CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 18 Apr 1913, p. 6

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*y .à. E BUCK. F. baveMc* t thLb.ilvilng oaitLb. m-,ve h.vreuciid a critieM âI la the' ta of Ou Rercul-1 W ievalopolnitt.A"de tram the I bu000 cres la the Unied SLaLom i & catin b. reclalmed by Irrigation, 1 t» 4.000,000acreu of faim lans kt c.a -benmaie avallable for culti- b- meansof drainge». no ry apffa of virgin soU retla t t *Mn nier culttvatioti la 0crà la time. of cours«. tii- 1 w adavi b. maie t6.' ylhC 5tbete--but for-the prea- lmth must 10k eviiere ta liei a ore theLb.problem vlthi vitOlil' Vsarne.If vo are o takees = $»rut i ib. eceeaar,' N6à"anaer yunier culiUve,- ïL,- <bet la ta. a, r eblem a lt ïbMW* boy 10 lacresso the pop-a $i ta rural communttes us Ila tbtie Maproincins caPacti ot I asl~uresiion telb. br 1 Avenge ielde. tbc wf yli O ornpe acre iwo BLiSaesla onei about 27? are go lioe! viet lu onuy ho e a«*reamitUic ager 7M feid !nearly cverthbug v 0* élu Ma faim lu oceeiWlny . Ii tg viti theUic 10ds la other se llihUme w. vevikng op ihunurmi yeesmgovte omvh la Neortb vsw». evonier of pA4 vustMa voader gf Lie vorli a ttu, Mai thiasaisor ou> o cttiiogS mai »faim crop Alpped ont #f tiat valloi aui W*w bus basa eàiuuatiThe. c. mmovai v.Mtvaral la ,the op sole» ven" ês o! 01. ma Ki"-, ý , eala Fl Md fIe su»e o0 YqB uitii hou. là. 'Ngp oboving wviie a lfulfe la gravitn perative arome grown «st and ea aires greva la about equai te tie an àtybouheof ! beat ta the acre vas ni -'ne nuscual, today not more titan fit- s] toms bumiela le grava. ,t 1~a] Food Supply and Population. To make t possible for te people- 0f i United States ta raese, dodue àmd audirfture getieatolns. vmuet thang our syztem c! agriculture W omniit iepeaid upon Uaucle Sami fan * m morelaid,aiiteotly itethav by vbtch vo ceaikaep Lb. UnitedV Blate on Lbe map la to amahc tva liai.. et grass grov vitera oly otiet! grovrbelone..I .During b. lait docade thepoisula tien of Lb. United States increaigi 35 »V SL Durng uthe lame perlai thet àmmU esetof beef la the Unite M eueiofftper ceat litn Afwyearsma IL cen t.elbr leam $53.05 for bis yerly supply ofa! L41~t.4od thLe sanie umitror o! ofmes.L cot 850,anla- m ie ~"e ft hI vitLshaU vo do? @ç~~ arml unalyosshsovs tlss± vc Ime teftiSldeà, orvralite. Wu ogreter trtlllty. »Mailarges and btter bord&. acl botter rouis. larger haitaccouta. hoette. cltlse"sils ti s "b. doue? ece étbing vii do more lutis fviyl ve bowum vo tbougit t iwvasimpos wé c amwAfahi. faimo, la the cor, boit do Lis,' a oepv Illfaâ uiem Lis Imesion LiaIit geais 4pe0O!mit, nmail ae tic vastosustate,Partie&- 1I larly Kansas. Nebraisa,Çowiio. Calfonarnd xiUa-the pont alfaita Mtates. We bave reacbe he b. at' vher. v. kaov ve cati grol' altlita in Lb. cern iteit, and IL lu nov uUV ta Us ta grol IL. Wharf Afalfa la Grev. The accumpanytng map shovs whfic sa lu lagrava n DLbÇ URitedÇUtatm today. At the preeat Lim ailtiie ulfalfa grava la the Utitted Stutalpa Iesu Limthe 'ara. of the htti. uitao aS Nev Jersey. Iii. total aM u dei' alfaUa la titis cooty lu 4,607,134 acres. Of th[$ area Kanmusai aab 4M 96962 aces of allfat-or about Oo- luth aioù air re altfa crop. Nebismacon co fSd vith U&5. M8 acres; Colorado thînd, vlth SOM écreu;, Calitornia fourtit, vtth 484.184 acresud Idlaho, IfLi. vitit liO acres. Ail et ths corn tait stats areiclam. antably miii la the groviug of ahfaifa. a, leaboya bi the follovingu sa la viiMicaea.rdnemtk cros>: Misouri, 11; 0h10, 19: love,91 i Wob U3: WuInda 3; aians.3 Micigan. 39, Minnsota, 88. witi the buqmtionei uiventm o! alfa, vo ae houli b. groving mr o! tils great legume croe> Aivuntages of Alrflfu. Au te, the advaatage o! grotIng ai- taira la the corti boit. Prof P. CL -Hohiet maya: TtL proinces a large yieli 9pers. more Lian double that ot clovsr. 'IL lu ric i l"irotelti, bavia aiât as itgh a feeilng value as bran. "IL lu the Most enrlcblng cio> for tie pnai vbtcii vo have. "Wben a goci stand te onc oerm Il; u'ul gaeasy lut four t. sMx years la Uio buli mlonudaimué longer la te vott. -Il ea b. fei se ha,' toa liaiset ani 4 4 maii umo su5ef lor a muiids Up Agdoeaitr. m Owo one Umr e ély abalàts"i si tiere. Il- iasee!VW4as. vie on. pcv before tisabe vieeffeek United StaLom today. Note the cern- et o! te MisiIsuippi river. The total ire of NewvJesey. upan Liase vho are strangers ta IL. and ria on, la mare Lruly vorhlag for thl pnsettof "tin lte, he bseofîi hloeoîtya gitr, the boprcai c it excelletice as tb. foremost forag." -lIx-Govertiar Honni Grov Allfa. An acre o! alflIa ylelds 6,280 pautis of digestible maLter; reid co- ver. 3,200 Pound@; and corai, 28,00 poutae. la every dollarl. vorth o! lalfa ther, are thurteen pautuis o! protelu- la every dollars@ vorth of corn thora ara only elght paunu. 0f protela. Tic gmot valuesof alfalA es food snn le tbereforo apparent. Alfalfa enriehes te sali-graim- itoverlitbes te sma. Thererematis liLta ieore t1 b. mat., ilEr,' frme. vbo roteis Lii siouli begla lmm.iateiy ta mare pepara- ions for Putlag la a vieseet alfalfe, evm tiougiKtboidy Omm u I yeun sa pl' auamrefat year *0e 0"a grov tonacres UthIIowetag yeur -t-am intvasty, erti, Midov« oa» bnire l if your faim tlu hU cOegi ta ma"egn large a aI peo. Tm *acreso! alfalfa on oves,' aiM la the. UBtte4 Statée vclai» e si& rouai nmbera 4.00.000acre.utO-la. males. Datoeam t M.4m"x dcaeboa pe tut. hlstm ry voMoM b. -aroute 100000000m cs etalfuifela the UmIIt ad Sttua. 'Ive do Lbi. e viiibu lttciy botter onf tien vb arsa -our Solde viii b. vasLly mom el ani oua crop yitou. yUlb. blasia bctern-cur borde vini b. laigw a té guanty 'o! batte. fat vii b.ereat 1,' tmcrsesc-ve vIlI bbaeiippWt houS-ami vowviii bo tter «otlit Mwoyen uasetfallfta Worth m tmué Sa teilagvMalu s tou Done ! ofbras, Mai Itomsebut hait ai mach D&PIJTY DAME WANOEN WN HAà ôf- -Fox LAICU ius WARqNINQ To WAUIKBAN NUARLY EVBRYONK iWAS 0F' THE5 ai OPINION SUiCRt' COULO jDl SE SPIAR1ED 1114055LAW F kWk et W18001 . .................. atqSe~* p AnIoC............ l81liSi *afk ite Banik........... . -M. neiie &'Co., Highland Pairk.. ienu 9àww Trust Co.. Highland PI... %ert Mph.lBanik of Lake orext .. at.t* "I. e aForet....... I. * . - -1 Oppitel. Serp1u*il~r0Bte D1posllu~,.-~ R~It.AWM.CwuPIP 30,000 10.OOb 49IA00~ ~~'~*ii. iai. 67.008 311000 fr ~m*U IMSIWOWWIOI MuflE. l00,00 50,000 87,000 i _______ * 50.000 45,ÇUU *W,'~t' * snobs ILOCO 617.000 i*et 5. Aloi Anti finnemsuili< IsîhrmStai iii Cons * j anw ~.W 'n 1-anv'~-.--.........- -. , ~I ~ sw - -n. wwn-.-.--a- ,t C Agricubtrai Extension Du¶nn ae Prsllm!naryAnnouncomt. To Cantine Dolan. John Dola. James Dolan, William C. Doien,ý Ioula. Chilis. Mousesa Baldina. Zen-1 nie Dolan Izer and Caherlie Seure-I aann, heîa in a vof Care C. Juige, aeceuuei: Ye are hereby notifid tiat on Monday Lb.eiiineteenti day of May, X. D. 1913, aithLe bour often oclockl ilxi the forenoon of!caïd day, tie underslgned, John T. Juin.. eoeautar of the Lait WIli and T'etament 01 Carrne C. Juin.. deceased. vlii pro-. sent ta te Hon. P. u. Penotis. Itige of Lbe County Court of Lke County. Illinois, bie final report maccoaMun of hiesacte and doînga as auci BeOCu- ton. ash te have Lb. sanie miprvd, to, bcdiîsciiarged. and ta have ati otate declared fully 4pUtticiami clos- ed; t vhit Uteanam place ycti mair b. pregent if uu e. fnt ao tû do.' Datai tblu Seventeenth iay 09 April . . D. 191. JOHN T. JUDGE. wkly api 18 ¶ Notice of Itcroute efUOp tStck ONci- of firel Ndatiomu a " Doue*s Company *01 Litert.vilu. IIL notlice aoroby i ron ataet a mppgtio! ttcstockholie#m oe*9a V1rm Xmercà AWD1918 a't toip o'4gok p on.. the ialovIope OWe vasadoped.*RasoivaititattbC<le t ront 415.00.000 ta t4q auto A ceratje le a lte ut .sao .o* p .and a hile cejiLate itu bue4 rrecord la tecileofa! t.he de ILDeais o Lako prouibi 1 lav. Datai tble 27th day of MmauitA. D. JOHN tL. Tàvtioa. Prolitent. 6. CARROLL ao*rSw.ry April 4.11.1- 1 KNOW oF NOIIfINO WHICI4 WîLL Do MONE£FPm,1THE MIgVLOPMNT CFP1THE *TATE OR ADO MORE FO 1-FS WEALtN rAN A !NOROU.PM KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERO1ANDîNQOPC LFALFA-0ROUTr. MW FOR SML Rhtode 1.5 for 100 ai Fox Lake FOR BAI nev odi on@ *Paim buggty 'a, FOR SAI cycles lni Ozo A. 1E EGOS FC Leghtorai aise lndi dom. S. FOR SA ruanere 4 J. W . Tu FOR UAl oae.kerels ville. FOR BAI station, fenced. 1 ln pastu 2-tory. i e tby 2( Asranary . Dnd mil lais, J. 1 wana Ce FOR SA My Duel ilemembo orlprise w Mll mis Accouilng 1 CeoNatiBonalm.Bank L bertyvhfle ..........6,00 11,00 2000 uty gz wam lNe o Fo Lake, there ek Co.'atlonal Banik Ltryvltle... - 60,000 40,000 525.000 dUOIfiS cuUPUISUto EIOi WOS Me. w, l' la a Mtate iaw vhich pectfcly pro- <Noth ChIeago State Ba.nk.............25,060. 