jýW F.sateMen Say Practical- ~ yAlthe Desirable Houses in City are Gone. feeSN HARD TO FIND. le*rai Give Possible Reasons faTWYis Condiion of Affairs "- Unsatisfactory. If thie snual moving day tell on ApIll1Inseteaii of a month jter, the. ,4$ubid for bouses up ta Ibis trne eouhd ualt have neen greater. accord- lus ta local res! estate men, vbo as- sert the, caRi for bouses opened ex- '.aeeingly eariy tis resu' and vacant ,D«o f a tal grades sud prices are b.. , gplglod up rapidi>'. My May' 1, o'kty desiers Bay>,thbere vili ho tev tuy, desîrable buu'oes or Biats ta Que ftaI certain, tuie noiug bug asoui early thue y.ar, but as yet 'So on. hbas been able ta giveas astis- 'facbDr> reagan. Saine have pointed ýO«ht tha ie varun veatiier vlelch 'oaldup te a volk or tva ago ,eod an inherent deir. Iu the. w ives ta ho Up and dulug. Sorne a practice ai movlog ever>' 'tfm»t. Anauiier tesson la tiai pea- ,ý1* ave b.,. a itte more fare-sigbl- '4 111w peau « and decided tb selecitih. -~ deuirable places ieîore surne. les b't them ta l. pw a'msny >'.rs Ma>' lot bas been 83 td ithe. yearly rnoving day. ~flibu een cansed largel> b>' the !tthat theo maJori>' af leaacs on use. ex«pire an thie date. Tii. ex- 'Ipobas been iallowed Year 811cr e.avoeyer. by people vha do ual à SM 1ev vel&go lier. vere man>' PltwMe la uthe, City' lch tO b. bad. Nos' nearty ait of $Ishave been rented sudj prstlcally aIR the 410o0:9116 te bUSs lu the ci' vers takenansd ~aplebai to wiv, mb almoat a"Y klud of s housctiihey couid gel. Tii.> are nov acccptng tiie flut 0pPOrtuuliY to moye Into a place vblcb la more to their Illg. andtI le> do flot vjab ta vat until someano has been tiiere aha'.i aithem. Then there are mjny PeopRe tWho lire lu Baots tu the vîntor time ansd bouses lu tzee umuner trne, due ta the fact that the> can secure heat ln the winier. These People more tice yearly, as inu>of themn distîke ta liv, ln a ilat ln the aummer time. This la a straigit tip: If you are thinkiug about movlug. dont vaut un- tii Me.*' ilo betore you decîde ta mor.. Reut a bouse now sud beat yaur neigbluor ta kt. Rt you dont vlsi ta mnore 'otil tue firet ut May psy youu. rent up ta tiiet time nesd make sure you get tRhe bouse, as othierwise you are Rille te be among tiie number wbo %re dtaappolnled. Baking MadIe Aimosi Automatle tîcienre bas done inu, onderfol tlîiîîsLu inthe' var nf igbteuiug kicele- work. but poisibî>' the. monut elcomne of lis ninu, ,hieoeuints l e ti'prepars- tin ofo a bakinr powder that tuaIs haloiîig ainiobt autamatie TH-iow:)nolortnl hatlng powder in Imovu au Calumet Bahinit Pojder. Asuou perbaàpo kboyfrais jour own expo-'ene-balinit leslarge s matter' oi "n If t oar baline powder hep ppeasu w ho1»%u ight, yonr bali"g wil ho gc.od. But Il kt varies in quai! cy or lu srugth-am n ris>' bakiog pow. der@ do. jour balluge are mors than lill ta ho o'ini. Calumet Bakiug Poviier put 4% stop lu the deppneaeuceou "loch." Wîihil, us qulo.'hl-raissd fondsecaoutI@nmade vjlthou& iîle Peichtset trnubl-miade ~esd violesonse andt aety. For umel tief la purs lu ths caou d la the baklng-end onunuiform lis quoi- h>', wo) careluil>' pm'parod. liait allas-e are impo"e.. on eau lada. oi ils purity. too vien yon bnow tuai lu bae bêen iven th ii lszioe o adadau two World's Pur Fiondl Sxpoaitiou.o-.one at 4Cbaican li1907 and the. otiier at Paris. Franee..at March. Cultivai. a personas pride