ýt mde r double srain- laagth ta live and learn and MqMgh te grow-they must v nouishment-'not. over- ~4fomachs, but con- &lzutenuti-imdflt to aid gui duriig the growing "tle vonderful recond of ,U Emulsion ns a body- 01rbas been provcd foi- pgonerations. Il trengthens o bons, muscles and sinevs; 0& me. body., ci«msmer"y bdaer- prevenîs and rehievs .and fortifies the lunes W io f delicate saddinu- *ledchild-eu hae .been *d 'tonstardy and hecrly lA LeasIl.N i So l patten of Palatine, vas a vielai I0. S lveîa arrington. vas se busioneslet Frlday. i B$aa Wumeebei-g and Chas. isat ar uder tb. cars of Dolor bgtou. LPatten paye $1.50 per iuudred 1*.MUk for lie neit iZ motie, the [,ked for y bils palroas. 1,6* glad ta state Ibal Wmn. Onabet- seill,vbo bave i..» sLk fur 0,cr *à. ie ugreîly Impro ros. Ws »Mani or Bari-lglon, va, e e:Wotâr vUl eMadai. » »^»"b gi Sciis relai-nesiSaler- tom awvsk's viil viti ber ulaler j Chicago. i udlrs. Bd Brizon visitai tie enparant@ ailibei-7lle Baster SampciYoung 0f Cicago Heigita. pMar-ente bre Bandai. kmoien. aes Sle at agi, Mines mir' barn -on tihe 0, known as thse . .Schank faim 1lienâce Mllk Ion. X. Downes &Son. The. ladies et Weuoud&lit v ' topper et the . MW. A. bxal su b un, a-h29, for lhe benelita l I..w ilard. Everybody le.o'i ty ,,,,,dtesi aatn sud belp the g=o, id. W. Huietranuactesi hesines in the City Mondai. A represelnlatlve 0 a ici-go aoal fini» 0f Chicago wsaunluoui- vtlflgSalai-day iaokiug for a location for a coci yard &long %ho reliroant!gt-o-wag. Mr. sud lire. M. S. Ford ratui-ned te oui- village Salai-day asitar-a îwo veeks visit viti relatives sud fri-nde lu Mchigan. Mr. end huis. K. E Maman snd lire. Il. Osai-y ahtended lb. ueral aifNi-s Mamie Liston lu Chicago lest Fridey. The. Bow.men Dairy Co. ai Oleago, have leas es . Laites Corners factory and wiii open s uop for busines..Àpril lut. The contrmst - prie. for the sit mon tii le $188. Wort on lie nov i-irocd la Vruu ri-tait aout, lb. ti-ack nov.e1n uda rl taBiow' corner sud lb. w 0 alaetlug le helng rusid so tiat vewllswon be "Je ta huard tb. "Dan s E. J. 000'.. Tb. cotrdet lai- fluleiidg tiheseond 0car o lthe villagèe balva, les by lb. vi"alsboard Tuesdey ovenlng - The -flor le@w b. laid vit inaeple footing sud tht cell ng.sd vealle are in ho oovered vîti I»steel oiestlng. 'Tb@ talra are toh e mociod vîti the mmm ucterial sud c bond rial put areb bt,4 sides ef lb. taiway. A ebhekioa sud ladies di-eeeng oom av*stale hogmt si tie nortb sud of lbe hall and vhen completed yl heonoa f lie plcst balle lt lie nty. Tie cours-es for virlir lai-elotrt lî Id.1 c]an ta b. lot Ii veok and cirietie Ilîtares to correspoi1nd vltb the retosf ahelienterli vilii bc iueialled. MiesAiles Home. le runder .dactor' cars. A. L. Bonncett bas so for rscovsred S lo