CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Apr 1913, p. 7

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TA I!£'fTT'PVi asur.'utu sU0P '1MfAV. A PITT, 9rb l'm Yod Wear Should be a part of you-they s h-o ul1d embody your shape, your individualitY and your taste. To do tlîis they umust be ecut and <raped to your own ineasure. A good permonal appearance îîot only .adds itincl to your self confidence but it enables you to create a favorable impression, and both mnade for success. We would like to show you the new spriflg sanlhllem of ED. V. PRICE & CO'S all-wool fahrics, over hall of which are exclusive patterns. Thien let us take your meamure for a suit that you will he prend te, wear because it will be made for you. There im no excuse for being indifferently dressed wlien you can get a suit te, order for $18.00 TO $30.00 J. B. Morse& Co. :E V ER Y T M tMG f:0R M ENs 1TELEPHONE 14. LIBERTYVILLES, ILL IRush Park Seed ÜNE.ý.LED Garden Seel 2 Packages for 5c J. ELI TRIQ(C PHONE 25-3 iWe Want To Move Riht Away 10,000 feet 4 in. Drain Tle. 30,000 foot 6 in. Drain Tile. 10,000 feet 8 in. Drain Tile. 8,000 foot 10 in. Drain Tie. 5,000 foot 12 in. Drain Tile. Con You llelp Us? Ail well burned free from lime atone. Will Make Close Price. Algo have lot of PO8TS and SHINGLES. OUR FARM SEED-S GROW. Corene scee us. WVe vaut to epply pour every need in Our Une. Libertyville Down by the OId Depot. E. OoRLBO'T5 Lumber Company Phono 47 B3een Mort 20 Years.1 Q. . gDRC. CORLETT & FREDERICKS ONcyon~d SeALE Re luI ~~ANCY and SEGROCERE fRESII end SALT M EATS e Oisters in Sea-çon 1 Phono 30. LIBERTYVILLEC, ILL - -. -- .a~ e~ as - -- - e F LIBPRTYV ILLE BIEZEFS LOCAL AND PERSONAL MENTION FOR THE WEEKJ d To ineure publication in thre Indepon- Mr and Mr*. F. R Tripo seere (birago dent. copy muet ba in thooffice nolaler paesengers Tuietiday. than Tueidae of eaci> week. Advsr- ir' aud Mirs. George Tuett ut S auke- tIsoe, esp.cily are asksd ta take gan, visited witIr lire William (1 alr,înd particular notice to'this affect. SundaV. As the camera sw 'Thre Daytoîni Adan . H. Ttus tramitacted business lun. Vlod," ttbe Lyrlc Theatre, ';atirçla, AurorsaTuetiday. nitlit, %gay 3rd. ilnpti ilîaffurd of1 Antit,e-l, tansexted C. ('. )'îipland returued Wedni,slay Ibinees in our rity Tnesda.y ulorning from Kansias where lh- iîad Ml W. Mari ii 'il Lîndpn, Wis, caiied beit-n eieding the wlnter. unt relatives aidii le ride i n ou r rîtY VeW.. egle,o-d t'O ehib.0uine t1w , i f 'rucdar - %Ir Stîirk at t)he home of Mr. nul i re tIuiad-'s Ligbu,îiniz 4îi,11,, -for saiLet- cAue. iii Satunday, Aprîl 7, He l'y lll (IuggiSv-lS.),tO aUiUn #J'00i 1..r cff a i um mîg baby girl. bottîr. , 2-tl eUc ill revei-inlua tew days ;Io Il,.. IV Il 1. -iîre of Antioci , vi.ited oii ir.- Vecrm,,ont inapte sugar ni,, lu t 1il Li e,rtyu il..relatives aud lrieuds Mmo-se.,,, l-aie vuurmrder so,îîî daày nigb t anîd Tuesday. 41 3- E. W. PAne,,, I T. 0. 