CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Apr 1913, p. 12

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0URY TO MRIN a poISUL CITY OFFICIALS AV CLAIM THIS MKLPED TO CAUSE HIS DBATH 1REELL DEFENOS SALMON ,V4 EVEN IF TH-E MAN WAS HACK4.KD THAT OFFICER lIAD RIONT TO SHOOT HlM . Udevelops hat the. autopsi iieid k20 the. hody o! Theodore Siiogater ne 8unday afternoon revealed tie fsct tbat Bkogter had sustained an l. >17 ta is brain as the. tissue vas batIy ilam.d. Whther thl imgit ieahad anytblng to do vith bis 100M It vii b. Up t te iphysicens 'ta dacide. One physician Ilu eak- 'las« et fticmatter expressed thteiopla- ,Aone thnt the infiamed condition -o! tâb brain Indicates that Skogter 1usd Yaceveit a blow on the hend fromn mile beavy luethilnent. Asked asa tu ietiier or not Iis MiBght hav auything ta do vith the tmWa deati. h. expressed his person- si opiiontint it did not under the. roeulatances. Hie tiinks tiat the 'biwUe condition of tie body la itself '¶5 Ough to renut In deati. It la posIbie tint the. city may "-p iseid point hovever. inasmuch as ý'*i4ght doubt han bran brought up. cAiaat Chier o! Police 'Tyrrell 'B1the opinion tht Poicemant B- ~ Iii te cxonerated front shoot. Mmuogter. as h. says the officer _aWatdi bs dnty. He pointa ta 't"âa bot that Samon aud otier po- t'.abavaeiiad dfIculty la thc lent ort tvo la handing somes of the. »found on the soutlu aide lea afew instances policemen vo h ost o! tic argument. HS le dais tiat Okogter va te the vny. he ha. reccived ftacla. Salmion snd Skogtr wr aboutviien Salmon@ gin ion't carry handcufrg, ý A COmot" have ba" haudecuMa Mm etsa aI tii ia." hosali. ho bai cmeioîgle on hlm 4 thim mls W iifeu6c e jmutl la aking tic action ho BELD IN COUNTY ýj(CoteuPM- um ae 0e.) luippeodent Municpa-PraniP. Foruna Cty Cîsrk. .oa-Pftia-Edvard A. War4cu, For City Attdiney. Sou-Partisan--amuel S. Hltes. IuiPenient luicpl-Ernst Lm. Fer Cty Trassurar. lIM@Dendont muncipl-Elnter T. kMdmorc (no opposition). For Peles Mgistrrts. No-Partisn-James C. Boylan ilonstructive--Joiin E. Courad. W. Sutierland, H. J. legeschuite. 1 For Police Magitrate-L. H. Bsn-i nett. WAUCONDA ELECTION. Tiare vas no opposition la Wou- conda. tu tic follQving vilage ticket: For Village Preidet-R. C. Kent. For Village Truates-W. Iff. Lant- phere, V. D. Kimbali, Hery Golding. ANTIOCIt ELECTION. IThor@ va. no oppoiton in Atioci te the. fololag Peopleas ticket: President-W. 11, Kinear. Por Trustas-Artitlr Edgar, lien- ty Pituan, N. Puilin. Treasurwr-J. B. Brook. Ohio Figitt BIOS Pasa@" Columbuas .0. APril 1.-Provldiig for tii. appolilmeul hy the. govarnol o! 'a commission te regulat. hoing«. a bill ietroduced by Rsprcentatlve capels of Cincnnati vas passai b7 the lovrer bouse O! ticelagîsiture.0 Uniar tha provisions o! thillbIHthc proposai §toie atiletic coummissiont voold lte nuliorlai l t Issu, licencia te athietic clubs for hoinai;bouts. AnIS Fumas KUUUl Titres. Winnipeg. Man., Api le . - Wiile tha Ounn building, lin.larvls avenue. vas teini !umuated ta drive o0 cociroacies. ths deadlY fumesro!t aciused penetratai ito Tunila bath roomss ecar by. kiliing Nichola. Warnock, Constantine Dria aà George Cobleiini. Ton Içund beutlfrMcCrty. Nev York, April 1.-Lutier Me- Carty, vbo rmly believes iho la tha champion vhitc hsavyvcigbt 0f the vorhi. la natched viti Frank MOrna o! Pittsburg, vho holds dîffrent vievs, Io box Ici roqnUda atheti.Bt. Nicholas A. C. here 'on Wednesday, igit, April 30. ,NonParinn-homs B aleman Vosole iAre Wrockod. 