ci&e&$anlJi.h# Mi RAIN NO, DEAR LADY, THE WAUKEGAN C POLICE ARE NIT SUCH BLOOD- NVED DISPLAY THIRSTY RUFFIANS AFTER ALL. N OF EAISTER'FINM Y fname Waukégan People, 8PapantlY, 0w, Policeman Hicks resobeldlataOi do ot avea vry i cocepionof isreur pocet tagte K i cine- the police fonce of the cty. dame o alonga," a device ýWbiCh & an la b bousands of Waukegafl Peu. them are wlIlng tu belleve the locallsie purpraeseas lindcuffs. Quite aWII police are bloodtblrety ruffians wha crovd bait aehbered about, lu vbicbtn pe Were Disappointed at could glve the famous Captai Kidd thore ver. severel wyeUspeclators, carda, spedes and bg Casino sud itillI "Oie Oh! He's gains t absoot hlm the Weather Sunday. maie hlm lk lie a pIker. An ln- nuv," aone vomriaiicrtamel tuasba cident uhlch proved this. took place loaed ber es cand prepared ta falat. MRS. o n sunday atternoon. Apprently tbis vomu thouht il ASTERM PARADE LACKING. lit became necuamry for PolicemenOii as cuamry for one policman. wi Willam avisandGeneal lHicks tIo bld a prisner ubile aictbier a -place a mai under rrent. The fol- hlm te mike 1h casiler to tPescive bleu bat 4» Mats and Clothes Laid 10v vas seubwat unruly aidthie ta the- police station or morsueé. At ý'way For a More Propiti- chanc. 4w a. enucb reUeved uben th. ev lb WA ouDa fr îsla. Wbile Policemen Davis held the. fel- tallou' irs eMvas ta be iparoi. Asi W&K AIi., Match 24. - UL O IId18 UI ion TO <epami that strteh De T IWienT rv la lthe rnorn nsd lasted al- IS icTI U W À D. wut. UN CÀR C R dM ýw ujtermttently ail day, bllght- Kli Ifo bouofa!thausaide of Wau- W 3K O N RN A E E IR Us i oei uhe bai plan- 1E R R E Y at lu blesn oouta in&l thelr iaster - ppola * 'flre vas no Eulter parade Contractor Wheeler Changes Scores of Passengers Hurled istat Mimach tt h arrev of many t" thé pleasiire of Plans--Must be C ,pleed Prom jgj thn ea ed "e màufor thé fini titmé tunilig B oebr1 eCollision Ilêre. os bonnets or dazzlig creetaio yN* br15Nx.Thes la »ýCONTRACT SIGNEDaTtDy. NO ONE SERIOUSLY HURT. v' 0 qw ua a been dlsappalntfli&t a n evetYane. 1h dld net came - dity, Icalooked for, bouevér. as the Forfeitof $25 a Day Provided' Second Car Following the First an bati beld.Iut ignos Nt Dne t Tou Cuey When theLat- Th M «d-e»eer. Ustidcn if Bridei o oea h h ,wMl prabably nin or sDow. Specified Time. ter Stopped Quckly. vas e ofIcialpredîction. Tislapro --Sors fWakga mn ve. th V,48 apimy justified by thé ie-Scrso akgn mn wetu, Mao h a.Waukegsi. Miarcb 22. hrovs from their feent and more or ,stais of WaihieBII People bad John Wheeer. béai of thé John lesa serlousîr bruined! aid injuredlnl 'o0 forrà aninalytoWieeier Construction compauY O! Go -a rear-end collision uiech ook PlaceM. p uay fine bats aid cithes nreya, Ii., arrvevd ln Waukegeu tOday on thée(Chicago and Mlwaukee 21ec- The Dascbaa5d for the oocasion. for the purpase of ignlug the cOnt5act tric rllraai near tiie Okvoad cerne-Th eMs day ecans fully sa ch for crocting the r.tafortîéitconcrets tory la Waukegan about 6: 30 odclack proe *1 4t dons wbsa ît mari a viaduet ever thie.ravine Oau<leneses Tburada evening. FartuiiatelY no oas the wi Zuy iclc i vs vrystret. -Wth the cty effliale the <con. vas seriausîr Injuraitauthes