CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Mar 1913, p. 5

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v ~TY INDEP~ tHE FISH YOU WANT Can b. Ioumd hore, and in primo condition too. Don't you know there in as muoli difoérenco in fÏ s)'a thore in li butter. Il it's tainted, It's flot fit toeaet snd It's the mamo witt)FiWLA)' trial order 'o!flsh slctod hero will convinoe you that we handbe only the bout. J, ELI TRIGOAS PHONE i5-8 Lorrecl Ahure for Easter Bay Just two days loft in whiech to maire your M final preparationts. thia 0f course you have yourr aster suit, but pi perbaps, there are nmrn accessurIes tbs.t you fjI have overlooked or neglocted to procure. We poil can holp you correct your omiosion of ny beec article that you jieed to make your attire II complote.M Our lino of HATS and CAPS comprises f ail the lateet styles and textures. e lxi SHIRTS we offr yon a selection of auy obil style or fabric, and our EASTER TIES C. compare faývorably with higher priced neck- 4 wear shown elsewhere. . sure And to comnplote your ontfit with faultless e footwear you have but to draw on our stock extr of up-to-date SHOES. AI tria J. B. Morse & Cou. t É VERVTIIING rOR MEN: at TELEMPHONE 14. 11BIRTYVILLE, IIu. on j (ton terel E uerr iliam litre coýu' We were very for7tunato in getting a smal!'ian car of Emporor WUilMn grel lai g SEED QATS id and are saf e in aying they stand up botter, T yield more grain and botter grain than any Lvra, oats ever grown ini Lake oounty. Try them. Order early. Libertyville Lumber Company "' It wu Down by tho OId Cepot. Phone 47 Seon More 20 Yeare. a ]EL ORfEirP. ~. A. PREDERICKS. CORLETT & FREDERICKS Do m '0 * * FANCY end STAPLIE GRO CIERI ES FRESiI1 and SALT MS Oujsters in Seasoaà Phosis 80. uBu~y~LLILL ~LA~ afterac LOC0AL AND PERSONAL MENTION FiDe'TM _ WEKA nul the t Wednoi 0 lnsure puitattontn h noe- The St. Pet"lckdane' lilen by St Te t.cop" muet bc in taocnoltrJooeph's Court.No. 158f)C. t F. at the tut F tTuoidal of oach wéok. Advor- town hall Mnnday night %s a aanded Waldo. eopecially are sked te take by s large crowd who pr(,ouuuced IL a e -tcular notice te Ihié affect. soci-l ecesFronituiam-il@L sand- fted _________Point thecoumittee declsrer] ce urpaoed lst lu J. L. Meredith la reported very IIIher artttinieli brhome on Cook avenue. ttundeee Lightnn Rup Çti.- for sale by aIlidruiaglito. 50e su $1 00 per Mhtwau sorgo Webrreuherg ta reportpid coù- botti. -25-tf frou ai 4 tu tlishomie on accotnt ofiltnese. AlbtiL[yon of this place, !has entcred flurîtit Ir@. Joseph lieuse visited a fswrdays i îto thie'"0« of (bld- «,Uret COD. eteetrit for., part of ahi, week vItb relatives ducted hi the, Chicao Exiaîiiiua-r seul W.'I frienîts lu, Chic-ago. woaald apprectato at af reudr, )f that attende ris Chamater of tii., VPtaantnster Gnitd PoPr ot lnt»lP.-.,vt, inutla.-Pontent Crlday 1meet Witte Miss j tnîte Risu would clip the. coupons aiuî.csring la and en sday eveuing, Idsrch 2.'îiciisdcte îadaai on soi I. F. W. Scbticier in reported îu.-mlrr of ahe fauaity or cPava- ut Dciker l'I, eeriug froua ber moicent sevore ilînes, B & If midr'âg store./ taeîr op in nos vet able to, bo op. 