CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 4 Apr 1913, p. 2

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Mir. CaeY o! Chcago, lae pudlng thel veek witb [ev. T. J. Murphy. The raîlroad supper given ait the Uakland hotel by the ladies 01 WauOuda,1 sud viiuty luit Saturday svening wua laigely attendeil aud the ladies are tu of People becmeddfrteéeatspe MVUJOMN regu- dtnlug room. Alter supper nearly &Il isted vitality and of the gueste repalred to the bal vhare d to withstand thpy enjoysd the baiket bail gazane expýosure. hetveeli W@.cOuda and Cary team. theM former vlnning by a score of 49 to 28. l highest grade of A proXressve suchre Party vasthon ically perfected ainume< la the. large dlnlng room and e food.medicifle, the gueets ail joined la for the finlai te and healhfui plireio!tbe evening. Medames Wm. 7stimulant. En- Clark and M. 8- Clark won tbe ladies § ,ated by medicul favori and K: Y. Werden tbe gent's ,where. wbicb vas a round trip ticket to e jLVdriveso'mg Palatine and back On the Day road. %the membranes Over $100 vas cleared wbicbwilil bu 1 logs andi keeps tuned lnto the nsv depot fond.. a Miss Fera lRutchin vent tb the iv je mais SCOTTrs Wsduseday to ipsnd a ev days vitht Wed frOfmmDI relatives aud friands. tigAf cAséan.d Mmr. B. B. Biley and children of owb&MOrab, arrivsd &t the home 0f ber d for infants. mar, u.johnanna Orms. Saturdal k, but YOU MuSt and vwilspend ths sprlng and entmeir 16 eonthi vitI ber mother and liteir. bosoî& . . ziU« ber hone beig dsstroyed by the cyclone vblcb itruck OMabaon the 24th or __________ Iarcl. tMr. Bleyvasu at bbsoffice lu - ~ th eb lfy ven tb. torm mcme op and «mumsof the. hrrlsd home vitb ah possible lspeed1 Uhip eleCtions iearing for bis fapiil. When bc arred 60 SUlat, WUsheound bis home demolisbed but bis i out~ wi an family un1i)jured. Mg orne Of part The towu electlon Tueeday did not prove very exciiing the only Opposition being on consiable. The resnite wus as f*olv: fH. M. Davis. bigbway cou- ZU Z 3 miesioner; E. W . Brooks, à. 0. Eaau, Jus"ticeo!ispmaS; P. H9oughton, J. E. cmode a trp . t Gaier. constabieé. Mir. and tMrs. C. A. Golding- and tamlly mary of the nav rail- oaule out irom the cty Saturday and ToWay.viii &pend two or tbree veekai wibh Mir. and Mi. fil. Golding. Clyde boa af Pslatine, wuS a beep qulte iii for the ponst ix ireeki but nda.v. la nov greatly lmproved and bopes to Fin~~ ~~ @cuaos~ oon recuperate witb a ev weeks ret. $-l'r.k. fie represnU thelb ff Fiai & Marins Inusuce ,VOUW. jr.. n1 BaTIRrlgoD, visteil Sdàys boes ibis eek yul OWaga TelephlmeCompany lai l"hm* ~vorklDugon iheir sud 1111mi 1ll" dangter ai Pl bboilerFrausud cf DeORluit, Wl.. vistsd omIut ptemk. we Rer mcsier vioiteil st ad iLiberty- ocmaublelr b»a acuila tb yu l siphon. copany ai ALATINE ~ iber blame lu Chicago. lins, toi su nId reiest ai Palatine. MmaIse vire bronght boresBudl laid W& l beceuete7 ny aniesbillide. sud Mu. Bauungaie vIi soor Z. rihond. * Nm rybae ld bie barber chai pot roo. aiA"de sd la now Wog lu lis laIera barber shop. I~M