CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Apr 1913, p. 1

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LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XXI.-NO. 31. TWELVeE PAGES LIBERTYVILLE, LAKE COUNTY, ILL., FilI A Y, APRIL 25, 1913. ONE TO EIGHT $1 ')0 PER VEAU iN ADVANOE. III CUNT HIETO ETRN ZIONUNSQH WALTER SHEPHERO US CHARGED WITH HAVING STOLEN HORSE AND COAT IN ZION OECADETO HIER!F1TY 'SHEPHERD WAS LOCKIED UP IN Th1 VUI 1 IEH V WU ~ 'ie police of Waukegan and Keno- .0 According ta the following dîspatch OVLkI.EGRO UIJL, MiII i I1 i % V u V Viffl sba have been asked ta moite an eof. LUBeRtTYVILLE tram Springfield, Representative i------- Ioýfort ta secure the arrest or Walter Thomas Graham tram Lake count37 fI Charge of City of Waukegao Thot Money is Due [ri Shepherd, former Zian City Man. who has preaented a bill whlch If pose d, 'GrealeSt EnthUSîaSM WasShone eigiiL Overcharge May Applg to all Cities in County; liswanted In that city on charges of FIRST VOTE GAVE MAJORITY nobel lihv wldesprea il nStrd ;reNmer Lisn tetnned ite- bonatcaling. The horse le aileged effect in the state: Supervisors Cati Countig Treasurer Westerlieldl tabale beon atolen $mrneUrneFrlday 'Sprlngfleld, Il., Aprîl 17.-A bllMileo audy Lareure be rof. m..cmu.Art iIlr nlght or Saturday morning. whicb 11s belleved ta affect the n- to an lllustrated Letr ePof.chrto Belore Them to Maile a Statement. Shepherd went ta Kenosha on las't BOARD SHOWS UT PLACES IN tional league bail park i Chicago a- Thursday evening and won Iocked up HlM SAM& CON-IDENCE lntraduced In the bottse todayiyle- Sb cto Sotm ro mn. la icciy Jilona care fi grnresentative Grahanm of ingleside. The lb. LaI.e Cout nfoard oil stipes. thon an investigation bad shown that cY. Chier OHare of Kenosha otfed OTHER FRIENDS DO mesue roYît sowfiidgae visora belli a meeting Monda>' a. nm. at the count>' owes the cit>' $5.'199 for the offiisofZion that tbe man or ather public exhibitions for gain No speaker hadl a more In- Gaatbulls were entirel>' cloieo4 il which Chairman Conrad named hie having avercbarged In the matter of was wearlng a particlry good coat, Edwand Conrad was electei chair- 1wlthin 1,000 teet af a bospital. The, tensel>' interested audience tban did limai, entered sarne, andi wom I m a tte r e c a m w u p ta o c c u p y th e & t e n - U ic s ta te a w a lo w s b u t o n . e r c n d t a h p e d w m n t a e d l r S u vsrs La spnl e e i nlhl u n ca l r o r a t o n s, o f w blc b e o ,P o ft> W .iG .bis a d s o f " C n a I m p o v - tre e l dI nfe t e nt h 1,th for colleecnion, ho cLuysifn oasCIléagotle mnt," In the Lvrle theater at Liberty- wbich swon shows In aahr Acomzitteconisting of Supervis- habit for the county ta retain twa and IHe was released on Frlday rnorning in Waukegan Friday, by a de- bresn." vicaubi o hiao lleoa m>. h hae aegot fot orsJaes ln. . D GasandE.w.tir. er en. l'is Uecd xcssand apparentiy 'cent dinicti> back taeCîsive vote of the board. That'thîs eth fn" illedo ntu day amone the audi- a narotherf poe0 Brooks reported th et Uiey tad looked Inhichanges, he sald, bad extended aven ZMon. On Satunday ît 'caà iearned 1signal III orwtIid Iýe qnferred u 'A lac I asent