CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Apr 1913, p. 1

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COUýNTY INDEPENDE)NT SW AUKEAN WEEKLYSU VOL. XXI.-NO. 28 ~a M . ~ s ULLIS il REPRESENTATIVE H. A. F0S- TER INTROOIJCES MEAS- URE INSPRIN4FIEL-IF IT BECOMES A LAW Il WILL DRIVE ALL THE SA- LOONS OUT OF WAtJKE- GAN AND NORTH CHICAGO - IS MEASURE BACKED BY REV. QUAYLE AND OTHERS. R.prua<ntativO fM. A. Foter f atro- duca!ed bi ll hfore thea Nouai nt Springfucid Fisday wflch provi dea for a five mile sattti-aaoof zone about thea naval station, !4orth Chicago. Tbis bl is e bill wich vas deaignad and vhb'k ija cked by the lakLe County Lw andi Ordes League. and in whoat. interuista Secretary Rey. Thomas Qua> le .1lte Law and Order League. bas oeevi lobbying et Spring- fild. Affecte sfxty saloons It fa 'stinsatcI t at, In cae lbe measurll bcn'za awiav t vould drive slxty sasloo ,b out of business lu TWECLVEPAGES 1 LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COU=NT, ILL., FRIAY, APRIL 4, 1918. NEW- HIGH SCKOOL BILL IFTI3P SrS PASSED BY THE SENATE SpigilIl]., Match 29.-TheCLI EODU D veuale today passed te Magll bll extenl,..5 tah e h .ssl pvllesee BY THE iiCOAN to pupila tu townships Dot having bîgli schooltElghth grade pupiqe [shahi be allowed under tarinof the &et to, attend a hils ichool tu auother distrIct. the parents or guardiana se- lectiûg thse sebol snd thse district ln Whlcls the.pispil, livs ta pay the titi- tin. AGREES TO PAY MORE FOR MILI< Elgn. Ill., March 2.-Aller holding Out for two weeks, Bordens Coudens- ad Mdifk company today oteéred a new list of prica for Itas unwaer uilk sup- MY wblcb meeta the demanda of thse Miik Producers' association. The av- oerage price for the ensufng sifx montlts le 01.40 6-16, wftb a 10-cent premium Per hundred for milk t.sting 38. The association demanded an average of $1.50 lier bundred for thse six montha. Eorden's previous average offer waa $L34 1-6 per buads'ed. ROUD INCOUNTY DECLARE» TO BE THE 6'WORST EVER' Farmers and Others Say That Seldamn Have Roads of Lake County Been Muddier. When Case of Max Rehman is' Calied at North Chicago, Many Make Complaints. HE DECLARES INNOCENCE. Chicago Real Estate Han Asks for Contimianoe to Get Proofs of It. CITIZENS LAY THE FIRST RAILS 0F ROAD. The first rqila aon the Watikegan, Rockfoi-d & Elgin traction company have been laid lnto the township or Wauconda. A special crew was made up of the most proxissent eitisens of Wauconda, heafod by Albert Baseley as foreman. and B. W. Brooks, George Stroker, Henry Golding, Arthur Kir- win snd George Prouty laid thse steel which wffl make op thsefItrit reilroad entering th@e aolszt Village of Wau- couda, the mont wetr point in the county. Soon thse wiiaue or thse loco- motive whll ho heUad and som@ of thse oid residente vii ma"e for thse wooda as on thse approaniset a nsigbty -e but only to returuiLu a short ifme hi enjoy the connectiug hii between Wauconda and the rosaider of thse world. Fromt twelve to ftte persons, rep-1.Cotbue) reseutiug about $950 lu2all.5havs 1log-- ed coplinewl l thse North Chîca- FlIGURFS NTER ST the hand of MaxRehmn