aBlclnas, Hatte@ Kueher, ~eaGmect, D1. K04M or0 "sudmisa MaWy Rofmiaeir a! 6" M spedlng a ev dajayulit el.MmirsNordai 'Iompsau la 00UI Maa7mmer ai Roàlselwler, lawsbsaort time vil bsr friand, tir. bpvyrseetiyr. Kt. am mtirs. Ch Sbppe vers talon , apisBuuda.v siiemnoon vuon a a $"il of Palatine relatives suddeniy We tber appeanance. Mareh 22ad la tWer tventy4tb vswdding anni- rnny and thir relatives andl irienda baig.isd be svent la a mosl itting k.Augui Blumet entertileil the mma Wrein of the Lutberau cbnneb Wmtli. Tbey bail a rayai good time. jP I. - IatIel entertalurd the Epworib MMaimeubers touday svenlngt. tine Mmmeulwaa Lad by nenna oi novel 9 Setertainaient sud games. Obituary Died ai bis home niear Sou Lake, Mdonday uornhg, Msrcb 81, 1913., William "'Taylor" Clark, ageil 98 years, 4 ioissud 23deys.. Wiilam Clark vas bora ai Aford, Lnuallrs, Englsui, on the tb ai November 1819 andl vben thirtY jea-s oc .pl came y is ie lmiiy ta ii conntry, eetting on landl be ovn4et a lb. Mmeo of i deatb. Bisfifle ad beeu ans o! tel unlil recet jeansWvou b. gave up active labor, but stili clung ta, thb. nidbhome. Bis Ille pannuer ded iu 1899, bavlug bourne aine blidrea, one boy sud ivo gins@ died lu inanc-y. six ehii.iren grov. log tau mturiiy, ail belog residente ai ibis tovu excepi oue, hearge "Former". vba died Inlu1898. The subjeci o! ii sketch vas one oi ths oldest min lu Lake cou ty. The funeral vas beld froin the Baptisl ehurch Wednesday at 2 oclock p. mi. Rer. Baker officiatlng sud interment î. as mde luthe famiy lot lu Wauconde caetery. VOLO tir. and tir@..Bd Lusk of Wei Mcenrj, calleil an relatives bers Sondai. tirs.CharlaeKappie ef Oraysiake reiuneil ta ber home Sonday aler ipendithe lspast veak iii, ber parents, Mir. and Mtrs. A. J. Raymond. tir, ud tirs. lavrece Mllesr bave relurueil home rmuMilwvaukee vbere tiey hbaveheu viating relatives ior a fev day.. Frank Bironmuns la bauling m largo I" oi milk tao raysake condecelug factory for the fanunere f ai e vlcliy. tira. Stoffsi died t taiilshome of ber daugbter, tirs Mils Brapi. Mmmlh 29, 1918. Ble vas the motbron i Smon sud John Stoffel oIfticiteury, William aif Chifago, tiarýn of Ingleelde, Joesph sud Mat rieur Wucondaý. The littls sounof Mn. sud tira. Ben Miartin of Fort Hlill, vas Lrisd di tIh Cathbolic cemeteny ai WaSucoda, Wed- nenday, Maneb 26. He vas &bout four mouthe nid. Mir. and tire. Martin bave tthe svmpatbr o! ibeir mini Vola friande ilu ibeir bereavent. Independeul ad-reail ly 2500. THE CIlIZENS' BANK< ROCKEFELLER, ILL., I~Bet Seed-Coin Grown nouylussesof fumiseun ho pmeentas olau l mey trimaftlois, Vahabfor w8 aPm ent. lnterest on Savîngs and Certifiates f4 .,1R. F. Rouai Irving E. Pye 4bVie.Preeldent. Csir Moday, Wednesday and Frlday of each the pou »BaqueOt ai the Hôtel J'aele week. lu Chieuo lait Fnlday evening. 