CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Mar 1913, p. 4

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011cm Telephone Number 1. City Editor RemIdenca 'Phone Nubber 22&a~R j' Lieri.vllleExchange OmUtered ai the Postofilce at i bbryville, Ill., ma 4ftond Cl&@a mail Motter SImoed Weekly. Adertiilng Rate@ lMade KDown on %pplcation. BUBSCRIPTION PRICE. 01.60 PER YEAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE W .1.SMITH ................................. ...... ............................... Editor F. 0. SMITH ....................................... .......M......... ... ame RAY L. MUBBARD................................. 1:.......... .............. City Editor FRI)A i. MARCH,21. 1913. $6. I loteresting éd lby the StatistUcs Furnish- State.Superînten- dent of Instruction. WAIJKEGAN'S AVERAGE $79. Zi'atistics Issued at, Springfield Representative Munro bas shovn au undauuted cour- is Tmely in View of t'ne Dis- aige in sticing up for what h. believes is right, when, atcsinHee Springfield this week, h. refuged to enter a compact to usoHe. elect Funk a Ulnited States Senator, after having determ-' ied that it was a Lorimer deal. 1Mr. Mun's stand @4 Ih couta an average ef $60.69 a year once placed him ini a conspicuous position as ai.. hIoeua hsool j>tilacord:- tblnks for himself rather than being swayec! by leaders i perintendent of public Instruction ý,&d b corcin. Jugt lmued la Sprin0feldL Tihe total aid ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .1». ____ei<îoMîl inois hlgb acheola la The record shows that Congresznaan Pous' attendance at 6,1,dlvided amoag 531 hlgh Çongressvas some botter the. last session than previoùdvl. ad ois in th t.ForIre us làn the session containing 09 days, heovas absent 99 .day;jiear course echools. whlle 163 have la the 210 day sesion he vas absent 79 days; lu the M0 day1 three year courses of study. umWon, he wasabsnt four days. OongrosarnanStak of Ti.ire, adluSangil Ohicago, sizth district, bad the record Tor absentees-he 1ame 'nte etlg lau-v ukegaa la vIew vas avay 165 days out of the 210 day session. $hi m bp te the average coeaiof educat. jau Pous vusabsent more than any other conglýousen li;g puplil la Waulkmgahighacheel in te l9da sesio, 9 days blngcrelte apnstim.The average cent ln Waukegan w l a t e 1 9 d y s e si o , 9 4 a y b e n g r e d i e d i > i d , i . s hio w s 10 b . 8 79 P r p amil. o r , a b o u t If Lorimer's consetis nov needed before the U. 8 tmhe taebua th ligure i la eo senator eaii be named, what 's the use of althe Tonmfoolery accoui et tbe big boad.d doit &ad zatok paemti earin aIWslgofr h Iynterest whlch tu carried bere as a aL u0 trea b-ereetou of the. nmw hlgi $sltue n me hlm ag infor t e oth as I ruo m parative figure@ affctlng Rire .0 b e c g r t l e d o n t h n d a n e t n d h o k a t :. f e ld b s h a mallo m i p erc e n ta g e e f 1 in f l u t ve e e . efi ýed te vote for u k p, lycnnlg rm th rd echth )J r ht o ale te friya tte hg the peo ple o lo d. .S cit ieîdth Batvi ta, C ro. C nni -i aý1ate Ilwf 7.2 iP lmn nlgfothr e grade pî Th resens b ltiese tme t u a oro!cotnlsgto the ir a year ote lg .gainsbLews heans t ho. reono! a ste offiaivo e cho;Dnîl 9prcn the people of Minois. Opingfleld Baavia puro cer nt. hIn reality, lie clerk-ex-officio ovêr ever out i Springfield, bowever, bau by fer the. Obité, detilso ! vbch ave b eenex pl n l u s .lia xudtr e culpre It vus " billvhut* tbe ULae The total àannusl curretait pen.MI- x -,etheei soltlonlastu N 8.391 here. wbll. ln IlWteRePreS.tatlVesand Senators rrB 1puy la Batavia $33,111 5and la <?rml 810, .Oouuty clerks 19ý*to the bil also on the grounu64. t~ povlds*stte ulary of *5,00 a ywa, for eI i ota' Peorpa C latilal tbhlghcool la Springfield la 844,. Ilipsstý* pense of bis audit upoli ihe 901 = ill Prs$1674,oairn 846j. 961, Batavia #PM7, a"d Carmi 82.