CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Apr 1913, p. 10

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(c51tfIUmýàFeinpage Onm) Fer Scba Trte-Mro. IL .W, Thocrmtic Party For Superviuor-O. W. Farley. 504.f FIor Township Clerk-Jobn D. Tho- ma.491. Justices ot Peace-,J. tD. ird. 603;1 à. »quem496; Qeorgle D. Cheo- tif ]Hrc. Reed. 498; U. . Condablo i(vote for tDve>-4,1 iy.*er. 491: C. A. Brume. 491; fÎinhba 490; . B. RInt. 491; Pewpe's Party For Hlgbeay Co6mudloner-Ar- VIA B Bennett, 523. In Shields Townshlp auI"r soraen King von handliy in "Ibeldtownship. He carrled Lake ~ 761 pliOiiCsone (vo and Like BEprcine t. number four, Shields; V&éîI5 cafilci Shields 3 vticb la Northa Ctiiçar a prelnct. ln the ta- tael1Mr. Rling gk 327 votes te Vicier- man's 277. or a* mawtjor 6 0 votes ln the townshilp. Mfr. Kà.ln<hua be supervisai Tor a aumber a! Ais '*id butinade one of g uebers aof(lieboard.- He ~dC tof lAité FaOrest as weou M au, èg mevorof the tocwnship. Beoi la tho vote ln Shields: élegular Town Ticket ~ Su~tulsr-Jmnum y. King, 1*r Juste oi (ho e 5def-itnetb "UE6;Curtis G. Wonan, 225. ummuxflêthal. 151. Walker Saies Town TiciMt Mor Supervsor-Henry 'vckerman, Itou Hlghway Casnmisioer-Chas. et the Pesce-John Nelson, Î.ibomu .Douglas. M;0,mismR. 3 s11aàM171. John maheci sr.8. -,~ CouMtbie.-.Cbarios Utchfoi., !18tOw ILuh .Dm-meut. 248. &mo Bluo Trute--john C. Hale, hF«r Scbol Trute. (ta DU lvacsncy) 'W ri mmulng 310. Astioeh Townshp ýe0Vfi» E-rimes et fimons iefetted .'.Nabot ln a bard ti lt aithaugli *W I ount dunt show a clome > '11*1ellke th.prihîry ibt inilct -vqEb. oseen. At the primegry, te loi 149, sud therefore bath 1" ou_ the ballot for lection, by jus- t~fd*OolEIag b>ght it ont(ber.. ~10~ eecin. hovever. Bbaoos boat eika bY 6tI3r ote., a total of 262 ta M mons' vote la (hoe ew pro- vu 187. vest 166; total 252. Na- (hoe eut ywilnct 9, veut 86; 1f4 1.1.Ila isthus seMn bat ?!uber ,Nk tre hoe aast pr@tlet by 13 votesi, ¶lffSiM-nu carried tho vout by 781 ', Ibqm cere no contesla for bhe *og oflnoeos, tho vote, hocover. ho. , F'« Higkvay- Comsiioners-W. A. itar. 179.., Fani Donu, 292. Por Justice oi the Peaco (tva ewot. IW -C. James, 287; Harry isa&Cu, P.. - ÇosswAgle-Goomge Huber, 270; Kv- p aj.280. suTown COmmittemn..dward Wjibé, 239; W. T. Taylor, 268; B. 'H.1 9vetrbon. 273. Libertyville 1» lÀbertyvili. there wano con- tout for suPerylsor.,but (ho other (ovu otse. er0 coutetoi, (he Repibli- cou ticket inla; out elirely clth1 excePtion ai Donle Umhorry for clea& Wo ho vas (heouonipVictor an tft13emocratic ticket. The vote foi- trlc)-Petcr l3auer 92. Jus(lceB-i(Tco hlgbea(elecled)- Ford W. Shutz 76; Alexander Tweed 100. For Conistableii ((vo hlghest( elect- ed).-Ray Morrel 66; Ma(t Mattblo- son 82. Republicun Ticket Cpmmlsglonor Hîghwmym - Jammé Déalaiel80. For Justices ut (ho Peace-Marehal Ernst 50; Chas. F. Pasdeloup 110. For Cantables-Gea. A. Biagham 94, John J. Walsh 89. Wauren Township Thor@ vas but one contea t at for cuntnlessiner. John Eichingor datant- ei George Yocurn 96 ta 63. Thé rélit of tb. ticket elected von: Justice of (ho Pence--M. F. Scbq.