b.ntalf b.d. Mms. J. W. Wilson le vieiling bei- son'@ famnily et Wooditock at presesua Q. H. Ai-ps speut Bandais Iran River, Mici. Li-s. Elle» Pierce reoruedb ome Sai'- day mach improved iu la ial. ChailesTboi-ve of Barrînglon. bas pai-ciae eEl. R.C. Prolo. resldeane vhici vîli ho moved totae lb. cader aubivislon. Mn Preles viil erect a nev home on île propsili., MNi. Mi-y offmeleler esteralned ab umb.i- ai ber Pabtin. Irisuda Sunday alternuin sud ovenng et ber boun, lu Chuegol. 'It waeinatli.aturo ofaflaru- recntji pareb.ed a&stare. , ý Mi-.. Mini. Tai-gler ietula to 0Ia cu. Maondai aller e short viit vtliti e Mfr@. J. B. Sirdlag sud -Ure. Boun" @peut Priday viti relalîves lu Ose- plaine«. Piano Tunlng [mare ordure at Ra' 3uraituregtoet. Work doue hi Mi. Aldmn c-24-tl Makeus Provýe It ~ths Iy wuse U&as.y«sare sel.vhs. Y Pet thre Bowels d hibIs cc d in a émt *» mmalymke uaeesst be eu- ~. h" se MWubaqi bud. Maike Us Pro"e Ilts I v~f fi in d e fe, .- DOMlad bs"ele sa IIeia CmW msy a« e . Fme. n? , o s i e e h ea e 28.; 80 bhet§6 50., Du mu mils la bih oammuauoy miasOur sts: DEKER & BOND ~lt'ine %lU Tu itore I LLINO ~~"'"1me"Rssmsmureei-aAnoMd @NF-sla ugStue TuIE CI flIZENSP BANK ROCKITELLR, II.. beBest Seed- Corn Grown e u~ atd viii rntunauess lmbe. Ukewise a Acoeut lth a ovent Bank wiU show ~ aueoemsery lom des of n b Be p,eveted; also a recordof &M mooc transactons, vluiable for oi*y a pet cnt. Interet on Savingu and CortMfoates R. F. Rouse Irvng E. paIs Vice Prosidant. 1eMu- T. 1,51 S;AU~ Wl Bar eni hmlly 4pens Suodsy et Bsle Najj sud A. -D. Ander@olt '0f Prilè Vlw. Camedb. ve R ueste et tbe Camer.>. Nlq Frac S mth of Round Lake,boe sW ayIbsee vlsite. aslow day.. witb ber ululer, lire.,Bp a kt1ug of 548 tbe figures quotsd iii L. A. àirie. oui-eqteaaoed onteuiporalsdolit look lrJ. Z. EdgarseofReine, lasvlêlint Ob lt iiy gcomead u . B. P at th. borne of bm May .Bous q 'l27dose» 11w the moutb of Sr. Jcnary eMd 166 dose» for Febracary. Quito a namiér fi-c.bore attended lhe, Bâoter dace at'Libertp viii. Mdondai 851t WllOOO iMd fcm'Y- v4O havene ciglit.vlelt.gast, th home of if ru. I P. Wilco± l$Wtgrday llb o hi oet j B d Mcergott otWaukeffl, uiht or hei hoe 1 NonàiÔday ast th home of hbr father, . Il. ison. Oum 700u voe juet as weli off Il you Jorde Llnd ba sbespendinx e iew dfdn't bav, a new Eaeter bonnet th. dajoi vittr rlative.îu lq Ch go. way the weStbbr tu rned ont Bunday. liait Ruade, fornlug Bev. Carr wîîî Unela irai» sape, 1-1 w'ns égole tb epmik n "hoGesra Jtsi'-«~<~46srmatyia' lmore but Io ma" hov, da l di mvatpom WhatCbrstiail ebd U tu $bat 1 'poee 1orter. Jes bas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ k 0oe0o MWotls a "bl: Tiey maye îlean l91 viu at dop't lowowemeody someé Ab>iltitwel.ve trsa.bore woat on good but dura me il 