, ..0 ' Icit>' prisoiters. ComittlOoe 1aaltedtattls billh eli cdUP 111111110 t lafudwbat the cottnty Intentetet II FOR ~ ~ 'doe botpatg for fumigation t'à ftT iRAND aa pxcsstbat lhave, oecurreîii1 tt I This centienans deas DA d here forthbctesat feu Yeffl. The City Ar£m.ldl VENUE ColtedIlb in op taeteantOiY ta e- imburset.e City' for cxPca incurred o u ob a in., but tiis te countY board W o pdtr Noeml Error Found byCr hatrefuseri te do. -Counsel Who Sug_ The counili111ov tals t@ Position oft Uts Enter Fri oL gesis Newe Bids. tiat it bas the coutty on the ap5.and t iftl i nt heu paid for cahng fr tc T' NORTH AVE. PAVED. clby prisoners until the fumigation bill RECIPROGnY IS ECOURASES heI ts of Street Want it sntoîok thte position titat If IlbIl, dama- 'IIRégardless of Car louit that the cty nives t.e countby Provision mde for Absoluts Fres a r mpan-Mee Tonght. anyting after dedudîtilo tite amoutit Tratis with Phlulpýplnss and te Cor-. anyi.-Met Toniht. aofthe fumigation billbiat tbe Monley tnue Prosent Trodc Trcaty wth U ri <ia 1wtarneti over. Otherwise, ta Cuba - Arrangement for EasyosrW gAy, APRIL .. 1913. usec a figurative expression, "thte coute- C1 eamee'ten n ti l attrer -tbe by cani hstefor lsmony.Citsnge of Rates Incoruiorated. a.T hatoi e eien atifer the ~WaahIngton, Aprîl S.-Bis provld* tp hatIDE avrtRelioclg for sweeping reductonna In everY .-~siderait , te Board of local lu- MOITFS ~W EIIL IIRLI> ihetinie of the tarif! iav excePt ts@Cn ta at its meeting On Monday t obacco and spirite scitedulea and an - avnu ewrimroeen, AT TRMN CREW int; ta teb amal. bY ~te tarlif! cotgwe te amend te bidding aiteet antdisere Intraduced . th boseby ew for bide. Thoat tiis action TUESDAY, APRIL 8 1913. Chiarman VJndervitod of tse bouetme b*tek v as ruuored 1nearIY asadmen O'tte n TI boytandis whos agei Severai articles ai food and cioth- in q'iance provldtlng for te im_ range firn 10 ta 16 Yess wl p* otn, lased as% necessaries ar lire and Cre t spectlied a certain amount untier arresi by te Waukegànoic affecîîtite iigit cot of living, areTh ta b do. wtb rgur tatodoy on a charge of havling mode OnClpaced on the free list or greabi>' re- T tebtdns rpainthe ld attenust t te oid up a freigM trolin1 t duced ln dattes. The igcome tax billdath te its Item was aecidentaI-1 North Chitcago, Monday night aotpvimsfraeeyo alicansa th m iSeti AiUte contractars, wIUt 7:30 o'clOck.* The boys emptiOti the $4,000 a year or over. tien of Chales PayneusuuW contente of a revolver t thc crew Of Reciprocli>'ls Encourageti. cr ei bdei at~rdne îttthe train in seeklng ta gethsm ta Many Important changes are matde cents a pound. Bibles, bons ea11101 truck. efr bid Inmîflrdtllig bh 'Inte administrative feaînres aofte bran.,viteat streeninga, rosI <biturn isbeil Ing set disregardiigthestop.This Io te -umntn v tariff 1ev and in place af bbe axi- nons and miais), coke. stack. Cor%, Tite dranage provideti for Ithe ai a sorieu of daring exploit& by Mura an minimum sectioni Of tc vasete and asiavinge. gloves tma"s oftensli Mr. Payne prepareti hie y@tis renidlflg in Nortit Chicago. Paynti.,ac. vicll uoere tib bors bidles and cattie tides, boots fron theordianceprop rTe naties pi te YOutbiiti bandi sprestident ta lavols blgiter dtes and abocu, itarnose. agricuitu;al ita- P fra tteorinnc ~ are as folovi: agsinsb any nation vitici discumln- plements and leatiter. lncluding osbae car. ~ai~ltdabl o $.60 t ci1AR1J5 PLIMENT. 