ehbililetecacyan mgteau-iAohrtigho fl fVuà tata thecounty reasure matter nd a potait orsexeral ears, dtIng bon thar teonornebail benoncededandbn0 3er.rbonradewa bon Uic wLaneo prunted mante Lanee tberema laeeec menrtrame eenryom avky watt:whit ranttwhhihhoarlialnatla 1 fiet nnonce th. a howoud h asure ta cause conierable débats, es- 0f life. Ail evlnced the greatest ea- cOmmon June bug. The. oggs&a woreof o e!opnic ntopinionou thaathether 999.nntytheaenUicatyearhrd1ns99.n'thatdtetfrethcpastot.hatilShefpherdud nasctbheenilfirsatm Intheunce forsecuingt! betheouid ugbad a e The board Mat shortly alter onc park In Chicago. in a way it seemasali01 expert for Lake county. Prof. the fail. thts grob romain@ tg, county treasure n shahl dep sit funds. d Uic matter somewhat and an n om se man ramx w bm the horse asi They exprez ed the opinion, howe ver. me iner expres aci the opinion that If taken. Shepherd had a return ticket 'clock, a l of the. me nbere witb the ta be similar ln ts work ngs ta a bill Eck ardt illustrated bis lecture w th ground In the 'iter sand i the th a t w e re a é plia t la m d e , t a t th i a p p l e s ta a u k e g a th a t lt a is fo r io n w h n h e a s tu r e d tat0 'urnce p tia o fe atrvfor Sarp atronfp re sh oe da u die n ceo Biag.w T hesttar m erson varesjn din- odcrinr- c m m e nn e atie o i n t e r w L ak the county a>' entltled te the Interest applies te ther cities and towns 1n hie Jli and î<enasha policie Officiais lienton, and Assistant Superviser makes it necessary for every bail park ing hie talk dld the lntenest of bis that summer, remailng iha. recels d. Stats Attare>' Day aima he coun>'. b scb aIcse. if t le arf0f ih opinIo thai teprésent. r tSiielimn o! aakeganferngappsent.nn admisioniuncreahigf inhel slth he maveent. an it la gainhte secon and thrd and Ui îu"ned tate'ZAttorandDanyaaee the contm.dinsueh a cse, Iftfheameetingthecasnibas paidheId subnitted an opinion Uiat the county truc Uiat the count>' should rebate te re eZnadmd ýi ihImdaeyartemeting a eas> fidne.aTisi wa dranofted i w tateit ovseentg ndopulay eanlnhesecndUc randti dc Us entiUied ta sncbt Internsîmoney. [le city of Waukegan. the amount df re ho brse. caiied ta order the. élection toak place. a 'v ie hsbl a rfe adta tl ann Oua in er a sns.This Is pe drag quoted another similar case In an- baie ta the éther cîties and tawns An effot te a iel.e Il - -d la Ke- The balloting w"L done Becrei b ecause of trouble which 'Mr. Beaul daiiy. shwtati ter crtest icfames av t other connty and sat] that the Su- colid amount ta qulte a large aon IhCubeuea - -,c i, is altabwd1 oe frM.hdwteamPrfésicago wurhenofhe F re-hsowta néhr wrtpn h freahv e preme court la soon ta pass Iponthe of money. Superviser Eger moved aie îiing and i,'ile the ge icai bent Conradiandi 10 for Mr. Eger of Liber- s eat o iag he hadpl or re aned he rm i xere a benlmo t Fioig hsaideu fused h ameBaealot Floig eadublgoregUic matter. The board declded it 'conitithat Uic matter be loft ta the finance that be iost no urne In maklng IItgood ,%r-F«aioce os ndfSedaa ta s Waukea l coreI b ias u l l t e s re e c u t aa c m i t c t co er w t Ib t t s h e esca pe. la I i e pa rticu la r cse îi nm ade a' m o tio n