te:eai ON WMES(WFARM4 wsntdlhetie Su. aud.wheu the IA I> HSTATES Iearing vas alel tone.'lckFi day aftenoou, a big is1tIer*iýg of Report of Consu Bureau Now foreigners were ln thse village hall toi ecwhat was doue vitb the man tfley hows Wisooqsln Leads in laim betrayed tbem. Wages Paid Farm Hands. Rehmana l Case '>," but partially: concluded bhen bis attorney, 0. E. BIG INCREASE L.AsT YEAR. Maxon o! Chicago, conferred wJth~ Stateas Attorniey Dady and arranged WsosnRt hw ob to continue thse case a week ln order WsosnRt hw ob to procure evidence wbicb. Ise clama Quite a Bit Higher Than vîll show bis Ionesty and slncerity. Accordlngly, atter heariug two vit-1 Rat e in IlinifOs. DECLARES IDEAL RACE TRACK IS TO BE OPENUP NO'W Kenosha News Says That Emil Schultz Has Lease. on Track at Russell, Lake Co. START BUILDING AT ONCE. Stated Plans Provide That thé Track WiII be Ready With- in Thirty Days. Ja the Ideal race track at Russell, Lake county, ta be opened up for raclng? Here's what the Kenosha News saya aboutait: "Kenosha county la ta have an- otber taste of thse racing game as lt le reported on good autborlîy today that Ideal park, tIse famous old race track down hy tIse state hune asisi user the village of Russell, la to be! opeined again tbis season and withlu a fev. days men v.ill be put to work scra;,lng off tIse grass whicb for a de- cade has beenl growing over tIse track and fences and grand stands will be reatored lu dîne for a raciug n1ft lu I tIse early summer. E. H. Schultz, for- mer]), of Kenosha, bas taken thse lease ou thse property and be plans ta have! the track lu shape for use lu tIse next thlrty days. Experts who bave examined lthse tra,.k declare that it ONE TO EIGHT $1 50 PER YEAR IN ADVANýCF. CONNECT NAMES 0F MEN WITH COURT HOUSE Efforts have been made enSonne town8hipa to th row 'ne 'new court houst." scare loto thes ul>ervisors* scraps ln conneet!on ssnh corne of the country candidates fer office. The move ls unjuat, because none of the supervîsors li tthe present boa rd have £ver scriously considered a new court bouse plan. It was ail newspaper talk, orlglnating lu tIse mind of a younq newspaper man of W'aukegan, one of those thfngs whilch causes some Isub-bub, and for whlch there la really no foundation. Connectlng candidates' names witn sucb a sugges- tion really la unJust. WAUKEGAN WOMAN IS STRICKEN IN RACINE. Racine, Wis., '%larch 27.-Marguer- ite Amburst of Waukegan, Ill., vsited friends ln Racine yesterday. Lfsse started to catch a Northwestern train lait nfgbt, vas taken 111 and feU upon the sidewalk, brulsing Iser face and arma. She waa carried in, a bouse and naid tIsat she was often affected witb Iseart trouble when exclted. A [cab was cal]ed and se reacbed the depot ln tinte ta get tIse train for Waukegan. WANT COUNTY TO ESTABLISII SIOiN POSTS ALL OVER NlMis: MAYOR BIDINGER ADMITTw-4 TOOAY THAT AT MEEIIUI TO BE HELD WiTHlIN 1*1. DAYS A FRANCHISE FOR~ THE USE 0F THE CIT STREETS WILL BE PROF- FERED AND OTHER AS- §STiANCE PROMISED SAYS IT IS NOT A CUIS6 FOR PRESERbT ROAD BUT1 THAT HE MEANS BUSI- NESS., Within the next ten daym,' the cotineil of Watikegan,; tired ýf the dilatory and un- satisfactorýy buisiness tacties of the Chica*go & Milwaukee Electrie railroad, may deeide. to give another conipany à,- franehise to operate its cars over the streets of the city.