CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Apr 1913, p. 5

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For Particular Men - Must be madeo to satisfy the deinandit of diitrim- inating tastes. "RJy-iades" can n ev er do this beeause they lack the esoential detail of distinctiveness. Tailor-made clothing Io' the on ly oolution of the problem of correct drees- lng. hen your suit iii your menaure It not only fits your peraon but it'fit. jour person- ality, and the merchant talloring, system makes It lit jour purée.. W. have a fulli une of %amples of JBD. V. PRICE &COS~ all.wool fabrica from iwhich you may select, and it la a matter of a. few moments to take your measure for a suit that will satlufy in every way. 0f coqrse, thler. le a wide range of price In gither direc- tion, but we find that the moot popular models are thon. from $18.00 TO $30.00 je B. Morse & Co* s EVERYTHING rPOR MEN s IBERTYVILLY4 ILL IRush1 Park Seed I G Cardon Sëedsý 2 Packages for 5c JE EL1 TRIC0CE PHONE 26-3 We Want To Move Riht Awa 10,000 foot 4 in. Drain TUle. 30,000 foot O ln. Drain TUle. 10,000 feet 8 ln. Dram MUe. 8,000 foot 10 in. Drain TMe. 5,000 foot 12 in. Drain TMe. Co ou llelp Us? j ll well burned fre from liL~e atone. Will Make Close Price Almo have lot of P08T8s ad SHINGLES. OUR FARM SEEDS GROW. Comenesdga,, s. W. vaut to spp y yonr everyneed iiiurline. Pe9MONAL MENTION 91 718WEEK rIl -- T. lnare publication ln the. Indepen- H.8 MOKwgofAulloeh, vaenvielitor dent. copv mut bln tioff» no lator in aur clty Moudsy. titan Tt.esdav of oach w.ek. Adver- -HlgK ouraed out@, A llmted quautlty. tliera, oapiciaîly are asked ta tale Callaarly. LWEBRTIVILLE Lu. <tîtitFi0. partlcular notice fa this effect. .0- __________________________ Bert CurtIe returneil Monday firomt Guy Awrceeof adisn, is. @ptitEnglaud vhére hé bail speut ithe vintar Saturday sud tunday 51 haine. ihrltvs Allmtedquantlty. On April 22 théW.C. T. f will old OatiianlY. LIDKERT1-ILLFt;LiBitC(P. 1utitregular meeting as tie haire if %Ir@ c80-1 Pearl'lit. Mit. W>ý lu.i, Sc. Charte. Ribly ai Autioci, tranitacted 1tire and Tornadolianraii:,. lu n rity busînes inluLibeirtvville Iionday. i âatufarîtt prapertv in etrorlg rar. Icap'ital *1000,000 L H iiur~.i Big Four eead nsts A limnitdquantity I Agen't, Waultagan, Ill. Photo. 1494ilii. Cali early. LinarTYVILLEF, u auRa to. 3 c-SOI TIil iii bit initiation at tihc,-ular he rt Jonneon of Elgin, spent 5 a c uicetig ofi hlytic Worlare ar :1lîr iail dae @the latter part o! lait veek vith 'lueîîutv. April 22. Rfehic iand frade hie. riui, fte-r tiei meting. Munudee's Ligirinu op Cure for@Sale TheîîoA uution ai Eltuin lîseýn ia by ail drutgiets. 5Oe and $1.00 par r bottle. c-25-tf repcrti-ij co!)@derbbie ltnlîruî ci turd it The Woman'e Otîlîl vili meet at tih evek1 adle vîtili autu b. iaid rui in reeldeuce of br. B. Gleasen on Thur e Pli lbu h i fir ceî day aiternooin, April 2St. Triafhapteroitb@e Waomiijimea Guifd Comple.eloction returus ai Libert,. ville and surroundlng villae. viii hé founil an page one oallie aupplumant. Lyle Baud, ater iiavlng @euat tue wluser'wlth hua aiter sud brother. boe. lef Tueeday nuomingn for Cln.Ie, Mont., vhire b h . tmstoadlug a aim. Mmr. B. E. Paddock of Levalle. Wis., viailed a liv daya the latter part af lait veel sud fare pais ai tule vth ber e% Mia. J. B. Maris and fanilly. No bath tampile vthul Nu-Bo.Kay Bath Salte. Lit thé Karneot Worlers suppiy you at 15c pur plg. Profite for new churci fusil. P-80-1 