* L~È ~ ~TPE1DN~~,1'W4 ,APRIL 4, 1913. r TUA I~+M8OELLABOU + Rea Égâte Transfr RBAWLLO- <~ ~ ~ftjNONE RECESVEO .+++++++.o.uNsse . .AV A COUNTR..Y .. 25 CENTS Are you tnterested in HouseW DoOU TR rdio Y Want te become a proISverous Lakie Coutity Title & iruli 0 ring . . . .. .+ .. FOR SALE-10 H P, ee rcc motor Wrtte today. Good datry and stock IlOMEfl NEARl BEACH WaLgtiIi it + FOR BALE ~~~+ ln el odt i<ton. Iuqutre ot RAT V. tarins. Good wheat and flax land.NaoieTml Bd.Wa.g I- + O A ENogmdheldanuurmt. Titep hone 20211- Close te ton $10 te $25 per acre. ijJ. W. Barweil Purchases The . AEWbt .jnot f. . ......24-tl Sold on 10 years- payments. John Mad 9. 1913.-Mchael Ejeman Old Connolly Place on No. ttîutrn tlt ti. FOR SALE-I Arndt Nolanr l Ashley, N. D. wkiy4t+ adwf eCrsinT hiias haeil N.ront good utlt tl. Foc FrOR 8AEtai _______________ an, t! toe hrietta T.W C'%, ne Shericlain Road. fr1.Mon B. Ilrs Lit,ýrtSil s. twr acre. Inquire of PAUI M ACG Fr ', The laut of the sertes of the Ladies south 2o) acres, eaat ,nrh'.î/___ fr1.p-2s., LitertiNile t.24. entertatuinents, a home talent section 24, Vernon township. W. D.1 J. W. Barwel,, presid ut and (mi). )Pie pl, -n brd-afr. ORSLtiatbi play, .tfllibe ,tiven at the Gurnee hall. 11, er of the cait j eal fa7torc of, Wau- uFOR $ALE-Ega. Iro urs bre@ an ban FORri SALE-il rAise monse kega andn orerd-î o'te the C r teaI' R-hode liélaîd Ltets et $1 51) for, 15; 89 &Il modern c.Juvenipnffl; clos@ e t he Ipi keth. ansd musteen o! Young' or-i Matr'au-ney o\ ( for 100et Gal ou@ ta t omile- sat 01 eiectric d-pet, (;&oh or trms. 1chestra, Mr. and Mrsl Brown and maietO ltouorr rt v'eai- Fux Lake. P-:44 veulent for twO familles or one. Toe- quartette. ednoadslsb r.Scn tet Wakgr aef ean National Bacnk S ta cosne BRlT J. AXD MUs li. L. <iALIîEI< pIons 215R. ct27-t i ataîg andl n'olost) lie Mmeie loton steeWakea. ec 2 ----- ea Nelson and readinge by Norton Frank E. Rose (bachi) et al to An- îtutleodCnntypaet pr-FOR SALE--8*aek oftistit straw (le the FOR SALE-Xv reeldpnesOn MlakeFlo.wkyt thn oyeatl otat 'c~acI station. ccntpristng about 1.0 I jet Chartes Treptow tari, 2 afles Boothlit oul u *VfUC ext t. Smith's g îver. E. section 99 opposite nurtheaet "/'iacres. Tils is the 'O-acr, farni w hich Lieryvil..A V 118à RiIle- et MC)NL) tbTYVIe e-O' Burnett & oollttie Hatchery CO- 'section 32, Warren township. W, D). 5toadlEa thng tUat cton, er ofun thewhnyu u FORB r.E- aI FOdRlît- SALE-R lsk Laugoa u eo kereils. elv ng eggs dally te tatch lnt e r o.E. Si m n n i e rinan o d ia ng ts a i l, e g parts7 FORhlu tromFal and werta extra u.uîe ~ dn.lel al alle lues a RoV. u tiPfer 'Mamrouth Incubator." Write for. CI. Peterson, lt 18, biok .