CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 10

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£ Mvencoo by J. W. McConaughy of the Successful Ne'w Piay by Ilarriet Ford, Haurvey . O'iIggins and Dtectlvc WWIai il. Burns, ln Whlcb Robert Hilliard la Appearlng. f7I ROLOGUI.- ' bbon a murder ta coommfftod1 fAu'. a invariably a motiva- ýfihdi if ta obvions, souss- th-WM sbpr«oaoua(àlmasked be- *d i mplexit>' Of possibiii-E iltti. taWOUtnfgh impos.- d.snfaftgl 1h#.&tender .1/o fct fro'm the . rp pand àe wi-fprobabii4'.But always iauU' a hre. Look for ~DA'elUm, aid Pare Tabaret, deso t.of 1, "ansd in he' f*'Nftnd he olutos of'oaur ~ 4 y. /id hr.eAnd *,àahsiSsxa.liA.obt'o" peo '»wt v44Ons moUve th-t ta ~~ê~.for a Mmen..,Som&- ýIt ondrlrng oause reste ~$i.rasana thon cire p- o m v« ino' theo cigow O b- 'W.Thenon uniran ,aocidont ýW~.vta çlew l<ot.,,<ho oici .>j.And sa 7.1a80h Th ~'1 ne az e I l 91 01 til te: i CHAPTER 1. lTe Murder- r aaau- aae Amiel vu &bout i nouai bannÉ.ILIUa1t nu voulng ho vas st bis te "Ode. saotulaffli halesaidte 7 b@ lpon tjjka Mrgng ho 'aas tona l î ee'i laioA aug7by lheIlaiMtalbe *h.lnlbrary l"U mnmesd lu 'iO tia npput t ho tableeceT- ~>5~î~m ut b sevenlngsairta mtwýuitofthe< lis oq4l 5t. bis -ý~ fflstenlmg 51ho sila "h*'ftlm iy voveu= and ai aao svy Ia arevolver. kas',emmurdor. e2výOSlum»of plcturesqu. te-j ?ej'lbe"y, tor James Amiela as .kuýg'hmauonoeutndutfManhabttan tu tbWiétl. e v as aigusovu lu Btusa ieUâce an udthar places. la Lie iraI pace he az as nmoualy guslli?. Ho bat but a coslly sut ad> éryamailiplaca on as stree lal 'Nàea Toi-k abere hie prîce of s -frot testivould kep u ord iuary faually lu easforltut, ýa numbar of rears. But ispoba thle mre fat uf is iches Omro aura oliar rasmuns. He ase Peuabl: 0111 pyairs oit. bphonever ilsus'.aitbis age Oua. Ho blo4ei to10a fea attendditunly ono. Tus vwas li I&M-1"éist. fD'otaualpb.eainme 2Mi et lie Sety ot men. but lua 'bvpymna precedlag isitatih e gnev velotttc.He aàaslhlly t. quarrai. *éfeevO rai moulin before tha tan- # adhodit quarraI viit avery Npasus lte ia Onuor Tlorliy& gi Iiat4loked sitar is legal need. t Lis ofter lMt. Tlvrliy dat. saud * Mr. Argyle severait relations mîli Me *ruMet ntaInedanauobscur it- lheflnognusma1mai T. Harley. Ha qiarsot. vthh bis son aimnot cou- **Uffly se liaI the young min, abo iii a decbfitoit .hovandtheiaratistie, i sMeit a studio lu Twanty-tiard siet. 'vis e olvai a bacielor's lite. Ha aven gs a fionit fiuit vli liae oit xM egr ak via bail beau lu ils bouse- -heU fcu-,tw.nty pairs sud for mios. eoahig ho vsa vout ta lesva the club M1.51 Urts satar polntedly tualting tbe inaassOent lu iscntllme of lie tadn uiine. 1 "b, ftula te navuqpapensarnu- gt saud zk. est hep gueusai ait. Thea- msegkWd t 5 greal ual more for hp 97i oyor Imu until a-al tact, ha- to*dsuli bat msde guasiiork -1lieo wss une pet'son intiuuaîely nou- acht viii thir. Argyle, ahana ho reatdviiiunfulllng loveansd ne- anet $h. vas bis adoptait daugilel'. Mas Mary Mazurai. About ber ihe iewspapar reporters coutil lean t 11e. mceptiug that $he o l ktie plae or Lnaturel daughior Aluheliad 4mas s [fa Wist ber ceai parents" auvMs ailuei s mystary. 