4. B. tiason moved bishbouseboldeffecti Net Snudar morning Communion gar- t0 Prairie Viev lait vsek. vices viii b. lad at the cburch. lu0 the Erneet'Dudlee of Montana. made a evouing Ber. Carr ill qpeak on: Lissons @hort visit vith relatives lare tbis voek. f rom the floods. Mise Katripe Stelubadli ai Chicao, ipent Sunday witb ber cousin Mira. E. 0.j Wells. J. J. Rodgert ai Racine, speut Sunday et the houa of Mr@. Mary Swan. tirs. tbder asi ves ensd hoe yu hio. teodugers vhabas ben vomeitiugbermfo John McKay moveil hie famlly frou Chicago Ibis veek ta hie pla"e aiPis moud Lake. JÔhr1 Kuigge and iamily ipeut a 1ev days ibis veek vith relativein-Chicago1 11, Fin. » impair vas ithe blooc r colds and c outans thet eam-iike wJoesly pure Ot drug or d andi atvoc: 4ioshes >maIy zoo( mi cé adult *thr wuamu mdon pu Drvis, sscrei jei tovu'T bm was ue -»m -aime. Otto Bing beiTouday for M lunesate.. wbers b. Isoaepted a ponition viih a contruction Company. The LadW sAd met Wadueesda miter. noon vitblMu. F.C. Shaddie. It wva Yod lett*r dsyio tIi hieiory ol ils àsoislabesauss.of the Iat, tbaitetr lb. curnpleion of au autograpb qift thi vus srted oven tvelve jea"s&go. Mondav veang a meeting oifIlhe1ba bel ttuvas beld ad LIe follaving af. fsta s iewt for thaeusuiug jean: Manager, a. A. Watsau; captain, A. 34 Dorfier; assitant captain, fRouges, sertsry aud tresurer, T. F. Swan. To rn"a funds for Initial expoe t t testavi I ve a Dauce ai tbe Woodmau hall ai livaubi,, Tbnrsday eveuiug, Apr. Lastt Tlrs<lay-evening ai Libertylilie Barry E. flouse aud Dorca.P. Wels vers unlted lu marriage. The groom la one of aur popular yonng men andl the brideblas a vide cirela oi acquaintauces lare no iley bath bave mauy ieuils ta vtsb Ibea Weil. LDAMor LAKE L..... AirnaVIEv tir, eud tira. Oaehrkei@peut tionday Do't fail ta take lu the hall at thet lu Waukegman. Libertyville tovu hall Weduesday aigbi, WiIERay and iauily spent8nnday witb April 9- Oood mnsic and au excelleet GM. Ray anpiusr. Tickets SOc. Supper extra. Miss Christine Oison oi Nbraâka Fvie- Mises Ina Riehu vas a Rockefellert lting tir@. Oit. caler Saturday alternoan. Several froin Ler, atteudeil the ved. tir. sud tirs. 8. L. Tripp oi Rockefeler ding oi Harry Roues and Fae Wels ati viiteil vitb their parente@tir. and tirs. LIertyville Tburaday eveuing. Jos. Richards last Sunday. Niu5es Re alend Dorm Miiie vers J. P. Rizentbaiar lef t Tueeday fan gueti ai Pearlitay Buuday. Osuos, III,. vhere ha lu tende 10 locate1 tir, sud Mr.1r.Tovner bave moied to later. Ils RSaddle farm. A. C. Richarde viitail relatives lu Chu- Mr@. Oea. Ray and Gordon attended taga Frlday anid Satnrday. theeonisrence, unta a Northbwestern Uni- ira. 8. E. Kuiedier vas a Chicago vie vorety at Evaneton Saturdaysvening. itnr Tuaa'. tir. and Mtre..Ciao. Mitchell andl Mies Chas. Bulingame 'of Wankssba, Wis., Oisonà spent Tburaday sud Fiday ai calme davuon u nday to, gsi hie tva Lake Zurich.hIs baya vWho have beau mallng Iheir Miss Lucy Andrewsin iotistini tirs. Oea boue vItb their ograudpareuts tMr. and 1 élitbell.Mre. 9. E. Loomis. Ro e tR eaet LentirInud tirs Harvey Coo l pent Sun. RoLerI Rous spant Su day lu'dyvth ti. and Mr. H. A. Mile ()f tir. and tMra. Frank ,Johnson @peut eto. Sunday vitb tMr. and tMrs. B. Bartietut. tir, sud