CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Apr 1913, p. 4

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WtoeNUmbr 1; City dtre.loePBgIoai'3U. 4 ~~~Libtrtyville Exchange CASA iWI >qI t4. poftaUgset bibercyville. 1 IS., ais âcond'CIMlemmu AT ~s*y frldayAdrtd*teIlsa.Modce- DoUIIOn ApgLw g FrtTime lit Many YYsThAt O#PTION PRICE, $1.60 PER YEAII 8TRICTLY IN AOV49 ou Bwr m~U ot *HTH ................................................................. dtrC ni iC ié ..... .... ........................ 1........................ d~ p'a ~ C o ;o vr u WI,,U«Mjý aite owd people hv e éls owo olfl Moetiaps nover before in the histoi7 of lAke uxl oh aang la 'lbri'st sý~tVll.b i ,Ad supervior who rau for office was r fwdUII5mt tinor, 6?3 eabtaen- lttate UIQU~S NJ. a that, in each case, the candidate's record wus con- pace I te 51t*i i)ortd, 1tfhi on the t.t « Marci 2rd wbeoý dam. sya sé-I ont% b atisfactory. One of the old new members of theé lwymiet by the 'hiIabot for cotattil ago wms ,sbnW to the. fine buhllga Su' seP aWndr be D. G. WhLite of Grayslake, Who, With C0 .Ptit akgnt ofit loedsr ita m. hichi bai Sinet The ftct hattic AIna forMire& Ot Deerfield, will be the olde8t man in yeairé, on thé eg happmfo&,, tte managemnfed Ir S7It, ws a tornado, did Dot bit n01o LBotb are about seventy. The reasoti for the, change ln planst0Ifflto* eb ao însuranCe, voiM4 thî evY"dermtori l t thla year la that Blahop C. P. Ander- alnépît isp Obt thon oout of bwxil- 8 boya ver« bonwumvstni son Se slck. bavtig lut passedthtrough mon tact hcky. Mai ýthItAi truck ose qk Pankhurat. the Englhlisuffragette, lha* bien c.ntenced to threan operatIOfl for appofdictis. lita At t" tÏiq, The Sun told htijf ,ýr. 0fthe osehidittt l>.mitWm!m haprsofmift for living lnapred an directed ttrii ilg e fthe h«»ous odithu0la15sucb tht.a lea tCet stEo#bM dpp ad .00.5 c«p"&hi.1*9 Il&a '1Siceta the 1iou buid$n*fl tngllsh lord whose îctlvity In intermcsiof suffrage %va@ net Up te- by î;~ttw~ltfi,~Ioteto h so5u~v-UtOU th~tb eys f lSyoi. WB&e And new $ho aya the willlnover serve the sentenct er ~~ go 554 the i tat a veritibble 11t7< t Oi fthe 3tttis tefOimm oOd hâve be« ta oifta aciv wok.Ta. as the' or toratlw t» horne wu Botn et. e'rehy "M ieé nM 15. I deelne toesut. Lt ber dictin. and ksep oni deelinng. What If av.ry bhotap bas ahwmya cone heore tb a zd at lhà ilheAaoter intcrtbgth g th& l1. t ilgeser sent te jal fr r amn aBhuld $etu& a unser strïke? Weuld ter Part et ÂAPrll.or isrly lInlMar, and A vlalî'to 31ê fermes shows tttiiUe PriwdSn0ssommé ta proteet tae 0* ý4Amserl", and ether nationsa b. foreed te release tbem juat se they sa ho Bonot Cam yout the Plan hi8e' ondttlqs ieibave not. by sartire bomée t a acertain mtent dp1 M ItervethemmiOveat toiseulAn 'offens aainst the l la ui s the an fothe ovedcts araltninepeampwre tadate. lthe aesmlngly gut dang,.coya ,Apm Imth bne f omn fbe Itllgecetmpolans evio lrma&t.*5 .T.bmam stia* 813M étOauo bvt» .tact U;tb tie Voes 7 bo*4'1 fren 8. and e a emu e be htcllmeic tii.~ Salu he m Ae tct Ut 117 51teoum vi* labosshmflit lutInaet.