- uzif orm »00111V.eli- 8subi. contemplaW a 1497rn. mU1 1 bJleeo, ble to thsM.They Îmay dt ~tgrea ~lmm seuifrmacwuloychng uti. "npbg jteffl that heb een u us l .M tfie Anoler phase Of the Proposed Iav th.t bas caused o ppoMo stn1 a *provii that ecli county Olricer tdeit thilcorne Of #M aOffice with the couaty treas- vey veekL The clerics characterize.this provso rublesone ad unneesary. The. clause, they say, miakes no provison for the pay- o!0 their own àsaaes or those of t*ieir clerks and tante. Ua Bpe'Sgi eti.enrolmmt la th, Ira grade 0fth. waid scbQoolctotale 1,444. While thm total extullment la the tirat year of higli ahool in but 379. .NTPOLYUiMY 14EASMR PASED AT SPRINiFIELD Measure Wlas Endorsed at the bIUCRS REFUSE FILE PAPERS FOR Warro etng HeM in r SIOiN EL61IS INJUNCTION IN «iAS Wuea dy a EWMIK RIES CO. ENTERIN6 ZION rapneda re Sui a gpingfleld asking hlm to une, hie In- Wwd Fixes Average for Sea- Oterseer Voliva this afterimoon, neeto the aco urn '10 at $1 .34 and Farmeos throiagh hie pereonal attorney Thea. country whlch euhl flourlahea deapite 4. are Aroused. Fbrby, fileal the suit In which he osek nanv rneagures pasied to stop It, 'ir. an inJunction reeîrainlng the North ShurtIeff today gent the following ]et- 1 ,lgin. Ill.. Mari lî15. 'le price of Shore Gas coniîany frrnm îayîaîg it ter ta Rev. George McGinnls. of Wau- asii teixeal ioday uy the Borden nmains ln)tofitn Ct.kegan. krnfedIl- ielpany. la a disappoiatnient to tie -The attorneys lu chargeeoft lb Smrncaege II miers, andl sonethlng of a revoit aeg Mardil n 12, h f hl ev Gore ehnns os aken place. The bu>ing conbiue aeFie hlsd eki!~i 1e.Gog clna iie flot meet time request o tei po- cati>. The cuit la hown tb he Volîva Vaukegan, Illinois, bora' associationi, but fixes an av-1 V5- EveretI. Milard. the man who' Dear Sr:- ~a prîce of 81.34 1-16 for thcenu obtaineal the franchise and later trans- I arn lu recelpi of your faver et ês ix nionilîs. The rate by manti ferred It to the North Shore cern %farcî t .h encloelng a resolution M'100 pounds la as tolîna s: April.,paliy. adapteal ai a meeting of the elghtsen 5;May,. 81.30: Junë. $1.10; auîy, The argumients for the ljuncîlon churches ln Waukegan, lntroducing ~; Ague 8110:Sepembr S 45:ahibe ear Mach 4. e Ant-Polygam-y Concurrent Resolu. Auguin $1.50;teat This $!.5;o1ayillreedehed terch 24 ,*qemum of 10 celâts per j"0o0la TOhe InJunetion Io asked for on thelin Thsw oa «ntdote iI1..L on mi.. esting M ]lu butter grouands that the ordinance was l1 Houseo eprsniatives, and con- valial hich granted the righia; thatlcurred la unannienualy bk t hem. ýOl average et $1.34 1.16 per 100> lie council had ne authorily to, grant Tourst very trly, 8 ctae mretha 'as all to Milard, as an' indîvdual' ubt Edwabrd D. Shortheff. sauon, utue ehneras lidiao the franiage petitlons a"e fedeqiate. This resahtition was paaced by a axnong producers today was ta detectlve, andl uncertain; that h'bgaaolyb telamni 1 had set thelr mark et i parks as public Proporty whereaa theýI e us te the Governor for hi& slg- ,theminium. he iew riceVliVa people dlaim those are pivaîe nature. The reaolutlon aaking for tho mI cniu.tIs.'aaequar parka. 