~inr~, '4>! It a cint b prcint, bout every six SUNDS PEN L TTER andtan'upo: aIlthie local toucla vlth thern and learn the needs et tii. varieus sigisbehd, vblcl Charles M. Tbampson, nevA> eleet- 1 might b. able ta meet by Rmre me- ed cangreneman tram thIs district, tlon, as their direct representative n bus 'oitten an open letter taithe Po- the munfalgelgv. met. *as of the Tentu Congreselonàl dls- 1amn plannuing ta countinue tint pime. tielt. lut is tter be shoWs a dasire tice as your rePreomnative ln Con- '-jo keep in clase ianch mdIii bis con- giess. I shall not be abie ta gait avez the ioth district evéry six manths, e stituents and assures them AIt vIli ever eause ofihtiamhue 1 must spend la be issalm ta abide by tunir vishes. Washington, but I propose ta spend lii, ltter iahlawa: as mnch Urne as 1 po"sbiy tau iu ga-, * Washington, D. C., Aprîl 19. log about the varions Parts ai the dis- To the People of the Tenth Congres- 'trict. I shahl malte rny irai calis alcool District: thi'augh the district ausatoon masii-e- As your represontative n Congress, turn ta Illinois ait the close oi the 1 belleve At ta be my duty ta keep in proenet spe43lal session. at cise tauc ivAt yau as passible. 1 bave just one abject n dolng 1%ft as not a particulariy easy thing thesle things, narnelY. to keep lu as Ito do. for Washington la a long dis- close toucli as possAble vith ait of Yeu tante tramin llinais, aud my duiles anid ta enabie mai ofyau ta keep lan "MI hé sncb as ta keep inn bore vary sas close touch as possible witi me,, 41011011 f the rne. Howvve, 1 *ant ta the end that I Mny renier jou me- ,te do auythiag 1 can ta leimon that' CUmte Mrprseniationa" md nteligenjtý aotmuice, at toast lun5sa orps i uay service as youlY rePresent.ativa ntonu- 4oUét aur nercange afidl4as; and erees. -oe . propose ta adiresau open latter in MY nexi letter, whici I hope taý 1wa yon once or tuIce a mont, while 1 transmit within a weak or tva, 1 vautý tut n Washington engaged n yaur ta say samething an the sujet of servie. tie caucuff. 'laoiendeavor ta i-aci s an Sincereiy yaurs. -Of yonu as possible tbrough these let-C .M.TOP N ters by menus af the local papers pub- Ilsed Atu th different ceùters of ppap- lion tu lhe district. Iu uhese btai-s CO R M I ON tset flb hai*of th.,,ICISIO t*#Ibe dig nhoseand'trytng t'do as your representive 1h con- in thé uof a&4MrSau Aireit Vs. Ormo. ilshan alec hope ta mat forth the village Of Area, laser Rna0o6ele., lraln time ta lina. front my close-ml-, Judge Donnelly fa cisouk coUft ht .Indpont oa i vev varions lutiers Wde dy a-ighutsils tbnt may b. pendlng balai-e cangresas, ordineisce wherebir the villabe a i. sMd n which A tee] you my be n- severed portions ai -ouiiary n ibat terattd. corpration, vas MleKAL.Tlhe.cme, 'i h1ablleve a meinhar oi caugrese asuome lan vilci Ilquitisale WUva 'U »Ies more ta bis cansItuents than volved. and bas bee n An Oe 5011 iereiy ta came down la Washington mone atintn an'effoet ta tes th Oi Odattend the. sessions ai cangi-es galty ai the ordnauce. W dVote as ha "nauonhie measufle J.udge Donnelly &l90 entoem a doe 11bt tame up, sud take au active pait cres lu tavor ai Patrick lijan Ys. Mie, la the deliberations af the house. Yon Hayes. tuAs case nolving the samui an- entiiled ta hear dlractly, or as di- rectui as passible, tram jour con- gremamanai urnes other than viien si cmpalgu may b. an. liat lé vhy 1 "1allendeavor ta have s an viiitt ,Fou fromi tirne te, tinte thraugis thasa lettom'nd 1 itrust iis May ist irov tu be &a oue-sided correspondence.1 "hau a»irecata At If gon vOl Mel gwSr!ei1 frS e, ta vte m» at any Utie aMi gi te6e"4ein y janV ievswi us »nY subjeci #pou wbch 1 may write$, or upon anyu oisonubjmeaf 'teetigg national leglamtlon, andila wvilci ouanmy be biatereLé.'h adn oegpressionz af opinons and juigmobi 1 eau receAve fl-arn you lan >~béWas~sase s1 and gravel properiy ah Beach sain The decrees gves inigment te l~a for $41,332.49. Hayes wilI aispeal la the appallate court. At a echool electian helu Saturdl April 19, ai FMx IAke'. J. Boyle i feaied Sert Stanley Worthe ofie dipeetor viii a mijoriti- af 112vti ta 36. Sorblld, April 23.