14 Yeal'8 ated against the United 14515. thora laces. tlW nld. ~~le a provision giving t.hie!e ex- ________te es phaeed hlm an an equal footing o, JEoç 3yasod ctvafe adt eltaercp have ts otea-contractera, hie bld . ARR RiK 3 er od civte a fiee itnd ta egat eion. Pgmt-eddClsfy o -MAURICE IJOK, 10 yêars aid. rth y brtievbi brellantis. Pîgeofia metentinsdth» 1»Md lme - Fire on Train. ageenalla roitobelnatiait ya lacb Whe a eai&etatla Utaeu» dol out rTe boys ver. lYlng t embuait Jut a oreeme thahouse rat coueti by a me-leur ti.hngfound. irc éé l»e' SR1 IF BLL oittitoai te Northt Chian r th oi> o ahbuceo oges.Sal e top br of ho toai in0»h«Ir- vOfih utCSEIF'.BL.Herebofaro rattfication of suchIt rea- tctibro t rb ae.l~ as Mot to Pay for the Fttundry. As te frelght train ap- tics vas accompisbed bhi a tvo ag- -oozl a pigeon wviicu bd," bratel proncited. on. of te boys 'ho P<>5 tirds vate of te senate. doua te omine>'. litbobit se ôt rilsoners IJntiI the seasd thte revolver. openedt ire and The rade treat>' viit Cuba le le- wMlitl a considerable qusabit>'oe ao! ys Bdis are Paid. emptiedth ie Chamibers oi the gitl. talned andi provision la made for aib- Wben tite occupler openedthebbc vi When tiis did net brlng te train te soiube f ree tradte viit bbe Philîippines. lova te pigeon made lbs uises. . PL) tWàRK 0F tOIJNCIL a top te youngateý% piç#eti np large 'lhere vili be iterealter aecording te-- tOx ordînânCe anedd rocks vietict iey hegan te huri et tete termes of the Undervoati bili no f» its gne. On of ty se roc sruck retritio ontha bt ould aifries, te- IGHWAV TRE^SU RERS REPORT. TU baco, ad sgar hatconite mporb- te fu lec Paio n for ll rOth e aJ hn M an kuo e fi m on th e d fes fro u the Island . State of lîlinois , Lak e' Cou tt>' To wn N o o»onfrwr-hAs it andtoosepaa.editva shw- priion@ for Easy Change. of Newport ss. N As hecabos pase fiwa shw- As an assurance aOaInA attebs. Tite oloviitg la a rul statement frs bill for itoarding pui--eroti viit rocks-. On. o( tes, staDes iIn t,blb ing lra.protective, llattgof the financlal condition of teRossien - ld up until county paya struckte lamp andi plungedtheUt car provided that te presîdent uhal andi Bridge Fundi andi ai bie SpeCWa e *fumigation In aatlpox loto, darîttS.Otiter stonqa amash"eticause ta k giseertaitted echitYear te Gravel Tax Funti airte »Id Tovn B -..f... oIlr:uftae vindoVis late War.The amount of imprtI ti gorscial iNevport piepareud b>' Tinotit> A. .1 for pavlngseélverai brakemnen lantecar titi netknov articles, vit an ctimate o0f the K.îy. treasuren of te Commission- "te pussevitalt temaka of It but drappedte thUtcamount af domeeit congumnptimttandKe ta, permit connections hatma t a aaodsilu u rdcinat iee lb la asertainedj ers oi Higitways of sati Town, for te mains, etc, laid on filie uy. rie'vr stvrt vbttc ipisaool, taeics tan s5pru ear endlhtg Marcit2,193 U jpur.tey wr h ereti gîss.hentmorbte dmsta osm be oFie-Rtoad andi Bridge T-x Pund. A -appolt.on ta te passage il bappfned inbittCharles Meyers. 