- ver; R. B. Dixon. For (,anstableu-J. 3W. Gray; &R. S Boni. r Trute ai Scbaai-ll. A. Behrens. For Gravai, Rock, Macadam or O(b- 1or liard Roaia--Yes. 110. Agalaut Gravel. Rock, bMacuaaor Other Hard Roads--Nc, 34. Vemnon'Tawnihîp But aoecontest waaseu lnVer. non. that of roni cominlueoner. Char- le Glus defeated Jacob Letkam 162 ta 73 for (bat office. The ther mon, up- opposei. folt6%: Costable-Edvard Kellioy; George B. Zinmoer. Justicesoft(ho Pence 1Henry J. Westerfleld; George FL Smith. For Scbool Trustee-Marion W. KnIedley. . Deerfietd Township Labo Chuirumu T. E. Clarke of the supervisors. iofeated Fi-oi Schaeffer la a sprited coteat ut liigmand Park vltb a total vote ofai 2 o, 441. Mr.I Clarke carrled procinctu one uni three1 and lot preclact tva. M. Clakns a boon a megiter of (ho board for sev. ora »-Xtobeini siscffsi oâévlag the retirement of Aloi Eobortsbg. Witb (ho exception of Ediiariafor céablhe, tho entiro Ciatiko ticket cas ected. Fr-ed Ruiolpb defeatoti riAwýrie- ib. 'Vote feloiov. Non-Partisan Ticket Supervisor-Tbeodore M. Clark 622. Justices ai (ho Pesco. fout etoctai -Eivard E. stuenkel 511; Auw L E Smlth 491; Jullus Laegler 607. Wii. hdr E. Hundiley 484. Constables, four electei-Wlliam F. Rivards 461; John H. Sheabas. 582; George W. Wlng. 491; Oscar W. Freberg 477. Comznlssoaer of Higbvas--James IL Oheahan, 579. Citizen& Party Ticket Sunpervisr-IFred Scbaofer 449. Justices ai (ho Pouce, fout elected: 0. EL Goach 414, A. W. HlmInler 438; GFeorge I. Phillipe 384; Martin Kimbl Constables. four eieced-Fred Ru- dolph 623; R. 9. Moore 403; M. J. Gbbs 470. CouaIloloner of R-tghcuy-F. tD. Clavep 454. Avon Township Fur Sinpervior-A. T. White. Commioner oi Highvays (for 3 yeats, higbest clected)-'L J. Wlcks, 195; Water Beak 70. Commlauloner ofaUI ativsu(for 2 pers)-!]. P. Renehan. Justices ai (ho Poce -G. M. ilch; Wm. Buton. .Sr Canstables-A. A. ?ulMllan; Pii> Mary. The gravel tai von out, tbbre ho- lng 66 votes aguinut unid2M for IL. Wauconds Town* htp Combissioner of Hlebays (Dis- trict -No. 1. Tersa 3 yers)-l{enry Davis. Justices ai (he Peace (torm 4 yrs.): E. W. Brooks, Jas. io Hau. For Consable (tenu 4 pears) (vo bibs et ieoi-fl1.;. A.1 Republican Ticket HoLughton: James E. Gainer. ClOnunisionpr aifHigbways--C.M. -£la-mTownship 'ikahou86.CdnalsglonrorfaiHIhvay-Fred S.hal'rueo-wnîtaikmsctr«J4 ,,Grimmn. Fan Justice ai (he Pouce (vwo igb- Jusptices; (twu hlghest eetce-W. est eectd)-J. H. Meyer; A. 0. sch- Irais. M87. Lyelltil. Morris. 276. wermun; C. W. Kohl. IrConbtah)ies ((vo highost Piedt- Cnstabek-Fred I-oeft; George T. Ayeri.0, -John Lester. G-a59. lèS, Hohool Trustee-E. A.- Fiche. -. enocratie Ticket Newport OOfheiismianen of } Fon Supervisor--James G. Weich. NàrïIao.261. For Commisslaaer of Hlgbva'ys-- For Bcboal Tnusùê'W' . j. Couper Fraii Shea; Daiel Haggerty, or. »C< 1justicet or the. Poce-C. (Q. Nortb- Justices o! (ho Peace- - îîI. SithrapA. H. Stewart. pt. & IL Brwn 14o. Çmoatable-Edgar 11. Aines. Henri ]I Ceabieo--Ieiîsi.mtîjjjerry (It4.a 9.9; ThoumNis otrisan oî. uFan School Trusteeo (tu filvacanci) 9s'et Township John 1). burtay. John W. Siocuns. AWiàoush (bore và us an -atîfor M r -CI, "b seisr lu Grint, the NO CONTEST8 IN THESE TOWN@ olp t ic u ebrofflt tOr(h keen Beoov re aboya thbumn eecteài ÇS ae 1e OU «teste were (o tova offices Ia the tow'nsbips vbore 197»*Ie1ee10116cr thêré wu ,but one ticelit: 9011Merl T Laie Vila ýslO"ii- ulPervlsor-.John Stratto. C.RÈEECTI3D ON TM- &JY ELECTI#N 'vons l ovas appromaci d le tion aiea not fa uvay, lutereet la bie Waukegan-HenLry Doacon. North Chicago. BeIow are the bald-over supervis- ons: Benton-Auiton B. Bononeon. Win- (bnci> Harbor. Cuba-Prod ýKiruier. Berlns- DouMfeid-4lenry M. Prior. 