CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Apr 1913, p. 3

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lnall.- cas iii foliovo1 boxslmerul TO*aam L lwmii Urhwe.noia a am an, Lis Whuoci hs lsi la#id* JUS ima=r~sh *uid go0 céutarmssi fi5l * sdepo td . SéMâi.twlY10 Ba loldmbaunu Mei ta a * dlit Ma m é, o sba *h d t tbeobt sVimahof mba>ssb E«# CmM ad e o60 i emàda bosésamatu c - Il MM Dsi . 56. sw a i aunbe Nras aauhbldlga e Ootisb ems' aacMiP m; pa.o»ngram lbr Ugbs 0issie Aoo gueolueso<vab .bov vue *MyWt 1 Wwncroed la mbeiue m .ymtaiis ia the %i upose ea itrseb iaut, vilb sué>'. de& is n hi , 2 11U, Behi »i. Ph scf -i .btg, speut b.ii66 îbw icosega on ktasWvut baters lire. Mm. M~eaasd ebidren peut %iiii j g14.l.,mas *nu @nuakaearil, &aIlut k.Va. eIaaal ubamy os liteformera FUter tuou>- t'Uua" L"$e. L. k Y.8k.traaaacîslbain"lai ~usuTtuàaay. Chat. Wghtoau returaaed Mbis ee i, ýru a lauésaaaastrip to Hlartford, C"u., WDiasie t la mua> tamSaLi.puai svaa Veto.. lred mie>'ofiThe Mehte' & IVarmeru bauk i lb fItveats eaa neosdma ev lturmen a bat grsvitated t Lueag utaled. mer gbîls b.Win, Bliecal0 &ckdslllr. bus moved «» u gmrfsh lbis laiai>'su tue Ur. lMavaigsr ml tbla e. l. orzlà paoi o laa. Ur. Suai WW 'à.ItAi dileti aup bha. les na.lacr>r'Wu m Dis S Wd»,« veoui. lie le a prumouts.baulmagem~ npm.alauareo M U»ilafel lhit Ib. duu.ed tvb alOWns <llvmsntber, fo! cmlsat le asa>faýr Sbli lcS of bormeetdo' tL.Iu.m IU sa"£.. ah*«@uéat b i pdga»i esd pblic sprt.d aSuddassrwss te ed lb. miiù« support ut lb. cisvéof llrayslmke. 'fw mTows BtiaD rac m$for,là* us local mg- 1-rIIDus ft lias auWb$"itor u eam a&. vhlle vth ! F »1 y WSb* kb- qart or fi5i sue ectterPai;roalm ouiw.-, «Uatu clame'MMom10a, vbe nbeaurvtiig lu hapi 'rmathercapars of$he atm> -Mran su.1 hieUdW eg l #Mt.rlo r..g. MaUimg. Mrs Wi. W s>Sona.<i& ePak prend p-h*o -, &ig usa> proviaisa bu devues 0.of r11h the must se msrvd "l12 lght eeau. là enthuslsallc secoýnd enter Le, radhsa et l*ipla'. m la P dirs, k Copevb *» p elUbulm wSg irlaht ya te M t»oimi l ie WlDaau nhla 1"Mt.the gait oas ~ ~M wi thlue vsdo. i mio eim c lo a d a 4 " d sa i e > ' bac e l S a b o o 4 m w d h e b u " o " obstrsperonu ibal Bank took rlght »maI RMM' ugi of Mre, la., apeal. ffi tu lie deparmons tort of H. several dan vlb reahtives and frads Esneu"kafor .at. clamai>' lollowai hi lu this vicinit>'. hi mulagooutt ho stroid at about M.adM o ehn r e lb o@ m re man rlSv bbte non ln u i.Oca ehu r e to thoeconsltrnation f thelb.prOPrlolsOr lolins oer the arrivai or a son- born, vb,î prociptl>orderm edo:ta ot elIAP7I'l- a uni., poamlb>, aerequm t vbeh tlb>' M.aid Mas. Richard Ilimonde and Ontil>' obeled and p wuce vas reosbah., visitai from Thursa>'onatilflion- oncoe agatla> in vilitfriaisetu Chicago. Judgas SciIsontverm* jirisl miii Mrs. J. A. Sraug rslnnned froua