'No-Patiezu-horas . Sceian. Luheec, Ne, April 1.-.ftltln 45, from thlr courses ln a heavy log Costructive-Ai!red A. Mases. 71.Ire hree-rnaster iunubsr vessea. ,the Vi¶ret Ward Peoples-Alvin B. HIi. Sequin o! Portland and the W. . Progressive Citizn-Prank W. Goodmnan o! Boston, vere totaihi Ieahenl9t. 'erecked aetih. entrance tu the Bay Adrmin-8.cond Word. cf Fundy. The crevsascapsi. No-Prtisan - Martin lngdahl. 162. Passei Minimum Wallis Bil. * hiepeudent Municipal-<leorge R. Hiarrisburg, Pa.. April 16.-Tii. lOchis. 140. bous, îsssed the Bigger minimum Adrmn-Third Word. wage bill providing for a committes 0f tire. to ix i minimum vwage for imieodeut Muncipal-WVilliain D. vwomen and girl vorkerî and ail minor X!mmm(Do opposition). vorkers lu lie tais. i Word. - &%N tyos'v-Waliam J Ob"e. 92. braaking les et Duuth. ~'#daw.mtJo E.Coirad, 39. Duluth. April 16.-Tugs broke theïr - MgiiocdEtctln. vay tbrougiithie ieavy le f romt the t, Dultith 10 the Superlor aide o! Et. Jeouh5 Beveirsm, tic re!orm mnayor Louis Bey, Il la exîecled that the àt UlevOOi. vin aresiY has seraihanior rapidly wililopien up fron, nov tms te bmrer sme. d,!eated A. . ou. C 4icago & Mivaukee elec -_______ tle Uo tet by a vote o! tvo tu one. WIopaholUWis nlereit vas ceuisred Mistaken Visa. f* clo Bit for oayor. The indepeni- Otrante tricks our vacity vii plni. ',l usi mei,*ti tiec eption of onù m so aOtsto la life's plan. A Bas. ~,.aiinua. von asecping a book on» day, at trot "a riewa anal For Mayer. City CiWii Ptuemuve-A. W. HIMnuler. 92. You rmust cdean lie stomach and bovels, purify lie blond escii prapun or you become filliy. toppai up. HoUiMsts-IL R.9. Tes cleans, purifies.4 rogunatas. W. W. Pearce. BUILDINfi RPORTIC OFOUNDATIONS TO De OTRENGTI4KNEO TO SUPPORT FIVE STORIES IREPORT 15 UNCONFI AidarMati-FUIut Wad. Progresiv-Wilulrn flBie. Indepcndnt-aB. P. saflnmn. 24. Ald.rmnt-Saciîd Wacd. Independent - Albeit Oison, 37-, (ne.m nMt telb.) Frm am te & u«.14. Ind.pandut--Nàk Wib, i24. Aiduau,,-11*4 dWard. Progresslve-oiiD bhcrldaa.20. independent-Nick flegen2AD.41. City Attorney 0.a. Oobeh (Do opposition). Police Magistrats. George itsddick (no opposition). In Village of Ares. In the village of Ares or Roclefehler as It là more commonly talied. tUae vas quit. a content, despite thefact that but a amalt number of votes vers cast. The resuita follow- Prosident. Citizens Party-Harvey X. Watson, 26. People's Party-Rlchard A. Sniith, 30. 1 For Trustaus. Citizeus Party-Thois Russe)], 44. CitIsens Party-Elverett 0. Wells, 37 Cîtizens Party-John L I rving, 35. People's Party-John H. Wells, 24. People's Party-Hermn Kublank. 20. 'People's Party-John H. Rous.. 34. Police Magistrats. Edward G. Payne, 45 (no opposi- tion). Grayalake Election. There wns no conte8t, ln Graysiake to the foUowing Citixens' officiai ticket:ý President-F. -D. Batterehail. Trustees-Wm. H. Bus.ndstetter: E. V. Harvey; 0. Richardson. BARRINGTON ELECTION bhers vas no content la Barring- tan. to the foilowing ticket vhlch vas placed la nomination regulariy: For Pre.1dent-M îles T. Lamy. IFor Trustees-Oeorge J. Hager, A. put in. One o! the principal ackholders in tic bauk viien questioned t wth regard ta the. report tis moruing de- Clrci ho hait not hoard tint such changes ame te bo made. iHo said chbangées h ai uedecldei upon but tiey ame of a