tva ca r cenj '3a1t tIt tr- atsu aid "treettvas slgned. vltneesed sud attés- d114 nat cone tagther ulhb enoughab emoipkunu by their ab_- e aborly before noan taday aud force for that aîthengie bystanders de- th, * h4~5e srvcs 1e . Mr, Whelor let for is home, clame the impact iouided 111e the te- fl utt»Butsrviceson On day. The contract ila e trong one.By ls portofaannon.AtX bouever, ldnot cm tterme the contracteir la requlred ta Thé tua cari ver. loedéd vIthhcm-u- f ove th sevics. ubave the bridge comPléted by NOvOKu ployés ai the American Steel aid yj ouvr hies seve, ber 15 1912. A Penalty of l$25 a day Wire censpony aid the Natonal Zn- vas1 vasvey ao, vey-is*¶ravided for ail thé Urne 1h takes velope compan!. Every sat vasfilled foue ooaasiemee tLere vast uulcinoah hucbaften that. sud a score or mure vere standing uwbale Musical pragrea My machlnéry and equlputént wilI The tva cari uer. running along ln ver.e renderod. The flaraI e hi e t Wukga celMo- theé aïdim ectioén, the s-ccrMi added mqgcb ta the joy- dair and I ilîl be on the ground, réa- follavlng thé finet car mueb toO close- et theoe"on.dy tuatr o thé foIuwng Mdon- ly for safehy. t ViY tha ilste ths yar day,- hé declaréd today. Suddenly, thle finit car, vithoutv- 1 esay t tribti y a iy The ety consIdéra itgelf Vény font- ulng gtopped. Wbther It vas te, tare @Ëdila atruter -- a-yon, suother passenger ai the comet.ry rqa»ni for th Inclontrent veath- gate or for soeéoeer resisor anat $et la som. Icare bas Easterko ,bu tayrethmtran seearly. n iwii%% svrlof the car fulovling had ne Intimation PIai ofyelr tIbe fi e ntîl the car toppai a fev font ln al U*f it cones mueb later i*sathe la mre séasonablefrn !hm fo he.eegir dkiway of ftery. H~le ré th mrec santO âlEotr promenade bai bries and Jerked 1h ftsntlcally hîft 1 - Ite n cien lawauevmthére vai flot ufficent tImesfat the Be À . em any ev ent lu Wa i braies to taie hold and a second là- rosid ie4ve.n s ya rgroetti hter thé car cnaihéd. lta the car la livia 414Veue outeinUp f ie ér hoefront. -Ricin 84 voiture otun thireu tPassengers an the cars la tellina ai Enet oadbal tecesd Iew outhé Incident déclano that overy pas-acli aid mot artcie. Nov bon-sénger vha vas standing vas throvu of rai bblbmothemot I er efti * to the ftour a! thecari by thie sahociregrq Pettbe m'as t a uerlansd msiy aifIlse wul e v estti lu b !tsbanday vs tha nuber-ofdoua ver. hurled againit the = eloba batsaidgavi, te pice a!lu front of thern PMI~ esUnot en bcenéimahed, ireh cewa 1.tua cara maie Vent $Wsimd la their original boxes sud aThasty ew ofiitha t e .f ysaI ~ebgilyvîl reainthee fr sverl *had been injured. The tue cari tihon sic' ,90L Peu Inventons in Esiter flnery pracedel ou their vey, a saler dis. lom , the temerty ta expose thir nevtné hlgrantle eue b ~>pare tatheeléént. .. . theut. Paiseugera conaldet If mont mon Chldrene Services .114NWl4UkLff. , otise<a hy êentIjrdsa ' IN. SPlacaPai cburch béld 1h, Faut- 1-eaid of John whiler constr-uction vrlu ortunatel y hbere nvenjr e rs Or serVicesfor thé chldren iu the Company af Gnes, MI., who vweon the cars, otherulse e nanl aid, despité thé heavy rainjAwarded Contract af Building New wmgbnthae carethe rwe at. PM lits number af