trs. Biruey tiaon miovad IVANHO isEmaGrabLe le spendlng ibis veek with relatives ai Highland Park. C. Dorfier attended a democratic cou- muttes meeting lu Waukegan Monday. Election passed oit very quletly ibis year, th*oly suife being thi@ qoution wheiber ta psy the road- tax la mmy or labor. Labor won by one vois. Quito a number of the young people at. tended thbe 4flor play ab LibertWvhis lait niday aigu.t Enge Suutb of Wankegmn, spsud the vesk endl vitb relatives bers. H. Luebbe moved bis veli machinery to R. C. W. Meyer'@ tenant, plac Tues- dey end expecte to hegin drlllng a wel tIers soan. Miss Emma Fiher le ipeudlng a lev day@ st home. r Mesdames Albert Snyder, &ad W. Sertis, vers Wauk«eg lieus Baturday f ometblug vhieb you I4EU. bo.i ywilcI you do ntfee l e t. buy "nev," mey le advertl Mra der now lu thb."FOR SALE" coaL rNOTILEl LooK liert, My Friend. tiens..repairîng, clemaim Mid okg. Su.. repairirng, both &oMing edpatchung; also god maud work ma&d. je e J. IA1A Next Door to A. Dorfier', Store IVMiHOB - ILLINOIS 1-orses and Mares For Sale at al tines at our barn on the place_ known es the Chas. Schank fari near Ilendee MiIk Station. CoI.E. L Downes &Son. the Eaaton lhum. 11ev. ljmbrieh and Id. W. Knedier wera Chicago vipitors Thuruday. Dr. Stauton oi Chîcago, vas out ta see Dr. Tracy on Saturday. Tho dactor la very lov at preseni vritiug. Mr. and Mm. Frank Stabilnd Infant son visited vitb tir. and tirs. S. E. Knedier Sunday. On guuday moruing, April 6, at irace chnrcb the subieci oi the sermon viiiL e "The Pbarise and The Publiean." A soo in vlthîe ainstille viiibe sung. la the evsning. begnnlng ab 7:4, the Y. P. A. viii render a paroamm cous!, - Ing of short addreess aud severail muesl selections. Ail are lnviisd to comes and enjoy bathssvC. Nfotmc The New SorgbImm plant at Long Grave wiii be rsady for business the couing fail. Sorghubhoiied hy stm. Seeds vii ha iurniihed Ire aittheLong Grove Mili. . c-2". George F. Lynh oi Chcago, calid an i.iberiyville friands Wednsad&j. Richard Younug et Weduesday for Barman. Mxi. vhsrs Isbas ceeured & position ion the summor ou a famm. lqe couldu't Wonk fmer. Wllls a Jewoi City gin vuas slli tickets for te is loure showa Mm cafled for tickets sud pusled lu a I- dollargald ieuploo ta pefor ilem, li île girl sbovei il book. 'TIs min lu- ilete it Iwvasmoney anlrigIt, lut Ile girl iuforjued lin, lIat he cou1dat worl loer. sud he dldn't. Hoead to gpon oiand borroir s dine. Tlsrq mi pienlj ai aussa younsaisre WIo neyer av a golil rhnS.--BlamssCity star. squal and Queil Many praier âqual 10 qusil be- caes.tbc meat la unI an dry,âsud 1i aiwayî cura tu ho eader. The chief adyantage. 1 over laelilsthefaci ilst vbeu Yn a sequsbI it lnecmsurY bo pausa several timez vIle pli oui a lunich ai bird îlot frai»your tou lii.-woiiington <Bsn.) Neya- Lakeo. big veekly-ZNDUPUNDENT, am Mm) (a>. nom bYsi lata ig- noi- (uc broud bring tra, Bidon fentil 200t rylag per4 cent move -Bd, t.oli Ina w TO ASaIs? 