lu pour dblhly tu vrft. ant milsTEHAT Au CoonpuIm IMO& Mnt of lthe Asets and Liabiltie. of thie STATtI BANIK 0or~W r, 1ecaod at Lake Forest, Illinois, ai the. close of busiues outhe Blat lWember, 1912, as mlown b>' the aunual report of the sanid bank as OONMaî te, tb. Audtar of Public Accounta of the. State oiflll1noie, tel mai fled lu the, office of the. sald Audtor of Public Acounla ait day o! jauuar, 1913. bo;Î sd duoerS.m Ra .Is.......... 1,11.920.05 landa cftagets sud luaouw rs.oftrans- 00M .... ... .... ... .... ... .... ... 108.67 19 lesita eslie, h li rai liens tierson .... 120,160-00 imds plles ecurit, .................68,365. 00 spegsminl seeurity.................... 160,998.5 ML wiolc thore la morc than one ycar'a Mldue ...............................1.500.00 ................................. MdBonds............................ M andfIrtures ........................ $112.028.72 351,013.65 938.78 200,167.-26 3,101.78 $667,240.08 *tckpald ilu................... ...... ..... ..$ 50000.00 o'2 baud.............................. . .......... .. 10,000.00 Fuata................. ......................... 8,887-15 d .................................... 1......... 1 5 M -00 ...... ........... ................. 9,529 Tot a Uhlitt«....................$667,240.08 'inois County o aee8s. B. Warren. Caahier, on. ofthtei mauagIug oficers, sud George Find- ,AiItory C. Durand, two of the directors of the. State Bankt of LaIte 4 ooipoatan ai the. Stute of Illinois, being eeveraUly duly sworu. esclu gr atI dtatas. lýAMâtle makes this afficavît for the purpose ot complyin with tRie re- ~~.us o Secion 9 sud 10 ot an act ofthte Generai Aesembly of the Dhlmo10, entthi "'An Act la Provîde for andRegulate the. Adminle. ot Truata b> Trust Companles." IN&tt the foregoing report of thi.e ald State Bank of Lake Forest on mmbos 311, 1912 sud the exhibis accumpauylng tihe saie are truc sud wm luaal respecta to the. besft of hie lnowledge sud beliet, sud that h. W «amlued ithe auets sud bhouke oithe said compan>' for tih. purpose »usi ad report. FRANK B. WARREN GEORGE FINDLAY. HENRY C. DURAND. sbelbjed sud mworn ta before nie this Ilat day ot ianuary, 1911. . SOAL.) A. IIUA.NE JACKMAN, kj$Xql2128,Apr4. Nolar>' Public. GOGTO THE WILSON STORE FOR BIG BARGAINS MiIintry, Night Dresses and: Aprons For Al Âges. YChIldren's Rompers ani !veruthing for Babil. tdoor to Jay Morse. 'phone-ge., "ENCE BARGAINS A Short Time OnIy iHmvy Gardonand Poultry Fonce, 20 bar, MiSuLhigh ..... .......29 cent» per rosi. M àr ý içh .. ....27 centper rosi. 7 bar, 27 in. high, 6 in. stay Hoa Fence, with two stranda of barb wire.- .25 centa per rosi. wierican Wire Fence Co. Start -W. aIl have to have Our' lgWI nbip. ald il.eaidai Usho potthle ftlahing touches te a nop advortie mont sketch of a batlroam iaterice. "I w valt Alva!.tainous snd pr» perusL 1 bave knowu 'lIe lime uhos a sudden sight draft for leusthàn four figures vould have ae.iously embarP rassied Me.» -yu figure lathe cents la that statoment. 1 supposoe"-maili thq studio -1 might oveu go as fer au tbat." au entcd the.artiat."Did1 Reor tell YOU~ h0w 1 got my starir ho contiuued. "Vieil, 1,11 tell you; it iras ln tripicato portrait vork." ,«Portrait» ai triplets?" lnquired tho, studio 1081er. "Douber taRd me ho did i dicte Museum postera. ioo. at ou Urne." 