chhIreu and treir bridge I-icie. mgthaecouternlt, a ta turuéd <oit te partitipate ln, -____- 1l Senîeva vredsilli ~lnate in having c.ioeéd thé cont ne-A ditid lihNr. W heelér for It sa fél qu té FI M A SpIe ta permit thé childreu takinggeeallî,hat it would have becu ne the la the iugiug of hîtuti, etc, possib!e btefnd a more esta a il hie 7,-iWb decorations lu the chatncel had or more coî,scet,ioas man to do the bu:î leit frnmttiemonning c e, and ptted plants gonug tol Mr. %het,la comlug to the city pan ethem no). At thé conclusion ai' a,îh lie Ie,,~ssI, of' haute npreséd od tï oeldren, Rcý,t. o ,e a, ,<,h, ,ii-ottionrwa - thteach child nisent woiîtddislîket i- TO 111,, heahi-an ficîacdhau 'àtven a pretty Plant and acl t, iui n Il, Ii, r,.imtoadlbtige any on- tel - ouget 1. The feustore Pr"o, el g r tmis , .,.-:r.pha *àterestiug gae. a tte 11111e folki Ieak1,-,- ViI, lbr15 la he tme up te get their posy il tiahee in At Preahyterian Chu;ch b o , ,î.ii . , lre coîrîiited Swe!! dru Jho 115.5er véspér service, for oerai,- ,, i ý1O n In tire trsI place ira "ebd eeheld in thé attirnoon hehi l iIî,îi,,I 1 stan é ork hère p -afthaugie théré vas a downpour'en Ar 1,,ltIi-i b. ow las aîinauueed Ib the Beet I'bat phi M11I14 Acravdéd churcb mmcnd outt n eu~irga[iI v Allit lu the rendîtion o! a servicýe e-kai,, id o! thiat date. le vil! M nev g, e tc ps-oved ver>' iUteréting for' work isiiiîztel gt anmi day ut times M n C n the as Weil as thé cildren. The 1an,! ail 1h, Il -' 1 iflefndé it s Or essmlnailenesnsetberoutend enaieIte a bad, beén prttvllY decarated iarn o (.'lelte ithe aork inI ,i-ereve.i-Irbed eteni euractId is fr duesand Plantesud au effecl îlre 1111initovfîstaecip use.I nat n bl zcte thé admira-[ onracior \t',heIihir has, illed vitb *.ut 8»eclelmusical numnbes, 1he- ,It .aNa r.1y hond whlch amounta .-8J ~ .3 ont tenllderel aid thee uhole service to onte hait of tie cintract pice for MANuFACJ.3RîeOPTC Wh 13111, ii setirrel np ia istér en- the bridge, Th- frit of Dujret sud MNFC IIN N Chf - keul. &vustz umnahe 1h- hnd AVICGAN, ILLIN~OIS w Oo.rdy .J.aL *XMLN ESTATE oQlW f the Henry D owst eseCauses Court to Marne ttorney King. L MUMFORD SOLEMIEIR. of Frank Mumford is Pro- bd--HannaWeloh iJUI AIW be, Admltted. LURUAN, lU., March94. - i«U eth1 the. heIn ubo utabed il eMm .Mallon eftate. havifliuit- iAttorner Chariots King in place r. Davut and on -Mn. Daustas ac- anc.. ludg. Pensons today nam- for tbe position auf Mr. Ira& getting his bond reidy thls co0n. t e ire ubo oppooed M.r. DoaiVa Iîtment, wlsbed the publie admîn- tr named but did not Pries d caim or requet-they efell d ta dIse nat ta havie Mr. bt lu the Position. mepommai sitate vasi O'porteias 34 et, 017,000 and Mr. Ring vili mes prepare an Inventory of the ,y Reports have 1h that -Mms m vas varth at lest 875,0. Mumiord Will Proated ie vîll of the late Frak Muinford admltted tn probate today. shav-4 tat; Ise vdow la left all the s- persanal and realty. The reel ie la «atmated lu the pettiotn at *0 and the pensonal at $1.500. Murniord la named as executnx tevIlvas drawn April 20, 1912, ie Wîi of Hanna Welch vilas a. ed by the court taday. This vas wIll eiÉplained ln détail lu the Sun htly. teequestst belng