CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 9 May 1913, p. 8

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WauAlegan Neê- 1 V~a floVea /Ir.mjghe Ceuni>' ..i.Gi. __a- VOUIVMTES CCOUI4TED OUI" Do, IRONASERY TO SE i ILT RATES IN M0OT GAIN CONTROL Of ZION CITY IN NORTHE CEICAOO SOON RATES VAI ___________ EAR, TI Wth almont Arabian Nlghtiike ul»oh Zmon City, lav -One of the mosi ln a dramatic mandier said: -Ater wtchéry. A Waukegan yaung man dastandiy arts perpetnated by praytflg ta the Aitghty God and ssk- wbo a fév yéané 550 consecraiéd ble SUFFICIEN any ivi boy aywhre as erp-lugh bi besslng an the meeting,.1i lIe ta thé cburcb, bas rîsen vîthba TRACToi auychc adyanw èr ivs ere-canit stand for such unigteausness.' thé perlod ai tva years weuh almost BEFOI traied bý the lîdeiréndéfli Party Of Wi'th that Mr. Bannés plckéd ap bis laconceivabie bounda tramn thé rank thé Zbon (ity caunei duing thé past bat and walkedi out. Hé was qulckly of Brother Fraucis, 0. P. li. ta, that Thé Mén fév days. On Nionday nlght thé followed by Aldermen Btecker, Rab- of thé Rit. Rev. Mou Sffleur Francis, décidaid upc Cty cauncil met for the purpose of bine and Bull, sud aiea by thé twao0. S. B. As thé Réglonary Prelaté on mémberébil canvaéaing thé ballots, but instead of Thocratie aldermen wios lould have hMitdAisot of thé tudepeudeut and C.A. dolng iis lu open couaci1lu an hon- 'beau seated, C. A. Brune aud Ernest Orthodox Cathallc churches of tii Junior Di omable vay betore ail parties, a comn- Harwaad. W. H. Ciendlueii, Attorney district, hé lq nexita thé htghest hlg- tour dollars aultie ai ibrée, composait entirely ai C. P. Barnnésftrnm Woodstock, Thon- nitary of thé Othadax Cstholtc Intermadi indepeudents vas appatntedl. noth- dore Forby, electéd clty attorney; chumcb lu Amarica. Hé la thé yaungcht yerésix wltlet&ndtig a vigorous protesi On thèse men ail hatlly vlthdnéw, as If Mitréd Abbot lu thé vorld. Senior D thé part af thé Thecratlc paty. sud thé very atmosphère vas too corruPt As Brother 9'rancls. Up ta tva yèars idter, ton c thgse men wére gîven thé custadY Of for respectable citizéns ta remalu ago, hé carnled on hie churc-h work lu Sustainin thé ballat, pol-bookésud tally sheets longer vlth menn ho would hé par- rathqr a éimail vay lu Waukegan. Hé viii psy t and ibis otwthstandlng thé cnooked takens lu sncb rauk villilany. etabltsbèd a frlany lu thé aid light num Or MO and outragéous conduct ai test. ler- Afién thé Théocratic party wîth- bouse building on South Sheridan road désires. tou ,vhén W. H. Cleudînén vho va, drèv thé rémalnlng Indépendants wbére hé carrièd ais a splendId vark Any met éléctel mayor. vas ibrown out séatéd théir candidate for mayon, J. D* amaug thé foeignérs of thé city. His iockéré uma thzo souséonès tamperiug eih Johnson, and hé lmmédlatély set vîntér échool ai Instruction vas op- one dollar thé ballots. forth lu a vondérful oratton vbat hé préciaed espelally hy thé Armeulans, slzO af loch A meeting ai thé council vas celaitéd eouid do sud vouldu t do lu cIeaning Tur-ks and Buiganlané. lHé vas Thé aboi lier 3 o1clock yesterday aftérnnan fan up ti ilty sud makigI au idéal achiévlng splendid succéés, but tail- oral privIli thé purpose of hèarng thé commit- ciy fan evény citizein (?). Thotai lng héaith finalIy caused hlm ta gvé ciudlug thi tees report on thé cènvase of, ballots. earthquake dîdn't svallow thé wholé up hie wark hère sud go ta Fou du ' Ming pool. (Thé mayon, E. N. Ritchie, vas not outfit leauiny accounitable for thé tact Lac Wis., vhere hé éuteréd a