1000 119.000 iNO o ISin fthDo"lte &1 w flia n Oow ' m viites gain;et . In. eg0fay a tleenu tate Bank, tockefeller.......6,000 26,000 .sv.Oueti Il fié su~ee Icluei Hamay aBae, cf'Ipuand Lake.............. 2a» of SM, or six menthein ainlior Wauto*ia Batik........ ...... >..........,000 both in the incitoa 0f tihe court, IFruiNallotal fBank, Waukegani...........50,000 %30,000 i1822000 are provtdei for offenaes of thfs char-, Peop10e'p nkWaukegan ..... ...........50,M00 6b,000oo 615i0o0oAiftbaAutomobile Trwie. mperwdantu ati fthe 'Wwbco*..45i15te ne acter. Ths Informing vilii com as ecwity âaaings Bank, Waukegau ... 50,000 7,000 1269,0001 reeesd dMotinai etae S. lId u*@«NkmV.PI50 pelo a chilllng gurprise ta Waukegati peo- yjrst State Banik Zion Cty................25.000 ,000 170,000 1 te Aciomp.y EReh A*falte Traib,AIfa m ruase IIhi pWmd pie vWho make IL a practIce eery' gid faoh Cemmunlty -tIDpromoe t4 UneWer-ffll mcm p5U1011 la year of epeaing scores of suckers. Acerdlag ta statements made là, various banklng Insttuions 'in the Atlfu if.awng WiSI Foiîow Up Prlilmin my We$c Whec. .uts d ami11an With ms a hcavy penalty providai the Bankea Encyclopedla, a publica. country show Iliat the. commutitty le Cie^dl ategàSr-e efl P.. O R iut fl du 1hdr. are fev, If any. vho viiicr. ta ion *wtthbeaiquarters in 'New York,' on, of the mont PI'05peroin lathie OlveAid I. QatWti e BtuIt-Prefee p, 01C.ina eetl r etthe take 9 clance. thera are et present time 29000 batiks cotutry. ' werm. Tihe. spesring of uchons han beeti o! ail iads ln actuel operation j This la especillyu truc vith regard carrici on every seasoti for many hroilhout the. Unted States. Thou-, to the Waukegan batiks vhlch have ream .Ais eoti as the vartu aprtiug maof villages of scnrcely Dre tva and baif militons 'on deposit. Blin.- ompla verwU vlbuoombuleetaboieatarir la Aputi andmi d Inlt. raina arrlIre tiiesuckers bogie ta a tsa500 po*latîoxi bave thoty- 0Wt n oulo are r.parted. only on t litefait. Oowty andi dty s e inla tof achoole. cODagS.InýtStitUt ceui the creek for spavning ii-:anktng, intttultonii and ILI, s won- a madifled bai lla ailthe banteksla W0tke.5o <batauqea ectrer. m i otiiers Int.reetola tii. VurkVii suedoila obtalning alfala a r4 Mi laftera slice. AlItaIM »ut*UN poses, Tbey have beau acceptei as derfui te tlilnk how useful, la tactt ony ~at~rWthe ospin-ani booklets viii b. girez videitrtibution UtIWmiçggllOU t 1h@@nU. S« the leitimate prey of Waukeganttem how tlnAwpnable,- a batik must be, di Increases mide by the Waukegan1&Ila"a rtic wiiib. e nt t. foms jourleani magasin». aidplate aMi ani fétc !otiier people ail over hhan seMm'*y cf even fthe amallest; postoiflce, a mioue ocpgs .nvoats Alftft itailions ef saWspapm S iiibe 1111I Lb wt herever tbe condittions are couttry places have one. The. Banth b.Su b hw tavithout ioubti acsi vie.. campaigsareà» mletei. Dm"a vIli hoampUecorfAU"~M taiorable. le"' fluielopedta givès a repont Of