minor nature. lu case a décision ver. umode to trengtien thé fanudations t10'permit of tvo more etornes being put on et noime Urene atic future it la not kuovu vhat vould be don. about tic souti vall vhich te said te have moved lghtiy te tic norti cauaing an Interstice hetveen It and tic building adjoining ou the oti. Sonis thunk it vould notteositviaablc to put on more Oloors uniea» t la found tint tuis dfect can to remediod. Ever since it va. Onzit snnounced tbat tic Berri block hmd been pur- ciiasd for a bati building tiere han been considerable speculation arng people as te viien tic building vas erectd. No oneha. seemnei te knovl Il sxactiy. i William Sunderlin, onje o! tic old- at reaideuts o! lie citi. uoir coines forvard viti figures la shiov tint ti. building vas put up ln 1856.' Thc bnilding tormerly occuplcd by tic Prinesl candy store vas erccted. h. maya. lu 1848. The. Bearles -block. wiich recently vas purchaseit h Charies and Robert lugalîs, vas built Un 1856, and the Dodge buling lu thc year 1858. Mr. Sunderlin dlams tint the ilatement tiat a certain houa. on Market street la the. oldest building in tic clty la erroneous. He maye the hou»e tint stands ai 630 Marlou street iu tha oldest building la tic city. He ais is fatier and motier dici lu ti hum. Tii. prIces paid laborer. at tint time and nov. he maye, la quite dl!- tet Then the carpepters aud brickliyers receiveit $1.25 a day. A workiag day tien vas tan insus. INOIPENDENTS TO CONTEBT. (Continue Troan page On«)> 1.>' WSlil;.*5 corne to Phone 630 Now Iocated next ta Pearce's Drug Store REFORE WAVE ROULS RIVAL IITILITIES OVER ZENITH CITY MEASURE IS SOON iTU BE PRESENTED now, rulit by commission goverument. Mçieàtieclock tolleit the fn ioUr1 LEGISLATIVE COMM IrrEE A today the. Zenith city padaed underi SUBSTITUTE FOR BILL 0F.I the nev forin. vitii the most liberai charter vhiciibas ever been aPProved by any mnunlipality. The commission ls a unit on tie question of law enforceinent. The Mld vent ou at noon. Elaloons muhst close at 1l o'ciack at night, and tie Bnday aide doors nmuât h cioacd. Tiie scgegated district and hotels and rooming bouses o! questionabie reput. senmust Le vipcd out, se- cordilg te Commissioner ltlcksu. Even secret iodges have bran uottied tiaIt te slashing prize fights noco- mon lu Duluth lu the. past muasct e Chie! o! Police Troyer vas reap pintei 'to office. Jersey Ciy Under Commiasion. Nev York, April 16-Commissioi goverument was adepted ln Jersey Cty at a speclal election heli fosi tic purposa O! adopting or mre,t the so-cald Walsh act. viich vs put througi the New Jersey lgsa ture iu 1911. largelyb' itUaf Influcec of Presideut Wilson, viien he vas Sovernor. Cler soilinén»siCauses Treg.y New York. April 1.-Wiien tCldby a doctor that ihovau color iuind, an aMiction liaI vouli prevent hic pro- motion. Oceorge Demi, a fireman on the Erie ralîroi, veut to hic home lia Port Jervis and vitb a siiolgun kilîiedbis vile ani hiniscîf. F@derale Loua Town. Nogaies. Ariz., Aprîl 1.