CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 21 Mar 1913, p. 7

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e+ 444*444 + F OR $^LU OnEXU4ANGCvMdhlogaO *+lu++++ l, çernnc prpers SALE-460 latis gOod fèr nm are taul, (t'. %Se.POILE. the id rcahugs fer goad cor. ut.oner, IRockefeler: ,Phone 275 .1 0'26--i1 ------------ ?iflceee FOR SALE-C-va fodder end ha>. R SI.-80 isi~sItouts. 200 iHiumàs A. diWiUwîs. tilîmer. 111 *bel 4flsv fre af touit *l.W. PJ.0- AG"£, o *ydbte M . -------------- FOR SAL-Wmir seftii e rnélder ai unBo Opigsu cocterois et $1.50 :a.Z2roo ilg, 50 enuts a sttinr.' Remembar the asixve sarue tre d sud of prise wrnggetoekt. F. W.&HSCisuitR, y, toile megt of Libety ville c 26-tf FOR SALE-About 1000 feuce poste. &bout 5 ecds wood mi a quantty o earij sMdripoatoe ScumacaBita,.. Libertyvilbl. Pboue.267L,2. c-26.irf FOR SALÇ-l bave fsarn iee clam muswh.sst for gS seed SI15 a bushel. reà. i" W. %uaa,5 mule -st;aofLibery- Ville. r-26-1 FOR 8ALE-4 sué Colie pupe Ilnunthe .ol. W. p. AauuLa. Lltetyille. Ii. Pbom 9 j . -26.2 . Mti. the s" sl, tT.M. sr. IYM laor, ler- r-ot Hlgh,- Me et the làs Frbed 6- W. Pesl- latel bear- Utmra for a for City il "'Nonas- mmasese aouaei es Mn the trot Cir.ulât.4 bas 'loba te. Otiser- rmmr up- 4t thse City'$ g. prilmry Uet. a. C. kreident O! kere. V. D. 4 ver. -no- m.5 ge pi-tilaiT LP. Clark lent of the Ilia. Chas. r Trustee.. al for Po- lieut. PIl o"r TUAT *0- row qO, )f Every noIIta FOR-ALEChai. eiir po-t-se violded 275 bebeles per bacr@ lâsIs~00o. k. le, LsE. uchereller. ILI. Phane e 26-1 o ALi-Rho, land Rd... 5 bn.. 541Wbsvng Sel G, U.T. iLbrtvIli. Du% 84. 'FOR SALE-àdaon 4 & anllu pright pRuno in gob eoundtlnu. -AduregeH. IW geuerul d..Uvery ltsiekfeler, Ill. FOR SALE-15 Indibn Ruun--r docks. i à-op on mùain stvs-t or would huittegood su». Addre;@ Boi 176, (irayol*kt' . FOR SAL.E-Rrseps for a&l Purpoeee; aia eoso od bond bumigrs end nme baums. L&Dnv'g Liamai Lbert.79ille, +e FOR BUT 4+ FOR RENT-2 rooma for llgbt boue-. kseplugfs'eh&d or uinfunibed. Ad- dresN() Iubmnpuuv Office. FOR RENT R WILL SELL-7-tornn modem baumie op Wet Park Ave. In- luire of 0. A. NI4çms AsLberty ville. C-25'-tS FOR REtqPy-Cottegeon Lak.e tros. Inquir.lins. 9. 8. W à,g. c-24-tl WILL LRASE FOR CASH RENTAL- For 5 or 10 yeans to riglt party &il of rny land ln Lake County couslsting of about 1100 acres, 600 acre. highly lrnlrovd wth tandem houes. hem. and silos. Fenced ad cross fenouid wth voven wire feming. AUL til.d and sultable for truck tsrmlug. AUl expensîve dairylng. & . PMeKeown. 4711 Lakte ave.. ClcJago.litL Wky tf FOR RENT-Tbe John Garfield favm af 280 acres, One Mle vwept ai the Roins piatform. $3.00 per acre. Inquire ai G. L Cà«s'nu rayslake, Ill. e.-;tf 1 75 rente ach. MssitL. L Obilit. 2% tow-to ucL nil-s .auth of Mlburn on Girand Avé. MONEY TO LOAN-On Improvedi -sl This mas sgtrlkliig ln a mholly un-I IPhonl ouru'ea -254 paftate. J. 8. GRiD)LF.Y, Ficet National fair and poignant manner. Bâak. e.20-b -PI case explatn."' FOR SALIE CI4EP-1 blackS Cocker " W.ii," saltd Helen. "tonikht 1 ,âpeuil tud 1brovruWaeei Spenîa.l. 