.LE TOir Seurdys The Last Opfteuit, for You To 1Take A dvaiae o! ur rua. A NC EI Apr 5 0NoTMER MEETING 18 BUL MEOSATURDAY. EI.*TNUSIASM SHiOWN pIT ON FOO't FOR COUN» WfIIcULTURIST SEEMS Il« TO BE A SUCCE8S. k'CtnintY FederatlOU f th Oe St*tc Baukers' ASflOCIAttOf L.hbrtyvilO WedbOsd&Y arto- wegat to a oil by the. preel pM"iu Wright. o the I1a190 ÉIOMtlfaibanii o! LibertYYUie~ te the number o! 24 were pre* % Libertyville, Wauiiegfl and' ie and towns la th7e coty. ' prpOBO o the. meeting was tO it Initial ltop taward jolulet kt Lake couaty agricultural mud otiier agrlcultiira Orgali- .Of the coiinty ln securing tii. M et a eounty agriculturlet. The. Is It la deslred to adoPt for pâoty la one praetlc&Ily Identi- b that adopted let year by 0e- ,enty. That crop conditions êlieioved imaterlally le con àfq0t us e bd et the LYrlc the- Ner wblch thie busliessession &"ent Wrght appolnted two Z616eue on agricliture and l10e Oon od ronde. Tiese comn- a -wli meet en SaturdBY arts,- Mt UbortyviUe witb the Laits r gQ>kultuiabo1ard. the farni- M*1té, sud, the MJliiiProducei' W". They ulU lsen to Sn M4.fllugmted addre.. by Prof. li*tsdt 01 DeKalb on the. top- »CMoi improyciient." At tbat I la pipbable that a commttde » &ppnted to perftect furtiiST 1 ' -oiiiieIo! the two comit C"XUAL COMAMîTT1E' ridie!, lirst Nationa bV gt*. Wauiiegaii National $W ADdUUO. Firet National 'g Sken, Meiphants and tarin- »b%%U*OW. aiuiior WajScnila ~wUgthe baumes. meeting tu iuBrm.thie bunker adjouir iqk S.[wctmter whee Bert ~9rtu . thOe Park lmprove. i d 01 o!Chimago. gave n lta ed eelue on "The. 01 . thOe )ovemelt." ethuiet steps te b. t- rproilEg an assoiatlionwhilci 1W ts pirpece the. employlng o! a "cI.~d mmd. suggestions 0 M*k onlamy profit by littie m uya aebeen mde inqi- nae M te b.a eynable m Êita eoptcon asud,, Subject wiilcb were o! the aneàU internet W Oie bankiersi on M~ye askeS the esttoflas te pMuser.01 te promote the empioy- igM. .011 epert. The ansuer IS llp emre. The. expenle of a ou ÏÏWMWltIIUAlt la about $10.000 per W. "'e bgnent Part of h money " qa troum the, armers. bec$ use b ~ti on« ho wil derve the It *mmd wbo muet bci Oie plan 1h -m t bave Oie destred resulte. r» bankdmamareentering into the 0 micrely te pledge heir financlal Mm ad te show the. farmera thie lite Oi e plan. Thiss ame lin. %@h as Imiien ta DeKalb county ig as m see sthe. tarmers became Wlamosiof the merlu of Oie pan. W W"~ more tOism wllhlng tW oin ln "»It. a ucoees. M àcetlns on Btrday afternoon 0 to b. eece more of a succes OM UIe eue ieid Wedesday. Tii. 0-.P1mUven o Oie tire. organisea- W ifllgel together and tmlk mat- 0 m hrmfly and hopeto be able ýPruItmorne- defint action. Be- o» «icheImportance attmched tW îlà**mdon Ila1 urgeS tiit as niany 4obic mamit a pont te be pree- r-'TIW Me, dear. l lit be- mm 1Mai me vert pretty th"a lk et aI Uthe. timer Ohi- i. Il lwnt tbmt; but papa afl 0a tweecci veaanmd e lueubhîSfer the. ohier oacI" rde AhWUYAO Scusi- d Immn Sa"" for bedau V dI m cws et fermi- You have only one dlay left now in which to profit'by the wonderful sayings we are rnaking possible during. our big April sale which ends to-mnorrow- niguit. For o xorow there has been many new and tempting' itemns added that in quality and workmanship represent our usual high standard. -Te ersent values t aat will be quickly recognized by the economical buyer as particularly special, especially at this time of the sý -son, and many will be here laying in supplies for future needs. You want to be here early and make y) r selection.while the assortments are at their best. Laofi Over These Special Offeriais for To-morrow, They Represent Unusual Savitigs Su rmerSllkWaists at $2.98 A splendid ass t nient of desirabie suinîmer waists îmadetif tub silk, in iow or lîigh neek, long or short sleeve