* hm« se tAie bath vfla WU of MMe wmaklinubemiglt et lire toa hbume lust te »mi 1la the tio whnMr. Love aves tWsi, gateyssaéwl . 1 s eldydiee.ytptun Wasrs0tor,1.penaty abeli ie. cutsd jut as fereeully. Wmiukoganrectorats. the ât, t» Yr buMdinWs,"vas e 'so s Injurié. pt e L IbE baIlosn stpomed meUs monny leed4d'& bytheWi-le vi pc.LA 4gt tue vay proVàflMmo ml t él»8# mm srtim g hm tbée ta l thlu ma te, -0 fleommsethe & li e #À eithe , 80bo iMd the ugmmgt bas ii srii n11 UUa dte=tnat ~et.e.Thia tact 0sho smartoabm o*bn p W% u os mewho BaIbis assat strain tblulicé that net 'p* , l!to blUd.séré e utns hn a a , lium it it* ho kÇ «rm to i&@$. bui.itoth, ing 1v. atla 11e place Wvu o la Bot to ho fo1leplia.The éalba emin hotect 7AMI, jurel or k101.4. Nt a eb&lot ias Aaas t4l180lcvi.aIeOO efeMOlb no v ObU fl vaduelk. Btn-u&eta ai 0. ashUt. UoV tin am" twlutsé in sut àatal»SS *vue go latsimitsalet la r0et houmiu a b Zo qubl alg for in-TO AUL PENSONS WffOM ST MAY 1IS gha i l s be mie u neeta h Q ofleob blQr iâ-tnCONCIARN: 'Goolio4 CoI i.Bt imw~ sM Mclad uEUi th ancera w" s$. W ipi f IW é tu c ier pro.Pubi e tce la îsrew Slien Ihat ont t fP" bby lie ind aaid the 114-rore tot8"homIn taseswiutb" f50WMXi'UlY f 0 - utsP1 eimolgcMd. Robert ~Ili. fon8 t t M"toéaY la a twitai tas bis-do» c th* ticem., À AlaiPe 'S a dmW et Ji bs l on and iobody SarIS' e R int bd uttiaadtioh o'bra a vieiafu fan turj0bs luin Is ead.mtoa s umthte onadoo eéé eolyadpvr be-s bou6é, wum piefle p by la court of ÀLe eCouaty, l inIb o stte qft Thi.ebteisting Plant vas tala. vniWied oensied riat wlthetii bbo Iliis, a regla, utho reef th d iiSý* IWý î dtebtte ffo en wnmi, Il 'Vtckurla u04t*UM9 bis oMtaptfat thé e h oe h Ie Court Rouie IlaheUioOty haiUie lua utBt rso, mrt IhO m5,I fr met, a r» * g"ls tOfWanksaan. la lie cukjtiret lai elm Mo Ast Mgema baita le 00st-am Imernina vers feuné mautml w. ~ and étaté Of 114040, Rte lic 1h09 ID, tb$4**ptlEandiitheclu75taisb e Ui c oi hlaIe, stené lut 'T" Mondar ot.MaY. A. D. 1918. (bol~gig v * urlat roaegle .s b&W WJ avothe.FM dayer érof) for an cdr ths51kiPao.Animtllatarmutthles la that a U31él.Ihg 517and dcte. of »MiSurt. lireta hl" The bfp«eminid&Ubi adlageUi vllbagi aa aci uarésa a mci m o!tho 1a:US, Mo Iiata& VWb" the 'M blth to a liter dcf aev.a p ppis tue ____________ tbtleho md WlaMo - et geé nisa. besWt ta aMd sl the &d1 'a daY bêti, vanloft mllemsi la 1, lau tId li the vlnaIgýdélmfflbci ns a we îw'Ven -bh" Ucpeseé nR em pw tioos meIl ~ goa.~so~mil to& *q a UcCgt i aSl allqt g>s la sle a h ll vas l» bdfl vu ffl wumâvilc iis*MI the111 I ulasi4it. __ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ Ici t ea 111nU<mlg Ie~(vinmu~d calcb5t eut. t» ti. w4ié~ t. fil ...