1Mgh. land Park. Defleli-Au&depwJ. Walsh, 151b- Ma-MsunliA. Ficki lAie Zurich. Grant-WiUlani J. strattosu. Imel- det. Uhoftyvile--Henmy B. Eger, Liber. tyvMll. - hild&--Orrin D. tioe, Northi Chi- cagc. Vsrnon-Alsei G. Matthes. Prairie Vioc. *Waukoge-john T. flnt», Weu. kegm. ~QNiotaag-4ames qjWelch, Wau- kegam Wejikesa-.'rhodar. 1il Neyer, W"aukgsu Wlukoga-'rmotby J. Spellsoup. Wauksgn-ltenry liroecker, Wau. Warrn--4iallihi W. Oblt*andcn, Wâ.zIoaa-Bugue W. Brtook@,. Wkuoouia Woet Doutfld o--C. W. Pe1tij Dur. P nau mtt(ake souwlthilig, tçh 4"8oçà uapil!j >ouT UtOâm howeis. bloci, kidnoys--Holliiser'a R. M. Tes 4005 it. Peurce's Drus Store. Vie Kaster Lily se pure, 50 clea, (ieleus ua ur stoinae, - boveis. bload Remsa cioagiug, psulting uBachs Bpriag. Tuke Holilter's R. M. Teà (c doûIM Pearceos Drugsstoe. Clerk . W.Talbott! Hqoay onni4slou"re -- Geê'rge McCffliio . J. i.Bj'liistàb e. Franîi m. Hamlil. Justice af the Poue-M. 3. Miller,' Lions B. Cangdan. Constalle-H. Wtt, W. G. Hucep. The élection la Lake Villa tovnship vas Important. becaus" it la theo Dut appearance af the township la the caunty Organisation. N. L14e VtI: là thé nov toiïeWp Dcreatod Iua i 1 by olcng off a peé. or Grat'2 Antlocb and IPhu Bâtrattï*toà ho làt supervisor train the t"vhdhlp oula ta the board reprseatlg i n4*'oi tn1 vhich bàau irungi nto 'exàeteàe sln"e the lent suWrvîsolu' eéctnlu tho County. it lu an int"rou t (ing ta !ýatO (bat ho lu tb. fi*tur o!t be présent supervisor.-WIi Strattan. af "nt township. Th. yaungor Ptrst- qbhas bftS en tho board a year, 5Ai ý la doomobe. Thus, toz (h fat im. tva noigbborlng1 ta8ua avefater nd onas mem- hein of the upervimars, and lviii Prove lnteresting ta vatch tho pro. Ceitare. \ Froent Towinship Suporvsor-Ml. C. W. Meyer. Commlssioner District Number 'T'ree-Mb. C. Wlrts. Forý Justice& of (ho Peace-C. F. BeckvIth, . F.'i.Smith. For Coustableq-..Asa Joyco, John J. Luobbe. Schoo] Trusteo-H, C. W. Meyer. Ela Township Ilighvsy Commlmio*r- Wlliam Gloake.' Thitie ('oinnmloner-FP. A. Cady. Justices ai the Peace-.L R. Unes. . F. Haron. For Constable-Jobii Welch, John Donlea. West Deerfleld Commssloner of Hlgbvays-George Yore. or. JustIces ai (ho Poce-C. W. Pottîs. Jamies Fritsch. Oonstabies-Mllton Frantu, Peteri Llaet.1 The Old Bosrd »elow are ehovn the members of theol bi oard whose termu expireti tbis yeur. aima (ho members vho hold over anather year. oAnich-Er'net L Btmnons. Anti. Avon-Ho'nTy C. Edve*tiý Gray-. laie. Beaton-Hiruis W. Ferry. Jr., Zian ahi. Defleiod-Thoodbe m M. Clark. Hugaad Park. Freaom-nlry C. W. Meyer. Bockefeller. Nevpot-Jamon o. Welch. Rui"eh. Stields.-Jaim F. Kng.