5h. sud Bruce An- yle, liaeo soi ndthle otier membera li te ious.holit refusait absointely to »e reporters, suoithe reporters vrote hIugu hbat lhep dldn'h se.sud helu up ;h. police for averythini' Ibat lb. po- tee lid leurned. This va. not muni. The munrevas Narly a veal oid. suitthe mystarp aeat .an etfom solution as evur. But thora vas no Inck of malenisl far Lvaly spoculallon. 014 Mn. Argile batl been kuovu 1e qiaiTsl vilhie assou trequecothle pont tev mioflbs, asuit Iis tact vas gien tue liportane.He hait boel unt ton a nachor nide tirough tie park luât aftonoon vili Miss Mlazuretsai empeitunumoaliy happy suit pleasei wheu ho nalurueit. He hailtelehosit' io ls mon soit invitait Mlm t. the.baesu fon dItner thit ulght .Afler tinuer tb, fatber and esnliai along islk iu the libnarp. 1MieMazap et itineitwitb thei nditsa14liai IL ras a vonphappyp prtp--tiat: M. Ab- gyie suit bis #ou avare ona au uiiosamly frlenitii footing, anittho peut dlI- ereucnecfleiet o hava beau forget- an. Si, deuled thtua ae kumw vbhat bese diffarancea oaltghbava baeu. Sha lefI Mn. Argyle and Bruce talk' ag lul intebe aun d veut up 10 st e Mise Mzuret Wou Certain $ho Hearit Crue* Louve t111Home.u, noon. Laten abe vas certain aite beari Bruce leur, lia bous. andit star iat aie hait eltier,e000 nor beard a eue- plclous souît tutil hie pianlu - es Ilurugi lie bouse lie next mornine. Iuspachur Duffy. lu vîev of liesq tacts, subjacteit Mr. Bruce Arla eta searcblng examlination. ' Tie yeung ,m n auki, aduullled tt h e l. ler' e nces ut opinioan beveen blasait at bils fther iad gromu su seut& th«the fatIt il oult ha baller for ail connera- eaI ifo uonitquartera alseviete. Ho dit not ibr nyujIII ffulf'Ugtflal ils tatia n un iis account. ha asî His falier Wal growing aid, vaset- cautrie nditexlnamep stubom a u set lu ils maya. lut vas alplp a con. filIet of'ailla. 'auit.-e hai to t svow a serlous brakleit anigLWaibt bm *'Wiat te pour fis cial poItlpr, 4tii Inspecterasakeit. ,1' The. poung msn amîlet l athle qCIe tIon. 11 aM au aatiat." h. repliait, -'àit se tar unlinovu and upsit.' But MI fatior. ville iho wasî teenaineait t. Im Ps. bis viiun ever: on, about bhlm. vas nt men or vlnitictkvb- Whma 1 itet t les,, the. bouse ho la- creasoitmy allovance insteai t ot ut- llug me off. Ho belleveit h. rouIt briag me amendteta bis wap of thiis- lngt by argument. Ha nover triai OMeten minutes Iter the reportera hait moat of the details ut t1s exsm- inotIon, sud the. newsPaPers begaun t print long andit ciuxustalaltonies. walun poitit lu but on dirction- band lu the. inoder of bis fathar. lit vas poInttedout that liiere vas no positive pruot tiai ho batl lett tha housesat the houn ho nnait and noli- tas 10 show liai bo bai gone tu bis studio. lso, tiiere vas notbing In show tint If beh ai letIt the bouse ho hait not retunuad at a liter bour. Ailot tiie servants hait bean examn mot. suit. vhle thep van. greatlY aZ cttd " istresseit, they