Àý4,d a th putt4bd,»et Liertyville. lit., à* $PC* Rd Cl..m wailis 1l.P - - -- Joliet HIahvwy Commsin w m. arch SI, 1913 loumd Ev.ry l'riuy Adrtiing Rat.'. Sied, 1Dnowi u .étlatei.'esDeitP kt t. . W. à. fflSCRIPTION PRICE, 81-60 PER 4EFAR STRICTLY IN ADVANCE of MaisainlgR S as uu4lIi thio l date th"ugti - .> ~~A Dow s4741 làtw. 10 avtnuos deda w..n it viii les aW.ff fi.i éàtTHEu 1or pe« ibis pclointi * have lied no tuail in 19. 4. SMITH............................ ......... ........... ................. Managr ho sartai Bert Irot ubdorilts le cas o#tb-gnouet%.î. wpr1iîtl1 !WAY L. HuaBARD ............................*......i.... . Cyt - it r Wo ofte j u tha w UndeL ti. 11e t11i~B 005 v i av rtw,og .wi u.t It's a well knowxl fact that a caif, tied with ar oa ~ i. apPOet teDow 10 ta050 f 11mm vha enmgtîthe uýwiliuoiw trée will eventually choke itsilf by wifdlagM ped 1 e ps m,road roade 1.thle tovushzpii i*Dur tbu,<ewnpi>0 arouid the tree, flot knowing enough to unwind itself when* uwhich blas beau dlvded loto tir'. est" hl m rie i5h .u..po. thrve's a chance. Ini other words, if you "give a caif 'pants. "ehciim11 iihave exciasIve on. ut thî.uIx cars t was pllil mi9ugh rope, it will bang itaelf." carC04 -r"Part.H' v-W P-eut doiae «,,h a t,.slwo u i, + itl]the.ronis coatlnuously vlth W". orme01tbl.town vîthix nieu "'about 1 on, gavel ad noces tDO.&Whe*, fourni whomperti.fst?1, wl11Iu.'I, t S T E A É N S A S E M Y v ep i or î l ecessr>-rep sr î o w t.touaire , rîy a u l A K. Stearna, as Edtor Sawvel'a erisary in trylngwul beomade iùediatl>-. W-e rmdualyànl ti to bribe County Treasurer Westerfleld by offering him; Th bay -ofl!tqsslo.rsdecii- o, tue.l bt0 wu h., i . )nlu y $M5 if he would permit the Gazette to print the tax lUit 'dto gly. theO 1"w syltefla tboroulh i I fhSS I, beirue struck 1ta year, wus the one man of ail in Lake County whose 115UOlnL Atale a talby .>>ii .cd* Th ininc the ,ît er 1. *loure in that rois did not surprige people. ButliholnCEurpe. gil ou 8 u e &bls 10 .t atebu ,îo the one man of auj 'whom Sawvel ahould not'have Ronde Lest Longer ta", nilei alig ttwî aîpr)mciimlI ,,'Ïoeafor the delicate Job, beaiise ts Da lBnoriw, bis utKeý x lbe brkidgvWeov t Fec orîuif white. it ~wce1tics no well hoi,etc.,tuait ,the minute M1r. Campbel.«a oa. promaobly M lsoit104t as i. I.aJr s.'pped au it,1 loldsolisi, l evn acertain sootkm itu a lnked with thie tax-bast brbr b tep leI sttt~ rture e! Mlla turrivTer f n ,01fro"dier, a g&ZL i ee n a H pu* t 17101er, bof he adku rîv b f.I on ce exclaimed to themasivesanad friends: "We M cwrt 0oued Viththre sadsor a,".vl tll ofi ba.uetdy ed rock. Whéaever ho dscoyen si ma 0114 O vDaotenz a a. _________placelathe usd, or ">Y*'a aite, u.lobns.ried veat t o ou B ABE ÂUKEAII JID 5AKEDotNY ofT1the hlast q1;al117ho bu S voi Wdth Ioas .1 nd outh <on C, 17 oks "RI inUL4 AL he eswura.cuit . 