#Luàs For6 v. Gamai. jAsthe anuaupin rmael Eider gave criera for ail Zion people (o disperse, uni Hoover irove bai the ladependents, ani order vus once more restomid. This mornln.i unather ilat tooi place jiut dca( ai (ho railvay (r&ckm. Marshal John U Hoover vas thero clth four deputiosuani (hep haited the Crusaders as thoy came dova (ho rosi. The Crusadera toodti (bre for sev- oral maintes as if updeded chat (o do, andt hon flnalliEider Samuel F. Huston, (ho famoue street preachor, tarted up a meetting. He rosi tho 37th ('sali' andI nome songe vers sung The maaba iota quiet a foc min. ubos and,- (bon ardomod the Cruaiers to stop their meeting uni disperse. Club à BlInd Mon Ho anti hlt deputies got amang (hem v1hh (heir clubs uni une ma namoti Job» Darling, a blini man vas ordoredti o môto. Ho ca s soveà arouandIunin5 mid @truck out vith bie cane. i-ee siimseiiately pouac- ai on by Doputy Marshall F. A. Schneider eho struck hlm soveral blocs about (ho bead uni arme. A Young man 8. G. Dlle sai 'l'bst lu a peultonltury offense te- ut ie a lidma.- undi vlt(but he depu- (Y chaseti hlm Up the street. Jako Mankie siso adatlnisbered a kick us ho Jastiedtihe blini MaI. The meeting baving by (bit lime become deborgaizei ( he Cruoadoru bavlag been drivea hack hall a block vltb clubs. aie 100 mon caio.rxum. lng alt af (lie Cook elctrîcai plant (o JauIn lt ho meon. Thoy came as far as (ho raIlj'oai% traci ani (hon irithdre,, returning baci (o wvan. Women Ot Upon A fo. minutes iter about balu a câtiki Which $hbws Confi- dence in Lake Breeze.- MEANS MUCH FOR FUTURE. By thý Epdorsçment of Chicago Commerce, Prestige is Add. ed to Institute. ,Pr. Watterson af (ho Lake Broome saenitatlumn. eelu hial pieamei ovor (ho tact (bat (ho Chicago Commerce. ait Important -publication in. Chicago, bku foi-maily ondareed the local tuber. coloi Inatitute. an endorsemont rvbicbmmnu mucli for tho future me- cosu of the usociatian. RafOhrrng in the varices Institutons vb-ich thie Chicago Commerce eooue [the publication ais: *The folovwing list of clultl senipraeeiby (ho euh- scriptions lnvostlgatin$ cammltbee lu uupple"mtar(o casumttoe'a bund. hook ai endorsei charitieo suod on Jan. 1. 1918. Itlu la evory cap de- ulmubie (bat membern prouerve (bis auppiesnntary lust. becauSe it per- recta (ho banihoolu t«eifand mai ut uni Mont. hoAmulrqid for guid- ance." Thon follavu lçIe aa(lu(lone endorsed,. unong vhlcb le (ho Wauko. g&ns.a 50103. Dr. WyattrMon aye (bis in auet Im- portant tu the soclety bocauseof th. act that( tho ongorgemsent la abtajn. ahle only &fier tue 4nvesUgatorm b*i investlgabei mogt ç&regUly evorything la canhtection vith to eorganisatco, tâ boo4m, etc. That tlinmportant te get uucb an endorsemeta oidat irom the tact (but out et (ho 375 Pa- (len"s go fer troa(ed at Laie Breose 148 have came f rom Cook cout unid 150 f rom Lake, (ho others cataln ram alter Points. Thue it lu sean a big percontage cames f miCook County uni (ho endorsemont of the Commerce lusraout Important. "ERT flie RJJYI; WW ÂMN RlS TSI <Cotinued Frai» Puge 0».) aider in Zion tg (hi. affect. "Voiive I has toid hi. paeoqs te srm themmeive% d end onebody le coing 1oeset huit (hie avening, the. Ost le, 1 buiteve sonne. »Ody msyb. kiiied when th* twu fàlo. (ions corne toUther nesr the Cookd pl&nt."e Accordingfy The tSun lntervlovod' Voliva: ABked as (o (he truth or the report tbat they vere to go armed, Voliva answered: "My attorneys viii taks care af (bat motter." He doclnedto state ho bail told (hem to arm or not.t H. thon add: "'Our peatilo viii' march to (beir prayer-meeting asus- ual, and 1 shall have legai reprouenta. tives thore te proteettb(emn seini that tho uheriff and tato's attorneya of lAie county refuss to protoct us. I tell you (hie tate and tho United States viii heur from (hlm bofore It la ftilhed. Lake county authorities liii have to ait up and ta"e kotîce. BEW fore Raiph Dady and 1 are doue, hell ueo vho's on top. î «I calsi (tho uherif yetrday andi he alded me; i calied agala todsy und ho avoldeti me. 1 thon sent My attorneys teoueo hlm and (bey got not satsfaction. Theo min.le true wita regard ta Dudy. Thonseoiclals, hy (boit inaction. are backlng up this move (o Jeopardize our people. Mr. Dady has reuod absoiutely to aqct In tbe cases vhere Our eliders vîe set uaponi and almost murdered.' NEW CO-OPERATIVE STORE. (Contlnued Frou» Page 0»e.) atarted el(her tod ay or tomorrow. Painters declare lit viii bo one et (ho àMstup-to-dae peint stores on the ]Northallor.. "Wben this store la openoq vo hiomp. 6y viii tese aur cen painting con. dozeni vain returned framt ho Cru. tracts and ciii purchase aur uupplies suie banks' and'i ndoavored (o pro et thea ca-perative tome" on. o! tho ce (avarie the depot. The marsishai pWaters said. '-We v1ii ail cblp la eMd bis deputisequlihIYcanfranbed unidm-t (he oneasof aithe A(.Lie the vomen uni, ordorsi (hem, (o g uni (boa dili ho aNs to purueà baci. One aid ladIr, Mss. Saliy B. euipPlles at vholeaale prlces. Union %itchell, weOp pusied und sent reel. 10 i1ulsi&jOc otiiff e PtPclin 'ing by (he murmbal, falling flot on bar geais Of (heoother Paint fstores l18 (ho baci on thoem8199V44. "-.. f dtp. f or Itcopi hoidin; tbse cho vas aes Moloted. Ai a ie a r oiig( u u bam Lloyd, persisted . lu moing saio-I the - ,aiters em'tory sathulstia lui *$ovalk la (ho direction A be de diseus51ig th. poumeitulltsof t he an u niaug a perOctrlgbte loW s(ora antd uaY th« arrsfonseagt the thenougbiareand te o tla" vill Se snch, mare atietuctory t t hem direction ohéeIligoae«. But thé' ni>(bntht;proMtetan. ao quicily knoecied ber day».EBh Vihe cotrat,r.»t sepinsver, S«t up uguin uni twax iocieà iolvla 1intabliuut the umater, . t (ei are (hie. (lues. Ai h uee vomsen ceW!mi-(e o doup b (o peing UV 04aa F ro u i y i b a d i c i. lh e o rn o u w v e O I 4 ) ' P iï ti i e s to r e , T b o y a y t h e &th> lst t thga"mre !th? mâ> ebJPA e iO qI otogreat un4er thé. ,mbal ifour dbutlé. Vo a u: an olulât taiOw vamiuq 4 niaLt rla lfi- "Wet csu 0s e t~epitare cr. cao nt 4 . A4 4r In*f W.p. hais màie th hiaod ofazaset any citiseabait. Mime Lloyd afier belng 1inocimiday» t e. guedly vas grabbed by ber sulal. ente. o* man gottlns ber by the legs sud the other hi the hea" tbey car- riedl ber lovais an automobile. lbey ievldentip Chanssi their minis. for lnutead (boy toak, bar ta (ho locku. Ths other (vo vomEa dowre arreeta asluo, but vote releasod turtber up (ho utroot. MineuLloyd va. arresaed by Deputy Jahe Manileaid placet! lu the prison. Womn Inlntmmviewed ln Jeui Our press represetatlvo