spparentilr knsv nothlius. The polica bal bopos Mhat furtber sud cluer InquIrias voui reveail suspiliuus facto on wvii el bas an au rest." Inspactor Duffp. vIlie ho vould t igo toto details. lu- timalait tbat there would lia 'aeusa- tiouai tevelopment.s viuhîn sa rw bouma" Andt su Il veut.Thasa atonles vere poluntdunitor besdinee sucli as 'ae- 01 can'I watt for rautsaals" dsclsred lire Kuom Angyle Murdenrer" "Rau Quarretwlwtb Arg3le BSatana Sot' SArtiste are not ususl: couali.t.i men of action, sui t tit te poeslbly lie reason tbat Brun. Argile wua expert' enclug much diltlullp lu galint gre- oguition as an artist. Ho vas idit- edI: a insu of acIlon-lesa. vlry, tank eyeitansuitei. Hie appearance. sara for tbe caralesnesa of bis attire. vas more tint o u conuai Sannalsnp lu au empire mliter thona sibbier lu p&aanduitcauases. à» aetea vitu suest eviittàmusmgsnho Mte e.Vas Vetrom&usi.No: Liai ho vuaà iraed-he foit liat bh os«hi nu dangerf utu ain victed offtho murder. buthoba viauaous ta kOOP bus naineout ut uupleaaant assoeia- tion iti the crim, for Ï a nuner et perfactly niamt rassons and oue tint vas nul maufe« e a as au- gagaitttail ver: chnrmlng pouugvo- in, Miss Nancy Thompsun. The. en- gagement was a secret, but betai afralthal lu voulit leak out eud Misaý Thuaipeo'e unaeanit 4ictu.ta vould b. arng nai lie poung girl froni the fa-ot pages orthlianavspépea'S Wiin a fev bours ifhar the noas Ilapol hait taken ublu tank ho vpin cnsltation vlhh M. Bunloy. pair flutigy vas aamoothi: Puttehei Pro fassions] man of about forly. viii mmaltaîa sbsndqome «e&-o. b practlredIttle 1.In lie courts aPPanoulY. Y'uahag Angy la vais netotsiffl*111 lia rounsel ut hua fathan'a isvyer. Tie lttler aitvisait Iguorini the. Pblldb liaI muet lnevluablp attendlthe MWu dur. doni al uit lsy vhlu ià tI pover loaMnEthe police snd vatt fol Il cn' watfor eaultel" dorlot Bruce. Tuls $iug isget0g2on* aorTes and un tfary's sait Naucp' pur thea salaor ait ut us il bas Io.bx eiletup iglil svay." * Weli, i do nual see Ibal w ce 1tny imette"a aMY'-ssmu Mn. eîmieii bis mut aoothitg professîonal manue 9 "No. 1 guess pou don'l," MeNy '-Bruce. a ithie btlanly. Ilf tutic:e *But sounthîni' hau 10 b.dose."ý *ley atvisadit u. Tha poleila iiisai a ly pet on lia nlghl trsck vithin asUot L"The. policer' anortait ArgYle. -Tie > 'have beeta gettiug un lie nliti trac I fonrpssnly a weman sd sK lmy hal à- donosno tir le rosie nawspaper storit ItbaI are as idîculous as tic auiE e 1. 0r. lunortd. bw î4oo' yt titBre i iI-ftlir Iaitthnt Ien't prêve, 4ht 1i vaut tUmreviwbe v as kkiit a-pou bott laI borts lits. the. iick.' Olt domsiot prove that pou kilimit btuden of Prout ruts upon the.Mt^s" "Te"bn0*# la Bruce. vlth ria Sccru."Z IkIe Iiidée ofgoait onfor weeka th15 the. Position ai tii. pliIce nul bêlmg.gbm ta Prove dtst1 luit mp fthili 1vaumthêuta.t provo Who 4a* Ib-nul me 10 Prove that 1 dlitn't or snythlng elser' "Well,41ouppffl tboy are trplng as bard a se e S,",salit Mr Hurlei. "Tb" msem au îOlabu..: onough." rO. eg. tier. busyr AMI*l lsUgho grimil. "ilvery dmn e i bave a upard tocm &roundt haadquantar tber, 4eud bbà iup la iohu'lmor Mary asuit tus te tlleveulthaluailR over allai. Mamry lu uesrly dItittct.d. J suppose thapli b. chargIug hi? vlth the anuter te tii. neaspapors s90n4 sud Ilion l ommit s munis, tuât tWêat b.