Daon, a& Keufflha, Wls.. Prlday, April 11, 1913, tla Mr. and Mrs. Water T. MarIatt, a eau. brs. Marlatt va. Mlisa Uina Coîby formerly. Thé photo j.tadio vilI hé open on donid an sd Tuusday Doit, April 21.5 sud 22ud. Photo., postal. and au photo warl. C. A. Brewici, Prop. 1 The ladies' ai the. L*keide Cemelery Assocition vill met etI Mre. Farnu'.,4 Friday, April 18 at 8 p. m. for thé purpass of electng olficrs. A fl obttindaucala deoireil. IL. Limoeécl.for yearo su banored1 roldent af i Lbryvilie township, diedil et hi. boni, lu Chicago laut Sanday.t Tii. fueraiwva.bell Tussdai, vIthà Ialermet t a La. Forait. Oblîuaryc mit viek.t IlM a. arrIson Bravn retumneil the lrote itou sald vakl sit viii ber oteer, mms.Wa1u.Warren at Sau Beio, Taxai. betug calollter. by Mnm Warren$ lleai. Ob@repre ber eondton graatly luuproved. Local larmure vliii b. luer.oted la thé voil af the Fair Associatàon tovarde iiccrtng a soif doctor far aur caunty. For t"ts urpooo a meeting wyul be héld at Ubarsiyvlile os Saturday aiternoon. Goal apeating sud an Illuetratil address by Profesor Eckhardt of iieKahi connty. Willim B. Carr wai lais Frlday night - thé victîm o! a pea-&nt surprise vheu about twenty-live gueita -gatbered as his homne on Brainard Court to @pend the evenîng. thé occailan hing thé aniîivergary of hi@ birtii. Ha vas the reipient of many "useful" and orna« mental gif ta. Tii.evenmus vas apenti lu Sgamed and vocal and instrumentai moitie toila wed hy a sumptuous repafit atter whielh tiie guentit departed wishing «'Bill many mare a@t happy birthdaye. Little Eîieen lien., has been suffitring holi pat veel with a @evere attacl ai appendîcitie. Il vas tiiougiit at nie turne an operation would ha neeaeary, but owing ta ber extrema weak condi- tion phyeicians feared the reauît of sucb a stop and the. opel ation was pootponed, but Tuesdar night ber condition hécamei ..o citicai that a hurried consultation was held wlithei resiut that an opera. e. tion waa performed at about 11 o'clock. The patient la dolng ai veli ai could ho expected. LIFE INSURANCE 1 Doet boilevo the worlM ove. yFou N liavina. l»a eno ves w you uotlint. Libertyville LuÙm'bèe Company Dosas by fteOld Depot . Phone 47 Smlekt oe 5 ysars.ED M oloyRLM.lasaG..Cemîa ouCo"LUss l êa m 505 CORLETT & FREDERICKS IANCY samdSTAPIE GIRQ MMES FRESII-emd SALT à' 18 'Ogsters in Season phono 30. UBERTT~U~~ JLJ~ vilI meet wvlilh Mlisae duashBapter Tuer. day evenlng, Aprl 22. Ail rtqvitted ta bring work. Beevick'o Photo Studio vili lie open OU Monday sud TneedaY wtit, April 21et sud22. Wehavaomc irand nev styles for chiudroas' pbotoi. Sieathein. At thé nest ranis.Ugitlg aiAcme Cajnp Nu. 176. M. W. A, Tiiureday nlî,ht, April 24, a matter of rît. lutereet ta evavy maimber yl 4 die cuseeed. A lunch vili follow. Each muember urged ta hé pissent. Peter Back, far thupoat feu yeara yard maitor at thé Lhharlyvilt. Lumber Company'@ yards bnberoa. rwigued. is renlguatton "agpaes last Monday. Juet wiio la ta 1 the. vacattcy causai by i resignation v. are irnalile 10 state. Richard Young ruturueilSunday from Berman, Min., vIe.. hé had rpceutly g0Oeta accept implayuent on a farm. Seortlr airer hé arrisei thare lia hecama ill aud bis retUrn tu hle home irare vaq due to thi. fact. Bi. pbyslclan declares he la tiireatemud vltbsyphoid fever. Mr. &ad Mm e. muaI muht, wha --Cet'y hava raturped ram England, probabiy viii go ont esrly tii year ta Libertyirwg, v hs.. ltai haveaua attractiv bu.. Thuy ar e dvoted ta country