AV.. MAX 9. lOIS. -t' ,, ~.& john A. noe p4mtdmilid teo UPPIn cott @hor. s dned5yonta bulmesiand pleasur. trip, vsitifa U tiés-e0f bis lrt rumange ânlnmbrefflui là te Foi Lake [eOUn wblcla ocurfflde.lvmn years ff aoApril 4t. Mré.MU uâ"imnSiýe5AYiit tOhbe daugbter Kathusa et bîcaoV- rdsl kr&i. M. A.,llttgsmd baiuuoned te te lur.@<01 thIi oL ke ,gon sud fl! Dow the gmet of ut. &Bd M. J. C. Disnofamt b.Illinos. Mrs. Etta Dasiel ol tOur-, eau ha ienn taround abut the 9i deuO Of Mr. sud Mr@. Émut Sales wbere sIte bai bien awaltIng the retura frolu Floride of ber lather and mother, Edward 0. $&y les and Wile. Ilaiter Raymnond Schwartz displaye a certain amaont o> spaCe at the born born et f U. and ire. oeo. Kotb. . Mre. John Biihap cf mcflenty, ha titeir dlspodeaey wvaccent@&" b îtAUW oli cali your attention to îthe "caner sably lit a ladies ceabWih "or unn 0f tItis pag". ibat of bensen Bras. omigth tis effeet as latited by bookfit up &B nd th. W unaure r lit miora b¶rd Shakspirs tthoe, vil h. omethlng hl Int issif TIte brother. IPou"dinaud6i. Ko5îb. Ion. Jr, Itas a hrllllan% cppnVMtt go Es Due ie a trasie lait week tisir volcis tu seing àsa]Cdvcealfpsa 114rbasrdWatch' vUbIlo. rac- wvith a north shcre maun vbereisy ha r isiacro.. Pltakis Lake by taptala gai a uaw Ford tourhng car. Iagstneyen., Wedtu.sav 5V5lustf ii Messrs. John Longabaugh and Jae attend ttietand iopenlng bhallat LoghaghtursiWZesi abo nesori. ogbug ordt ZnaHbo bits. Wo. E. Fllt sud saugbter sd Laite Geneva SundaY. June have arrivesi for the smmm.? ai H. A. Holmes ansi smilY left la§> tburcottageounEaglePolt. UiJ.une weait for thirI new home lu Michi- vas regalesi hy the presetueof P. IR. gan. Ucliters, vbo vas a u.Sk.ead guest. Tom Walsh aud family have movesi Mr, ansi Un. E. F.» ",,I returuesilut. the bouse rcantly vacatasi by May lot al»r su e£tonded trip t T Florida for the vintar - vbera bi.y lTomson ansi famlY. Mr. Thom- pnrcnaied a plut of gnounsi andsi rectai son purcbasing, ansi movhng Intc the a sinter haome. bouse vacateds by Mr. Walsh. rnoVed ber boumhsenO 50CMteo .JohnMis@ Margaret Ma Bieamas, '-C"one daughter wa 0hum, IMiss Aice.LA EV LAI INS Tonysus but will romnain lnu Mcflenry ltSna ihB n ntil Juna 22nd. on aecount of ber Village Board Organizes cago selt da wtbMre. Nelile The eunerai waseled tierelIat the A E- LAiln LL N I daugt-r, Isabelle. wbo te atendisàgTb@t iret meeting of the Dow adui m« MacNarnara of Grayâbake.d Strang undertakfng parlors, MondayI scbool ai tha latter place. 1tration thst le guida tbe desnttes of 1CO Smith bas Iod bis bouse and aftern<on. Re. ileroff îciatingfl In îR'E A State Bank. Capital $25,000.00.- hubadow iaMielaboa rad bow t e b Foi Lake rgion for the rmu.gtW lttoMr. . .Fetn bhatofth od olirsotLae.onC.ie .' Eli o BoolnlofiitnBrooklyn,______________________________________ Mr.eare metd wo Tbureday, etT rnay la ltatIa 1lo tIMLuIl atlt., ehl o te liselDrsofLaeouu- tgr'Yong@ buqineed triv tu jeux Lake Satutday, vilag hall tbat turinonubw the bill Iron .I.BeIwh eunt lc ty, T. A. Reynolds made the following S eba recicntly purchaelidfor lier wlcb a birdeyevlew of the