éuy mysterY r -Nov, Evue. alon't excite yours.f cooSseaitthe. lsver. Butb.ho oeit unroaluortsbie ait the mention aitMiss Masuret. -"ize tuoh aa: unpleas> aont as pou, say. but Il ean nover do A rgile 'mateasu Impatient lestons "It con du stine rasi arua to Mary if she biosîks dovn uuder &Ui this-thia 'uuplsssntue es.5yu ctillIt" hlie- tonit. '"I uppose ibis hhlog of tihe vii la houait tu bhoadie public, and thonther. iili ha aIl sorts- ot novrsud nastior Stuelsa about the. vbolo lot ut "Il csu bardly lie avoltit." coucaitai the. Inayor rrentflly. *'l tilul. al- soif, liat lb. nuaspapena are siloveit tou muebli 1cous. Lu ibis respect, but tiat te botter than a cripplitd dbats- permit inma." ArgI*e rovuei t h le Blor aidtbe liWLer Pl"" ith a Peandut aiteit. At Istet .Young minu ookeit ap op- liarsati: calulel y s private rtolve. **Wol,lieho . it vlb gnlm imIer- curreut of litent Lu bis vulce. "I141v tb."pMl.e-y.ou have so mon fali ltu tbein-aday longer. and lieu l'il taire chafrtemnieit" Tii. lsvper threv un a svltl. keem glaacm Whet are :ou planning la dur bhoalait. "Nover indr Tii. pougmins lips came wthter. *'Tou anit pour friands.,lihe koflce. bave bait nerly a veek ort tussud baven't got auyvbore exeeplnt le moto s lot or trouble for peoplevWho bav, trouble enougb as it là. 1&Sm iplng t. celtion?'ml '"7*p h4 botter do uothlag'vtthoul eousult$eg me."» idylsait 1fr. Hurle, '1 bave cousu lted pou." retortad Ar> gyle. "AJ l.oucau ainz ~utta doila wait soit trust ta, b fl-0 I bave itou, bath fon s veek. If lie, havonSt sut eamuhhlng b1tmoro dmnn H. cut himseit off 'suitd1Mr. Hurley «aérly demandait. *Wb.atwlYeu dol" "WeIllyou'li sem.Tiere Ien't sol pantirular roeauon vbp Ishouldu't tell Iou, sud I viii as soon a i decIle, but w1ieu i do tha lnvestistlou la goIug ta bi eritd on unter ay dlIrectons!' ànd itbà snoi tut.hlislavyer ho d aîkeit oui. ou lie a: bonis hobougit Ibm dueal aditionu t su evealng paper. Hia oie rau over tbê lbasile suit ha liss- adl ait avons. Il rosit: Amiel Munder Motive VYondil Azeit a ilonare Plaaunet Change or Wlil Adoptait. i>agbter Nov flole Hoiri Sou Dlnhertdr" Tuboe afollovuit a dealled, story 01 bis reconcilation vie.-bl.fthuer--ol bis taflier'a plan-ta "I; Min bac lml bis viii au j9int Amir vith bis adoptait ululer anuithelhct tbaf the mord., 0leot -hlm peneu ansd ils adoptait ulster one 0f the rinlmest beirassas lu ""sud tie peeo vbou the c«M uaei bits," ssiiUa9dPapa Tabae "re. thedigrom mis eota B&41M "Pffl Tabarot as etwai becaise b vsW48bum-an d sii. ltk S t L-nssny madl. a terrible falàtaka lu fol d lowiugtlis aliomaolnflOsay, thougi e he provadIth le end liatIit vorat Ioui eifailnelp, 1'h@_ *aakéfi-off t il li tidicultp f sor tlll.g Dlamuu b-oner0f persons vbo are baefelit hi m th irlma and- the raiu é 0u Si gain 4o ach. Thus Il; happqwOpat à A ùèisber uf pansons mer lis bey4ofteil ee 41ieront ways hp a aniien.. The iisrauls iusp no kubte'dut '<le aiateno, ut aciiotiier. asuit laoua who coin Ln miateha «einmep ho iterlrlur area r. bnefil, but msy s«jo aetliheanme Uti o- hob. 