CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Apr 1913, p. 14

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nuaemd fr*m Pm T.m 'Mr. lewIs 0. Soffice & a* or",l ~0r tresalry b>' eounty order No. 5and EioDiOI RM4 gO tah *M Dc :r ber firesi.A D. 1910 ýO D»Mab5T anurnie no tees inuInireri- irst, A.D. 1912 tbe period or fimée TaI cases have been reported covered by tis examina"., .i. don ktu thre caunty board as a At the. meeting of the poitIL boar ô( the receipts of tb. office.fil be- held ln Septeiaber. A. b. 1908, t "d obasidered such tee* beionged tô prior to tireelectioli a! Mr. Brockw&y ai to said office, for the terrni ln question te@do not difer trom an>' the compensationi for sucb offcai liad motcel tesetofthie office anrdfi, been ixed by your board as tollows: d included by te cierk ln h. Sainrv for the Cierk 12300.00 Per e- nal reports along wiîi. the nlm. and il necfssarY cierk bine recelas of is office. 1 provided. irowever, tbat sueb sala,>' lathe case has heen received by cariiiiia.of tire office.", Sierk. altos ig the name of the riev spieral semi-annuai reports ~thie date o ,och receipt. the mnadîr by Mr. Brocllway as sncb off - f thtie record kept by the treas- el to your counts' board represeated ot ~hre sucir receipt by the cierk tire carnijrgs, re'c.iptî and diaburse- Ieown and thre atnount Si) received: nient, of hi. said office durint such *Date Page Narne of Estate Arnaunt. »,o. 15 1910 ........... 26 ......... Mary A. Bridgman........... $ 5.00 i". 17, 1911.......... 28 ......... Ezra J. Warner............... 5.O0 ~17,.1911 ........... 8.........Geo E.tanton ............ .r00 Mib.Z1 1911.......... 30 .........lilenry Ferry .......... .00 Pet. 19, 1911.......... 30 ......... Abranm Pool.......... ....... 6.00 gay' 6, 1911 ..........30 ......... Wm. T. Underwood ..... 5.00 "y.> 29. 1911 ..........322......... Moss Moses................56.00 »Lt 19 1911..........32 ......... Max M. Markwcl.............56.00 flme Ji, i1911.......... 34 ......... Harriet A. His..............56.00 q«w. 7, 1911........... 34 ......... James P. Hull................56.00 "Ws. 14 1911...........a4 ......... Wa. C. Hipwel.............56.00 st. 2 1911.......... 36 ......... James McDanaid.............. 5.00 Pe.21, 1911 ......... ý.36 ......... James Currie................ 6.00 8. 7, 1912 ........... 36 ......... Ann A. Roberts...... ........56.00 .!,5 1912.......... 38 ......... Anteitrnette K. Dangler .... 5.00 M. 24. 1912.......... 38 ......... Alce R. Poison.............. 6.00 10.11, DU1.......... 40 ......... George H. Campbrell..........56.00 il, 51 1912.......... 42 ......... Calvin Dursnd................ 6.00 la'23, 1912 ..... ..... 42 ......... Henry' J. Wright............56.00 hAm 17, 1912........... 44 ......... William Spunner............ 6.00 e0y i5. 1912.......... 44 ......... Ebenezer Bucl<Ingham......... 5.00 lo.28, 1911.......... 46 ......... J. Arthrur Moulton............ 5.00 ~0.18, 1911.......... 27 ......... Wm. S. Pearce..............56.00 S118, 1.1911 ...........7.......... Sarail Slrang .................6.00 "0. 17 191J........... 29 ......... Amoret Simmons......... ... 5.00 Otw 94 1911 Si1.........Ellen C. Maston ..............5.00 90. , 1911 .......28 ......... Ezra J. Warner, Counts' Cierk recel ced tee la 34 cases dat- ing from the year 1906 tu "w Sept. 22. 1910ý ............ 170.00 Total amount received......$300 .00 STRANSCRIPTO. tee appegr to bave been report- rthe clenis for niakin>' or certi- 4q transcrtpts o! record la cases àIh1 f tirte Appllate anti Su- âIOtlstof tire State. a geral raie tire recelpts b>' àiuty ,court tram tee ton Iis ks jesot gmea, for tiere naso - Me cases appealeti frnijlbe 9 cout direcute 874esicircourts 1'w la namben, conipareti -,th "e t raoite ircuit Oqnrf. ar. tiever, no records ne- à* la tire caunal>'hereby tire et et sucs tees neceivedthe>'lb ër ciertif any tisene be. cen ibe *ttaed aas lUsncb records anti IMate becrenoved ta sncb up- igats Md oulaide o lb. limite Ps omty. M SELLANEOUS PIES. res a! a mhSOllaaOaits char ùencollected b>' M. Rendes th lb.w5 y.ansendia>' Nove- 1912. tbat rad snt beapalti t li thse pamontheneto s- ,,Idaothel. cut>' tr- k lctber Oiral. 