cdown tano bsnesbeeW eal pranf- earsreadlg h dcasdex siLieaIKutiCiy wia iîtr eotunc.Iva iorîasb codIpseo hespermaen-reMrs rgarngth er eîsîed ex- ESponeuorgKasas itywapavt ori'R~L irsWW totacnddteintl dagte Bbrn, 0 atmore The order of arrivai of the nom officielslijurlngton proPerty. (mayB f1e96hfiolI1ug ek and the latter in laruîng to operate the Ilius iedyritailrýCmayBo h 6hIlniI ug ',Topwl o sokn oibei hk redilý hrdy faine and will rmate the ti rotoLentsoîroeway of WoiOegtaîand! net1862 andsi W ted ,out o hîJon Floodi suf red a tk oieofpara.- hr lll'Baokn olbeiith o~î îTuaae s brdy ttecn, leruuIiîeytbi.Ade- LoIoBokhoo Wuegcanihurcb 0on Frlday cveng U ay 1111h. t) U'slao es seso a is acas1îcmran & o cuth. Clrk agle' lfb- a brotller of MrI Henr'y KuebkersI wt i epn u emn y ai "kTeca i eueo 1 hI (orrna aad %W. J.Melville were tbetwcssay poflseui.Alderuiau Schultz; »IxtAdraneetSnaywt n udM.Ke- I ue f e wt wscm ae oand e te Ui old eidle uesd iacoy. and.in one of.î orv, r..are et vek Iloward r'coîte ,e wI lnias Iéon spolo;oecvcntb, Aldernau ansyek. nun 16.atedMrsa Maî,,î,. ro(itti4niii auj aly ae unpite util ts ir~m ued h The eti.îdn l 2:9png amieîluor rouIIdsetdker and tamlly. u 'uîe-bralvest and finest soldilers that enlIi- Mr. Anderson of Chicago. je back arain There will lbe prend iiticvery S'iPdaY nith lie'r îv,tl,r, Nm.(G A. Siver. tcacdunits itrespadernbeme urne thin2:9p.and ee ing s rautcaine d im idet Mis Lllan macNamara o a -ed trom Lake couinty; always ready for wili John Id-Carva ln thbe t,inacksnîlth eehr :5I.i, gold and attractive rîlraseogy i-ttiiig olift..t whîca the village i-ark t»gan gan was a guest at the Walter Godttey tbe bardesi and mont dffficuit duty. éahop. E e in pett 74 SaI f. i..Cbaîîr.î-v dwa'ts &W. fîrtbhie tact ibat ho selle pure ice.for r.,adig bis annuel re.lort oind bail home, Saturday ans fd udy* fie m-as neyer alck or off duty durirug VanNes.,. and Vers 'iouoz atti-nd.-d îth e lal pu tt1i.îdaîvuighti", Ithe lîpa îr.-ilof a new puy. domstii ut. arîvd ~ ani wcc lgeo... th Seera frou ereattude tO My- h.. erm o! service wtth his cormpan . .YWaleganijuior bhlih ehjool tce-ption rcl.Kohler uriii n eu@mal.tu lati)n w t'en %ibe icry ut i re ru ang Sna liigbsl.hraull -i K...l, Icuy iuutric ns .c-sthrough tIhe council chauiher ceecg tic Workers' dance ait Ivanhoe last and regimeut. He was iu mauiy bat-faset Ftîdav nlght. hotu Whilte of Koios, ejuut undiny II î a ~ pu"oa riel U Luo p.uced.dw Irse .ae.Tîeedy sllcau micitizens b tb rueît %eur Wedneday evenlng. îles In Tennessee0 and (Ieoria. Was Thc Royal S.iglibors plan g1-. iug a with ivrtleCtord-. ut ber hurn- una 0uIIuu0 gxeiin.At0 wd».tu h indoiiOi tud n- -O'. ablllty tu write Viant Mo TRA? £A - ntrou e ofupc lîunngxpc-d itetu. Atbuugh bantom th t ioa w e lco n B.JIlotltuSa le expected borne the beloved snd respectesi by ail the oei- dancehîre lu theuourfuture. U. asdd Uta W. J Melvile l.cCompLBH THINtIS. botnorcd cuitout o l diing the mark, Isllei leadîng tu the village bafisa atedo lewe ihfx a od ecr n e rbscmayadrg-Ter ucatr fti ede tiieysccee in lubagitîug (fuite t j weo tek wîtb he arls