Žt xu tîe Place uvliere. lieti a postofficebugb suejg they ttREae i o . Libertyville. 12J2. Round La ke. c 5 t rt l cta , te l n I b u t u .C lti In section 28. W . D .«~ si. tab'ted At B eac hi station , t1ite Plins278J2 Iuao lctd1Posttnaster tield tortl. Jh amr on cvc rmde e-2-Icbtrlctdlu basement of Ya-: Sanford Peck and mite to týrail onCdtSud diefontera irned~~~'O FOSL -jhveeme moeaise blAveIy r-eu tu ee. ttlnhtoe 11 Noth Gne'trzno stohone3 u uoîstaon aso :teehee at un im. Th rxig nefr w nt eas ar b S E-Iof tuht at. W.0gr cuo os u 0 Jhî.g Huiin Place. theretore. ta one ot thein be-tr wnt yl Aiua I AGZ, Ijrayiske, . c2" see St., Waukegan, 111. Mchl4tt Cub ltshp . and 10 Chcg iglns'noso in lthe locaîîty.Whny byaweaeug yuie g 5' i ae léan spriuq wheatfor aled AKg baeWtBjdHm.altesil xeineudsinei ug uilding r to ne sud pu, uns 4 tnchsuîîble bow, .NOTICE-I wtll teach anyone lte bar- 'Mahrtîn De Tanible and ste tei Sadn nSeia od h rp that haif a centwy can produce. You are proteci. one sprtng t.'<îh cultivat or,«e top FOR SALE-Seed oate. lmProved White ber tcade lu a feuwWeOks anid put thae Fredk. E. Rlcbardt two lots in Rtidge. jryi etat lutdadM.il OIefaafa h itkso one ules co ne bugny anu oue milî Wagon. Cb.-sp Il gustlmu cats. reelsusi and gra*ed. ta work at good wag en. This a a ' Wodi park. Hooue. Ht bil the kk lI W.aainstthe aniaakee ofin unge I intaken s.0c . W. OCOLwaRgai. Ltherrl- welghs 42 Ibo m.aed bualheI, a ver? bonafide offer. WrIte m.A. B. Me.u- prSuhHghadPr.W ryl Yourbl wiflte aanad be- mrog cfs rh Studee icnvîil. c-28-tt produetivs vartety ot sbîte nate. lIcie 'er, Pres.. Molar Systeni Il Colleges. the Yama wli tutende teain doend nf th Sde well --------- ~~~~~~~~natn are Its. tmom tout as wae<t aadg. Wabash Ave., Chicago. p-27-2 Ags ilneta tChrs,,a l fotee n'abuyonheodta n FRSALE-Tira second baud al PeA oIMWpre baiel (i82 Ibat. th enOs Huit. lot 1. block 1, Dryer's sutivi-! ad erecttng un the property a fine its equal for Style. luxuxy and goold looka. nules ylf lnud at -onditlou. tuquire of F-RAI-99qp HOVz51V@W l- hD sion, North Chicago. Q. C. ,~ ýContry home for usA, as bis country entier Or.A. KNPPrailrie ViII. FROS SAS-D reeIdence. It is salit (te and Mrs. tir"btrl eigrrflfn l cu- oye~~p FO BAL-Fo tereCupls ueUhles io t, ah.) tree R .A , ai l' plan spenoing conhîderable tirnle ner, pluglessa body, double-ironed shafts, are a few ai o Who FOR SALE-A tearng~iis5Itli T- 1 2 bred. w.ltel~ G. W. Bereon taltTM RG NIN von, North CDhicago. Q. C.$i i i Iie country st.-'r.thelImprovemn:ts the special Studebake features could acsrve oI tiret ch i-lla unil; wPud Lîbertyville. Phone 278-J-2. c-27t Ruhy A. S. Nicholson and liîîsband>are copelTh os I ae'e new closefiuing ahiftin rals ouhu luiproveil buIldingo, dîiit-d wehl lîl.