî'lze.X'u-iltiîtrIê- phone youl, or(Iers. Watehi oui, Newspaper ails froin fime totime ad csirei. fronit 111cm. Brosse$ fr( They are all in 'w uow sud we want mi you to corne and ses them early. Xcany, many 110w styles in galatea, ginghamm and per- cale, We have a complete uine for, all ages and the price 18 only 1 9" --jWA Important Information, the convenience of our euis- F tomers and anyone living 'where miail wiIl reaelb them, who are not able to eome iflto oul' store at any tinie, we wish to notify you that if you wilsend us youî' order by mail encltidiîsg the amount of your pur- cha8e it NiIl be taken care of as promptly and with as înnch care as if you were making the purchase at otîr store.1 FOPk CATALOGUE - I haro in vgrea't numnber.. We would adyvp an early seleotion. - .Prioed mod*ate- PROGRZBO M E ST ItE I Ois $ :*,0,___ BOB0 Was Set and Su& HORSE LOc ai Courdy The We asked to Who broki $tore st E nigbt. A Wall seen ~aortier la elous actif cldS. t i Party as1 rabbery ti The extý reach ove said. A" and about tacles tog, ends weri flot yet amouat ai IOntil thîs The rot at Grayoli a'clock M police of and town North Shi ne yet no the. robi selding il snd about ofieers w APPraacbe thiet coul cme ln 1 b. must rection. stili looki OUJT TE] Joseph the T Joseph of HIgbw second ti elecUon. n.Oc. il election 4 The. tic Mayor- ,City Ca Clty *1 CtyA Police Aldermer Finit 1 second Third James surer. la the City a candid practiefli didate to urer at t wighes t( thîs end. sent poil the oniy elfictiofl. The pr Wood bai best the Severson on a rei tu activ h Und pi fY thse c this wor the Othe While a ticket that this luat MIE twO or1 It 1 pIf will hi