sîponent o legal jurlaprneflIor tlb j Kansasa Mania>', viere .11e baibhem Foi Lake raglan, voul dovu ta dielos violting sevoral voeus. et the poilis Tuasia>. April lot, aller Ul Carnie Dater vas a Chicago makinxa a itarmtsd Md per"ei siettr heDa Imk 10 . aums'S111mu> iarsofecurey Newton Loto>' and famll>' viii more hie factors tb.i contrtboud 10 lte çonto Bsiviise.. jaigéesdowalail and levatef 10 a& postion of huransd dIgnit>', lhi, Mnm. reni Yul. Of Soneers, Wl,. oppoasmi Chas. P. Pa&;Ouap. T>.î vliei humother. lra . Robert Slnanh mpelsate observation the% v. 'albthe et vesI. busard lta .111vas dia»1 pt ia M W W tnM yer hasiug Idsotibth o! f oftO~m u coudiltions liat vs aft 1 imI* aria 10«vaparties, vitI bave a ..a ta.aabe ,.o n .ersotatah areest! 1 h.- limq. Juniege uschI. nov devlmg bis ensasw toasI a1nleu iha ie o r The'1C. NK SooW>' vi m euet Ueit Rugi aaufacbumhg besiamesani e vis;b ome-lalet enitenlalumnt alFrda> mi hlmmés s utubdîucio. ev.nig.Aprn 1.chic Reesai>' ve maie moisllo of th utdISEL tbt ve ba" sihaaieiur vocabalas>' urtdciatel o5nbms m na lu isiitiThens viiu . ueàçbins svery Sun- tbh. pesmoe5lit>OfaI"Sdl evesImu uutmtha'tbs otime Hav.ver blt dsclopmam4in eueco-- amtion wJub selon mesaimi --pi TheIon l. ycmg e muoltemplat- ttlb .bjue%,bas .ebid us la esve«lUg huih a ietwvmiila front tva5.VOuibfleul4ui viiUrss laOf lb 4&»C& A» ho W:.a 10 iras' dwiN" bm »Md» omma bri ltmiO. . am "siatu1w iMi v»k gmgIs5dtoémmu. ikea"domoet yoUr liai aan ur orapial>b itaUaomn .ud«Most oavmatuwo. ton frlher in. ~a8Url pmrgas, ou iOII Rs" rMam« CaesW. . Casais 8. r- am"mdmd iss mu 'LivIMlOUS mosvrehla euis<humo dey lait Rh vs l*.ihef ImiOrbaSi iO m~ mi P.L Ispa are the haepy volé, Eu~ seslegctbemaMs 55*migniu te ebasIns a vacation. oi*il e tu iO5sdi t dise bn - rn. WlilI mervn llootei ha .7 ~ ~ iovomm550I Mose na image. ffor lt. e r 11s colIte lb vWIs c doré f AI* m.nn i #..K1. meuiel s lb 5555 ida on Pw Edk« or 4whooa.of ibn Grmaoisie flua..tra~ret.d h.sîu a Chlaso Zdge hehoizof New York City tb eis.Lieis atea of t, m 00884 2 Te.. dgar la the son of Ur. mmi Bd àmmWot tol is i. msesdbrosher M j F _ . .- Mm. Robert BoWe.,vMsted lu 0111 cage oser Senda>'.-1 A* lb. apeulis esi t t 0-7819 lait Frida>', Banda)vis-of theForl wiii w1*00 toi m eft telime bicbeit x«M Rs reihart et11e RQUni la"s - s oUdu t , 1 1. .-.. P. Dybu. h vo56uug for Brt Smiilh I14 V. Lusb. A. J.BreranMkd*. Ravwlig ve.Cblcmgb vstos Mon- Lloyd Benveli $JiiVfMansd WUI DM= oa ent la Chicmao ver the m»W rulirSdros tra -LbaCrnera nu. day lent voi. Theom vas a gonda alendmce eItah ni soce m met th.e "nov bomeistcf. an sd UMIi.BrtSmi luat Thurmia>' lta pIlo et1the bai ronis and lbreatemiing vealber. The nuit meeting viii ho et tahe1hom of Mr. sni lira. Joseph Vag, Thursia> att- ernoon, Ma>' 1. Thora vas no Sua s chool et lb. Fort Mill1 chni