1 coulddfiure ont the speclai pr 10 Wankegm an et Tinte- va b t eOeboùdy was àaboutou# dAy evsa *ta tbeie 0d FUlowummeing. oelnek adcymorail."1 IV.ANHOE InU i -pikt arding spent Thur day UMinc l»ie Buyder ba@ gir.» up ber position at the Sheldou sebool and lu Plebulu1b ao.to Uregon lu the spring fo nlaelita stay. Mi»mEsBlzabeth sud Aune Wl-t Sarilt Briii»rd. Avis Payne. Ad&. Elizabehsand Emmna Kue ra" bomne for Bnebker Mie m cfkib entertained twa Djemi ,remoal&. Rev. and Ni-e. A. S. N'ewcomb sud Nus. Mori-av are vliuinig relatives lu Chicago. Tlh. wlndtorm Bnda, night did éon- bidurablademago ln this vciiity. The barn on lihelivifî farm waohlown day» and elght valuable bars., kililed. Nani vindalUesud ebimorYs were d,'moisbed sud aisogetber it vas the wonsl storm liaI ha, visited Ibis part of the country ln mauy peare. M. C. Wirts, J. H Wjntz and Henry Labbe attended the fanerai of Nr. Cadwell in Chcago lest Wednesday. Bet aud Emma Chamberlain vers Waukegan yl.llore Baturiday. Uns C. Dorffer spent tb. first of tb. week viti ber daughter, 1i-s. GQ.o Boolug at Round Lake. Erussi Duddleé of Mdonte»,, le vieltlng relative. and 01.1 friende iu Ibis nelghbor. bhum. Fred Wl-tof Rogers Park, vlsited bis miother the firet of the webk. 1 1 L.touIa dM"lm Pefper visitsd ons daylu est skwith thii,-Cousin, August P.ppmi-oflelkeZuich. TheoMimu.Mary sud LoaLots sud lire. W. 0. Bittsr of Mlweukoe. Wis., vi. tsd wisbheu irParente Ni-. sud Mi-. B. Lots o ai isplace ovor Sauday. W.. bhle @pendinaswesk et Waukegsu, bslug on th.elt*rytre. %Neesus. Fred &add ierMsuCiaasugamd mise. fouls Hema, eattended thefInersa 01fM Bt. .Ciausing astShaambe.-g Bal- ai-day. The Ps&tan fauiliy ofIMDKalb couaey, movel taulie Cronkbiuilaim on. day luet veek. Louis Ppper speut Banday vîit c lady , 'sd t ilighland Park. Etale Bairets wvi a bee o.»visting la Eaglamd, has returutd and le vlelîing friende lu tifs vidanity. Miow Eotier Sciverman via le attend. ing echool et Lombard. epe» s ber vaca- tion aI home. Bey, sundlir@..a. M .iaseman ai Lom- bard, speutth*lie ret part of lb. week wihtisltive. bore. Walter Conecer etteaded au une'e fuaera as bicago lest veek Thuruday. Mri. sud lire. Barnel Amena and laMly @peut udoy visi John Ameau at Irouions femâtre. W* are esar-pta isar aifieh amddon àOho-r duweil 09 hsart trouble on, t ithoMarh~ ie have. a if.d on sal. Ni-s. Carrnis detspuat dtui-day et Round Lah nsd Druce Labo. A yring ma» ai hile vliaty. bcd e bcd misortane BanVDaigat. vi.. on hie vay bomneoer ivc"atelephono polobroke and rasied lotohi% buggy.- v640ever, e.osed lnjwrj. Nite Wirts sud son John ccd Henry Lubbe vont ta L'hicsgo Tburaday te attendUi. Canvels fuerai. .. Ths serions starm, af Buadcy ulgbî dld mDuc dâmege bei-e. Meuy vind mIlle vereblownucownemd 55eold barn oa the 01<1 lices Bei-le f"l-, ouned hy '». P. 8iftýwastotaly dstryed lMis bors., ve.killed, heaug hurled beneth bey, bute, ete.