CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Apr 1913, p. 5

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Tb* New spoq Moiti. are udai uaitw aae wou naemdr uvo hoele ooe u- e ui. pos a. ata hé (h. best mi deg lwé-Odiàle loto bayb.g for'style ao.V« uwiU ll.i (l"tIt psgto be rlutfootwear, for ibea go0aM are Msqfaed'!M noo yof lIe meivesu tyles le a. w héff*t i w. s«ReSor $Z50 to540 J. B. Morse &Co. TEEUOU14L LDUTIiLI&LE L j RshPàark Seed u~~iuru?~ ~ 2Packages for'5c J. ELI TRIGGS PIONE 2"-a We Want To Move ight Away 1%,000 foot 4 in. Drain Tils. 30,000 foot 6 in. Drain Ti., 10,000 l.t 8 in. Drtin T"i., 8000 Mm. 10 in. Drain Tu. 5,000 leet 12 in. Drain TII.. Cali Vea llp Us? AU well burned rme Irm lime atone. Win Mme. cls.Price. Aho have lot of -POOTSandlBUING14M IS 15> PAW>U5 pnrfIfDSI dseLcoyleusbe allioEOenefatsr wae la our elit, Tosoee. :Ia.Tues4av c mach week. Adier. 'roui wsmt.go, apslSaturda>' la fleei. epêcllfi R eled lintakre grayglie. pe,*bsU ka tu t isi. fect. A. B. Titsvas a Ch,Çiceo buiness visitor Tueeday. Mr. èOodvlb ort S0Chicego, vas la Mime Minai. Jecb.lim wlied ber @Inter, TÇW& c C> q edaoiportant business. )ire. F. C. Oberwin la Chicago Satpr. L. B.rie of Antiocb. traeted businen laour cil>' Tueday.' 1J. W. lBrown la entertsioing hi@ &on Ifrm 1Waucouda tbf. week., Thotma Onydaîni mtcenrtoid eriouolyv Ilii ot hie home hee. 1ms. B. C. (ileaàori vWet.d frinde at~ Otayalake last week. The Van V'audeville Co, st the i.y ri, Theatre, Thureda>'. Frida>' and Satur dtty mgta. Bat. Mâtinee at 2:80. Mies Cors Mmrali epent Sui)day witri ber einter, Mr@. Ed Umtbdonstock ab (ilirner. E. P. Oridiey Sued faml' of Ccago, apent udi>' vlthblebrotlier, G. Carrofl OrIde>', and aher relatives boe.. AmeieCoi, latel>' froni Meland, bas .seured a position with Caron, Piri. Scots & Co. in Chiefgo. Tb@. aruselWort..r ie aofthe. M. IL Suaday oechool vif uholl tbsreonthly meeing Frida>' ehrsoo. Aprli l11h, as tii. home of lire. Louis Pro"es Plesteres oimuemd vote terwior of tbP MWv Mtbodl e crch Uceda>. W@. m *d».ad a Wauksga ad"n bas lb. contraeI. Doa'I fbu to Mthe.Van Chuklmren acrobatwe e mia* the.Lyde Theatre Thureda>', 1ridm sud Utordai nlghtu snd SalarIA>' mes. The.-W. B. M. vI ib.enter- tained aet h osne of lire. Croker on Tbur.dajr sflmaom, April 17. Demein- ber the. book ebower for Pock Home, New Orens. . NwrmW am. Ue. If thes parir' uta hepei hlmtuesithelb inov long bandisd shovel from.a wagion stacdiang lathe.tour of the toue bail laut Salurda> iii b. led enonsh to rotue. lIno questions vill b. ad. sonse iDvrdme Of Wauka. he listeisIpreeldemî viiib. the. lader at the. EpvorèhLb A"»a. ri c Soda .vget 6:45. Spéeciamu"gie.Her>'. body oordially aiblaio sonn.. Mneue. atabery bauopimel for lhe 09nas. Hthm ie e siW«. BrImal Ji YOur= b. Wl. bttei lâe. at4 * e110 1 111la100 lote. Baby km m o lu @kWbh or 1 1001a8.' PiimeLhbesy"l Owem olusâtonsWed»Msa. The. *»aOnu W»va ebsfta1peomthlb . '0 c enemmy for a mem6w cof lb. aer et a Mver> clbbm& IMm nis Sea.of Deuth, Mien., «" bu. beu sialggbaermode, B. P ea. su@M lieberelatvesboesfor lbe pane Ivo veeks, retou.inb ber borne Monda.' lu addition 10 our regular show th. Van Vaudeville Ce. at tihe Lyrle Theate Thureda>',Frida>' sed Satu=d lh. fTur.oW ae d Pilla> n tea&ad dtirda>' matinee 5 and 10 cente. Extra big show Saturds>' igut.,Admiesio 10 and 20 cent.. This veei a deni vas ciosed vbereby Mre. George Boehm trausferred ber saloon propert>' and business on Sprague sîreet ta Edwsrd Wagner and Arhur Boehm of Grayslake, tbt Dew item 1 tae possesesion the fio! May.