0 o!lha imncdiate1y natIf>' CoairasluiRCEVM.Id Wpoedwhel axordnaceWauegn, secal etctve n hea sperial message of is tacta and prom Frnk Sitea, former ior grpoetvioo bx rdnacoWaleaa, esealdeeciv i Uc enluloas bearlng an the. mater. treaurer,........... 1564.09 cond bau causedthe U tc d>'etploy of te Elgin, Joiet and Est- Tiis provision, accostingtt h ie prou carl Weberlelti. coutt anti. -t~i mbtI1e 50'tao~rr oai a nUt aos t commitbee, fl; ta maintain te tarif! reasurer, delinquent rail.-te obile or motor truck owners tihe time. Despibe thte facb Utat tae op a "coupetitive" bus. odadtlpneax. 712tw t, te fees fortese veii-train vas travelling a a rate of 256 rThe buis viii boits efiect te day FromAlanixoelepnhoonn a.. 3.6 tiO 1ýbaVittgbeen retiuced matraliy. mles au baur, be lisapetioff and gave&fiter tepresident, signa tbem. rTe l-o le ho.TvtCl O! ptiuas te ordinanco re- chase. rTe boys saa hlm camiog and tMai eateres cf the bill are: lectar. lai af 1912 ......... 120079 fiatf the a maneas presentedte thUtcloo bo Ueir iteels. Dmtsblcreductions In ts citemical ..149.3li a t te meeting an te nighb Ho singteti out one of te boys wv il ed artitenvere scitetines. Total reucu-vdD- OT....... 349 1 tj 31. rTe auendingaiftelitappeneti ta e o aurice Deicitand Wintiavglasses are reducoti trou PADOT.vt * mtielb ecssa>' a dar- drocotihi efort Incacitng alm 46 ta 28 pet- cent on te average. To Frank Sitea, 2 per cent mad ftnecssry e dnre'dmetd he ffots n ctcinghim nllues an pig mon. structural steel commission on funti...1 21.94 gi * the former action. rTe ardi- Ilefci praved te b. ver>' ffeet ef fot, anti fergings cut In hall. Bicycles To Labor on roads anti bridgea 1537.6 8 te as antidet.uvas placed on rTe chase lotiaver a barbeti vire reducet f rom 45 ta 25 per cent.'TeTePG.1iRs rgtonh i*0liefoty ceWls 5offIce for pubt- lense. In vaulbing itis Melmrs In- dut>' on retors .3 more titan eut lenTor.ader easirei.........n 43 bu lion. ilb sti1be passei et IfIct a deep gashIn te palme of is bai!. 1gadrrupi'--------- . 4 u aie4regniar meeting O!fte caun- iban Me titinet pause hovever. anti steel rails go onnte frecie l. oF . st.lmbr.... 2.4 I sîber firing eeveral sitots ater te Neariy ail kinds of rougit 1.-i-.5gMg. I.rpar frd e ame as providet luate amenti- fleeitig youugsber. caught te lad neer put on te ire. list anti heav>' redueb- grader.......... .......... 1-s a stacear a lliws Fve Pinte. Tite Chose liaiti extend- tiens In the. inisheti produets. To Capital City Cuiverb CO.i t.,. a ago gn or yeitcie--$1. eti over a distance f tva miles.Bugar Fi-es In Thm-e Yser$. corrogated clverts........ 9.60 I o-boiserf wagon or vehicle-12. Bay Gives Nomes. Tventy-live per cent reducblonla inTo Bartiutt Bras.. cement .... 