à One oi The animais visa fourni loudcy aftsrncon va, nos dead but il vas.fcusd ncssay kin i,5 ilis Naeu»Indepentent ITicket At a massm M- 01 c ii. votersûf = fhiIle village set ova whall lest To4vnigil, called tor lb. pIrpo. of nalag a ticket ta b. voted itt'liecoin- lirp elecdb» on Apil 15. &bout uineîp Vers prmecu. . The foliowl»g ticist vas ncmed: Far preidont, Il. P. Scinaeb.le; for trume., E E. Ellswoi-hi, P. Q. Cleve- land and Frank SI-bols.. On Wedneday ulkbt another meeting1 vas b.id at vic Z. E. Mierediti vua nasdi for prosîdent, 10» mon belng e.- lected fi-arn vielilimresi-ee tu b. chou.. for li-astees an Thuredar. Up ta thue cf goiug tuposeb.hetrusîes bad Tii. figil luau, vîi tva wfulilticketu lae i eldi end vith Geoi-gsQuentin beadIsE rda. Poplo's or ienlarly nom- 4904, priniri ticket, tram in ci itu Snotboineuod at lis pilmani vili. drsv. Wiolber Ible 511.5 Iri b. 0110. = osvè are uneale t slard, bus la ait The palitical pot le bumlaning tu bol vili svenfame. Gmt uesdbeout. IL I. OhUoh Serices. SM0 p. ut. Bible seciacL ubj Bevsev. 0:45 P. M. Epvort1à L"mimbSuhj. "Tis ahssp of ths Oumer lad.", 1I'M8 p. ut. Prpediing. Bey. W. L. W bl Sail. 'Tbe ,Moédiciae cf -a ~ rysumptln imlhii hed et tlie untll rooma a is buevbuilding eu b. omepied. i MWe.Peeni Dyvlsltsd bar brother Peu sud family as LàibertyvWe.bl vsek. ,Mi-. 00o. Mitchell apenta cp«b t1ai"e wfsk la Uhleo. Mr*. Puank Jobuson sud ire. WiamsspetTbudey viti MWI. R ville fra foLwek jlr.La" 1 5. "»asle quise sut lire. Wm. Bocum vlutdhmT. Buse.» et tI i..Lbo Foi-et bospîlelrecsnsy. '77T.»1ÎrÏess o1 Evanuton l e penlu a few days with bie ls ter lire. Laur Thi.e at.,r pi-ga-m wili be givenunext Sunday nigbî. Maici tbe ith the vea- lier prevenllug tlest Sundey. Tom sud Doris Cooper eataitsl.edl Oeverai or thei- friende pt c card parti1 Salai-day eveulag. MWe Evylu Towner won lady'»etiret and loi-don ltay <elie- me»'s firet primee. Ater the card game sappor va, served and tie gues retired ta, tbeithomes deceriug Co6per'. royal eutertainers. Tiia gi-et feature "Sala»" cait over $200.000 ta pioduce aud took four uotoeCOntinuaae vark ta complts, vîli b howbo ut tbe Ljie IhtrO Balai-day, Mai-ch 201h, alîsinuon and Notice T'le Nev (Srgho4pIcntrt Long Seeda viii urlbeff oteLn Grave Mil. c2- -Plana Work - Aldns Pana Shop .aS Wsukegaa la tis Place to have jour piano usnt fer repain.re nuelng, nov action, ve. Tbey 8611 liedbiounngr alao ud Sclusipano. 