-.. il-ci M ol;e: - S I O Ai~iiYmt, uf~ ;thse ct c imt"in ~ c i 1kup é *é sIbqau o i ain lt m ascivO ufg id sea. J@Mb114011 ~us oondforsoméday by hé lood telh he .o mci lo. ai soli ernis '~ ~Yviland ufle éeo. Tj va i M IraLo0t ercht <f"thaofcMr.y on e aBâi linon to adt; ne te th huaI whoh wutébav heléd a-i livs ad neorti . no t o pertnt lnnewbdi »14.eiOM tr a.o wae~Éter~Rybutho wiud ot e $mi IdhWes0the lie, tro! hnd ~1tt rte ingrole eoneoiéstb ---Ji Ufe m týw. bg hl etmooo est h o taidlthConEchagr e stoin aid att ý1îà# * bflk»M for uss W Iook atter théoat" 1110,01ut!a oint leot aedeorthbon* ft e"oillet n repreeeaatlrea bathne bewould ou~l t thmeutecause liv n aid orhesaorIdblnftytoned ma the Alledale fai ert. ovr h the noth io ne f mashti on treetdute.temlvsls*I. h g b.oo!hé ho but h Wrald nilatermith WmIth cb al h-itlaaIth orhivO iati ialtcer tlh tr la . 1m udir o a swlookuater. That pu.c1- t a orint h orthby ire s.nol t bfl go OIld0f mb W hIo o uf 8t, hé word- 4&cf hi e B erri né ov atla t<s- wti danre lreo dati l a n e for bis eiélgebo onb crneu geita aeey saot on.: t thn e leudalalfartia uo looklnvea the didn't *MttheM 4Uono&b Ma t oot. tornrtbof adlc t am até tich as 8.720.66 o.Ta e ________________-_________________ lad fornrliovnd b Jceph~ lce ue Sp#lnai+el e t.hev C.ntiltbom o! na ltr heW& win; Ioint ola e e n tii ucclaUe luh edao ht~etv W011 A 10cornounthethes foot taric - dimbug& asslut ethewt île BAI ina o! a alley. htcb in.Butvhlcb ta witlPoieinil go oUiu uts tIft MboasLoasttete iorof ]tLios, Bryad-ai ahio bii bu PO d)Ot f si 4 tiis clombuu e e..ia PU 4 lti Ion:tce sorti alot a usthecWOU the o.T ueua:mtý aisumoa m linoi»Id uintwenty-iii - r" and Le.'. mmdfeet ICI the not, Une et otdtahe logo as $8,720.66 ça. OU t", te ~ lOmU US. eUkiO aiSis tndem U l)iae oMI iJw<iii. ,t%à lepb I tSae d re mué W t1Uifn lpi etfl- Ueadt.i -ernoPeliaiesaThe bt.«I,à oInit.. RpotofCtitto o ai ui teged o g* P orâ of the;t 4 suiomithe édalnlt frat-taudea oefo oshiCo:UO.t --p Uflkm ..~ i..lem oeud e lth es fo thelgj i~.omaw re loftBIR 1.»e.*.u asomit.c la1 1OWM nd- t me, u...f«*nb Id i i 10 tat thoA l 11m.v tliu& a u Iitfnnt#111.: e45 olsmias i Rossas I. ferry amiiec 8tto INo.a Ue*lbe leaco h etcntatt>e l ist ent »Id Lt *, lame 5eb iOU >oeit ciiicai. a 400.1 u.J ,. o ltwntgm" Md'.u. asocitilon rue"* ssdieaiiudae aefou Md Imum'mie' -* o! ti aerfuxs lamsou eord i Séitu svsm otpemte» u m otboome t . .....08W es 4d9..0r! ofldiiai ~y t Lieu WAT OUImilO, UtTO LK tseting .... e mise. boýta*resethe dba . t Chicag o et ut.ato f Ci"J om W» UOaucs.U. obove-auAit at .u" arci 811. îS1Slpu!7aatIe ~ ............... ... .....m..,.. obsémtt t stial o&eai deB ...e.........81.06. T m .....-. P*a ui. i an ïFofTu00)",I9B W tA Mi ls avordt er theosVia t eat ~ O ...... ... Wtork o u m i.Ac o < Md *er. e .ga W b e 4eitlc......... t. &a .peil 'q. yard. Pontu.e~cbnll.......$1.19 ud op, emeh. Pceiegoth~1A1. ei.î) 1.80 nul np. emch. 1 Draju' rle erhélauo-i k).... 780WPir lisad op. Ls.Cgwoie............lip »rpairsud op. lan" (iuinle)....... ,t i6 ab Blankete du1ê ..... o 2 .50 eacb. W. eau for "a d élwer feos to your rusdettc LIBE1tYVl4E AGENC, NEWW VER BLDG. mpm rr OOOU k' TOQLPS largM t ook la 1mb. *Smty Iuorirgh [Y othier business can better afford to wait. Write to your Mutual Life Ageint 4à, - 431 South Peatrbori Street., 5P44E NIBXT WE2K AND THIEREAPTER. 1~ 1~. r

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