1Iîhis actin wustaken at the Armori' 4~Èca andr 3cens sQuat. The maie of the Volîva crowd tuummeetIng helal hast 43utday. The mou- - o!f frmera th u@bers edPâcso h ain hr -te algnan sd mnetu'd sîî 10keep the gaz compaey out of n Istrafib vaoach- t to lou c ntrca nyfofthe s n Zia i a ce i analnondtubr th@ at- chs l the cliy toas ve, onit i fora dlacusslon or t'le sttu- 1er %%lii1 e bard fought lu heCort re8alutian whlcb wus read by 1ev. r as the company ba esent much mn- 'George MeGleea and the nadorse- uain t hmains towazds ZIOn. Tii met wasuneaulmoue. Itwas eti a29 wMob yen NEED, but have almoat reached the <ty lino ai hat the Vous" ofe the resalution by 11M b le m e da anY day ffanned reenmlng work Ibis prlag,th senate and housesof reprasenîs- th Vol STLE" column. lfata, very ahortly. tîves would do much to hrevent tb. _______e__________on____ apreadlng ot polygamW n y l Ci suda Othen talea le whlch an effort anay lie made te give li a foethal4, 11v. . CL E A N W OR K MetiInis sent s caPY Of the reeolution P iintinlg saealthere tlatheberee repreeeata. £~ ~ A FULL COUNT tives from bis dhelrkLc Th* hese1 1laas$tors U'd'lmai .Wek ýtbsr»dayi mght 14cuedss1.imae ber.. , Tb@ pnreh weu t.1wn onf Ou 4àqe ahq.a ai mir out beidiagt *-r.dhdudged aui dtoo nal wigdnwç blowb la tuAdes 1,trepalrtble damabe doue t rotse. Whi. is laaiad. i18*Sol o"i Of 8hMotmi erir windaîtoruis ever *xposeomdlinbloe emtioe. Z. A. Leated will open &a aaw barbe, aop lin be Butier buildfig etoit tur, de. '18 wi li i fen Stnrdayiq oaly outil alter April 14e Bchelte Setier Not bead-4nr @,aie a&t Frlday eveeLog, Marh 14, about thlrîy «Aiherffd At th- ihomie (19Mr. and Mr@. B. L. Braeher. Tb@ terne progrb.. air,. cuellim a P1aýed and iîhaf.,Ilowing tt.k way the prix..l: Ni@@ Mandé Helf. t irert lady'., prise; isa ima lller. ,Coneéolaîlon pria.'; William 9ngalla, iai gent' isn:.e und Fred Kuehe, 0cOn0alilon Lima.. At artearly huer reirpuliuc..îito ere serveal andlail deperted wwhjug tirsmliraeher sauy haspy éru»ofnir(le day. Yin willl ud th. laitei ylert le phobie at B@Aielk's studio. Open un hioeday and T-eday aest, N!aar 24 and 25 c26-1 Gem day laait wee bth infant child or Mrn and Mr. Frisait aînser swalluwed an. opie aftY Pin which hecame lodged Illi ibetroat, the Poiunti01 he Pie Ppeumrtiegouon ibthebabe'a lonalii. T'he chlld eoeghed asud choked conelden. "tle and appieared to bave agm@ lever. -da ihe parenlte, uni knowlug the cau"., Ient for Dr.R. V. dmlîh. Upc. examina. trou the docior aocovered îthe troubla anal allter lahoriDg Rmrnetilneéeucwaded le remuovlng the. obittahle. The@ opera. uneu waiquie a&aelicate nue anad caumed xcrulaiing paie. Episccpal Services Clebration nf the lFuY commubion duq-day msnnniug ai9):,3fi & m. riuttd&ay echouiat 1 1:00)o cltnck. dervIce on Oond Fraday ai 7:00 p. ni Ait atre cordially îaavit".ii inatreprd. 5ev. A. I Whie, IteCtOr.i Financial Statement The Mereditir Fiower anid Vetetable rooepany ëriatemeut fo'r the year eeding March 1,1913. Ca" stock .......e......... e0 ROISIs mLen...................i lune Payable .... ... ..... . . Aeoute Payable .......... ......... m a Mlanefend set amide arc m i et.... 5" 99 AmErs Omsubeerlbad Stock. ................ $ S te. Unow al Ueel................ ....... 4 %am.198bte. ..... ........... .... dm 00 Ou»e.bouss. besangplaet......ji5544 4im v ieable ................. 106 5 PsI.seeds. bulbe and stock ef eury lES I $"» e, 1 MARRIAGE LIENSES Wfflon itaklanp, Cty ........... 23 LZîle Uurion, saine ............. 21 Ervleg Borlmh. Milwaukeem. ..21 Frances Blèdrich. cmre..........1Il John Martis....... ............ 26 Hilda Laine ..................... 25 Elbert Elsbury, Gurnee.......... 23 Mary Sebryver, ane............ 19 Erw4ng Borlsh. Mlwauke e....21 Frances iedrich, sane ..........18 Richard Schroder, Milwaukee ...2 Anette Ewers, saine........ ..... 18 Hans Carlson Milwaukee.......... 