14THE AOOW. l iea4adipenragoit >Orgaulo Inatter la soiL Mxture af gr,ansd claver us- Iresdom &rM veds rrt t u »IL id" -Mn*u: -U8 pomns emonr@4 ç»ivi *m atqilst 7 udati». bâ mm -0 pft-ah ommas crad lavw. 4 a" abâe. 4O go etumob3 a" uan storal&s. 2goulads tiw temsso. 3 goae mixtureP- L-a PMU" &mm ed Per etbode or lmgmovmmnt: -Drain: (a) open ail suruce i; (b) -sleatii. üdrains ar king. (o) open sulimu IV i. b, ditcber. plov. op"@i or dyne- -Inrose. organlo matisela U'i Ir glovlng iu secondcou. sa" applyilu Uberal amunts of hei 1--Control the grovil of wssd*»ý brinsland mb o ulttvation one toir, fi" or si rs:(b) by eul- s ud burning perenulal weedi et rerIng tme. before o»ed lasmet; by sprying yuitmion gulpbate hplanteseasdandelion. thalle. ad leaved plantain. burdock. mua Letc.. usn" a 30 per cent. sola- tvhil. the plants are Yod". V.-Ineaa e le ietillty: (a) by mglus land buta, tillffe once ln se, four. 6iv. or six jeans.Con- omble fertty appilidto ths crope ru on tht. laundVIII remalu for lohy crop: (b) apply a suitable ilize a s Sn am the grams bas red grovtIL.BncI a fertlluer la te 800 poundi etna a rlUer car- mg about 4 per cent ultrogen. 6 cent plophorlo acid sud 2 Der it. pota@il. inci ihs gramss w oer are cul befor. ihes lovera se b& lb. ultroflon f the fertilisr Mid be falmly raptdly x'alafte. glv- r ls grass sturdy. rapid growtl; A TWO YEAR OLD'BANK ACCOUNT. Bock in 1911 a ma» openeti a Savinga Acconut bers with $200. Re bas not toaehed it tiuoee. It bas l-eeru caaîî:ug terptt sud oompound litereet andti t- 4aty amounts ta S212.27. Every year il viii grov proportioniit.ely greater, becanse the compound. inter- est viii bberger.' If you viii open an moiount bere in aur Savinge Dep.rtuuenl, yotî viii be surprisedti t see loy It viii grov. I!IRST NATIONAL BANK@, Ubertyville, iloolis tirs. yF Biertadi vmas 00 guesi of tire B. Hekin oi Wilmitte. Mr. and tire. Ray Lord pnd ebildren ai Chicago. ver. thewvesk-endumetsoa C. W. Petti. irs.Georgs Lange sud ailidren isit for Grand lRapide, MieL., Tuesday, ta bW gone several veeké. Mies Beatrice Duffy vas the week-end gueit of ber parente ai Wlmos, Win. vith Miss Elizabeth Clark of Chieego. The Dôrm Sorlety of the Preebyterlan churcb will mset Bt tirs. F. Rooebros Tbnraday altrnoon. tire. Fred Horsiiherger etrtalned a number o!ber frendt Wednoaeayafter. noon la houa, oi ber birthday. Ed Therripn badl « hie guesi Bunday Barvy Nelson ofChL'cago. The Pareut.Teneber association mnet Friday af ternoon lu the G ramumar achool. A succeseful method of Increasiug the attendance vas devised by havicog the pupile give part of the programn. -The @tory oi King ilas" vas dramatiuei hy the cbildreu oi Miss Dufiv'iroom, and Miss 8upplp' ebilîdren portrayeil tbi itory o! 