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *hall go ta su> desit and wrIte yauE montbé nid Weil bred. Fine for pta..tonts n il oa cçtne' mati-h doge or Addre,.Boax4+ W'AN'ED 4.fmournotesan iiihd n accrptaace 174 Fat Late. ..t .. .. ... aiandnlue a ne ma r eton- FOR 8ALE-t>iw hy la'sav cornîug 4 WANTE-D-A ,U'ri for «eneval bouse- velopeg, itb nothtng ta Ind cate >'r&i*nid and une gia!yatari. >-.,ntit 3 ork, muuelhb.neatt mid ,.able. one whîch ia which-. Tien 1 sa bauffle * r a pIfDot broken. They mifi tbat le accuto'sed ta fartmillef pr»ferved. theni fairly-oh. qutte fairi>'. Biily, mia 9À. Pdtranîfor filitvovi on A good plae fora gpai gir. Adalv-.ssthat no telepatiy cf mine sah llIn- Li- rra.Wlllip theni go ver>' Ma- . ý8, fOtEEii? C 20141t.rfere vith that mhtch t. te be-anil seamtly. une os-bath. AIea have-a ne one 1 abi eamp end mail ta ion, breai lac aaed a 14-incli tulible WANT'EO-Girl aboutl$ipp" viof epe and an, I shal, toslintheticfireplace. p waciaemp. F. W. &ikiÂSca5.%i for Office mark. 3Ifusi write i,gibls, mthout oe gta mcm mhtch bas aille<et of ubàrt>yville. e 25-Sd baOd. Koowwge of stsnography anupnn adrantige. tit n ot nemensay iu the gene ta you, and-" - .ALE-4"Arquils seod wht begmicnn Position pays $8 per week "ee!TuetsnlVuld tik ibowfI- Si 2,4, a ta tart and eatiscsaary. srý.4it miinothlng O! the hkIndI Love la ton Meure bn icese cwithin a reasanableseed 1t aifib wlth In Iis tihro.n: $ALE-120 vgu Chathamu brigt active girl. Addreea 1). IogEitti- "But, BIlly. nmre pomier wîli mork lu tir@$C" ondtio.5PioePtv office. t>26 t fefr the proper end that hin been or- ~i , v c ~ daine&. Tous have luit mald no YOui-- --------___________WANTED-Ta exeage a poultry ml. Ton hnov. BiBly. lier. la no sFO 8L8~Q . eléecric maciar.houte manufactured lu sections, rea-1 sncb thing as loch. Now, not s mord. la oo eialllu.lqui-s of ltîv V. dy ta pt op. - 1% a brooding and bons- lir'. your bat. Teorrov O main- ]Mou.. dbeidonhurt. Tlphoîne 262 i~tng combnation, 600 ciks. ili vin- lug. mIen bruermail cornes, yon viii - e-24- ter tram 60 ta 70 pans. Pouitry fttj d4m4r note. Good-byg andl'-ahe 0_ WII axecoutld not reost the final boon of the PCfoR SALE-Parm of 65 aré@ et il 0 plan. WI change for horse, pige,,tisat taun-" 'ood loch!" ae lnquire of Pic. îcIîviu comm or feainachlnery, or feed. Be For a man mbo alid not heen a&- Ubenviille -24-tf type of building an Our plant apposite golf station. Ot & Ott, Wakea e epted-yet--thg boni- o! Blly's cll FOR AI,-Ioroo bou an ban, ll.the net mornlng mas ittle short of 'FO SIElOraon oue ndbo,* kly t cnalious. But esrly as ise vas, ail moduru canveuieuce; close ta th--eHln a ecstrie depot. Cash or terina. Con-Heln m ititng tor him. ah. met veulet fer two familles or "as. Tls- WANTED-q3ood DntaSyoug girl ta hlm S ethe dooir, and ater bhafl phone 215EL C-2i1»-U cork lu dlnlng venmin liup-toasta hotet evwung lit to, liaS the curlons moril AppI>' at Iis office. c25-tl outmîde mlgit nt @haro ln hlieppi-e FOR SALE-Wm* eniai 7 mud 8 Jer ne, beStank ler l is et=ara vtliout aid, weiglis aboiS 2700. CiatL 4::u, WANTEO-GSOI brtgbt yauag mail for al mord. For a long minute netier Sondant, III c-28-lf MSe ork In Libert"vlle. Gand0 n: o!ftMent spoke. Then BiBy ltft.d tise e -------------portulty for sdvaqSiment. CI et hsgirl@'face ta hie. FOR SmLE-a? roesesoo Usoui - .- '-s1y\ .s. so-... t.ssau. a .DI 59'. IeI ~ eIg .