- This report became curreult on the streets today and wagY gcn6rnps1 hv-Musiar Ridianir. EeZýé§ LasluseOras cisins condItion byofIWgoupanvbaso f Kane Co. tHave......w Lhough it ia l.esved that tisere ar' TAKE LONG ROUTE TO TOWN agree 1 ,Ths î Wser@bs tIe<'ilof Iee>< rina ntriw really titan aixy hi tise Ivo cil- -Woman on Stand Iigheat priced farm labos lastIse Unit- a!mî>îly scraping offAprpraedTwthh-eaorBiigeud.d m rl aI, tenu sreasutnlime. Bt anmati ia. Joe Rozasastl, vife of tIse maised States east of th uise iaippi riv.ha lianafer theulîz was lu Kenoîba ter wba- tise aumbet. tise bill wouldi Gurnee Residents Have Been wbo algtied tIse complait aant ,acrigb auafe aeb o Thursday completlng contracte for adfrteProe ohn s to the ideni f i itahan chrglughlm vtis niap- overunnt attiatllafla TIseaver- building tances and grand stands et-tem n h wpebc ; ddve.tbpm aSU out o9 bu5iue in esse 5 Foroed te Dive North About porati ude, testIflied thit ahe ige Onthly vag.5 Of tisOlab bnatIse Park snd ho deciared tsat iehorvasNEED N LAEC NT.te po et bu Te Tisa INMe bil vu glivecgi» i t r the Golf GrOWWS Road. hai neyer recelved thse $77 vblcb ber ln tise state O! Wl,;con.'rng912D aing te have both trotllu4g andisCONY t P mWas u a ndlu drois. nov o l o II b ag- 1hubani testilledIs le hadt given teIs-, vas$27.40, witb board. Tise average notorcycle meets, aetIMe tracls Ibis -lea S'front aanother MMM gO thse Ltter Oglt boetwlsthe dry& amesansa=eao!1kecu t eanhiseud te ber as a mnms ofcon- for the ontîre United St1 at s gouîy sommer. 0f course Ihere stîhl re- Many Complaints Made That it that it is pr acticaly the umu» vote vIsa respoctivehy aeffk l elrmer*hatdtile raofadkbae cu ylng ta Ibis country fron Polaud. She 820.8 dth1I udotebIgher maIns tIsethople tsaItIhe track mairnif cutiiterests as those whieh baek~ usus tsdeeat nveiaoreaIe ovrnot Is nuesw conditiopni l Ge cY Muntain'he <opened for tIse ruuniug horisa as it Very ifi >ltferStane cd the railroad projeetwhliaŽ, ben u voe cnditon haLaweyRehman inusisted he bad sent il, thus Statea. wbich, OwIng ta local condi- lu the old daYs, but thia la very' lm-to raeInCuy. J ogas nd terfi- Coer Oho Lw rerIhtno.Tbey asert that adulttfusg tIse hIsbanisd gve o tonar anotnshybiisIneaa. roabe. MnaerSoula exsJtsthrDou a nd y ers a l :b* Thse ncw bill. ln case It tecomes an jeILegravel ronde are 00 heavy la hl. TIse voman tld bow. wheu for Instance, bai an average or 840.20,to have a number o! race -"eets. laecut uevsr a t e e ach finalyfer tago, utl la. ouds.prssa hepesulf.