1311017soiat. ud n c;o ArM U, oa&,ltbuel «bjcte.to on nelalisnsi. U àeolry rouite enitt We nte hatlbedMtr of l. e tte iMye Ibluga a»e bthé tankotcar rmade. la« ter It ~ ~. . iw lbno" i t t e é dîauk id I ke Oo nty040111t o r com a are o u t, t0»e 1 11.m t«bý rMm J Wake» ad L)w mat &Mtlat 1 "This iethod bas Deovr beauadn-fom Vmetd Atseb heot lu *i*~1 C itou lbtalt 11 h,, ?> 5 iesrr à, 1 0. or raeb MWee. l ieurs iil ' and oCher nauei n iotb Oi g and ta - OpR lSt t fer Jouet vf8t li .ighîV&M i.1000 rkige llou ii. . Ë ltae olh8 htIe tfC bsl« a aS e* Uai d- gve Up tuelitbiand tumbi.i.. emyl in stre.gt dace J. ]B. Hungerford aolte ad 4neta -»wtu mark ferlTi. speai tsi l eConylatatte iechb lce ! n tàtheBluta t hlo. Eaau lh ed jittoton.o te 0 pres~ovuh.«,le old adop1 Maîntaîn Ra* pavdle bâtirjt, alou lot euib tis Case U a uothffl: WMuwnMkIP <of demi- The. sugg.t" w»vas Mrewt " 1 sie te ,s liehgcoigaf rg>m Arn ;b b ufor your ndebors, Just begu at home flrst. and approval by thn. coamlustow% W ho.,de '.1w. bb c mng tram eit eâeAC Job of it Ihero, alter wblch yen cmn consiit-'aftterdiscuais th1e Îaauer. ece dOctaW Se01lt Inglor tiiet "soethi.a, .ý 4, br out0todvUi e tovsap tlc he. ____________ prla ii~masi.chrgecfesîly-btfhw- ile e rits of10,00f a, We DIDN'T THEY OOKqRUNNING? sait ieep th i m" onepnaon -Woftudrs 1mb ,tha,<,s ediod tuS0atkm filiaath~ e , but box e aIn, artsu vrlgh 110 ilfo9ad cOUltOB 0f ii, hme. donq la yet hiditen belote O W U *. Ai e r 558 d tuever rena tr vl! buoezu e, , av miet uriasi W*bavedimme tb M 1Rlàà 11107? f ter sIie -rapati h.rie MOPI cas. spleela egî t oqises t a~w~Ibs Wïdws t abo. 01< 'oita.bfz U tW ier WiniWa reaumplton Of tret IWO et9'ý*r* MdVIIIver thC&a I. cciii leTerrie 13 gat~ I .I~4 (anre . b m awo - yuis adi rend aflem tel 111,Mew4but the B A0.bas f1~- .~ot _ a r g i..Adaimaaa. orkeut out for ii.arly taro veek» Ii dad~4*hljwbsstd t.rea. A Country club Read Tht', or fontrpuman .ke"m , IW Acommittloe continuais ef Arthur de"Maiaw s.slust TuRi St .?Haý'eeWIUMurphy sidGe "TheB.. .liti.v.. Sraie4 e tuIwbm bMmakos theso port- caoniptelcame hb*.t. ahihata Md t>Usebatobwil..s ;v suep M abW bi~tkb à"mId 14'at'ho keep Jbis - .met or certain rosds user the Cousa. iw 1 nh' 1W" t1ý , m" 4- ,-.ok4)9- r>'club. Woft viihb. tartei on *aIetrm Saturdsy Merài 21 te Wduaeud dmtaI~1 -Plthemhow.'mUC lrosind nonMoa.. TiM C. & L viii.U ti.ii a.r:kupm & ln'I puroseWhy bis frequent "gusto"? il* traclao i.Cosg lb t a ehrs re >~ OU#TRVROIOBO"ON &bais te retire on the lnh.ritance tax eustonfr200yards c t oir Itycnhta Ï ithé oiter tof, .-> y ontryThe ltact1s "J. P." WASN'T a rosi- icruphed ds efronttihe tate vas a,- ii. iwre outparnnd lms weut mol In Lake .cousi> p. dent Of' Waukegan 00 tihe question la;lovai accrdlng te Information MlTb ail t t, nr"ntsnouty Dat ignfcance of theselOlp (O.lnPlicAbie Juat asemuch us If onund lUI viii medlately ~abtlable f07 abo ire ait U ednaly Ce]bo on Cosy k«u e d: "if L onard F. lewvei W RE,m &o utclc ire b terat Lu a lrgb erou le ovident front the teesdItu, 0flthe Chilcago Tribune, wouidj ticil re t.iewprtdion a lgefr ~*0rONE COUNTY PAPIER ro- ho elAtla 1ehhlng luke tellure t toi m iOPTION BL attieuýprtio n.