-AIl feder- ai forces evacuated Empalme vhille etata troopi accuplei thle tovn. DUES 0F INJUAY. îConinued Priai Page Oie.) F. C. Kuigt dld everything possible to -ae islie bt-t a -acufrn ha lirt tnt bla cha.ce of rccovery vas very sligiit. To have amputaici the leg voulit have' qmsst tint t would have had to e , &~ken off ut tic uip and the. siock vouli have reuteul n lilstant deatb on tic operntiug table. The train o! cars vas stoppeit as aon as possible alter thec accident, as fellow emploies had seen Masaîka fall tu front o! lhe car. No one secins 10 kîov enactly boy tic accident tuappened. Tiie body vas removei tth te Cou- rad & Hart Uudertakimg rooma viiere lie inquest vas set for 3 o'clock this aftsrnoon. Whlle Masalia han no relatives lu Waukcgan h. hbas a vifc and tiree children ln the q»d country. Hie vas seing *unoney witii vhlch ta brins them ber. Club for Mon end Girl i 43140 la a fortigit Lacis viiposac nibt aI b.lilvci te be lie eau club et Il» i dlu tiihe ueriBClub oie- 17 for al'op assistante, vaicieusassa aud cierb.s.Women vWIii tb@alSIbîs ter mombasip, and la aditloi tu boavins tigs us.eo!ta&l tic rooms op»s te the mon. including tic uiaIr rom, tbei viii bav, a lomelle for tber «elusive usc-L«onioiail, Dely T~oult Te OUM 5la the votouet 54lie put; te Pftveat. liedivinlspar et teiq. -Ete"Douglas W1<Ia. iprins totei; Everyboii's taiuSIV' -1101i11e~'sRocky nom"tinTee. W. W. Pennce, FERED aV 00V. DUNME BEFORE ASSEMBLY TODAY BULL AFFECTS PUBLIC UTILITIES 0F WAUKEGAN AND OTHER CITIES UN $TATE Springfield, lit., April 16.-A publie utilities commission te bave charge of ai the public service corporations ln the state viii be recominendeit to tie general assernily tomorrov by the public utilities cominittee created by the legislature two yenrs ago ta lu- vestigate and report on tic aubjecI. At the saine turne tiere will te laid before the, usseinbly a billnibodying the. ideas of the legislative commis- sion on this subject. Tii. report of the. commîtte,, together vlth lis bbll, viii ha presenteit la the sanate by Senator Dailey 0f Peortn. chairmau o! the conunittra. Il has not brai determlned viio saha present the re, port andMI Iniluthe houge, but tii.; probahly viii ha In the. bauds o! Rep resentatîve William P. liolladay 01 Georgetovn, an, o! the. commîttet uerbers. Dlffsrs !rom Governor's 8111. The bill drafted by the legîsiaturf committee dîffers materially froin ti blill that la ta be introduced as tig administration mensure and heartnl the approval o!f(30v. Dunne. Tiie gov ernor Lbi la tedesigned only tlaappt to citici O! legs than 25,000 population The larger cities, however. may eiec to paso under the provisions o! lbth act. a uluale comoission for the entir, storea We have no other klnd to, show you. Il ti rassad. Asked as to tic truti of a 1 report that tic Independents viii con- test tic election o! Volivale candi-i dates, he hait uotiiing tè su. easarit-I Ing he vould te able te tell morei about Il lu a day or tvo. Dcsplte haie li*like ta discuss the question. nuin- orgue reports froin Zion City nsscrt thet this action la contemplnlcd bhi the ladependenta. Eider Brucat Harvood and C. A. Brune verseleected aldermen, John D. Thomas, leader of ticeZMon choir, vas elccted city cleri, ani Ticodore Forbi. associaIs editor of "Leaves o! Healins." the Zionist m-gatlmc, vas eleclsd clii attorney. Indepenieuts bave tirce aldermen. givi th e mau* or the casting vote.( Job fer Voiivaa SodlygusiS. Voliva's frieni. pointai tianifulhi to lie prospctive uemovnl of thc ctt manaIsll portfolio front John U~ .Iloover, wno han euppresaei lia Zionites foucubly o!flita. "Capi." A. A. Walkcr, Volivasn bodyguard and fermer police chia! o!fliammoni, la scheduled for tic Job. It vas aneovno.i aise that if dcls- denîns eicction boldo the one pool- o! Zof on City, vweI~ l la as- acrted tohacco la soli la dogmencao! lie vishes o! Volva ani the ordin. ance is preocesmor, "mIii" Donce, passed yearu ago, vili be edosai. 