24.60 lte dut>' on sugar, viitite proviso Te oilolan. Smithu & CO., bhoise wagon or veulie-$3. rTe boywes remove tt te police tat in ter. years Il shah beo placet! lutitber-------------------- 3860 ~orse wagon tor veubice-$5. station anti gave ont te namses of on tebita fre let.TeRsllubrYd. m I -orebhorse wagaot or vehItb hie companlons. Warrants for tir Tobercc ant i lquor scltetules un- 2a1ts8.87 ae-Yad. utt arrest ver, s3worn out anti serveti ciangoti. ber ....... ............ 288 4tt o otrdrvnveicles o! tiis tnornitig. The boys voulti not et- Agrcutural productset I n haIl. Te W. T. Waddel. refuntelba 2.90 G 2d4.Orge pawer or les$, usu-tIin tetittthat heuy bad boitait olti up Includittg a retuctionan te atif aon Te onitStores, dynamite..-. 15.22 1 trag»parbtati o orersonti $1. .thete raun for titi purpose ai securlng lemnone frômu668te 24 pi-r cent. To Jonatan t'ashmore, ile.- 4.16 *4utao r motor vebiles, mon'- ttau fot buti every Indication points taenlles n ail articles of cotbng tI 20orse îpower, rtetifor te transtiti.ate ttonti citetitie retitîeti a 111e Total expu-tdeti...........$198709 polbona tetsnm i-luive ofa".o Tit-Plilcebhave bei-n tnîîhîed co-over ont-hait.1,$690 bruinIeoanti otî rsm- -rmr yex(eb bt ietc ei e ii nirvhmp eite Leaving balance on bandi.1090 eudur ,o hi h hêto atSecond-Spu-ciai Oravel Tex Funti. ý1 tý trcksand otordrien rmmer F;about anc hall.1 ci veiclesa $5. cie. frora freigbt cars anti severai of Rvva ict nbt u ii RECEIVED. ,',Vter<yrlms or bentertnino nyoetido h ntir Iricyt lu-,. ste gangs of yaungstrs have ienttRetuntboplcea! 'on f-b it i fbbc rntFrank Sites, formerco ariranmi( uttus, lrrken np, te lads belng sent bo a pretient tulles on uit af th@e voalen tressurer---------------..$494607 gu -à ânto d i- omeciai-iil vsu-ireftrmatory. Tht Incideunt ni Monday manufactureti articles In comuoti Prom Carl Weuterieid, cottbu nlght I.; the norst the boys bave rieitius. euto ntea t tressurer, tiltiqient rail- ai te sgmmtuiy ag ut u-t lirltO ittoui-r. 'lioderte reuuto nlt ll roaianti telegrapit anti tels col ________ ehuy fur.vîbarrr>lnvai, lowlld ptan ta.............. 160.98 let Me iilgofz. protection aprand Bibe: placed on: ramAlen Ilxo.Towi Cmi2082 $Wtitte r r uooie o MV t A sllghb reducîlon in jevelry. vititt 8titan s25;:rs owr u ld O U O*hPWWO êetels-ruhdaod rase dfotte Tl eco lv ........$876.29 a a fee of $: o. il r"i,1111md w ltl , a etedtal lt ihaPAID OUT. m »4ýrof more thant '.ero'reuitired b dt f 0prget dvloet rakSea iper cent ,p$7.501 autota rîti lianuru- ru- Articles en Freei î '-bcommissionionafunti...$18.24 tl qwite ay 1 n it &ieyu@ Sa»Ot s mogteatce Pae nteTe1 .W r Bns, ile.. - 16.1 boi limpris&M um 17 110 e lcwiav tes s tiiially that ~ sta" ote aVU 4M f.f t coal. pîuhioittsradium seita. sodas. gravel ....................23092 d t4Lm e asdfo hstxitMSluette>'r0" suipitur. annmtitisTrna e oRussell Lumber Yard,itu- >u bi seil upen tesre55Tu t]ý" u sd itamtSt andtIron fan baling cottan, natte, baib ber ....................... 41.4& e1 vito p tuetu au. clknw x.-i vina. ire for rfooting. steel rale.Ts, eFrigrvl.. 