miodels, ini plain wvhte, and eolors, t rinînied poeket, 29 ut ....................29 Bulgarian Blouse Waists - Tie icw blotuse wais;ts tliat aie now l,~i îrost popiilar fai-or. They are woi n separjate over skirts, muade of fine Waists at 98c-In this assoriment are waists that you 'woul expectý to be prieed ut least a third more, they are of l ingerie, and voiles in low or high neek styles, with long or. short siceves, triîiîuied with lace, t sadenbroidery, but-98 ton in bac-k, tomorroW ..98 Petticoats at 98c-Nicely muade petticoats oif good grade eambric, narrow styles, especialiy suitable for wearung with narrow skirts, trimmed with embroidery98 and ribhoîî, tornorrow, t.98 Muslin Gowns-Made of good quaI- itv mnusliin, nicely trunmed w îth lace andl enibroldery, re g- ular $1 gow'ns, toinorrow, ut.69 BoIys' suit% at $5.95 Bov!s well 'tailored suits of noveity mixtures in blue, ncw hrowvn, and ncw gray, ail sizes froîxu 6 to 17 years, two pairs of Kniekerbocker pants with cach suit, special, 595 Boy's Top Coata-Well tailor- ëd 'of novelty mixtur-es and ser-ges, in gray and brown, sizes froru 212 up to 8 years, priced for tomorrow, 3.95 juvenile Suits at $2.9-Nice- ly niade in novelty mixtures in Rtussian blouse, sailor and Nor- - folk styles, in sizes frorn 21,/ to 7 years, an excellent 2.9 suit, for ouly ... -Boy's Blouse-Made of ehanibray in different coi- rs, iîîeluding black sateeti, a very special 29 offer fr tomorrow, ut..................29 19c Voile s at, Yard 10c. Mill ends of white dress voiles, 2 to 8 yard lengths, sheer. and firm, specially adapted for fancy 1l waists, 19e value, per yard, .......... i 20c White Lawnat yd 12c 500 y ards of sheer silk finished lawns, 30 inches wi(e, high grade quality, for dresses, waists12 and infants w~ear, 20e values, at, yard .... C Dornestic Specials B.d .Sheefs 39c..Size PIflow Oaff 10a - 72 by 90, full bleached Bleached pillow cases, sheets, made of good size 42 by 36 inches, grade round thread nade of good durable sheeting, 3 ichi hem, a grade sheeting ends, al- good 50c value, at 0,. ways seils at 121/2c eaeh ........... 7tomorrow, each.. Io Womew's 'à&-Misses' Outer Garments at Very] àSpecial Prices WOMEN'S AND MISSÈS' $15.O0 SUITS AT $10-95 We are showing ail excîellenti csortuîieiit of wonlieii s auîd umisses' suits well taîlored of1 ail i\'04l serge witii ,ntarali- teed satin lining, in Builgariati stYles, iuîvluidiuig soil li taiiored miodels. Suits that \-()i woîîld m'rdiniar- ily pay $1.0O for-, offered tiuloirow, at ....... 1095 WOMENS' AND MISSES' SUITS1AT $22.50 These suits ar~e velnmalle in faIl the iîew stYles in serges, Bedford cords and novelt v î,îterial s, in Bulgarianlitnd onue hîttouî eut-am'ay effeets, tie skirts aie slightl'v tIi q * otliers are plain tailored, two piere skirts, 225 ant exceptioflal value ut ........... 25 $15.00 ANDJ $18.OO NOVELTY COATS AT $10.95 Our novelty eoats ut $10.95 aie a î-erY special offer, coul sisting of regular $15.00 ami $l14.(>l) oats ini eît-awav, tlîree button and bcltcd affects, iviiig itehl iiad rol 09 collar, in stnipe, eheeksa' pd itiaiuI, 51)(ciil ...109 AI4L WOOL DRESSES, $8.75. iAil wool serge and chalis dresses, with plain or draped(( skirts, ini belted andeua v effeets, iii higli or low îîetk brown, black and fine stuijies, speiiial, at......... 875 Misses tà Junior Coats $6.95 An excellent variety oif misses' and junîiors' coats, muade of niovelty mater- jais in cut-away and belte(i 69 effeets, ut .................69 1 ses" Wash Dresses Weil inade dresses of Anderson ging- baui ami aiso 1 iîîeui iii two liieve Russiani Mlise effeet iliial lo, 49 ut oilvy............. Attractive Milhinery at $3.75 An excellent showiiîg of the Latest niodels ini iîip and iair bu îid hats., uic celý'i hiiiînicdw îth fi w cis anîd- foliage, special, at $3&75 Hats at $5.50 An extensive assortrneut of beauit hats of fine mjilan and henip also bh muade, has, triîmned witli nib] flowers, foliage, and the uiew uneC cd ostrich, in i11 rodels, 5. ut .. . . . . . . . . . . 