CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 25 Apr 1913, p. 9

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a-' z L IOQUNTY DIDEPENDENT. PRLDY. APRIL <25.1913. NONE £RECEIVEOlI F RLESS THAN E 25 CENTS . . . . . . . ECO$ FOR RAYtCHING-.1, C. White Leghorn anti Dark Corntsla Indilana. -~ FOR BALE alto Inditan Runner tiuck eggs. Tva + . . . .. .dot. S. C. White Legharn bene for FOR SALE--oaod sounti workinlg Bats. ("tto. fi. K os. a-25-if horse; velgirI avec 1400 Is. Frics FOR SALE- Faiwtîant ilut@eIndian reasonabîs. Cai ai J.J. 1i'eesr, rar,,rm tiaiese agita.$1 , H)per dozen. Orange, Hall 3% miles toutitwet of J. W. Tiju tsym(ralake, 111. c-28-6 Gurnee. wIyl* FOR SALE-arm anceiraif mlle front FOR SALE-A naelogany uprighis,~>a station. 201 acres, fenceti anti cross- no; almoat nov, excellent condition. tcnced. 100 acýea ln crop, the balance WIII »I very cheap for cash. pions ln pasture, goat seven-roont bouse. 1443-R. 622 Julian street, Waukegan. 2-tory, anti basemaent; gooti bari 65 Iltiois. wkylt ft. by 200 ft., 2-story anti basement; granary 12 1. by 16 R-a, 2 Wells, 1 RORSES FOR SALE-Fine teaut of wint i mlI. WrIie for tnrther particu- bay mares 4-year-altis, halter bruire lare, J. . Hemingway. Mattoon, Sha- onfr'; veiglt about 1200 pountie each. aano Ca,, Ws&,, ky-apll-4t Several allier bornes, mostly colts, Ina- quie IL C Honig, ote WahbunMINNESOTA.-Big, hîghly Improveti queH. C.16,omnhig, 1tel Wabbun, Rediriver vaîîey tri ia offersat yau Tetehon 36, Wakegra.III.vItlI et. hiait its ceai value. Write for FARM FOR SALE-160 acres 2% description, booklet. C. A. Tular, miles tram station, 5 miles fram Warren, Min. vky4t4. CitY of Aberdeen. 126 acres uptier cul- FOR SALE-One team of vomIt mares, tivation, 20 acres lame grass penture, veigir 2700. For particulars. Inquice balance ln grave anti orchard. Choice oi G. E. Oversan. Libertyville. c-27 tf levet land,. btack soit vith day &u- soi. luzeilroo bone tw-etryFOR SALE-Barreti Rock esus anti sai Lage 1-rom ans, tO-5017baby ciicks, Also Inditan runner barn. granary. sirop, bas bouse, pont- duck eggs, Mme, R. 0. Thomas, Ltb- try bouse and machine shteds, 2-pich ertyvilte, Tetephone 266-w2 c-27-tf Bolving Wall ppe8 hraugh building.CNA reser-vir tor surplus water, This fan CAAA LAND-Write for our 32- lis'velI Itnown tirrouglnaut tire nortb- page bookiet aontaintng 63 photogra- * £ W est a s tie Bonansa" N ursery Farm . phia- vi a-s, and t tatisîca t an ti- teta l- lFoc terme anti pria-s write or rai on eaet central Saskatchewan. Itfree., P> . A acin, (awner) Aberdeen,D. Tire Walcb Lanti Ca.. Winnipeg. No agents.. kyt Canada. vkv-aplil4t A40NTAMA ,CAOqE LAND-Flfteen FOR SALE-About 1004i) ferre pa Yom -s 10psy $4050 per acre for ir- about 50 a-arae i. aad anti a quntity ut rigtedlan lnfaiousValer ouny.early saetiporatoes lI-RteMa-gtto@., rigtet tatiirafamus aler ounyLiheatyvilte. Phone- 267L2 a- 26-t! Wireat, barley, Oats. flax, totataees ~... produce enarmauo yieltis. Write for FOR BALE-s a..ane5 -lni- new boaklet. Valiar Farm Sales CaO, Iiiiae a $araa 200.l Thia.*a-a.s Box 1010 Valier. Mont. vky-Itt eniatitirreruirtIli',a.