man- rnay b.lieu ilséeéii. au h vasrum bré that i mia iybe thé Aisghty wlsiséd ta astery prééîdéd aver by Blisop Graf- eésiary for excusefor bélng absent vas ta4thi ie éiso bfrttéw olétn. Blsbop rafttn vas an agéd , ia. 1 i velencé, and ta, keep out of trouble wonld as au exemple of COrrultIié5é man and for yéara hée badl bén sait- cOncernai. h préiérréd ta stay avay. Aider- 'Id as au Indication ta ail décent clUi- lug msous ne ta také changé of bis1 inigiW- p.hMiler présidai as acting zone luZMon City no mtter wat si ork. Hé, deiréd sanie one vlth sut-1 Thé don ulM3Orand thé follovtng aldermen party they belong ta. as ta vba la Sicient exécutivé abiilty ta carry il, building *Bdl0"Otheroés vre prsent flhting on the aide of rigbteausnésg forirdsuccèséfully. In Brother lu la hopel ladéspendent party: Aldermen F. L. and a dlean clty. Fraucié hé aw thé man for vbam héo Peusi * lirie, J. IL.-Séyers, Samuel Steveog- That stops vili hé takén Immiédie. ho long boid heén éeeking. long délay M% C. p. Oberdornt! . R.. Owen and ]y ta bring thé scaundrels Implicatai Thé isé lu rouit for Brother Fran-! and younl -I i. t-nse l ib is glgantic treudl ta justice goea clé came rspldly. Hé vas swon or- roominlu * "1.ocrtic Party: Alderman Thea- vithant atAg. Âiready fia daubit, dinai a déacon by thé Arméenian nov make 4M e Bcker, J. W. Bull and G. F.iRob- Mlr. C. P. Bèrues, attorney for Wilbur Archbishap and Printseti the request rotary. Glenn Voive, béé set thé lav lunuMO- ai Blsbop Grattan. Ou August 13 Furr Thé Cty Attorney, V. V. Berne ad dtnan sd décent fair-mindai iu 912, Rtisop Gratau died sud thée ocu 60é (K7 Clb, EZ B. <ibsrisiu,someéoswbéré vill seibai Godféarlug order then bhid no abbot sud thé local ing thé 93 »M aé iso prenant. and lev-abldlug citizens cou gt Pro- Young cburch officiel vas conseiznatîd 0f thé bu! Thé onucl vs Ré.1Iuntii the "M eomg wasopened i ib pray- téctian and fair play under the Stars aiter ükgottatlans vtth thé Mostie.tee o cof gythé ciy attaMuy. V. V. Bénie. and Strilsés. Mar Ttmothéus, Oribadax Arcb Btébap t a1 1a Is 1hpmaer hé asahaithé AlmigtY Thé lédépondonta' Statement. of Narth Amèicé b>'scal emi-neédéd. t, Setévrytiiég thet vas doue ibère Thé above account ai thé dalug, et élaon of Ignatlus Peter Ili, Patrlarcb ofi 0" t aternoon be doue and aaId ta Zion Wedeay are turnisbéd ta Thé Âutiach, Asie Minon. As stated above Thé 0Vi Ma bouser and glory. Sun by e correspondent vbom thé ibis givés hlm juriediction as Raglan-I building 'W Thont follovéd thé fing aofmatares ludépendénts daim leaus tavards Mry relaté ai thé Indépendant sud fScIent tus $or thé various officéna for théeésu Voli but who la usually vry aclur- Orihadax Caibalica ai ibis district It contractai hg yeai.,béinang M&y lot. aie in bis facia lu articles turnlshed te glvés hlm full auibantty ta ardals coumîlttee "mé cfty clark thon mal a report Thé Sun. * pniess, etc. thé talles *fa lie commte vwho cénvasséd Howver. ln order ta adhéré ta aur At thé préentt Ué hlé lui Wau- promptly -- 'Se ballots. This commlittffe vas cou- désiréta b.e fair, The Sun askai au kégan and baa coupltd itarane building1 pood of thé faloving persans: Actinsg Idpndnieader, J. H.t Harniey. for ménte fon thé esablisbment o!fsah-b.n ovr. "%Nw, Aldermau W. M. Miler, F. ULa ateai nt o! thé Indépendants' aide byt atsCîcg.Atét- oam ru X"9i and R. IL Oweéi .o! thé case, and lbe gave Il as falliows bouse ou Krltlan avenue, bas benaru ar 01%é report dclarai ibét thé bol- The Cty Council of Zion Cty atitls loiaé for a prelod ai ton réars viithé ayda