CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 12

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lii . WC T U.of Lke county *edIa aunlastitute at Tsusierance Temle. Waîskegan. May 22nd and 33rd. when a montI ntereestlisg pro- arseAmiwlU b. observed. as foliows: Thurmday. May 22. ffl0 ExecutIve Commthtee. Box tuocieon at noon. j:80 Devotionase, Mre. Netile Wtek,. Ubertyvilie. Appointment of emamiuées. 1:6.0 Achlevemenis 01 the W. C. T V. Mis Helen L Hood, Pres. Iii W. C. T. U.11 2:10 Fitteen Laws WhtCb Need womenes Vote, Mre. Mary Sedgwick. Waukegan. :30 LalaiStatue ot Women In Ili- nois, Judgn Perry L. Persoa. Dtscussate and Questions. -3: 50. Poiticai and Ecanamic Mut- ao of the Liquor Traffie, Rev. Geo 3:20 110w a We Do Deparisent ,Work, Mtss Hocd. Evontng--Blptiit churcli. Devotlonais, Ira Jennie Just. -Music. Addres Mise Helen Hnod, Chica go, friday, May 23rd 9:30 Praise and prayer service, %ira. ionisa Kahler, Waukegsn. Secretaiy's minutes. 9:50 The Rural Plan, Miss Iiood. 10:05 Motaerhood as s Profession, Mrs. Mary Harvey, Laits Forest. 110:30 A Short Lesson lat'ivics, laiss Hoosi.__ 11:00 Food ln Relation toa lith, F'ood Value af Desserts and Condi- Smteies Margaret Johaston,.'I roctor Domestlc Science Town,ip I1lgb Schooi. Dimcuusion and Questions. il: 36 The Curfew Law, Mirs. F M 1arker. Waukegan. Pres Sesame Club. Noontide prayer. Leacheon servedi by Waukegan Un- 2:00 Devotionas. Mre. N!ilnerva Minutes. 2:15 Movtng Pictures as s Mean% of Educatiosu, Mrs. Robt. Erekine, Wau- * kegaue. Chaîrnian Cîvie Depi,, Sesa- me Club. 2:40 Vocatonai Sehoole. Oliver 1. Thompson, Supi. Ciy Schools. * 3:06 Harnsfssness cf Patent Mledi- clpp.Dr J F huemer, 'ukegu 3: 30 Thse Public Meeting as a Means of 8ecuring New Membere. Misa Hood. Rep~or of commttees. Closlng and adjoarament. IlNiBY Bis NECK FROI DIZZY BREUT AFITER 1TFT. FALI John NelsÔn. a carpenier reidîng on Ravine avenue ln Waukegan. Owen hâ life ta the tact isai Nature biesa. md hinm, aBt an exceedingi> etrang bock. That ihies t. rues as deman- atrated very cieariy on ?'ondaY after- biigh towers ai ths Rens Cosi coin- vaay docks sud had bis rail arresied aver flfty ftset trosi theground Whon bi bond caugh± la thse crotch of ivo PwoecUIng timbers. For seerai min-i utes. ntiS teUow vorbias couid go to his assistance is entire weighi wasa supisorted by ie neck. WtJI ther carpenters %rNeson vas working on a iandlng eeventt feet, above the ground. Just ohu is 1-"i hie balance lie duese na know. .il lie remembers was ibai lie feit him- self piungtng tram the plaifarm ithil' the prospects af sudden death star- ing hlm ln the face. Down, dow, listfel. It seesnsd 1k. an eternitY. He ciosed hie eyeh and prepared )or tihe hlm.usai would t eual every bons in ie body and re. sit la audden deaili. .. Then there was a shock 1-He tacuahi lie lad trucl tihe ground, but iu reaity h. lad falien but ssv., entteen lent. Twa timbers pr(ilect trous tan aide o the coai tower and li illa«g ho passed eiseen theni la 01sc1s a Psy that is head becm csgtt in tle crotch. ilslow him thse sas a straighi fail ur oser lift '% (t. 1He dared not moe foracfear that theaiclion M1Ight logeais hold sud h.W outd pheue ta inmedlate deail.! Omoof is hibrrtlled fellow sarli: M«enh" seen tle plunge and looked 0oethse edge, expntsd to ses hie M&bgfel remfais Instead they sa thet b. lsd ISn msvd i u nalmsct Mrsietoas aanner. Tliey reaiized that he was euhiln a serious predica- Cif uily llmlalg dosa thev tast- quea a oie usider is aris and thon o%@* bie adk. Ater considerable dit- 110Mhtthey .eceed lin drawing tirub"sse m!.sye 1w kn1ýoç Fboa' et héla for *e t e ob, gned JOHN M'CLURE DIES FROM PAR- ALYTIC STROKE' John ?dcCure, one of the boat