~ tios, but a s 0repathi uof 4 ~ciDoms.o, fSeo" e. *vss Ubeiile, MI. -25-ti sel foi-u. t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ «V _______________ 1.fate, BAllY." vbt.pered île irl. FORSAE-DIekLd5Bh5 iOhU5~WAN&TEo-4Aefl' 13mlddle gdvmnHmvoe facemai v.thed luaa ,extra lsvp. i emel. sleo indien Renusn ifmeer onor.N ashn. ri.footnzp drake.s 81sai. Mu. L. Y. Ltm, PMons, leqa$ astss01. elJ-t Aflter they lied aikeil of msny oliea 12.12. Ioesd LoIs. 0 .15f I46tegis«W airupuy: FOR SALK-#Ssd Date. Improved White 4444jeeeeeeeee ' hni h7 utbv ie Soed oale.reemoedandgrae L+OI T a Fd WLID + mailYesterday le lem th éie io wol..42l1ea mesered buaboi, v 1 lu-tllat-n, fate. Alter yon bail produtive vaIsty of wbitée t. . .' .. .. .. . .sonsd 1*ail vrtttsn lie notes, I oseare f-sefrom fout and wesd speds. LOST-40.00 note betweemcliamonil beganta gav «raid. But I1vwu &cen50 erMbuali(82 lb) t etri. iu.avemle an Meciiaalcs rave Itasd and tuibboi'ii eougi not ta give up lie Ba-]OLUS, Prauris Viev, Il. Phase lb. pOoffce. indeir vlurn to.Purrza sly plan, and I burned one sud 8W2. C-21i-9PPaEit and reel,, i-scsrd. c-26.1 mahled the otiser. Then, B1111, I be- gais ta monder vbat yen vauld tSisnl of me. and vbetber yen mightn't stop PicklesA Psutirent Question. laving me altogelier, andl I la>'oa W. vill psy 70e par bushel for val There a-e aret mon mho cennot the bed andi crled mysef in leeli. run, 600 te bgei;80ecfor pickles frcm epefl. and ampli peoýIe cho abjectta 10-you'1l forglve me, wan't yen. 4to5Inou lng;10eperbuibelforthe, a Spel cat,"ý said the teacher 'Bll1yr, 4 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t the bony sloga0pr uhe o t h 1e tel eud of tieclcass. "Forgive yaui It vas My tault, aube Snd croaks deivereai to Rockefeller. *K-a-t," repliesi the boy. 118111y." i-m-Helen. I suspect lire been a bahllng For contracts sund forthev information pIed the teacher. "Can'l ?ou spell fool mtb my théories. 1Iam the on. Cali on Fred Parkhoursi. Liertyvilie. cal?" "Weil ,'- replIesi thd sensible a-ho was ta lame, hecause I goaded F. M. D)isait. & Bava, boy, "lt doins -a-f spelir yo tata sating the test teaopen my c-28tf Eanaion. ii ye. 1-mell, girle. after his I am - . golng ta admit there le an element ot luct la viat me do. Shah mwe for- Igel the whole wretched business?" But aie seemeai nt Se have -hoard hlm. F 'CE BARGAI N"vaI was jestlng, BIlly; yeu no F E N N 45 liaI After 1 bail maiiedl the note ta yoIthougbt o! the horrible possi- biliy ofrouetakfng l sertouly, ot A Sho t Tim 0~'Yyour conslderlhg il as rny fiual an- amer. H.avy Garden and Poultry Fonce, 20 bar, «YT an w ~o eremafraid yen 58ini. high ..... ...29 cents par ted. h as tesllno not e?"y Bt 18 bar, 48 inchos .......27 cuits peyod.. uilev sta&I ai myoulIaue n.o 7ba4 27 ini. igh, 6 in. Hog Foncé, *M tmyour u.îi.t tu (at le., 1 a, I &traiids of barb wiro.. 25 cents . d. * atmebuIvto eisfle ~AmSrkan W ire Fetnceç o 'aI" 4Mi*à «il.."ta à,a, a4EhyWulv "f -59 Laké Count>' ille&kTrUe Co Absitracts of Title. Titi..Otauteed MaoncTouiple Bldg. W&04»~.111I. 1..upV .1UIRXt.. B. J. Barker to G. H. Hertqe forth- rs.'