24 Iannie Arneson, sarne........... 23 John Nooyer, Mi lwaukee ......... 22 Seima lseb, sanie ...............21 Ernest Harrington, Milwaukee... .21 Ida (rowley ane ..............32 Iroin Dirrenherger, W.....c.... 23 Helena Brecheïcen, sane..... ..... 21 Harrison Shirley, Madison, S, D.22 Carrie Irving, Newport townshlp. .22 Clifford Hldebran, Chicago ...23 L.yla Sander,.anie .............. 21 Alfred Henel, Mlwaukee........ 22 Clarla Braun, sanie............. 20 Andrew Lelb, Racine...... ...... 23 Cora Peck, arne............... 18 Frank T»mask, Bagle, Wls ..23 Lena Ferber, arne .............. 21 Bert Sehober. sied 27, a civil engi- neer f roni Iron Mountain, Mleh., dled at the ient coiony on Grand avenue Bunday evenlng. IH, ha"beanu ere about six weeka, havlng tuberculocla of the throat, as weil a ube mago. Hia rernains are to' b. taken to Iron Mmntain. F. B. LOVELL CO. Lake County/MDremntatlve atj Sprin fIed Èxplalns His Position Cîearly. SAY LORMERITES PI4NWED Decares That They Engineer- ed the Deal Atter Getting Lormer's Consent. Repremontative P. S. Munro of High- land Park, aelected te the legllatur, fraont tel district last taîl. Jumpmd la. te the llmelight by hie refusaI to.joln thaq Rçpubllcan-Progreev. mbina tion bý- whlch certain polliiclane e« Springfield hopod iii oleci Shermaan and Funk U. 9. BSanatore. Funk wa thie Lorimer candidate for governor and It wua becauze Sncb a move would have ileg. cf Lerîrner. 1cm tual Mn, ure and Senater Wal- ter Cly de Joues refuaed to joie tthe caucun which had the comblnation la mind. Mir. Munro FYiday laaued a state. meut la reply teblir. Funk Who hadi deeeuaced the Lake couaty man and Senator Jonce. Mr. Muera mald:1 "The report -hlch was £Ivan te the Progressives thai the Lee ONeil Browue andl John J. )IlAughlin Dem-ý ocrais Btond reaaiy toa ad 8Mr. Shar. -an and Mn. P'uuk in being-.elected te the tJnlted Siates Banale, le just cause for every Progressive te cou- aider ai least. "The mere tact thai William Lor- rner's consent was necessary Pnal now apparently han *heen outalned, le grouni for deep canslderatlau and, where the honor andl Iniegrity of the -Progressive party le vltally concern.d we willh net he excesedl If we faîl tle rach a conclusion which le toa ob- vious fer argument. .11n refusing to accepi a senaionahlp with the vote, of MNr. MeLaughlin and his henchmsu, or wlîh the conpent of William Lorimer, we are plaeîng a prinelple nbov--'a vmanan-d tlta m., tare et Dur Party above the ambitions of an individuel.,, KIDNEY FLUSH For Kîda., aed Bladder Dîseasme e, I - - _____________ _______________________ Do'not le MIhrrt suncon#acts'with nm&l dealOrse Better es pnces e e a e m m e m e e 0 conung. N. E. GATZERT, Director Milk Producers' Ass'ni. SPRING-TOOLS CIIATIIAM FANNING »MJLLS. SEEDeRSeAN D 'DRULLS. DISI< HARROW&. LEVER IIARROWS. DIE&REandJANÉS VILLE PLOWS WAGONS 0f- AIL KINDS. Largest Stock in Lake IF' IT ~ County. Prime.ilight. FROM SCHAANCfK MTS YOU SICK? ~For Poison Blood une b.Blood. Clem"s, he Liver hure di. m $k thSwoe .Nevs murau sh., Pu ar îrvh trflb, gurFuhË7,HUme,",hleta und .11 Dlood duee »IrmeY cause. For Chs & Foyer of etmi enuiloChili C2 M e eris eAja x 9 9 ' ia h e o r ts ~ r m «t. Abueutely sum.,mfe. d heniete <M poreob -wking it, yet me extremcly fatal toe bumubu d 4S.- hua lu m ueres it drives the poison «mauyoue.eI 0.5 <id au dmys. A Mild Ferait>'Laxative The New Discovery P«r RIIUMATISM mad GOUT, deep. oeoperuatàd" hopult ues, cny ued b>' Speelelists in .eg.unnof the Gloe. Plaisunt te take bd i ur-mile md inimonta eom Torin il 1

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