CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 1

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LAKE CouNTY INDEPNDE NT ' WAUKEGAN WEEKLY SUN VOL. XIN.3'2. TWELVE PAGES LIBERrrYVILLE, LAKE ('OINTY, ILL., FR 1 DAY. MA Y 2, 191:. ONE TO EIGHIT P'ER YEAR IN ADVANCR haulstive report of theirlent' n RASURER DE5A i ~RNR~UYTO : orBonde Filed nlEA AE NEW 014ECOM! fE ALL 9 li th i Th- <IU f111 INlf1Ul!T' yare already IIIIMIIH. UinIII B. E.SIMMONS NAMED TUSA __ E roidngtTERarHofiia]. 'cae l co .urse w IJhhIIflDb OUI I BY ZION COUNC!L TO BE THE UIf II99lFhU b II 'a pejire ithe y are ____ V ha peo lebeve ultly froto TREASURER. FIVE DAYS MAYOR RICHEY DODGES MEETING. 1The council irttmet MIoîîiav the AGGREGATE 0F $22,500 IN DAMAGE BS. .LOVE, ELECTrED LAST WEEK SUPERVISORS INOIRE AS TO MONDAY V PNING. AND MR. 1th and adJourned to the t7th "in SIS IE AANT IY REPORTEO TO BE AT THE W I ilkg -4- t.. . MILLER PRESIOCS YOLIYAITES PROTEST VAIN [Y ASK TO BE GIVEN REPRESENTA- TION ON CANVASSING BOARD BUT ARE NOT RECOGNIZED tio," but on the l7th, they adjiiurned ta the 28th ta canvas the vote and did Dot do It then eltlier; so, it ap- peara as if considerabie manipulaUing of malters a in progreas. Mr. Bernes, for Volva, declloed to- day ta state wltat their course of ac- tion wil8e i case the commit1tee canvasaing the vote declines to de- clare thelr men seated. ýSETIUNQ FOR TUE DFRNFRv mu NnIDÇi Zion City, April 29.-Zion City ceun. gtlillt iL 11JitlLJ cilha apewatof sorm tmeFEAR THAT IF LAW WERE TO BE Micsday nlgbt. Mauy ecizens getiier- DECLARED INVALID COURT cd et an eariy heur te nitneas the MIGMT NOT GIVE DAMAGES proccedîngs ot the evenig, and IL n'as n'hispcred that in the event orth8e IN FORMER BLAST MERE VICTfMS ballota 8eing canvaeaed th8e efflcera GOT NOTMING--.COMPANY SET- alecled en April 20, n'ould take their TIGWT ITM seatu. This however n'as evidentiy Deipite the tact that thle settle- net the Intention et certain members menti made wi'i8nomorneth1e victima efth8e Independent -party as n'as avî. seema rather amali under the circum- denced later. stances James G. Weich. a Waukegan %lyrE. N. Rîchey n'aa net present attorney Who'8oi attending te, the ayo ldrma .F MledaBa. aims o! severai of the refinery biast pointed mayor pro tem. Ail other rbctims dos net tbink that eny et the membera n'ere present as n'ere alie vitima yull seek 10 test the consti- W. H. Clendinen. C. A. Brune, and 1tutionality efthie recentiy pasaed Ernest Harn'oed, aq weil as th8e ollier Workmens Compensation act on thel offliciais eiected last eleclion. Attor. grunds that tbey might 8e able te ney . P Bares f Wodutckwasrecorar larger damages by carrying alto present. their cases Into court and seekîng te Aller the correspendence n'as dis- secure largar damages. peaed et Alderman Theedore Becker "These men are n'llling hi 8e gulded moved "that the City couricil resolve by precedent," 8e sabd. "On e former sisef tto aSmmtteeas Who tooccasion wnethe local refinery 8ev canvaisathe ballots tonght" u p, smornfe the injured employes flled The motion n'as seconded by Aider- damage nuits ai the compensation act man W. J. Bull. Seme discussion fol- had Dot then been passed. The court lon'ed and Alderman F. 1- NriisI who n'as on the bencb here aith1.e moved as a substitute motion that th8e tîme ruled that they n'ere net entltled camvssig oftheballts e reerrd 0 any damages on the grounds of as- to a regular committee on electieni. thesed workmen kuen' 1.8e dnger n'ie lu snpportiug thîs substîtute motion teewrmnke h agrwe Alderman Arthur