'The leeping PrinceS." -Righi; and W rang Puaitbment" irom Elizabeth Harrison'. book eas reail by Mmrs J. A. Rett,à.r. The nominatinircommittes appointed 1. s folio wa: Isa Dffianud Mdesdames Knaak and Hutchison. Miss Giadys Covlin oi Bigin ts viuting tuhe ploi8plioo edisfO aI uo ta "nY grme a ntl. ince uDoaeMdla barvesteil lut the potalla nuett for ihe graing plant. THE 5IMPORTANC9 0F MATURITY. ,.B sthle rt eaUf; anisa viii nI reise ber." Who bas ni heurd! a dainju ay 5*jiIs!Nov. vhy ibis aversion ttheils "rut cmii?" Il la le-i cause ils Younug unier vas DuniOMd-. clentir mature ta transmit a strong, vigarous conUailtion ta ber offaprng. liorsemen kuav ithst ey gel ils leaihlegt and Mont vigorous calta. rinfulml grovu, veli matuneil mares. Nov. tus questlu ni uaiuriiy in limai as Important ta plaut lite as il la ta animal. The strongest sud mont vigornus corn plant Ome" rom ile kernel ai com at wéa vas fl 11. sud rlî,onsd vlen the ésu wu picked. tN Wbenai ulad oler grains n iet bl vituitYalvays corne rmi»the grain lIa ebuehum tuly maisred vIsa oui. Onialo Agricultw Uxperlment 0 Stalion lbasbeeon conductlns .exger- menot. relative on date of euttng or matnitj oi Vinter vIsai forsea«" jeansy, sud reports lIai tend tram 0yvn Imatumed grain groduce s greste ylo of botllVgran sd strav, 5&M a beuvier veglt pgsi Iniliof grain tIms sed front Immature gratn. Thé 11101114 lte eliny Infant plant yuitlsn ri fond vra»ed about il. if thas fiitfood-le short la u qUSy. lthe plant must. of necennmsl Ui ThIe dangera nfilmmatunity are 9many. Iminsire cor mcsa erlhue trouble wvIn larveated lSsuslpped. If bouet stia Iumature grain or auj kild. Il ieiliualY destroys thIl ieé Best-becauie it's the oi the grain.s. et-bcas Nov, boy ta île farmner fo gouurd Bs-bcas againe t iimms±urity? rui îy i neyer faims. Best- gmoo th"a vaIe auwtj im u il terbecause it maires lvery r govng sea5nnt blldispnw. Tbere bakingligbt, fluffy and a le nseuse ilu Inglua souibemu corn up te, ils northeru artn0f the coma evenly raised. Bcst heu suad axpect l tato mature. 0f -because if is moiter- course, tle soutleru conueisa Mu grov longer. larger cars ai corn ilmu ste In cost-highest in ils natlaili ouiaoee. Tbey bave ZO200 lty in 260 dayal0« a gaing seloan, vile U4L mman orm conne. bave liile A orgoes more ilan 150 groviug days trffiof tyu go! second, ses ilat the elem ofa ECI plant food ilat eff ets tI* ualtunityVCIE of nihe coman lusIn"cisut alundance U, IiIES? a la the soil. an cau't get gond horse AWAEDS spirit nul of com. or vlsat, or nj5. Woe dPvVrea ae 1 The borde muet bars calt& Tley cou-W1601114 Cuiess.ML tain the vital eésential eloment oniP" EMI Fusse- "glngsr.' Just no dosa phooe1uorlcua.mes acil for lhe corn. wleat. oaIs, sic. > As auQ, as night fllovs day. there la ere iouclnd a ni b uael ofI m m na Ifune cora lilsthesormboit hlut ylute It frno ~ hrtesson ths" lIaI île! é.,dmI »M "u i e Tvib #pbubo»Mo et thîe sali vWas luSUlatit. îlte une"&ofam u kJ p~fsfI'i5 Ir Vient TrIe balance et plant fond muai le - brept lipIf 11gb yleldina gcrope 0f » âlsu-aidf«0 g pe1equality ane 10 le produ"e4 urdma sdofme Mise Huil Relebeut, vIa speai ber vaca- tion vil ber Ua uss nElgin. MdissesJ07 sud Loutie Relebeit oi Den- w.r. Col., anstbo'gueste oi their father John A. Boeli. tir. and Mir.. John A. Strykor vere the gueti niftMr. and Mtre. Irvingr R. Itabn ai Cbicago Sunday. bomrd to talittheplace.of Bert gaston. vboss