-rhairried LI'a.rin a s.sssssgocdCOUditita.nlieà StrLEtAta FOR SALE-F4taistra,,m laizi- erlaaa-ing -l t lin?! irîrrgta 7'ù. t rit).-e ati,,O55s555svss.s..s aia- ao2 a 8. as id 4 yva-rs ,FOR SALE-an-*arsnii tthme ii minrke nia-, un- .i'ive--c 0amitt ra- Inq tattt vil mel aa a r.sarai àra, l-I r u, iaa a 4r aprig Ut-h sivl-uJticarar r a-I ruik .sswsa wftizran ta 1Ietî airaaiaF WaStar KaFOR SALE-littracýini laarnaandti arn. a iita e e o f rtLii.rrrcvlla- e .11-tf ait inaîderii , i emencer; i n ta, ta- . - ic<trie da-prat t aili on t-ra-c t,,t FOR SALE-Meet retrigaratrr isi-tn Jv-tara-arr far t wota irai- 'anip ireiT-la t I coandtin. E 4. Haoui. Graýir -ai, Ipthone 215LRt a-27-tf Ii.i c-31 2 J* ~~~~~~~~~FOR SALE-Egi t, n 11,FRSL-y rn.sideu-aeoo Silwaukre FORSAL-Eart Itaseana Iiala, aVenu, e na- rtuarSaith'e lr--crs . E. tarr.a; aeata- ps)aaîîs-e 1Iu fMCDONAL.ihertrviiW a-20 rf Orpingiaria -eaa-erpi. J. W. Se r:ei( Litaa-tSville.-3 2- - - -.._ FGë SALE-Settig t.aa aaoa . 221K -R- FOR SALE-- A doznqultel r igoaýdc ,nrira l nquiýo 11.m. Chbrastiai Bru. tarini iirtýl, FOR SA-l9ll Mdain.ea, ni-oda.f ExemlAtia r ri orrcl . . caiii îaia.îaly vr- ifrup, gvia.raha r hai, n2c1,. -1 I [Lear-ui tna-. rUaIi - .tilan lia0)miles latiai. i talon iat rîc.. Addareaa- thim aati-e * P -1 -1 FOR SALE-Ahirat 19) tong of cond îjîa-athyfiay lu tack. at Prmire. 'a cw FOR SALE-lîlO bu good m.ailet sa-e. H A. S~ini% Ea iA'. ,iuwr,fili. FOR SALE-Eisriv Oiio ecs. tatiies VENT W. 81AisiL. Rotkeleiier, 1 mii.. at « of ( C-30-2 FOR SALE-Seves room bouse. lu gouat1 repair. wtb barn. weft and ch cr On@ aere <of land.ti a lreibhopIiiqutre.ifi F0OR HALE-tibia-k tilSiiaaakr.a extra large.. $1 a-s t. ai-oIaîa.un dmaken$1 a-asil i .aas L. V t LIK. Pijon. 12J2, Rounid LaI, c I FOR SALE OR RENr-Ba-kqmath @,hop 01 main Ptra-t or waauid tire gcoot mnl. Atidraes tBi.1 176, iiray.iast, Ili. c 13-tf FOR SALE-Horsts for ail purpose.; 6t90 two second handir uriauîd coma- a- + FOR RENT + PASTURING-I have paeture tir aceom- mondateab ioul t 50haad of cattia- Ni bartaed wir lre. einquira- E A NELSONa, Utrotiau Bro@. tarm, Lîertyvilla' P 31-3 FOR RENT-Hmausc witb modern im. provenets.8._E C<îr tits. Ara-&. FOR RENT-Large outilide roula 10 "n 'Irr awo aanlennTwo btuek. tram heart of town. P. (). box 159. c-29-tl i L J -AsE, iberty ville-. Phonuell7 FOR RENT-Twu larga- lgit, bouta-- p-29t-4 keepingr r Linsfuraitlled. Mais JA, - - LAYCOCK, tOrchýi dt. c29f FOR SALE CREAP-An aîgtt ra.1 _______________ cottage sud a thr-ee flat buitding arn a1 FOR REN 12acefroeMl lot 60% 150. A goot I nvestment for al eto T12ar aioemt ratireti farmer. l'ai or write ta tAaiLI et Laite Bluff, Ili. Electria- came SOoDERBIA7S. 281 George Ave, -Wauka-gan, stop rigirt at tari, vkyapll1.1î III hona1188W. C-294 W-,., .. ..--...-WILL LEASE FR CASH RNa L VFOR SALE-Haîf dozen soda valer' For 5 or 10 Years to rîgirt party aIl ?tabtes,. 