CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 2 May 1913, p. 12

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A.Ânnual Spring Special for Thursday Au à pelat_ for Thursdlay we are otrn o rnt and tinware, includinq dish pans, tea ketties, diry paIa, sauce neand md nmroua th r titi wrth up to 50c, for only, - loc GAS PLATES WVtb two powerfui humner,. priced during thts ale, i 98c !ousclann and c Fody ndSaura Starting Thursday May lst iudFdad tray A thrce day sale that will be wJ1comed by the econom'ical hcouse-wile as it affords a splendid opportunity to replenish the home at an unusual saving. House-cleaning--in which nearly every woman is now engaged- will reveal many articles that need replenishing, new utensils for the kitchen, painting to be done,'rooms to bc papered, and njany other things that will be nèeeded at this season, that this sale, now of fers to you at prices that cannot be equalled elsewhere. An Economical Sale of Iiouse-hold Necessities, Paints, Wall Papers, Etc.i il TEA KETTLE i-igbiy nickel tlaied îao.per. qi3ze se iel ait........ 98C AKfT Grygranite. s, l.duneg s sale at TEA A'ND COFFEE POTS ln a varlety of ises and sd hapes, al htgly nickel plâted, values 79 up la $125,a 79 TOWL BAR 16 inchea long. ighiy nickeled on braima. wlth nickel piated 19C SOAP HOLDER-For eall, lm nie ly nickel ni-ar ias,. apectai. t ... .....19C BERLIN KETTLE GIray granite, C0.quat stLe. i-i fered during thkausal. al. 19C___ SULK- lia. rubher tire wbeei&alnoeiy pated aud lithographe&. wUI Dot Up ovS s eeut -t.......... 98C SULC-Wliti reed back. ez- ceptdoesi @Otti, eay aprtnga o#uored dort"a thil 29 àie. at ony....2 'I Wa 1s Paper at PopulairPrices Wa have a very large and extensive assortient of WallIpier b in&l th. dit- 4 9 ferent iiew and beautiful i destgnt lu rnany unique color Oliibllàation.9 of ai uhiades .nahlng Yeu t carry unt au, ol s-home. tue patternu a reF '1110W a in a large % aflii tri i nai-y jleaniiîg and clever de- >1gn, îjtable f,]- lid- îo.în. al., d...,dining lis~u, ietc. \Vc, ais-4par liîiiai ly lu (,ail tour at li'nticn u fi) ur p.î ula i k-d aîîll palier or Whiihî W. are iniakltg a uraif"iturie aui.eclal- ly u :'ioI 0and Ii. vrad.-a. (i wlich we hýave a very large asaortmeutln 1 quality Dot eqnailed rli.where. Ona lut ut Wal l aper ln a varety of pet- lemrs anîd îuiur vombniU nluan exten4ive asurtmant ut ap- prutiriate ifesigus, sultabie foîr aut rooniln tihe hanse. A good grade of udd pain-. itua sold raguiariy up ta ifi a rio. pirice.d .-traordlinary ln* dnrliig thtu sale,, a! per roll......... U BERRY BOWLS-ln neat attrac- tive deusigus; looks itke geauue cut-glasa. largelse, 5 nt . . . . . . . . . . 5 EGG BEATERS - [haver egg beater. heatsunauegg in one offly .... MIXING BOWIn brown. whita _and yeilow, ao r ted sZes -and shapes a regitiar 2cu. k SALT BOX Bine deco- 91rated china, top, ci at a FLORAI rate, bi Bt off e ~hé Ig ur-Household Paints, Specials, titur-e Sale aitt1e Annex PAINT-i upc otl-u ly put ALABASCO- A wlii Pro re s.Oe - fr ui e r i la. IItlu!,elpeelI1y adalît-,I iel, amsurn g h ',,d foi-tuth ruo a t. e.,tgi-d. lîi iltue spe-iully prlcad Ail, u.peit . ~~ ad-rtý 2.0r. q. W. pay your Carfar e when your pnure chases amount to $5.,00 or Over riglit pric. 13 pi r g 135ii ALABASTINE - Th e weill ktuwt uiiLUiry wai 1 coveriîig. 1lu ail tilits. 