lotb of tise 2ud, and 4ib varda réguler meeting lent Monda>' éveulus, thé priviiegé af buying ai the end of délayigi -verie in éuch a condition thet Ih vas voed to ai ehértamas of thé ibat t m.This viii liedoue lnue bilin soeossry ta throv thora out. Juat recout clty élection through lis eléc-mr utbéuatis u . New lié* théy came by tiIs condition, anldtienu commlteé, composeai fMessrs. curadinl Waukégasu Thé abbéy wvlla Ou théo vbjr théy bappeuéd Ltalbe nullatél, Norris, Mler and Owen. Tbéy enter- hé in charge otf Fthr David, oneéoai le muofh au w»va rumrard later. doeé nt ap- éd upon tbéir vork 9J couvons- thé ps-ets ai thé Pan du lm c maias- vom s péar, but one thlug la certain that iug the returné Tuesday mora- tory. Thé grovib ai thé vark aoflate mutte thée' vére put under séntlnl good or- lug sud théy réported ai an ad- la givén as thé réasan for establlsblug Waukegsi Z 1er and condition. Thé comBIitie jaurnai meeting ai thé council yea- thé abbey ai North Chicago. Carpen- thé repo théwforé tound lituécéssary ta racola- terday aiternoon et tisree o'clock. Thé ters véré put to vork aunléldèy msk- tei amasi aeéd ltimt Mr. J. D. Johnson candi- commté îaound DO soui rrégulart- lug thé necessary changes It vl hta t $29,57 daté for mayoro-n thé Indépendant tien in thé etturna o! thé e tattrd rosiyfor thé opeulug. cenémnone é. ,00 tickettaire blé seai; tsai liées Carr and i fn yards, but réported thé cou- about thé irai véél lu June. ud take affice as cty ataorney. E. I.L Itions a! thé ieliy-sbéeis sud poil- At thé préent Urne a cârioa*l ot 'jube ChrWsenson rrnmain luOffice as Cty books af thé second sud faurth w 'alualrcapi The cciD vo a Clubtsit C. P. Obéidosi f édlr- afsucb a nature that ibéy coutil ne-flot le a dolétr,laing l, éUaiWhode it - i décie fer 2ad vani, aMi tht Mr. scen-iminthéeréunt. ofthé vote. and frbvim ofdoit,"&d la hé placel mains un Charies Mineri b. returulm a ider- veré éObpieiid ta thrav oui the».lth néou abbé>', anu thé né a futu ainsudnva mmuaetfthé 4tb vand. Wth thé ex- ltvahearda.bblu.Iningesa théuturfandlovai ceptian af thèse men, ail abher affl- a wéliestablishod national and talaacuetfoeh ééicieSsés Thé di corsvove sta remant as bétoré. Ac- procéant Witbin thé lent moth thé viii hé securél er thé abbey. specîlon cordlug ta thé nturna af thé récent taie cenvaeahng board conéIistig af Thé Rt. Rev. Moun elaueur Fraudés élection thé Zul and 4th vardé vére Govérnor Dunné, Secrtary ofai s . O.. B., plans ta mae thé abbey WA carrled b>' tva of thé Theocratic eau- Woods, Chié! Justice o! thé Suprérné bis borné about iDe-hat of thé Uié. ddates. Court, brew ot a vbole cauni>' lu Eveutueily hé may usove thé moues- -The second yard wae carriél by C. canvasslug the é rtamaetrous thé rorty téry ta Nantis Chicaga or Wauliégéu. Wben . 'Brune b>' 13 majaity aven is op- third Sénatorial district.' lu canvasa- Hé Inieudé ta carry an bis vork a roan i poant, C. 13. Otendonff, sud the 4ib îng thé spécial élection neturnn on amang thé farélguers thé semé as hé Décéissh yard vas cars-led by Es-nest Harvood répresaiev, hceuse o! eightir_ is- 1*bfré hé loft tva géané aga. vornan, aven is opponeut, Charles Minet by négularitielu DuPage count>', set. Thir urgent rquetts tisatiehéréturu sud askE 36 maJanlty. By tbnowlug out thé Iug Kelly. thé dehocrai. lustéad ai hadlrnuch ta do vltb decighlm. ho kiséw ballais of thé Iud sud 4th wands ibis Boardmau vbo bad a clean majonît>'. Wlth Fthér David vîli hé thé flliov. thé disi gavé thé ludependent candidate ton lu thé Hayes-Tildén, National prééI-l lu