-OGoverao Dunne taday removed tros officete notiocet i u, John A. Wàkeloç saieaomtsslonen, and ubi. ta Gaine Pari, and Plais Commia"oers 8. P. Bai-IAtt, Rliibard I. Maus ad lt. U.Cadvell, blat Bsb varden, T'he hlator7 af Tmusran-rIm wia dimdi n Qunieé,a &feu idm OM is a maàt iaterestins on. and umrvee, conclneivei lýtitionDtruth la mueh siunac, than fition. Trtatmaan'C. Proh vas born OR March 11, 1831 ai 8tukleY, Province Of Quebec. CaBada. ais parents vere TrIstrain C., and Rhiode Clark French. *Wben ho vaz six years of &go hls later disi and lett bi. motherith six ânail euîdren. Thare ve.found the habils et frugaland lndustrY And Moral rectitude Which ho kept nP through a long lits. lu 1846 ho camin to UhiOIS, settl.in n Newport township. Wben the goli crase swept over the lamni anai Pe0Ple were flocklng ta Caliaornia. Mr. Prench made the trip Iu an mrigrant train, overland, vaiking ail af thé waY spending six rmenteIn lecrmslg the plains and mounitains, arriving la IfangBtowu n Oetober, 1862. He spent thirtesu busy and oyant ni yearstue California n Animnint and freilhtlng& fiually returnlng ta Illinols, via. theý lsthmus of Panamna and New Yor-k, Christmas day, 1865, surprlelng bis mucher and otiier members ai the farnlly. Ha purchased the. tarin tu Warrec. township, Wohoh spant tventy-uine yesro. Atterard h.mved taoGu-- nmo, Uivng lisère elgiteen yeare.1 Cbrlstmas day, 1846. b. Wa ma», i and L bé.Cori Oray aof . until finaliy bis jiostu occurred Apnil1the lmersaitue satm ad caunti, Moodb ie ii. if. and daUghtere, lan18, 1913. aLman isînriy. honeet soid mslhbor- "»Sf*S 81 via ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VS suvv"M.jme ~nhbi ésII~I*5 oj abs oa- uo bis lINuiîy vere bis vife'a twoa cul- lauce theti.litlues or bis vite, be ]y kidness, veut viii constan t a- ~*~f al dreil,. rn.Julia DebiuthM I anISiM ude bis home O wt i s d&Ublter, orson-lmbis Ote the. Q0i « -wu#AiL Its the Mercîa n4 JeYoW t Goodsthat are right ln' pr4çe, qua1ty agd'Style. We -invite your iseto t hgMr- Large shW"&Bgs e01 Kupperiheimr utS'ii $18.OQO te $25900 Manhattan, Ide and Lion Shirts $1-AD> to $2.OO Swejet Orr Ovaralis and Pants.-WIIson Sç%#tbs'F 1Ur~W Mats right f rom- Bethel, Cdun., the plac where aul the baot*be *. We want you to get acquiwinted wiltltla store, and our way al dolng business. It w,11,1 pay you and It wIIl pay us. Phone 630 s'to 5kre You cannot heplike them--the gracef»u l Uns-t perfect tailwiW-te ei- fui fabrics andthe very low prices will surely 'appeal to you. Wash Dress.es",a Dm117 11, e ,g w a l ........................ .......W . A U m u Cut~eCOUOt f làViný9 A ~~çIhot bàcmts or ùfisa freu, h~kedcakea loaf ofbrown oe m*-br4adremo any meal [rom the coinnPlae, and moie elpenuve thinga - 's hKdoubleactmg b.king gond xesSIb a~Joei~Iy1oeatwn~ *oooornthccootdKC. Brand New Coats Wouem'. andmfsoes' Dm11 Imamh andi l pr 5- ter lengila ceai., la ail comelvable tolors ami *i3ma - -iti yu qtq~ agme . il eçre I m a'iua cloih, coter am4 style ceti iapYou wamf, eaeL *6.98to, $2r5oo Brand4 NewS3t 0Oir Suit etwamil ipp h .mou* vaqi . pcle tes wvtài lia a uuatmt 4et~ Wus',Uu? Junior and am womes tdg>j qe go *7:98'top25 1 REL"'! mulWuVs ?a;$'»*.Pr ' OUK MMJDE TO MEASUPI ALiN? ýP.4àTIE% Bell System -Q.4UTHU NDREDS '0F BEAUT-ffUL' 2CJ 1 U Ihere are more than fifty styles to select from-4-al etrictly up-to-date a'nd exclusive. Every woman appreciates, the advantage of havingher apparel madec to ber individual Measuire4irm m taialsof. ber. own selection. If you could tbout loud enough to be heard. a hundred miles.- youw words would require eight minutes to cover the distance. Sound traviels only 1120 feet a second. Eloctricity is one-and-a-third million times as fast. It covers a hundred miles ahnost instant[Y. Thc telephone is a through express for sound. A long diatance cail is a @pecial train for your voice on an «uiveiv ght-of.way. It costs lest than a Cept-a mile, air-line. Cail "Long Distance Chi;cago 'lelohoe t 'orpanv, A. R. Andrew-s, Mýanatger' Phoe .9901. Uai.hUoa 0011M ppa5@'frt4 ~ ;~iJ.i4 Wbatever your Taste --- Whatever your PriceLiI-eac on.u.te yr owi nterests to fpme, týre.before you bmy. fur .8 uit'! bpmrlmuut 9«esenad Uaierwear awaiis -: - - - - . -- , - . Il, cor pet cia for for roll Uine oFOUI . 1 7-1. 1 l MI, ýFe