'Ho ought ta have stuck to tRiai branch of art," romarked ihe artilt. "No. you mlsunderstand me. rit tell you, how It vas. Thore vas c. isn-C ter 1 vas pretty voiR un Mr uppors.At lIai Urne 1 got uequalnted vith Giotto Parkinson, and 1 tell you ho vas a godsend. He had a studio la tho Groe. venor sud ho dida't use t uhta, l.- sidee baviug a samovar that h.oflot lu the. Ghetto and plenty 'etlocahoL Thé. Groovenor dosu't favor light houe.* kooping, but 1 van pretty careful how 1 hhrew rn ecraps out of the vindov. 'Ou. day Parkinson gave an ezhib- It. Heokmev quit. a fv peuople In' re- spectable crcies aud ho hhought there vas a chauce that nome on. oftibm. mlght buy a picture ar hua If thoy sot 1 won under the. influence of a propo art aimosphero and Rues"s te.1 tuck up a fev little thinge of ImY ovu ylhbis to, uruahe .art ai- mosphere sud be provided the. tes aud1 the. samovar. It turned out ail rigbt There vas a cool baroucaa amous those preseai: aud 1 gai ber worked up to the, point of ordering tram lue a portrait of ber ten-year-oid san for 150. "She brougbt hlm arottnd the. verY nort day. Parkinâon vas a goad fok1 low snd he jet me have ithe use of Un ap for the. job. %V. md a bully gaod dinuer on the strength of the. condi- tions auyvay. The i.d wânva a ulov- taced. sklnuy-like monkey, not at ail liko Meama, but 1 calculated 1 could ldealise hlm by a vide stretel et My weIl-knovu Imaginative facuttr. Me had on. sttlug that day. Tii. neit day sud for severai othor sittingabils nurse brought hlm. and I vaut tauaMY that 1 bail the dîckeus' ovu Urne got- tlng that Imp ta keep stU!. It didn't do any godto talk tuohm. A 1Igot by that vas sasa-oh, the. vorst sort. 1 lust sveat blond for four days trying ta get stom. sort o: expjresalon go that portrait that vasn't exactly diabolilca snd yet reseipbled the kid. At tant 1 "Tva days ater th. picture vas doue and the igh ef relief that 1 beaved made the. Windows, raidle. i notilled the baroneseansu ansd the baron came ta lookt at IL.He aeerned ta have been broughi under compul- sion and ta b. but mlldly lieresied. I had learned tiiot he vas moer steptather ta the. brat, su I didn't won- der so imuch at it. But the baronesa tiirev lits of ecstasy over ti.' pîcture and ordered two mure et the same prIce, ater trylng lu vain ta beat'me down. 'l von't tell you vint 1 vent through vithîn the. next month wlth the heir apparent, bow day by day I grev ta oathe thoe lîttie vretch more sud more. The. dear angel liadt per- formed a large variety ofilnterestlug tricks arouud the pince ta relieve the. monotany of the ittlngs, sud ho wound Up by comlng eariy one aitar- noon sud coloring Parkinson'& cher- lahed florentine prints lu ait lu aur absence. VWbeu 1 remonstrated le gave me a chuice line ut eaos,, viere- upon 1 taok my littre man acrosu my lue. and laid merrlly on. "Nearly two veeks inter the cOal baron caught me lu. "Dou't bo alarmed,' be said, as 1 ireireeted to tbe vlndow. I only called to pay yod for the. pîctures. 1 belleve tusis athe right amount.' "He laid a slip ut paper on the ta- ble It vas a check for $100. "If you dont mind 1 vould Hire la shakr baude vith you.' ho contlnued. "I backed away. 1-1 ses that rau stit tfait W undea'- stand,, ho oaId. 