2 dazen chairs, first clasa con- o f my landi in LaIte County consisting dition. Cireap. MackIenzies trug 0f about 1100 acces, 500 aces blgirly store-tire Rexalstore. Waukegan, a Improveti viti matiernibouse-s, barns. Ili. wkly-tt anti silos, Fenceti anti cross fenceti -1wlth woven wire taaa-ta. Ali Sllo) FOR SALE-We can offer for sale anti suitable for truck fsrming. Alil goati cocu anti oats landi aitin 92 epensive tiairying. A.F. McKeoann, miles of Ciicago. We have 300 acres, 4711 Lake ave,, Chicago, 111. Wky tf fne Improvemeaits at $75 per acre:;_________________ 294 acres, gooti improva-ments $65 per MONEV TO LOAN-Ou tmpraava-d raal acre; 280 acres, gooti peppermint andi staite. J. 8. (liDtLEt, Fia-t National onion lanti, $55 per acre. We also Bank. -20 af have several tracte to excbatnga- for=~ Ciicago ina-ortie propertî-. Atidra-ssa....... Burton, Don & Co., Winansac, Ind., + W K FOR SALE-Ricir day soif,aut over ý,WA E siltianti partialty improveti tarins. irnsEsD-Paurp-@mstosesa'ninirry brde.Salary arr commission ilOur Mmr. Renter. ts up to you 10 get a rapra-setativa. le in Libcrtyvrila- forana farm before landis gel out of reach. week or two. aresms NOliTaiRipait: Good ecirool, gooti roanis. goond water, Brîr s Ct., Libertyvitie. P-Si-1 close to towne anti railroati. $tý io $20WA ED2 eni-er iraerfo per acre. Mnnesotas hast dalry at n adW NTi boargentleeari stifant a-gtable landi. Corne or write 10 V. bath. Mias. C. S. HoAO, Orchecti St. pZ Owen, Hines, Beltrami Co., Minn. P-3I11 ... Il..vhwly-it WATEOD-Giri for general itona-anrk. FOR SALE-Egizs rom pure breti R. C.J Inquire St Lake Conty Blank. --S-tf RhiodeIslisandi Redai a4t $1.50t for 15; $9 for 100 ai Galîger lamai, ona- mite a'-st ai WANTEO-Diraing ma,om girl; also Fox Lake, a P-2dh4 voman ta ha-ptur kitchen. Appty at litaiT J. AND Mai. M. L. GALtuGEa Lyaic RM5AtIiA7tT, Libartyvilta-. FOR SALE-Tva second bandti mar- cycteslu goo0d condition. Inquire of WANTEP-1 pony sud outil), cbeap for GOa. A. KNopF, Prairie View. 111. Cash. J. W. SWEgTNG, Litertyvilla. p-28-4 C-1 1400 lh& or Phon. 24st. u TaserrS K Pt RSO1HÉRI! ____ ___ ___ ___t I WHO SOLD IIAMMER WANTEio-*ro ret a goodte frni for caaah reàtia for the s@@&mon of 1014. LaIreCounty ltifeâ&Truot Co. SELIEF PREVAILS IN CHICAGO About 80 or 100 acres. Phone Pr&tri'à TI4AT HAMMER USEO IN THE Vew, 26O84. p-B<L«2 AsractoofTi~tis. Tj tp Gb ù-n &t' MURDER SOUGHT MERE WATD O NlFv ro a xonic Temple Bldg. 5aaikagaur..fil, cottage with modern ia ri.ateeo a r bottL.ip J GUaINEE. E. T. SARGE- CALLEO TO CHI. May lot.. Inquire at tiia aatîe fatitf April 15, 1913.-P. MacDonald Lowe CAGO TO CREl IF HAMMER WA 7 'E-Poitna aîa- aiaandi wife 10 Ellen N. Coughiin: part: WAS ONE 1-0.0 RECENTLY band bv Ma--rieraî-ad niao.iAdnreaaua iii W % SW 14 SE of Publie roati, Sec. 867, Lqbartsvjita-, tiil. 1-3 27, Deerfielti township. W. D. $10.00. Tesac o h esnwosl ......-!Alice P. Thompson ta Leveretit Tehe saybckfortha basnnier th WANEOiiod .oia. ainis nan Tbompson: WIY 50 fi- Lot 29t, Lake murderer vf George Dtetz, bas extenti- Wi eet~î in ftarm u rt. N. mîlLirg Forest. Q. C. $10.00. cd to Lake County and practically ev- Good W1ga-s Addra..a Eh. SM. SMORTONs, H. C. Tuntion to Cathertne R. Tuni- ery city atong the lake stre bas been (iraysiake, 11t. l"28 "J son. Lots 1, 2 andi 3. block 21, Lake gearcheti ln an effort tq trace th1e WANTED-To exchange a paultry Bluff. W. D. $10,00000. hammer. bouse