Lake county vas nover .ta a more Dar .1 t" 11118." ThéssMPclMPviiib. coninctaila 0ce.opcsuiffl Vtt Theorinrywa orsparputhseaU thèse biks. otiier wvlthLe tprosaorona cSot hanetathe'c f5Ima2mIatstutss. bOUhOfU. jclebs,. anes , l»e T.e1oi1nay o ',ufne a o thsO ', tu WW m cmmuatty .vhm t b. sxios -1"s la vith a pttch fartalthouah!names of tii directors and oiea'.prenant uprevestoc n dlyaoi dtioupalatriiaiscvDn .gv il u otiter iis of upeans aan usai. Tii.1 nad also thstr financial conditioni: Although teé encyclopediladons sot an meer_ P pesi!tIa.s gl c.une aoi;lis iiolm aiatbow,tho ýgr6rtiio!rLthe lustltotumeI Weat te bc sti tmâlamnltdly la LiheOCraeamCottou Boit Umm eami c6oTer of! iarkness. for thoeut from m1aid otiièr Items tamillar la a book' t l saa tttbet loae bgaks have bee& n tla LB.ust.Tbirty t. f0117 motbp sviii b i la " c 9ty. the. numbor a lantera le neof the bot vais ta J'atatemeat. lbut reported la no or, cigroving cona&Dy. Takon as a ispeading as leel enailt&o lwitr finitlii hich eseeta have. publication. vhole'ittlnstoit that conditions are To accoiplluahetimeut la agrwdutewrd deesumet, Iws muet bogie v»t moe thon ilss m of curioeity. f1'The encyclopeu1la shows tlgt at ontPt p ospeoM. thé mat houai1macrop. lpem hlm demide tii.nomivertis out cf Lbo Wiien Uey couse vithl8 tii.raya 0f jkegou b"elit share af baooks, the!: The folovliÈ statistlcs shov Lb. llght it lu very easy te tmpelq them numbr ieau muel larger than Lb. condition of Wauhegaa and it ounte iefnes oftiiefots. -verage oUaties. The reu-.,rtm ofthe county bbaa: Il busalvaM bolt m kn obrs i ---- thit nets ceu n ot h. emei la cautch- TO ALL. PRRSONS WMOM 87 MAY part ani education la other real estate log the ucera becausé thora ta a1 CONCERN. or atierwlUe tnvesting tli# maome. lav vhlch proviies againat their use Public notio, la hereby given that, Dated April St, A. D.* 1013. la a boiy 0f mueing vater. But Lb.e unicrlnnai. William Tonyona. WILLIAM TONYON. I thoraard fv. Ifami. juo hve b.. of Gertrude ?aaiyon. leabella Guarilan ai Gertrude Taoi. isabella thee fl tw, f M, wo hve eauToavoun.Henry J. Tanyou ami Therea iTotiyoti.Henry .3. Tonyon and The. avare tuere lua alaor vhieh -PrOfidee S.Toayom.minora. vili maire appit-, rouaS. TonYan, minois rtimt thcy may flot ho spearei. 'mtito t ii County court of 1,*ke1 * kly Aptil 11, 18. 26 Ma2 Mri. ingitaus bas ba iei.attention connty. la Lbe State oIflminute, ILa AJ ICTO N7C. caflleituave volations and e- Court Homsela th# Cty of Wauktegan,1 Public notice la herebi given that cause h hle teviltin Ur3 itec oauty of Lake aidState of the Subucriher. Admtnlstrtz o f te runatentionul, ho icatres te, sepa a 111n ou cm.Le Firet Mondai of May,: otâte et Mary A. Slanntt. icceed varmibl st 1 .Av 2. n ilboing the FlfLb dey Uire. vii atLten ite Coeuty Court of lAke Tii, aucker sesion alreedi. bau f) f*P. order, nd5dom oof «M Couaty, at a tenut'.'l'?tu bnhiou- opcaed up l a