th a t th e e ci o n ofo b l n h f ro s t r v n g a p w ee i g w g b ll e h watt until te oupreme curt haisicemibiee teicofbaveina ahefect unlesa erfofl1arguments andkanc ithaoncannotargrmantandgerlr tbisco'cut a hantied do'cn a decision betore taking attorney andi repart back ta Uic board. shouid net prove 8a difficuit ta un- NIr. Conradtibe matie unanîmaus and tameffl ot av ae tanodaffc n ehignztgrrII kl raethswa on.son efr wsmaetehlda eh-be resîsteti. caunty. It beig thc una"Ilotisce ayaction. i The motion 'cas carried. 1ae the myster>' as the police have Eaiiorl sniekidea the I Speice J . Prof. Eckhardt's Talk. of all prenant ta carry ont ilb The matler of Inheritance toix 'cas Other Maters Up. tion a ihdwt oddsrlbiino oekn erteNr brongh up ani caniderabe canu- A bil fo electon exenses t the t Sheiherd nti beieve hat ifWelcisiferecllost, bat beena cand- Aliter bapit"InThereare mny 'ch 'hheooentgtvérfheelnt"e filti.m's ost agroicultcuretuin i Lai alangh neand t bcauon orrable to n e, tbil or n lcipon LaexpeVhlaiad the an atchh l tan e can e da t e forewpctchama n ba cbeedai.r Gaaebh'oi Po chrtsi,'i em am onsl omto,'a the supery isors who bIcnuludfnedtsamit.beau m madetie tagive an accauntlng ef the days ago he announcoti that he-would, be a splendid UIlng, because fitwouid that turing the past year, consîder- mouel>' appointedti la tek. 'lU Mr Watefled atigaiet 00 te bav menhes oitth t i cof whoie affait'. 'ithdraw titis yer anti be a candidate Prevent noise and excîtement near a able agriculturae histar>' haslbeen .ter9fritareslbns the blrmoie ,' ______Mr._________ nexboitar. Thata"etheaiboardest b hompital 'cherhesucins.:itement D1151igh madaendnntnbecbécanos thf tacttact t ta'ctownshiptii.etoliowln Impthrssioneas a is neos> iet a ortt ia'teeeta f'ta Nlr. Eger andi Mr. Corad. Injure Uice Patients.Tise outcame of that 1 have béen In a particular line boing mpponled: maerop tu anthrmeb'r htiu tsooti ficials $5 a day wbeiiUichela, olani- laINTERESTEI) IN .Thot the boardti mposoti rare cof- tihe measure isili be watcbed 'citi ln- Of conk, but becanse ail over thc towcnship commlte.. of tiV other'clse. 1lows $3 a day tan to'cn élections. DK L L N ec1ate blt'o M.Cnaitereet by 3Ir. Grahame tfriends la middtle 'cest there bas been an awak- Caunt> Agriculturdard Ta setlete Ucdispute Mn. Westcr-ý A bill for a bread mixer at the coun- )JK LBP A wanceincthed bly c ot aCoe nrad. oling sncb. has bas corne seldom nt Inon DEKAB PPERTELS O TH Sefaras he ottr o ysrsan>'ROYUne of 'cark or any profession. . W. Ferry, D. C. Boliowm5 Ra wasaokd t male sttemnt.He c-ourt hanse was pased eraoa h péettm on state akytata ab iatnsient.e'cas IFollowlng le a liet of members oa!1VUSUT THERE COF TMREE 0F ce is the >oungest chalinman the Laite T. C.rR!NC mChteo.f anmer tramDeKai cana.le>' steaeti fra rtt he OsIneLAKE CO. OFFUCUALS County Board ever hall, but latri T .F E CImtheffrmr rm eabculy den-ihrgr atemte-tht the hoardtilli the ne, committees -tevcaete___agn leea he_____ ce n i onmidmalter of experience ho takes ranit DI!S AT GURNE! vcm a hmag. ivrlNowporL-- be 'cais anine hi bin muid oappointed b> Chainman Conrad: DeKaib Chronicie: Anothen cvi- '11h any o! tbem. nionthe before