Stevenson tliougbtth1e),n'ent hi n'on at 1the plant and by that teli committee should bave prop- ecceptig the conditions they assumed ci' lime te look luto the balots, and Ith.e risk of injury In case an explosion moved tliat the ocmnnittea report hi t00k pace. They nere not givenan the council at 3 'cieck Wedneaday Alderman Becker objected- *'The ballets ougbt te tDe cauvassed hi-j uight," 8e sald.1 At thla juriction Attorney C. P.1 Bernes for Volira said 8e n'ould luke 10 8ay a ewn'words. Alderman 3Miller objected: "«You can't speak non'." 8e said. 'Yeur legel dvice bas Dt been anked.'" Alderman F. L Norr= called où the ebair teo l 8the houa. penny damagea. 'Non',If a test case were to be made of 18he compensation act and il were to 8e declered invalid th8e norkmen et 1.8e local r efinery would 8e obliged te adept the old plan et sning for dam- ages, and they weuid stand the chance of getting nothling If the court n'ere te, hold egaîn that thay assumed th8e liabillty n'len tbey consented te n'ork un th8e plant." Soma et the victima efth1e blast l',ave mnade sattlements vi th 1e com- HAPPENED bÂTE IN FALL CITY PROMISES TO PRESENT NEW TESTIMONV WMEN THESE CASES COME TO TRIAL Cty officIls bave bean served n'i88 notice that the heie of th8e late Fd- yard Ferry estate. are to tart suit against the clin thlu1,e aum et $10,000, chai'ging the clty vas reaponsible toi' bis death. Thia suit wyul maie an ag- gregate et $22.600 asked In damagea as the resuit ot an automobile acci- dent tluat tok place on Northb Sheri- dan R.oad late last fal In whicb Ed- n'ard Ferry ot Zion City, bast bis lite and three men sustained ser- ions Injuries. Henry 2ine bas sued fer $10,000 and J. S. Neal for $2,500. James Ferry. 1.8e other occupent ot th.e car n'beu the accident tiok place. bas net atart- ed suit as yet. At the tinue cf the accident it vas declared that ne suit n'ould be tarted by the Ferrys but they have epparentiy reconsidered, and decided that thev are enti1.ied to damages. The accident lis îecalied 1)y ail. James Ferry va drIvIng the automo- bile bacli to Z" nand n'it8h lm vere the o88cr tvo men. On North Shberi- dan Road the ma bine struck an eb- struction lu the rond lu front of Dr, Bouton@ ien borne, and the occu- pants Of the car n'ere huried several teet to the pavement Tlie vlctims n'ere rusbed te the Jane McAliter bosputal. Edward Ferry died during the night. Neal n'as able to returu 10 his home the name nigbt, and James Ferry e short lime later. Henry Sine n'as badly hurt, and for a time It n'as feared 8e n'ould net lire. At th8e coroners Inquesl t In'as sbown that no light had Iteen left burning on the obstruction. The Jury brought In a verdict in whicb the City n'as blamed for leaving the obstruc- tion unprotected. The city Officiais declare 1.ey bave some evidence which did Dot corne out at 1the coroners Inqucat, so, for this reason the bearing efth1.e damage actions should 8e lutereatiug. taldrerm anaNor ia moti o lit 8epany. One ot these Io l-arry Veach. cAldeaan o 8e balotson8e reted n'lo bas settlad for $500. Another et NO EXTRA CIJARQE hiaasn commtef tbrell 's arried, the victime bas settled for semethingONL lx acomite o tre ws arieover $2400. Ha saya 1the injuries hoeN MIdTED TRA!JP S as n'as aise, Alderman Stevensena mo- tion hat 8e comitta re orttel receiýved lu the explosion prerent himi tio Ilthecomitte rpor b from doing many kinds et n'on. and THE CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE coucîl at 3 oclock Wednesday. Aid-fr atranh neda0bua ELECTRIC ANNOUNCES DEPAR- ermon