-m iee itsruts uand mail that Ili the money or tickets did net arrive,. rer month, with uo'rd. TIse opening of thse race, track yul flltboù oua Mlle and au eighth b 'fll hich vas l îoat Inmpoasilue te get vbere oue.elle e gt oney elsevbers, ad cane' The Wisconsin rate la moretotan put Russell back on tIs e tma. hw1 aPproprlsted $2.000 for 'tue inatalla- vheu the old'council insistid., osaeisa fw yns go, a lîlvhlh my paisto o. îon anvay Ivce tlsat pals bun at O! tisesoulis lbord]> possible tbat it vili ever at- cramaronds bu the couaty, and a Ilke on too much for the requeis e&Ueatahchd a m,.e ad an.eighth dry POe ecomîug lotoWaukegau train Rehman, wvIasafild talise a Polias eru Satles. It la greater by 8240 tissu tain the distinction as a sPOrîing cen- ausount t0aId tIse farmner$' organîza- asked. zone ah:i.t goverumnul reaervvlIOt1, Guruoe are foliowîng tIse plan roJas0, bais operated bis office lu NortIslte rate Petid lu itino l ciiguiter tilet il h abwen raclug vas kilîinl u eulgasb xet- e~ etr ftepo Silu tation. Tda utIsNaa s vî f sSpr.uldbugs Crers Chicago, but about four or Olve moulus Pasrs24.60, mBlo, 3 legsathan Wl.-led in Wlscons.n. Before Ihat lime AtoA!tIesn iis'a onnow is tat anof th npro Traluin-; tthn htJaasbl" snd driving north ltelIse golf ,-os5.hls sigu ahoving flthatie vas lu tise cousin, Iu Indu&ua sud Ohio lheitussell was tIse rosi mecca for Chf- bActken obuheLaek oul y s Ibere ne o neyis .aabn If*U drove tIAsalhoon& frol igbvood aud anis then, by tIse circultous route cone real estate business andisosld tickets vage la $21.60, or almost 8$ lest tisanIcago sports and Il was thse sly place lie en akean o lb fo bre on lin iiorthedpromoer s afthabne bais the resuit Of compltai traiss-,lntO the clty. Tissmakes tIse drive o OSn -Ilp golug gbroais, as veh isePayOf tIse Wisconsin vrier. l Ienib orho f Chicago visere TIis las eepecally true asIsregard t o h ruoeso hsÈN forming tise nap o! North Chicago, for 1tu sovu almoat lOve mlles longer thn au looklng after drafts. moneys, etc, The highest pay lu New Engim ani running races were field. opposition the igu pons. Those who are uat railroad, in fact, it is lai as a rassî1t o!thie saoona beug chis- direcly tIsough on Grand avenue. hh irinn Gedsnter 82.0hVemnadfo " elottakIth onyblagetfmlerwhterneInheouyteei uhan bu " be feas Noth b cagotIs e y vs lso Gravai Roadg lad 'ties.vawan1onlthe north Atlantii coast deal te do vitI tIse action of tIhe gis- have a Mosut difficult tm in ufiudlug that the projeet could b. businessai. bet aovte CW ie n aots h a ato hes luI IeOut on Bonds rilti ioU7I 1 $19.80 lu Peuussylvsnla lature lu passug tIse bill te Prevent lîseir way about. satda nei h rm - tonempati tat hatthegMV ,Tbree Chicago men vere preeeul,. On tise Sosuth Atlantic coast thse waffliraclug lu tIse state. Iunmont counties these aigu posta satda nei h IM - Where Il Mia Nov ronda In the caunty asa hoe sea ndthey igneis the 81500 bond vIsicIsresch a MIDIumnOf 112.30 lu Southî The track le dectared1t e u ne Of have been lu existence for some tlime. ters could get the rights they. In cg-- hqân6w ve aitslawbè»lo li Insuchshae tht t e ens Justice Nelson hadt placeis hlm under. Carollua ands the average rate e1tishe tIse iest eve- buillIn tIse nelghbor. If Lake couuty ever bais thon it was seek. cone oeas Iis o vei e si h lait C1OMtelu ulb shap eyhae tssurajHe and tIse Prdsecutor appravei tise'enllre soutisAtlantic coast frona DO ola soi of Chicago, sud It la certain ta 80 long 840 that sverYone hu sfnrgot- These are the saute