1912, as pro- ÎRi les. I90 were also certain tees col- j bithl and til ini e isbande ig 'ta lb.the if, as Weillas réseti b> a former siriff, aIsO lai toreigis stanes swha hat «» b, thse cont>'. hmm* ees, taken tagether. ansount- *pt*ltows: nes. ýapprabsers, etc ..162.90 MSe shiserlf ees anti for- wtlaeees ........114.30 i. eared b>'tire preseat iS ............... 7.76 ,total o ... ... ... ... .$342.96 aq lsgrc 201h, 1913, Mr. Hendee i tain lbe counîs' treasuns tire IW coatained In le tie Ofottire qe amoats, ant i athlesagnie tune i wtb lbe treasurer Ia it tofthlb iff te sioniencir tees sere due. b hmn sîli not b. advertised b>' lbe *ts' Ireasurer as requinet b>' law tor tiis iveson Il.ti emniun- musrs' la give suds 11st ln delaîl Ua tire 191ir and 20M das's o! Mardi. i=13,Mr. enties paiti into the genenai iW=tflt'rndth b.enni o! 9114.30, as 4irwn b>'tir, second Iem ln lie lisI, donMarcir 191ir ie also paiti aven 01 tie presetsaIeeifthlie suni of a t.76, showa ln tire hird Item of thse *i. tirereir>'batancIa>' le fuît bts av- cqnrt petainin> ta tire mscelaneotts !esa colleclet b>' hlm ta December linat 1912. RECAPITU LATION. C 01 Items charget ta M. Hentive: Ernor in report ut May' 31, 1912. as ebowne...........j 1 OC £M ni-r ereportnli>'court tees a% shown ...tra............ 1.06 Peesa receivet ro dram ahop licenses adontra repartei. . 2.00 rees receivet laInrnriianice tax cases .. ........ 300.00 Total chengedtolutire accarînt r-*.r. MnHendpee........ ...8$304 ii UhMardi 201h i,19U1, Mtir endee .um&inlu liihe ianrt-rofttipre ounts ,baurer the abai e arrîrurî af $304.05, tb'ybalarcrg tire accouut la fuît. .0very trugir, careful atîdi ys- UeaUc ami a a maode of al the booksreod. anti accouaIs .~the office lenrrrrYwi..e iffectlag or ktâoert»Jniîig ta tire ftirirciai relation -tbeclerk 'sitir tire i'iirîrl, andti ii Sexception ofuthlirefews iali errars -1reoore noted. ws rniturrit t ie ss ctanti a reuî(rtpirri li vrurbtrad, .ie sicuut t f01,oliti-arr dcean- &Wit ar.fuiis' k-jrlsrrd ir e vli îdonCse et a ver>' canel irri ri i îrrslak- eIW hgeffort botir iurt[,n-partr tMn, ý-Bmeeanti iis asi,tra triniri ire of ,*ota Seep lia aeccunts'rrrn-tiy anti t sas efficent mariner The b.Regiter of Fe- ,s rrit lanrd >eoeuv.d Sept b>'thIbm- . Irre-errî abondantt profat.shoSîrir t1 rît ail teé. ~segesiera i nlcelianeour. land r 4aofaIitof lhe airer offi-r.oflire e.eeb>'t) recebved th ie cierl fr u-ri -rey services pertormeti b>' irrrare ,,atepWulss'eportedtu10 >OUr huard r*nd l i 4I*tirgreat pleamurs liaI s lime ta bave beert as folows.: EARNINO. Recording ....... .....$10963: Miselaneous Fees . .136.6 0 Total .................. $20,610.76 RECEIPTS. From recordin>'........ ... $10907-35 From court tees ............6,493.00 Prom Miscelianeous tees....- - 864.60 Total..................8$17,264-86 DISBURSEMENTS. For salar ofuthtie clerk ... . $ 4600.00 Fior dePnl>' anti cienk bre.. 11372.00 For mWaeianeons exPeases ofthle office. bein>' Post- age,. etc.................. 276.91 $16.249.91 Toal receipts for tir. two years .. ............ $17,264.86 Total tisiursements ...16,24891 Balance ln banda o! tire clerk due canal>'............. Tire semi-annal report O! lire cierk matie ton tirebaif s'ear entila> Mas' 31, 1912 siroweti a balance due ta hm f ram tire count> which was paiti trom th. caunal> treasr> by count>' order No. 6694, aniountin> ta. . . Sirosin>' a total amont la lie banda of lb. clerk ta b. aecoornteti for of .. Tire sem-annual report of tire cleris made for lb. hait >ear satin>' Dec. 3, 1910, thre date ofthtie b.- ginnin>' o! tris examin- ation. saeti ea balance due tbe cierk tram tire county amountnîla> 1.. 1,016.94 120.-21 1,136.16 169.56 Leavin>' a net balance Sa tir, bandes of tiie clerk due lb. cont>' for tire 150 yeaf's of .............. $ 966.60 Tire recardesanthe. office o! th, counts' treascrer shtos liat M. Brocissas bai paiti into lie General Caunl>'F'und on accaunt ot tire surplus receipte at bis office tarin>' saidtiUre, tb. suai of................... 477.60. L.eavin>' a net balance laniris bands due tire cantI> on December 1, 1912, o!flire CLERK'8 PIES. Two emallIitems ot clerk's tesabave appareistis been ovenlooketi b>'tire eleirk sireamakln>' is reporta 10 tire connty boardi turing tl ie Inlaques- lion andi have been obmIttdtnom sucir reports, sncb Items bein>' as toi- Iowa: 9". 