Becker.aBullhand tebblntavet- cde aBaeckIereB motons Rabuts ther tam of horsea. and do ail kinds et TURE PROM OLD POLICY ere hrgainse mtisenbud vhereteamingn'onk. poerl hea ovcthrovn' eans eet Borne ofth1e other rictime bave lu- CHANGE IN TRAINIS STARTS TO- powrles t ovrthow he lan ofvestigated the situation, 11, la said, MORROW - TWENTY-MINUTE their opponenît. and have found that their ouly bope SERVICE TO EVANSTON As a lest resource Alderman Becker liaes in aetîing n'ith the reflnery po- moe tht ites forcesoadlurdrpie under the termes prevIded ln tpue WAUKEGAN, lllis, April 28. ftht 8ecmite aforteisln causas.compensation act. deapite 1the tact Beginubng Tuesday. April 29tli, ai tha th cmmite apoinedcanasthat ereryone coucedes that th., uew achedule becomes effective on porbltsthte 8e ounil.WeIgad net amon ofetdamages lu the case of 1the the C. and M. electric, oune bich gires portta te coneil -Whle 1do n hiblst vctime ls not nearly large tn'entY-minuta service lnstead oeth1.e and ltlety ot th hehioe ater-eneugh. thbrty-rinute service letween Wau- and Integityoftehonorabeaider- kegan and Evauston, and lieuriy ser- men," said Mr. Blecker, "IcI I1 thluk It I vice te Miwaukee. absolutely unfaîr ceuslderlng tîîat SNOWED ON SUNDAY Perhaps the moal Important tblng there are tn'e parties ln the coîînc Il. __ln connectbon n'ifl the nen' achedule that the commîttea te canvas the bai- Vaukegauiltes assoke Suaday meri- Is the announicemeut aise that, trom lots should 8e composed eîtirely ef i lug ta a shiveriug balief that vInter non' on. there wil 8e no extra charge lndependeuts. These ballots ought ta onecte more had deacended ever th8e for persans who ride on the limited he canvassed touiglit. andl hefore th8e ear1t. Early ln 1the moruinLg the anon' traîna betn'aen Chicago and Milwau- n'hole council. That la1.8e on]I'> fair began te tai and about 6 ocleck it kee. Ain'ays ln the past there bas and honorable thiuig te do. Any other had asaumed quite inIter proportions lîeen a charge ef titteen cents or more, jrocedure I raise m3 reice lanîrtest There n'ere many n'ho n'ondered depending en the distance, for prîr- egainat, We efthte Tbeecratlc party n'betber or net It would he suffIcient ilege et ridiug on the lmited trains.' are aIi east entitleil t0 fair and itîsîte covîr 1the gronnd, fer 11. weuld net The nen' schedule wnncl operates cousîderatien, sud I1n'ould more that have been the firaI time Iluat Wauko -untIl turther notice, put more care ln- the cemmittea 8e Increased te four or gan bas been visited by a heary tal eftat operation aud extra express ser- five man lu order that our parly h8eanon' ln AprIl, vice ls hi 8e operatad Sundays, leav- represented ln the cans-asslng et the i11. n'as net 1a b., hon'ever. for bn the Ing Evanston at 8:50 p. m., and leav- ballots." 1 ceurse ot an heur thue flakes ceased Ing Milwaukeeaet 1: 30 p. mu., and 11: 15 This motion n'as put betere the faling and the aurn n'hIch came ont p. M. ceuncil, but the saven ludependent shortîr removed eh the moisture from Lited trains norcn-nound, are te aldermen turned it don'n. Ithe siden'alka, se that the late risera leave lidIson Court. Weukegan, et As the malter non' stands the bal-' did net knon' there had beau a snov 8:20 and 10:60 a. mn., and 1:20. 