broiers: Arthur, George and baait ho mayon a mslorlty of 4f, althûugb déntuaIl etion an entîne southeru Cmanuc. p ec Cléndinen vas lécted by s majonlty siate vas thrown oui. sa that thé lu. taleuc af 6. Al othér indeirendént candi- dependents lu thrawlug ouitva y ards BOY IIURi' STRANGELV mothér, dates vere alsa decared eléctéd have oui, iollowed a véliésiabllshed - éaWdou througb thé throwing aout af ihesé irrecdeni Vliva ban sresorted to YUSER wHO WAS PLAVING "hèrea ballots. vhlch giès the ludeiréadénis every kind af un-Ameican acharne ta ONS tes complète ticket. and leves thré The- gem <unirai of Zion Ciy, prchasiug WITH SHARP 6710K STICKINQ Tunîsoi cratlc party %% Ith tiiree aldermen as and IntlmidatIng voters. Thélindi- IN mOUTH, So HURT. shé gel hetore. 9'uch an ouitragi-ous iheit penci-uts are tharoughly v illing ta Propert: cauld scarcel>' hé coucelvat'le, snd l8 have the ertîre sfaîr alréd lu court 0 n %.ed nsday evenîng, uitile Ans- Chicago prooif tham sarne ai the bhl-gest écaun- le N\ oîîý,atîîiks hiruself entitIle to drew oneaiZion City', met wth a îudge droit bhat cauld carruPi any ciy havé relief î,alinul accident b>' !slling face for- Tuniê créptinlto chat is léamed to lé ur ___and______sand dnlvIng s sharp stick vbtch hé vomgen vhat thé people are higing for, thé Tmo barns bluruéd ta thé gnound. badlu bis mnouib back Juin bis cbèék. On ser cleanet cty onoursth. the porches ai ibree adjoiniug bouse puucturing thé capsulé ai thé parotîd Thé Durnug thé pro.eedings Aldrman cauglht iré sund a negro chus-ch vas gland, allowing thé gland ta protrudé Bluff fi Théodoré Beker arose and mtovéd ;threaiéned vith destruction ai lake lu thé mouth Hâte a rupture, baud,i that the poilIbooks and tîaIvl'Pse-tq F osest ou Thursdav afiérnoon. Thée tDr (G M lillmyen vas callél st offices bé brougbt ita thé c<urucil raam. A È lre deîartmeut i ally gat thé fire once. Héeeplacél thé gland sud bas ho motion vas prt êtas-e théeiouil ta undér contrai. ilugerd thé vounul ltb cottan. Bible. thla éffet, but vas -.oted agaluci by On___ uTiaursîs>' aiternoon thé gland Poi tb. Indéenants asud bei Tht-. urant Lake Forest academy detéted vas agaisi imotrudiug. Thé doctos- Pa> émothén mile éoue lu thé dertructlon Deés-îeîd High school lu a dual uséet cllfyppd lit off and "Chubishé. an thé awha s- of thé Indepéndent, because if Saturda>', 63 ta 32. Thé misat vas Ilti favorite la reliaid, séems to hé f1ia1YyfI theré bail béen s seuslauce af hon- héid n thé nain sud thé track vas doisg veil. é0Q.jl 2ý ééiy lu thé handliug of thé ballots oeau s-d vih ster. Hutchi on as IORAJ,-Cilidren neyer shauid is05h4 time vouli have beén no stémpita thé star of thé meét, vlnnlng thnéé mun about wth snythlng sticking a vari ph.-. joetkm tram thé énmre councili frets sud runtng au thé vlnulug ré- tram théls- mautb, espertll>' a sharp tnacks At tUs1.Juncture MT. V. V. Bannes, la>'. stick, a in, or, aven théîr tangué. vbc *roseu f naé rous blé set l-in.___________________valués 1WAUXEUAN Y. M. C. A. RY FROM $4 TO 010 P«A HE 7-ATE tDuPEUDING ffi ^GE 0F MEMBER ,T MONEY TO PAY CON- R MUST BE RAISER DRE OPENING DATE ibershili ('ommîttee have pon the followiflg rate& or ip in the WVaukegan Y. M. ivison, ages 12 to 14 years.b * per annum. tèate Division, ages 15 to 17li dollars per annuel. Division, 18 years of age and doilars per annuin. Lg or Contributing menihens .wenty-five dollars per an- lrs, according to théir own embers deslring the, use ot kay rent saine at the rate of ta two dollars accordgg to ve tees include ail the gen-c [ges