'efMtig oliOs ls t a lasser eni io even grater itegrea. @o bore lu anoth qt or veakeausou, týe axiai-thst 1h Yone uwst beM'néieikt"o eassarl a', iy have g.ullty iinolrlfdIte outhe cnhani ae But lu Ibis casa tý&tVoaknuscoul, ty li eliagnasit. s tuevspspers gui atEp pointit out MiesMasua'.l kne, (r th# Innaricet secret, of theo uitmin' nr mind. She knav ot bis quarrais. vil] Wuisopn. Blie prol*blp 4beef< t thi 06 viii bait beau maite eulirely lu ha by faroir. fibe vis rlt éeSt therecul s. cilation itînuer. vben Il muet huv e limoýn kovu ta allk-oo lie. lsvym ha iiovutfon soveral lai-tlat M. AI nu gyle purpuseit wrjtlng 5 nav viiian nu leavtng ltie larg tr shâre'ot bis fortum r. ta bis naturel Chilt. This vas ta boy sa boén doua' vlt#alua Loy dsps at Iil ou cut,, u nit ho vas mlvtaradil l saine nigit. y~diisstgty.te plli ut b. vaich Oit hoaneit* ai I X -i Il t 1w Dilunhi iset 4 tclock. B VAW lq# S«out. crgpmedthg I smi beoit a train dowu, chaaglngt. fwy minuteater hovwu beLug aàaW up lte . btunmit our e t ain e- am buildinglu the. Onausi 0*digiet Lmavtng Ith. miovator. bh o ovuidthe tmen'.ditactions and'tounitaà of- tee door tuat bore the simple InsRÈp- tion: Kcuterini hafou" it hematConfroat- adt by su oldish boy on the opMO5I siMa of the. rmfllug. Inhide tii. railing wer. tiie ruga, isettendauchatr, et a comfortabte auterçoint Il mlght hav" beau the. pullmWng oMe fiea a relgous vaokly. The. boy respeetftUly amt bis Uin saitnd i w b . vihg idtutoaue AMI*l bauded im biscarit. Mrw. Kaytoul¶ b.osait. The. boy opouz WIt agae lu the.raglug ani lvit. oùt him to ait dovu. As Aig7le san" ontu a cbair the boy lees tlieuxty seconide one of tii. many dtoomeopenlng oif the aut.rom svuns bock and a anuenterait holding tii. The room tien lookeit more haLn @ver 1k. the office of a church newupapor. The. navcomeuiwuvas b.riaded, also b&X beaiteit sud vuea dut 0111100 cost over a black vat andt trousere. Bis» face vas round. bisa ee round sud piqent bis Che&" asllgbtly PL"k&"i mebUis o qupuu e oD f lie ulinet bieTo- obeuce. But bis moutii Ws@ ti U ppMi Sud opsuM veTryàlttie viien h. op*&a **Mr. Argyl.?" lhe salit. wlth a Boa a"ua a siU «Tee»" replimit Bruce. rilig, sassae vErni napiuse itby his uuexpmctsit persnsga. "f.-H. pansait. "I am 1Mr. Lalsehinau. the. manager or Mr. Katu's NewvYookoffice. Wss your business ltii Mr. Kayton pet- onsirPlThe. tn. vsplesatli huai- »Maue. -i vantait't.'se Mr. Kaytoo et u». il pasIble," salit Bruce, Mr. L-àchma-nnodit. itIf i. fullY ne- rdeootood. AÂbout the, -r Bruce noititui. "Tee."ha repliait. r"oulityou take the hiatter up V»t me or-ry 1 wvoul i pS rteume Mr. Ksyton." Insisth le ponua - aPolitly. Mr. Lelobuana-gue ot hlm sutanud m 'tink I.Kautos la planning te 1«10e tavu tbise*"Ulmg& but peu inigIt b. able tu. - hlm before he ~o "heoam&t t [.aave tovnl For boy longtr de- maniteitBruce. *1 rani «," replaithe.maage. "If pou UIi«eCus, me a moment 1 viii am If 1 can gmt Mr. Kayton on the phone." Ti.Young minu dgetsi lu the ato- mio ua»r tlirae or four minutés usd3 M. Wue CreditiWhSecond BIOMi ad Ail Sorts of Thinge. the nasmeonrehunued to 0ina mlllug becevonly. "Inr. iKayton dues wnul avetonra hour' b. 