/, lot 4, block t. WaucOîxlii ichasielHertel and wfe tQ, Andr'e Hertel, 125 acres ln sectiOft hanci 4,I Premont township. W. D. $55, Egtae of MIary W. Toe, deceasee. ta Martimua Jensen, lot 1, Wgdaworthý subdivision, WaUkegan. Dftd $450- Aiex Odett to Mrs. . A. Man, lut 2, bleck 2, Powell'. msubdivsion, Dra laite. Q. C. $10). AN LIUfiTOF LUCK Dy LESLIE W. QUIRK.( Elly , W"nM Mdct belleve ta P4ow, ai any graT.liaired phil- 'opher wbo live. snd loves by tue- oNuonb weh admit. thgre really la no guch tiing au luck. Perllap-athero tau't. But IB117 Wenelow W- D ot old enough ta b. graybared, and lie dld mot lve nor love by ruls-of-thirnb. Boucs bism constant Observationse On Ut* subject ver. Uresome. Toobisa hmdfssertatlon on lncik lid beu pertcularly positive. and pro-, louged. ga long hud lie debleI tihe poublfty of chance, tudeaIl. that not once ln the. whole afternoon hble found Urne ta Propose to% Helen Tlnirlow. The overiglt ocaielie t etlng. MAy girl Olnde pbeure ln lis- tenlng ta a proposai, even wbea, ase la tis ceue. the man proposes 00100 1,0 or tires. tîmes s day en an avez- mg, only ta be voltely but dlmPllssg- ly rejected. Dam in her bouteit s Thurlow loved BiIIy Winal<Iw. l meant ln,'the Wfunet fUme 1t a » 'But don't ionu 1181 17n.- " a meke i nally. "that ometlméS lacl. or chance, or fate-" "Ah, fat.," lterrupteil MY. "W5 quit.e nother tblng. UfUSt I.ordinme tht a tbila ta 0b., oreome Wr works for that end. But lb. mt, wilei.It ray seem5th variet dtP Of mucl, la rsally nothing o! the. kink. Now,,if me go bacl inlto the hiStOrY of the ancient-" «Plemme" pouted two prettY ipS, *Wemmeleta keep ta lthepDssent. Now, Billy, wbat vere you about ta "y" And Billy, baing nkeither gray- hire! nor galded 'b, ruleof-tbomb )n hi@lm bvlngfoi-gO aucint. and lock, snd.praposed l a. "1-1 don't know vbstt banuver.* aId Helen, looklns a lItUe startled, ai If this were thse liat;tUme. "I amn notsure 1 love you enough ta iarr you. But, Bhlly-and ber face light- ed togulhly-"if Yon are certain jthat we are nerely the psythings of fate. 1 arn wlling ta leave rny answer (Speçial to The Sun.ý,, Chicago, Mai-ch 14. - Mr*. Mary Wi-agg Badone Dcapanian of Wor- cester, Mass., acknowlcdgeýd harseil s JalgamIttoday shorîl>' aller sihe sud ber second hnshand, Oscar Desan- Ion of Waukegan, Ill, waeu-e arrestel. Sic mas hooteai on a charge of btg- amy and Deapanion la held peailingaa further Investigation. The wman as- serteai tiat Deapanlon Induceil ber to ileaert, ber fi-at hbnband. JasephilBs- doue of Worcester, and elope mAiti hlm, tire. mentis aga. He says they mai-e mai-ried lu Wautegaa lu bis rnothsr's home. When ber bumbisui began 50 abus. ber. aie said. te@ 110 1*e&lb4PgS5-e aet lier mptgp. 1sflh5t*~D»apanion f*~ and founil liem, ln the Wagner bote> su& «as tireetening them mbeu tie police more summoned by othur ci- cupante. mm Oftql% bFautm lku»l b a bble; but filwMm lo impsat ebutaient blower that alUMhe Causa Much Disses Ad.ico about &«»m.h aT-Umeu a" dloe te rd&*" the- yilem .An aninent phydama ..usssd Ma jijslety-fiveper get of ani .hav tsr worin ua dis. erderld .tomch. Our 4,peeience with ReasflDY> pp" TT.N.t. leade us ta believu thons obeosent the nîoetdePeadabi* Seuedls. Inowu for udigetion Md Ohronis dyffppsi. Tharir rdl-. st.s.» otlulng ta the LJisne muembemmesothtii.tone. Blé Sa Ppsia sud Bismuth. two of lb. mesas disoteaidie kmwa l te mçdldns lb relief