CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 11 Apr 1913, p. 6

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telIS bav lotl e amtinmd5 qe'ti swa. tboit* bor fa. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i haeketeles es'l t rollOO n thon b wWS Caibr e~~.i~the bouaitoIdt voulai have tu sue, miel sywom eaoeib' or <hO I it auiiderstiod tbat tlIoe e u me- tIi r~ftou ?tat an Ilsth thing 1Il» *4,N0* la thoe 0os00a. 1Bffl ao ble bu4UaarnaÇo%0ud e eX * uuta boins bai $0r If>!Muaw, «111 ýo Ioprl* buUt, coMa.eaak fOU? bh hu b- um* wi4ZUII JU l&tuas of tainhie*$l'sone.le*y an lhe iaw Ima; tt *~ lwould laply ta Pro. PMosribeb. Auil os, aseli. It le learneai that the town board atte -vsor Conrad pres1dedan sd Mr. members have inken the mater.ul) AI ,d vas askeai ta .ipl5in h«Wwth Mr. Métaw, but ho bas held <hat Lite luterpr@ethe I& a regardlng h. had a rlaht ta a fuil tua per cent.aut Ioder ireoping >more <han $1, sub dh' làtagveU <oex ~ lais wol laeoUeting lu- Ooss* a tht. &fier looking up thoe Tii IoWaaltlonf erk elo ha oint é coulaifldnd ohlg,,wh*T he -is »WIgofadePak ee.u Î41mix iémtitthe board ta compro-suit afainotf red Schaeffer t q ei 1th Mua andi tale a portion Otcewa'le" ou <th. ame Pointe tbat Vet wUmeyhe buaosa and dai- esaI P Wanbgan-tbho b.Wè* eu- <bol oq'to leep a cetaIn u eu to tltled ta no<hIn#ý more than vacor,. Wpeugo; hattheo 01117 l la biswot-. ÂttenI1oJohn PPper*ip-tu ý tbard 10l aliton rturu of ail roseanthLe township and. t la ue- N a$ hoe k"tepIla exese of thoe tood Ée coàtenai.<h"tScba t oIan Yser yefor <he o fur 70515.ouly ullihave tu ertur h oscemse WG tat be wu e ot ftiliy natlà- feebut hat he"May b h hage WWM Vu ,ueI ioot tise ta lavetigate eombessimuenet 0tafnde ue wefl If ho.u W the boutrd a i ght te skai- lEUttua relatan sm0 OrIf th.'tag-i- efising for expense r ot but Patyd1 lhtaprXlégli i Ilno troan ubat ho hgd leara, on tfat bharge. met t h. bord could not ailow, e. otlng Cailed by Cnrad *ua ferexpuees.A meeting ofet <b-Waukeranboard to I.iwyer Espiaonse wu ael T)usay ta ,tbecourt lieue.thé podU4 for Mulsu expl&lBed &<et &fier Superwheoa-CConald ioufl golo WW* lawilUng ta do vint la the memb- ttboIr ladoacm othle us sM y over wbat la duse otater. Adlourninent wua talon lie bad folowea a iroced- iltor, la <tu ho MeentbiM .Ma' of i r coitWUcWo in , rollung blus approocbod to e o ; tho. a Oi e bat îb 1a sou. te vouli d-be Ila salite bave deond lela W" la olecting taxes which tu maké evertarea. excepting <o psy bal «W not bave undertaea bad bckl ailbut lB. S 82,M for tm &b. M-u ho couid bave but *1,00O Itlals.ontended by saur thal, if theo .n bkase0f u<h Baiayerd ht preset niove tu rocovor exceas fe..tom lie n grnng ujbh ows a la -onbr, th. levaboard. *t la pe h. ý» g so ouesemoney, but uuflth-n b. ordered tatt for .théIl %* lian#atlrtioW tbbondS tatWs ttwO tuî* 1 greceed agaat t4 Mone Ho it ho WOYbm IlU Oectofta he o taubp te a»4 lW eeeexa . cotapel tiomsta retura leeeover 01. 9 wo'a.toms Whl*h'lm* m0"0 uhbt"bave11'Orotalue. IbTMg tp e $1,6« fer oulai apply te eeflectors for m"and omi r et ~Op P8t.o Cr 4s19L say.MaTO AU. PENSONS WIOM 1?DAY ob d ho,5""~ bel!elif , Ztg y*o teIlin O0f1Im* ranadesand ede et MalSdit mia etoS omd tedocourt, directing hlm, as eauc USari, L tého b"Ia veluamee ta «Meanl of th ighuilt, titi. sula,-soi eat Iostee. thc.