lieaMd a amon»g the finhl te maTe ta ltae oobder euah »eas. -Tribune. BSve you bard of Nu4WoKay Bath tialté? Tii.y oitten tii. barîjt vater sud impartt ta sdeScabopofm.. Aie »ait"r sud refreehlng. Cfao.]go. il, Banoat Worlers of thé IL E. eiturch are @olonsafor Il sud wyul ceilion au or phase andero for It ta Mus. Tunpp, 127L. t p-80.1 Mme. May Willlleou, formsrly a reoident oi Lihértyville towship, -die& aMthe Norweglan Latheran hosiîll, Chicago, Sunday mornlng, Apti 13, of beart dIftas, itr@. Willlean wa a bmufilaryi maember aiExcalcior Camjl.R. N. A.. sd1 had nany friandoe hre who yul iourn ber death. Tii.faneraI vus halO Tuas. day, Rsv. W. L. Whipple offilating. Interment va.m rada in Laleaide emajtery. Thiedereawtd va. a vdow, Mr. Williitan liavrivg lied about tva yeare ago at Tacoria. 14iit. A large attendant. va, praenut at lie monhhly inîesîiug if t.eI)alry Farmere, Protactive Aeeociaruuun ahlch canvened at tie Woodman hall lait Satnrday igit. Prof. 1'iffaru B. Oven' af Chicago Normal t'oiirga. va.pre@ent sud addreeaed the. meeting ioa. the @ùbject aifibotter faruirig. wbule Hou. Fred L. Batrbct Siring Grave. spolte alang the lin, ai1,vfalfa culture, bqtb tOf vhich vere very lntert.stiug sud greally enjoyel by au alprt.urative audience. Han. Abert E. Jack of Aniilochi, aretary o! lhe lil Producerit Assocation, vas alea preeenl and delivered an It.reoting tail npon the, menit, and prinsipiea oi tbe organisation. The aeÀmi&lion affiliated thémmalveit vith lte MiI Prolucere' Association by a vole o! a large maority of thamenihére prsuent sud le nov kuovu ai LbertyvilleImmLca. A pulstion ta fioeruor Dunneprayingj for the appointient o! E. J. Felovi a. a member ai lbe State Board af Liv. dSk va. ieartlly endorsel as bttIs milins. The. action oi the Dary Farmere' Pralective Asociation lu affillisanthigttmielvai itit I@. 111 Produeers' MOialti6n la a mmu. abeleuisud cousidered a istop tarls lu the rlght. direction. A napper va. âerved Ila the hall faLlaving tliouaeog. For Pire and Liue InsurancOe, SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan Mutuai UIé, insurance Company UBERTYVILE, IIL 1 la.ulNMoim, lgdth Suile sud K.Crriteaeburs lu the. primar dessmn ithé Proiby en chach, art ang 10 gîove a party for their puplil ln tue church perlons next Friday a! ter- Doon. Lloyd Taylor, on. of aut former riait.- mate&. vlited achool lait Wetineedair aiternoon. IMy, but w, er, glad ta have "Dice' wlth uit again. Belon and Kat@ Carroll and Ambar CoJhv attended a performance of -A Thief For a Night" at tieViclar'o theatre Saturda, alcernoon. The. fresiman dance Friday nlîcht vas a great sucoee in point eft njoy meut ai veni a@ it lrtaily. Tii. freshies luitw boy to eutertain a.e Weili,il Dot htter. hban their eiders. We thaul thenu for out gond lime. About 180 teachere and iut.reéted friands veame tvîour building laot Satur. day. lu th@, forenoon deiuonttratituua of cins Itruction were conducted hy Ml.... Cran, Webb, William, Ravie1ý, Mos. ard Hoag lu thpir roorne. Afte.r a dinner at the Lyric reîtaurant tbey am- »ernhied iu the. H. 8 ro,,n, Mie. 'ilci Smith,ciiairman of the Ciunty Teachere' Meeting Cçmrttae. wae monitor and iiad e*hpr dnty the îîleaaure of in4ro ducinit "A Section of a t>arkey * Singrngr Sco"-'Ab belebu you dunno witch @ideni a cow toaei." "Ah don.' 