knowss reidente of Gurnee victnity died sud deniy at his home ln fumes at 61 o'eiock 'Monday evening, foiiowlng a stroke of paralysis which he eutained1 at 8l o'ciock uun the afttrnoos, deaili ov- ertakina, hlm about Uree houre iter.1 Mr. Mctlurewas 66 years aid and had lived ln Ourssee and vicinity a greaier part .1 his iite. blng o..e of the succesul larmersansd weaithyý and influentiai nmen of the (commun- Ity. Mr, McClure had wori<ed ln the field, tu the torenoan Monday and ln the att- ernoon was. about the house. About 2:30 o'clock lie went lin the houee, teiiing hie folks that hie head ached conelderabiy. He st down and lnaa hait hour his side wae suddeniy strIck- su and graduaily/lie gcew warse de- splts tihe efforts ot doctors ta aid hlm. jDeath came ait4: 16 oclock. The McClure home stands mest west of tihe Si. Paul trackseat Gurnee, acrose the siceet f rom the Beidier place. The oid McClure farm which, he operatsd many yeara before nuovlng ta Gurnee les about a mile north of Ourase. Mc. McClure leaves a wtfe and two clilîdreai, Rowley. who le marrled and whu lives near hie father's homae, and leslie. who ls unmarrted and tiss ai home. Mr. McClure leavees a sister.1 Mre. McCuiiougti.aie asoofGunee. He was a brother oftihe lats Thomas Me- ('lure. S l"uneral Thureday ai the bouse ai 1 nclock. Bua nall Oakwood cesnetecy, WaukAgan. Usuai Accompaniment ' "Ttiais resh air movement te merehj tentative." *,Weil. of course, teala wli hve ta go wth it." Daniel O'Lsary. thie weaithY M(> Henry coaniy fanmer who was shat by John Burke, a boy parlsd to htm tram the orphans% home, dIed Mon; day of hie waunda. The case agaînst Jos Pstrob, the Biav son tabhed Jbe Threeber and Ed Smith o Ltbertyviiie Sunday nlgt atter an argument la the treet car, was continued by Justice Nelson un- tii Thursday et 2 ociocli, Petrohli n the meantime belng heid la the Nort'h Chicago jail pendhng deveiopmOiits la the condition of Threeher. Threeher la gsting on fairiY weii, in tact, bet;er tijan il was ai lirai be- ieved lie'couid because of the nature or his wound. No charge fias yet heen miade against Petroh, the feeling Of the state officere being that lie shouid lie heid unîli the extent of the vlCý tme' injuries are known. Likeiy the charge tu he made wilii e that.ut as- sauil with a deadiy weaPon. B&se Bi S HOESi 8250$3.50 86&00 GUARANTERD sent Postage Pald on receipi of Price Biigor, Amos & Ces Waukegan. Ili. Clothlng S&lea paper [NotewoIthy Bargain's ".Or Sturdày~ $22*50 ind 25.00 Women s and Misses Suits,18.00 A 'ery speeial offer fi r tomorrow and- Monday of theise womeni's and mnisses' sîtits at $IA8.0 ,Tlîey rep'reset i ie careful workiiiaîîslîip and fine tailoriîig of a well kîîown maker and are sure to give the hest of satisfaetion in botAî fit and wear. They are well tailored of ehoice itaterials in navy, black, tan, brown and tiovelties, ini Bulgariani, tailort-i and etit-away st.leoine have draped skit; hnhv plain side plaited effeets, beautifully trimined I80 eollars and euifs, special, at ..... ... 80 Wome 's '&Misses'Suiwts M $9.9 W omen's and misses' suits, weil made of ail. w ol serge in navv ( opetîhagen and tan, Iinied wvtlîgîîaranteed satin lin- iîig, trînim-ed with a toueli (fBulgat ian, soute hav e... 9.9 dtaped skiuts, prived at ............ 