m ert.aBilles t he coMr.nxand rega- outcher t stopa.bis corpulent ondition would prtait, catti rmtrenrhpeu.Sneie a r ragrbs Tert re toni p ssesio fthselde ___________________________________ nmeofmip.for the purpIof Irnglng ttire lt bell, Mrs. Rose Carwood of Waukegan been In active business and il mlgbiph sttir oo ossinu h Tice aitpe sLund, erret.sen, Matilda, hgucie thunsderlng torlth tu-Informa- wagcto eaie ndtinebpas hth otoî hc h iellace let week. indublgdus a tuarahrnallow toast Party out Mayor, ,,as ulie.ere Suuday. ut a soldier. but that ha died as a nul Watihburu and Studer mertoborne ne ~A ~ W on tbe wct short of 1?.; Lake. FiI y The coucil meeting sman propil., John Schuman o! Waukeican waaldier Ha dlad sltting In a chair while Suoay. bN o aisd a argeharoon The Foi ak bans bai al "fane" bclli dînuid t awUl fleeiig Peil mel a gucat o! . B. Godtrey Saturday and aIngwt red ebt e an nfrma metig t Ket cldowen the stairb wbere their pédi'dl tl yngw bfrand ebald tbeen CitbIu atéa&iceday. psmi N auformelmeting forUic harllc e ~tristite pI> cda tattou danent',Ssuday. duty the day eoasdbdn en CitctelAKe îa.tieesc N o iii C tel Fia eclubfo tésud maklng it aîh elcitiut iupon tise cernient walkgb I Orlando Hook bas purcbased a new sîcit. Mr. Granget always made h a theIltarnstable store la..t Tiiurs.lay. utran tbe e cilasubme attrmaln tionuTc, oruleuîy rtphysa te buildiang.utmbie edeivrep oin tvîsît thae e-soldiers andtsalit- TI)ii aiillyçf H. Howard, whio werc !I support of the business men and Crptu r point stywm hs eth o e tire b reiet euîcie niabnttdn-.vety wuc in levidonice during tho' rbsianhrs reunlons andi will ha greally miss- otuili turttinthu'i ant ix weeks lot V i ~ U ID a miidplnrît* o iteand paebisdae earc-ct.eist. A corpulent Mayor dit- msErnest Wald of Lakiltla vîsît-1 cd by hie ld comtrades andI trlenda a.-nrlc.i .ver aore releaed hst Saturday. futul&re futtaireplait n tis e u, î î,patched a corpillent aldermai; alter bis esi frlends bere the fitot the week. who counted UPOOsi saing hlm each Wsl Bàriisiable auftered s seecr ftrfrtu nfttftecu. I , -sàera[ud buggy statiuned ucar the IvnfordBete h ge.Tbe opelna garie ot the teslson iprit-stîtalter wich lbe avcrred beehicîle mous drummer boy, pîayed wih an1 Iothior ex soldîers f b! is comPahiY ln isught ini an igine liy wbeel, breaking NMBL. the perf substitute fr.air wonsc.chduled to talus place t(cnday. 1ahi1 to5 pr..ioue.pteeîrecor-dsnegotiatinuc orchestra et Burîington t ast Sunday Laite county who survive hlm, Mesere. two boDIBcueohe efsve irsbtttsh May 4tii, but hlladtouIe tics-tpiuiic-d Ithtdîstan- between tbe dcîwn town evenlng. Darnakl. BarrOn, Torl u Hna. 'he Guruse W. C. T. U. wlll nîset with Bcb ohr-tldarsbsiue à Thet nsîîsof tmertraictlith sudbs hotel. MancInsmule . MisCharlotte Birkland ot Chicago IHle wasa Bmembet of the Mascts as anke anedyMy failed, don't condr~ G I Sl &t. P. pute ou .evry year to corpulent driver wîth a decîdcd linup le a guet ai the Braudstetter home iodge tesand the services ai the I4tb at 2i:30 P. M. Mothers@ meeting. aemiumodatc the @rumîier viitaiS wlsu v.ho attaclssd the t the bhose cart ihis week. aewr the brother __________ culteetu crttowu. hall tison presseinto, white aniother driver lequspped usitb Parier Duellieîsvlslting tiends i l ton.