'ýatan' chas greate8t lecture ever strict ti îproîducedlainlivre reclrt he c vr,,. theatre cItitlaii mîng March 29th at the Lyricjsaturdîy, Mareti 29. afteriionanusd waîî cl astrie "satan", aa@Pe&tal vc et ee veulng. jmct. A lecture wiJlacouapany the ilma r s. Btînt tle itenase aasiialiif..tPd et lu shor le W. C. T. U. aihobentertained at the. towniship eaucus SaturdiaY.livre buildin# houai of Mtr@. Wctleh on TuiodayIo no superviior. inan ciîrk airvoîlletecr Dep -hb 25. Eaeb one brlng a bliora 1jelie ti ear, henae the larle01ut y etlon. interentat theprmary. Ttîe itl.tublicans ut the s. M Vilr lote af [àdy n'uana ted the foltowiusatica-a: For entertai Sater part of tout sud fore part of jutc ittpne yi on n reapt l week wlth rellatiive. and friendsait~ W. E. Davis; for conatalilew, John T. tbey @p, Ayersand John Looter; fait comniiioaier hroer su, lotion.,11of0 bigbvaye, C. M. Witcoa; for sebool sa, Mr. li ausuabers of the Esrat Workers trustes' Wttlm Stbreck. The tic'ket Sua-ris 4 fth Mi. . E. Sunday iclotvil DamadIL ai ieDemocraîl caucus Is: For bcarty a alooghnus sale at the gels office justice of tht peines, C. W Smith and poe0 a.aiay ahlernnon, Match 29. Ernesa Brown; titi con@tailp etellemîmtao Iilp Protîne houa accepter:! a posl- Llrnierry and Thoanas Ilorrimon; for faspirei lu Inhe solusruaanmdnoffie out .the comissionerof btgbway.. liaen Aorri- the. eut ie Service couapeny uaade vacant by son; for sehoot truotere, W. J.- Coope 'r. Hubbar estgnation o! Boaard Wtleoi. Mr@. K. A. Protine annuince ber wegky. Mné. B. W. Stafford, Frank âprlug Mtllinery opeulng Maarch 141h, sablet LaMoyne are baek froua an extendeai 1913. Cnupa.natcars hou bien exirciseai seho at pointa in tiissmippi, Lonis§iana to provide su at4ractive Sud tioroughty persister Tixas. Tbey report avery pîcouant up-to-date fino of spaiug rnillin"a'rv which aginst wlîicliyoa are cordlsilly invita-I et) ai atAlmai Le local todge M. W. W. arili hotd a sud inspect. 4 friends i dance sud tuneli following their On tout Satua-day eveninu ut ahle L2 riC day nig Lreguiar meeting Tuesday night, Restaurant the office *sisud dirac-tore o0 o0e8t eà 25. Ati eniers aud friende the Meredith Flore'r anîd h.egeinhîit nminog1 tor. Company liers treted ir,,atictaeiei.-en Miee I le Lyrilc osurant selle Schulze supper b.v Pre.ldenî J. E.CIMeredith.. csw ,aho toe breard. Ta-y IL.Tire suppe- fotived thah.uuai umeetiug theW ee ord reaches us froua Paxton, 11 of the Company and le anua-va-ut loiead e effect that Rutha. daughaea uoflir. forarard to sithprimeurs by the officerý earl E lr&. Samuel F.vileizor tormeriy uf and directore. Covers vile spread for The pi place, lsa urlnu@iy il, wlth ptouabne eleven, ye scribe betcW au honored guesa, Friday Oalng. adai itepletnunr e. andaeclaeLdor Trlgg rerturned thblater part progrci.edscb dotng tample jusite D et ast week front Son Bouino and otiier bit portion. Foitowtng the supper .... suI t autbiruTotae wbere le, bail whlchconsistai of four course,serrai Foreign i pendtng @nverai wyods luvetilgoet. n anc hrctrtt of tbeLyrtc. .... atlnd proposition. cigare were parsansd whtch vere enjoyed Reading B. Colhy dted at hi@ rersiencenortb- by ait este un£ arbo déectared 'twou s The pi tof Llbertyville Sunay svenlng. habit lme Lad Dot yet form.rd. At about thor toi eh 16, of heart dtsese. The fuânerai twetve o'clock th. Party dlspersed tout wsa iheldi Wednoeday atternoon. tendortng Mr. Meredith aàalsierns vote of everythi mary wili appear neit week. thanks fors a moe plaant evenlng. ceandiW A. flapke viti give an EoCr dance At the annuai meeting of the Meredith s tovu hall Mouday nigiat. Marcb Ftowcr and Viacetable Company beldi INST Bad ud nicala s god aiesou- Match 15 a sweeping redoction la d.Supper served i R fobertson'@ upersting expincie@for Cthe couinit year The Ma restaurant. Tickets 75e. Supper vas ordered by Presideni Meredith. Co a. The office of preeîdcnt sud