lett by the v oumata varlous relatives, ta Gumes church. the hospîhal. ar- MMs. etc. tom»ey Chiaai Ringi bond for, 0 vas ipprovel this aflaracon ludge Persons, and tiierefors bo named adminlatrator ot the Mal- state. >RST FIRR«4 !AR SUSTÂII3>BY ORMR LOAL MUN h swngJou - Invitations Reeoed In Wau kegan Announuc omlng Weddlng of LoWalMan. BR IDE IS LUCILE HUELST91 NWedding Takes Place in Her' Pather's Church on April Second-to Live Here. itev. Dr. and Mis. Eduard W- Hnlel-1 star- ai Aahtàbuls, 0hio, annuttae the' Camlng marile gr pi dr deugbte-, l.uclle May, tgAttrey Alexander. Pi'aloner Beaubleli Of WaukSgan, hie weimate take place Wel»sdaY eVe ails, Aprl 2, et S oCWacinuthe fiu Eloi.eiai churcl inluAsbtabuls. i Follns th vedding a receptimf l a hbe ll luthe Main afier ubilt the couple ull talte a houeymaal tulP and be et hame lu WauieaO a ~ ILay 1. Mr. Beauhien recently pur-; missel thi.fine reidence a i te SOUt- west carier of Genesee strest Md Cary avenue ail le ta fit It ni> fat hlm home. Waukegai friends ai the Youngâe, torney have maya a! bis engagement for toe mé but thîs lu the tfret ai-! nouncement that bas been made ar ieIs plana-Mn. Beautleeala ant oaithe, clty-s most promnent ail succeasitd Yung attarieys. belng the Junior main ber-o thefi firuOrvle and Beaublesi, althaugb. mince J. K. Orvis bas heen devotinshbe attention ho the rallraad project la Western Laie county. MT. Beaurbien bai Iaakéd aitén the legal business sagus. lias Hueleter le saId ta be a Mast cbarrnlng Young vaman, ber father ho- lug ane!o the leading ministers af tbelr home cîty. Elle la a musîClI& o! abillty aid vîli hé welcamed lu -Waukegan musical cîrclesanad by Mn. Beiauien'a frisaIs. ai w Lt Owned by Ford Ilfo. Co., tt Vandalia, Burrad With Almosi Total, Lma. ecause thé Fard famlly fornetly ide la Weuiegail fOr-luay ye&Ma,1 ng la the bouse nov occupied bY I hard blorraw on Norh Sherda i u. aid still hbes my ftleudiaid 1 naintanDes ber., the foIlowig item wmrs vili b. roivitb inteLt aid rot: Unul Interemot attacemi ta the au othe Ford Maiufehuftae cm- ay. makeri of aspwat.roafl&aget dala, Ill., tliis W»14sUmIted go per cent on 8417,000 aoflami- eo. This la the . lvst Insurue a!o the yar la Blinis, If flot lu bentîre cu"trT. 'rbere vers ru- s et tint eflneadiatlmn. 1h hosin .1e that the is bokouleot In ev- I different sections, uhîle the coin- les bal believed tioste tl lnt vas atteted aid aniedivUd that tbeY Ild net have a lassa!f more tbaa 14 pet cent lu &ny oue. Inada- on, $120,000 ai In.arance bal been aced on lte plant tb. veek bfore f ine. 1h le bellêlsI, Inaever, that f ire vas due te SPOnhaeani scain- istloand ud1hla Irnaun 1hât tbe buel- s vas ver>' pmasproîlSthé cou- t>' beiug 300 canîceda belnrd lu Its ,ens. Thé fine ,hanted lu the rai- va!e- )se, vbich hurnéd vith sncblu l- invitationsi and annauncements of' the wedding plan@ vere recelved la Wankegan ThuraaY. CHARGED WITH ATTEMPT Waikegaii. Marcb 22. Cbarged vitb bavlng made a deadIlY Rageit vltb latent tu 0 mltt Mur- der tiDof the Persmof aiPhieu.Michails. aformer police coler, Herbert mo- lesay andý' Kdvard Strolibe. tvO oung men, vbo bave been quit. fa- rller jates In police court clftlen for the laut few Years, tlis