that or perhapis a Jas ' G. Weicb, (3eu. B. mp tha bs acio l ntanig is to ence 0f Uic advcrtising tiat DeKalb H e e do h or bhtOE0 H ONY EOS at niabl bocta.'heI rn lurnie, jas. Reeve.os per cent commission on Inheritance: LIST 0F MEMBERS. caunt>' le gettig On aecount of the years I 'casgh RESIDENTS SUCMS OA 'as attending a senles of meetings Ames. Hex q utfoablte ardnta la'ic. ______'onitof thUiclI mpravement asso- assistant supervsobr, but for the îast CANCER la the caunt>', ton In number, the com- EstiAntioch. Hequte ra testtue 'hlbN sfie Address. Town. ciation 'cas given today w'hen a corn- six years lie bas serveti as surperviser mlttec 0f bankens and tariners insti- Chase Webb, DavidiM seeed a gsethecani>'trasuer Ereeer.H mlte o ineretedme trm Lie miMR. FRENCH HAD BEEN SERIOUS- tute andtihUe newspapen men came ta Frank enneliq. therlhtta ee crtIn ee l cx B WkE a W auksg n ty'ere v.sto. hors at the local & areandlmoer s ne iected lv LV ILL AND MIS RECOVERY me and asked If I 'couit accept a po- cesofunst>'y.Hes dhodetrd W1'oda ... W.cnd enar m-West Antioch. cis e s r o!is gal H aiti eoe ,b e suN.esifieneti ve te uti ad lhe rger and qmorare conwpiim ntar ma HAD BEEN DESPAIRED 0F sition as agrîculturai adviser or con- Fred Halci, Albert TMROep ilighlacsi 1'.,k .. De.rield. 'cork 'lihthe vie'cta establisBhng a la euch a businees-lIkead systemnatie rdsumril t1:3 'lckO-atingI toi tni ehtlor th a outyBoos statet biestion pasitivel>'. He ad.- Chittenden, R. W.. rdymrige o oocoko. n odte mhtclyta ';urnee................rren' similar organizallan In their count'. 'cal- that the vatersa!fthse towcnship 'curred the deatb a! Tristian C. French woult nat, that I 'cas satîafiedth U aeVla mitled tranki>' that he mew littie of Cark,, T. M., Te the la'c, but saîti that bis untierstanti- ConradDelid > cr bw ala c ri-éel It wouid le a mistax, ta makte ilaged 82 years, aI the home of hie the'carl, anti that 1 bat no Intention , John A. Tia, Garde. îngasa ayan ca Uatbe adbeas E., (larn, igs of Uic association b>' Directar change. NMr.Conrad maes.frientis daugister, Ens. Jennie Leach ,of Gur- e cangngil ani f I'Jnohnt JcB eniW't h fe ohdrtand. cmrs,kea.,k5if Eckbardc antioserai ta be greatl>' 'herever be gIe. He bas a Most née.Mr. French bat been 111 Uic change It. offers had came tîme at ant. NWaukegasn..... ....... Wauksgan please t 'litUe prospectasitheir wnIgproaiy u bv i oGa Sueorvilsar A. T. White counsalleti Eger, H. B.iIgproai>' u bv hb past six menthse'clth cancer, anti hati agaln 'chere 1 coui4 gel mare mone>' Wili Stratton, James Dalulel aganatan> hat>'acton n tse art Lbertysslle ..........Llbertyvie .couat>'. The 'cork iDeKalb ount>' la efficient. Ail tuele.tings have lbssn crîlîcali>'III Uic last fe'c days. than Uic> 'w'anted ta pa>'me. E.Gaa. of hebordneprsngJ. Tinon.,keanbas proven succeastul beyondthe tisoben taken friteconsidération b>' the Besites Ens. Leach he icaves another "A couple o! mouia. later a rom- E.Goham o!Ui oad elieshgbie pninFerry, M.Wu........Waukscan deaeof even Henry' Park. and iho >votere. At tise rotent W lcindubeSr.ToisE r>, tmte'cm oDa aepr n E .S A von, . C d-îe thal Mn. Westerfield 'cas Perfti> ZMon Cty ................Benc.. 