manufactuced ln sections, rea- Catballe Bishop of Chicago to J. F. Faor varlous reasons the search firett àY ta put up. la a brooding andi houe- Knox: Lot tn NW% Sec. 21, Newport waa taken up ln Highland Park. It .ng combination, 600 chlcks. wiii wtn- Twp. Q. C. $126.00. was then continued la Htghwood, er from 610 ta 70 peu.. Pouitry Eat JosePhine E. VanMeenen to John Lake Forest andi Lake Bluff. Tangi- hPlan. Wilil exchange for horme, pige, WA. Barweti: 30 acres ln W1/2sec,.11e ctews could 1e secured Int nons ,ows or farmn machtnery, or feeti. Ses 43, Benton townslaiP. V. t). $1.00. of these places. On FrIday a clew ype of building on aur plant opposite F. A. Martin andi vite 10 w. p. potnted to the tact that the hammert golt stati on. Ott & Oit, Waukegan, Wendel: N 16 tt. 8 Uft, Lot 5, block bad been purchaseti ln Waukegan, andi Il. WkI,, at 18, ortamnai Wauk@ .WD.10.f-. t.- hw-nt- i- nas--.- . "Kly t luutir-mi "mugý. . . lbu fr a a ew heure li iooketias If titis U_ C. E. Smtjl andi vite ta m-ri Est.ok: city would 1e able to fucnieh tihe con- WANTED-Ea-crrirai coDtraetiio W.' S 30 ft. Lot 3, black 16, Dreyere s1ub- necting link in one of the most puz- S<OTT HAvES%, Ltbartyvttte, 111. c-25-tfi division North Chicago. W. D. il,- zltng murder mystertes Chicago bas1 . ..0...00... ..b adIn ycars. + Trust company tai J. T. Buckaiian, lot fact tirat a week or ten days agoa .- . .. . .. . .. 62, Wilson', second subdivision at woman andi man hati entered the Wa- 1 wti l ot be ra-ponmîie for ahay debts! Long Lake. Deeti 8160. trous Hardware store and bati sought rantracta.d tai'my wiftaattér April 1, 1 W.S Hotiges to Arabelia R. or-r, to purchase a tone-masans hammer. 1913 Tasouàm GtosiLAN., Foi Lakae j undiided one.iralf 20 acces In south- The description et this couple In a ._._._........... West one-tourth section 21, Oeerfleid way taied Nwith a description of Geo. Are you interested I yoursetf? Do. township. W. D. $10. Nurnberg andti Nrs. Dietz. you wsnt te, become a prosperous: i VrgInia R. Ives and hirsband 10 Car-i After tooktng over several large Northt Dakota fermer? Dont watt. rie P. Ma-Beau, lot 16 anti wast on.. hammers tba-y dectded thait tey were Write today. Gondi dairy andi stock haîf lot j5, -bock 63, Highliand Park. ________________ farina. Gooti whcat anti fax land. W. (D. il10. C7lose ta town, $10 ta $25 per acre: John Robertson "d ti fe 10 trus.------- ---- Sotti on 10 years' payments. John tees of echoels. lot$10. Robert"'ons Nolan. Asirley, N. D. wky4t+; second subdivision at Lakte Zurich. w. Prolessional Cards Burnett & =1111%,Te Rstchery Co. D. $1.00. i. wis 10anoncetht tey re e- Apitl 17. 1913--C. 9. Richards, and LYELL F. MORRIS' wishto nouce hat heyarere-w Ife te Victor Born: Lot in SE 1-41 cading eggs daily te, hateli In their-%.3,W tictonhpW.D ATTOREFS-AT LAW "Manacoutli Inaubator.- Wri te for .. Libertylae- Illinois free- circular, talling ail about IL. In- Frank Recktenwatd anti wife t0RPue 152 kL 'I cubator locatet int basement of Ya- Hannah B. Johnson: E 66 2-3 f1 lot 2, gers ctothing store, 121 North Genie- block 13, Highrlandi Park. u%. D. $2,-, MRI .DCE 5.