manager was lattoudance oîf about forty couple placed Ou ahe, level of1 a director, the td the S. B. (;. club st thoir dance office of secretary bcbng basea on ah., Extenm Friday eva-niug. Hapkle' orchestra 55im caie. Tua. objeet of tbiswaas made lu bchd ausciaad 'tire neilless au eay given by Preedeaia Meredith ou folloars: -cPrc hv I Il., of Jc eveut s-as rnjo3ed bY aill ho That the Meîcditlî Ff7uwerand Vogetable cie fut t ndd. Company lied beatu able tu psy tau itc lovnd an i (rt.yvillî Photo Studio wjîî te upen ctoekholda.rc ch,-pasa taro yeare 7 ' Ahecmaet lnday and Tîa.,sdayutofnitwara- n sd that lie wîimhrd au demonettate a tuen ci i 24th sud 25tli. e-26i-1 the saockholders, tend the kiiockirs of work sh( C. A. Brmwtii, Proip. hie iudusttv, thait thr Meredith Fiowec Jaaîuary. meeting ut ga-neral interest to deiry- snd Vigetahia- tîirpaly aras tii beo-t an imli wiIl ha- blId at the toaru hall industry iu Litbcrtyvile for a Conserva- fîait o lrrowf Saturday eveuing fit 8:00 tv n c.lluvcu na btiastria-al, k. Ali dairvmen snd thaise iu- tli n aeliiv8o, n htte W., cd urged atichoprienut. Dont 't i dnrtaaig tue cou; iiag saar hstulyempecc-d uaah p racte untUlafterahaerneetan)g. Come tu see thlc planît prudence double fie aig id la-arn why. esrning caw-itv, and au show the 'uitta-ro ry Puttian ha@ ee-.eived this e arveIttokhoiders wL, lad coaalde.uce Px iu Helnry Hernîuati!ofAutiocli. Cuare- Chat they reàllv hll eltle besa investmenc lias beeni 2:11%, Phiro Belle, 2:161, sud a on cartn riglit ut their door. A vîrv tire "11it trotterjor trining at hie stable eatanbisa >1f These olo, sdded to the already @almouent ,o!elle additionat stock lareest p rI-lng ait hi@ etable, anake a very arhlch aas vutrd on ut th., pasa eiecaiou ow litt showing. Mr. Putusua, hoarevîr, arili ho placid onire inariret this cunaing portionic xe8 ho ettît bas tonte 10 5rdOo -yesr; ouly sua-l anil,uutko, whlch wiîî hioplanît. te several more, and soticite yonr aThrv lii re-tpanwl i lis wa nlage. t mrv hi rsrtpat Iýh ln solai. Mas. las tatîliaa bas becai eu- granita. Schulze Big Dandy bresd-at ahi ployeai o loii nuager and Mi. ho-r. lt Rietaurant. Meredith predict that ai e priug arill e,.,bh made _____________________________ lresînt ti the Mer-edith lFlower sud Vegetahie kcep ahe., LIFE INSURANCE Comnpany In ite briglit. Thie fottowing au ch., lIa N officers vere elecard by tbe board of comlng Il t bellieve th e U àovea yoir a diretora for the year endlug Joue 310, The en g.The. vorntovnè e n you oing. 1914: J. E. Meredith, prrsident and etîould f a he fint. orai manager; -- W. $tout, scrarv; ought tii ta.Jarreta, treseurer; J. E. 1l the nature Wm eton. R. P. Sehnaebete, Win. B. cordial1 E U S Y e*Ir, rtur Cordes , GBo..hodes, Wbâ. in@[-Il Mandee's batehery bas opened for the everyoua District mangerlet fb 850I 0 oaBb ebkeoay, tok eilliek'ateOr W"wel ont"l ebouk 111111011:11: 148R. sutl ad are botter,. grain the county. ILiBangay For Fire and Life Insurance SEEV aive Improvomeuts have been abh inanie arorh purchaed lasa Collin@& DoaneCo. o! sYcanre, Johm Wetch. util Dow thev hae lie beut equipped plantés'au hi ny where lu thc county. criali mere., lu thb.hasinees of ceru neesaitated tie era-ction of aluon tueatme airesdy curnuîiious hop, arhicli aacoiiapieaîd Ijst y. mrnediatoly fniloariaig thie :roved puieurnatic air preesur- M the very lateet anodel aras (1 chcias yuî sl i fd adaîrue :1k shop of every up-tu-date plant. ýSchenerananu, au expert granite of tiago. arai tarmnty-two ijerioe, and arho tiari wirked . f tIi. via-y tesit cliaq- in Chicago, ru ýgageai and ervices iany is enahueai t> tîru oua tie work and c.omîarte with tie Iauts They noar doa aIl cil aiërîing aeneas bea->tir a large oftt a arsdoue at tlie auarry a--k îlaey liai)uîai,îded at t iia eaaload out tîenav-llvé, tns ut and have mur., on the sidlng iau interview anti Mr. Colline le the. stateiment tbat ait the tine tiîy sai urderq enongh te plant operatiug evory day up sa ut June sud new orders aire n eviry day. riairprie le oui Lhbertyviits fiel pruud of sudur citizen@ o lenai every effort te prornute e. Ma-. Coltina extonde a very invitation toeail to cai Sud th plant and are might add abat ) welt arartii yoaa- hite, fua-the sn %cb that It shooid intorest "Il b g n. onà ?tbe du s tya SCIIOOiL NoTres ' Davsýiýd.nd Notice Photo Studio ta bu.01 Te tardith Flow.r ,ad \..ý.rahjq t TipTv a nuetivh, , b ', of Beswvi-ke Photo Studaio wtl Cron wea o vst hiago rus> -3P Ila, i'IL,.,at on dav and Tue»day, De ionk vsi har aeer ~'., ~I tf.- fo jt t k> 11 24th and 2Mb and) ttv allait cd Wonday evenini .r-.,iCd.-.~ h 1, 1913. amber froui tIige highwecti'l ejîYed Ap,,.- f >vraif, 're 7th and Sth. PleaPPýrpern.ber Biosters club daee t week » SfT tc-29.1 pFtcosthat wouId lie juot the iesday.___- that uew Ester dress. re Wba ahrstin Endeavor social Lake's big week-ItNDEPENFT. C. A. BEewIC r'iday night at the honte of Weeton______________________ 0. Many frount111e high ëchool dea. iFriday Ch*rt.,y Cliamberiaiu had ion to show hig swiftnueee in the lrIUnninir. Wa.yfarers on South TH INK TW ICE îkee -avenue Éaaw hua hurrying a "tete-a-tete' with Becli at utt Court toward tue waiamlt The man wlo thinks twice before iCar. Just imagave it: have mauY tala-nieti tues letting 10ase of his money is on the diug Our hîgli s-bol Uiîua., ve sure road to fortune. You wll yaftercoons, vient the ra-itaaaiîue njoy the prugraîn,, givri iltile neyer write a bank check witliout ibly halt atter 215 îp .m.tikn wcadote th etms eeliors girlo have beeu epeudiug tikn wc n fe he ie Ware morucutsauin nertsaiîung the while the louse dollars jingling in traveter. If yoa waut to ici thear yu oktg iehtcks Mtte art ot decoratîug, take ayu oke slk htcks Iown town aud notice the red OtherS are pleased with the banking tnde and Hoarte" advertaaeutents 3w Windows of s5evertil buoinese service we offer. te the. condition of the. weatherWh do' utr it eoopteattended the laet iumber hlgh echoot course of Lyceuin aients. We are sure no une mthe time, trouble and uaoney !mut going through the tain tu asec suâchan excellent entertainer L k ou tDato a ar CotlY. lu an openlng speech Mr. thankeI the citisans -'for th.eIg T ILEIL co-operatlon wblch tbey showed. LB R Y ILIL of the purpooe of the entortain- and gave spe!cial mention t0 Mr. Capital, S~urplusado rfUsvide Poft ooumt eand hi@ orchestra for aeelstlng lu tertainniant couts. Mr. Ray tr for boossing the projeca in the V.Mr. J Hyattforsourveying the igrounds. Members of the hlgh for working so diligently and il1 0. ntly la mailing aicopte [PUY tickets@ '.~7~[ ttheir own wll. R a s teBar ii lBlack eutertaiued a fear of ber iat ber home an Rockefeller. Fri- lght. Mahet Murrie sud eêe 7-noonettly moitera a ouse o. P" kAve, tot 8geai" M nudents ut the higli mecil ac re ps-ovom..ts, spatilaa.snâts ail P"ld part casbi. t lg Cb th a, orad ew. ansgeetsy popumeata. Prie........., Ileu lose went to Chicaito and 1 i-runes Houe anit large tut on Oreibad Street.Caao al, lay "Peter P9an."tbec spent tonu. .Prie................................. ýk eud iu Wlieaton. 