'as about as optimalstic as anyonc n onaireev t@I her cti>' a thia city . TDrs. Hop f itins eati aiI Dean Davenad E . O tir, T. WltC. Eri, Lk, .A..eMZurich.d...............lly asabioulti be1 rexHopins anta SaeiovfeDebisav-t sîncere anti urgeti that a thorou In - FL ake, Zrc. ........E.acudhoepce e ooe i A.i ayvoe sbt o i poeni Tefnra Hh eliSna f-pr n rkHpisad rsdn o a nrwT.Wie .I vestigatian home ariora the board os.00. hcaGozo, xprmnt'hn t'csi 0i>',>onns h anri'ci e et Sna' .RpotaniD. akisadPrsdntW.Roîg dectititalatean' ecsie cton s N .,hS antsexei he 'astrying t as Inxbryotogether. Tisot Uic members Of the' ternoon ai one-lhirty OaciocittramnJames o! the universît>' sa>' i 'as ta Wren bTa ng alterthee matet.......a...ahd dLakeeresreiotDe-canal> Shiemldtacs heiLeacheacsohome 'lUi urlaiinko thtatewisat,'o1k, h'cliiiate I. The> Lesl's Bonlee Ralps Ciiitelpd Kirachner, F.,Kalb count>' men i il.ta considération 'cas ghou-n da>'roicale>' at nthinls tene ack. ,hsenÂeChJ.tao;q Supervisor Weicb of Waukegan. mov- siarrington .................Cube' le The visitha mmltnt 1k istth nmesof70 cd that Uic malter of the balailces i Mther, ^.i...........................g ctaste ca kesPec- b>' Uic hanor the>' bestaced tapon bîi. E.Iecn'a1n o h itcttrerLetbaeat be"oi u .FoChetr.,C J W thecoutytrenuer' ofic, I o- Mye, H C W. tliInterest InbheUicbg chover catai- For many years Wauiogan bas de-, antidbeat kno'cn residents of the serne mone>' mbo the erganîzation. I SIU cortiance 'lihUic report of Anditar Meyer, lT.ckeH.,er . . Frersont paign wblch abse just been flntlbed sîrci ta have a chairinao<f the coun- caunt>', anti ever sînce bis cnitical ine'c If there 'cere 700 tarmers In JohnGrfihDad I&g ta a cammttee wlUi the Waukegaa ........... Waukegan here anti man>' questions 'cere agitait>' boardi, but Mr. Conrad la tUic fret condition became knownu bis many DeKalb count>' anxîaue to get hald of!ph rt, Da it WGoa A JA stat~s ttane> 'li pocerta ct. DeeneC .esO. rlldcancernIng Uie méthodes used. There manfréta tise laite shore district ta tiendsa nxiausia' aitet word fnqm the funtiamentai trutb of agriculture,s sir. elsatreit tale tIssuerfeld'lUi........ WeE. L., lelaoni>' a small quantit>' of Uic claver hoelcected chairnan ut thse boardIin hlm.le bat lîvet Inl the count>' for tisat there 'ere men visa ivauldti y'Wauk.gan. bbc boa r ni slatsIIatIns apII- Antloch................Antioch loft ai the Soil improvement rooma eathUiclhst twenty years. Wc predîct ms> eradaIactm 'ndata do mamethIng. That àct hat more Ed.Banchardi, Theo. D Jelt th bar ad tate ta I bs pi- ornsnA c, an yar, ndoaoerlm sssnaamoe C A.EwadC.,hnI Ian hat'chne a oficii iss pe- intbrop Haror....Benlonithe prseent II anti that le there la thaI Mn. Conrad W'imaie anc Of large aavlhb pntti at adcdn e than anythingCdor,.C.Eiad.oh to tatwor a ffcil a pé-seslmah, T. J., e Inwihhooeae. t d ndcdn eented a personal bond. the caunt>' Waukegan........... Wauksgsn ahi spoken ton b>' tarmere o! the cola.i the faîneet, tast: efficient anti most Wbea the gaît craze of '49 Bar'ceii, W. B. Smithb, H. L, Ci.. bas no centrai over Uthcdpoiting o Sat Luse hI........L Illa . The Increaseti fertillty vbicb 'ciiibusinens-like chairmans Laite cOunty over the country he vas anc a! Uic 'Mari-els In agriculture are not ac- Le'c Heatie, Gea. Belsa, John DoM maIsietis h aiîn thtSrato,, W. J., resuitfrtra Uic use ofIIs seet i lber- ever has bat. first ta pack up anti make the trip teromplshed Ili a years tue. A goodlaW.BreOmrCma A tiuse Henot>'tmerci>'pbs itonta sc sIngleside ........ .......Oranit ahlainthe count>' 'iii be considérable. Ater the eh rtian o!fM. CoInrad. Cahîtornia, shiere accartîng ta gen- crap ut carin, a nich piece o! land la ur Simpson. Lewis Broci'cay. that bis books are stralght anti that W.îch, J.lG'o........srfeSthe chair apîsointedtheUic ollawing ecmibelief he amasset quite a for- aa wonit ofyears' or lime, anti net tbe Lbr>vU the proper amaunt of mone>' la on Rusei................. Newpor-t ARS. SPAULDIG A amitte on ries, atten 'cllch the lune. lie bat been retiret for man>' vont o! a day or a year. you fello'cs B. H. Miller, E. A. Blsbop, Goa. band. Waukegan . .......... Waukegifl meeting atîasîrnet: Brooks, Mteyer i ears. mill base taesvank that out far youn- Gnitile>-, Ralpb Buikie>-, Paul Mcon ,VhteA.,andDemre.,t f Wukean ndselves. i do not rare 'chat sort ut an fin, S. L Tnlpp, Antre, Effinger, b Slupervisor Clark of Highlandi Park, 5/ Gre.a,Ik .........AIo AETOLK ONYO s6mmed up Uice'choIe situation Ila Ia pvsfor Balance of Cosînty tsi,,, FhFTY YEARS AGO AND MAD Ficke and Fgsr SE IL E IINx I osszai le wbn uhe.Ther yu mn shul-1H.E. EGa e, Chas. Apek. W .Dv fe'c 'brds 'hen be'salti the boarti basnEisies e as rosseO llcuitl hehr e en hul . gr CaApl IPrItn-Fle. M1,e> in (W ). se. LIVED HERE EVER SîNCE no disposition te do Smr. Westerfielt ,Psrchatsle5-Kirelisar. iieesosct, NieIr- VOLIVA PARTY TICKET ELECTED 0f SU/N COMIINIG der te sisouider, wyul have Ibis thiiig, Fremiont. an injustice. He salittheUicdésine o!FP u blic Buildings anci(u,dsE Mrs. Charles Sasuiting, 78 yeans 1 1 yubleeI otrarcl .C .Myr ýA odn U Uic baart merci>' ls ta bave the mat- nfl55. Kis-chnes-. Welcb I%7 of thse oldeet and t cdmaya The XVûis i> lar nZîrn City won INTERESTING SPECIAL WORK US'bure, better tarming; if>You are lan nt Meyer, Ernest -Mosore, Els'cort P ublic Buildings Auditin g - Sssssssss,! ter settled sa Ihat Uierc 'cllhuheno Ssscns. Walsh. pioînceerrésidents of Lake count>', again ntt1ih- ils on' Saturta>', clect- PREPARED BY THE SUN FOR tiIs for seitisit motives, I 'couit liate WIhox, IRobert F. Rance. dIpue.Heeugeb tattb betjRelutlon.-Charke. Klsg, .r-inan iasset a'cay at the home o! her igtexio, unttce > ,4, DISTRIBUTION SOON It a us>the men ta do the 'cork.' Wauconda. dipt.H ugsidta h ét Staerbe. i'rofeeeor Flckhartt lihusirattthis(hoR. Cboardtickeser C1,1e.,' 'ca> ta have tise malter traighteneti ae Calie Csllsei.Egs.daugbter, Sirs. George Wright Of the angesi iissanit>- It bas aliainetd siags l lî s is rpio lk' Iti pclurs. usilng brsuia RorC.ter nt, .. Cr oe . 1 out Io In the courts. "If tdheei courtsSisFerry Grand avenue, Satunda>' eveniag about tue, inclleuî.sIIs, ta the tact that the n11"I h aio akwt itrs hwn eut .t.,r .L ar .( ro miue that Mn. Westenfiehd le entitiet Setilement With Count>' Treasue-' six a'chaci. Site bat been aiiing for indeisnensi t isîni>'nominatet na lspýa éiino h alySnwihhdbenahee yhm le\'i ros taUi mne','c>'th bari e Buer astsenî, Goetce. 