2 0» PPOwbr . ti in ~Tiînxutu-n earîng are, cash regîsters. TSe. eFnrs rvni-- 26 Myweetermumtty is ltmIing intyemchns.tpsetniu- To Labor anti hOuiitt..4007.9 e lusto rsea asat.cinye, -machines type riterma peniBeti" Coumiasionu-r Diver salit.y :spI luestdon b tre asu-e o! at . CanJutO-r"Now, air, you admit tbiti Iuher, boards. wagon matenial. lattis, T»tal expentia........ 481."26 thecaryoulhave jouiai tkn out of iicketa.shi, i bv adrouflt Leaving balance on bandt.... $4084.03 Si *àMvio et-ai. igiî mw Ia a-i itud -i-b -f 4 ltequen i lus, imer, aco atibam, tefveal 1Datedt iis 26bb daY o! Mai-ch, A. D. te ,b oi s tfe -*i etit iècthi'éd 18,M ut o rta osl~ asdvs MM on bthé. oùe?048tihota, maul ti dhIiu>elaa l oerco na thebc diffc it>', Il;viUI CI;fo nt ft urdat Gleno k:long belore sesetiaina tagib l i Lakev Cthy i e min!t Is or t thon es soutie- Monda'y, litiung ort rcaaibibs mrt' a é, WlesIma Lk ony1.ne uwles t.so ui t. ad i t h aret - ives f the. train ci-ev vere aut ttat Waukegan imercitbaave J. OfI Î MLUIIS MS R$T donc souetting ta provitie a meas mn it danger anti cnsidrable for gatbingthe pople into tavn ult- VSED U=tOIS ewes donc viten a lgnage out maklng hcm aik bte tva axtra te chîlcago & Milvaukee Elec, bipcks ddistance, ant I L ili Iteci Laîvytra irom every part of bte ,Iloadlet i- ails DaN a curve musa>' Peapie baY >' nom, cameé stabete wîl gatber ini Sprutigtleld on iroatiiebt ttc vit iprl 8 anti 1 ta pariipa e inthe ecabt avenue, Glancac. on Mon-. het-. Anti, lb is not bte imméudiatea nt liaI conveitimlft he Ilinois The car rant alang bull>' 100 icet lmof !business wviitit va ii Inurr. StaeBar As*aaîation.'rTe conl'en- ita beora ilb flali>' came t a abut. everybati>' aos lb ba abail lin is exPecltiltaabouti!illa un- sb a l t p o l p t b t t t b t u s u a l i e - ese t t o t h e l e g a i f r a e r n i t > ' rTe readitati as tai-n uD O"tnt e epeFtt h ait con- an attractive prograin ha§ bee bly s àOf trading someDiae elaci-ttrO-fOt- arranger! for the meeting. which will ai mbI at ttratc.a t th attlaapparenttat va aitoulti hast for Iwo day. vt ri go vms viîcithtit.car vas loadti y'asd retain tletreif Iftla vît IilliaE..oule rCIIWhocdr ,scettereti alongaldte tacla.< thposeibilîties anti tu indtheKlNeawihodeai itla moenit here tacar beftbite rails. Th it wla.court procedure. nte Ith Cause oifbte accident I lo ttYOÎFrn o at.whsaree peopleaifth e tate--routtreforma n ,b u t It l s t ho u g t t e c r b nt c on h n it t u he big i- a s F m î o a wd aysvit o a ha r e t w ll ibe d iscu i eti la>' -n ie u ers ai too ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o letvte tst-c bt lg tCiag oon1e ss o ana carg.the Assocliatnpu Tuesia>, thi ai bu'ig salansem itrees In in-i-st day. i anti the work ai getting te car un t.e rails vasabat-ted. Alitla the i-igitof va>' vas blocleti anti wera obliedt ta use bte single Titis necessgit>' matie It Impoâ- on maîntaitt a perfect scitedule. eaccident causetilone aifbteitigit on vires ta bmRea andti iis dang- trilous>' near 10 Uts top o!rbte rTis vire cent-les 13,000 volts anti »Ii that itas it abrutI lite top ai Mr that tae crcv voulti probab>' bean coolet ehive betore ts>' k b reacrted. Titis Isobte second witbla te course ai tva or ttres ia titat vi-ecl an tce une bave