8-nom moitepabousecm Parkt Av.l, lot 50.182, ai .qg Kaiberwent t Chicaopoucdol asso&$@*mentu poit. part Cashbalance 0"7s111"- d nbemeer ..nt.... C.........u.d.......... . ........ .......................-. prograunOfutheiihigh echool tot 7-noom m oaitraHoua, out UmeotaAv. At impmvmomdts fatternoou wsaeas uiuai Wett lot UOx*7...................... . ....................... ed. fI conesgted uf: Hn "3lue UCut bsl agita h 800 ............... Brrft Btlr pni................................................................. le Current Events ........ -nom Hua.endaitre oLots, cora., Douodwepam .................. argery Prtes Tb",itSt.,modtea bpomtaisfrqoit ad t... i Current Events ......... 7-r-om Host it ndLot vwttberts m cormos tNul ............Emaaua amb@rerti Ave.orne! Soo0mt St, .....o................... ...........- tg....................... Hauet Davis EASY PAYWM1S. opuis oi tbs second grade gave 5-toomHouatie«ALat vith bacmsa ou eeN, W Bcher, Mise Webb aurp-ise porty improwe .................................... eek. The retrle.teue nlsd of EASY PAYM S. hiug froua grape fruit dowa tu 7-nom Houa..m Division, St vtb lsera, vont*ou- ed l vaeiP- . Os2O& Fruitaaia....... ,-urm 1" eggs. EASY A ETS ýTL PT-AStrietly oituira Homme vttb d mlx r nms, rocoP"in185lw rAL U-T-DTE PLANT bath,2 a-eve n mhdvcoâ essg'"- 1 ietidg largo doterai,boai fraet. Laygo beu- e.,lt arble Worki of Coltins & Doane an~d ddvlk bonMd &OioO5 rm tilit. PRICE m5VER 8 * î.-Oneof oSSat Equipped in B8-omH-uso a-à Lot on Division sr at, n ai stl nM.4 the Counatry &ai opvovmtà4 lot iSulOit ioutb frat.A bar- Emperor William Horo Edurmc~e au er very fuatuate ilu gettlnu a and Men's Ea irot Emperor Willilam Ssod Ont& B ste lu saytug they stand aap rleld more grain aud bette, an au 'y osté eve- gruau ln Lake Big Four Stol Ta-y tbern. Order early. t ViLLE LuMaiva Co. c-25.2 Si&k Boot Hoo For Sale i u@e un Fourth street .... 2300 tbaînse on Third street...1800 kumodern bouse sud large eca ieq a odrunia e 00la 2 -*"'i d**g*@*'**n*»"'5700 fam. near PtatIon-...10000ï W W oua 100 to 400 on i asy termes. T ST rentiug sud liraeInsuasce __NORTH_______ & AUsT1N. e.25-tf ad Durson brando for Vornen Educatous for ChUlitegw aduranc Sodas are ail regular 25c stackings but we «U ltbemet 22l1,2c. or 3pairfor 65r, ckings and Big Four Scku are the Lest wearie« foc he money, 15c per pair, 4 in a box for 50e. se au extra heavy tbreait with lise top sand sole.hg> re.enforce heeL pair 50. - Some new lhale Hose at 35c snd 50c. on the famous Carmnen Flair Nets. 3c eueh or 30c q Carroll & Sons 6q )EPHONE 29 souir TIt SOREpIoo"À on m on. -PRIDA*Y. MARCH 21,1913. 8-oaHoa mdLtwlth hem. nMllauo voa. eon lhnd 1utgood éamet, oneo-bac f .o tend, fine wontrater, gond datera. Cao uin hou» ...$ EASY PAYMENT. 5 6-mnm îuse on Milvuke.Avenue,hbat, eloseta, ail moitem monts. 1 sezwandomiteaassa"en.ts poli. 2 tots 49a»lSt n Enesdoadsleeping porctL On.of the boi estmots AA I in Ubertyville. L*UoitUindi of fruit.bang 1UJ.U 8-nom omose ith large ot on oSouth Park Ave. IThboselam pebble dosh bou"e aitb atl modem improvements and aut epoomi usS' menu, poit inhall. Haritvood floot. nitfinish througtm»I.s and shaete trees. Owner bas tet tovnanoidil el~IUE4 cbeap fGr cash.................................. ................ Hubbard8&Hubbard.- Phones {1 L BERTYiLLE. LU114 IJOSIER Y We wish to call special attention, this week to omr Hosiery Stock Excellent values in Men'a, Women'a and Childrens gooda Fu nk Mr

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