3:50 lots are in the bandaet Alderman torm usItillintormed et it by thei and 6:20 p. m.; soulhbound trains et F. L. Norris, R. R.L Owen and W. F. triends. Edison Court at 8: 56 and 11: 25 a. mn.; Muiller. Thesa men have the power Tbere bas beauncmre apeculation as and 1: 55, t: 25 and 6,:55 p. m. ta break theoseais and canvas the ta vbether or not the aen' vWIi Injure I8tla thue amon tbat the changeu on tally sbeots, and latter thbrty-nine th. buddlg treou or the cropa but the ro..d boghluig Tueiday are rath- heure of oouptbng and rccountlug tisey people gener&areue loled ta t"k or 'Importan~t a&darc e b aummer !eom ' ' e lba d ffl, of etmaking an . liaI s" IQ vii ot bé' lb.a , - cam0 FOLWN CIET 1 POINT 0F DEATH. INm HFiIViii NlO~ru, WAiZ ihtier M r l11:1Idî, lia, blineii ur thuer iiiterltýit.ici i tIii- aboie sec- t toi, Tfiereror. iifa e ofi l Ttui iiitîeeîî~,t. iq ofti i f iiils.Vie loglval way w licl l tsetii il rWest erfieid %%Ilresiio, i. il, a aourt iîiterîiretatioii tiiguide hiiii iilits step or lil other mords, liet, II iJlk(eleas suri tocti epos ititonof liermi itiig thie county 10 collect lthe tax iU it larin- titied to under the law. 'Mr. Westerfield, wlien asked ishat liad been dons at lits conference wt ATTORNEY C. P. BARNES' ll IS RAISED FROM $6,600 B i the committee stated that the commit- You've héard of the play "A I- tee had merely asked hlm what bis In- Knight for a Day," but Zuon City tentions and plans were. He askedA han.Colene cbotter and has pro. LAW ON MAlTER PUZZLES tIhem If they wlshed a repiy today, butWO S 0 D S duced a reaîiatic situation whors. Chairman Berube stated that they did W RS2 AS À 1 f ha. a teasrerfora dy,"net need an answer until Just before wit th prncial harcte 8.E. FFIIAL THMSEVES AFERthe June meeting, wbereupon thue VOLIVA NOW HAS MAN wlt th rncàwIl kchanracer B.E. FiIASTEMEVG AT treasurer replied thal he would notlfy . LUI Sîmon, awel kow reldnt READING IT, 0O NOT KNOW tbemu before that tîme what be pur-l N LITIGATION AND NU» of thât city. PWER TEYAR A"dolng.AN TT NE CO AN Y With the etty treèaurer of ZMon, Wil. WEE HYAR ATAN TONYCPM NL Iîatn Emmeli. deld and with the fact _____ that the mon electcd to aucceed hlm W.Up. BarIleinosveil inown aa4T lies verY low at hiea bome, the Zion WAKGN Ilnos April 28. C.P-ans wi nw 4 City co uzoncilad Pr eected te It a dif- The special superviser$ L BoYrY .îDReeZE sa uoïol'>k a ye, a ficuit probiem at thespeclal meeting coDIEsting of Metssrs. GogoV.iii Strat- iS CiNWSDC.E PN acnrc o i eody~ ca ll diurd a.wekadonTe ton and Berube. accompanled by tb<ý AT MEETING MELD MERE LAST atony frWl Glen Voliva dey, É. B. Love WUmaclected as treas» onYs ea disr toneS.J ATURDAY EVENINÙ A.rDof i a a irucslorla tirer for the sn elletv yeara. Mr. Love DadY, today called on County Treas- -.Dwe taslr ahl vas taken ick and ta said te beIln atirer Westerfield t oee wat he i- n. OMDLCLPOL HTc istrtya ilglav Most Precoua Condition at bis ore, tends dong w tb reference te the ln AVOR D RYOC LZO E BEC ASE hefre e relelg d h beritnce ax tes wbch 8ebas e' jthe Zion City churcli leder, c ine fat,8e eor sbentath telined l is Persotuai Posseslon. This CONSTITUENTS DO IHarvard Herald. Lest yrau Name Man For Present. nboney la thal reterred te rec.ntly ln ___ Barnes received e salaiy of But he ect hatDow ffier, the report of Auditor Simas wherein WAUKEGAN, Illinola. Apri 28. wh"e 1the ensuing year hls anzîeZ But.1.8 tac tht nw ofîces g the audihir exPlalned tbat Ihere seels Rprsettive business and pro- wil! b. $10,000. lun') office on 1-Y 'set and that that Irseta da l e loeatbnd cul o ed hi 8e a question of interpreting the esoaienfth day la socloseet hmdn cofedtohncity beld a meet- And $10,000 Is a gond s-sll Persans teo lhln that. because cf Mr. law. as to wiether a county treasurer ing In the council chembers on Satur- the