6 lb.pakagesN, lit auge ..........45 FL005 VARNISH-A lli grade. iatqtiing iaur FL005 WAX-Boyd'a (iid Eîîgllâxii i'loor WaX, (1,at ............3, JAP 1 Adapt ail 1I wori-i A SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION 0F JAP-A-LAC will Le il hi-euni-t May 1. 2,. l, dnrlîg tii.,lite of<ifllo , ale hy a lady deui-iiîîîtrator, i-. liiiwii i di-rmiî st rate the nîany Un-s Jap a-lac la adaiîted and theiî upelror i*eaultu îîtalned Li r Specials on Wash Day Néeds t WASHING MACHINE-1-ep I WASh Boit.- iiy day Wa,.hl1ng Machine. Wiing- ER - Made of! made of a.l.î.- atertil, ers-A lieavy bock ail matai parts. galvauizod, 9g1)d titi, extra gooui a 12 vlue, 8it 95 eh oll at ELECTRIC CLEANER-For îîhard c~ __t__65 100orMcarplets and interlor rubber. c eah % C ----f-ý woodw rk. ut. pe .9c prited, a famll tibe, lfeed etELffCTR1C WALL PAPE 0.9 ea* im.......... .....................5c gIl aprlo .98 INIGIIlte new. at per OUTCH CILE A N- BOARD - C ............ c SER-The dirt chas- - olding S1TARCH-Argo Glosa starcb, Pr '9ctrlcetpk Cnlg oTHES LINS packou ....... 1k bord5gGOODUST-Pair- tfnluasfur ?C ................ Woud "d ln.uexceptional lies lt .... 17c~ .6..............q aliy t. ... cSOAP-Ari-Uour's van ily Ligh- Six pounda, for...... .....25 fur ...........5 U RT A 8N WIL- SRETCHERS - -ow y12 feet. ta- CLOTHI tioary stretcbers ES w itnickel plat.- BAS- Inclodlng every cold baaie and sand, heai-y trame. noETI set ..............69C lir. t. ..6 cthis male........ 9C j Garde n fools SlPA DE-Has steel' D. han- ~, iii- pectal, at ... . ...**..Ç SPADING FORK-Mlada of ail cuid rol cd wlUItih 1). liaudli-, spa 9f cially prlced. ah ... . ...... 9 GARDEN RAliE--au te., teeth of mai leable trou alîd 1lOng hic kui-y 4 handie .......... ........ ...-2 LAWN SAKEliha 4wiri-teetit ape.ially pritce.a! .... 3 GARDE N HOIE-Hua5palistied lada witiîWlong15 oSai-ad, at ...5 IL $ET--COnultliig Of ioe snd spada, 4 rad. a!,..........i C Ikl CASPET BEATZRS - Made ot puimlied uprluig wl-e wltIî slaped liandie. at 7c CURTAIN SO)S-lias faucy kuobi aud ex.. tenîds ta 64 la- ,Itii-, eca i .., ....I7 GAS AND ELECTRIC LAMPS -'A iambe as- sartmnent of gas andl atectrili 1amps ' lu beau- tifu vxil .agu, value np tu $4 S, .t......2.69 S P 00N S-RoK(er' Brus. nlckeled sui i liiii-iuiiieat .t. . . . . . . . . . 69c TEA SPOONS -itvigî-r Brou.' ilver uickleid tî-a îîuu Set ut six39 for .................. 9 TABLE SPOONS-bMade ut whîth mtai. W iîi .lo c flot rust, G for. J DINNER SET--ConstâtinE Of I goid band. ani excellent set, ailE Only ........... ............. CUPS AND SAUCE RB-Dfecn)rated lu handiolie blua lattarus 19 regular ise, e.»I....... TrUMBLERS--Madef flhue edean lead luwn glass. uiceiy19 fin lshed. ô for ............ TUMBLEItS-Mad-e of ascepthi&1- 1lcear ieud bliwn lass needieec Mdeait regular 1 le value- II now i for .. ...... ......- 19C 100 places Ia white. wltii oaa! 'ered at, 89 CUPS AND SAUCERS-Ifi wilta, licai-y sail ipr!claiii, large...5 niSe, aut...................J TrUMBLEtS-GUOOd grade, larite ajize table tuuîîhier, nhcely l iiiised. 6 for -. ........ c PLATES 5e - White parceail plates. regular d1uner .....5C 8i2e ............... Go-Caris Unusuaily Priced This salea agorda you an excellent OPPprtunitY tua seurs e gu-cut or sulky et a good savlng. Our aubortrnt represeuts a large varlaty of different makes that are stronglY cou- btiuctad and bave very esy spinga, an emasl point ln selecting a vehîcie for té baby. saso Go-cART, AT 240-A ONE MOTION FULL SIZE Weil ce t.