19i,. Iau. 4. 11 . May' 20, 191t.... M~ay 20 l913 ...... M9a> 20, 1912 ...... Mda>'4.1912.... S me 4,1912 ..... May' 4, 1912 ...... i5e>' 4, 1912 ...... Oct. 1a, l3.1.....B Sep. 19, 1911 ...... Oct. 18, 1911 . S.. dAg. 22, 1911 ....q Au>'. 22, 1911 . Q. 'Âng. 22. 1811 .Q. Au>'. 22. 1911 ....Q Jan. 10. 1911.Q moir. 28.,91 . Mcli. 28. 1911.Q... Nov. 27, 1911.Q... Feh. 2, 1911.Q... Dec. 29, 1911 . Q. Dec. 29, 1911 .Q. Dec. 29, 1911 .Q. Dec. 29, 1911 .. Dec. 29, 1911 . Q. Dec. 29,.l l911 .. Q Mcii. 6, 1911 .Q. ApI. 26, 1911...... Toali............ ............ NA^TURALIZATriON PIES. Thte records liste lbofice show, that [urn>'thse 150 years, appIitatiqiss for lemerlcas a! Naturalisationa have soen receivet b>' the. clerk upon whicb tire receipla tramn tees aboulti havit been as toilowB: leclanationis 0f Intenions. Vois. 3, 4 anti 5. Numbers 777 to 1266 Inclusive. bein>' 480 certificates at tire tee ot ibfty cents eacii..8240.00 Vois. 3. 4, 5, 6 anti 7. Nunibers 347 ta 669 Inclusive, hein>' 323 certificates at tire fee of 82.00 eacir............ 646,00 A total oft. ..........$8686.00 In bis semi-annuai nepo't madie ta youn count>' board far lb. hait year endln>'Mas'31, 1911, lb.henter reporteti tees iravin>' been r.- ceiveti iy hlm tram, sucir source aniocating t10...8182.60 ..eavtn>' accordingi>' a balance unneporteti for lie two jeans amountin> tu tire sum oft. .. .$703,60 We are aware that tire question bas' beea raiseti ln Ibis state as to wheth- or tirese tees belon>' f0 lie count>' or to lb. officiei, andti lat Il bas not yet been passeti upan b>' aur Supreme Clourt. The Attonsey Geisorai of Illi- nis, bau, bavever. given bis opinion [o tire efféct tirat sncb tees belon>' ta thes coat>'anti ahoalti b. so neporteti is' tire officiels. For this neason tire above balance renmnia tair iseibandis unreporteti dina'the 150 yeares U ibe ciis.ged to tire account of Mn. Brockway. RECORDING. lipon retrn>ta lb. tabiulation of tire semi-annual reports miade b>' the tiers durin>' lb. two years anti set tanlb on a toregoin>' page oftih5re- port,.t it sutb. ned lthat tise total earatneala Ibis tiepartment o!flis. of- lice tarin>' sncb lime, as sbown b>' aoucii reports. was lb. suai of ..................... $10,963.60 Severai smali ernors la addi- tion appearin>' la tirs c caunt book wonld ,dd.... 2.60 Alaking tire total earinge for lte 150 sears ....110,966.10 Tire total recelpta tram suci surce durns thlb.sanie lime was sbawn t0 be. ..8$10.907.36 Adti errar ln addition berein- &fter siiosa............ .60 Makin>' a total for tii. Iwo Years ................. 110,907.95 laclndeti la suchIr tem of r.- ceipta, bosever, sas lire neceripla tram tees for ne- condin>'saneti pion ta, Dec. 1, 1910, as shown b>' lire report mati, b>'tiie clerk fon tre irait year endi- la>' May. 31. 1911, aunount. la>' b .....................412.91 Leavin> tire amount actuat»' receiveti tram tees earaea turing lb. two yeans ta b. $10,495.01 Total earninge durin> tire twa >'eans. as sirawn ..10,966.V1 Total receipte tram sncb earnings...... >.......... 10,495.01 Leavia>' the aaunt remain- la>' nacollecteti tram sncb earnings............... $ 471.0 aTire record of instruments Btileti Sept b>' lb. clerk a showb tire amounlof tees remalain>' napaition De- cember 1, 1912 tram lasîru- ment. fiued turing tire 150 Years ta ire lbe mcm of.. 476.2 Qeorge lliam*wa, ln James . Me i. tne . J.B. 14.t"«M Witess..... Frank V119Q, Ativeice....... Statws ttjr, mues.......... Coliable,VIe ............. Jas. B. Blanchard, Witness. Edîtir Bian badWilness.. i. W. lMOIdtdeWitness.. ChRa, Io4riig.Witness... David A.0 îne, Justice Peace Laike Ca., boiff tee ......... Gea. B. Y«er,,Witnes ... P. N. .Schil, Wtness... David A. MoIne«, j. P...... >,'dri Pennsan, J.P . .. John Mattlowsl, J. ........ IL. M. Moore, Const .......... Witnemes e ........... W. H. 9sathoft, Witness... G. H. Wigner, J. P........... Jno. F. Jaap, Const........... B. V. Oral.t, J. P .............. ... .9.. ...7... ta, charge' tire siove amaunt or isisol- lecte4 te blathlb. um of $471,2 ta lise secoqiat of tire clenis bOetam w. douât lioltiste egalilt>'or .xpedt oaeyat;te çlork extendui credit ni,- on the part of tire couat>' fon record- la>' tees. on accouaI of aucir customi se are niaking tire above tatement ta Your boqardtlaI >Yomt na>' b. 8011> atviéeti concenilng lthe situation ant ican theretore ire la a position 10 treat lb. malter as you may consider proPer. On, ERROR. O smsll ernor la addition occurs under date of December 12. 1910, wirereby tbe receipîs tram recordua>' tees are reparteti ta b. 60 cents lois tiran tire amount receiveti. Thtis a- coun airouidti ierefore be charzeti sitir sncb amouat. TRANSCRIPTS No tees are reltorteti b>'tire cierk as receiv.ti for makin>' or companla>' records goba>' f0 lie bigirer courts la cases aflpaleti. Witlbut doubt atany surir records bave heen matie or roînpared b>'tir. clerk. but liée remalas ao record lis your couat>' wierehy lire extent Of lb. record In sucir cases on tire amount of th. tees for sanie that siionit bave been chargeti can b. s.4- certaineti, inasmucir as ail sncb Pa- pers bave been certilied ta anti for- santisti W sncb upper cont t. Tire accouats of tire office are al ciearly anti caretuly Sept, bhoiiaan appreclation upon tire part o! lie cierli ofthle responsibiltles ImAposed upon uianti la addition liereta sa desire upon bis part to discirarge sanie la bath a caretui anti a pains- takin>' manner. RECAPITULATION Of item* Ohargeti b>' Mr. Srockwî>'. balance ln banda a! tire cierk Deceniber let. 1912, as Sirown 1»' iis semi-anitlal_ ci id F, Pee Book. Page. Tille of Case Amount. Q. 548 Nortiieru Trust C~o. vs. Shatîks .......................100 E. 387 Burbacb vs. Noethling ........ ............... ......... 1.00 Total........... .................. ......................... $200 Tire attention of lie cerk iras been direcledtelaties items anti saniebavet basa entereti upon his record te be0 emiracet nhbts rneit report, sien1 samne sil ho lurned lnto tire count> treasur>'. M lace Ilaneous Pees.E Suattrs' tees of a miscellansous na-i ture, beloagia>' ta differeal persans. i appear ta bave been recelveti b>'Mn.1 Brockway, tiraIbait net beau paiti1 oven l'y hlm 10 tire pesons enttiet1 tiserela, but remainet la hus bandis an1 December 1, 1912, awalting thirin tati for sainie, shich hias appanenl>'beesi1 lire customi prevalling Int its cousit>'. Accordin>' te our statts, sncb tees sirouit be paîdto bthse caunal>' las-i un>' on Decemirer tirst ot oacb jeani anti dol>'ativertiset b>- tie trsatxrél afttr siricir, If aot caléti for 511Mbli lime, years lb.>' become toteltedtu the caunt>'. Tire folowîn>' in a lilt of sncb tfees receiveti lis'the Clerk sIthtirhe .50 yu-ens covereti b>' lie report. sirasin>' tire tee book anti page sirere tount. tire amre of lie person entillei tire- ta, lie ciracter af lbe service ren- dtretiandthlbamoualtinoe. Tirheail itffereisce of $6.16 ire- Iseen lire above balances probabi>' arises tram other Items of tees netie pnriortoDecember 1, 1910. anti ne celveti subsequentis' ta June 1. 1911. This campaniso shows that b>' tie exorcise of constant cane the clenk nia>' colect sucit ariinga. but it also showsa tiratler. in constanti>'ex teadeti on tire part -of lie cousit>'a credttotfs»vernl it tret dollars ta varions peraons. lie a\ioùnt o!. wbIcb ls not coliecteti until lie ensute>' hait >ear. of thts practbdt *w.o tit a p. prove. IThe. clenk la ln realits' ilable for gIë snbees earned b>' bliti and la pre- aue srls.dl collect sanie et lie tim 4an Instrument la Bled for record. Ir s. çrelt Ina eiiended (si'la fronebtl>' don tinob dôtrffle). it shoulti ho n tire am i the' lb. dent pensnals'anti flot upon tire pirt o!bise .0551>. Wone il nôt for tise !at tbat Il aP- parentis' ias been lie custblM lan>our caunal>' uring nianT jens paut ta conduct tire recordin>' depariment o! tbis office ila ha mannon. andt lat your boardi are real>' tulis' adviet! a! sncb pracîlce, se shoulti fuel obligeti report..................8489.00 ilerks tees neceiveti anti net. reporteti....................2.00 lîsellaneous tees in banda ofth lclerk ........... ....96.75 'ses tan Issula>' Certificat«s of Naturalîzatian as abosa 703.50 Error la reportin>' tee for ne- cordin>' as siiown ............0 Total ciargedti btire ac- couaI o! Mr. Bnockway -.1218 SHERîPP. Mn. Elmer Green beidth ie office of lbertff -tram tlb. OrsiMondas' of De- cember. A. D. 1910 tu, th ir tt as' o! December, A. D. 1912, tbe periedofia uie cavereti by trIs examiation. Ata a peciai meeting o! youn canat ty board,. ielt IntaNoveniber. 