thy 'alord ie veryproau<t Usd psrsisently sud hos ime. 111.7 tin. laclepa"n oumsd b>' tmal mm.h stbapptite, aidds- =a . fm"itlu la theus. s " Fmt tuthun aiaur !r i I bq do amo e ulve sumçtolmU WM bluu Monery - M vithaut qeenio or 16arinaS dusu. 26 onts, 50 cent mal 51.0 Y« mm kv insu DYMpg&1T*uU la this u uitrUWlyas ou oml J NOJt'I1JSflO"~ Waks Up, NIck.Mltn.BmlugU 11.14 ¶M R Nicola Naumoif. tbe Russlan. w1Io bavs n e s2eidrnny booki PUIYDSPThu a& just reac:red tte age of 21. bavnni rare wcnrboune. whe éd noânlr inr da nsulr, (J tjancee for a se- and to bis rrading br;nga flot a spirt PUFUT DUE PITETHE urllvéee,,ints, i rornant4c Venice. adJrrdgment eqrsýý or superior. un-. hILISla. n hifl, c.rO rel ted how certain ,nd up.e't "li reman- REFOPJ RS'CLANS 1 hia 110 r rrre r? rire lrad aa 1111e way deep ver-ilnlu hools.. and eballow tu of 1 î~ er igorettes hlhIs iief. NMiOU Juvenile .Protecive Body .Gives sbe'î , 1--t 1 , î e s'.fered. J. C. O'Herrin andil wie tû W. C. Heal>'. 421 acres in section 23, Liber- tyville. W. D. $1. W. C. Healey ta Anna A. O'Herr*n.ý 4.21 acres in section 23. ,ibertî ville. WJ. D. $1. Zetina 1. Brawn ar.d busband to 0 Hl. Morgan, lot 6 tEx. 9. 50 fti, lock 29 Highland Park. W. D. $10. J. L. Shaw and vit. to F. G lchldt and mife, lot. 449 and 450 Ihawls 2nid subdivisiuonn Fox Lake W. D. $550. Estate o! Mlary P. Klerp decqsd. tu W. J. Lange, lots 6 and 7, toi i. L.add & George'm addition and part lots 1 and 2. block 4, Mc4Cy'B addi- tion, Waukegan. Q. C. $1. Louisa Simon ta V. V. Bernes, tract of ]and In sections 34 and 96, NWest Antlocb township., W. D. $400. R. B. Conaîl>' andl vif, et ai t0 An gelle C. Gai-maIll. 38 acre. la Nortn eait corner, section 8. Shields tas n îhip. Deed $14.466. Chas. Bayes ahd wtt. ta Sars?, 1. ,Wright, lot ln Village ouf Lâbertyvlie. W. D. $10. %fathilda Nieman ta lticbmond Dean. lot 3, blockt 82.,Hlghla>id Park. Deed $0 A. 1, Gail ta C. H. Fuller, part lot 11, Higbmood. W. . $1. C. C. Edwardsa nd vite ta Joseph S, 1azas, 60 acres tu portheast ks. sec .t n 2, Cuba townahlp. W. D. $l 'WOMAÀN CONFESSES, SUtE IS BIOAMIST Admits She Eloped From Mas- sachusetts and Married a Man in Waukegan., àiectrieself-starter, electric lights, continental long stroke motor, underslung spring construc- tion; large wheel'base, oversize Goodyear. No Run Ont Tires, Booth demiountable rimra vision and ventilating wind shield. Models and Prices 0-40 For, - Ijoor Roadster, 1111u 44-50 lFive-Passenger, Fore-Doa W'heel Base .......... . le0 Semil Tonneau, 121 ini. Wheel Base $1997 44-0 Bttleship Hoidtter, hi,2 n 0 44-50< even-Pasmenger, Fore-Door $2 Wheein's $2,915 'ionring Car, 1-21 i. Nee1 Baie. 34-40 1-ivc-I>aseenQei-, Fort Door it a 44-50î Seven-PasetIZei- Fore l>oor $ Touring Cai-, 116 ini. W heel Bise $19700. Limootusine, 121 in. Wlicel Base 9050FI Let us show you titis Beautiful Car-A Demonatration wiIl convince you. KNAAK BROS. Deerfield Garage 1Agencyffor Abbott-Detroit Cars and Thor Motorcycles 1Telephone Deerfield 225-J. DEERFIELD, ILL . FOR SALE-5 peosengr 2 cyllider seAcmatomobIle. $M0. Thw s cr b"s bomeen tlir yaverisuled sud le lu goocontiln.LisamrYVILL* (AUOe 4>260f complete 'ES I8 t Patrik elties. iTER 'Btore of le. go the mme Never fail wut, Thi il, - 1 Built