best iewyers in My coUU8g' Emmell's delathe88 council wouid ep- was entitled te retaîn tbe 2 Per cent day nigbt at whlch Plans were dis-.Illinois, slde front Cook,0, li point love te the poaition, seeing Ibat iheritauce tees or net. cuaaed for sending a delegation te Bernes wHIiinot devote aU iei 5 8e l th nez ireaurr ayway or At that time, wben be taiked wlth Springfield te lobby egahist th8e pass-,1elglafia0 vrcs Treasurer Westerfield. lie edmitted aec bepotedhr-il r o e as e reseves fa0 d lot let matters hang laver untIl May 1, r -aedr oe sh rsr-sti rive. wthot aygnefilingthe tbat ln many counties the treasurers nl. lu view .f the, tact thât 1,8r., moth Io look etter the l«VW. rivd. ithut nyge iliiug hePont- and supervisers Interpreted 1the iav hi has been conaiderable dfiscussion as nasa that gray corne te his leý tien. However. City Attorney Barues toit mean that th8e treasurer bad the rigbt te whetber or net PRepresentativeFey- 'et Woodetock, go that twowi the Sncilcould atnomsLove to t keep the inheritance toi tees, but ette S. Nlunro of Highland Park would Ieech month ts the ltbe ogW , MI.te cnc cI lt z D ameLoe te thatinhils opinion, the money did net laer 1the proposed bill. 8e was reach- Mr. Voiiva'a legs.I affaira predîcament ln avceifnag ln omfcers. belong te the treaurer personally but'ed on the long distance telephone at; mat nov the. gagerai and as salaries andi btflabad te be pald should go te the county. He said that bis borne and n'as requesled t e t-'ZIOn City ta Invlva in iii etc.. be advlsed that a temporary treas- It was is personal opinion and 8ei tend the meeting. H.ecomplied and com plications sMd M.iXl urer be nemeâ. suggested hi Mr. Weaterfield that, 8e-, ln response te a queation replied quire1the attention of bbc Simmna eîeced. fore heturned the money over hi the, polntedly that 8e la dolng aln hiebis ers h. can Secure. A DMI Acodnl .Simmon a was se- cou t tlit e get legal advise te, power te Insure the passage 0f 1the case la set forbern at leced s te mn ad Turaay heguide bim. thug admItting i s manY' proposed Ian'. as 8e exolalned that on e change et venue trom m I counîl pprredbisappbntent Hewords tbat 8e himiself dld net teel,1.he people wiuo elected hlms are inla- ta*y, and vHiii lkely be beaud by Iheeoe i ppovhieoid oient roH poitve on tbe peint as te wbetber the! ver ot the dry zone about 1the navalA.. Prst wbille a elonsim Apri 24to ay at bic Ure, ro-treasurer n'as entitIed te these tees. training station. He did net reply lnvqjving Volilveand tic Apil 2 toMa 1 t wIc Um, po- Here Il, the section et the Ian' wbicb when It n'as poin1.ed eut te bimu that chiait aida la set for harn lu t n vidlng Nir. Love bas Dt succumbed, peetains to th8e loheritance tax tees 8e received a good vote in Waukegan. 'cuit court of Cook eolunaty. Pd the latter n'iii 8e swor ntel office. 'and te wbicb Mr. Sima end Treesurer1 Those wbo oppose the passage of1 are only a few oftthe. UY The approvai et Mr. Simmona' appoint- Waeiedfe ee ebsaati 8 i aenn1lmntdlr.Mn rasta iibnb eu ment puts hlm lu office for the short- Wsefedfe ee ebssau h ilhv o lmntdNr uýtil htwl o ebad estperod f ay oficr hat as ve regarding the luberitance taI tees lu ro from their plans. Representatlres noensd of legal workla i as erid o a ciy I Lie coty unds er Lake county: Shurtleif anud Gratham bothbhave ex-!, comtng up from day le day et serced lnrc Lan Lea. nyuner36. TREASURERS COMMISSSION preased themueises gieariy as being'Clty, so the need of trained cA" _________________s OR SALARY, 21. 