-nty E .Slzan atlt9 eto !,ia edad,11b iitf-n nuhi lit ~of wood Walter. Twsiîu'r ruiles nurt il« FOR SALE-11,50 acres ta BUlligs THýemen for the(A secAn toe E. ma. Saimna part ao i.u . sectio Chk'sgo ripai, L)eerllel'. Fr furth'-r Cotnt N. D., in a bloek. for $7 POT TH LÀS1KLZÀN DEAtL onNrt4heia Road, Wauke- lie emen fo11 ecin de la pancula aditre JîpiiN C. i si.acre termes; 50 per cent tarm land. 40 gnW.D. $1, Tefrnles just a few rode seuthàl"ý Z W or - . rfsl.II. P..' I .1).8i mpue1t.is n cof.nad ar ams fJon ocethr.j. E J Sizmnn(dplaceaîjlcfHîeandy lae nnntet ret siaW.j IIg .se H,., lei ex£008 FOR I4ATCMING-S1 C. White countles. N. D., $12 te $25 par acre ; .'Pherpont Mlorgan, George Go-ild. H. H. Sct>w8rtz, Part lot 9, section 16o distance nurth of the~ Ire. Mary Dur- Sas s, Duels seor a. asa'- Legliom, and P)ark Cornlafi Indians, eas&y terme, 36 bu. wheat per acre 'Rgers. Charles H. Watkins, Chartes North Sheridan Road. Waukegan. W. kîn home. The ftai îles about four STUDEBAKER Souh 1111111111 lseaise Indtan *rtifnner duck eggs. TWO 1912. P. L.angbetl Land & IÀ Co. 9weeny and ouler perlions widely D. $1. mites nurth of W'ankegan. NsW VOIX cic>.o DALLAS KgeUs crrir nmevu e"y dos. S. C. White Leghorn liens torilMx N. Dakot. wklyMc2Ar i nl the worid of finance y ester, CmNEPti ATLX iT hVAC0 alsv e o ses. EO.il o-ii. N-t ________________________ day were hrought fril l-to the triai Miarcb 26, 1913.-T. H. MRnn iually FOR SALE-Improved and untmprov- ibetore Judge Landîs of Albert C.* Frost and %'ie to G. A. MeKinneyLosl STORM IS FORETOLD. ruain. FOR S s ,-<c.'s$1 Intepar duî ed farie si s iv-ake shores, and anS four othere chargeS wlf h Alaskan 2 and 3, block 67, North Chicago.___ euh-Jibîî><tr. ,a.,II c-2"- soins ttowtag welle. If Iaterested write land fraude. -W D. $1.00. fh ws mord tn scienfîfic torecasf t- .-- B and me what you want. Peter Gltuin, De-! The detense oought te show Fro,1 G. AI MlcKnney and wito .E-igo ometbtug ectually admirable T- -- nd If - FOR SALE-On.. grood ltrin blgre, 61- trait. MIna. wky Mch28Apr4-il+ was hnierested ln secuiring the cesa, Colberg. Lots 1, 2 and 3. block 67 iu the way uf guessing la to 0e found - I U 4 M I E' a he606 e. c-27t RoeIln Rd---- te lnds lu the Slatanuska valey on]) tor North Chicago W. D. 41,500. 'tn the torecast uf lest Sunday's cy- IB A K J S ~ . M I- H IAJN Cw' -. cockerets. J. W. Sweeting. Liberty- FOR SALE OR RENT-itetLaciiîîîh ithe purpoee of keeplng them out of Michael Hogau and wite to J .coel h e.Lr .1leeaua to bc r.mu. Addr.s Bo,% 17fi, tirayelak-. I1 .aio ansriti iudlteii, tO hanSe0 h inteteleeoud Wc tet I 2-3 rode north 14 rode, alc. :Farmers take notice Ilw Is the trne Io bluîg Wau- : FOR SALE-EcIleu truck tarin