- Tbe Van Vaudeville Co.. ne-l no llitrfiductioq as the>' played ini our theatre.snme limas mmo vth LysaI succee. At tbe Lyric Thureda>', Frida>' and Salurday uata. Maions. Satur- day aI 2:80. Gorge Bulkiey. vbo W attendiai the University' st Madigon, Win., has meieved one of th. blghest honora ln agrieulinral callege, Ibal of election ta msmbrailp la Alpha Zeta. the honorai, agilkulturel fraterait>'. The membri of tbis fraterei arm chosen ssch year b>' the facuit>', upon a baste of higb scbolmiarp and gool eharacler. 1FIt. i Ii.aY O~i*5J~ ~8~F ~*LIFE INSURANCE Contemsd esu. W.vmihloau"pply jour ev"ryeed in our Une,. Denl ulve- i cY"ve ,sa Libertyvlille Lumber.,Counpany iist eh w s ï-AN, 4 ORN ou l ssW.* u CORLEU ffle0~CK OptusiP MCoi For Pire eàd Frank Fi. Jui# op Et a e da ' e the foure part oflb wesk trainfeî'tîug huoi. ne.. at Sprlugelld. Munde.', Llgbtfnl oup Cure For gale by ail drugglats. 50c sud,11 11 00fir1 bottie. v 2.,vtf Ja'.eI. Waoduau eof Waukegan, traliiaeted bueine a In i4irty ville Miwm Pl.arl Rowiey,teacber linlth- llîrd grade Of our publiefcln îtrtajnied ber iter, Ies Beeie R.îwley, teacher aIIizon. , latb.week. I have mois.4fronMa>'place (in Brain- &rd Courît teIte Janie.bouse oui Il riglil Court sud ans reuyIo.>' neve orders for carpet a"sutg veaslog me beretofore. P-28-2 1JOHN KELLO. John Wairoed has rétuned from a vinîl ta bf. home la Heaansdafler a is>'y of afev doyia lehehome o! hie son Win"imber, 11" for Milwaukee, vhsre blaemeptoaysê ,Mme selTormaiÔ bdomnce.ou city Capial 100,00. L H.LICITYEID, Aget, subgam Dl Phno 1490W. IesuViola Gravmwcf , orenetaile, amd Mn. George Rouean of Uileuvlesv, vWtodsITierela>' & lt eeksktathl bose ai Mn. a"mi9M W. B. Carr and atleadel liii Am damsla.tlbeveulng. On Sanda>',Mris 080, vbile coslung viii a IlItile expeqago, Il Itlie Joespb Fliber bal t is eoe'Iems 10 fali onthie Cesmeal alb sa#uf fraturea bot. lu hie nWtbllbov. Heisiiovwever. recoverng niosi>'aI lait reqas'S, The nov eburch iffrgs adInstallel lu tie Pnebytrelffià «W viibeleitel le a ting nisesu geuf#'iandaîsenlcng. April»1. Tlsaauvilpvii omumbe. a 7:80 ociiloek. Aàne>' good musal proffra m b er rranged huiallng bmii vocauit ei#guaalseetin. Tan are aotel ou! l>' laviel tobe pr.est&Mal nlolb".a. A Ver>' uatme s ofI Imembrs ofithe (Iista. g m< g ociyv as ea!osd aI l.W Uj boue @4 oenvaseof LA"oln spf p laylggrn, .l im .refesmb tre, se.About guIoied Iheaielves lmteie iilotIni Il mild>' f MO". à Ver>'pleislgabelg ladies vms beld at tias home of Kme D. I y%«$"t on Mlwaukse avenuelm lait TbunImyw. fi;being a fareu'd mq eiya Mn. sel Ure. Fasesîlare liefIng a few day@ for Iheir forme, bhome lu Vemant. Theéalternoon waipleiantl pesed la vi.ltla sud fane>' voi Mdl at 5 o'clock a daint>' tes va. nerisld. At duel the ladiestaok their leave vîi ufani motua[ good w iohe sud hope for future meetings a. pleasaul. Baturda>' the villiage gralar mande ite appearauce on Mlwaukee avenue snd tu, comment upon the renuit f. un- neessary as Ibe marked