calioi ut thie police station and talisi vl(bh Mine Lloyd. SUhe did not knaw chat (he charge vas under vblch se. as arreatei. and the reporter laqnlred ar MarsallitHoover. Asked cht the charge ainui Mies Lloyd vas the marahal refumod t10 anever. The CI)p,:rmua hrepoutui the réque ln h as 'Lem"earytaelatoru tbe preseof ai hlIcident. The rmaia promptiy orderei the reporter out of the station uni putting bis bani la hM& coat aýtêmpted b> drue ont hm club. Ths marebai vas adverse (o mupplylng detailu ai the arreet. Valiva declared toay that the meet, ln&* mtuet go rIght, on. Tanlght thd 9Crusaders are ta proceed alang 8h-al lob boulevard vtth instructions te go rlght, thraugh, as tho court declded sevoral usanthe ugo (bat 1Mr. Votive, v as acting vithin hlm mlghts (o hod religions meetings an hlm ovn pru 5erty. when the Crusder. ver. helti up at (ho ralvay traci laut year la (ho sam e ay hy about (venty avorn ln deputies wlth staris ou their broues Sherlif Green camie up fmam Wauke- gu and dtsperued (ho doputil, w«>a mng (hem not to maleat the people froua golng'uni holding, their uamt- lng. 2lnco (bat t(me noa Ltempt, vas mande 10 date to prevent tbons1111 yeuteriay. It la thonght la Zien that tas yeterdiiaywva election day a"d ot e ectlons re- nmta ta (ho Progrees Loague vbich lu cam- psd of Cook omployeos. have de. ipLanis (bat (ho meetings stop. uni threatening: vengeance eut(ho polie If (he mayar did nat, carry out their vish. "At 2 o'ciock (his ufiernoon The Sun interviewed Voiiva regarding à report that ho b.d told hlm people te arin thumoelvoga nd proteot thsm usIve. when ttiey 9o te their prayer. meeting titis uvening. The $Sun i. ceived the amaternent from an ou. locest recemiy uny oi the candi-1I4 dates for (hlm office.W The mane sweeplng vlctory exteni-A ai t, tho ranis ai the constable cai didateu. Mveoyng oi the Ivs, candi- jdates an (ho Republican ticket verek Dr. J. F. Roesor vas re-eiectea s isehooi trustee by a large atajOrlty.w Was on Board Defore 1e Ln (ho electian of John Demoreat f au ajoitant suporvisor iroin Watke- Ran (ovnablp, a mu a Ireturnei (o (ho hourd webasau rvedin latheouDme r position bofore. Mfr. De-,morest wva a-R sîmant upervisor f nom Waukegun a l tee pears ugo. uni retirai voluntar- Ili. Thils pnlng ho decied ho vouli a Sain ho a candidate, anti ra succoss- fuiiy as (ho figures show. George <Grahamn. the nov igbvai coinlmauer lites an Milwcaukee Roui. Ho bas' promluei (ourepaît Grand avenue In tho country, (o Dz Mundori Roai, uni do other thinge,1 wlà country fouks bave beau clam- f arias for. 1fr. Grabam» succ.eds, Joe i l3mning as roui commimsioser la the taenmship. The otber hoidover com- iesioners la (ho bava are Jameit Blanchard anti Bernard Kristian. Wenkneme of Progressives Tb@ eloction iemnsantei tory cisarly (ho veaines aofthe Progres- ive parti cithout a leader sncli as Roosevelt (o carry the candidates ta vIctory. ?uany Waukegan uni Lake couinby people veto deiuded Inta (ho thinlng (at siunply homeamo'Teddy' cau'(lei the ticket ta vicboty la Laie counfy, tbgt the parti cli con$lnue (o Utg t 5own tiattios home. The piti fui effort dimplapeti an Tuesduy shawm (bat in aIl PrcIubillitILcwliinover gel beponi