'sait. -anit, wviilia pleatd te bavepon bell et biq butai aeonce." . truce ggothélie sim and uitbateaé eut. TWenty maut aitelter ho vas la. itucte inlto 'lie Iiumenolr thile dte- tive. vinée Couarblae urcsem bad tusdo tvo henapharuering vitihie haine. neo vs.creditei t ii 'Saoili wai- plt sut. svsulMdops;suaiuor %sm i4" -iet. thfiet'eprimeersItI ora fi.lieing. l u t pBssi bit 'Japhî Liai tvo suit tvo siaysu. 'four *stitbd -oYat t' "ehsud ba r;BiMe sim b«i fflfld 4«'âvs. Aflen hep librpit Orake tbaus lima giwe -ai.l metrie orori 0* Ç *uuli te 0v pinsuof peiL p utt noa r W1-O oe4 iu t-w. pend' siael qu t x eauplos cane bsf t ei mb>laSî5e ei. bIs bThemitai *set ut1anlý i4roig and netWOt' oe. Tbé"S«- Pressibo wa Lbroionbtî,u lO iloai or am oiet ou- warlê06 cam ofulpth vln-olio oeloi. .àa etè the mai.- - I am Ony i rau give Fou onl;* a Ly mnutes," lie muid ta a sOtt, pièes sut voice vthout iaitlug for aruce ta sttté t imuiérs 4h1 Umm "TYon va »to maskg'm abut1h5 terIbl sut i porfaiu niBd 706 Veut sit*ilae kr Yue," Bruce biua'teontui The di- taluTe mlSiii. ai àée," ho*sI&."Vsar vea&.4 bave uai. blaseb e éstaevMumsr "C«Wtsaly" repliai Ueble klntfl~. «If pou ea tiiroa sUbt.- « thi avftus trne you n mpsAau mi i mouey ou pluisse. gr'. Katous ipii» nbi ve sllghtiy. 'iThere inl eur nyobau ty unimr toi.ic46> r Mile., hosalit. -Tb* Uae7b la st.e: tins peuple t10 psy expemimi *bec the mal't sm.recuits. 1 funusa".no auez Bruce gaze it trechly et hl Mtr a moment aud thon sait slovilp,.l5m- tmg pou tu laka this case,.1Mr. Kat. 1 vss fully preparait tuoM s, ilo,Ui eau» os f thihelveutigaion a" psy yen vhatever <se you canaitat fsssOf "wwI e'l 1 1about th e eviies I1de' lvar tii. DoUts" r ll t te mt Oive quftly. am m onry la disantes pou. but1 kaft. ta ratelha tralg." ,,uv anteit Pou ta boeu n t once ho protuedi., *lmuiu.lbler s"là Mri. Karton short- ly, buttouiig hil aVas. «But-but-when"- i *I ahi b. et pour bouse st 9 o'lotb ln the. Moruni." istUaneit Ma. Ksztail. Brute drewa slog inati of relief. "Tua,e mnot fert. tiec ?» *'Oly tb Albany." nopileit 1r. Key- ton. -1Iwyul rotura on Iii. lesttrai toulgbL" Bruce sglet0e. "Wall. 1 suPPOOe it'O teti ise aeau do." ho salit, as tiop ghook baude st thé fo«othe di. valur. -But j i dt aut 10 choke thune moroitig papflo r moine AAp! AUah us: falot smil lle îiereit seresa Mn. Kaptou'e fscm. "Dont worVp shoot the Saorula Pu- pers. Mr. Argyie." b. saIt& "Thre viii ho nova rom Abuy tonlgt tbat viii maietiem forget about Jeu.- "V eil yre ludrav tbe Curltis sai air tii. 