ed ig ttenslin i ta itame ?N RTAINNt 101W BRUNE CLOSES nesee Street Merohant Sees ig Loss of Trade Unless the Action us Taken. ,South t Ose Sstreet mercitant1 ay soundati a yard-ai alarm antia, rd ai suggestion titamet-chante v>o kurt Stores nntit a! tae.bridge, 1in tact. ta even to"Sosutht ai Sbridge viteit ha uggesed the" jthinga as possible meaus ai ve-- ning bbc big drtawbtack ta business n0 soutiteru subu-la viicithahoSc te ciasing ai bbe Genaca Strceet Ige during construction aOftse cvi luct. HIsîvwo sugestios are:' FhRST-That mercitnts Out te'~ sther andi raise afunsi &Officienit co roct à tsmporary bridge acrou the navno on witici peOPIe Cern- lg tram bte Southt may walk dur- ig tite construction o! tité via- iuct. saisitemporary bridge 10 stnd at one aide of the site for the new structure. SE.CON D-Tt thbie merchalits if thgy find ihs lnt toasîbue, leks stops ta hure twa auto bu»e« te cari-y peophe areund f rom Lake Stri-et via Siteridan rond bridge and depo@ît tioci atWatar anti GenoeSe or Washlingtoni andi Geas- use strae ialter than ihave lthob knowtl that, wien bte viadtict la bsung built, bte>' muet wslk cicsr &r-oundi trom LaIe $ti-act vie tite Shteridani rondibridge- SuqggioeaWorth Considerilig. Thte tva suggestions arc vartt>'0o naldratiati. Once that voîl le las nun uthea nev bridge. It meas ta eat source ai enst-aca taelte city, isinese district yl k closeti al' imuet-andti btI veryboi>' vi mes ta tovn on the et-tCar mue Save thte cars t ae Street ane ake teir vaY ta BSheridan t-al eidge,tus <5u5fng an extra val 0 rwo long blocks te reaci Genesi id Water streets. Be tears tat ti e>' keapuuepenYPrs I-ou te clit wha do nôt cherlitvwailking ta&tea a tva blocka. H. atatestat ho leasbilIns ta pt bis propartiontiee share for bte.et-e ion o! e tempoar>'bridge, cilliat- one stun or in a taantitly buataile pan. Ho bas nt ligure th ie oM ofsuch a structure but biee-s lb Dot vititot thbecposeilitiles ai acot lilsituent Ifrte met-citantis gat t etite. .Ha «xPlaine that. If lb ls roundilt tîpenalve ta dotis, titn te Mie tChante sitoulit get tagether ant ili iva or' tht-ce auto busses wbo * devobbtjesaislisse ta hatthiitg Pea lt-oc vio camne tiitovil te brade. mon tig btet-ipa at-osSherlianrc bridge s80biset te>'an met es" wSr vicitcames 1buthUtcit>' ta te outt. && M d a ra s lth i e agibe S » « W fessetat on June 28, 1910, hoe stol@ a vautaithe beau of bai-sas fi-outte Coaurson hiver>' stable In Waukcgan. T'h laInformation bias been conveyeti to bte Waulegen police andti Us> are eeeking ta ice theb aprasent vitere- abouts af lb. tcain 'witicit as velueti at $600. MDonald solthebbc eau in Chicago ai e borne sale antibte pur- chaser le keing soîtght. Titis sotties on.eaifbte mont Puzzllng hors.e aming casas titet ever precnbi ets Ibseh ta Wankegan. McDonald ibail come boe anti under the pretensa tat ia Imishes Intadrive ttraugi thUtsCana- b>' and iurcitase several bai-ses for a Milwaukee breve-y, sacuredthelb.boit Courson liver>'. When holi idnot rebut-nbte Police were notilietiand a searchi vas con- duotetiln automobiles. A clev indu- cabattet it e tit ad