'l vant ta tell yau. sir, that you have my entire sympatlY and heartfoît ulanke for the. basting yau gave ulat roeung an..e. eaftt toased ta do lt myeelt. rmUku. sir, 1 onvy you. By the vay, ffyou eau Maka k coneelet to aualetîMr of- Lfie I ive aomthing thora I voouit 1ke ta, taRIt ta ion about. No. doa' ear îou are oorry. Plussedou't MY hhat. l'a pro»"elfor Urne »W. lui 1 lope tlamue jan sooa. 1 thisà the. check la rlght, les't ? Thauk Fou vory mach. Good day.' 'Us shokbande vl$l me solomulY but vlgorouslî sud thm o umelsud dd an sd bolted. IuSlted ou him ad we gt quite chummy. S. lad su lllustrating for a raliroalthhat -le ras se a aide iue and 1didIt for hlm.1 mar say 1h51 b. dioere mie. 1 knov that il it hadret huesfor *0i va>' ho boot.d me aMoug i. Mou @yod acquaintancue 1 vould have boe eoiparatlvl obscur'e »d lk»i ioda>'." "llooatlng for bastng, eh?" MMd th@ studio loater. ,.Tou cau' t le" geos dcvi, O t% têy wl! tsat the oVppustâully ~~ th socmplsh a plan vhihtliey haveC J~iflonq~ sofflt to put inla effect * numaer et lyo ,lBdlpsr and other ety of.- T4ffl covboyu taraud 11.1' pl yaut"ee etorio cOmpmW rappereultly Uaile e ecorral sud hurrl offr bu overlooe h e tacti t i aytran- t1t0 fI mbouao lu s.mrch of t1141v dîme hi'roiuvemet Corne Itouà OOim . ilte people ou a r.oerendnm. Thotai «M i.bore" anted tl iretrte10 oI>,a auot favorable franci,,$, ontes. 'hav, Fon u ed lIe nevr . vbcb thie Comanyi suea uv'itm 'Vibai nov?' qnerlud a la"k sud' inaaqmlder. would ho giron by the j Ub"av JaMdal. people. la the opinion of City' offtlalals, uAlv. Wehhn' ta lut'reei 700.Tii odto tle anu seup SiOrly. Tou aln't lnt'reutod laufo-mentonitionvof the. Ito spolntod te. qAàl4 1 Ireckon.."mn noe h iyJ oue e "femabol" cboe'ueed the rmain as suotiior argument viy ithe peopleà ,Dg eccPeha ar the roua. wauld refuse ta grant a franchise. 'Vu, Mitre. aîn'i jeu beard? Theo PrOviing tbo couneil Con reach the boms' sstts can' ta fasit bine-5 the matter ln baud: 'Hov aid la she?» tnquircd lthe 'proper agreement viii thi es ernCO. ronageatt ihbeir number, csfll.dpan>', there ioma ever>' regs, o 1 'HanduouoBob !taruem" bficaue O<f heller, this campan>' sono wvlI be i hi tuduima for the. cracled mir'ar. operatlog their cars aveu the streotsi «014 1 sin'îsurne." dravlcd théof tthe City. buarer af il. ucys, "but Sîlu>'heors________ ->ona photo of ber up ta the &OUIA, su' h.opaYa mIoes sumnevero 'round 1 ADJUDICATION NOTICE Iveut>.'.Curis a' dimples an' purti aLà & picter, al't aie, SIinnyl"' p itî Public Notice ie berebi slvon ilat "Waa. Do, 1 allte se's pu t te Subscribet Executrix oi lIe Lest fait loakW 'gal as fernaies go." said l adTsmetoGore . SIlin>', siovI>'. Brainanf.d, deeasd, vOl attend thue "Vihendo, îaur ding-bulsii le- County Court of l5ke Counnu, tai muais.vornMar uriveT" asîed "Hasulerteirm thlereof ta e oboIdon ni h. Court Wilson, botrayig a spark of Intereml. Houa. ln WVaulegan. luniad Canai>' "Day' sUer tamorrov, the bo«s on theo rai Monday af May, nit. anys. Traiu gain lu the jonction ai191.vieu n sdihere an! persans bav- twO.tblrtY,"' replicd tbe man va'uw aisaani mi malor o eemm«ed ta bu the. pouasbor ai aIt tRe1ie I ie aantsadete r o lormatiolà.1 tilled sud requested ta preuntthle "Give Desmie particulau', p««e,- s1e toa miiiCourt for adjudication. dernuded a ocholurly sppusriug pot. IESTHER C. BILAINARD, -Bnage cslled -Perey'." IExecutrix. Pote eeored arouud the tOom sud Vaulogan, Ill., Marcii 17. 