1910, anti priar ta tire nesumin> o! lb. dtiles of ire office by Mr. Green, lire compea ntion of tire sbenlff was flisti as toi- [os. Salar>' of lb. shertS 81700.0î) per anunni anti aiiowance fan depul> linre $800.00 per annuni; as sitown by lire record ofthtie procestiage of the Boardi a! Supervisons la Supenvisonu Rtecord **l aI page 212. Tire several senil-anacal reporte matie b>' nI. Green, as slleniff, ta tii county board, repreeented lb, .arn- lâts, recebpls ant itisbnrsements of hie saiti office turing raid, peniod oa lime ta have been as tolioss: EARNINGS. Fees ln suits In court ...1,900.95 Miscelianeoua services . ... 3,360.00 Total.................. 5260.95 RECEl PTS. Fromnt ees in suits la court -..$2.466.60 From miscilaneous serv- Ices..................... 1179.80 Froin earîhgamatie iei predecessor la tire ofice ... 320.05 Tubai..................3,j966.36 Il will bu noticeti troiu tise sbave tiratirhe amount reportoti as having been recelveti froin tees for suits ia court. ta- sbown la be $566.5In ex cesof tire amocat siosa ta have been sarneti tarin>' sncb lime for tlb saine service. Tius occurs torntlb reason Ihat In makin>' up i reporte severalitiems receivetiftram misceilli neans tees were Includei witir lie re, cebpts of tees trom suite In court. Tis Item oft mbscel1laneous tees In clutiea fees for services penformetifoi lb tecount>', hein>' ton court attend. anc.. serving suirpoasfotalie <Grand Jury, surmaoning jurons, servin> nr. tuces upon Jutiges af Election, etc. siricir have been paiti directi> fror lire cony Iresir>' upon ortie, dnasn tirereon la asymeat of bibm tfon sucir,service antîti anti allowe b>' yeur cont> board. OISBURSEMP~T8. 1[I rFlor satans'oattrhseS- 4 d0lÏ iTotal recelasteof tire office ton L tetwo years ......... ..8$3,966.:1 rTotal disbursrnîenîa ........ 3,400.1 1Balance In bands"0frlire sien- Iff due tire caunty.........6566.31 jTire records la lis office o! ti icanl> treasurer show ltatMn. Grsit irhas patti halo the General Count f Funti. on accouaI of lb. surplus ri fceipîs of iris outies uring raid lime àtire foiiawiag amnounts: Titis dIffrenace occurretiii ar intpriiti. inm bwt a tb. didt~ h maà i o B. balance was tbere showp ta lie S9.M0 Il was carrled te the nest report as $50,00 resulting la an overpayment b>' ths siserlit on thse siolnt due i.fon litiM to -b. coîtt>sudnfor wlicit ho elid fw have credit la Ith. seiffl TIh. Reffiter o! Pe etratiandire- ceived klept by the. aieriff, being thse book trom wicb is saiti semi-annual reporta were made, shows the. total xeliotts ot tees ot the oMfçe, during tbe two years trom ail sources tu bave heen ................_$3,997.É6 Tih. total amouent eportat b>' bum as sBhwn b>' bis semni- annisal reports was thre 5Wni of...................... 3.966.36 Shiowing an exeess amount r.. ported by tire sh.riff over lhe actual receipte ot thre offce ln thre sum of......... 68.80 MI Mt Md Mt Ju Ju Ju 8. M m MI Se se se Peiti Proie Ceuni>' Treasr>'.. m Date. Nmni of patient No. onder. Antl. cl. 8, 1911, Stewart Berlin ....................57 . 3 4.76 [h. 84 1911. Mars Oves ........................ 3571246 ch. S. 1911,. .êidroi e .... .. .......- 3671,24.76 [eh. 8. Ugit. Wzé. I.,qeabutie............... 1... S671 29.76 unte 15, 1011. Harqidter és ........... 4243 24.76 une 15, 1911,. MartEs. A, Ilotgers ........ 420*24.75 une 15, 1p11. CbMagrtsIowO......................42.43 24.75 une 16 111 m .W.le ~ nt-Ott...................4243 ».71 unte 16. 1911., Yr.detlc Haller .......... 2324.75 ept. 14. 1911. Erut 5ielson ................ .......4468 24.76 lot. 14, 1911, Abert Jobason ..................... 