of the association, ln- e gymnaslwn. and swlm- 1. etore the swlmming pool lit however, It vl be nec- to pase a physicèl examina- is l for the protection ýot ail Dormitore. mltorles of the Y. M. C. AL will be furnlshed finit and ed that thit deparimeut eau iby thé middle of lMay. The red lit vili nov b.e opened as men deslrlug to occupy thé Y. M. C. A. building may :application througb the sec- rishlng of thé building. racts yullhéte W.for turulsh- ymnaslum or otber sections llding, except the dormltory, funds are in band amountlng ot 16500.00. tbe angoungt naw Opening of Building. enlng of thé Y. 14. C. A. ill nov b.e délayéd until out- mils are in baud ta meet thé >r éstimatée. The building se la much ensbarraséd iy e of a nurnisr of people ta rpay their pledgéa ta thé fund. Thèse pledgeé are S tva yearé aid and ail are RêveraI thoumands of dol- outstanding and as a resuit ment of contraqtors bas beau and thé completion af thé bas been dragglug along. wSubecrîptionésand Glfts. ae ther band thé comumittée encouraged by thé voluntary several citîzens. sone of aré névcanmers. The cote- bellévestisat Mc,, peaple af an wili réspoud. évén though mne bas been slow. The te- ,unt uéédéd ban béén reducéc 79.07, includling thé note for »b in batik and thé furnléblng committée vlôb ta tbank ai] ivé tbus far. ca-operatéd, and ,urge those vhose plédgés re- pald te do thteir part at once. 3d f urther déiay- date af opeuing and publiecIn nvili b. auuounced through is KIPdD Or TIM b ie sou Praisk found hi. la ai thé Delévan hatél, Cbicago er 2lst. lu comPany wltb ýthé tathér turnéd te thé so éed hlm vby héidd flot tell hix w af bis wrang-doinge and mai arace. Thé son éxplainéd hg rugbt détecti'ves lu ordér I bis mother's banor. Thé wc so asked wby théy bai mat beil ch actions vould brégal tl s béait »"185* vékuown i mild have doue no vraug,» ea aecordlng te évidence ou f1 in thé divorceé pantéd Mn n, wbo cbargéd cruéity and , ysettlémeut vas made whéreb .s thé home et Lake Bluff au y et 2746 W. Madisan êtree g, and 11,000 lu cash, beulde r thé docrte bing qnteredb Whitney. son patl atteutionsi te othý aand clalmied bis night ta doE ripturèl grounde--et léèst, ti at bie wité aèldabout bhlm, Tuisisons havé réalded lu LaI for magny yéara, and thé bu wbilé not éngègéd In bis ct at 2452 West Van Buren stree jen an active cburcb worke nfor his deep lcnovledge of IL ry and Bellow, af Zion Ct rceutly purchaned thé old Ce forme ai thé étaie Uine, thîs we 20 acres ta Bén Jensen eai rwbo plana eréting a home ai ébous e nar thé Naribvéate a. Thé price vas $200 an ai] 1 elé e aset a précédllitf la inthat locallty ou AberiS b> me thr ly 'A et DANIEL A. GRADY Whl an Fniday va réommciidei r Sonitor J. Ham Lewis for the poat atterahip at Wauicégan and Who, hrough thé recommandation ii liésure, y é neamed for thé position. C. L. PlIghtavan was namel for postnuastea it Groalae. tq 1 ri Théu Oeai th Bay tIim tai. cet thi ben A.LLEQED-SLAYER EIVES SELF UP AT WAUKEQÀN I bac WAUKEGAN, lllinois,. May 2- ès Thot Tofly Jacobisn, aiiégcd mur.- cdérêr of Mati Sisicer. qill piéad self - dfente whén hé le put on trisi for his lits, was indicatcd th!