5 0 Misses' Hats at $1.69-lUade Ch of milan, boulld îith velvet, ai] ribboîî and floîver tnirnmed, wli indiffereuit shapes,169 a l?,cial ...........169 r 50c Bulgarian Te Wc arc going to offer you1 agai ganian tics in those ricli color ci', winning such favor aiong class: A speciai assortruent of men 's s' and figured, plaited aund plain, wi detachable collos, at........ tifîll hand 1011l, eti- rZA Underwear, Etc. *omen's--Tîgli neek aid long siçeve gaiuze vests, Nv'ih tape nevk, sizs , 5 anîd (;, s1,eeýiai 8 at......................18 Wosnen's Kuit gauze pahîts, lave timi, uîî<i îmrella it.vle, suzes 4, 5 andui 6, s1eeial, at .. 1C Brassieres-Tiglit tittiuîg, c i lEi civ I riiîuîed, fastiis ii inte11. k, sîzem front 3 4 to 44, rcgiîla Kid Gloves-Tw~o clasp guiaîraîteùid k id gloves, ini all col i rs, ut...................... 1.00 Boy'a and Girl's-lPiie<t»tvy nb- lîtul lavk hose, sizes E> to 91/.. upal t .............. o Sterling Talcum Powder-R1egtular 2f aspeeiid for l'atiir- O iaiv, ol ..o Sweater Co#ts A new shipîmîcit of bo> 's and giî" sweater coats juiit aîived, they are iin ail sizes and colors andlql I)eeiall% p..2.98 8et Women's Sweaters-litfuuîey ai plain inanisil w-aves in al colors prieed at $1 .98 69 Io. ...................69 Girls' Fine Dresses at 55c chamibray, ginghanis, percales, etc., iin eitUr high or lomr neek, long or short slceves in ail coi- ors, neatly triunmed, some, with emroidery, 5c spécial, at ........... Hîghiand Bloomer Dresses- For childrcn, muade of giîugham anîd percales in plain and fancy fîroin thîe dress, jiist the thiîîg for thet Iatth tots, ut 14 Cu 4 ý - Girl's Dresses-Made of Girl's Coats - Well iildren's Straw Hats-In1 giiigiams and percales, mtade of plain and nov- cl olors, îîeatly tri.nmed ini iui or high neck, elty materials, nicely Ïtli i-civet, colored ribbon eominiation tî-imined, trimmed, conic in ail ibraid, specially Oc sîzes up to 14,siesup t 4 îieed, ait...........il t...39 ,Saturday 45e, Shoe Specials foi Sït' rday in Saturday thec ncw Bal- Womffli' $3 Low Shoea ut $2.50 jibinations that are These sioes come n button, two strap and, pump, ; drcsscd men, ut... 45Fc in gun-metai, patent and tan leathierfithis shoe shirts ini alcolors, striped scîls reguiarly ut $3.00 offered special f or 25 vifli a r i + utfCd% tomorrow, t..........t....25 leathers, ail sold, in button styles; an ex- 14 cellent $1.75 shoe, priced, special, at ...14 Boy"s Satin 'Caif Shoes Msn's' FeUlcraft and -Well made in blucher Dougls $bOès - Made styles, guaranteed ail of gun-metal, eherome sold in sizes from 9 to 2. and Russian caîf leath- A nice appearing, as ers, lu up-to-date, snap- weli as a good wearing py styles, good fitting shoe, 11 and solid, prie- .5 at ................... edat $4and... .3.0 vo J i Charç , h c tion o! A col ors Jeu Brooks loto thd were o board county They e that W) the. cou receli e- rubiti la entît quoted otherc premle mette r. wait w handed eny sel The. broughi ilon r. Oie su wltb M Imprest anothel otiierel To s field wi t-es as stated1 dlean % he wap titat hi per ceý tax we He qui seemed the rlg Celse o! irst to stated mltted the la% lng as entile< Supe againel o! the. that M sincene vestige decide( To 1: Superv ed tOi Oie co cordans Sms b statU's Mr. the bol Ion thi sented bas no mouie, the co that h the Pr band. b-upf s6mm( !ew wl no dis an loi the bc ter se disput- way t( out te rule t' to Oie !ectly on the the.tu. want: Tii. WItii t facts dispos ter un meant the hl T~he froni t, mmuumana ..é.. Amr vitn or wituuub IODU .................. 1