-Te oniirmt we bthy eites seseke eal:-titan tonal, adipor acescouuc-cted a pair of tru~* owing tir the Tast crosul tbatCulpetoot greys ta the eninssand tu cap the the central part of the state. Grayslake cerneterY. He leaves Wo ROLUND LAKE w. tuorreort to spensi a deigbtful chinîat the bots cari swon weigbted It you have any suite to ha ch&&es mourn lis demise a wifeanad une _________________~ arrive@ boesat tItras ocloclu. lire departmien cufficia» urdeîe b ltsisaedd u itbrerebpibsIt Dl<J S oluvO Uthe 1robe reElukodccmalsbyoselere tiseo tuta aigbt lu order tu dtug store whîch. wil h sent tu me ansi a leglon of triends. fxue ntle nhobre hpti berdgts.En Paulna SiMaeWtiaîry Ilcc tebeas male sorne embîlenc.e veryTu ay ansi retu'.ted tiiyou week. ; "" '- dfeet "- 'u aed Strd-Wm .-Jabua. the tatior, Bur- -AnonItf .Fan sleelctetindanato" i're'~£lynw> Vi /Jly difUiFi. weste sccoeispereonaihiset atthe Andi lait bul t eSta o tine.Anucmn. rn:Mce neranda uoi reoiduince of Mr. ans i re. .J. J. Simm 7 tlen ruie lingion, Wla. We wiah to announce thai we have psrty ft-uns Wookwtock Sunlday. gummy pasteora ubtne hthrd s the greater pari tftsteit. gentleman, Who éanewiers tu L o nt - yseut'.wi have a real sold our ire ta Mr. MitchnellBlackt, Me Eu louvctts teil-at otosud r iiatic-bances. Nt ard Saverail petsonas eemed ti glad tbat wheel 09 blfilty bon oe ailcodtfhied F'ourth o! July celabra- tbe Ice creain mniuacturer. Those Saturday andi Suoday. trs nkste ertie ofu Jfus Lund bal attaînsi hi 0h bit--touring car wbizzad up Foest avenulion The commercial luhes hagemovies'efo areesio gilrowiurs;g qoîtamwer re t fwý day leit Tuesday and callesinaith .. a abreak Dck opied in the direaion u onf ThTCub at hare atshngareiarbbcseaon ay rcu loge Waltnisn ibat eveniîîg tu ceelrate th tehle cumlagation, wbiie nen, wonss.n o! iafai uuhsIil Ilh uesm rr iapopular. Two bundresi people awth jaau eenib sbtqenntrtaln- ansi childriun tread their way tbrougis thie hesi lever. I ruce Drug Company. @o ast Sunday nigbt. Mason and joooeot teslashowtli oes n oe btnanNie i BLW neyer changes consistency menttheinsaiene dlofeiqtidrenrodi- cCortuuick have been eogagad for the tuenti musical sd vocal exercises and a goîng i h tisdrcin deuatur..d exiamporanalun *cabaret"' evrte exctensent *Oui) - -. de LAKE VILLA sain and its resiiency equals air. Fred Bite acted an '*leader" olurchectra wbcu the proceseicruo ei et aiOl4ens x.A S ieveral uot the rlatives andi friende a iile -jorko the. bug" the "noted"t bil by enmiucaict trouniecacc..osuthe Uic IIII J The contraIt Ia been let tii F. M truontiersattendesi the funeral ut the "' ffm r enteriaiser rous the Kratney retort sud ire %bo annauneci that thefliaines baid ILLINOIS 1111 F. Iu.i.i COuY the"openjing"'mriddle act'" and -alter- bs-neu .icngui.bed airliaut diltîcutty, -arnard N'uelicr and lPeul Prurine Esoilînfor thi EI. HilcseY bungalaw late IDuitlon iranget ai Grayslake, ---- Ae, hiao~II