= MM faim tu and ta 41he Io la0 atala . fdàlation 1describkG roeetaboe. situatI.yo ~~e tri the ~ .~ Counîr ci Lale sud 81.4. Pr peinUts. aI estHo oft he North Wetil k5<uay el. oveS 'Tam Mr. ofStlniteaj %rd bliwmd teSascertsai on g i.(> sto i hr moe0t aimeer ssI a excea0f Dinolteml m-ldlu o i Upr W lary from. Mr. Mftaui ad and Iducatlon of sai! minore and for 45to-a »Mlctsre.- moton car, th. -oeoft Investlng euch of <ho lealmuuy.orDidasof salIsale as shah .not fu)1, ac te Ielmmedltely roquirsai for iuch sup- # tul, oar prsen. lclued*port sud education lanaIlier rosI estate "100er Coorà&. (lor lseiuhnson.or otilerwlse lnveeu ipseé sae. W* Welss, Wlcb. Bals. Mrrie., Daieai April S1h. A. D. 1911, o.I s ugaeiGaia fWILLIAM TONYON. *9 cnclsion Itwonsuggstel GurAU ofGrtrude Tonron. Isahella STonyon, Henry 3. Tonyon sud The- 1 Isfor the bord tea sow Mr.I _____ ew mpoup ns ud, If hits la doue,j ADJUDICATION NOTICE. i >boit say aool ta do so oven ho. Pua1il notice la hereby given that ,-ho casei cota., op for hearlng lu the Suhecriher, Administratrlx of <ho * t ourt la Octoher. 1 otate' of Mary A. Slnnott. deceseai.b ýs genesenutimnt of lie hoard Wli attendi ho County Court of Lake t be, e e a hâlii l létal, lhey votiS County, at s terni thoreof tale halai- tô ahow Muaw soney te help on at the Court Houela Waulegau. t oxpoamea.but her could flot fluaInlasa-ICeunty, con ho trot Monday glia way te do it. Mr. Muau bodo¶ of Jume next, 1918, whea snd uhere lo viii make nothing ot of th» ail pe-on halnot daims agaut "Id r yesr vork at $.500ý a rosi, pro-1 eotate are notifeS and reneeteai to WU ho la nt aflow«e xpeaiaes. greuthle same ta eMM Cot forc adjudication. oetroveroy over thé amenaI of Amin Mtrix Sa Ajoteald ne Wb" ha tavu colleor la en- Waukelehmlon s. OWAPrS 7i, 191&3 16 u.*0 Sm t o dl.ouaelo f et vheB . IKL t- lyaldAttorney. 0 mwgoblt bfore <ho publie aose vkly *Pr 11., 18. Lj wu yeures am uan the Prai:en; bo letb -@u. (<hect edtor ef the MNamiew ,e. Apma .r offl dlug IV ho lau ooavorl Notice o eaise e tore.lwestck' ta ouftoe ~fo«i os athpe W )M l ie nt Nauldp *o a.- - Company of Lîbryviue wS V.15in Lt th te 8.5 a oseàtiosla Oceli lstaims.L it fauma f w1hbau, et Ome u ,ir .rouainai80 4hoà 14u laiM , Iým theus b goft uw»hâ k~ebaSebave&"uevm P«6r *0t a"efer ies 4esOul Umm »1 s#um otSly hob ~pseeis ov sim O. la -. ~ gane u b eo e, ow rfe 4**Om^tM" We usil pue Iilh4 uSsiJfn.Ioltlbbud * tw U, Iav*, ;#,f er 0 eu t IOR o &aI .4u t p us, * g aO-li ;ïg iteS.aea 9p 411.lIOtf & »W enterpiIielian bpet.uhuiimched lu maosticesllog huri alte.Tlt«e ocIte aret eobi& 01 6eaml orer ObSI MO and, o *Itelu- w"orau s.thât tr.ndet% litemo1M eter b1to.WIw, IJIARaitogatbor dfftrutlba. Ii ita thlng el bobsnr$, a me loemooaulovu-et îhold' wotaon- Ibo deannafor ils...bnrla il.h.sowsbAed b chPioPortfone am mal* itaI- anufaeturm al vastly b$ingi eiirimaui Ms-. B lti 911ou1d axe go"dtuabis aje v vuatire. se lime dudrgthe nIlil Issu vo* odueed"a tbfl. taho *wu aPearatî bio tW .job. forfS an a tsace te lt4 cisi f of1h <hou b 1a tbém d atiredbooo, ml sfvaete uspe sud %bout two diolim a e cange revard bis 4oola. le i.pss&lugaito SUBIr Agsae Meuudlh dscisn.d lb. musse dom. te tilet lr f $136 OMM aid saIbautte1 for mori &bas tlse ader avecrtS.ouvariane Umolost tale, thivishave broke. 1.10 box us uneadint m* '-~iç r. dorît ani i ettleai pa ng eanisl.s tif tls-l. ive bleueile.1L.1 ¶1e .ltuatiOn . 