>vd -avtha@lf, thse Gazttes tuffabout the Baeliaiîlt work hlm up to sucit a pitc %OU* t lu tIeîty.aP D) id veas oiy Ordînarly ut les«t on. reor rv 19oueneos1; would ho permit a tlS C UI. sl ou.-heluid. Atbe baw» bunldo would toit* up ucl a bg person of Stearnu' calibre ta souk l»u I IETSNJ1 fiU -i 1--l@da thebrurýd ,» Titus, tihe country ail, bribe the county treasurer Int ivlng IN (urpl CZE quicly i>graspei ties nîmus is Paper a printing Job?" One qusa-1 LEqJ0. Â1IJI< 1 *prod thse ttack andmit ie tieni I. about as relevant and applice. NOTCE POR BIDS ailiof tisei refrained fronm bis Au the* ohe. Judiciary Committee iRefuses to Cf-GIYTIIIO 0118111t il 11tr RePiOrt(Ut D111 andSeudiài n0.th. Prop.rty and Contents of t ut uei, IXS is a.!Lts so: Ed. We-bor, tise Round' f0 a Subcommnittee. Atioch Creamey Association 'Oe uofgil the e wotdpes: le bn lewiotEîtrswvaî ina * l"April 9.-The COUs. Public Notice la biiesy givR oti MIIM Ithe Cai egsn ir s quoted us fhavlng sometlsinq to add to'ty Opltilonbill bumpoi agatuatIls the dictore of lhe Autlii (,reaus ~~ilWl 1m Cal Wsteflsd ttisA. K. Stearna' version of the county crstee ag voTeste of 7 b Oru @s. ColiO, lo.viict0 es Antiit L wol. ohacging hlm wvltli dsposltlng lmue otel h lokwo'OýItIs a otie ona7te lu6, rt a,-y Aseoclio ilocatwmi sak-utioci trousurerumaltervsrioenslern s and 0&'on pt n 0Thuiidy, May 1. 1918,1 OOuly und invarousbatks ndTreasurer Westerfleid FIRED front eu 10 report eut 1the bl ivth a favor. lte -u)p of tiue AntLocb rentery, plociaig the interest therefrom luflo th countys e01py, and oven' oaiiai able report and 5sent II, t a sub.ccai. coutente and out-bullhilgs, winchi a hie e5.,'pocket. It »orme that the et- Assistant Chier Tyril 10 thse office iiitteeO0f ttrre, vhi la et to bc as folovi: tâcit la unwarcunteit. ...To un It 10 have hlm throw out bodily in «oaRet! Y flatair telueotcbatruaaa28,40bl; Ouet ohulier cor ~ a "el evaenogtth apri piyig ierousi o o.Naturaiiy one couid of the. conunlues. 29ieet; le bouge.. 16X20. 18 telt hi a "meteven" ame."not expect -Mr. Webher to full s 'iThie vote follovaid a SUR dBah be-165ftsbsed asti bera 20-bornes pa ove_______I_____ f àytivetwen Sesator M. . loryofJu ibolier;14 borse power eugns; 2 aepe EdîlorOSawveil lahavlng hle hands that M. Wefterfloid h"liaimght have Davies, tintroducer o!f1the but, MO, ival ea lt; i1206wrrMovtinrche full trYlnq 10 explinan w.>. A. K. tu do vith. Ordinarily empîy..,lenaor John Daees frpeorta, vIol iisutuim u 0 bore the bruit ci the Ogbu for th~e Bleluqwevin .vi Banvcommoction wth the endeavor whO have bosn flie&"Dt arent stularj BI" wozaoy4 ri tve onit ih '0 ladthse counly texai et. One ver- admirer» 0ofclose frienis outw < bel cun> PtÎ ~ dlsltu OFreilwit igta n-led a î0na put eut la that tuarne we,'t 10 former- emipoye.