9"'Al i eveil.I MidfiVoliva. 'l itne o! 0r votes bai not beci tirovu o41..t hy tie slection judges Il -90ld have hecu. a gueMer vlctory.» .F. C. Seidel < C Co. WILLIAM SU#IDERLUN RECALLS TIME WHEN SEVERAL SUILS. UNOS WERE SRECTED A report hacame carrent on the treets yesterday and today to tic afet tint the directors of h. uev Waukegan National Bank had de- ided tu change the. building plans no that la casa it ia desired ai any time tvo additional aotes may ha put ont the building. This vould makc il a live-tory huilding To do Ntis it vould be necessary la strengthen the foundations aud (o put in heavier suPporting vails. especiaiy la the froq w hae.the Wall has been r.. moved to permit of a uew frontt being THIS IS THE CRADLE. SPRING FRAME' of the Mot6cXcI e Note the long, flexible lcaf apringa, also the binge oit Nat the forward end of di. iX A rear wheel fork. The. whcel bounces upwerd in pmieaamgover obstaeleaumZt spots on te .roed. .AUl tré-takn U y te spiapwihout affect. ià heý f h mg» The rider is mot Wodor uhakea. H. feel ouly 4h. gflbogmoton.Vibraion uà pre. vented. The 913Indin rides as smooehly ms if it were rueni on air. Au imiom evian " Nb. tf.of themotorcycle in te.r. suit es weil mperfect Comfort to th.erW The.Cadie Spring Frame isete.taïk of the oboe uioùoïode freternity -tankers end ridera. Thom raeuhleroile other "--e improvmme.nmd no leu. than 29 minet' ments" in te 1913 Indisns. No inoremein prise&, coesn in d mhf a fa "D~a Lakte Couaty Aepntsl 4 ILP. Singi. C7Ildssr. $200 7"H.P. Twin CyIIndsr. $250 MGINBOTAM I& DOUGLAS Us sSe. G.nee sUsumo bout 827 Wauku . fll mm1s Broui AI ~1 VA11OM Inspect Our Sprig Sit at $10.00OO o $25OO This week we put on sale a regular.$l.OO pure ail silk web supner at SOC. This Is an unusual; offerlng "and' cannot be du- pllctedby us, so corne'whlle the present supply lastô. We are selllng the 50c quallty Signal made overalis for 39c, Ail kinds, painters, paper hangers, hickory, stripe, blues afid bl8ckse htacIni lug o!tIl thirty-se mlvauk led 10 i SSuffri St. Le Suffrage, and cou, Pbihip 1 ment. Au te curis! Physielai Thurad Walte 1 the pope and lit o vos dyi. longer rt end ia ai DrAm aide fur i friand su rie"svIIi day.» Confi The cu for the. fesser IV madefiait stead of tion lIssu "Tii. P temparati hait. The of influe * grsvated. utintsVI Tha Ili t mates faction C psreatly )Medili lava gay slin*ani chesi," il *Thedti logîcai fi civiions. Influ:enza ter sud vblch Us Canfai Mdgr. t vrlvalé 1 * dînai %ii the remUt Veanmutte vsrn hun log aussi popes CÀ * Brousse. te meet S Angueo -who nri It la i Val dois te be P emotion vouid m utinistrai vhich. a, Y given by tia!-,. i, papal se corted h torches, avords.i Pos The pi lait Ilind m oi COIfl aubilg injection ehen ell Your coi anunquu oniydu arises Ir Massai Boston, ai Opini tariff LII tnth district, * ocrntic, houg. of ty which, trlct nto 10.000 t0 a UAncoll Moorbea for 1he crimînalu 7 petiot, wouid b Pagan nh ttan cou tutionai. Mu Cauin Kuuigto aitsvifi vitb an attaciied vhiie Un siate and malles it COMPUI90oTY UPOn GURNEE CLUB TU every city ln the state 10 Pasu undâr t provisions. Wîtiiouî meutionins GIVE A CON4CERT the il that b1ars the Stanap Of il. ministration approval. the Measure discusses the. Cailfrula Plan, upon On