1912. zwetued vîi hImportance. vkly Mcii21,2SAp4 "Pur-m I kno.' b. 151.4con- deiccudIngl>', "ber name's Ange]&. Seema 5h'shils ycuugest Bît0r au' STATE 0F 1ILLINOIS, COUNTT 0F hoe alnt secu ber for about fivo iUtS, LAIR ' 88S. In the Cauni>' Court of 9o nOvWmiie'm cumin' ontt ram 110 LaIte Caunt>'. April Termi A. D. 1913. Ysvk tota halocharge ai theorach. bonse su ' see't ho gels ted decont," ju the. matter c! the, sauat. af Ellen b. euded, looluîug sigeldcantl>' ai E. Smith,. ieceased. "'Hamiet," vho vas tue ranch cook. rTa Loulm Pelton, Hauncu Pélton, "Euh." grOvled lismiol, cal- 'Eva Erizson, Clara Rhum, L.laud Fol' louptuouml5Y, "I guess as boy be's 'ton. Minute Hints, Harl P'elton, Grae survlved this long ou nMY coaklin, leoWestPhsl. George P'oitou, Chaules W. eu ive a littlu longer." ;BmIth , Hdthi Kng& Irene iR'ltan. Bd. "iaI.» Pet. proceeded, 'I gossei a vd Smith, Han>' Punth. Helen that's about aIn, 'cept the hosme S mith, Arthur Sm.lli sud Clarence Ir'a up ta ane of us ta go moot thse 'mt.bia Iiveaie u ady.» Hoe Paumed ta note thoe elect SIh er ilw eae n e of hie lant tatment. Basch ma, visees, ai Ellen E..9. Ilth. deceased'ý viih. exception ut Hamlei, prlcked Yoru arc herwby notil3ed thât on. up il* ears but liandiorne Bob vas Manda>' lIe 28th day af Aprîl, A. D. the i.reita ospusk. 1913, a et h our oftan actock lu lbe "Weil. boye "h. Maid onfiientiy, torenoon of snid de>', lIe undersigned, "ht seemns la me liai If ils, lady lu William C. Upion. Executar of the question la 'about iveni>' jere aid Lant Vill sud Testament oai Hîten x. snd au purty>auas apicter viibuio.smih ecad !poett h end dîmplea' andl anl sncbrot, ' Smho.P . esonu. Judpge ut ttheen Il'$ Oui>' rghl liii a Young an- pro- o.PUPesnJz fthCu. gressIve man ]ile. me abol'dyeleoma 1>'Court ar Lake Count>', Ilnalm , is her to aur isppy bhume. Si, voidu'î Bfial report sud final account ot hie vaut no aId codger l11e Sllnny, su' acteansd dolngs as such Executar, ask Hamilet,. y>, be'd mere ber out-" ta have the mre approved, ta bo dis. Aller muucbdiscussion uofthe que.- lion lu wka declded liaI aIl pointa ver, lu feasot o Bob. much t hiu Joy, for, as h o ld SItinu>' aflerwand, Ie'd "bean Iinkin' of bnylng a rancb far inselt an' lu would be kînda rIce tlubaeeas oman around W I brighteu uP lhe Ia u4escape.» During the course ai lie neri day, ilsueme Bob mighut have been accu ha mahe men>' furtive journeym otahibe cracked mIsrer. Hl& spano moments, as thosie of is comrades. ver. speul lu potisbing lhie apureanad dolng iu- nurnereble 11111e thînga ta impruvuist appeareuce.E The. nexu morning Bob iunted a clean shirt and a gorgeons bandans. which h. cousidered especlaliY on- trsncing tluhieRschas-sus. ileirait- Ing for breakfast, Pet. came upali hlmn eugaged lu studyiug a bsltereii volume aofSiielespearo, vhlitb. hail borrovod tram the.boas. "WelR, l'Il b.darnedl" Pete escu-i iated. "If Ilu al' readin' potrY! " 1 "Av gwnn," spuulered IBo, «'don't ail gala 111, potry? 'Hov mveet itie moonllght eieeps upon Ibis bunIt,'" Re begaui, botth hisboy! Pote bad Ccii. At noon Bob sbarcd. gLnd vIti itie *id aifPerey' manlcured bis finger1 naiiu, arreuged bia bandan& ln the1 mnt becoming manne! andi flnally iiurnesed Up lbheuem af livel>' pintas and drove off for the junction amld a cloud ut duut and the cbcermsud Ject" af those e 1,1bcilnd, Aller vbat seesned endlesa valing, lie taam bave ln aIgut and as lisud- smre Bob sud 1111e Angola. as lb. boys celled ber, dr. eurthle ho>'. gathhred asu clame au possible for a Viey af tie vonderW ldamueL Tb@e rlg came tla astop vitI a Jerk sund Bob alighted to aut a lady a1 »ucertain aue attirail la a sait de' cidedinmasculiue, wyul a mm'% feu bat sud a pair of luge pectaelmm, lIe puered iirough lies, atthe as- emblame of olooboms "Vhy.,"0oh. ewclwmlini bar ioud. barl value, "What quéerl' ok- las individuels.