-e St, Waukegan, 111. Mchî4tf sooo(o. M RINCJDCE Pns s . H. Mion andi ife 10 Mary E. ttleOp 5btTil t-.. etrca ti Rose Co.b Rhode Island Reds Peterman: Lots 4 andi 6 Cribbs 019itie.. St. HecîrhonStation diisiotn on Cedar Lake. Q. C. 1I.00. ~?,a.~r le.Poa dii Eggs4or hatchng and Bby Chic lits A. M. LanyoU and vite te, A. F. N,).tTH CHICAGO. ILLINOIS far Courray Fair, Waukcgan andi Racine lt Prize Wnners. Send Beaubien: Lot 26, btock 3, Ducst's totrmailing lit South Side subdivision Waukegan.DRGLDN W. D,13.00.00.DENTIST Kibal-rigsRe Y r s Minnte Vonderbeiti anti hushanti 10 iours b t0 1-2 a.m.-1 1toip.Hi. LIBERTYVILLE ILLINOIS. R. W. Ames: 80 fI. S. front on GrandJ.ETrgsBlig avenue, W. of Butriclk street, Wau- l wîth Dr J. L. T7ayia r-Piulo ui State ofIlilinois, Lake County, as. lu kegan. W. D. $2,900.00.aies. Phone 1092 lb.. Circuit Court of Lake County, APrIl 18, 1911 -Ettibeth Boehm 10 Liartvvilie. liiii March Term, . AD. 1913. Arhur 1Bebm anti G*sî _______________________ Jullue C. Hertel vs. Dora Hertel. et ai. E 1-2 Lot 12 anti W 3-4 Lot13blc In Chancery. tIen. No. 6006. 2 cacsAdtin Lbryil-DR, E. H. SMITIH. Public notice la hereby given tbat by 2ShnksAdto ietvle virtue of an order anti decree entereti W. D. q12,000.00 I ,lNIST In the above <'titteti cause In tire C. E. Gaytord ant i vie ta E. F. ittNIL ISE.iOrNTv ?-ATIiiAL esA1% Circuit Court of Lake County, 1111- Young: Lot 1. bloc-k 2 Bruse's subdi-0l'55-m c r{ : a. m. andi i tir f p u. nais, aItihe March Terri, A. D. 1913, vision Lake Zurich, W. D. $1.00. a)AILY. on the 3rd day of March. A. D. 1911, thereof th>--undersigned Master in Fanny Ilius 10 Eliza A Gainer: I lbartvvfl:elai Cirana-a--y of sati Court, will on Mon- 3 acres In SE 1-4 Séction 18, Ema day. tbe llth day of May, A D. 1913, townsip. W. D. $1 . P BLC UC IO EE I at the boni of one oaciock In tire aft- T.WSmtan ieoMmFT.P B I AU IO E RN ernoon of satti day. at tire East front Ta, mt atKwf a c. g door of th1e Court House.i the City Hughes: Lots 127 andi 128 Shaw's mtIaisa-t aitentro)n t9iaiidlts arrain in aiîî,ioiî sales and bba-sIre ults lin bandi- of Waukegan. County of Lake anti subdivlson at Long Lake. W. D. $200.1 inz sanie State of inias, sel et public auction John Hocber ant i cie ta Juliaetta 1 I Xk iida. f horsa-.. wagoýns andi 10 tire higbcst andi ba-t bitider for cash Rowling: Lot 9, bloc], 2 Grays Lake. : anna-se fon mal, on excbange et ai l ima-s, tbe following 'descriheti landi ant i e W.~ D. $1,400, HENRY SINE estate. to-vit: 'T. W. mhadwr oW Those portions of the west haîf of k mt ni..a aW .Nos- Phone&: 148 or 48 ZION CITY, ILL. lte soutiraast quarta-r of Section Fif- On: Lot 23, Sbaw's subdivision on___________ teen (16) Townsbip Forty-threc (43) Long Lake. W. D. $400.00. Nortb, Range Eleven (11) Fast of the . Uhleàdorf anti Wife ta Wm. Gla- Ta-ephoeIf 14 M ni liciter treaed taai Third Principal Meridilan described l'asder, Lot 6 Rînes subdivison lt a e. m -iec -e,"ta. "eyoeniroa- tollows: Lots 25 anti 26f In the Town of Mitdlesex <now calleti Haîf Day) 1 Ciant townshrip. W. D. $6s.25.0. J. M . Graves according to the plat Ibereof record- Margaret Tirorne te W. H. MoCul- A UC TI ON EE R ed I Book B 0f Deeds. page 149; aIse, longir: Lot lu Village of Guraise commencing à4 thre southwest corner -W. D. $560.00. 