inter- cthe s ral lv, in Nor th hao aUd corn utin aT-hat eybave been ndadbond. It la reporti tisaI Rahman anisj vire W Floride, la only $14.97. gabu favor as a lraing lrack If notleuO about them. Thsis couuty la nueest wic n W Iwna i Waukega yul h drivenout o!bust-bais aelgedaoaraebee ahovuingt qua eRaba la Vos-y HigIsimong tIse gatnbtiug frateruityfvIsicI of the Moat Important lu tIse state. f asi. TIseive Mle Point fnoris Ot,iual] prtsof tIse connty lunseepîng natters vitl tise dosu or More par-1 lTe Wisconsin raIe vitisout board bas been tIse controlli g factor l n tlafIfutegnrfy btis way aîong the lak jore th nva sato wul bi l;Use l arsB ous w 0 are rnakng complain~te la 838.30, and lisi isle ecemided ly many ot tIse big tracki. Many of tIse rePutaton aboutit not ho injuredltru between Waukegan.d K41-. tieaa t ion voutw iasalrongMay tisentup. a aaganst hlm, anis report la that, vison h tise rate lhi Massachugetta"s butiPleisant Prairie men vis are Inter- a lacis of igu posta tealad thos who nosha, a right of way te iearemtpin aoust a hoonrtfwTise conditimof a!the rond sa ,these-cornes up unext veek, those soad, viser. il lae8$8.90, btte r.ested IntIse r Isorses viliibail hebave occasion te unake visita h obtained by outright hoken Tphunei ,boutha millnts o bvosla s snb th"siPeople generally reasy tW teaUl!y agaluat hlm, nay not! POrtlOu of vage. raid ou Ihls beaftla tre-opeang o! the park vilhIs ltereat. county.. Wanegn. Isa. f b I contesi el t ts omething ihould lte doune h prese t 10 gve evidence again l ligisttI tI dosesnet nmatewil> hs polcmlanfeqetchase 'when they ;ïd opeaivo. i; voulis mesutisaItiere.10 showthie lowisSisp commisasoners hhlm. n 9 n aan laf hogvrmn -1 -Tieepol opa feunj ul 4i iei t Wauko o ea rush te gel sites anis e tise neoi of ellIcIent service ou tise _______ oorss ieaeaerts Z E O D PAIR 0f tsaI ofton tIsey are forceis 1e vastebultierim toW k. couay prmid(mto un alons t, onceain ' he verge ue f à SE ONnucb of their lIme hecause tbsey bave gan a few years ago. cth p uinabasstaen 55100155aIdrond voris o!thie aouuty. Iu many »Da PY, Ands Wisconsin continues to bolS te malte o mauy inquiries as luevIsicIs "Yes, Il la lruo,-lue sald. "We bave thepossenea-et is ieadlie ns . FRED BUSSE TO LbasIVE place lu thiascrale.TW N AR IE IN chnei h a.raisd o rvd o za mrv»TW NàjÀ I N rosi ad te tat reach a given point. alreiily entereis tutu aegotiatious Vils d terbus, es aCsMclciaseh h5 a- i rvHOoMEmsIpov-Ts oermn ale hogr anis also vher, they geltelua certain anotIser street car aotpaaY, bUt flot plus'a r o!bisi' svuudt enmeuîsle taI bave not Zone Ilu TIse XLA E ~tIse vagea par day. boli tIs a s.rol lE tI r IUV crosaruada tbey are Pot always sure severah ressens vo do out Sesire, Ie thsX HY hl iuainsel nwu frÀ F X À À L I ime and at limes otber th" s iaryest T Eas te vbether iltla tIse rigl. rosit. if glve ouItIshe nai etatli tai. W* Woriwd Long On It thse plan of havîng lIse tale tIk Th ati htteat-anI-cag ftemd falathe lin-nï ~nuo~days. In Wisconsin tIse rate Ver day tIsere vere sigu îposte anîsouucîg thse have reacheis quite au unieratablaq. Tis fat . lsatth ani-alots u-chage ! iserods ! ai Ise<ttun iiii R UUfiIX UW? t ai suvernI, itIs boards, vas 8î.gi in Former Alderman Charles Cra- namle o! the rosis sud wbsre i led te anisetaI acouference visicis vo tereate, have be-tsi vorltug long anis lies ands nomesuperlntenisents wo1vIsa ' u191an 1.5lu112 ndte itac fon n pit ehodwATth eaeofdisrndYGI very qui@tiy On thl, measure, anis,'shali devote theirtlime te looking aft- -T190rte17 h 1911oani s $1.l 912.p eoe ahro e-aoteI ol rN oet i. ntenx o asw xS « accordbug teIiade Informsation, tIsey er rond vans o! the varions counties, Former Mayor of Chicago S Ise90rate2.18thout91ad $.v a 8lois 1BcmsFte faSc usl edsac rtioeion abl vtsts saso it oi Is Selis thy a9 02tes w82.18 luo 19iceY l te sudtebeond Pair of Twins. This would prove beneficial ualtanIynegOtiaticns te approacb ner m». belee h0' av nttravSl u ono! e fforciece psitinIfer t Coal Interests in Order to Darlng flimes other tho a s-et thse taelIse people wbo vddt tIse cotstty tutity. 1 ishiaui la elsepoetivsl bonS evon nov riponulthe preaeutatiothiaeraced for190esepositions.df IbIs ____ of te bllandpipet t brng uchis dnstowshi comissones a ae ils uarm. lii 19$.37 sud tlit1912,$1.4. Tise BOYS NOW; BOY-GIRL 1ST.1froua tIse outside. bilaise to msny that this la no club vbich w. are> pressure ta bear b-fore tIse Ibill Ias vhole have tbemaeives ta blame for jrt, ' - or ws$.0In 92 Peotîle living itlide aftis borders. aelg1 s uheCscg u agisvey Lcs.Tg s Iniltereffts It. because there la b usnuch ludiifer- FredA. Busse, former Mayorais$176 lu 1911 guis $1.17 lu 1913. Fomer Aldermian Carel0rpe naY O!fîIsemn Ive not coverei tue 'Mlwaukee Electric, but 1 really ho- isovoveï. are neot Inactive anis theY once abovu by many of tileul lu their posîrnailer of Cimcago. bas retîreis Wagea f ncreased In 1912 and viIe bave establisheis a record county dcvi ext.msively sud lftenllvtIaafetserasenvehv Tlq r aigabtist rvn uiswih votrImossntemý"en tbey do bave occausion t0 go receiveis froin the latter rosis tiat -a t e vgu baEe ft Ille11, la pr te eul d t ee cIsvteipaeo.Ie f rom thse cool business lu Chicago. Auf-lTe stattliîshow5evtiat lsrougbout for Waukegan, one whicls perisaps Inwcola bol egi h dle, asage mo! thla nd vics, ley'bo hy r eetenouncenitenit tu this effecl aa..maie theso tluIeisStates thse wages0f fat-n equalledIn l but few instances l In teisoOtC Iplace tbey are qoîte ai ses tmw opn slt.h gvn h delae l ursaunl aS oe o A lghway cammissioner lae o!OfSsturday hy Mr. Bussee lua format labor lucresoisabout 3.2 per cent dur ît.Witb regard lte the sai expert umat- bea o f ormyil.jos1 l eveose fr ai te Il la uncan- tIse moat Important officils o! a town- 1statement. I oi fls aea Ielgts atya u e etdur- Tlsy haie become tIse parents o! ter, Il 55 ýoniethinsgIn which lIse board y etlug form setl! n aer ofi Sona] rîita eo! peoplîe o! a vide er- are mereîy douces.Prony 1te eConsumera company. the'tIse lcroase bas been about 84 pari Tuebday two baby boys arriveis at itseîf ands roviding the fas'mcrsfil tIse glvmsg thiIs nov otictric ruaittise ritory ~~TIse grael roada have heen permit- newly tormîisd combinatiat o! tIse City cent lIseir