114 Nati SheridanRo, Wksg#et 9e-l &Ibdé> lm# 5Iek.ITe funeai eas privais vib bohae)al t flperville. ,f.rmIes Bth lbs ftis vsýek ad ~uwotofMJesidc Kmla iLpe Fouds Tbsolog ir eo*lnary gave atb llllu Ian relIgon 1urbeihmlêla b. édildsab. eoiaielY .pelbouanddtgiig* lie tirs. bouts oaille reeltal. Res'. Pred Biask of Aurore, viii ho pestor et tie U. IL. eb-.idiiyer. Tb@ Mu Slgma girls bavsesth"blobd a repuioitor roi-ter éccvrt& ud ut.as enterteling, tIi. dance. vici isp gave Rester MNcndap ocniug lslog a doligit- 191 %ocal s9kir. miisCara pyleadme stIfovérîtvhleb eecorted lb. bail, banche.a iioôt lpeae fetooued frola he ciaudellsra,maadthe club colorsa ddhIle sud gctd vere ueud. Sciloler'. orches- tra farnieM bete m"s.e. MdiesWiu.ifued iBpple acsled theb ananaI Rester coceramci, udd&o.. ivèn jtheIilitng Ciùb s hie LaWele hotel 00. vou MASIl.MON"N? NWIrY ns i ostud <Pt a draft? 1h îa ,rigglTNAIIONAJ. ANIK Uberhjvils. INe"é Mlesloarv scisto of ti roye. Havlng dodeita 0quit lamina 1 bie odmuTu eyaero u l i t public anellanon the fOum lmmlralla va ,luied.kmovn s e. bmGeorgeWhftmibam, Avery lnterestlng BMuter rogranS ituatsd oc» mils vo l aLke Blu&f vag gvea bp liemb uua uool on lb. LibertyvIlle i-cd. ThVis Clg Bada venlug. M~ ilwvaukee ientrilo carsstop la Bd. Bsig pened île Dov genarai utor-.t'ont cf famý ,eoivngdoe- Thuneay, aeh 2o. e ->.to rIoUowbgMerc i 81 Mis. Bth Colin of-Chicago, vas the e fcom ,anPdyXm a,11 aa.l of Nies Eida Horenhorger lMonday. cnomei aca t 10 o'nioqk tmare. Gond fiee lunch aI sMon. Mr-. sud Mr@. B.Kum.asniliduu la8bond eboe mai ho0oe,soM vere tis ws.k end gueste aoflr. L. Kasne krsm ter btw an tesu iqi-ene. rus c1 Chle ega, vas froilà lai W qa uM inmaetorf vici îegus.t of lMre. Bd. Sllg Tbu.sd&y. araidoJsos boerior Miss Viola ochenaci le slawiy i-sar-ctd eJ»sa hfm1 « 'eaveraliot ,aqiaqsrs thro&b,. - S a cies. Snionllis aid; 1 gi-ad The pupileof the 5ti ma6-làgs dée QuërI-h1Lsix *motbs old-; 7head of the publie sebool, vilii gie su Intereet- 1br«;1byborne, 9 imari ad, lngf progreu t Anderson'@ hall, Apr. 18. vsteght 1300 Ibo.; 1 bay borNsol e em a Tivpapilà af D. S. 0. B., are enjoylug aId; vSlght 1200 Ibm.; 1 gray mare tirop.iu vecalant. 10 isare old. voigbt 1300lie.; ihi-avu F. il. Neyen vas a business caller la drlving mare, 9 months aid IWO0tirs., Lîhortyvilie Monday. 1 bey mai-e, 1200 Io.; 1 i hak Umar. Misse»Seiolles sud Agne. Cabili ai Mdil. 1400 Iso; 1 black drtvigg boS, 1000 yankee, vers the veck eud gueete afllie Mies. Marie. Lorettan sd Ruthi res- Prom Indicationu is appoate ta ho moviug veek: B. Carueilimoved lnoolb. L. Pettis bouge, Peter Jau-sud movosi loto the bouges b u ccali bougit ai Tho&. Basîooi. Ni-s. Bai-si Adami lu- to the 5H B. Moore fiab and si Wltrl Lagitte Tadd fat, FA R lire. John Aid ai Chilliocolie, Ohio, vbo hb@sbheu» speudiug tih e tvaTB.A O" veeke et Dr. Davis, retarusas home Sain-RA TO È Lsut Suaday aita stoi-m dld consis.. si-ai. damobe in thile vieinty, Kota&Lb Brs. belag the iaviesh las ru. Thuir large gi-eniomé., wvhwuva, qlld