driven nantit-j tic fi a bw JUDbtil IAILRY 1Rion£% Pi6idfflt t1111OMSStMsisgr ,A 0o.IatIo vad au a team answering thedetrip- Tii, îiî.usin wiil bc fer! by ton hail heen seen going n that di- Attny E gar B. Toinian of Chi- ection. Atter driwing 170 miles,. aI.ait tIrr ill bc a digcourse rn t;e il "l'ri nfllci nofReforni h. wa>' to Palmyra. Wis.. the Police Bt! \daptcd t. the Neetis ofiliii- bond ty were on t.ewrong scessi. ,. n rî' Nicmber. ironi va- Ln the>' hads followeti a mant vio hai nous ciletit n Illinois art on the pro- en drtving hi s o wn t am ita a hb rs e r in l r x ,r st n. c tts ut ga e n Palm yr . John 1 \, gt. th e serretar>' Of In te meanUime tethief bati go.. t-w ., îe anniîunceq titat soutit and i dlposed of thete eau with cr I 'i F. Dunne will ut muci t tubie ln Chicago. Noting tilak n 9. ý.-îba~niet inesdaY. ver wu bhout of bita or of t e eantclose thec riimilAt this affair uta now. other speaker in. s ib.c ciéiijustice F. K. Dîrnn'f ic iellinois :3upreme Assistant Chief of Police Thomas C:ourt; îiîiiMuKil<ney, Speaker ryrreil in woring on the case and -f the il '.'lmier Lieutenant opes to b. able toi locate thes horses \% enu V Alun N ourthcott. andi rery sbortly. Frigar iB ,ul .f theIlîlinois lb la reported titat States Att.orney 'u'ie iitîîntitigs i the assemr. Dady vill recali the grand Jury te se . iuiage w ii, . e , d il, lie .tate Il- ure an Indîctient againat McDonald rary al te ca psîtal . On Vednea- pending the disposition tbat ls madielay aiîtrnî"înt ient wil bc an ai hls case lu Indiana. atîrîtil d .,fttt officers for the Attorney' . J. Heydccker. master ln I. I bing nin- chancery. iis morniog at Rockefeler. fc.ird iii thu niig meieting. wbch soid theolti Chard f&im at public au- j il ~rmdt,- .îutsinr allpreviasl tba t Rchad . ear o bte gatiterinas m"fltiv barriters. Aside tionin Rchar W.Bear of he irm1 tnium the rgtl;r 1r,gram, there viii of Bears & Robuck of Chcago for ju xenp ,.l c ll. disuussions n 20,410. Mr. Bears wil atit the 157 iITc f Ttit li th e prfe- acre tract ta bis eiready line. smmerer~~suind ,imr tandtflt f r ci home estate. The faru vas soid se wîîî Sbctirusiemi in the capital dur- titat It mulOt bie partlbbaned among iris,îlc-mtitiolin. the vaios memiters ai the estate. <(in the t' niig cil tthe brt day of the inr-m-irî igte \soclatirnn wil l rtnttrtinti iv the Bar Aýsociatios1 Lou neet i I, everybotiy neetis l,. iç San,-iim.n olînt>' at the Ssnga- Hlistr's R. Mi. Tea-bett Spring trio tti 4if Sprii iîtlui. ant h iercs cleanser. purifier. A simple, sale.itra sure remcdy.-W. W. Pearce. ,/Bell System Even the mmd active m"ni forget eoinemes:-The man whose mem- ory doesn't slip these days has littie on his mind. Concentration of mind implies forgetfulness, for the time, of other matters. It isn't serious, because we have the telephon& If you leave your grip in the train, or forget tbc order ta bc given or cancellcd, or the social duty_ of the evening, look about you for the sign of the Blue Bell. The. Long Di4stacTeispiion. . the antidot, fou -Chicago Telephone Comîpany, A. R. Andrews, Manager Pluefe 9Mi. 1 ýll