home anis bath are lusty youings- 0untty show the ljioer spirit a coins . TIepsutcm ny eer i-ard Ff ght On ted t10 getvfuli o! ruts and is seshave Fuel andisKckserbocker- le com-1 TiseWellesofa!fa-m labor hait an up-jlers. vIsa give prou se of belng thrbv- Iseteumt expert soon wIll be sectired. lnoTe algbeset coualis er st oies Tier. la nu doubî but tissmess- 'trowu vorse anis varseountil many paies. lvans taudency durntg tIse Secade or Inchîîdren. n' 'banda aigst o dea o e tOur uire vilI preclpîtate tIse Iardeit bat- o! týue gravel tretches are no btter ltriends or i. Busse declare Ibat the 170a; lbey vere almoal station, About four years ago a boy anis Madison, Wis., Match 27. Tise colin- net gel IL. ,ptIsat vihl cbaraclerize any mens- than dîrt ronde. Farmers declare thelbssretîremjeat asd'ne hia deabre to C17 inlg lise '8Os aud dechlned ron girl arrîveil at the camnetinie, anis tY Option bil vas killed flstlIese nute i ) hi'n lise prement egilature vîll roads are iseavy anis tIse moisdeep apeud Mart-lime at his fata etrox 189l! tO 1894, iBloce vhich ter tiey both are bealtIsy andi hap>py chîdren ednesday >y a vole of 25te 4.Sena- Wpuhtveg us î o thfrouI mt lie vof ier. Tise tvalorces are strong destlte the fadt that there Iasnit been LaIe. iýyea vheus Mayor iho devaleis isge been sîoaisily teuilg upW&rd, nov visavili help talle cars o! tIse ter Teasdale, thse authar a! tIhe bill Isalow promoises wsi.s iey nover là- %ltS mgnty -msnetiser vlI tend an much anov or that lî was'l a very bis elaure bourta tlie deveîopimeastl MCrQtaeaert f* eodslo wn ute Caotidt aeI ya mnretpo o inch in tIse effort tle carry their point. extreme is iler, o! lisapropes-ty.. Slace tiseu iso OuIItrenivrg a.o a.a eodsto n utIeStCres,, iling uta save iangcasurdm entapro- tond 10 ulî. r», Ibave teei pros Tera *eto akgn on 1 SPetM Übi set the hoM b= fa i"nedisla, by hie.mî lit re. Crapo is gettlug along nlcehy, tiret. second anis Ihîrdcloscs were net rigII thiug by tise.ely anis tisy bave O! thse 28 Pupile reportai hi the Grand avenue la vorsee han unam, durbng this priug. *ue mmen, 8881; y tié y, Olier to Mdes nse bath cblldreun apear strong, under tl av. Afler a wartu debale faleS mQut miserablr. Novlae couuty siperinleuisent o! Fasecous- wite Inaise tihe city ,imit-veiîjmn.WXhIlt*dis posât et5 Id e i reapo.j;.u> at iAreot.81Z a=WIt 18 belltVinaIt theCrapo home viiilIste seuste rejecteds the aedetoewa obremay ty as vînner o! thietwhivubp cou- tisal's viere ls fli ansd Ibata vIsaI1businss, toy MaY, liehq u t iie h iOia -dIg tp ilaideis tise tl'a h ave tise unique distinction, net du- by a vote o! 24 te 5 amTeudmlwa eut .,vat.oierceyviiu teste. 17 are girls. Tise couty speli- cause thse faumer& ta drive outIhoSn3e m* i*o 4,9time 1158mutI »'8; by tise 4«,.tb plicstoislu auy isome lu tIse clty nov, thon illeis.heTise bilI vas th la»coutet la hi te heid aetOeuevb ou aroueis lisegolf tord la"cémues te aniudssj 14;~ , v 01 I________Ts ota7vscstosg 5, 1O<ILowb. ,e. ne, isapiy tender lise saine roof. IInisependent sisa-reais by 5,0OO. (otar ,P ei bar about bave B tie 1 1

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