of c-13-ti meranntre. lot 11, secitýO 16, Newport tow"ns.t;P-M Ardcinia wspti ye Jorhty 17 acres, neir bouse. Good weil and L.etters writfen by- 0. G. Laboree. W. D. $1,500. aY S.re912cti tlt was u cn- hn typ1 i plows and farmu Implements and have Lima. out-tiauses. Newr orchamd of thirty FOR SALE-Hors- for Ilpros;neo! the original prumoters of the Benjamin NI. Frorster anS ýifet l0't. accuracy of tii- coming ot the cy' thcmt put Inflrst class shape fer âprill iOtk. they tises. One mite froin station. Ad- tiarnees. Laoshn Lîv ies LbadhBoue AIsa Centrai ralmoad, te Mm. Fr-ost M'ale Ilyers: 5 acres in ea-i hiait IClone that bas malle itsel!teit thmough- aIba, b triras. 1,-iuI lia Iiîîuc.e au sin.-, wer Aiea.Teprotwe hite ot atf eto PractIcalMos hen adW odW r i. Otîtdrees E. H. Schultz, Ruseit. 1I11 m e. Teprîutsa ta O sut as oil eecibou 1, fîentonout the entire country. Ten monîhe os hensn odW r tu ta - - wkly-îu _________________________________ big luteresue wers tumnlng their et- township. W. D. $1.00.beoetccmntgeeru th RparigadJ bl . . . . . . . . . . . . . tenulon towamd the coal tends uf the Mary E. WVoOd ta Elle E Whitman: tiuo air currents that causeS the ci'- FOR SALE-am one hiait ile traindFR RN + Kyak vaitey, where valu-ible Seposits Le-t 16, block 28, s.aka Bluff. W. D. $1. clone ihis meeting lu the. air wasr ç 1 .. TIL K B UF e/orld station. 201 acres. fence and cross .w .....,ereeretiorte te (o <. scheduled and described in the HhcksjH Dif nbaker, r-rop. ILN I foniel 100 acres ln crap. the balance -..+ ++ + + ++ + These Intemeets were serhousiy cont- Mai-ch 27, 191.-L D. Kelly to G. B. atinanac. ILIN IS t ~~4 . lu peinture, good seven- m bouse, F0 RRENT-1 12-acra tarin one mite sidertng gettlng hold of tle coat lands 1Keli'y: 160 acres ha secties 5 anS 8, ,,t50 2-utery. and basemeai; gond harn ;5 ireet of Lake Bluff. Ili. Electric came lu the- ?atamnst.a vatiey, towamd Newport township. Q. C. s1 lpi-elil . ft. h' 200> il 2-sti'y and basement; stop rih t farni. wkyapll.101.'whiîh the Ataskan Central ralroad Frank Keiley ta G. B. Koey:i' 160 tor- sa graaary 12 tt. by 16 fu.. 2 weis 1 -w - as pushlng lis îracks. acres In sections 5 ait 8 Newport Welg. vInS mîli. WrIte tom furither liartîcu- FOR RENT-80 acres of land nearj -What, Mm. i-i-nt. v.as locr (oncenS township. Q. C. $1.Bu tfo '1on J are, J. L. Herngway. Slattoon. Sba- Russell, Il.. verY reasoaable rent te lion of what the intent'on' ot thes,, in- Jae Pernianence band wetroi terAl-edB u-aao Ca., WB. aiky-apIi-4t gc-aitencant- Write or caîl Mme A. teresis was?" asked Attortiey A;beri teRi cad:otiVlagorLk l frI G a an e R'-àniond. 