1. Luce returnpd Tuesdeay groin thre 1 ire aud Tornado Insuranue ion (iityE liospital ini Chi-ago, greatly liîiproved iu atnd tarumiproperty lu etnong cîir.iîniy. irealti, silieIie operatitin. CapitaI $1000,000 . L. B.Liiîî, Supesier A G aetbr ad H B.Agent, Waukegan, 111. Pbone 14le,)W. Hliltîs ut Prairie Viw, were businene [lunt fail to stes tbeNorth Ridge Brusir vîstors in Lbertyviile Tuesday. Co., man sehen he calle at yonr homie Tir, Predbyterian Ladies' Aid iociety wîitirth, greatept and mnnt sanitary hue@ will neet with Mir@. E. B. Wells, Tburs- ever put out. TIrey have tIre appruvai day, May 1. Tbers will ire work and ail of thre leadîng doctorp of our üity. are urged to ire present. Tbe original moving pîcturea of -TIre Episcopal Services Daton Food" viii be ebowu et tIre Celbration of lb. boly communion Ly rie Theatre, Baturday night, MaY Srd. nezI Snnday at 11:15; Snn..ay sehool1 (Jouai priceusof admission. 10;30. Rvy. BatmuÂlin. Rector. Tbme Preabytorlen Ladia'a' Aid eoiety wiil hold a batery "ale aturday, April '26, at Ray's Furnîture store at 2:30. P-81-1 M&r. eud tire. Harvey Hewitt rnoved Saturday tb Palatine viser.. tir. Heitt Iras a situation on lIre nov railroad of the Waukegan, Rockford & Elgin Tram-tion Co. Edigar F. Swan Iras accepted tIre position ut yardmaster vîti tire Liberty- ville Lumber Company, fillimg tIrs vacancy cauced iry tire reignation of Peter ilpck as cbronicied lu our issue of iast veek. Wordvs recelved bers Wednesday rnorning ufthtIe deatb lu Kenoeba of Urs. Auna Grldlvy, wifs of tIr, late George N. Gridiey, former counly treasurer. IJetIr reeulted from a sIroke of paralysie Muâtained nmre lime since. Oiitnary nez t vest. N. E. Gatzent Iras had is horne mont beautifnlly and muet artistIcaîly decorated Iry AdolpIr R.deli of Chcago. lin. liodel vbo le now witIr the AlminI Comupany o! Chicago, Ira decorated corne MdundeeaIratceny jrbas penpd for tIre seson atchlag eveny wsek. Itrlni la your egre; Ils wlU hatch thern at 4 cents eacb. $3.50 tu 100 lots. Baby ecîks trm stock ceffl15c escb or $12.001lu 00 loto. Phone Libertyville 143R. c-25tt INSURE ÀMWNST wdrfie naxoc ad ccînsa.Pndtect ymur prou- ert! wiîh a policy in The Connecticut l'ire Insurance Company of Hartord, Coun. Cash capital, 81.000,000. Sizty ysarp'c zpenlence. Powerfenm macbinr insurance seitten. W. C. SàsgB , Agi., Libertyvilie. il1. ]For Sale 8 Boum mIansion vith eoive grounds ......................$50 8 Boom modern houas close lu 2 lots ................................. .,00 55 acre fàrm, fine buildings, nean tovu........... 7150 100 acre 10.000 Lots tram 100 tu 400 on isn" termi. Houes rentinar and tire insuranS. DYbcosu & AUSTiN 08t 1ot tIre mont heauti ul reidenees lui1 Whata thé use of Loving if ws cant Chicgo sud Nov York. TIre Mereditb Flover & Vegetable ds ~Company extend to tIre public a cordial invitation tu visât tIremn uTbui-sday, May lot. You sIrould take advantage d s cf tIns oppotunity ta Inspeet tbeir plant. They have eornetbing to show 3yon tiraIvilii utereet you. 1 Tire aunual scbuol election last Satun- day nigbî s-as a ralirer qiuet affain. Tire tuiîawing ticiket was elected wîthout oppo6ition: For preideuî, Frank S. Kernufuir mnîeibrs ait bo.ard: tbree years, A. J. bi,.tin anad CF. -maie. «Jr.;two years. un