impnovgment eau b' emil>' deteeted b b>'he niat caiual observer. But-wbî no# pave. Mlvaukes avenue' The iniprovenin of our 'sîreele, especiaiiî Mlvwakaes avenue, ebouid of neeveoi>' ke.p pace vltb other Improtements lu our cil>'. especiaii thst of the eretion of Modern one, tvoansel Ime.etory' busessebloceks. B>' lnslsIling a good eiubetsnlia brick pavement the cit>' would bave nonisîblea perpsesnt. There would bi nc more "crebcing araund wîtb the grader, no more haullag (each >ear) of bunln4à of loade af gravel or cruehed tom. 10 IIIlu lbé loy pises. It vould b permanent. AuImaprovement Of Ibis kla(j vOul lie sesm 1tuproperî>'0 a uisefracting ibis perticulr etreet ont'. toporIy oven fa other sections of hie cil.> vouMldtbeaemed. It leounçapalau .tboit Io g e eouensetai tiie oveo o a majlori f tlbpropen roa«lag voullba oniparatlveli @me>'malter. Wb>' oilbnk &tiaover and lies Mt yourpMitloa Mse tarI oet? 'Tcould bis a er.-l>rou van. Notice <aan renut$ an due sansiu"a poil on or beIp» April lStb. 1>111-2 &,. COL-, ViliMa5 in. Phon~e mo à vbat votid beeome .9 tisZ7 Libertyvilles Gros test Need la a No# mgaf la thal nedgiherhood? Village Ri-l Publie ipirit calil for a bonil~ ample aceommolationesel&antdiaM eauolnoteb iound bors agît = The cold wlnde'of il e last fev days Ubtri>vnlle üble juil #n seem tu have s a ,l qffe. I on tlb booster plaubli -Mhretaf'". movemeni for asii.a v iLlagoball, vbli WÀAttle 1ffletion of lb,surrogel Dot alin a rmal î.~..'uybut an abo- tvill convins you, Mr. Voter, "LWi lut unperdonahle e -r ta Put o09 for la trat;dutr aitTuesls>'tf. en me*f ]âster day. X opposite lbhe vord *"Yes" un thé Fer ye&re t e peopi il btlie gs 1ballot, sin Ilf you tare»nohildbg bûard, have tol@ratel averitable fiesvaling for-au>'candidate on thei npl lisp for buman being% lu Ibeir public ballot. Tho ever prent ue of lila lockop, sud courting the destruction of lags, viieu no thlnkfnc mansemoer lbe vaiemble ire apparatua b ich tuld emuai>'deg.'.jesavillage hall liai la. .&ae lte f. fone or more priaouers. a firu.trsp sud a publiecnulinance. ehould euch destruction Iske place lu- 0o ta the polie nexl Tueodai nighl or some other night. s how that you are wiiling vb&n a am No manl ebould alla w the malter of a public ueed demandes a I. few dallar@ tu etand lwtwe.n a'ulî à DaubeI r b. hbe big eiool sejoyul thé Christi»an Md.vor try, Prilay algbbtthb bonis of Beatrice Curr. Marr>'PriesW&@ absent froma civie elâa icsdua>'mornlngt. Doriand rl Kaleer speut Sunda>' iu Chicago. 1ForSt Smith bai beau absent for a couple of day., ilines e blqg tii cause. Kal. Carroll spont Sunday la Chicago at tii bouis of ber brother. Harvey Mont wonsto10Chicago Friday. Vis allova>', eopbmore and Le» Main. Steard, foruieri>' of the sophl. mars claas, vIsuted lie coutyfarts gaturd"ai aternoon. MIesmaie vas@qui te IiilasI Thuruday aiternan d had ta go home ut recees. Th'e program tiuat FVilay conslsted of; Piano duel......................... ....... abot Murris, Eliner PBckwitb current Erent- Foreign .............. Luella Sanborn Domeotie............ :....... Lvîe 'rril.p Readin.................Marie Agîdrëwo APT 1 Fool...... ......... .....fias Haveri Vocal slectioue.. V. W. Burri» Rpading.......................... s 31 oceM Everýyone empeciallY eajoyed 1.1r. Burria' inging. This week w, have a dehate on the cubjocl of -Wornau Suffrage." RelIer COle ouI ud bear-il. Gierman Il bave completied a litIle Gerînan play "Bige"nl" (stubbomunenâ) basd on the. Intàlit>' cf a man asking hi@ wife to du ayhhug sie doeen'b viâb la. Jo. Fisher of tle trst grade has b@ee out 01 echool sufferlug with a broken arok. Ada Mdox.ey hu.been abisent fttheb freebm am ie.vti tonellts. Mr. Simpson vstidtseool one day' lait vesk. A baise bailgaula vu seb.dutldfor lait Frllai altrnoon but b.d tu bo posPoas111 D on&aounat of lb. gonel smnç ao ve. Prances Smith. car tiret pisei vWs tard>' Tneda morainsgo b Agsbra1 a"I ()ero&&e b.d tta mlreh b ci wluhout musie. UJoîd Taylor nov esnior ut NorIa. Wetern aae"a'Ilu bome on a vesk'à Vaalltton. Va Gallovay and litaii.tb Cook bave a ver>' goud duet for tomorrov ailerêcon. Btter carne and bar It. Lait vesk MW@ Caler moved trou ber home northhof lown to ber nov bonie on Mechanies Gomis roaI. Tb@ freasu laie vent ta Chicago tast 8.turdoi. ehaperonsd b>'their te@em,àMis. Calerad MisesMeOre«.. lu the mornlng iii.>'vliled the pont- Office, Ars Instituts anid tbenaovlng slairva>' ln Sslgel Coopr'@. lu Ib attersue l irvent t10asWluila Favoreao a an"Julia@ Caemer"ait th Garrick ubsatre. Tbe shov at th. Lyio vasfi»sas Saturdar afgIli fRov do avo mv?. Why RoWea"I Jasers Ibm! Hu= 1 a"I JO&vbot- Wb.y Cie% m 4"HEer of eacef Ton u neye, ol bave thougil Il? Weil va zup. voeu hbave etas M Shadatile. e st idon' tom. tew ,m 7uu* - *mueu, b>g$ amngolhiist esb.oL UmS"He«8114au- vio ha. boe *9l gaiesof Geelrud. Daville for noms veew* Pm bu esturus Io 0ber bomne. Thom es i. oh tii.teobere eaaulaW dmu noms eWoue«am are alwi valtlag tuge t liir markesu»d til. fat decieln. The report carde leeda>' 20on. (Jmmon question, "130Wv my Fis dil you ast." Have yon douated labor or monei 10 tbe atllticOil? We'r. golng 10 sant vark on it lu a couple of laye ansil6 viii certaini>' b agrand thie, for good' aid L. B. S. Mahel Marrie vas nol at achool antif lâte Tnesday morang, tier.. bing no pas»eeger train later Ibaja 7:24. But l)ur Mabel ie brave and rolied la ou s frelgbl ut Il a'cloek. Engrlîeb III and IV are readiug tMr@. Gaskell' Cranford" inclaisand "fleury Eemond" for book revlew. "Cranfurd" in enrel>' the mot interestin. aud bumuan borà. that bas ever been aur good fortune tu rend. Lyle Tripp gave correct event.. lait Friday aflernuon. I'Nuiff said. The girls bave Ibres basket bail gestios ecbeduied for this veek. Juniors vs. sopluimorpe; junior@ vs. fressmau; sophomuoreioce. freebaa. Luella Saeuboru and Coeeue Ayere were both Chicago visitons Saturday. Vida Jamiesan weulta CblŽago Mon- dey'. Tarnado Insurance No power ou eartit caffgnarmnlee ibat your prapert i viisot hb damagel if Dal denioliaeb b>'me kind of vinl., No malter boy lbe vial m*s>'blov a Hartford or Fidlity-Pboeuix Tomuado Polie> viii giv. ion a"ots probectic fro. laie. Rates are 10v. Yon cannot anord tua mn rlek. E. W. PÂ"uuuuv Agent, Hartford andYFldeillî Phoso ie.. ce.q For Beue 8 BLoom mansion vltb extensive Cunde.......................... ...15 m mmodern boumeclous ln 2 iots.................,..................5700 55 m ar a, Éoas boUldingam a lova .........................7150 100 acre fera aMr etatiou... ..... 