614 East 46th Su., C7hicago, Pink? Villa- W, . OSi CANADA LAND,-Write for oui 32- lit. wkly 2t+. "WeIi. sic undemetood the Mtorgan 'Iery E. tremnin and luband t e ia nc A b 'f .9rOfor L t i pege boaklet contaiutng 63 phofogra- - .iaad thie allied htereste s te f o Alfred R!chards, part lt 5, block 4, pile rîes, and etatîsticai and jetai-. FOR RENT-Two flg lîglthosi friendl ispsîywlu, ad aeVla .D 1 eS nfoetahonabot ar lndetnkeeping roee fuihe . Mme. jasdsoe oad s aSILk Vla .t.$ edok inforatid St.u c-27- lad na. Mi-. Fi-ast. -We feut sure If the big Pauline Mc.Mahor sud bueband Io eau enra Ssacewn.Ilfi- ............ flei gou coul mol o! thie tuai lande Alfred Richards: i-ut 4 subdivision o! The WValch Land Ca, Winnipeg, FOR RENT-2 rîîoing for light houffs-I t iIs a-aley tlhcbaS au Intention. block 4. Latke Via. W. D. $10. Canada. wkv-ai>ti-4t kelpinst i iumhed 1r iinhnrnisebmd. Ad- jfor a long lime at ieast, of operatîng FORSAL-Th Whte rxrnutn *~6 thm In tact. thcy w2tnted te gai Mai-ch 28, 1913.-A tL. Gati. te C3. H. uRe AL rTe Whai ! bte Or- FO!ETO IIpossession o! them for exact, the of> Wagne-, part lot 11, Highwood. W. Farni, Pr rdSrisO btO-FO E O ILSELL-7-rîimP05Il purpose-to close (hem so they j). $1. pîagton egga, per setting $1.5 par nmodernî ho-ie on W-eu Park Av-..la coutd operate without compettian EsaeuC.PW-terbarut thiten aSWhtsBoks 10 ame- oie tO . gasoi.Lieryvlt iite John Popp, Jr.. tract of land ln sec- ulng o! thîrtean. E. Simupson, Wolf 2-f - h len ific areadi Th n-paS io oaS f -Paria, l«ako Bluff. WkIr 1.WL.LAEFRCS ETL ykvls' h n"iaerto tieflns 24, and 33, Vernon. township. Wl L LEAE FO CAS RENAL-these Mataauska fielS'c meant, otf Deed $4.200. I FOR ALE-Afine aIr o 6 yer aidFr 5 or 10 years tagtpryatCourse, the financtal si-iecking of the horees. weights about 3200, i-eaSy teo y land lu Lake Coutl consisting Marih 29, 1913 houle Paulkner * I"Ait 1 vanteS of the chaIms was t work. A number of 3 and 4 year aid of about 1100 acres, 500 acres hlghly t and vite te C. K. Sayler. L~ots 36 antd -- colts. extra gIld 1 ast o! heavy teau m tip-oVd Witth modern houees, bai-ns 'se th5Y got loto the bauds of per-. 37- lc ,NrhCiao .D harsse i ai trcks aea 0 yua' and silos. Feuced aSd crac. !enced sons filt e h fi ntereet f e t ur Olc8,orhCiaoW.. heus R. . R.anSsoin Orpnlo.- th wvyo Brire teactug. Ail iled rau-roaS."'8500. l ie ..No. Sdan Rd., Wîauegsa. i ortrA Ki~'~ s. ot Wxu. Mangea (SecS) tael~~~.1 R. Dady, No. Sheridan Rd., Waukeg», 1 C. ~~~E. tSaYler: Lots 1 and 2. block 33, u.resl-treeecre lLh s o tn n a III.wk hoa74 kylt ,expensive dalrylug. A. F. McKeown, 666 C2-t Chcy.w .