i li vaî-auiy, Ruez Osborne. i Let um suggest liat soriielIrmg l'edoune tua-ard duing anay with tlh- dust nuisanie min our Cire-.I.. lriig tiree broc-zy daa' s.if le rttcrly liiiîoými Pie t,: o(,u-n a loirior %% indus- for vetiatiuig witliot everitliiiti n tIýre ,.om bc- ruminiz itcrally rivercd witlî a thik have what we Love Thile la one ofthtIe greateol love songe evor vnltten. It lf ailtthe rage lu New York and wîi become popular aIl ovon tire country. CtIlO RtS Wbat's tIre use uf ioving Il you ent have sehat yu nlove? Wbate lIre use ut vowlng by tIre etare tirat chine abuve' LWIraîs tire useOf trying' WIral's thre nse ut sigling. tVit'a tire use of 1lu ng tl you can't b have vIralyou love. Priaee 50c. per ,trpy. Oir readers vii reeie a copy pinfpnidl r sending 15en lu cl ampe itIrte G liCu-Co., 1193 Broadway N. Y. Adams & Pigott Co. ciiaating oft(luet Watem ime goii,butuoi is latter . .'ly nof oi?' Dry CIea.ning Specialiats. Tueenday evenlng a team l.elungirig lu Peter Jeeîî, iitcircd tu a be avrik and standing on %Milwaukee'as-cnie, becarn. rest le-e atîd decided to gor hone aitirînt tir. Jenisen. Tbey daebed down Nlil- wauiee avenue at a terrifie pace and at flic tîniorte place run lut,.,a niail lbox aud telepirone pule almost completely demrli'.ing lire lay rac'k. Tiie. .arc w.te ieaded off by H. E William..ot tIre Liberlyvilie Garage and uaptured, uninjured. LIFE INSURANCE i3on't believe the worid owee you a living,.lise worid oes you nothing. It was hors first. S EE B USY ANBORN Distrct Manager Olad Coloay LU*. Issesanoo Couspaa Officlaee I canas Dico 1913 SPRING SEASON. For Expertly Dry Cieaning KID GLOXVS Ladies' ami Gentlemen's Wear, Rugs, Draperies, Miscellaneous. Etc. 3141-43-45 Wabash Avenue CHICAGO PHONE DOUGLAS 378 IBERITYVILLI OYFYI CEI: NIew Butler Building. FOR PRICES TELEPHONE 0 W. I «Hi fer and deliver the emuflet 1 ordure. --e autMM, For Fire and Life Insuranoe SEE Charles D. Proctor, AGENT FOR New Hlampshire Fire Insurance Company Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company UBERTYVILLE, ILL. 'I SCIIOL NTES To ALL PERSONS WHOM UT MAY SCHO NOTES CO N C E RN. ______Publie notlr" ls Ierehy given that Many of the Biotb sehool studente at- thre undprsind, William Tonyon, tended tne Epièw-opal dance. Everyone Guardian of Gertrude Tonyon, leabella alw&3e Ias alitinre at the Episcopai FTonyon. Henr>, J Trime' and Theresa dance@. S.Tonyon. min-s, . W nake appli- Maviso alloaay le ab@est trom sebuol ication to thre (irCtourt of Lakel on accoutt f hîwsm,. (uutv. u lnithe îtu, ,f lîlinois, at a regular term tlieri, lt, be held at the Lust week Ediri Sinale, FloreneSpate; Court Housç lln th,- tfWaukegan, and Katp Carroll vitêd ld i.. Webb, @ ln the County of ;, e and State of roofui Tiore tile toli played games lilinois, on thre F)r-î \londay ofMay, and did ail tirey couid lu amu@e their'A D. 1913 beng it,,- iith day there- ViNitors 0f) for an oirder ai,d,) ree of said NMisses, Williams and Rowley wént to courtdrecting h lmi,n u h Guardian, Chicago Saturday lu la-ar Madame Scbu-, to oeil al] of tire right tille an d ln- miann-Heinck. 