theb. .adill cluthee staelL. los v 'Tory 4aubtt.WIif. any candidate ovor viii ho viii»;ta rua, on (bis siubterfuge aguin. As one mua ud4pyaptiy:, "Ta .00k ta elect a pio4pmsvo tllet. vithout ltaaueveit, lu liýe ttying ta play Hainiet vithout 1 ne Republican party shocod vemy jçlc4Avely (but It le l4ore.sohi4ly un> 1*04 tis@ uver bliore. Tii hmacrt Ilkevlue, liai iucl ai the o cacit taken aout af (berp. Slun Cot Roturne Firet Han 1%e sSun ce. coairillet.d 6e ait bana t~ oi fer (heoefficient munnor lia vblch retumnu oe re roivoti. bol- 1tkn sud lgivon out tua.(ho pubUc obol- (ho tolephone., ý To; pet, qiul*rut(ho Sup, uta Itonsi a M" ala oaci a! (ho pro4i. t. chi lait MuottloLu b> dssb 'la thbore. 06 Wn.z lpsfto cem L. th*hesus.. 'oveilMIsIS lm i a'wf~ta t e, vue lYi »Phono r4au. until late la (b.a à»- r. M»peds o0f efîlis oro reoeved or tihl 'phou. As tfut as the votes lai (bey voe.totalled no thst st sos0Ie ( te fl (lmmggr tho tptm vl(h perfect updontan4. Ir. ;Tb,filt reon canio In froua *c%.4Ôseet 6:22, and tram m Mt:iLeN5 s * (le Unalne et aIL.The splendid pue. jarlty que1-110nwuge asplendid trih. 1.(oesteoi n ad confidence foit bî hie frleildm. Althougli pueiWlpue. electiae prDMCicons bai beo maie, thore reAll nover vas a tiUoqs he.n the falr-mnded voter di nôo - code Mr. Calrad tho vInner by a safe malority. Mr. Conrad currlod &al but (vo of the ton precinctu. 1Mr. Tobin carrisi hlm own» procinc, the soventb. and Mr. Doacon carried hlm precinct. (ho teulli. ViotOry £Vvent Eariy ft vas ovidelut franu (hoverp lirut (bat Mr. Conardl tuli e hoe(h cloer by a big majarity. Au (ho remuits voee ilshed ln tram the differont pre. clncts, (boy anly udded ta the majori-1 fIb onusplingup. As suPervlmor forIbmeIsut f ew yoarm Mr. Conadmihas maole a vomy ahle of. total Him coamcleo(lous attention ta th. datee of the office boasbeau ap- procla(ed by the tblaking Toteme ai (hé city. This va suhavu Most clear. Ir by (ho vote. The victory (bat won no apparent from tho beginanasdid nat doter Mr. Conrad froinmeeing thi get out au large a vote au possible. Ho vorked dillgeatlY Up ta thoe(dîno(ho poilis MaOy Predilon. Mode Boti Tabla and Doucon and thoiý sumprter. ueenued confident or vlc tory up Wt ho tory lut. Ose of Dua- cou&leaders declared atutfour ociock (bat t7à4con vould defeet Conrad la hie ovn preclnct, (ho flfth. Tiolor vld1 statement eau dlaproved omvàatica.1 Iy Wh" t(ho vote vas counted. Conrad oecured more votos ln (bis preclact (ban ail ai bis three appoaontm put together. Statements that Tobin vouli c&arryathle soutb aide Orociact a ve others vblcb dide Bot matorialize. Five depubUlcan Juç,$ices Theofive ropublican justices von a cIeaa.ent vIctory. The hanor oi lead- irE (hoelet vith (he hlghest vote vent ta Attorney J1. C. Wolch. Juatice Bait g« t(he second blghest vote. Amoig (ho defea(ed candidates for (bis office vus James Mlunie. For tvonty-Dive years Mm. Murrie bas serv. ed as a justice on (ho Republican tick- et. This pear ho cent bis lot vith (ho Pragreeslvem and vont dovo (a defeat vitb (hem. HIs vote vas neut to (hol Attorney Elam L Clarke vus oleci- ed preaident of the Lake County Bar Association ut a spociai meeting of the Bar Association heid