144 Elmooo Ave., Waukqsupm ...lami of Lot 27 In sait! Town as sbeh non s«. me before mahiaa your date saiti plat anti running thence orth Apl 9 93.JlaB aber andia- 83 degrees, West 3 ciralns anti 39 links, husirand ta F. P. Graves: Uot 114,1 thence North 5 chaîne and 34 links; Lakte Foreat. W. D. $1000.DRO.. urEF LD thence soutir 59 3-4 degrees East 3 D . F. ShedoTati Ris a Mrgre ahaine anti 68 linkseand thence Southi LFr Cdn n if oUrý 6% degrees East 4 chaîna to, the C. Magill: 30 Iota shore acres "i1lae VETEI<INARY SURGEON. place of beginning, exceptlng anti ce- of Area. W. D. $10.00. IMIATANT STATI TETEIUAIA. serving therefynn tire landi conveyeti J. E. Trlggs anti wife ta C. W. Wllt. Litiertyvile. Mlintet. by John Fretietick Hertel andi Dora, son: Lot 3, block 11, Wrighrt'@ addt- bis wife, ta Julins C. Hertel, by deedti ion Ilbactyrllle, datod September 19111. 1905 anti ce- cordet Iin the office of thre Clerk of thre ______ ______ DR. C. R. GALLOWAY, Circuit Court of Lake County. 111- iLVL' RG8OI nois, i Book 153 of Deetis, et page 457, or lesa santir of thte nortlrveat corner 1ors'îcE ovEsLVL' uaeSOU and partlcularly describeti as followe: cof sFid quarter section anti i-nnng ios-from 1 ta 8 andt 6 to 8 pl. m. towit: Commencing at th.. intersec. thence santh 83 devra-es st ta 1the "' lion of the conter of tire Milwaukee center of the Chicago & Mlwaukee LlbartyvIlle. Illinois. Roai, se, calleti. by the conter of the Roati, thence southa-nîs along th. cén- public highway running easta-rly and ter of saill Roati 4 chaîna andi 83 liks; westerly through Hait Day In thre thence South 81 degna-es weet 5 chains R.£HCHRHL South East Quarter of Section Fitteen anti 2 links: thence nocth 77 tiegrees R ýH HRHL (15) In Township Forty-three (43) weet 4 chaîna. and 7l links; titence Physiclan andi Surgeon Nortir, Range Eleven (11) East of the north 51/1 degra-as M est two chaîne Third Principal Meridian, running anti 54 links; tirenc-a-North 81 degrees J ( t- s--iMa, a--,1 tdeu 8 Store.m thnenortir eight-six degceee veet west one chain to ithe West lineo l'-Special ate 10 A i E ie 3.7 oe P. il.a Two Hundreti Focty-six aud efghteen saiti quarter section andi thence nortlsi htintreditts (246.18) fa-et te a poist, along %alti wesî ina-1 challne andi 29 j GL ASSES PROPERLY FITTED running tira-c.. north silxir (60) de- links. ta the place of ireginning. 1 Libertyil.Ilni grees wast. thIrrty anti thcee-tenttrs Aise, commenclng ai a Point soutirI iyil. 1tni (30.3) fea-t to a point which lis tha- 77 diegreels east 2 chais anti 10 links place of beginning In tire description fcom the southw,-st corner of tirhe ar of 1h.. premises harein describeti: run- ca-I of landi iast dîtacribeti, cunnin,,g DR. E. V. SMITHI ning thence soutir Twa-nty (20) de,- thenca- nortb 77 dagrees weast 2 a-ains GNRLPATC gra-es and Forty (40) minuta-s wa-t, andi 30 links: thence soutir 5% de- GNRLPATC Tano hunrdtiseventy lana anti Ove- 1,, o1 ý 2t n o8P tanths (272.5) faet 10 a staka-: thence grees aast 4 chasinandt 6 links; th 