'Witnh ide?" "A' coure tha out @ide." The important speakers of the occasion vert Mir. F'art, the core tester demona@trator, and Mr. COU of Mceery, the man Who tcAd the. pedafgg .of their dutiait a teaciiera. Mr. F. L Hatcii bail a special word of Instruction to thîe teachera. Amoug rtbose prsenst va declded thé mail Jovial listener va. maitir Lewis Bartiey. Tii.rooma vers veil dhoratid with loros and palm., ired from the, Meredit Plower andl Tagtabli Ca. The. seu'ons bail a lest la German Mon- day rmorale«. E"Elg nn" va. the Oermau play. Jo. Biner va. out &a late Suaday Dlght titat hi dldn't botbeta châaig, ltob bis "echoal suit" and ooStire bail t&;. golden opportunl;y of soe.lnshlm ail Thé final line of the. tie. "Womau 8ff!ragle Debate" va. beldla nthé L. B. S. a.ombly hall at program llriday at-rcoan hétresu the vt a p tains ai the teaton. Liste Weskaff an teaffrm- ative faide and Madolyn Zook upholding th egative aide. Harry Olendorf, Rste Carroll and Gertrude Davi« e. oe the. iudge. of thé question. Ti ey valsd uuaulmously la favoroaithlie neative @ide. A wmaîl number gathereil at thé home 0i Mibes botte Buck loy lait Sunday eve. niug sud enjoycd a very peainst Uiei. Among thé favared guets ver. Ed Schwarta.nberlitsud Ruth Bart iy. They returnel home In thé va. hours af Mon- dai mtîrnlrtg. Irvîn Branuaettar aud Chai. Uculi s ver.ea» bere. Becau«eof thé absenesaofone ai lb., "Senstor" detrators. Forces Smith. tlh. deatms.on "Elicton oi U. 8. Ssaaloug yl ho epudutî etvs'0 pro. gramn. Frlday, April t25. xThé @queston an "Army sud Navy" vili b. dsbtid lu thé Irldal progsaoi tiîs val. Robait Ingarsail va. anmbecili. Ton 41datJkov Ila That's what Trtz* Ca e ys, "No a ies ual Iidellilui- bell, 1 aldt" Tii. HlB ehaiol progrsm lait Fridair aitrn oonusited aio Piano tunat-Vene Gallavay, Ellaali.hb Cook. Cumuet Evente - Dammtie - Rertusu Ennelbrecht. Fareig-Haris Olen. Date - Woman suffrage - Madolyo Zook, Elsie Welilopf. One nf out senior boys va. bear oeriously diocuiing the. subjecli ai femnale "paraphernalla." Be va. cangitearn. eetly calculatîng lie coes ai thé samne for the rai% of his natural file. What does ha mean? Oh, çan he mean?!!! W. know not, btnteau Dnfy watt. A freehinan would hé very glad If the une Who took the 'Cicago' pannant at tht. ireithian dance vould itituru it, care of s-Iool notes, Basket Bail Gamet. LaAt week Tueeday thie freehinen de- t.atid the juniore in a gama by a @cote vît m taS3, but thi, reeimen weredefeated hy the itophs in a gante hy 10 ta 4. lu the su'pi treehie gaine the scores nade are ad fillawit: Mariain Taylor 6, Vida Jamiîeuîîî 4. Aima Black 4. lu the junior-treâithia gane: Alma IBlack 4 Myrtle Luce 4, Margary Prie i. Thiis veal Tueitday the. juniors ver, defeateil arain in a graine witii the freehit... The @cure wam 2:1 ta 4. AIma Black 15, Donto Frederivîs fi, Myrtle Luce 2, Margary P rica 4. Card of Thanki Wt. vielta toexpresour heartfelt thanke ta the frieuîdo and neigiibors ai lire. Mlay Willisou. ho okindis affereil their aid and eyinpatby during hér Illuett and death. MIt. ANti MRI. CHAR. HOLMUrERîn. Epiacopal Services Services at the Epiecopal ciiurci every Bunday a. follova: Cburch services s 10-30 s. m. and Sunday achool ai 11:80. Alil are cotdlally invilied t.a attend. Itev. A. C. Whie, Rictor. Photo Studio ta ho Open Be. vlc's Photo Studlaio ilhoeoDen far business an Mondsy sud Tuesday, Aurit 21.1 sud 22ud aud thon agai on wza fithand Sth. Remembin thea.datai sud aie aur very latest lu niw Vieya.oa faldere and carde. Mundee'e hbatctery bai apeneil for thé oeaian. Bstcbing every valk. Brtug tn your aeia; hé vilI batch thbm et 4 cent. aac. $50 