- vhuaeuffl lie? M~ t i the b*atmo5Ihm OO lth mrprislng upeud. That iaIt *vbU»ilsboi WM satbored lu the bouue. Ra$& sme Bob vas misula&. sel 11mgt arriv, ami almee«t lue te otAis Be vas greeted vitI joud- bav'bsv vIiel ol>' erel te duepunbism â: Mr e r a'scovl. "Nov uveet the momnllgt OSInis uoffl lie baie," quete Pots, dremrmly, '"Av. mbt up, jus 011 pt4el" flsrledBob, as hoIuieffla 00P7 Shaepuare vebemi>'tlu 7e"% dl1rertion and r»iUfl gleoMil? (A bobnl. chargcd, sud ta bave the. estate of saldr deceased declared tully settled sud closed; at, vhich time sud place you mIay'be preset If you eee lit no ta do. Dated tuis 251h day of March, A. D. WIILUAM C. 1JPTON, Executoro! tiie L.aat Viii sud Testament of ERRen E. SmIth, deceaaed. wIty-meh28 Lazy ivera, bau etomache, constipa- tion, dyspepsea badl breailu, beedache, saîlu r complexion, promplly relievedl b>' Holllater'a R. M. Tes. 35c. W. W. Pearce. 8874 lM. MILLER. Atioey. Notice of Incrouse aI Capital Stock 15woffice ut elNational gae. Dopoeit Company' of Libertyvilie.i[il. Public uQ)ioe le hereby giron tual st a opeooi tateetig i ig oftestochholders aof the First National Baie Deposit Dompsnv heldl nt Lihertyville. llinoiso. ounithe Ilth day oft Match A. DW1913 at the bmur of 3 O'clock p. M.. the. foiloving resolutîn s'as adoptel, "Reeoîved that the t'apiral Stock oltbie corporation bo iucr.'ased tram 015.0w0.OOtoi tbe lsuni Ur A cer'tificats of the. proceedlugs oi eaid meetingr verlfled b>' be aildavit of tRie Prealdtofel »IdmmiCompaan under tb. selt'ofi maid corporation bas bren Biled lu ibe officeol the8ecretary oni Blee sud a ile certificats hue basa Bled for record tlu tbe office, ai the Recorder <44 Deeds of Lake Count>', au provoled loy 1mw. DaWe this 27th day of btmrch A. D. 1918. .Ioau L. TàyLO,, Presldeut. 01. CAaaoLL G(IiDT.Ey, Secretai'. April 4-11-18 1f. BAIRSTOW MANUFAOTURKR or Maujile and Granite Mouiumenis Cometry Work of! Eves'> Description Correspondence soliif l 116 Geoesee St Waukeprsan ~Çé~as~l. ............s lt~pe.e Pev0 ............. PniM o ok..............3 cartlARr fuO Chcago.........me3 Ajn" Bownef. Mme........... 802 Lriaitebur. Chego.........*22 Clan Nae, Mme ............ 21 Bopbl hI clrmrayer, camue........ 21 Twe Apologie. Au Amaesuediior advertise. tfer bis missiez bat: "The gentleman vho Inadvert.ntly tool aur mew beav- or, sud left su Interlor artiole laulis ««&ad. vlI do us indite kladnuesby returng sogrs. lHe mhan reive ont varmeet thanksand tva apalogtee- su apolagi for the. trouble w. bave givec hlm. sud tho 'apobogy for a ba ho bas l.tt us."-LomadonTeleguk. For Hair H.alth If Rus fu » RoUb11vToi". am Mt inmvoti.he blhh et yoeo &" d b'Ive vU par Les ebatpua sOum lg if ii mrvutrr8tJ.1U08057our me- swudlam 1.111taa ns. vos El fflr rcmus Md On8 U m dis i daldmif. e hnt u -ce*aZ-mn11 aIle baupo mue. W. wasiJOU la ma"s ns peov ti&e, »ksyoitor8doit ce ehatever. Boy a hottie od .%Il Bab TT e. u»oit eodmg te llUrtAo.a fort tluty dayl=WesI0 meu amsmot ontAr Mai.dd. amd si us sund vs LUpromphl band tc batelsmc..