'o0a M se p00t r' it vas tbe morniug itter the lllr- viev just narrateit. nndultineY. th. oit builier et t1le Argile boumebolit. gloifer. odi pou yoanir Topp. the cockney tfot- main.Brue Argylo hua lede ordérs tbt, the Iinrary Abou ld b, p oit s8" modit.rendy'for the recibllon -Of Mr-. Kayton. sud Topp vas obJeclln. '-Appen an." ho nartoteit suiieuly. «But do i 'ave tb do Il aloio. Mr- Fina. lay.or e 1*aiva'il,. ' -What Auin sye. Topp" deniaudei t" > butien.thbougli be 1ew veil onoughi Tbey btndnt atie açeai door 011 hi. l brr. (To be Coutiluait.) on londay lait abile dinîni' alOi a Chicago friend t aIthe tHamilton Club. Bfey. 6.0. MeGiunis mal Atiy. J. K. Orvis 'vbo le builinthei. L Z. sud W. raliromdil .econney. 1 )4. Orvîs shovad itlm a beautWP gulit aaleh 1reeauted to hlm by the citizen» uf Wauconlitson the racant relsbration of lthe openlng of the lb. waIn cosi $13000 snd the. lu aide over lasengraved vaiti a a 15 nient telllng oft he occasion on wblch beti. ate vas preseuteit. Tfu RE "'S WT SifyANIYAE NEE Most most G6Mu.'111I Washingtoin, MAY i2.-Poount#clubs poahliasensunus hoabl'to niait, te count accuralely lhenaouoy the ne- ;eî oV te m as s ie Ü OU l otaul on the. Ot t heir offices aidte, ' ite et Utam a sittitabeble lettar onses laa *bilêlu inondan 105e tales uaitsrth*n *Ing uftheliacvil servica, Iu effect they muet bave s raasoaaleunder- ataint'o-rssdil', *rtIUng«. Suit 'Iltb mattr."' acordteg lu negalatlons la- ouedt by tlia peçtoMfce itapaçinut -A poison ho taire the ciil savice Unfitel te. over tvelltyOne Yeans elii. sud muaI raside lIn the. ronul- ty sarrot bp he oflIru heaceplneu-to Neoune viii b.elîgile Ila h sa h . who ls au ex4cnvtet, 'ho 'ba een ishaonoralily .dlschsngoit tîuantle irmy oý aiévy -orh*liO la diobùséd aven ocdssl(iuilly t te uras doavisible sup- piy of *irous inriniL :Ail examnatîlas wyl b, condict- bd b7,the civil servie complaîlaien ý n o ' ili il b4 n e t f or p o t m i g . 1naly. but for a prtcular offIce, Tii. alçgiplilty for spliolulf.uh tatr 'e1 gnpulutlon viii ha foi oneYer, exi- tépt i' special Insances, Tbe' - omiustions viilnuthbe savon.. but ai ha siügneent to test lia busines, a PUItfY .of lthe appliests. As sure sa nitglil t-fo7Ioi 5 dY. eou nil ait' th6oruaghi, chéiiéing, puni- fying Spritg edidln-AtdiUstar't R. Md. Tas&iffthe lieut Yeu coi'!get.- Wv. Pearca. ifamcboSsela liver 1harOh ýlog*ad ' stoppait up.llot'alunh tng lia Wtîr-ý-Yau isit- M'llhsté#' R. l. Tes asciiSprint. W. W. Poste. NAMEI~ 1W CO.J1J0613 FRANK IEUM OP0FANTIOCII AND DgwNiS PUTNAM O0F WAIJ- CONDA ARE'SILECTED. CONRAD TO BE CHAMRAN BOARD OP UIVIEW WILt.890114 BESISIONS8 IN DUNE AND. UNDER LAW, END TIEIM ON SEPT. County Jodge tP. L. Pansons lodaY named theiiboard uf review for the ensulng yean'a vurk a folluva: Edvstd Courait, Wsukog. Who, as chainman oftheba uperviiora. auto- rnatlcail: beoaies chainman ut the- bo rit uf revIew. nais 1-..Putnam. Wauconda, 1Re- publican meabar. Fralil B. ituber, Aniiocb. Dobno- crattc member. Mr. Putuam la lhe man who servait as chiaf clark ut the board in 1912 ta lentaa-esting lu nota liathIfIbRA lb. Orsi tima aina@ the banitof e- viea plan bas oppritei thalaI sman liasmat on the barnitfroin Anhloci lin Wauconda. The tomas are