dlib jadra vrva, demolisio.iat a loges IofC . $3000. Niço sectonso tbe Alas BoctBOS HL W. o eds sud Wint. Plegge' silo vers de- PR O E A etroYed Wbldet a fwo aer buIldings. Vernon gOcekel ofI leshai-g, l it l- filmI~ Il ici; bils »rente foi-a f.v duyis.OU L Tho, Parent aud Tuiachere As.w'» meet Ibis alternoon, Priday. iA.SETO1 < I Spaulding Deép lire. E N. Umhach andi bon Robbie vere Cilcaga vialtare over Suoay. MIrs. John Dolieumaler sud sou Jek @peut lie latter part ni l fl s'kRvîti ber parent.Ni-. and lire. Framk Mitchell. C. J. elrtecibe r enPet bneday ngil and Monday a i sbOmer@ returamng E C Ï Mi- W Modai-algbt. Mr. Baud Mr@. S. B. Kuosiler enlortai»- .6 Mr-. au.d lireS. S.IL anger ansd sou BARRING Warren of Ilavibla, over Baster. Vhi M ie ~, Brins sd xMiile Rit- seathaliet.1 apsevlne, spet. Basso "MI viti tbeur parentu. Mr. sud U. 'à. P Blîsenthomsi. C. Wahl (AIlowa, v&* clao a gustabt li Rlesnbalshome. lir. an m ieWii Ray of Rockefeller, sud ceilidren speisBuday vi ta ber par- ' ot, Mri.su Misý. M. W. Knedlir. - 1 The Ladies. gsolety mesîn vîli bia Laure Spagnie Vbnireday araintg, April Sud. Boum, te Mir. and Ilire. S alisce. Rusen- thalr, c baby deegitor, liai-ci 19. Chas. Shail vas Wcalls ,a wu no lie Bdume--Boenbacb vs. Bei-ins Aliocit trial la Waakegan Mdondai. J. P. Rtsentbeier.-4aao.p led lb. mangientoflb.(.icao,'*aukeffln and fox Lale VTraction Co. SeulunnrAp&u lote rural mail cairre Mre,, P-4.cw vii l-M Ve1-- e L- --- - PrembYtrilan Services 700 oclock ln the morninF. 10:80 ca.im. mornlng vorshlp,abWet "Tis laves Demande." 11:45 e. m. Sanday scioci.Noie 6:45 p. 1 m.. Christian ndmavor. Ntc 7:30 p. im. eventng vareilîp, @abeet. Prom novaen B orne Lumber Co, "FPoi-gvenus as a Chisitian VI-bae.' o? Liberty ville vwiii o»ly du eUstom Everîbodi velcosme. .udieu twvav*da sweek. W-si»..- C. K. ALzxknasa, Mnialter. LY0e and gaturdoya. C-25-2 ELECTION NOTICE ChiL LAX Nolise la hrehî <ieni. thatonauese. For Cbilile and Fever day, April 151h, A. D. 1918, nDoi atlie Tovn Bill In the village of LiAbrtYville, ia lie Caunty of Lake andi State a1 Emparer William Here Illinois, e» Bieclion viii b. beld liou.n ew"-yfrtnt utet vlaoPruldent and îbrec Tractes. of Wmv&H car f eor liame i eîîinga sasvllage; and thq somsu ordînsuca sm5IcraEm raWilmSedCl for lie conoîruellon pi aà vWago bail la and are sale la saplng the stand ap tis villàge of LbeuSyulilo, e manlclpal boter,pielsi more graIn sud botter c0oprtion efthlie tatu of Illinois, lu grain Ibs unmi ont$ ever grese» lu Laks aecordance vilib t se nasau sc- couity,. Tri lira. Order eai-ly. tiqasiabmithod hi W.8.9tu4r nd LmL E rAwcLviTigCo., c25-2 gyp he 1or r th met hofMW mo Mua o onof a@s.d villa t»hie&Uume of teetbonqad A N U CM dollars sud lthe maklug n(-diebecssbac pravilanau fortbepaymmelto.isbdsa