10000 Lots trou ibo es 400on cas>'terme. f ii f pls> flii Oo »SW. Imeoraos Couell cf Har le 0!~ late reparle have heen eircals*d, about ttc etreete lu the effec acernfl eietered lut,) bu-us lfr s cocedees'ý tion î>lnione>' for the position autife lîn ltiie Progreeeivs ticket on t14 villagze ballot. We wisti to deua>' Ibi rumor momt empbati'-aily sud te0*4si no 'duai " ebatever %vas made exepw 0 mutusi underetanding helveen mmen G[ I alla wieb ta retute reports cou" lng certain villamge sppohntniýs u 1 b electel ta the office of Vi1laý Prosident aI lbheeeton noxi Ta.sie No ptomisee vbatevev vWi I 'éjg Eacb application for ithe Va".n appoietuenta viii moe eduonuiss Mion sel vez th l ime 004Miii applial vWho, la ay>' juiot ss'MW ervetu1thlbobsetataesle of te Wini rce he eappellat repmi et mriion&Mlatiome. 630MOUBEQeIisa. ProsbYtiffal eVIoM. 10:80 16. M. uorueain ult a -Tie alcr' aiGaI." 11-45 8bwuader mooL- Leader. EL.'Hi. 7:80 p. se. vmbiag orcilp. .veensevIeWii coelst of a Il viii badolat&' .IIMdt c o ur e c e a y l b e $M ~he eUl u>wma ve gomm a fl w tid - opypmmig pause l* ie u laced a fMW 6 von lavedobeslaileeosagfei ag tin«esamd allowei (hem W sdip tlu'olg fliig ls ehapussapi.. re ou grasp (le.opportuidtes i bi future if gou wUI open a. accouet wItl os. Lake County Naional LIBERTVVILLE. ILL Caitg Surphas mil usdd"e rft LADIES' AND CIIILDIEN'11 -DRESSZES At ah. oril t whmaveaa«r mçe qe Reaigmnue D rshla Vice nsoc $3.00 for a. i e goi.admi ou81 op forLaessu.S. h. Win mm0 be. Wm hssmg Ctala Maftrials of vai« 011er spé~: ~~.Md cou..tco W.W. Carroli & Sons oc MOIRT14 STORE PHONE1 2--STORES-il 29 souTH sTronS FH01 r erty and au nid woudenu ebatity vall'd "lockup. tire statîinsud village bal Tiiere lseflot another village withinu Iwenty.tlve miles ai lier,'. w'tlî rîiuel iP. Iban bal! the po)pulation of L.ib.'rtyville thaI lia. mehbpao! saccommodations for tbe several departineuts ofthei village.. Tb@ proposed bonding of the vilage for $10.000.00 wonfd rPot bis on@ cent toc, mucb for a building afthIis kiud, sud we have belen aeured that belveenti te and tbrethausaul dollars viii b loppel off Ihbal @unbefors lie contratla ânali>' avarlel for lite construction, la whlch came the Iliereue voudIleb r.baid 10 «ehi %a«payer. Tbe bondi voul b pal Up et tlb.srate of 81,000.00 a vear natil ail voespail, maklmaaloy lai- agmo0,ailproprt ovair. The lav itites lisa eMlarge enough tu le- mmr compiilon at'tbeludlmg acoord- lng tu lb. spedlioni muet b a,- ra.ged for b>' bonsde, but a viii kwoe aniionlt>' claime tilair lb. proposai building vi inot cme&ave *7,50. Ù». tbing lecoeta., a»dlt i. leb. rumpoanbMtly r.sllg upon t4alonUmdi of mach voter or sas payer la regard tu lb. protection of bume iRhe, vichca la grsas danger ever> tin» tbe maniie setue-Uie beiof tbe cage ocanon. pour anfotunat. persan, andl itlleaIotves Improbable liaI thé persan aay b s local citizen. Sb as «Itla, lie loekup la eurroeded b>' voodenebéesaselnosn. buIldIngs. vblcb ame liaImore 4ili> aend sanitar> taan hie iterlor nf lb. "prlsoa.,, Sowe pioile, ve-vetun 10 aMybave ie, retepe issultâtn rtrap Weillimir af. sed prob.,blî do noct baccbt Mo and properl>' baibele egrl l ange aai se.syIarm For falanasetla a0àon fagraélo i tsrta»Me or la te illageýP

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