-a. t tota b.ex.!lThe Dui pinbil V«trMdailail9.. ,4*6*erfild 0f hie own sccond. Imag. Ptd--und In thie csSs, UMi. Web@r;avote wfth te UL> -a aVuit,Ç« o ent ailbus ta lise fer,yA. ý WJK. accommodallng anYbody tbula no exception. Na'in n thuma.in dPeton of 40 per count 1 or t 99W Tie, Au lneiI. etendt.of golng after business lithec ohe degaili51<ta odotemuhe i*0 talatifN Jw etTFeeii a Persan, OffOring e bribe 1In hie Mc. Webbec le tise man ,' d1,i . tittI for Wthree yo A-s tig à. N. Tirs-As. Sfi ry. Oie. Can yun Imagine Il? Cam tressurrs Office by leof W@&.0-0- ~~I t IIINe ian'ttlit ki ni. brfilid'a flrst boni, nt Sa expense ef . TvC lbdietme.toi, wgag pparu $l'SMoa uyear te ithéooanty. Woot, "9"arT Devise, Iste k yels. e-a"i oos.eaug u01<leas&MMaor lavîel ee horale..iflold thon 55w viore b. couli got s.- rfr h ottelt79 otvr t«I la Wtorfor 11elest IribondU5and5a«"UntheotugusiTbwsya"" al0 44 Waieanwho would b srbon iduo WeUoal vlaoffcsMtr i Cag;auiUM- - -dDWV WhfllaT. Sels?111 U6taol lua aoepl the oounty Incas- It a year and did no. Nosturaity Wm ay ffTutlit tà" e kgraE b" l Ci*.65< .~ L. o tie uieraandng hatho hen ho toid Webber lu dopai-t, thse d effective at Mo&Wl'tii 1 rPr t- ',mhe*1clsck dît not want ta ave. lie vas i ove telatheiup ails T&U alu four en pubicu.Wlio'e the 11y thcown eut ofth@slic.01e. it ~hrnbulteltefun ty i Who'@. ste.t abak l i ls tte'fftý 4W cucs e JI " 'la It Ma-. Sawvei? if hef YOu wsre county treasurer, wou l Uusle UniJi<a. '*%,jili oroti éIgW uOl nhi i-You want lu have a ciek put mis eyoii U. t g a si '.aj .O'ols are about 9,1191such it h olho&9an h ,"D*M aMyfo d M, .111bi d ewiiiing lu mako on 'ou.vviso wouid, In fuel but nt in 'AU il 0110 5 Ic ai l otý1 9 geme. ROVINO hey mna e . remeuur eh aten th@ peupie 0111ou1,» vas ailOgee Wld 57.TIare viiibe 5bu*" IlUg et eteetion. llyelected you? Thal waa WeMtr.. ho.- field @ o it o n, a n dus as o ot o 1 tu t«apl c d ou i t e if e 1 . b r oi t f rul se* 0 >e of. i. l b . s u e t e i l s " I f J . i e r p n t a s a s e c e e a r w l h o e c h a o u i . _ L * p 1 0 o r S a t o f . 5 4 N o u M p a i a U e e t t a , hSo d a7 i s q u l t g o t favorabls e"port iug,çq on mi lon of foiieetWaleve O~h,"f Pod eeitbridge ...-..»........#M3 Rtos.ilghiog - .. 114490 Cuitl,~n .....-...... ......... 4 5 Ppte 47 Pubiie mtl....** . ............... 5"00 WIcsvi.......«.... ...7)5569 ve-wr service..................... 11529 Pari ........... ............... 179 6M lteir.r bondd lu*itereat..... 113088 Sp..i'l No. 1 ..................... 980921 -. ý ...............1 123 M 8 ...l................. 28488 .4 .-............. 27018 5 .................... 81b 25 ................ . 