of ~ ' thte show lu credîtable style. beI oftesal conscuueue sud due tu olZuic itit visîted l t the hucuVo bomne whicb is t Ilu ecru- laulun the corner ui1 'sonuay, jay -)tll. 12 iimA,. h ,E the ruegligeice o! percrsuuîsl-urtaing lt el, Sunilay Amsterdama A- anîd Gibeon St. Ma- Malurtinu Thelen aur ose village ulht-k testivibies Saurday lu conséquensie of phtogrsphors tout whiicb' as partuv Chn f. oer I h.aloVsletACE.fril n4iizrTS tý o tegruid btsagod ie ile lsiig e Cre I e ILE buel.Opeing hall <f thea tesson. Sunsmer detroyed. -day t lies ,uiuor buome. lery~and watt wull u,1iiabesi raphdly. as tnth uruGENrTthietessonSuiday girls ansi tteir acorts titted aong The popîulace perauiiuulated tact lI lcrurdU- hcMrt uvt-utU. llussey ùc.,u- I.-l, ccupy itby Jiily ,tî1 ntFord c a tqe purhaisn ui. q14 124NMiAv Mran Méi DîtrtSndeolLiery Tiursnwgt- ucair M A KE BIG Gnlmn .Nipprînt avenue cothid in gorgeons the village hall and thie coutnuil wsilyle, are Sutilas cletuirsat tiie boule let. Mr. fiusu.c 1 In a trio ta Cali-'li aewoswhhbsbennPes edmefl ric- auruuîg attire cuusicttng Of llimY lace rsconvetîcd and prori-eeded wta le ue otb course t u-uunutracîion or tuenlaitls T el. sdtrbgaeneoe. - aettbetic tsttet ua.taonnaliss e re basoiout usin îes au ut tîin lag îe satWiir- s s isalumaalto interteI i lu-1,Wclb bIIl, wbichin oreo lareto u h atfw O E oI n ou i gnsofr fe uuiinilhaislim utt. Bred lel'sorcbes maroahlaîlai rtup. s - dinîed wttM rs Allen F'iI s beiog paesed trne ini regard ta up mo nth4i s rapidly uearug co upletîonuJ ira furuîelied deigtlul rmugie tics. trauI '1hree of the old sud uue îutthe ni-- ____holding praperti tlieur Omri. aj 5i einumed in tereral plaes lai Exclusi Nam ing haI ci t-cles, Iuac t ward sud fQrwar d ti s sehile one <cf the iculd uv-r a ldernia n NIaI cîftr the hari tet-, -. A thre-etory bailli- j uuo, inilin s purchase l a hig b ry Ad. gldes etc., In thei-coirtI ta ayi clirouinie 1 waël agaîahi@ retention. igsil aeu..ji rai uii. ur i auehl i-esleTODAy Ad their movensents aîtii rytliei ut ofthe! The mavor bad martes ilblu fui janies Mugg traucacted I)uuinesc11 l gui 'ta WRgrdepilaTEr Addacehalress ieD rnilody floating otît faotttîe orchestra. 1'claughter" bhosever andi pri uuss-d tdue Chiago Thuraday- The Alleudal, ,,iuîlluuga are being t- ialu-u uaigcerlatrtot uiThernen tevami, o haie ot u 0 Bnab Rsheo-îatiu t -. Lawereuce bureau ut Waukegan, epent placesialeîr ail hue viatu. Tbay wtt re runilot Ti ssîtoîîerdanues ahhb V their physloguioins that compelledthe unil, therefore a cocmpromiuse na-c Suuday Btthre Ilansotl Foin.. coveresi aitb iuue iuoac taoî . \etut ttttm ii u_______ cynîcal "anti' Saucer-s and ct-eted in over until the net meeting. Lîbetttvîîe iallers îlondaY. up, whscb nili .iujuBva everythiug in theni au Intense longing fortab Tht tollowing appoititeet tu becoiuie uortberaInois.ul equippesi witb social graces ibat ould,-menihert uttht majorsofficiasi csabinuet N'rne tNeil bpet aran sd SUn- Mrs. J. MIanuisd son Alex seere enable than to jui ln sncb deigbttlmer@ecounlrrnsd h the concil: Treas- day at he boneenotber sriter, Utc. Roy -EZN RS letvte.TerIwintetof do I uner, GoreW. K h vlaeattoruey, jolies u.viitîgUtWai)ts Fed ta4 teaîvtis. bet- dleonen" lea-g Kalb vllgeAfex save he sliuuld worry an i ta AtH vas not "made gloriouesommer' but Usorge Felds, Wankegan. Mite Auna Flisun viuiter] Friday ansi uaw pair of @fille_>- A YL K I* -1 -... ..