Tueuda, evenlng. He vas elected by a ununi- mous vote. Attorney L P. Hanna s elected ta this office at the annuel meeting af the association rmcently, but ho decllned ta accept the honor and it became necessary ta elect nme one ta 1111 the office. For tbal reason the spocilmeeting vas called for Tuesday nlght. Circuit Judgo Charles Whitney and County Judge Perry lý Persan. werm mppointed delogates toa.the meetig of the Ilinols Mte Bar Association whlch lu te ho beld ln Springfield au April 8-9. Other local attorneys mal attend aimn. A cotmilttee rausistiîmofuT(lie loi- iovlng mon: Attorneys J. D. Pope, Benjamin Parmalee and Charles King u asppolnted ta voit with the Yod. oration af Wemenns clubs. and the elty cauncli In the pssage or a Cur- few la, lu the City. The Bar Association vas one ort(he Brut orgatsatlons lu tho City t rOCOeMMOnd (t thMa actiloh.aie a unM now have exproewd a wjlllln* hoss ta do aitlia ntbair poiww te maie suclx an ordinancs aperutîve. They viii meet vlth the Féderation and the council BoomI ta drue Up the ordinano. wblch the cOuncil wdllieb aked tu Yon von't onjoy the pure, uveot air of Sprlng umtil you taiqRe olifs. tq's R. M. Tese. lmas. purliies, matis- lles. Pearce'. Drugs toto. &4 l$ a.Fontber ~'*vJs.eAfcAu.ieHill,EdIr LW Im< odrime &w fts i" mr-bcuis tstIf oab It elnvr re n theu redip. j Tvy IAlie ea~ (uney n nshort de frms. Sae'tlls rdi21 C coma 6dwdm Bsub. Mtuf - -t s . ~ . 4 -l SiW tieetniethAe four, soit e"j BCar n ,sinq 1r4 or butter lfm dhllisg. th heie's. taa v, a iecegnwterateiîk- themoer h. Iluem Y cet la(ho p (et je hue 00-4 abiot or toryw alitotin.hpiclnSlata~ (o anc. Biaihimajebee Patron s Not esoonsible For Using Wrong StOMp Under Burleson Rling Washington, a .C.. Aprîl 1-Pa. (reno f tho purcel post ssmu -ii nat be Maieteo puy fer tbe neglige ot postmesters la falinu ta m"e (bat proper stamsapeare usaian tho parcois. or that (ho proper amount or postage ta afflid. POu(master <lonerul Burleson toilay annuiied (heoroder praviding for the collection ai a doublt e i rpostase wben ardicamy stemps Instesd af (ho distinctive purrel pout stampe are usai. ifereatter (ne poutaimatere muet re- turc te, seniors incorrmoctiystam4ied parcels before (ho stampe are cuncel- ou with notice (o use the correct stemos. ELAIL CLAIX IS 0ff' BAR ASSOCIATION AI \.; ega Tva diemrs r ptrtlcui against usSoial Jaige 000 AIs mend, m oral. 'i the olli Central rosi: "I ha gram fi fity Ca cate. j forward (bait toi chut i hoireveî rangem, of tho (ion Up tbat be locateil tendu lt, gests. s ibie tb (hem il forward moment The diti exu Tie de acted. s to coini tbis loti lovai t he wrot Bible th At (orne- do badinlu repliai ta meut gmt penf murance lundeI r not Pen The s ter iran Julp 21. '*l ba mon may vouli t wlth ai iriende rolocalo Cati lac tion bei la iillI. PM, stadan, tent. The t begin g untfilaf, exjierlm arc cou felksîble cure t Just eh beesusé Iltllu (b Mte lnst No Ib oulgol thougb (ian ai The ther te ofT salai hlsb sel passai bourd. This sary t ehbol 1 forimeri: oectre1 der (bal ury dai For (ho 0101.lof Il1,800 a 600, T yeiriy I This do bas ta 1 The t divl4od A ti e, lm el lm bi ti T c la

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