5s, tan0..1n ils lata lie issued Ila afe'c taya aaiséebo'cetvicys of cura fielid In Cuba. tecti> 'cilhing Ilh h bulti haveIl- tbu IL V.), lKirchner, OnIIs.Mns. Sîîanidiag 'cas bora la Chats---- ________1 Tis Siiis. This é ditian centaine whirh ll hithe sece8sary Ingresilent-. lres i srbhner. Emmett Relie>',1 on Uic contrarîr. If tUicocurts féel that mois. Macîben. White. ga>', N. Y., botlihet ivet la Laite cu cc a rsf teZo ît'yugWriusiiif551ailthe vIndustries 0f the except the nitrogen bat bren Inxil iT. ame>, Vinrent Davhini. acîtiemnent With Sherlff-Walsh, Fiche, 'fanraver fifty>'years, manWo also sss rmmitted ta theis -eoa rninsîniy and tlilgs vitichItnteresb 'chicitcase tUicrn dled Ila a ers Ela. 'cant It," heoticclaneti. Agrculure-White, Chittenden Frsy feilles ber huchant 3ins. Spauid-t y> joli bécaut ofa taîlure ta pay -ta iposiie renersill sotbmabofe.sli u ii Augiot Sch'cerman, C. G. Sl The board 'cas muc4I~ mpresset W'Ich >N).*Fs etai Ge lorg ing ht an:$0fnti 'casTbers are aa insîser or spérial Il- necessar>' ingredients exrept tisepti-- 'Win. Butl. Arthur Brlggs, r. fcsmd yM.W tefed No Coun>' Aid on Brdge-GPoss. srt a brother, GongeTurner, ail o! Wau tra tat ateb' Obn (1.), White. frI dm on la F th"upr ct disposition 'cli liematie a! the mat- Erronsous .Asaesment.-Mer>r ( W.), kegan. He bati pros ed canclusivel>' Usat he andot Itnerestîng Issedne the 'whîcb al neceesar>' sareuenshat John E. flannett. H. H. mOUss1,11M ber until the June meeting and tihise Maether. Broeccen. The tieath o! Mns. Spaultilug brings bat no nione> 'citb 'chich ta pa>' bis iîy In a long time. becit uset, anti heb e tivi tnig Sauer, Eçail J. Gleal, A. G. Ifaatb meantîme it 'cUl bh ivestigateti b>'Pettis. 1Sorro, to many bames In Laie count- fine, If you vlsli ta lct your friendsfild f -or.West Dmerffebd. the isoarti. Enuentin-Pettit, Eger, Kinsg. ireak ,t> as she 'cas a 'coman ho 'cas gen- _______low vitat le going on la the cam- He spoite o! net eaou.i attention John Caroian, Wni. Hem', . The UIy sttrGogoes. erahi>' kno'ca anti respected. t>iriisg S eting 'chich relu NEED. but I munit>', 'hat the taçtaries arc, etc.,,belng paît ta amut In cas;e that Uic Pettis. TheCeyntien.) st-Bone TJhe clenk rosi a communication tenneMyr(.) ac I)Ci-the bal! century asle hat iUvetInlaithe w'cîrayou ta net rtel ahI. ta bu>'b ueat rag aen hmaeu atrt bu 'a'ek al atDefed fiom Commlslonor Ciince ]DIves eof *Judiclary-Wekeus(W.). Clarke. Waish. j ount>' sie bal enticareti berseit ta -"new'I' mna>' he atverutid a tiL>' cop>' ofthtOs spécial édiltion of The 1 er than the oatm ant IIIhtwiiore Win. Dohy, P. I. MU»r, theCit emn, u obw be deoweà, (CouRl*ud on Page SIX.) 1îtbe'heaats of ma1lyý now lu the FOR SALE" coînnin. Sun. thene 'cas a strong 'cint before lise Duif, T, M. ClareX8 t-iil 1 17 F1 !flhlIfllI'NflIl tRAlIAM WOULD PRU ENT FU IJUIffUNOISE INEÂR UOSPITALS CUIESNMDT AR BILL PRESENTEO BY REPRESENT II*n ATIVE FROM THIS DISTRICT W U MAY AFFECT BALL PARK NFOR OlE10S R MA!.CHIR m PROVIDES NO AE OR SHOWS FIRTP I WAUKEGAN SUPERVI'-OR WINS F FAYHSIA '1 itl I

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