gnadmay o ll t'h0f irgbt tile am nd-, et athe .Court Houses t.Waukenm the fiéhbave bccn caugit t M* t«rest ofu*Oi minora, la ami te tiein la al t Onty. on thue Suut WMcoqa vhut bléoctthUce tateoeat of Uicdepi- I folleti'la$ pOabdrT-1 -t»t.,situat- of lute next, 1913, vhe md viiî. aty pue vadiet viii bave heft ef cdinla 41W hlti' of L.ko ami mat. aupesns avinicdaimu Avogat saU *mains te hose. of tI s, 'tc-vlt: Uiar aThe W NUo tetorti Westet atfe - nofl iani isqueulei t. fractional quarter of Section PFltesai proeuet ie senne t.saMi Çcc r o Waukegan riendu o Geborgo rud. (16,L :n 'ow*çbp Fort-ys e(45) 24asb aijuieaioe lay, toriy assistat cooirt trosa ' MInA <S) 1M.I e! Ils. T.............. .......o..... r e ni Treaug rFoots. ndwb =orAalalulmtrlt »Ai eoM& PM7,j l Se ime ou M. rute trni wOrO th poPoo o, tvfttn suh f the 1Waukegfim, lunol, Aptil Itt. 1911- . W&Vw .f NeiU urc-4e imple aMdi psoeti iiag-v ur o ebel& gret t. hiéuaithitthis vite le very loir 'tiroceedu of sald maie as maboit notILM. Runiuii, Attorniey. coilgs Masz "rMft "dm*eam. sedecys" gte bslag lat. g@Umm »&e in, Petioyr " "rlm, Kenfal - . b. iim»oilaey roqurei feW nsu Ip.i viA gen-u114-- 1&, taces,'. 2&, aLis là» bm She ssaaiaatroheee atil tic ver,' ence v'.u kdon, oeuthe uarlc.ural trais, bu uitg tint met ami ha. oui-a men10t Uioumodera vlele-tbo atemobUe-golinlrectlIn t.éLeuple on their ova for nmre tUme. Mis. Griley lu l enfarmseviire tii. meetng are te b. beli. knowu la Waukeg adm Lake cta Agrlcultural iovelopmeat needu la addition te the vork of our pubie ity. iiavlag lvai bore mai y.arat attutionu, the tnividuMi efforts ef svery merchant. beaker. corporationi.or Tho fanil homelu nv la ilcao.' aboring ma, ami tiuplan celle fortiteir hourtetce-operatiot- Th f1II hm l Th l Ciag. aplan for Itireasla Lb eli thrcr9 b L.more extensive -STATE OF ILLîNOIS..COULN'tY 0F groving oai htintônderfal salliImpraver, ALIPALFPA. la meeting te approval L.AKE.s. la the County Court of ______________________________ o! ail men vho have ayknoledge ai Lb. benoficial resuitz of fi* tIntroiud LakeCouuy Ma Ter, A.D. 113. ampagns are nov belag organlzed lu flve dilferent staLag, and Pr> In Lb. mater of ofOa-.îfeesor Halden la dally anmwýerlig requesta for bis assistance ln orgaalutn rie C. Judge. decease. I oter lcalitteu andmi nvites cordial o-opeatot i vtb vey commuit: i o 3r ,l l- la gy ~- + ZFOR SA years o FOR OP tlmotby nter dei FOR SA H. A. tc8 FOR &Ai Duw u IL Teisphon FOR Se motorcyr ofImlet isilor, lit. grog si end viii male. AI phocé Rw FOR BAI of OIlter. FOR BAL repair. wl acr@ of 1 L. J .AMis ~;FOR SA 0h10 p t. vtile, I1)i FOR BAL FOR BAL FOR BAL FOR 8S9 4I. PBO FOR 6A1 tables, 2 dition. FOR IBIAI gaci cor miles of 4 âine Impr - 294 acres acre; 280 onlan lai bave sev Chicago I Burton, E FOR BAI wIld and %Ir.Rent farm et Gjond ch clotie ta t per acre veget&ble M. Owen,

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