-LUk-aMVilla-b.Il- te-t-- -1-eateËil Anthoch Satu rdny H. Mayer of ~prtngfluisi, owner cf thre bank buUidng, hius ciy made a business trip bere tiha vek. Mrs. C. Allea ansi mother. Mts. Culuer, atndisi ttie fanerai o! Mrs. Alleu's aunt ai Aatloch Wednesdsy. The Grayslake Commenrcial Club wtll assst tbe olds ordiers tis year on Decortion day. A very excellent pro- gramn lt belng preparesi. The Allen- dale bandshabalsetu gaged and gond speakêrs yul b. preseutesi. Obltuary. Dlgbtou ragirvas hotu In Wsu- concla township, Lake couuty, Marcb 16 183 Desi ai uCsire, Wis.. May I1, 113., Agesi 70 yers, ana month ansi 18 sisys. ln e&rly tesha was marrIasi Wo Mise Cornelia Fox. To ibis union The C. E.Socety vili ghva thaîr enter- latmnateFnsday vaning, May 9Pib, Mts. C. Eý Dauman trensscbed hueihue la Chicago Friiley. The Grubb chool closesi for vaiation Monjay. The Dcdge icbool closed Fiday on account of thea rutas. Uns. R. L. Strang and duanater Jasais ntunnesi front Cbanpahgn. Thursday. Miss Mangaret Gilbert, hascher of tihe Dosigi icool. ibres of the Jackt chilsiren and Esivard Edmnond@t art very IliI vth tIte rufailes. Ils,. A. W. Spaffonsi ansi family loft tiI momntng for WbaaWon ansi Chcago andsil îIattend the '"Worlsi' lnChcago ansi also the graduation of ibeir sou Go. ai the Thealogical Seitluary, WednSa- day. Thore yl hea a peaker tronsOttows, Ili.. hart Bunday. MIlse Helen Spaf farci isPeut as a ddt- gaie to Bearcltovo, 111., Ltb.h State Sunday School Convention. Fox Lke Wee-kly Review. BY JACKIRAL= LittileMay Vagi le spending Lit ve vihs Mus Philis Paddock. C. L. Thomson bas a new Ford auto- mnobile ansi Shirm DavIs of Round Late, aieban one. Tise infant son af Ut. andi Mr@. John Lensin. J r., bai beauOtron iecitliti. A littie son arrived ai the hanse of Ur. ansi Ur@. Daînsr Towntend, Tue%- day, Aprîl 29tb. Uts. John W<an ansi Urs. Will Dillon 0f Vlu, veti amont thon wbo attendisi tht meting of the Aid socltY ai MMs Joepsh Vnt's lat Tbureday. Tht nîzi J1 tif Ge me May 8, 1913 ai O'Cilr, Wls. Re was savnty yaars olsi andi bail llved lu Laite county Mot o! i lit. He elitted, in the Civil van t the age otoneteen yeas andi mervesi for tht-es yaans as a teamater. lu 1866 ha marrias i Mss Cornela Fox, vho with oi@ dangbter Alice. la lef t tu survive is. The fanerai vas held lu Strang'i undtaking mroe aitfGray@-t lake, Monday 'afternnion, Rav. C. A. Mller olbclalesi. Buia in tht Graylsite censtery. A large number of aId friands ansi niahbort gathetesi tu pay thaîr at respect to tiMi lelghbor. FR--OSEcRNSI ietlng of the socety willl b ha hB Us Jusige N. B. Welch sud brother 8pen- "J. Brevet on Thui-sday afternooui, cet Wlch cf Chicago, vîsîtesi J. G. Welch uns 5th. on 8nnSay. WiII Bonleto! McilinrY, bai Lought E. 8. Faukner sud wsef ansi son Wes- ba elsi Dtyst tarin lataly