17 17 .;eorge Kootu and Chap. Proctor va, pr-sentt sud aslred fur a unît un the pamt elde' of $tpw art A vo. Ifter a dll.cueiton it Wallelri bvd by yolI..nquaier andt Faulknier thnt anu ucutnane lie itiawn furelaji a vait ou the sait -ide of ttewart avenue f cominv>l,,n streel .W Park evenue. Mobtio)n arffledihvctinot Tii oliowlng bise re readei rauditeit hy th- fiantecommlttes agi ou tiioli- fvorabht report veresaliowed àn' moon ,of DolienujandamiFauiieet %wbleb crn-psi al ttlfgaxe: WauLOWan SUD. printlng ........10 70 Laie 'Ce Pubialtîn & Prlitng OÙpclnilit.g ......... 4650 Publ, B&inât î ........- OSî Wl B. Piler. Md« ................. 0e B. B. epr, 22ft 41 neiamain ... 99 fIerm bltfq'. Co. retera...-..... c ft lCic oo .7 Il» W. 8. Pester, repaire.--.... . i... p D. UAmiietv. àsaiary .............. ON09 H W. SSm-lac,"r .............. 63001 Firen.. i.lry-...............21 <10 L. ERE»Woruh, Md"te.............6& lIndopeisen Tîie Prlatlog eu, i pIPlie....... ... ............. 462 H. . oyepoic ............ 2 (No K~~~ ~~ B.otl.slra xpreje 51 80 NOMv.t y Faulàoprisud Dbileumuaie 10 adJouret leApeili 1Mh S. iB. CORLEa-r illlage t.Ierk. Superviser Tlmothy Spelinan la quitlteski et his horde. For a tUme l vas fearmi ho mlght baespneumonie. I-I Piano Tuning Leaveacrsre t Ray* Pumatuv8Str.. Wonk dose hi Mr. A"ie. -28-tl 81w Four 5,04 c.AlsAilmueitquantty. ei eariy. t.ABRRTYVILLE Ltuaxaiho. e- 80.1 F'or Cil ibd l.%ser cumtvais a poncentpoids ay oblltly %0 writevms asun A TUE .AUTomATiCi1 $EAL1N<C iMAL VAULT Tue I. lb. a en îgrese a "dlniprtàoswuwsî ànibd <thi orfasba, eorne au laesln iemai or a enitaleoreeptat.ls fit th#hodiee of cmr deei....omm- thi"ag tieplacee l ergevodet.liebox iici bas l'e.-u th@ lpwsfestv.e ofInter- ment. Metaille, vaulta have boge made t;tehl i. feat aon rot esy. Faultr i tbrick. atone and tabelebs o! i.iate bat, aleau..madels t bomp itsonot be made, w- pertiouxsto wvaler. The Autematle So&.I laid SuuisiIVeaul iioiutoly vater profil as velisas nesrc lt I I.bulit in a rpleOs avec setI fraumes nains Rand and e-npottcaily anidlla inilebd In,id* and nut vlîb a Bhueral glaze liai tanderm It ne impsrvlons to moistureau glass. It'supplie. theni..-d foreà buul inate huraolai vnt Wittea boacnttic aiai sid viii 01.-t 3h. le fhltet pqulremisnta ln heauty anusied gnity. ludori.ed by the. ieaditig urîd.rtl'er* evprysaber, vi are autbnrized te ceente <inters. Manufactucsd By W. C. BRUMM, Cernent Contractor LISERTVVILLS, ILLINiOIS. 'SPRING TOOLS CIIATIIAM !ANNING MILISt SIEW!RS AND DRILLS. DÉEERE. aoidNiViLLEPLOWS, WAGONS Of AIL KINDS. Largoot stock lunLahe IF IT s OU. fftWh PROM SCIANCKPS SCHANUK :'IMM Li hmu rance A NY otiier business can better afford to wait. Write to your Michigan Mutual Life Agent TQDAY Chicago Address': 431 'South Dearborni Street. WATCII TIIIS SPACIB NEXT WEEK AN[ TIIERJEAFTER. W. &col and it meau coq~ue tion, 1 thoan I TE 'J. .We Con' Corne Lit Oown FAI' I Phont .f 1 . OMM sti.l.