Suas> on scounn af the tai. Wéalber. Mr. and. Ürs. John Ptanstelbl o! Rouai Lake vlstted et Wm A-MEu oser Sonda>'. mies Annie Frouni vlstei ber mis- ter, Mrs. WUI Amena. Manda>'. Glenn Longmire vas taien 10 lb. bospihal lu CWMicagaWdnesint bave bis honsils raanoved. lit, sud lis. Robert Rdiardin o! west Meer> visiteithie latter'. brother. George Benvell, and famil> Seturda> and, Sanda>'. Hierman MoMior vtted vita i tacheri ienla Grivwoi. aihber home ai bell. over Suaiday. re. William Vanaaerboom vas a wam vistor MondaI. Si ftEI î mied. 1 jmbn .uîW boldo a ne od wb*eposition villa ' la New York clI7. * C. Mur=,w.=l a laniâeape garterai 4tlast Mond.y1 aI lii.formr'. taio t Taylor'q Lake Tate hLngpan. for sayorIaaeab Ili, w tla.ho wtv tek@ anrcourued an nallual an .am,$1ar.a mrvms Ubnfi at of lm 1 ai AonmPark be otto. oafd@tr n a Ta eV awen 141 foua for Deau Iiie wharghvu, ke~crel 8.anaMotIflhiat bm. eptinChiag the pa& e onl b he Udwtck eadofthi viIa.expecîm ob, a iok at the sailor *hop thiem ai. UiReI. W. Obbiliflvla@ited atLi berty- ville Wenmda. _ J. 1D. Murray »ainousyoung baum lir, sud lin. M. A. Hoffl nr movinh 10 Waukegau Iis week. They wnul'b gremty inlassias tber bave livel béerWover 86 rems. chailes Humphrey of Waukegau 1vellimd at Wfl ivouer'. lbOt cf the 1 William Hamilton c Zion City vas a itooocrons vimitor lest week. W. J. Oliver'made a business trip to Waukegau on Wednesday lst. miss Grae. Welcb la borne froin Ohio. 1 Nisà Jenl Welch la o4 th1e slck liaI. Thore was a good attendance atitthe cteurch on l1.sDit. of th. bad romds. If the people know wbat tbey vers ualaslng there would he more of them out ho hear our mintater. 1 Andrew Strahan of Antioca. father of John Strabon of thls place, died on Mardi 29111. aged 88 years. Iffter- >ment lunHickory cemetery. Hea led lu tht. Iooe.lity for a number of yesrs sand vwas weill known throughout th. couuîy. WIiI Welch of Chiesgo spent Bun- H'OME BN Your aooount Motaol têS"co.u~ for our .bmnk tb handl KIaà3Y. WE PAY YOU TO SAVE"' 3 Per Cent Interest per Aumm ., -o S" Accoont end lime CertdlIaftes. You get your Intereat la Tii>'..ontiw il you start a Savingu Âcoonnt Now. Notti Six Mfonthe if you buy a Certificate Now; Lake Villa Trust & Svi LAKE VILLA Bank ILLINC> A State Bank Capital $2!,OOO.OO. C. C Morpril of F«o Lake, called on day et home. friande bois w.dmmeie>'. WaererColby and famlly o! Forest Hlenry' Kusebe mamteai busîresa ahGsn spent Sunday vitia Spencer Crew-. 81mbof Illnoile beCounty>'. n I .5p)> ms mors or issu. C ford. te Circuit Court oai Lab Count>'. lu thm Couty of Imbu amê Se Cicq«O W.idao . 