1 aoalmq quite uriomeand we der- ,wi the. St. Pamil cotfpee 10 co- >Oflaliug taking uta-ps te whs-d pprs mdig Wrarlits ilsit the aroditIl Mfot ad Vre CigO., le e wae and prosperous evidtiJila #auj nvWiulpu er r muaeaoues. JS outbey a- uîl-t ad olrodumlsumbts' rf lostuo N*t prasmif.te b0 aactive tn Ibi -* uti priellable tuthei-e. u. *0 bêwbbous10 .b« *581k10154by *01 invau S iroguiaru -plees. ae* moblielas-" " làÏ td.ýw Krt leh k«kr i, tmà m snM L% W*. .local Masngr.: tlSs b *pe ut u6. Inut 1 .ou dimt ois isn welooe nsd evas-yvisitor viii Lt ressaie lth a Ouvrir. ÀISWSED nIEM Th, oloI;101ta o Dea un 'rom Attoraney William P. Weof e wauleg an, elf-exP"aal. l ho-& log recallodti Iat ho loft Wsulgan liondar for Dprngfleis lt aPPMesSr J". Grahama or!ltéeeoiity tla Sth ounteet for <ho legila«Tve sat bronaht hy J. H. VIckera of M&cHear oouftly:0 'II lie tho pleasure, of appeariCg beoore the Hanse comwatlao on ec infai at oeclocl h18 Atteraon and maklug s motion 10 ilmliéthe eoa- test as ta Grahaa vb"cbmotion prS- vailed, sud th.ecoiteutdm to, Mr. Grai amws Sldsee- A 1M1.e tlon, kea by unSurieaa tomer itb- hl roaiL.igavins <he coalestatmovb@t*eos -Visio s u Monroe. ubiab vil hobàau-' by tub oommtto. Wodpmdsy atwcooal,, Oitet vuli ho sltdeea us '" -* 1Iom¶aVols a i e;,Itt S orav eaist * * c 0s4' snsel ofoltheutockhok1 d..the;O UAbsu-lyvifis. lia(qAà. on le M.r*of" eo 1918aI Ibu moi sultiai b flavis t l Presdme 1 t a alicoanpau auSD *. lte uos AI alocomniton bas -bmiq bii a 0 0 beoatarg ntrab it palîlecrlfrtebu bpm am filit"'w su=rM==<.offictahl. eords- ci ICI OmUriUSýsj DeMof L[AM.Contr. ampromISeSby . -- &W .4 bIs I7tIldow of Match A. O Joue3«3L.Tava.oa. Proaldat. 1 f Apsfil4-11-18 t mU*ddandcobl- te present eupSr. tk4 coutr olle- 1 Wmet of tliào bg '7reai sutore- Léheýmg total amouit l".. ............... 981.0 POU~U~Thoamouatpsu, pm- f ùr suRpervfIe«r anS l-heb.ianut of wtîlc *5du d gl. lacldns ame >"4 am sn id&I »ia W u humuch en ta- Saiblol 4wueto to A. C. A~aom~S eu onaccaunt of 8cba-tru to 0Gwo Lew- Abicent pu out on account of Boboo ttusteta J. W. 8ia- Am.S»5 ut on account of "aiqIgsd clerk to J. Ao» PxOut on accomt of "Tot m toM. A. au» Amome « u asom toc > âmm ta oto s offleutà. 3ui aieIeUaBte ooet W 18.0 cii~ A P[QPU~ PRIT. FOfl PRESIDENT FOR TRUSTFER (Voe f or Thrt.) vue.. ........... d AnMal psim, ottuo SecuI ~ OoS lie.. DiMago e uljWpby dosa te 30M nL»A-Thalu---------.. Dait t Oidar y et 191& iit SUPEIW0,Gfl.S 10 OrhM- Natb«4t.labor*»ut ïvowàt a e- itffl ttce.outy @sai< et i. lu « tbe ouislorlu«lapovsau 't lake OaW 'vu e bell t <ha prldar ltbe Sb *y et Agi-Ilm 1e t 4 la oOi9*,P. K$I b<ho 10-tf-0et o radng/05" htb s éhta sud »Mi.cIinp/toom r bue ap.a% vies.aI amiSmeeting. - Lau A. Hooder. .Cmty OAs-k. The La,»« t Mogaxi ise twWesId Ti To-ajM onem bl.p-m 8 ps-yms. Sit py ut au 0.0 'pe01sbr. ww la, a.' apvel n EJ.tiom to be hId Tusy, ApviI15, 1013. (E'PETIION) FOR PRESIDENT P.R. P. SOHNAEBIiL FOR TRUSUER (Vote flrtTitice> B. x4s iw hkI.FTOMA'I'IC YAULT Sas »4ont mimowa *â am (BY PtrMON) FOR PRESIDENT - GEO. QU]XNTIN FOR TRUWTE (Votefw firte> ADÂM B. TITU8- 0.G.C Q'A K QA QB .IUWED a'.-' r.,. - j;L Oro. fou- MMM, mâtlà FORS1 al«oLg Ww. Mr. R4 larmes Godil- FOR 8 fo 00 pes! FORS8 Rhod. FOR 15 FOR à e- lO I o3. W. 'FOR a cycle. adlsail 'e- i

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