4468 ?A.76 ipI. 14, 1911, Jobli Porter ......................-446$ 24.75 en. 14, 1911. Cha. Robertsi....... ........ 1...... 4816 19.11 ch. 7, 1912. Anna Flower ....................... 4911 24.76 c h. 7, 1912. Umma Otrong ...................... 4911 24.75 Ic. 7, 1912 GusitKotka....................... 4911 24.7,6 ic. 7. 1912, Harry Csldweil ..................... 4911 JIU7 spt. 13, 1912. Morris Oberman....................56986 iBIF spt. 12, 1912, John Moyen ............ 6808 19.75 ept. 13. 1912. Aibrt Jobnson...... .............. 5809 19.76 Wpt. 13. 1912 LouiS. Carlson ............... ....... 6808 24.76 Tétai received train couat>' for conveying insane ............ $539.60 Dec. 14, 1911, Arble Jones 10 Uieawood ....... .... 4816 9.60 Mn. Green siionîdti ienefore recelve Sept. 13, 1912. Chias. Fuberer togt. Ciiriots......... G908 12.50 credîtlnlabis accouaI witb ibtis amount. Total receiveti foûm coaty for coniteying otirera ............... $ 22.00 ERRORS. We findth ie tollowlng errors in re- Recoîvsd Prom Estatea of!Insans ceivlin> and i dsciarging pri- porling tees receivetifrtrmbiseai- q Patients."noter et tue camit>'jli. 614.00 Iowed b>' the county board for count> nervIce.Mary Amns................$ 24-76 Net bs.ianre sirowîî toe lain Bil alioweti June 15, 1911. for Helen M. Cannon ............. 19.75 tire bande o!flire sireriff an- serving jury venres . 9. 77.00 3Lseline J. Didiot.... ...... 24.76 e, deduetia>' expense me- Roporteti on page 19 as ...71.50 H. J. tlietme>'en.............. 24.75 cotit, anti Siici> was by Bill allowed Dec. 14,1911. for Barbara Hermn ..............19.76 hui paldinti te conaly servin>' Peoples' suhpoenas.. 10.30 Rationna Hoiais ........... ....24.76 treasury un Mtch-i3, 1913, Page 43 shows lhe receil by tire Geo. Odett............ .. .... 31.25 as heretofore stated ...81079..10 sienif aof $4.70 for tees ta soavin>' Henry>'Stoirman .............24.76 Grand Jury subpaenais. Sarahr A. Tuiett .............. 19.76 AODITiONAL DISSUR$KMENTS. Sucii tees sas flot incinded la bisi T. Jarjamiioski............r. 22.25 Tit addition ta tire iabursementa of bil ta tire coual>' board and tirere- 1Annas nati.........29.76 the office as mhown b>' lbe severai fore flt aliowed and paldt 10hlm. Miemi-auînuai reports madie 1» the Bill1 ailoweti Sept. 14. 1911, for i rotai roceived f roi estales.8266.25 aierift ierut'at ili s servit a ubiioenaas for Grand aeift h ,cnYadwtbsi Jury......... .............8.0, AgSai,,fli te aboya charges on ae.- reports arr' bhulalei on a tore-gin>' Reporteti on pages 30 andi 3l as..80 cuni o ees receiveti for coaveying paite o! titis report. tiere bas been Above errr being combmneti show prisoners bo the saverai penalinlsti- peti directls' treimthre count>' treas- a net credit due lthe sberiff on accouat ttionîs ofthlie state and ton tire trans- crs', upon ortiers tirawn thereon one- of sncb excesasuma reporleti b>'imm portatioti ot insane patients ta te boa--tder te direction of tire counts' board of $420. 1pitlitire sbcriff leI entitieti tea snd durng>'tire two yeas endin>' Deceni- Sucii errors as malt mentionedl are shoulti rereive credit for the actuel ber 1, 1912. the s un of 91,40000 for prune teo oécur on accouaI of tire mon- expetise by hlm Incurred Iin tire per- tieputy litre, makin>' the total dis- ner le whiicitle accounts o! tb. o! formance of sucb dut>', tire romain- bursentetits of the office ta show as lie are bein>' kept. tir. siirtif eu tien of suclt tees, If any, beloaginat t foiîowm: deavorta>' ta keep thse enitire record of thre counts' and ta lie reported b>' hlm Total dlsbunreeîrls as eiîown court service anti tees oftbshieil as a part o! thie receipts o! hii office by lte smeveral "-ml-auittuai a single booke. 1lie samne as an>' cuber tee earnei anti reports of the sîrerlff ..3400,00 We llad upon iaquiry that lhii of- receiveti b>' im as liîeriff. Palti froitire courtl> trease fice bas neyer lept a Process Docliet 1 njsiel r aen edsn ury 'for tieputs' ie , as net u EecuionDocet herin ý n jstie t Mr Grenwe est e hown ......... .......... 