1olpeosed te the passage of the bill cesaful lawyers la recogiesd. The treasurer of each ceunty &hall Both of these legisletorB are lu Chi- ASSIESS IEAC1I be allowed te retaîn two per cent onl cage today and several local busins MANIÔ CENTS ail taxes pald and accounted for hy and professional men, Inciuding Ma ZI ONt BOY DRtJNK%.ý hlm under this acti n full for hie aerv- or Bidinger and other city officiais TEIANAt L AN EIGMTE ER L UI PROGRESSIVES, IN COfflENTI ONl lces ln coiiecting end paYing the',beid a conference witb Ibeto. DECLARES THAT HE G« d ASSESS SUM AGAINSTý EVERY mre, IN ADDITION TO MIS S 1Tbot W'aulegan, as n'ell as Northb OIAE NZO IY PARTY VOTE ARY OR FEES NOW ALLOWED BY Chicago, n'ili send a big delegation te- hLAW., Springfield te lobby against th8e bill champagne in Ziea City M4 Sringfield, Ill. APrO 8.Thft (In ne ctber section ln the statoles n'as decIded aith1.e meeting on Satur- 'day aot that! - Tbta vea tbc thousand dollars n'ill be aveillabie for dos the law so apectfIcaily designale day niglit. The exact plan of action tact brougbt te UHjglit Ic use n etendng he Pogrssiv pa- wat an officer may and may not re- bas net yet heen mnapped eut. but wiil court Monday. maya the usen 1,8e lrProgressivehrtlepar- ty'a organization Ibrougliontth1e state ti sseilte. eit lreyt r brlfnb Newa, vhen Albert Cari. #lmi- during the comîng year If plana pro- No Demand Made. l bas prnmised te keep the city posted 'old boy and sblpplng ccrk at th*, posed ai todays state conterence of Folion'ing the visît ef the commîttee, en the conditions at Springfield and, City lace plantwuva raigned the parly prove succesalful. Mr. Dady n'as asked wbat n'as doue te gire îhem pîenty Of lime te gel Judge itandaiî on charges of The plan under. coneideration, and 8e stated that the commlttee lied Ihere. Both 8e and Mr'. Graham are', diaturbc.l00o nsn a treet vhih pobaiy 'il 8 tomai. eopt rerely asked bim te accompany tliem doig Ibeir beast te defeat the measure afternon. Cari'Pleaded 'gf< whih pobblywil b fomai:,adot-as the countyS legal retresentatlve Witlu regard to the etatement made vas Ilned $2 andi COU&. cir o1, met toorounprorgadisatiron assea- an d he had done go. He said that Do that lie favored a compromise Mr. cou b. v as 18 Ym Oft«Q . ê menton oun~- rganzatonaamont-demand bad been muade on Mr. Wester- Shurtleff deciared îluat it was a posi- court at once aaked hlm viiOe bh& ig to 10 cents for eacb Progressive fleld for the iheritance tax tees and tive falsebood, as 8e aays 8e lias stood cured bisIliquor. "Zlou Oity,' VU,~ party vole for tne hlghest candidate, that the committee bhad net even 1fl pot on the proposition ail 1the 'ay response. Thsa mterested thec ý lat the Noveto-ber ellection. Eacb sltructed lîim te hegin a clvil suit te through. After the coriference loday and 8e vent fiirther Into bbce ase aonaîbeorisassessml e enl @_recover tbem. local peple wbo are opposed te the Young Cari' declared h8ehll bq Tpnsbe proreIsssiesmtat .omlteAl Are ln Douht. passage et the law ciii 8e able te tel] drinking cbamnpagoneid vine4eb"4 eleted18 folowngnewoffces dr- That ai couaty officiais are ln deutbohtter wbere tbey stand. houge hlnZMon City juil aller <a eetdtefloignwoicrdu-as te te exact statua ofth1e inheri- udyan hfb wspet ing t8e day: tance tax tees, la evîdent front cou.Sna n bn8 e rtyW Cheirman JIohn F. Basa. Chicago. WOODMEN lMOU) under the influence,. bei a car to 9c VieCaroî . .WluEs ersatins ltoard among them. .h.H ditdh a 0Aý VieiarnnF .WluEs And, it la recnlled by otne couoty ofi- OPEN miErTING nIhl eadite e a ée~ St. Louis, au-eeedlng Mi'. Basa. Icîaî. thai a veur ago tuhe sattie uîatter iquor ln Kenosba aise. but vW« Treaure-11 L.Florham Rock-1 ranis uti tefere the supers isors. The Stturdat eseîilng th8e Weodmen cfable te tel the nomes of the saaooIl ford. vice La Verne W. Noyas, Chicago , te' attorney, Mr. t)ady. aus lires \Xaucottda utehi att open mîeeting lu ardcae twa i io 11 Secretary lharold L, lckes, Chu- ent. He hll been i dscussiog the mat- tuiîr halil la tuaI village witicli nas lest offense and thal 8e vas wvllliai> cage, re elected. ter s',jît otuî,r up-rvlsuîrq. 1-Iolýae iargeiy îttended atîd su lii l provesut th pledge. Frlenda came up frcW tui r,-iiark tlîat lie heles'ed tie treas- a iucuiltttiiatnd lnterestiîig affair Zo adpid1eaie N EW C. E. Of FICERS uirer turiî iii ir tutu- iihterlîiîce C . T. liel decker and Conrad Ittuil- The font seventh annual eDcaUp, -tax tee-s Iti coUtty tenofLae(adnîi. M. \V. A. \\'a"« en ofth ,,, tme f The Lake Count> t"hristian Endeas- t îOîî hî,ariîîg lits' reuitak. Super-,kegan, were tlîe rilncimeutiua roff rad tnuh-of1epaRtepublor,14JU or fflciety met at Lake> Forent Thurii- visor Freul Kirchnter suggested as fol lte e% eliig anîd thte> slueke of thie beid aI Allen Ill., May 20, 21, and' day nighut for tîhe lîtrpose et pîacîng ini losîs: XýVIIIloti turtti page ,section 1 aork of te order luiXXa'aks-gaiiî and __________ nomination 1,8e uew efficers for the 106 of thue booik %oua hîlulini sîur baud. tlîroaguîutît Lak~e ceunIs'. -ihr. tut Fank H. Zîmmerman failed tO h year. The liat of officera de- Mr.tlad 'v, andîlrft-' hetlu paragnapti? ilcîker Is eoie of the Ilardest tis: a niotormana bell on the MûiWa cided upen la as tolion'a: IMr. lIadi turiiil te tîtu reterence (lb in theie oemetot against tIc io-, a,,etectric nead ln Winne1.ka Swidar, 0 President-Arthur Meyerbofr, oetlathue sectfiont uuteul alunie iiblack iin rates oethtle NM. XW A.atîd M i iliisteppledi n front ot a specding er- Highland Park. t ype) ller ss iiifi sitlt a amîle. ha steilias aise beecanal t inti '. ii,îuîdîa ten'minutes later on thec i Vice-Presiden-Oeerge Smith, of remarked: ",welu. tuats the final tUnie stipuotlng Mn. Ilie>docker andt tilt,rvte a hospilal ln Evanston. li'. I Lake Fiorest. 1 even tiad tîtat vallel tii ny attention i she are agaiuîst bhec hanîgel", ukmuerman n'as a saloon keeper. Secreary-Falth iluahnel. et Wau- -the tact Ila, tlat, iii face oethIat sec- %tr. ihd'lstein. 5îiîlue agaiufiîtth, 'lan ___________ kegan. lion. 1 aranont positive juat selat thue chîcli L.ake couoty WXuodiiieui lasve James Kearna. 21 resus oi& Treaarer-Mr. Wright of Liberty- status of the iilieritanca tax tees la8.'1 olioseil as nasyhole. A feuil tollon's jHighland Park.,n'as #ev@rely W ville. What's Oplnloev Now? the pnogram and the umeueting as a test nlght as a moteroyele M.1 Thua. lu view efthtle reîuark made sshole prrved a seny delighttul and in- 8e n'as riding south on 5I Henry B. Husled bas sold to 1he then and Mr. Dadys Presence now aswzrestiog one. Mn. liollsteln seas th8e boulevard. Chiegol, veWs90 ~ Bereda Manufacturing cempany, prop- adrisor hi the committea. it yUll 8e enly delegate ofth1.e sixteen Lake and antomobile et Wait trq erty lu Zlon City for $10.000, accord- In1.restlng to note syhether tnrther Cook ceunty delegates et 1t8e national chine vas <brm s a .ffOQ$ W lug to e transter fleti today. tan' on the matter lias beau tonnd or1 convention n'ho voted. vrecke&.-~ --s 1~ kqq s- s7 f-ULLUWir4U ^UUOUtNI INHERITANCE TAXEG 1

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