-cted foidiflgCg&-COLIAPSIBIE OO.CART - cart. wfth bad. good grade, lHem recllning bacit and large rubber tire wheeIa. bshmd bood. rubber tire Wbeal. Jnstable back; sibe- Meuar 3 o'rt,' > f el, at - ..........i2.64). for ouîy----------..3.2 GO-CART AT $ilA&-An extra large, high grade ber tire,.lias very easy apibgs, niixely uphoitr I A cil. ebolec-of three desais, ai-----------------.. -4 KiTrCHEN KNivEtâ-MAdo ut joiiiad steel tblack hande;3 -eaca ............. . KNIVES AND FORIiS Suceor platad: ragniai- ta- blie site,;wil Wear a« long us the est. spec- lai lier 13 CARPET SWEEPE Carpet Ltwee-per. sev aud nîî,ney, auone will longer than tan breor, operate. priced Up f rom--------------. COFFE E MIIL- Cristal coif ta poud, bas air tight caver, of- foed during thisat 'ALAC- iedl for 11 t e r 1 o r IUp froin 15C heid la our c oi ptent for whi i y tsuUse. R -Blisl .es carpe! Il lest ,nuc'i. "Io. eamy to - - 2.50 Lawn, Garden Seeds Wa hava a very large aasportment of al kiunds ut seeds for gardan and lawn, In- cludlng the famous Vaughn ses BULBS-Dahlila AWN SEED-ChilcaSo L'uiha. 3 tor ....19 Park grass sedi. ut TUBE ROSES-itpectl, Par et 3 5 lb20c for .. . . . .. c l PACKAGE SEE DS-' ungliîiîs seiect-d vig-etaie and iiower seedu, 7 toi-.....25c VAUGH NS ALASKA DWARF PEA-The ealilest iof ail piau. spaclal. at,23 NOTTS EXCELSIOR PEAS-SPcliy pircad, ut e pit. 15c; quart ........2 c SWEET PEA&-Raxtoi-d s mixed peau 1 spi--chai, at par i>o za.......c NASTURTIONS-Dafmxd ut per 2 DEANS.-iroved, eunly valantine 23 beans. special. per qi-t ......... 3 lac-te turkef ee re e urke loches size, ut ..........19C DUSTLESS MOP - The O'Cdar Dusting anîd Poiahing Ifops. priced DUSTL.ES8 MOPS The DuatlesaMOP that witl pick up duit tram lors and wood- wonic. -Dpalag nat the »Me time; spe- 35- SHIRT WAIST BOX Large ise, coverad wlth lîlgit grade matting; sanie bave tray; large asisort- ment; usualiy mai11 from $5.00 te 316.00. Speciai ....... . -3*69 MOTH BAGS-Keep your ciothes le excellent shape and prevents motha tram, getting 5 ;to tiiem .- ... Speclal fer Ffiday For Fridey'U pclal w. art fferln e yu c i' . one lst- plat*&. Juge, and n'any other usful articles tht Pace dofln't permit mentioninil. Vaues up to soc, for elOc. BATH SPRAY (oiadîii.alo.-dlrans, etisehmente, wltl. 6fi-t of ruhber boue .................. 69C MATCHES High grade nolseia mat.ches, 200 to the box, 12 boxes tu a P.ack(age Per 1 Package ............... o INVERTED OA$ IAMPB Lindsay inverteid sas lamp; al Complète witb mentie and globe, at, 35C .à BRO.OM - Weil made of selected tock, sewed our tues; hue long stralht handle, a 19C SINK STAAIN1ER mine"&a Ob& atralcer. ha ,Je> anned bine, large aise.t ...I =ý.1 LIQUID VENSER-The weli known, fUrUitUrO poilaitUlt wIli recuperate old tw-nitare and make It look lika ne%; 4-OUDCO 19C ca a! . .. . . ..... MOTH BAILS-The ecog- nlaed math praventer, at par pound---------------.. 5 a PI PLATES of heavy poil.bud ln. ha, clean-cnt attachaient; têtu lar, 10e Maiu*, for 5c - ýIl -Il 1 c MOMMI farn the 1 ,lOy Pani 10 10 sha, (cl c AI fubt Cool mad Mo the aulti glas TI a-wa eace a va bani nauif a tt seen lets. TI roon sont, and burg som iaw. Tt ray. shut dowî purs ber law thi, Open latel then ed il ssii porc lied mari Ilttif iaw TI and and Laki look desc and Lii er o fui t a iii bant netg Tl 3 a', of s purs yl bu ai but aies F, L

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