1400.00 noo e anrecuor do il he iren tto ssttotiraI upon hiisattention being caoplerecod 0f iml iedliferetcailedte0tire above mentioned feter- Total dishursements...8$480.0 j pes snvei b' hl cold . lPt.celved for receivin>' and discbarging Tire rceipîs of tire off ice aushaown W. regard lb. keepin>' of Ibese re- pIoeae h onyji.tecn ysi en-nulrprsatTad ords as an absointels' Indispensable pioesa ierunvlvaiecn >'eiivriana rprsatnaii adjunct ta tire praper keepla>' andi esing of prisoners taelire saverai peni- Ing'tire amouirts jumt sbown to bave preservation of tire records ofthtie alIinstitutions o! thitist andi for tire beeri paid laoobite counl>' treasurs' on office andi aouid b.e kept ln addition ranaportallon af Insane patients ta arécount of tees retaineti b>'tiresiret- te lbe Register of Fees above reternedth ie bospital, lie et once salîti tiat ire lit. anti alun tire correction o! tire sev- ta. Tiie Sherit bas aow taken stops liradt alwaym utiderstooti sncb tees ire- ai errora beretafore expiaineti wonid ta secune sncb adtitional recorda ionged tantire sbertff pernonalis' tirat show the amounttol have bean as toi- ahov menionei ani talb. utu e h..iad be aInformet b>' bis pre- Iows: above mntione and liteesturrs1bin lte office whenlire loch Total rer-eipt4 for lte two accouaIs of the offie shoult ie [nci pogieslo t tierot. and that tire raton- ypars as irnown b> tire seinti mûe aa sc anedor Recsivin sndDis.tion of sncbtees by tire aérerai abat- atnnuael nrrrtur of tire Foe RctiedforReoivngand1 it@ sof tire counts' had aiways s een aherif ........ 83.966.36 *hsrlnîg PrIeeneee. Practiced ant inbi! been considereti as Attm.tantut iaidîldnb..1.07930 Durin> thse two Yeats covereti b>'tire privaIs prequisite of sucir officiai. this examination tees for te- Mr. Green aisoe tmmediatl is'tateti Total.. ................ SU45.h6 ceivia>' anti disciargin>' prisoners aI that if sucir pracice icas contra" te10 Deduct errors ,ar trllows: tire counts' jali were sllowed b>' >our tire las ofthtie state ire would at once Arnirunt Aniont caunl>'board anti paldtetathe short«tif r1 btetire countIs' reasury tire Nam", For s iat. i'laimed. Ailowed directis' trositire count>' treasur>' b>'amount due tramn mm on secount cf l1cess filaîtit rr- ordens tirawrkthtiron. Sncb tees tie receipî of tees tram sucb source. porteri as explaiti see nol reportet b>' hlm to tii. board anti asketi our ativice conceraing iiaw cd ..88 as a Part of lhe receipts ot his Oo ie ieshtouiti jroceeti siti ratefrence FE...r .......r$68.8 anti aboutiti leretaro blie hargeti to tutereto. petiti mer ..... 90 bis account. Sucir aliowancern wereirrstireorn> matie iiy sour board la connection We euggesteil the preparation b>' anounts re-cr'ived 4.20 71.90 w11h severai bbiils of tire aioret for hlm o! a stateunent showing lb. nct-____ fboarding prisoners et tire canal>'joai. ual expentes lncurrcd b> hlm latu e Net receipis Cf tire Tire follosîn>'la a libelor stick pas'* transportation of sncb prisoners anti office for thec bwo monte, givIn> tire date o! sncb ailow. Insane patients andti iat tire balance Yeas $.. 4.971.76 a nce, lb. number 0f tire c<unts' orter VenrainitgIn' abiis bande receiveti troni hwit' h fic oleo of lssned te pas'ient thereof andtihie thre tees above mentioneti over and Sistiig ' ti s offit b onawslf aiounat so received b>' tie abaterif: above sncb actual expeese Incurret Inuaiin aisas rcîuhe ab>' las y il )5 16 se tg 'e ad- id Date of Supr'bs alioace Record Page Nu. Co. Ortii Mcir. 8, 1911.. ............ ....I1 263 C571 Jun. 15, 1911 ............ ...... 1 326 4243 Sep. 14, 1911.................. 1 367 4468 Dec. 14, 1911 ..I... . . . . :196 4816 Mcb. 7, 1912 .... ......... 427 4911 Jun. 14. 1912.................. 1 494 G537 Sep. 13. 1912.................. 1 62L Z808 Total...................................... .......... A mount $44.6to 68.60 83.00 6,r.