vacatesi by ley vîsîtedst aithe Nothop home on8ua. songe Fullard. Rollandi Bahcock o day. llsnry, le movng oato h. -Tam Ed vard andi family spent Bunnuly la Pissant Prairie, Wis. - WIll Wlch ipst snnday at home. Me. ttaam Woe disaiat Wlo Digton Otunýer i6d veY sndd.nli Kln's on Bliday. ton. Waltor Duulsp bai returnesi frota Vermont wbere be bas hec.n vislthng rlatIves. Y R. L. iH. COULSON VETERINARIAN Ofice at Garçlinwe Hotel Phono 53R GRAYSLAICE ILLINOIS Muriie Brothers Ruuad -- ilinois An kinda Of FWe & Grass Seed it 3.ovSt pT'ifol akeh Ob~*~. Ltun'qo Y" Prim TmqIs.m V*r i U%- in e» . 18 tu 2 ini tbree nuluge 8unday. The gainsa was called oun account of tain. John Ogmoud of Chicago, vwu out to Registered and Standard Bred. John Nadr't Sundas asas"inle gondi, having caniettfu~u aercr 2:19j. Finl! brother pIckarel, ail tfwliieh ha thr-aw hack ho- to Aegon Star 2'.114. Black Stal- causantf tht ire init. lion 1 c* bande high, sired by Aegca Misses amie ansi Kaibryn Leonard vans out viiing thair parents F1rday. 4194 record 2:18*. Sire of 8, iwi Tha, ao atteuded tsa Commirdnal club cluding Aegou Star in the lint 2 .141~ damtcfflday ulght. lire by Nutwood 600, record 2:181, Mr&. D. R. Mauzer was a Otayalaka pasmenger Monday. 6 0 Sire of 16s8 in the list. Aniigo's The Phîlippi Chair Comnpany la pro- dam (4ypsy A,2:25*, dam of Il in pressing rapidîy in business, They re- the list. alved ordere Mouday for the pq4 sutesa eybnnm a. Douglas is on a vaazion ton a -Autigo Il. isaveybdsm 'b d"..- black with a sinali star in foreheasi, M. ~l M J - Kile t lait Thums broken single sud of gond dispo- fder y nb îitKn. tter aout sition, 15 claver iu harnase, aud je a tou moth' yitwith li. ud lire. J. I<udt. . square open-gaitad trotter. Mr.,ansi Un. Johnson Mud tva, dangît. Will stand :t our barn. $15.00O tee are bccupyling one of ibe Wenholt #Iw4«s for tite summet. to lueure live colt. Ail accidents e C.1. Jarvîs made a fait trip ta New aeta'inen's rjsk. lank. Wbat vl h. visM vobave 9* llng neblnin aopératlo?L S it.dMào..oojet artaboni. U K 'BRO S. @ithu* OOWwranlattonsl, bIdpedalPhone 12.J-2. ROUND LAK . We can give you Farming Tools at Cheaper prices than mail-order houses--and we stand back of them. HARDWAREGenermi Une HAffl- WMRand Specialties., We are exclusive agents ini Grayslake for the World-Femous DEVOE PAINTS, VARNISIIES>, ad BRUSIIES.a Inspeot our enormous stock. You can get l-ai, what you want. NOW'S TIRE TIME TO GET LAWN MOWERS .. AU i Sl* CHEÂPER THEL EHEE e Doigand Say nsof GvLy9lake I)ruPeo mtil Iorder Taken for Job W@ik Advsrtleing Rstes On APplication LOOK TOWARDTUE FLJTIJ It is tt- tnexpected.-tliat tisually happelg---rc let<l)eialy iii P!oney matters. But tlîî-î- h one sure way to be prepared félý uihexlwt-te(l iîi-fortune, that is Build Up a Bank Account A Lay soinetlîiîg amide now for the energencies a*: well as the opportunitit.s of the fuîture. I Why not open thiat savings account now and let' us add compound iîite-re'ct to ýoîir saî-îngs ýtwice W year while wt keep yotir mtney Pafe for you? - Lake Villa Trust & Savingu, - 1 1 M Phl - ý a 1 'o' 1» 'F,-v« a- n-o' t,