situsheil àgeogrsphk'-allY su Ibt 44» roitl lion given the two towna shows the. lojds. causlderad aveulng things up Flus makine Ltie appoinîmnîtnî. ýMn. Putiams exps'-ence on the board liast yar gIses hlm au lu- algit ta tbe vork ibis year wici ahoulit prove valuable ta the ailier igen. Mr. Couradt, asthie Weukegan in sireprauaeuting the norlb ashore sud thieother mon the western sud northern part outhle ,'ounty., J. J. Boas,Lake Biluff, diait wbillit a member of the, bourd lait v-ar. C. J. Whitmn asthe. othen monaber. logetiar mlihCAairuau, <lart of Highland Park aiju vas('tasirmun of tiie suliervîsors. Il As nècessary Ihal lthe itoard of Revlea ahoulit go lina ailou not Inter tlhon the tlird Moiîday la June aud Ihey complete Iliair muni abouut the #rant veakInluSeptemben i lR Impossible lu lix any exact daté% lie- icause lthi work u:ay drag out a. 11111e 1longen than uual. . A. Huttan vas oua of the ?vin. nana lu the rateut Illinuois ltai, Bowl- luog ansorlatloua' ou-itahnt ilu (.bcs' go. Ha tiad ithtbailusibr masfor 2lltb place snd raceJvedt a prîze of 12. The, Klrciaa,'rliotiers boaling' team n suiinlu lth place of' ail -tha out 0f Couk couaty imaxaun uthe tour- te smeut suidthtanilsmnaeets apriza AOf 5. Parley EBinsin luelia st- viduals andt Lavrencea lauuions sud Ed linDaniott lu the. doubles also v, on prizas. il la seaunlMet loceal e-boalers coppeid off conalderabla prita mooy bis Yeux. Everyhody thal isnul dit li-ougil to-suakreayou feal fua, incas' you up. yon feal MeI a Ring-tale Hol- lIsteras R. M. Tea. W. W. Pea-ca. Twenty-Ilve people came up <min Daarfleld today ta attend a hearlug lit couaty court luta th drainage oase of Jubrailvs. Ostabman. The action ta for su lujunctlon under the. draInag to sbe mr ithe ba er tef euso 1u trh poou» m reil ll mt n > aK C*0 b o epU t*i dila iudlà& s5dlfh tew~fi dçe sh TbuswMbusamIlght anilnoe KC Potato; Doueuwt by- Mms.NesudaiUg%ut jg &dwLuoI ane.,*,, in siftt tr. a5p 0uai.a. S ace said benErà tsi 'day"ai4a ->ouu oi g h1sokain o*f« id IUt'dt o d hà itdbe a5e5 &pep4le M., ceele2§th"v té ot paiee i am ys 1 CGIJNCI JECT! ACRE TERY CASH ýis RIGII MASS m. WHIC EXPRi SIRE ( lauIt wor the village laà Mlle o Mony of belleve t avenlneg.10 taueit dob the Parthe #Oum coin; coUnter pr. Company. Tuesday P,, 05117 offIcib CaUca llaey tie day v i And ilii, ta let tien ste future i of nitizens day. May preseut vil feling# as manit. Il City viii as SFROU tehava th teory guar, On the 9 longass Il 00 wlîhin Tie coin Ciy mis lii acres oftInn tberetrom.. permitthle uoeasry t oftheia lty ait tus offea hoit off fon Co Tien lie voulit mak -vhereby th the achool aqusi ta vi cetea'y x tor'y ordinal acilool lxa shout 8"0 0 a short lUn 1h fomu an oftffilizeain i The ceiet puanchasail f tor-y located due to tils fiaid maltei Wh, Il la gent iare froin s cntract 1 they vdî a alan aqIal oa tAieacr com te acea Ciy plans tu provide future. lu ia heScei dlan deutan Sraison soit daunol bu a hué beau ai -Thie site i ice1 *lhwartz 1Bi Leunard J sou il

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