>' Fm pald Ms foe IL. Wo vou'. mâtlFou tt.miena baek. We vmeos,'tipafo in l a>'ay . 7e vilitale jour asm an7 «wsything bho mis uir? Cwed ve de amyag mto owe urbelle!la Itossl ",ELiT = mmdou, houmot ff u ia a vau asadimg it to Y«n »t ta ueu a'rinz t. r and hu but s lunoL. plolSiIS 0I.0 t R ou,, i n tv o u 09ol bott i c a n ~ o d 81.00 Tee mu boy DeuIl '113' Hair Tcabs b ti,. «oanaumly ou>'t rai cr mm DECKER & BOND Idbt,te ly *5e lflbm Tb l à b ami .teum*m lb.~ ~ -9 SeS WMiim tSt na Niavailuexp -tSayli 'Moving Pltotur. ,EY' CausaMost Mon te b. Turned Dmw. IS FOOD FORREFLECTION. Hunrheds of Waukegan Peuple are Very Probably Sufferlng of Same Coniplalrt. Athougi tRe luatter snflot luovu generaît> man>' yaung mon are pro- vonted ftram becaming recrulta ai North CiiICag, because tboy have vhat bas been torrned a "Ilaviug Picture Eye, " Accordiug ta experts lu ube nary tuis alIment causes maur >'aung men ta b. rejected vien iii.> eel tao, eter ithe nav>'. -1 "O0vor 80 per cent aIt the men turned down au account at oye defecta are sufferiug tram a dlueas. mîitlar ta aphtbalia, vbich hitherlo bas cone, ouly frtrm subllndueam or the sun of the. desert. The. ont>' cause i cau ses la the marins pictures," a 'ell ktnowu naval off icer sald. On. uf tRis roasona vhicb causes thS. botief le that tho groatest number of bese CAutsuf ai ts pecullar oye detect. came. tromt>'uung men vha have live Ini lu ie. viiere thccuhii valci muving plcturs ery e>'dy. Rt bau been fouind that lu tiie malorîr o! cases the yeung mon vho, resude in the country' vbre hhey rami>' or neveu cee a moving pleture mare ex- collent oye.. Tii. sistemnt bears outtuhe asmer* lion of different authorlules via say liai people vba make a practlce 0f seeiuig movlug pictures conttnuaîly are girlug hheir eyez a terrifie atralu. Thîe qult'l transition tramt one sub- Jeci lu a.olher vorkslth. tnerreu aud Muscles oi tb. oye too rnuch and If this aIrain la subjected toc, ofien Rhe eer annoI belp but veaken. Tuls belug true ther, ougbita bc rnY cae.@of ithe dsease ln Vani. legan, for b>'fetar liiggeut majoril>' of lhe reuldeuts are irequent patrao.o of ths niclelodeous. Prequeuti>' tii.> complain ai pains Inthheir cye, but the>' setdom uink tb altrîbute lu la thIe right cause. The Largest MagaiRnelns the World To-olay". Magasine i. hl suget sud bput edited imagazine psilblsbed au 50c per yesr. Fîve CeUls le'! clIp> at aI a'.ueido'ai.rs. Even>'lady>' iir, aprM- sto' a Rond esoane P.hnid "eBd for a In"e esuiik cop>' and ppmînin 'alsg. AviOn... Tunar's Mauara,tzi Cninu, 1 hm. 21.tf ~'1 +++ SFOR SAL FOR SAS Rihoude lwii for 100 ai Fuix Lake. BsER FOR BAL Charles. Ti Libert3 vil l'bove 261 FOR B'oI veigblng i Rio.oi FOR BAI. ean iprin new sod pI one eprioî buggy asud takefl muni vill. FOR BAL UO A. K, FOR BAL acres of i of &Roud vo cliiarn FR BAI. ruîoooors OR FOR BAl. 6n 6 pur- cnckerelé. ville. FOR BAL 17 acres,, aut-hougee trees. 01 dress E. FOR BAL statiOn. 2 fenced. 10 lu pastur Z-atour>'.ai lit. by f20< ,mrvlud mli *lra. . L CA NADA page boul piilc riew ed inforia eeu centi The. Wa Canada. FOR BAL Farm. PU piugton c thîrteen a ting of t Parin, lU FOR BAL hors,.v work. A colts. eXti harnees; liens, R. R. Dady, III, phono FOR BAI OhaioeSm ertyville. FOR BAL e1gh 27 ^^ ORSA baby chi duck egg ertyville. FOR SA litO.Aeoî FOR SA' My Bull Repmembo .1juil. wl FOR SA about;-Io enri>' see Libertyvi FOR SA Buicik au, béen tho gond coui FOR S)'