Tueaday evening, April 38ta iclî witi the. gavernor's bill vas ,raftad Guru.. Glas Club viii give n isma ..The California law pernitt mu- nuunzering about 66 voicns. flou OC ulcipailties to conter upon or. a!lter tt thec ninters drive àaumber ci mou bas bran couferrcd. ta wltiidrev, pow* to atend the. voeu, rehaimala aMd er froin the state commaisson I dil. thc gcucral expresion la that éQ bitum. This provlaion o! tic Califor- work under leadership of R I AM>f nia lav la uniforin ln tint il applea lin, of tic Waukega ConrvatoiY. la ta ail municipalittes o! the sdate, l'e- proviag mont delightful te GaieS gardiens of ase. This feature la el- people, perlinental. in .Tii. chorus viii te bearu la st; California Law CaUUad Fatulty. songe. quartets and etc. 3 "Under such systein of regulation Harriet Bnider-La&ugSitn. plaiut, itli l ikeUy thât a condition of chaos' viii te tiie asslsting artint M Soivi viliiarise tint should dictaIstitgv etion 1'Chopin aid a- stich a provision, repuguant ta effrici- beltus. eut regulation. siiouid Dot b. incor- Altiiough Guru.. ila a naîl place. porated la the. proposcdIl hlinois aw.1,this Indicates thaï, tic people timse Fem D urdon on &mnai Citisa. ar Dt behind the timcs. --Dy rate restriction and othier oe" "imnusn of regelatlon o! the larger -uoo 0Mn ek an e "cties decreaaug the .arning power In e-iVriSo n a c Sai$U bra of utility companica, btirdeninluticýws eai h y!orm of exceasive rates or diminiahed gros% 5tii. lyceuin vta debst ieli k, question. "Reiolvetincatl u Lservice, or hoth. viii tbciiuposed on isanient shouUd te nbollahaé& 11 dthe. sinaller communitte of tihestat@. Baasy va.arguins tic c8lrmtivs ,'Thun in an effort te mcure Wlo.IAter an Impiond Plia&h" VU ~ outrol over utilltlcas srving duSrent hila clneher. Adlsl.M.Pa fjlocalitica. the right o! invasion o!fo.t- dent, i hou dat capital Puuiliini aide tcrritory &bd the rlght or! cii- hould te aboiished for dia reM sens therein viii b.established by iaaly. datt hava heau de Ca nci I sgo -,any ncahein& bro" nthe. llslatu7a." As in the case vith Goy. Dunnes £l pigram 01 alrii bill, the bill creates a commission of! The. mcsous o! r auaM, vI6 r ire nienthars to ha appointei by tic va s.omevhst given 10 maeIS pgovernor. Under the provisions of *et-y.coulit not think o!fa&veS te ,ftus measure thc ove appointlnente! rhyms vith coiffe. Tul-ning ta Tak lare to bc temporary unilthte nent lyrand. vho cianced gle te i ba« general assembly couvenes. vhen thcy sida. iii. said: "Prince. giveaââ a are to lte made permanent, vlth con- thyms te coiffc.- impoàalbta. Sdu> ilrati@ b ti snat. fr outvo. a"-repllei Talilcrani. vithoot S firthreiour, sudte aer. or tiatmoment* delay; -for tint W"v i>s S. 'e tree tor, nd fve ear, n th t aansto the. beasiof a vomi bau 1thereaf 1cr one members terna abiJI atier rhyme nor reasn. te expire each year. ol v' atte MUinces TitanEmpty aMzce IS ly Lot tir speech b teter th«al zelm paM2m W n. lana, or te .a t.-Dtouî.ies. ila - aHarington guocauY siep etVUav«jottralii ie a iliseeO that som. othar Màax 11114a ff le A Sprlng tontc tint heipa makes gettiu groariaChargei te bW6aM ricb, reit hiood, cleaus the itomach ltala the eIatm 9»i. WAY dMt r 1and hovelba-Hollister's ltocky Noua- 1yoe 7at hWlS OM? ltr 5W t i Oe e tain Tas. W. W. Pcarce. Mr. «"q Mt » om*Oe, «"55'5tâte eNaiema-ne .m avea st ta - 1 1 .000p'

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