'ef'- LhcO-t o an &YFuire sn7to . t îîart i -ghty-tirree degra-ai went Nîne- sou th 17 devra-a-n ant 5 ahaine anti 9 1h PCA "TNTOT H Y t-nanfour-tenthe (91.4) fa--ttonliike; tirana-e nonth 70 degrees east - PCA iNTO5t H Y ataon.. anti '. Twnt (0)1chaîna. anti 40 links more or lesa. to p LiBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS aere sa n e nrth intswa-ty (20) the north lune of Ithe Elgin Roati antid_____________ da-ree ani Friymiutae aast Theetirence northws aa-eryluthe place cof Huntireti, anti a-ght-sevententh- beginning, subja-ctin10the dowec and DR. 1. L. TAYLOR« (308.7) feet te the- a-nter of the high- homesta-ai estata- of Dora Hertel, wid f svay cunning aastarly anti w-asteriy ow of John Freda-rick Hertel, deceas- OF0FICEg OS EhiJ. ELI. Ta7uai& eLuas. through saiti South East quarta-r; eti. thrarein. 1 e ua:-7 to 10 a. m. 2 ta 4 andi S tk thence South Sixty (60) devra-es East Datet i a Waukegan. Illinois, this 7th8pa. along tha- conta-c of saiti highway day of April, A. D) 1913. sesiei.t-in Broadway. opposite Park Ninaty (90) ta-et te, place of begfnning, EDWAR1D J. HEYDECKER, aorî2s-Ùe rýianoIs. containing Pifty-nlne Huntiredtti Master In Cirancery, (.59) acres more or lase, ail situateti Benamin H. Milear, Soticitor fer In tire Connty of Lake anti State of Complainaart. Illinois. Also commencing on the vest Aprîl 11, 18, 25, May 2 PAUL MAC GUFFIN. lino of saiti quarter section at a point ATTORNEY T LW bearing north 83 degrees, Veste 6 IT LÂW. chaîne anti 15 lilÉ more ro leésl from CultivaIs a personal pritie h 1 a the anutbveat corner of Lot 27 atore- abity ta virite vant ailsTUÂTAC- l1tbertyvlll, Ilîlinois salit anti 12 ciraina andi 61 links more COMPISU TUEflaGEL PsatOIg8 .11 r. BIRSTOW MANUFACTU RER or 1 Marbie and Granite Perfection Feaaier Iloser-The* liroodert;asud lhaver, are the momt. P~ractit-al in existence. Ne-rer fai ta rear chia-kg tu mataacty. The hovere are tha- ai arest thing ta ceai live motber ev, c învented. Send 1 MuauuînimInenb:tori 1-ghî, old Cetiîetery Worki of Ever> 5j.MiD! Description aLibertyville M hiois, Correspondence bolicitecf aBlack Orpieou atchimg EWS FOR BAL&. 16a EGGS FOR 43.00 1 I6 Genesee Si Infertites Replaced Free. Wankegan. RaALLEMAN WaklznLtBERTVVILLE - ILL.INOIS WHY-PAY 1.Nf Let us Interest You in One of the Followlng. 7 a-ca triracl-ir modems araw irouci,ca Park Arr ia 1it50cit. Ail iaaarVeasenic. a-- a e-t-ara n aaid. Pan can Priv( . e ........... ai,., 0 sea-cm sndern ot on acPart Mi, htirna-enrr tasnard ct- 7-. a-ateModem Hotus. . inLiarcon A- Ail imn- ea-rart. ot 55-' Pria-.. ... . ... . Î 3, l t i-uone cnd 3îlots on Mill Court j 0 pre- 9croote Ho-autnBd toraotaci-ornier firoadway arad Ttird Sneei modem Mtade - .. ... - . . -.... . b 7 marc Ji-latta- 11adlot vitra bar. a-n ena-Na-r t A %a-.ran cd Sca--ad itr Pdc-r.. t auan. arcmHote an Bd lot wtth h&- orn E.ay P.yirea-ts . - ... *1400 S -ri. Hocsea-n ad litcitiiiars on Mitreauhe-A-nae. 1 ilmae cotii toasa&H aingi0 -rl>1fa-it.. geod shada-. fin-liait acre of land. fine sa-l ester. gnod a-ster s, tn taon"e.2, Hubbard &Hubbard, Phones { BETYILE tLIBERTYVILLE, ILLNOIS PENCE3 BARGAINS