1 . March Terni, A. D. 1018. Ilinois. Aloonmeuchug ce Mms. Culier, vbhms een juite ill lh Jullus C. Hertel vs. lDomsHetel. et al., llu* of nidquarter selhsM f annel botter. In_____________ uCbanefty. seP. Me0. bc"@rlugnoeULb VASOT.Public nates i. horms' *ven Ibat b>' cp. u d 145 nm monre TIi.Iriaisai O. . Bra'n vii . - virtue of mai celer ai dessus salerai 11* stou O orner of Idt 875 Riad to Ipva b ba bleai t bap 'r.A. W@" wm as calai 10 Chiago lu lb. above SUntei case lua1the @sadmai ehhuaie Md l L= *"aig om01.109M s. ai' on secoui of iholb tus . ber tCir'cuitîCourt Of LAÏCs COUbl>'. Dt-r10"or Ion Ocu lle »uemioetb*u . The GryIb~b aemoveai laooa 'Faml. nota. at tbe Mardi Tteci.A. a .1918, o!ciiWquarter me"*M e on th1e SMi day of Murci. A. D. 1918, Iebos soulk U88 lgmnsoaê 56,1, *ew quormsllie o s.. wbuilding BOV J. B. Foie>' vam adi>' ,visior or@ thereofthe uderalgied uMm aber l er of!the C~ maa& 75Maitlpurcbmas'by t a>edir. dey lut W. . claery or sali court. i u McmSi. Rosi, hemos mautýe81 -mrnePhli» Woh im w 'day, the ..lIh day o! May, A. D. 11mter c a c mM Ron étiAsM mi us. PlOroS hîllpewboam issavisiia etl.zbom f one ocloeillate atmt-hence Sula8 uss 1 Tsscheviëa Mesing bore, retcroesl ta Mlwaukee lent Thars- ernofa!Mii day,. St hie it front Mdii2 l=u.s; Ienftau li mLentFrider>, a &* a eller'am. day. door o! lb. Court Houes, lu lbe City' vosI 4 chaise ani 70 fuba; 1 La vsbld lOiÏtYsko ehoo of Michael Lui. who han beeîiver> 111, hla f uom oueiaI publie0Mandn dt a% it cwea t» , towneblpe otai' rmisd A vota. Tbii. fI»I I a uileam tand t *m-thus rhu ion ci... uwelte s 1* ý2.3,4. 5, 6,7, 8 'Mis. B.B. Wlaîer @peut a dgy lit thefollovia>' doserb.i land and rnd i saliquarter g»taMi l tgmII grade-. The mtoi$s vasa civera over vweeki l la tlvake. ematI. toavit: aient sMmi a~ Io conIfIa la 'W lnli sd sppllintg. E caabsncpe pm lhon in portions o! bbc veat hliif fUnis l 1e d f eSa Four "ot.mi'dmeeh sehool. IOEtvaeacbs ce souoton temthesat quarter of Secion Pif- Ais e cmm ôug a-a' for vritblg acd iv. for opeltina>. Prises in Wanbsgan. 1 teea (15) Tovnship Forty-lbree (43) 77 degres.osé chh.Md' fir .pllhug lu o!3 niAvoan vere Eaoesei&%efcann ln a tp tpoition Norlbt, Range CDoyen (11) BasI -of thebob rth ie souv marau « .W laaaacc..ptes Thiri Principal lieritumdn isrbei a« ct of lud " 1551 iabu 20ad, LlryIa Winolfreai hale>' a akea. follovs; Lots 25 mand 201,lu lb.Tomm e nomrtlu77? degaima v~. Wianeru ft la'e lbicontenseare Dot WUts. OnavDitiyer Il'on te.slck uîsI. of Mdlesex (nov cafla# Ms! Dy) miii 80limbe.' bbc eOut al let baasoeumjwAm. t sivaspepeas ia ccordint te the plat Iboneci rniore n...a hismi Rom - ou ynne4wpleaunde aedla Book » or Demapage 149; aima c ESSu Md 0 ~~ imu~dac t loienl., Salaria>' esianmd cOmanenctng &t lte @çmof erneoer fua iqo ilt7 report a Rond lime. of LoIt 7l Si Tavi as ibovuon 40 f Mm. IloRoot of Darnen, Wlt. *viette»M patdrea degrees. Wst ahm m -mi;U~ Mao egt 0 G. P. Rasésa1 M , * e. Avon Pari home folke lant veek. li o rthaila6Schains midt4 lUa; tmu-ii- boW~ -tprpaltM ygr* ed Friday Ieas oolb 59 84. denes