mOrDiflE nu police court, atitthe requeit of As- Matantt jtates Attorney E. M. RuDfr yard, ver. boni!aver ta the grand jury ln bonds of 8i.OqO eacb by Police lafflstrate Walter Taý'lor. The 7000,19 nen were unable ta furnlsh bondeanat> wIll b. obliged ta remain in the county; ail until the next session of the grafle ury. 1 The assauit vlth whlch theY are cbarged, took place on Th'ursday nîght blarcb 13, near the bour of midnlgbt' gîchatls, Who lu a apeclal policeman statloned lai the gallery of the Schwartz theatre, vas returnlng ta bis homne on Oak street. At the corner of Psak and Belvt4satts, tvoaua- iailants leaped out and attaeked hlm. &ccordlng ta h>làstory tbsy knocked blm dounanad bet= te kick and boet Mim uunmiful. lHe flnâIly mapage.l ta, break avay froam them and notilled M the Police. BIs face and bead and portions of bis body are cut aud brulsed as a result of tbe attaek. It vas necesary ta cai lul a physîclan to attend ta bis Injuries. Mich»es as able toasacribe no caus. for the attack but the police are Inclîued ta tbink that there muet'aave been samething back et IL Bath y'oung, men admit Ravlng made the attack but declare they were under the lu-ý fiuence of lîquor and do flot know wby tbey dld It No attempt was made to rüb Micha.els. L trobbe vas plaeed nieder arreat a few days ago and the police continued their seairch for NIcNeany. On Fil-ý day nlght be wallced lnto the pol!ce station and declaring he vas tlred af seeklng to evade the police, gave hiu-, îself up and was locked ln a celI. Unr. McNeany, mother o! one a! the detendants, vas present at the hearlng this mornlng. She was must iat tank, located on e billbed sud an alq tbéy véré ta blame for thé i rai- varehause, expIaI.4. A dltch dovufaîll f ber sou. Shée aid saloon- td culvéntat dboeu conatructed te keepers bsld out a lure la one baud rn thé vaten ramoi this bill avay. for thé youug menanlsd thén bail no' nim thé plant, sud tb. blazlng a-scsruples lu punlehlng theut vlth the bat flowél Ibrongb this dîtcb aud ethén. ivent taete finlsbedatack vans- Mrs. McNeauy le a bard-voria. Dues. whene the large values vére canacleniltouse v an sdtué police el-éd, detroylug aIl of théns, ai- feel great plty for ber. 3ugh [bey ver. nearl>' î,'ôo feet MoNeany aid Strobhe havé beau 'ay froin thé original i-.. mlxed u u nnmeroula ecraices ber. "Duwini- hothé cherectér e! thé stock but none ai them n whvioh.the resulte rilcb vas cbieiy rag@. paper and are ai seioua ai lu this ane. @Phalt, thé fine wu a very Intense1 ne, and the fine valîs and ire dbore, 2lallite ILM. Teecloean th. relcb vorée uppos.d ta cnt lte ua- stonmacb, bovolsanad idns7s; resu. intry depantrnent lIt> 5..tiong. hmtaS. trensgtiaa, purifies; bout lieeItl led haeieold theslire. I luadm-ane. 5men Drug store. It will pay thie coxnpany for osuilcient electricity tb operates 16-candie power carbon lamp for two hours, or a 20-caudi. power Tungesten Iamp for four hourI t wil mn a. aewing machine niotor an hour, or a vacuum cleaner 45 minutes, or a waehlng machine 80 minutes, or an automobile tire pump for 30 minute.. Il wlll koep a 6 ponnd Riat iron hot 20 minutez, or make four cups of coKfe. iu an eleetrie percolator, or boil a quart