term expires, i ii oecur gaturday evsning, AprIl 1lOth. A. 8. Love la the, candidate, tirà. Troot snterinféd a number of ber frisud% lu houar of ber birthday suulveroary Sonday. At the guaday eveniug service lu the M. E. ehureb four mînisteri vare in tbe audience ta hear 2ev. liack, the new pastar from Aurora. preaeh hie tiret sermon. No other churcb held servie.» ln the evenlng. tir. Carneil leit for KansasCity Sun. da.y lomeC.mb RWoe Island Reds Eggs for hatching, and Baby Oticks fromCe ounly Fair, Wiqukifsn and RacinelistPrize Winners. Bond for matlng list. KimbalI-TrigsRed Yards. [LIBERTYVIi..tE ILLINOIS. Arno Nagel & Co. B"id"r. nf SoIid Cernent Silos Air-tgh 1 "0 mt oior blowdown. lever nor;dsrepaira. Cheaper endf Citer than amy other Silo made. Don't Wait until you vami t.ouseit. Doit now. M1 work reinforesd and guaranteed, frt clas. Loi us fürniah our estimais of .oal PH4ONE 106-J. LIBERTYVILLE, IL. THE Iiigh Grade Percheron Stallioft Uceuse No. C3484 (RmeuystdMrel Bih, 1913) MIKE je a besutiful coal black htorse witl emaîllwhite stma n fore- brad, and i@i a typical draft horse of' unusuai quaities aud weight. Ile is tive reura ulti, perfectly eotund andi very gentle; bas pýoved himef te, be a sura foal getter aud hi, colte are oi île most desirabie kiîud of draft barges. Will stand for publie service at île farm. knov a 41olubs Farm", situated i mile south of Prairie Vicyctend Ik-mile narîl of Buffalo Grave. TeOMS: $5 ai the time of firaîe service sud Sb vbsu colt stands sud suok, or vili make terme 10 sui owusis cf marea. When more is ta ha sald, panedti ih or removed f.» .. lime clhood îleervice fsecmeasdeta once. Ail acci- dents ai nvner's niak. PR&" OLE PlOeeU-WB u BI L , Rev. Carr aiteudeil the meeting ai iLs Conty Minusters Association st Lake Bluff Tuasday. I desire ta express my oincere ihauls tu tle klnd uigîâbore and inn s bo au uaunlmouely tumusilout aud sareil my 'property vLan my harn vas vrecked. . P. Mwnr. c28-1 Do't falut take lu the bail ait th Lbertyrlile tavu bail Wedueeday vilâtb, >prii 9. Good use Bnd sauexcellent supper. Tickets 500. Supper extra., Mirsud tire. John Egpere ofnilmer -.00mo""M gigue multiply are not 1 bleu bu tîleu&a the app ele joui tht aili eauslng. tampera prouetu, The Sippensi, under tu, and 8.'h Dates mn Initial ontpolin: Fox La... of tiw, bu arranired bras. di triangle, aütd as Thr,'a ineluding -The hi mtirrlinst . flui coudi whieh iL, liera fin, danghten livixuir hi Luow iL ~Co=, WWe ities e maema cmnos sic Ta" VO" Wé e vaste 25M TaMiel iiKI Mites v.ek a wbere i Sbauab .janesv Wm. 1) At fis Dandui ehort rande4 Marbie tovu d The ane ne, vas ho A liv lest w excteax Ave., ai tree, lu Cols, Willier, Physisi touperd o! the E plysical verbalm standin luterpru beives, Orabblt tli.y et Wenle ofa dra ~Calia anaom ha ordis vbicb I imisaile by boa vith a tionesia] lunamn.i lation o restauré to n'irai vas ibe êuddlani' alppeare. t:, separ ieligre 15w" tIi equiuan causlng club txa broughi Chil iGq peaeb lui

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