() r9.5e 7410 121.60 $51600 Convsylng PrIsoneis fo PenalI nstitu-be paît Juinlire cout>'reasur>'. flan. of tire stite. Mn. Green aI once coincitiet witir Certain tees sere aio necelvet b>'te suggestion anti prepareti sncb a the sirif tfram the Sixte o! Ililolsslatement, showin>' hie expenses le fan coaveylng prtsoaers ta tire sevenaleacir of sncb trips, siricir statement penai institutiona o! lie lste tiatwe berewîtir suint tonr>'onnconsiti- sers nol reportet by hmm ta tire caun eration. antdi lav. marked same "Ex- t>' hoart as a part of tire receipîs ofiribif A.' bis sait office ad houidti lenetore Tire balance remainin>', amnounin>' De chan>'ed ta bis secouat. 10 81,079.30, sas pait loolire couîity Sncb ainouals are shasa b>' lie treasur>' by Mn. Green on Marcir 3, records tantire office of lie Audtor otîl. Publuc Accaunts at Sprnagfield, 1itI- Tire statemnent otfiis account le nois ta have be as folows: conneclion witi sucbfitms o! tees Apr. 8, 1911, Conveylng 1 Convict ta Penitentisry ........8 17.75 July 14, 1911, Conveying 1 Conjict ta Penelary ................. 17.75 Dec. 14, 1911, Conv 'Ying 2 CoettO IPenftiarY ................. 28.40 Nov. 9, 1912. Conveying 1 Convilet go Penittiary ................. 17.75 Dec. 1, 1911, Conveying 1 Convcf 10 itetormlitory............... 32.00 Dec. 16, 1911, Conveyiag 2 ConvIct to Reforipatory ......... ..... 51.20 Jan. il, 1@11, Conveylng 3 Convict te, Refonhatory............... 64.00 M ay 15, 1911. Conveying 2 Convict &0 Reformsâtory.............. 51.20 Aug. 17. 1911, Conveylng 1 girl to Training Schcil......... ...... 12.50 Aug'. 17, 1912. Conveying 1 girl te Tralinang Scbool................1j2.50 gep. 19, 1912, Conveylng 1 girl ta Traialing School................ 12.0 July 7, 1911, Conveying 1 boy to Pt Chaales ..................... 11.76 Apr. 15, 1912. Conveying 3 boy to St. Charles ................... 2.00 Total................................364.30 ný Transportation of Insane, jhein>' as tolose: re Durnn>'tire so sears covered b>' CHARGES. l Ibis examinalion Mn. Greea, as aber- Anionfit eev rm tr rt if 1.senreceiv.d certain tees.for lt.e st f e ncev,,rin ron h transportation o! Insane patients ataeo ovy rsn tireHosptalaI Egin i tg a ti io ens ta lt.heveral penal In- itan Htii c itvelîng of I.pendota stitutionts................ 364.30 li e intiuîlungaofSt. Crns ati Aniauft ecebveti tram the Glensooi, 111. tcanspI>'ation ofnsanforpli 36 No part of sncb tees sers reponledt etraspottion oIspiaand 00 b>' bu W the counts' boardi a s a part*fie ney ietopisoanti of o!hli receipîs o! bis office and sirouit frcnl'ngtd rsn ibertore b. chargedti labhs account. ers ta St. Chtarles anti 35 A 9501 o! ancir fies sers paît by Glenwoct i D. ............5661.-50 - tire douaIs'board titreclys' ram the >mu rcleitntr he county treasur>' upan bis reateredtratnsportation of. Insane en b>' tie sberlff-tram n ie ta tuMe anti i1, atients ta tire hositlnl is' a part sere receiveti b>' hlm trom I avtIng been Itli tram tire re coste paît tram lisestate o! th@ estals o! sncb patients ..286.25 e, person no adJutigedt t be Insane. Tire tolosin>'lasa flotî of fuci pS'- Total ...................81182.06 hursqelient (îr tflie office several bills havi. been ,a;lowed te the sberiff b>' the county briard for expenses o!fb.h office anid pald ilirectîs' from tire cetun- ty tres.ury. Furtiter. tihe aberiff bas nlot colicet- cd tram tire coîrnîs'ail of tbe tees éarneil hy lmrbinservices pertorm- cri for thêre rrrtys. which. when so coi-. lectr.d and reîîortpd iiy hlm wili show a stili greater margin of surplus r.- ByM d idJnta. eie M114asiter of bd ea tbepangbu ll b o:. uIl>' aje goed &bkud tr a aqa m és!. rind j afflc. mi IIEirro Sdt i 0m snd baking powder ssgeuher nately, beating batier unil snoili,()Ml i J icin e ced, unt s ge mu . w Virotary buter i theo.ily beater tint wiildo .Iost the yolks et£& s. bsni. [Dg kilis a&H eggn e improves theI r~ aler.cftM C"e. - Beat tire whites of 2 tud>' rd..nj best in hsl! a cup o! f d= e ycioe etuat anti continue the beatin>' until tie re tt un>' is smooi, lth anti glmiov "tie utha graedcacsiutfrilionpreparetj, anti ~sd ponrb.cake Tiis oshn> làaMmte b> bullerte ttan b>' l yauEr Save tits recipe. You suD wsnt ta ais it freqeucntl>'. Or beteri send us tire coiceri certîSicate rrkii lencahi-15-ceat m= jiXK cookf Bok" coltaineng btathi r9 Oie biking iffiilsequal' pood-all bb M. i. laques Nt!g.- Co,, Clrago.- . 1 L

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