à sfternoon whon hoéw ~arraigned betore Police Magie traie Walter Taylor. Hé sdmited hsving hit Sialcer with à basébaill bat, but claimed ho did te ln sélf dé- fense. Hl4 hoarlng was contimued un. tif next Thuredoy éfiérnoon, pending thé veérdict on Wednééday of the coro- flre jury. Wblléthé policé af Waukegan and' a score ai othér cities ln thé taté vére scouring évéry nook sud corner, leèvlng no stane unturned ln thé séarcb, aud about couvlucéd that be bai made good hie apportuulty taes,- cape. and ln ail probabillty waa cav- erai hundred mlles away and tuI go- lng, TJoy Jacoblan, 18 yéars oId, form- al arged wttb thé murder « Matt fftalcér. former Waukégau plleman, the youth walkéd lot thé local police station on Thuraday ulght about 9:30 0aclack and surrénderéd bliseIf. Hé vaLs et once tèkén ta thé county Jli whâe hé waa lacked up for thé nlgbt. This afttéroon ho vas ta have beén srraigued beforé Policée Magstrats Walter Taylor ta, anayer ta a charge of murder. Hé viii then hé rénsauded to ai jewithout bal ta, awalt thé ver- dict af thé coroners@ jury. "Iunudérstand yau are loolcluq for me-I havé corne ta givé uyseif np.", Jacoblan rémarkéd as hé éutéred the policé station. Came ae a Surprise. This action on thé part af thé ai- iégéd murdérér camé as quté a sur. prilée ta, the police for théy had about arrived -et the décision that frieuds af Jacablan badl sPirltéd hlm out or thé cty. Far this reaffan thé policé lu sevéral citiés had beén turnnlshd vlth a complété description af the youug féllow ln addition ta arreet hlm au slgbt. Policé Rune Worke. luI thé meautîmée thé police dld ont roverlook thé tact that poslbly Jacq- hian mlgbt tilb. ln Waukegan. Pré- cautions véré takén so that hé would havé bad -dlffcuity lu maklug bis es- ,fcape, as evéry avenue vas vatche4. b Assistant Chiét Tyrrél had takén -pains toaspread thé report among frlends of Jacohian that blé viséét dpolicy lay lu givlng biniséif up, for r othérvîs e héwauld hé practlcally ad- g mittung bis guilt. This balted book, throvn oui as a tarlorn hope, suc- icééded béyond thé éxpectatiaus aofth policé and succeéded vhére a thor- ýd outb and painstaklns searub hâd beau - vithont Avali. Thé Police Soeuré Evidence. Tepolice iavé beon a-pie tavav thé etrongést i d ofai anet af évi- - dénce&about Jacoblan. Thé strangéisi ;b testimony vas givén at thé corouér's Inquesi wheu a àftteen-year-old boy tesified ta bavlug séen Jacoblan bralu, Stalcer vtth a basé bail bat whilé ane of thé Kuclér brathéns wbo vas ar- rested Thursday atternoon, plnnéd thé ln former policemnaz'sarma heblud bis .0back. This boy vas put throgn a grillilng cross éxamlnatlon ta see If hé vas positive wtth regard ta thé de- Du tanls, lu agite of thé rapld fAre hi in questions hé dld fiat vavér and bis ré testijnany rémaluedl unbrokén. ho tér nquest Adjourned. Atrsufficlént téstlmany bad ffl4S 't> héérd et thé corouer's tnquent tii'cou- î- vîncé the jury as ta wha vas réspon- se lu, lié r. bfy cit, les a Lke lus* thé U>', ,ou- tek Ké- and éru cre, fon [an SYiEO MAN' Is the Best That Money Cai Buy Our examinétiw's are thorauht sud complele hisivery vay by rompetélit réf aetouLni et o f a rhargeé vé ,.lnd nur owu lénsé Md make aur own frameta fit each par5i4ueu.s Louis J. Yeoman .MANUFACTURINCI OPTICIAN.,1 WAUKMAN. ILLINOIS obdomomm j! Yen cma do the weokrn wauhing for a family of six at trMflng oot for electrtcity il yonu»n an Electric, Washi M ~achinle And the ironlnx ean b. tranaferred frem the hot kitchen te the poroh by gettlng a long cord and Electrtc Ioi A few moments nueftit daiy willi keep your house neat asn a pin if yen employ a Vacuulm Glealler Smumoe'aheat is quickly moditied in any room by an Electric Fan AUiéséaend mess other eleciricai mpplitsces for éale ai the owéi prices. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY 0F NORTHERN ILLINOISI PIIILIP JAEGER (IENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Spécial Attentiou gIven ta thée a"éoa Dreuued Beef, Kutton, Hogu, Veal, Poultry, Rides, Etc.. Butter and Eggs. This ie the oldéét houée on thsé etreet. Tageanad pricé liste furuinned on application. COLD STOKAGB FREE. Wbédé M çkat. ANNONCÀEÀENT We are pleaaed to announce to, our friends lu this vicinity, thstt we will be ready February l6th with two of the greatest brande of iFortllizers known. Meredith 's The OnIy Brand Genérai and Sure Crop Grower Nitroen -.......pé...... .A........ o2prcn PotusliSeluabte-..4 t.S 5 »«<élu lusolublé ...... 1 té 2 p«e cent Meredith 's The OnIy Brand 2.. .....e........12 Nitrocg ............1to 2 P«r ont Asm ..........2t 3péré«Ut AvelsllrPhés, Acid 6Ste 7 p«r cnt P,.tash-......... 2t13 per «nt PotuAsh1to 2 petrcent We can seil you better goods for, lems money than any firm today, on account of owning our own mine, our owti mil, near Coatesville. Penn. W e are ires from ail combines or trusta. Compare the analysis of these goods with dther brande, get.their pricem-, and then cail on us. (Joue in, let us tel yrou how by iîivesting a littie moneyin these fertil- liers, yon eau geli bigger returne than any invest. - ment on the farm today. Your yieid Io too light. We eau help you. »:.: The Meredith Mining and Miling Co. J. E. MEBEDITE, President Room 3, SdsanclBuikâlnLietsl,'Nge la] afi 21 wi~ NI C'or LOI, Lot N M. L' a' Ai A Jobi c w (lu, A-e lç b s Te F. sà 1 1 IeL é*0 Wu I' t e. lyathe, PM"é 4 1111t111 ce a éma Y h b ave béen Makgouéa ~ lb *> té I tillm .tmt* of-the mé élim e 1,W ho are sal eUktY Cowr a M UCaégs<te have beu wltas e athe rgér ta todèy -thèt if Ih vere mot Use Itle tithat if thèse boys c%94dbhé 1tacet that sevena oftisa wltneeebotal ihat éome véinablé teétimony aot hé réeqeffl tfote meUt Woeé. l e eçclIed o1er when they have begn i edThéeipolicé drové ta théeilnlty or roturm at thé Inquetsi probably the Teutis stiféé ive-cént theatér 05,". id b. reopéned 'iumedateiy. Thurédey atgbt and sousgbt to béate Wae ti@cer Warned? - sonile et thèse youugsters baugla Igtfuet t*cpnet uiRkIte about thé placé, but ver. nai suç- kt lire. Stalcér, the wldow of, thé cessf111. :t ina vihave nomse ezceédlgylme tiact evideucé te give wabusitehé la Thé sittds attorney has Wil a suit sced on thé stand next WaduésdaZ: 1ln coflhiy court te couSpél Prederlckd te val ta névé base put pu. thé étand AlIent af Lke oaPreet te support bis lrsday. but bécause an adjours. vite, vIla la la thé insans, asyluni at eut vas ta b. tékéb it wu aemai! Elgin. This lé la accordance évlth a et ta watt iud put ber ounaél éesk. uev staté lav. The suppornt amants Te fiénds Mr». Staicér lias déclarai te hetwéen $175 and $200 a year. et ber hueband bai been warned_________________ et hé vas golug te hé kllId. Blýé ys that vhén ber hushend va ficeman ibat hé arrésted one af thé ucier broibéré, sud that mInce that me thé youug man bas beén.a mar. Jénémy. A short trne ago she gays S~ friand, Informai ber busband thèt ehouid hé ou thé lookout f or the'G datso ucier brothérs If hé did not vaut ta O etklled. She le af the opinion ibat L aId grudgé agèluet ber huaband - sn bacli of thé attack whlch reuted bihs déath. Titis stèteussut an the art of thé wldov viilb. very. dam-' lus testlmouy égalust thé tva broui-, se 'Wh weré èrreistéd ou ThursdsyI Itérnoo, and vbo are awattlug thé rdlct af thé carnur's Jury. 0 tqm leek &mal Boys. TEST PIT It bééluata t lok as If thé motivée TITIdIEE ck of thé crime béeaiaét t en jD C Y etèblishai, and éach hour thé ceas CHICAGO, ILLINOIS

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