'terest of said mînor,, ln and to thre following d ecrihnd rmal es'alc. situatý Mien Helen Mo..., Georwe Wright, Edith cd ln the County ot Lake and State iimaie and Forent Smith v.ent t, Higli- ofIlîlinois, to-wiî I ]anîd Park Sunday evouirîg as a visitiiîg Thre West liaIt uf the North WestF eommuîttee of the Christian FErîdenor. fractional quarter of Section Fitteen Foredt Smith l. back inu ebool fagaîn. (15) ln Township Forty five (45) North r n a eCo W.. ail welcome hmm. ,of Range Nine (9) East of the Third Ireerci Moe e iac afaîî Irr Principal MIeridian. for tle esupptort Builders of fais.. attacli.1 thelire îneîîîî. thre urpose ut Investlng -iuc oft thc S olid CemrentSio tiar..ery Prie las appliéd for a laktent proceeds of sald sale as shaîl not on a tew devjc,e whieli eue tils the hire mmcdlafely required for nue), Cul,- Air-ight.Wil) cot rot or blow clown. -Ta entieth i'entur ' Wase Papv-r fins- port and education ln other real estaeNeyer ce ds repairs. Cheaper and (icI" Se hope that -Prive- wil) make or otherwise inveetlng the.e ame befler than acf other Silo rande. Oont a inancial eu,-c-cenof this inventio)n re- Dated April 6tfli.A, D. 1913. waiî untîl you wantto0useit. Doit nose. sulting trom Ilsm admirable qualitîee. WILLIAM TONYON, Ail work reicto,-ced and guaranteed Eari ElileonhIa.. tons§iliti8 and le ai,- Guardian of Gertrude Tonyon, Isabella firett des,. Let us furniah our estimat. sent lroui ebuol. Tonyon, Henry J. Tonyon and Thre- lof co, ea S. Tonyon, minore. Mise Mues. George Wrght, Miss Ha-k wl p 1 8 5My HONE 186-J. LIBERTYVILLE, ILL ami Jesse Muse attended a performance wl pi 1 8 3My ,if Ringlina Brotbers circus at the Cul- is-ut,, Saiurday afternoon. 1mes08os' room guI thre..uew sWin- d,,w boxes Arbor day. The pupils are makioig up poome about birde and I nyH dteM n y- luwera. Alma Black eprained ber ankie Friday Doon wbile playing base baiE f1OnyH dffeM n Thre seniors ha4i a final examinalion If I ( n y H d t e M ey on "heot" Fridt. tir Borrne tries toi convinoe'«it wan reai easy," but I dont think hc has sàuceedsed very weil. llow olten have gou thought this? Harvey Mose was absent last Monday. 1 ote haegs ee [red ole a Gracions. whate itIre malter? o oftnhv Wm be frcd olta Thbe tbîrd. fourtir and fifttrgraes bave splendid opportuuitg pose. simplg becatase go. cleanecC up thre scbool groundei, vickiug la edaew olrs up tbe Iseige and clones. akdaew olrs Ev,,iyn and JIack Austin were absent Y.. have-doubtless b.ïd the necessartj Iunds Friday. Evely n visitedher grandrnother tm sadt and Jack seent tu. Ringiige c rcuës IU. ime n allowed them to slip truhgu Thre girls have boer Iraving norne gond Ongers. basket bal gainstoo, numerous lu men- tion, but tbhe fretsie'i sure du show up D ntlthi ap an. ln tean, wunk and neai ekuli YVou cas grasp these opportuuities in the LaBarre Juat le back in Miss Hoag'a ~ * e romalter a siege ofthtie ciîicken-p x. future if gou will open an account with us. Ereryonne ledellgbted to agaîn sges his tilling lai-e - Mises Webb auid Cran spert Saturday and Sonnda 'y i Chicago aith MWes Crouso eder, irs.. Norman,. The cetI grade badl a final'examn- L k ',~ a ai n l Rm mu i n lîlinois Hletory last week. L o n y Na i n l B n Eirner Beckwitb sucemsfully paseed lIre teacher'a examînaîmon aend in now coin- LIBERTYVILLE, ILL. petent 1toisach. Many ofthtIe EHîgIachool paIls beartilly (:apita& u su» d Undvidd rft regret thre tact tIraI Mn. Burrie ta not S toPois.