am eveuihug frontPokée Utisr vintering chah Mdaib fube tha*its ,Uoulka >' po .gw s lieaTAYLOR GIOVE o61'1( ISgflO leut 4 55 1119Ï4 g aller- 1ii1qiv bou m mii fie isé u s of y te b b & , bslMEeca M4 M c ~r A, home in baili % ome on bh .W *W gim9. .1 .miIi. hoe lu SO15>ia Mvm.rsbios m ia t diy wu b d"" 115 vifslu 3'n1i C Hui. . ai m eahra> Tiu n fda ' * the d atIs of luw r bs lbue m am i Oput osf t IA » 1&cilb. C1 & %ieut b m oA .. h mao r a ,M «,BDm>'. l Cicm o. H vas -0 >.. .080.vut s" uO f i a e p ffl . i- 'i q t1 ' S vabu'e b>'spent Sl»Vù Demi. Rogndon trumed buahumu lavit* ommçl*gai e hamese' ClansRelsti eut siiàda auigt lu ZIOD Cil>' Timuria>. ticn of the culé qIWO hlun bos Mt 11ehome o!rWSI M vfe MlieLylm 51tmna. a IIlp 10 Won- bS, aci5.5 a'.Si l t éce * ea~ UtLpiigLmku. kega on Tuesiey &malmler smre it 1ulc ,gaWynn sam> mjeuto q :Dora Dorfier froux lysa vistai fienit>' gaIhome ltlaIbt »Mal'. veeber>'liaost shm l lea b f .~ bi7 aister, lire. George MUc. a St. is. Ust@ evin.le »7R Venge O-out5) la ToQuarter 'a Tmi(43)s1r81l1 unis>' nighl snd Sunia'. -' more vere marrled at Bristol. Wls, Nort>hTRan M"M (1;) MW W 8 itUBSgr. uotetm e Peter lier>'and vite anu.é lilldren Match 19. A veding dioner was T rincip l Mevia..ronft n l 015Mouds>'att-e spet ond>'ah irc ~ luserved ah fDen Gluorsihome Sui tiece urbcllb.x efsmva ess be vuilabe rcu L@peit ay ai lne $e.Oinday. Merch 23.lir. aid l& il. -T 0RniVort pe1g z uni siaeen lr dInc 5b5.« LibertyvUle. Iý ~morewlllise on lime Gerllren fanm.. bEudedIot-ftadflemM C ).ia. . Gand mi aailrem frtaMr.Ghîorebasru 11e ft. at vouairsdths (246.18) fant tea apoint. ci aI H. ELSomm Mrs. A. Grandearuniing Ibe nceerorlilm-rm tn r(60)heiteri forlbwovesr. Libertyvile vitled Mrs. Lia Heudee vears. Tbey yul b et home toth r nig tânem brt sd (0 -t heecenbs W .WiiUmiivfk Suda>'. many frIends afler ApaIl 15. We oz (30.3) feel te a point vblch le lhe Worthz vers visitas. herei» MueEtne WdfradIntend congratulations. place o! bcglnning ln the ieaeniptlani The etremaa'jvslt Mrysaie RetngerviRafisislu Lewis Young la vlit its ieparents o! ibe prsmices heralu gdsmclbei; rau- diese Aid Socolt>' Saari Grayalake S nday. bS are no ere. He ha, been orkng ln Keno- ing honce mnta T vmmy (20) <de vwon attend& Havin& on cnlecor ae ovsha. greem and Pari>' (40) minutes vest, Ailier Critendest o! 1u1f building e cernent wali arOuni the Letter, rm Oklahoma shate Ibet Tvo bunirsd sessntY-tvoansd five. Sanda>' vita friande h". batik building. snow ha> ruined the net caca>. Thoin tentbs (272.5) feet tea a mb; thence James CamInbeil Wv a h410 Luecy Hertel !rom FreenroalConter cot wer Up nîce vhen the sno.v north elghtythrec degreu estslNine- bualuos e Oreal iet . the vlaile lber nimIer. Mre. Md lia1oy, on came. ty-olic uni four-tentas <91.4) font te _____________ licida>'. Mr. and Mrs. M. Hogen are