$,O.o 4711 Laké ave. Chicago, Ill. Wky if Fui Rbeuruatiom and Gant. F. E. Relckhardt andS vifs ta, W R long stroke molor underslung spring construa- FOR SALE-About 50 Oushele Kart?;efe:Lo lc ad"7sb Ohio senti putatos. Joha IDozens. Lib- l MON EY TO LOAN-On Improvad réal ddiion e! block 3, Rldgevood Parit, in la I wh e b so riz G od ar N Jryil.Dn. 8.OsaLvFII ata rio TO Hyland Park. W. D. tinilg.w e lb s, v rie Go d e r N FOR BALE--Oua ain of work mars Boitas A" Seymour ta Eustly D. ]RuU Out Tires, Booth demountable rira,ri, )Wegh 700 Fo paticlies, nqur . .. .. .. .. .. .. .Suaer: Lot 7, block 36, North CShi- of G. E, Overson. Libertyvtîte. c-27,11 ~ e~- + II-0 'M -E cago, and la". 41 anS 42, block 52, vision and ventilating wind shield. FOR SALE-BarraS Rock eggs andL~~J ..hr Pa. .oîf C.cao Wl.). baby clicks. Aie Indien WANTD-ut omtbesd da Lake Foi-eat Universîiy te Emma S. duck egge. Mme. R. E. Thaomas,. O- 2 TED-Saut iO tIl. u1eS pa >n b r i-tyvtlhe. Telephone 266-w2 c-27-tf ti'm 2and Partke RosIIIr avanu $andpa FOR ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O SAEIJ .Caetr-bngiust, eâre ut INDEPRNIPENT office F or the foillowlng Lake avenue (vacated i Lake Fui-st. niai-biné separator tel gouit condition. .lt __________________ .C.80. GEo. AssÂis Liherlyville. P-27-2 'WAN TED--Good suber ::g(maiM LF E E 'i -i t-r 1 loor HtutitIl £lt44-501' ive->segr P Iore-Door experlenced ln ata wora. PNo !@ miIn M L.F E " $1,700 SmTona,12i. eBaseegr $lg 7 FOR SALE-Will oeii the remaitI-ýr i, GoaS irages. Addresu elo M. MIORTON, Vilti i............... ....UV~m oneu 11i belbs MyB >f r1ingt(tir <-ucleriti $1.5 ,i tia -pate. 111. p-283 sacb. Eggo et 50enrts ta astinw. WATi -hnea II 1;üIýt1,iI cIadte Iý il.450SvnPsef FoeD '$2, 0 - lmtemrnr the attove are Pi'.- tiiell and WANTEDTO eghlauge l e '.............l.e.....-$2,,150 rouartng Ca-, 121 in. WVheel Biase. $ .ifpri. winuittiz stic-k. F. %V. 'os mnlctsilnsat Pur r 450reenP#segrFoeDo j mtile Weau o! Libetrii t ie '2 ;-ilbuemnfcue lu , scin.ra.- 3- 1 FORSAE-litut 00 trie dSi te put up. In a hi-eoding anS hoabugraaî.seu i . î in. WI liii I;ý $l70 LO irmousine, 121 in. Xv'Ia-cî Base. - ,5 abut 50 mcm(Ii wotît asnd a quîantity of fer troin 60 te 70 paria. Pouitry flat International Suger Ile. eariv s-s-il potuattîe. Suuîiisaii ftiiiS. plan. Wiîi excuaage for bourse, pige sae ua ed e ashwyutî euîu a- emntainwu ovneyu Libertyville. Phonei 2671,2. e-2t1-tf cw Oi- fat machiner-, or teeS. See Qae ue ed e sso o hsBatflCrADmntainwl ovneyu type o! building on our plat oppositeRceMa,1 pecnta. FOR SALE-5) pasqenger 2 cylinder oit sttIon 12i pe oent rautga. -Bah-kr automobile, $20t0. Titis car basgofsain Ot&Ot uka, been thoroughll îîverhanted cnîd il, lu Ill- Wkiy 8i Cotton Seed Meal. i - good coudltioîî. l.ltitHTi i l-,LE(.I <LiAGi.WATO'oSua tug ir Red Dog.Pe eton Io esKAKB RS ~ ibrvu it-(-us, WANTEO-Eleeirleat cunt rte P.ean rfer tiand Iluvers araA the mo