$0OOO be returnsd as principal Dei t Jean. Also tIaI tIre work on tbe atbletie Mbd muet Ire given up for lack of funds. Ah thre ..daare.u;v -111 . .1wivursi f0 tIre conîibutore. TIre pbyelcs lace perfonmed @orne lu. tereeting ex perimente vitIr lee lioudey. Thre nov nembere of tIre secioo board eiected fiaturdav nigbt are: Frank Kérn, piesident; R. E. Oeborneand Bert Austin. BEN iM. MILLER. Aticeuey. Notice of Increase of Capital Stock Office ut First National Sae Depocît Coumpany ut Libertyville. 111. Public noticei. ir ereby given tbat at a epecial mîeeting ufthlIe stockholders ofthlIe FirsI National Sale l)epoésit Dýornpauy ireld ai Libertyille. Illiaiulm. on thre 111h dayi of Marrir A,1). 1913 nathfe irour of 8 o'mioa'k p)i..tIre following resoiutl,,u was ad, it,îet, 'Reol ved tirat lire 'apital ((toi-k offluse corpvoration be inrreased Iroi $1 5,000) 00 tu tire snm of f2.)) - A -rfiliate r,) the pruceedinge uofu.aid nietîitzverlred liv the affldavit ofthtIe Proetif ot ofnaid Comipany and under lire seul tif cai)corporation bas Ieen fled ii tet', dP-t ie'Scretary ut (tate ami a lie cr-rfi), ne lias boen fbled for revird in t tie otIi vcofthte..Recorder ut [)ele i.f Lake (Corînf.a..proviîied Iry Iaw. ltld Ilite 27u)iday uoftiarch A. D. 191:1. .luiN L. T.mti, Presideut. GI. C.nniii (jItil.E%,. SeerPtary. Aprii 4-11-i8 NOTICE! I have sufficienlly recovered from my recent accident as ta be able to bu i tire plant again, anmd respect- fulyliv otl youur patronrage. Fly season is at hand and you will want WINDOW, DOOR AND PORCII' SCREENS4 SeS me before placing your ordor. My rates are roason- able and 1 guarantee my work. IFurutiture Repaired ami New lFurniture Made. LIB ERTY VILLE CABINET WORKS H. HICKS, Prop. Phone 170-R Iàbertyville, 111. LAÏy Ilvenrs, baS astotiacha. onsipa-U tion, dyspepsie. Irad brealh. Ieadache, sallo v complexion, promptly rellevedii Iry Hollsters R. M. Tea. 35c.-. W. We ar e head quarters for ail kinds of af FieIdSeeds" ONLY THE BEST BRAND 0F FERTILIZER CÂN BE OBTAINED HERE. We can meet any price on TILE, FENCE POSTS, ETC. And ail Building Material. We are making special prices on al kinds of Feed for a short time only. Htome Lumber Company of Libertyvllle. LADIES' AND CIIILDREN'S =DRESSES = At the North Store we have a verg nie lise of Readysmade Dresses ramgiug in price frein 50c to $3.00 for the Childres's goods, and [rom 51.00 Up [or Ladies' sizes. See them. Spring eoume Oea.ning Time will soo be at baud and Curtais Materials of varices kiuds Wili be ueeded. We have soie bads.. patterus in Prioted Scrimis and Casernent CloI<. Net Curtaluluga and White Swisses. I W,. Gatroli & Sons GO.' 2-STORES-2 NORTH STORE PHONE 29 SOUTH STORE PHONIE Si 1

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