of water or heat baby' milIk twice, or keep a heatlng pad hot two houri, or cook a welsh rarebit lu an electrlc chafiing dioh, (,r heat an electrie curling iron 15 minutes a day for. two wteeeks, or touat 20 lilces of bread. Elotwldty in the Home fia Luxury in Everything but Coet PUBIC ERVCECOMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOIS I Mis. Wilso n Invites EvMrbody to lnspect Ladies' and Children's Goods Ladies' ehambray and gingham dresses i 3 Ladies' Aprous. 4 @fusme . .......c..... 8 o icff Ladies' Slips snd Corset Cavera ................. lic tb $ Ldes' orepe sinoun«........... 0415 Comploesline Ladies' Shirt Walpte.........2.5 tW $ Ladies' silk liale, flecPce, woolen. and cotton base. . 100 o W50S Ladies' Coller Supporte and Hair Nets ........... a for o Children's Aprons, Rampersand Dreàs...25o 10 02.50 Cbîldfen's Shenld,,r Gariers and Knit Waists----------..25e Children'm Belts aiýd Windsor Tisa. (jbildren's Mittens sud tGolf Uloves. Children'it Leggins and Sweatero. Infant'@ Coatw, Dresseé, Skirîs and Sacques. Infant'@, Bootees aud Shoeo. Infaut's Bands, Veas and Ruben Shirts. Baby Blaukets, Stork Pants and Sanatery Shoot». PMNE ASSORTIRENT 01r DOLLIL complete Iiii.e smiatal Sanitary Gooda. TH-E WILSON STORE È anby'Block. Libertyville. A NNOUNCÀEMEN T. vlnlty, thâit we will be ready February 151h with two of the greèatest brands of I<ertilzers known. Meredlth 's The, Only Brand -- ------.........12 Nito"g ............1te 2 p« Scnt Amnium .........2 to 3 per cent Availalele Plies. Acid 6Ito 7 pet cent Potasi.......... 2to13 par cent lnselable PoishI lte 2 per cent We can seil you bettér goods for lese 'noney than any lfirm today, on1 aceonnt of owning our own mine. our own mili, near Coatesvilie. Penn. We are free from ail co mbines or trups. Compare the analyeis of theee goodë; with other brando, gettheir pries, and then cail on ut4. Corit, in, let. us tel you how 6y lîîvesting a littie moîîey ln these fertil- izer@, you eau gel bigger returns than any inveot- ment on the farm today. Your yield ls 100 light. We eau help yen. The Meredith Mining apid Milling Co. J. XE.ZNERMDT, Presldent Rom 3. Sca"iuk ullIj ieiyINIlnols --a- -Meredith's The OnJy Brand Gemeal and Sure Crop Grawer Nftrogen,.... ...- 1 te 2 petrcen Ammonia-........ 1te 2 per cent AVsilIe.Phot. ^Cid a o7per mat Pot"s Soluable..>-.4 te 5 per cent lua ble -... 1te 2 per cent -j,. 1 1 'il i SESA MM Name Be C tTO FO Playlei Direc WAU 1<E Four vire tel caiiy dil arnoon. Thes" 1. Pu 2. FO IL Ch 4. Au ground i but one club tnîL If th'@ !f we.îrbert absalute t'Ounue t! iInlet way ta flot use their Im, Barber. ,We lut as POBBlI tu have Moccer. inta Reg services Sstructor gtouiid veeke. log anal gchool. place ai It le Po %end the dayisa a The o lilry lie ni, at or) dld flot here as ation of work ai (lie hum lzed by ety. M rs. 1 min of! thte orge and It m humane tesslty foit berE actertsti boesor ta the f dable m Sahly vi days. Altha. naine ai kegan 1 and is. It vas the regi be beld the ei&c ..We Club' la Soclety., 'Sesame purely 1 Club la. flou a busînea mauy F, namne c chango< vark hi Do "au erary s Altho toward financle requeet about t LPPeovI M. C..ý doue tI Mid ta Mach t 17 ia I