lu 100 loto. Baby chieka [romn stock eggs 15e sachor lu 00i100 lois. Phone Libertyvilie ________c25-tf INSUNE AIIAINST fins-lgtn, usdvîs sd cylonýe.. Protectyaurpro> ertyvîti a palc-Y tuTii.ConnéetieuS PIrre Insurance Company af Hartford, waon. Cash capital, $1,000,000. Sxty ss'czperience. Power fartaimacblnery C ira.rtt. 15 Lake County National Bank' LM5RMYILL IUL Capitat Surplusand U"iiâsdPWoibk SOOO We are' te'rs toi' 019LY T"E BT BRA» or FERTILIZER, CAN1 BE OBTAINED nmM We can meet any prkce on _ TILE, FENCE POSTS, ETC. And ail Building Material. We'are nsaking apecial pricea on ail kinds off Feed for a short imne oniy. Hpme Lumber Company~ of Libertyville. LADIES' AND C1IILDREN'S =DRESSES- AI e North Store wehbave avery ulce lim t,o Readgnade Dreses ranu#ogi. pie [romt 50c Ibo $3.00 for the ChIduens gdend ami I1.00.O up for LadW lesszes.Sme dis.. Spring 1eClaigTime will soon ha t hacci aniCurtain Materials .f varos kide iswll be meis. We have soins hamisou.. petterS lu Printe SculaintedCasernnt Clotho. Net Cortalumgs ami White Swlsses. W. W. Carroll& Sons Go. 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONE 8? TELEPHONE 14. Il -. - - *.'. M11934eafluhdtby the. r@a iamo Preaident and Ihree Members of Let ne Imprea upon the. miah Boar-d of Educal ion f0 b« Elected1 every voter ini Lhbertyville the. lact ibis efection cirrleti with jr evjnally a i b Satrda evnin'.fim 700 o 900importance«a the village electiffl imê4ý., i4lokaturdaypraniýr f a 7:00 o 0:00 -parned and urge that every voter tues î ingwcl be. helil 1.- Iv, le a hoolbuîdout ton Saturday nlght anid ,lect ,ep ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a bere' ,I noilicho t theboard who ,are iully quasifle electionr. This yew -ne presdent and for the. election. titre@ iie r. oute ie lard are ta é _____________ elected. B. H. Milllr, a lia 1m. sorved ontheREWARD achool board for tice crîtk-eeuttve yettre. 1 will pay $100 for the. arrept 0"d thé lait four yeata in the capaelty of conviction or the. dirty miereant *bd prerident. retire. thie ',ear. Dempite attacked our maid servant lait 6duadip1 urgent requettte frontr many ioterteted even ing jueit wemt of the cemetery vhS. vltally ini the wllara .of aur publie on ber way toasui froin a visit to ber achools ta b. a eandidaté for re-lection, people. R. B. SWIFT, Rodney F*ru. Mr. Miller abéiolutely and euîphatically daclines, daclaring lie feels fie bas per- formatA his duty iîv .erviumc iirririg tho For Sale patit ire yaars. 8 Roomi mansioti with extensive 0f thé meinber i tte board, the terme grtundm ..................*...... off. F Smala jr. atd H M favin i unmodern hou", clooe in 2 expire, while W. C. Saruluorti elt.cted to 55acre tari, in. buildings, nea the. office let *ear, ias hand.d in lits tnwn.. .... ................ise0 re@ignatiorî. Hene, tiere tire ,, ,b I 00)acre ltin. near @tatio . 0.0w0 Lots troin 100 to 400 on Eta.y turne. , jelected a president ýor a terio oe ot 13 ie. renting and tire Insurance. Sear. tva membere of the. board for a DYMÇIND & IU@TIN. c24 If I OnIy Had the Money-- If I OnIy Had the Money!. iIow et ten have gou thomot this? llow ellen bave Mou beeà lorced to<, let a SPedId M oppor.tMg PaM%. s.nplbecmuse gMs laced a few dollers. Vo« have doubtlese hW the nesrg lmui maug dnes ami allewMe di got. slp dirougli our Don't let Ne t appe aglauu. V«u con grasp dise opportmutles in éi future i( gMm wiil open au accoant with ms

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