for > of erotGI,=m Permanence fo ur Lited tj t 4 14 t 9 Dog arn Hia icefeiAnen that 7,ab wrapred ae-'-4 the North Shore. The littie fox terir ofa L.N. Hanley mammies 4,000 eears ago and i , f -- 1wo for his master a llcense tag fra oda e a enfadt The dlaim aof te forth shiore towns the klllnit of 100 rats. The prize waff Egypt hy Prof. 1lnders Petrie. il ta to the highet mnaa condition Ini the offered, wben the canine had kllled $0 aasomed tbat the Ilien lias never dîi' 4, 8e lntwo weeks, by a member of the ing the 4,000 years sice !t vas tirot <'Iicago distsicc ment tbrough a se-oouncil.-Carliale Advocate. UmeIleen sen.tut a laundry. vere bomberdinent Sunday afternoon when the Juvenlle Protective associa- lion of the north shore met et Trinity îrarish. Highland Park. The net re- suit was ¶lein iclusion of Highlan.d Park ln the association, wit?, Mrs. w.4? - George A. Dean a. local chatranan. The '.. <.. association already lncluded Wilmette, --,4~i~ Winnetka. Glencoe and Kenilworth.j Vice mas spotted i the north shore' ' 1 ~----' towns in the folloywing forma: > / Existence of "blind piga." .i< .LJ Existence af pool rooms witlî dan-! v gerous Influence. Sale a! cigaret. materials ta minora. Sale o! improper post carda. Uniifghted stations alnng the elec- triecline. T econference reached the conclu-1 sion that on. cause of the trouble was that the boye had natbing ta do ont- ide the short mabool sessions. "I1 would rather "Iwauld suggest hathîng beaches ail aiong the shore," sait] Prof. Allan -sell yau. a Studebaker" Hoben of the University of Chicago. 'You wmli i n0 that as tihe température Wa ordae ei o h!yuko goes up morals go down. Bathiag W e or elrtll o a-yuIe b*ehes for boys and girls wili have he's honest.«- a mast beneficlent effect -' He may have ccua per wagons Li stock,- but lie Chiidren of the weIl ta do. chlldren ntsthSueb ersth bet who have no chores ta do. no wood ta nw h tdbazri h t aaw, and no coma ta mut., are tiie Ones Arsico'-- do yo-u. who get itt mischief and go moi-g, He wants to give such ood wagon value accordlng ta, moat of the speakers. 'it mas not the childi-en of the bol thet yotj will corne batk Mn dernand a buggy poillale people living west ot the, macle by thc sarne people. tracks ta Wiimette among whom sucb Stuch-bakers have been building wagons for sut7y sbacktag conditions of Immoralit>' years an-dc they have won the confidencc cf dealer and a ere tound ta oui- Investigations lest farmcr by building-not the chcapet-but the beui summer' said Raîpli R. Loundsbury wagons. of Wlmette. who la prealdent of thehte aulv i&. oto oot- hr' protecti-e association. "1t waa among Va S tueaer yta fi ou eLàc.-,' od. Farcr iragn,theis chieas ld-nof the acall i-isa-businesand deliveri- wagoas. auri-cys, buggies and trac eat ofthetracs.'runabouts wjîlî harrc2s ecr .aî:h of 'tho rame bieh jh Nt quality az Studc!cbaker achid-lr. Mr. Br-own preacbed tearlessly and e-ourý u-th pnwer, and many in the audience STUDEBAMEk South BSd n &I d were vlsibly sffectcd. Rev. Mr-. Rose did fine mort witiu the chorus, anm e i .s< YRK C 5ALTAX.E r-::_-' -u .> re'sooS smog as a solo: Why Not Say yrtipmmzru ATLK ry ncý o»£6 u fwgiglg.-Chicaja Tribuire.

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