Beglnning Saturday niglit, sud, the.fepraval oai salsl.,idaan yl ho saîittegi for thi approval of tis Maroh 29t. Prof. James Smith votera t aS isi ofltota, vlci eletion fii ho opened i as es esu o in the iii resume his dancing kWans ofel,*&$sad t ove ,<,hool at the Libeityvilie DUW as Ubertyville, IlM-18, thile tcwn hall. Instructions from 2*day of Mai-c inla9b. yar cf ou Lord on. thoemuaniae buadrëdesi ýs 8 to 9 >~ m. Reception from Steenff, (A. fi. 1918.) IBRma13. Com.svv, Vioflgec6rt. 9 tO 12. Ibm.; a tos ud u *k bai la ban.; M0 buhli ofcets; 1 M tdouble vork barnag; immt dakliç oit bàam (nem-ly na-); i 1 »t aVy siUet lu- om; 1 cet buggy a 1b"res; t nota; 1 ma wagon; 2 fam wagon,; 1 W5uOBba bu, ayr nwk; iiai.l bauy; 1 cart; 1 vwatanÈk; 1i vato bosSaer; 1 five foot Doorlng movu-: i johQ fiee-o uky plov; i1vclklng Plow; 1 i Iebarrow; 1i 51.1b; 1 set of dm-gt VeDrlagbaiyacok <asarty Dov>; 1 i rd4a uttvator; i vaikint culvator; 12 milk ceas; 1 cmnabol- or; 1 wb.oi barov1;»I8lb. seal.,; 0i nov slaveusio, 1h18. viii old 1 ouagbfeod for 36 head of stok; r g rlndstoue»; haY fork sad raoff, torks,4 e ovols hoe.polleysand other mati . hla toc ane-oueto mention. LUsulw tarasof sale. GEORGE VOGEL. Auctioneer. Joseph Hart, Ciork. HUGH-LYALL. Prop. TOOLS R fGInM2. [ME TON 1TULE CO. GTON.I, . Trustee's Salé in Bankpy Public Auction of Wedner Bros. Store BUI'PALO GROV!E, ILL On Thuroday, April 8rd, 1913, beglfning at 10;00 o'clock A. M., the unnersigned, TruBtee i in Bankruptey viii sell,at publie auctioh aIl of the merchandise property bolongirug to the bankrupt estate of Clemen8 P. Weidner, Bankx-upt, at the Weidner Bros. Store, Buffalo Orove, Juls. The piroperty - onsists of -a large stock of (ieneral Merchandise, ineluding Men's, Ladies' and -Cbl- dréns Wearling A pparel, Shoes, Hats, etc; House- hold Utensils, Grocery (loods, 'Jobaccots, etc, Drugs and Toilet Articles; Agricultural Impie- ments, Trols, altso Ruineroins (tier miscellaneous goods. (ioods will be sold ini lots to suit purchasers. This property is being sold pursualitto an order trntered by the United State8 District Court, the 1rusté-ê being required .to dispose of same without further de lay. Goods uiay b.> inspected at any time prior to th.> sale and auy desired Information wlll b.> f urnished by the Trustee's custodiait upon the premises. Central Trust Company of Illinois Truptee, Clemneu P. Weiduer, 1935 West Monroe St., Chicago, i. CLARENCE J. SULER aid UGO L. THA, J. SCHWINGE, Attorays for Trute. Aucioame, Wbeling,16. iz~zm emllvi aemle finllrl Il paino mute, urevees ierel plactn mente. par"od, esi-vesi vers i Bath t cTheh priuc d"re.à The l aisuo Katire Iday, M I. joug roflted Mi-bis fur -ith et 1t 1 0.8. Domite ou» 1 basPin The fortbh Mania vile Cam 1 ana a ie nv cs icli