soo a stake; tbence norIa Tveaul> (20) - ho move to Waukegan. dugrog ansd Fort>' inute. eaut, Thffl bu Lim'l Mmir. John Hal'baur returnini borene rd negtevnete Lw£ II£A Saturde>' a!ter a vW iei liber parents (808.7) test ho the conter of 1the 1kWh1- çggforhltiwaa4h miLlbOy qaeFmt is- tiers. * a>' running eastenly mand vestare r ani M.CainiriaitW*adl " b 1its e. .tliroughb nid iSouth Eiat quarter; Racne let 0140 ifs llaers. 1 lI tl b GlnsMr.sand l P.smm. thence South Shah>' (60) egreea EBoit 'for mmllng flo.. G.Auretv.e li1egoM1. .L.HCKORY aîang 1the conter o! nid hlgbway Km d.açp AdV W. G Bueer we a ,%Icgo Ms. 0 L.Hollenbqck end Miss Lais Ninet>' (90) feet te place a! beglannng. KmW lýp % ps.stugs Wednesday. Smith npent Seturda>' and Sunda>' lu eonainlug Flfhyclne Huniredtbs LISSRTYVIL4 . 1. lir. Fed iathhnceiaata the ctv binsrabd' Salarda>' tise5tl..Cbop sue>' vas .ervedieaI mdugh t.. Sois, t Ut. and Mmr. Frmnk Nair. oadas. April 7, ah>' irL.' Picimui Wsndlaud ln bsek, Jom Vim- boaarslvberhe waa .g Jet lthe batelerbinese. EBe bm laSsn no placslBk@ Lake VIlla6, efustu IL. 2. Hase svited is Mo" insl Evrana« uoSua.'. ý ého. A. Mitchell epeut Sandrmia'vta .lia parsui a Chiost au7ky vms the cie! essaI on April ji0.A h bl>' las' * w&*.ng o.lo va anrd ipo"$'gk m iheb nulmuaned obte **<~Mm or »bo(gtmuvuadollar. , i vaZém trs bsilou m IWm. lFisher a' #lis-a ss.ulu b.alg. Or. Tulbalbvuacaflli la b »hs nd&. A. L OSatiofiid tell bfra osooo Moiigaoh md p Mlie .IL Etblmb lequ iisiai ber home Zoo. Sailn la out on bis brolberm ami eamri p* Iusdaýi 4. LI UTYVILLE. ;Lt.%RY-AC ILO Miss Editb Pickle s a sslstlng lira. King wlth bier spring baume cleanlug. Thse Ladies' Aid heli ah Mrs. Glidys Ames was welI attended. There was no ehurci service Son- day nlght on eccount of the COn- ditinin o! the.ramis. eevetal o! the friendis o!flMr. d lira. T. Petereon camne dovufru Rochester, Wl., ho speni Sonda>'vil tisai, The H. L. C. I. Societ>' vili mcclea thie churcb Thurada>', April 17. Ever>'- one condially invitai. LAM'S CORNERS. L. H. Miler mblpped a earlOad Of cattie ho Cimiago ou Monda>'. The Warren CetS>' associatio viimeet vlth Mm"« Wilsonaa Clpbam ou Weineeiay fornoOmI, April 16. from ber rasent iluem.. Teamu areont gamihg sud meu*- lui the ramis. liasBelle sags le spouding the voitu Chicago. Mr.andm iMis..Tony Johusaoe put Bunis>' et Horace Vase's. Gravai Roofing and Repslrlng 1 o &a i liasoaIres i oo4g aun lsep mto oraioser aid alinge.M espbail. tervi coattng appn i a stresi or dnlvays. &oemt tf, Pusuedand or a..aitedtS . P hons 45W. c2"- LMT CH-ANRCE to your Flourý àý,e abIë. Saine Pricea thisweek Wehave got it, 50 corne over and get IL. w. Q..t S.,, out. expect a car mmg do.1 C. H. BARNSTA Gunie%, Dioi 'g 16 e2-' :g -r --a -019 - --- -- -2L ;.ýý 11 1 1 .1

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