ý' A Short Time OnIy Heavy Garden and Poultry Fence, 20 bar, 58 in. high............. 29 cents per rod. 7 bar, 27 in. higbg 6 in. étay Hog Fence, with two strands of barb wire . .25 cents per roc1. American Wire Fence Co. 7-ooiRo tinar, onaril tleo8t.. 51 - ire*,. .811I iaraa-"d. Loit 6U0. fruit ad shd.Essa payorert.. Striatii Modem-nfl-oucse -iha" )art* naosreecilea hali, 5 large aloes, bh. -toms renne. aardwasod BSue. da.n anrd a-ia-rieliydo-lutia1 ,raitlarge vistera.hrtansir turaca-. Large bars. Cernerloi. Saver. a-tyivater toiti aideavaituind arseemeaiî paN., Prica- in vars raasonahie. a-ro a-ne(ou anBd iclo t ivtJýslnii treeS. ara- and aIatlZI tendermn vlS Si J-Cr-emareli48.,26: thlfrtont. A irsrcjn. fita i at nc ai... .. ..n-e $3, 50 &rloo Hocia- on Mdilwaca... Avenus. baiS. aloseir. altenders imraa-veinnW. Ahsae an-sd vaer ac5eî a iat. 2 rota 4950ila.easah. Eiaalns aleeeping poreS (aOneofthe ieh-t Inestmuien i LIb)eirnviile.Lois otfmi* $4 1 hiarde feutsur. atn...... a,0 Ea-mous e .watiS largealotou riSath Part Ave. Tht. hone leisàanew rastbie drn bousa. satu a aUinoder-n taSirons- ma-ri.sBad ail apiaasaasseusaente paN lu bul. ltaadwond suer. aia Baisa ihcascaharut. some frit Man b&"51 Phone 8o. Libertyville. IliHnois BLACKSMITH IN-G- Farniers take notice now Is the time to brlng ln your plows and farm Implements and have them put ln flrst class shape for sprlng w6,k. Practical Morse Shoeing and Wood Work Repairing and Jobblng. H. Diefenbaker, Prop. LAJFi 'OU ait heavier titan they wishei. Tbey bati matie their Inquirles at John Scbatit, a saiesman in tiis store. Tbey then vent tatte Hull Hard- ware store, where they matie sîmilar Inquiries of E. T. Sargent vir a con- tiucting tire store for Mrs. Hull. Tbey finaliy Purchaseti a tour-Poundi ham. mer, anti saying Ahey vante Ilitfor aomeone else wbo liveti "davn thte lhue,' InriuIreIif they couiti return It In casa- It wae toa làrge. Thcse facto were secu-et by a Chi- cago neanspaper on Friday atternoon, anti àtr. Sargent vas Inducedti t go ta Chicago where It anas plannedti t show him thre hammer uset Iin tire murder 10 ses If he cault iidentify it as the one ire solti, andi aiso ta saes If be coulti identify Nurnberg andi iMes. dietz as tire couple who visitet iei store. j Then the story 'fell down,' foc one gtance at tire hammter ahowet i Nr.1 Sargent It vas not thre one ire iad solti. Up ta that time tirere had been every Indication that he woulti 1e able, to givc some vaLuable Information.J The admitteti visita to Higirlandi Park of Nurnbemg anti lars. Dietz la' tire reason te search for tire one viro soi? tire hammer Is being continctei brers-. Coroner Hoffman of Cook caunt- ty bas offereti a revard of $50 for posittie Identification of tire hammar. Two of Assistant, ChIef of Police Scbuettlers detective aquati were present when Mm. Sargent was shovn tire iaminer. ALI ARC TOUR PLOORI Boy PFLCFP, Cainpbeil's VaruisL Stai. V, lni,.ke dem $9u. i IM ood for il! kuido af FlOc.-S, uraiture&Woo" '~ Easy to mp*l.,13 cmi= M.d. b ~bgU.. ..Dds FOR BSM£ BT F. B. LOVELL CO. ýý 1. .11 Perfection Ilovers'

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