12.50 1& 15.0Cot Special at 9.95 Tlie matet taIs inthest-e<oits eoînsst of ser geseov~ei ts îad inovelties, in full uqdjtlfiti t (lariter lerigth ut ta a *viiiplaini and bi lted effetstr t tuantd w ith Bîtigai an, s nie w itît Nel Rose and (cpenhagen bte iîè ie Ilîned, 'seeai 99 An Wool Serge Dresses at $4495 - Juniior'e, misses ,îaid wonen's dresses, made of Freneh and stor ni se rge, iii hlavk, m, tani and hi ow h, continatton triîîîî nied,-w îth low nerk, and t lirve tquai tel It eves, sonie voat effect, spevial, at .. ...............4 9 Special Sale of Street là&House Dresses at 98c An assorltititt t of sticet aind houlie dresses, w elltmade (if pet cales and gingh i, iii al varitti (f i'îlors, in vcheeks and istripes, iii lov nevk ai lîîhglt wai.t4f sty.les, -ý sleevv's, i i'îîiiiîîeî with voinhinatioti and pancli.Tis lrse i' 8 beeî oliikg tregulaly up to $2.(X), sîlecial, at .................... 250 Girls Dresses Yottr eloice of' 250 girl 's dress- es, w'ell mtade of wash tîtaterials neck, long uor iodeis, in iîew beautiful colot' e o In hinations, mjnade to seli at $.0'..1.29 Girl'a Wool Coata at $4.95-Nieelv taiiored of serge antd novelty mix- titres, conbination trinuned, an uttusual coat offerer for, tomorrow at .......... 7,9 Special'Bargains in' PetUtac t 38c-Made cf white masln, embroidery trimnned, special; at, per gaI'- Pettcoas a 98cMad ofmer- eerized sateen or heathierbloom, in hlack and Moors...98 ViJderwcar and *ssiory Women's-High nievk, lonîg sîcevi? galize vest.s, Sliglitly at .............. 5 Umbreila Pant- Lai-. triiîu pîied, sîzes 4,53 and (;, 15 Special at garilîclt..15 Boy's' Ribbed Balbriggan Union Suits-Short slee'ves, ancd ktîee Iengtlt, sizes 21 tu' sut ...........25c Éo's and Gri's Black Rîb- be Stoekings-Splied heel atiti toc, ail sizes,lO pair . .. . . .. . .. o Ladies' Mercerized- Gauze Liale Igose- Spliced lied anti toe, wide gai-ter top, in blaek, taut and white,2C ...i19C values, at.... ý,Waists, Petticoats Walsts at 95c- An as8ortment of waists made cf voiles and lingerie iiri higb or low neek, long or short sIee'.es, hîîtton in front or back, neatly tiimed with tucks, lace, insertion and embroidery, spe- vially priced for <orner- 95 jHats Worth up t 6.00 at 3.48 A volletioit of 'i, uisualy s nii a r1t liats tîtat solîl 'p t(> mb0, iadle of .qtraws, also Itarni muadei'hat s, in ail ini o st Ct eiralI niodels, trinîiîied . with flowers. foi- iage and rihhoni, Girl'a Hats 'at $1.79-Made of a fine grade of miilani sttaw, triînined withi rihl)on, î tt ., ini a large i'ariety of eî>lor vomiîiîîatioîs, 'que - cially pricee, at ...... 17 là Under9grments Corset Cover-Miade cf gaod qualîty nainsook, lace or embroid î-rv trimmed, speeial, MuBlin Gowna-Of fine nainsook ini low' or high neek, lace and ent- I)roidery trinuited, speetal,49 at . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Men' s C£ Women's Shoes Specially Priced Men's 3.50 Tan Shoes ed ¶ Saturday, 2*85 For Saturda' w e have placed on sale one lot oft men's tan, button shoes, ini snappy higli toe lasts, Goodyear welt, a shoe that is built foi wear and comfort without sacrifie of style and appearance, one that you can- net buy at any other time for less .85-l than 3,50, tomorrow at...........8 The Famnous "Red Cross" Shoes 6dOxfords for Woimen. lied Cross shoes and oxfords ,in ail leathers and styles, shoes that are tanned by a process which retains ail the natural fiexibility of the leather, so that even when new the snuggest fittmg inodels of these shoes bend freely with every movement of your foot, and y ou neyer realize that you have on a new pair. They are the shoes that every woman should wear. high shpes, $4.00, $4.50 and $5.00; low shoes in plain puntps, 'button, blucher and strap styles at $4.00 and $3.50. Chtldrn's jhoe-In patent and vici-leathers, Women's Oxfordsanmd Pumps-in ail the leading with black and brown tops, w.ith w.edge heel, sizes leathers and styles, high or low heel. Shoes pois- 3 to 8, 69c; no heels, size 2 to 5, at ............ 59 sessing unusual wearin-g qualities at per pair $2. Wlý clas H lgh lake son et ili dwoc fraie San d La and bariq A ing I sopli be d, sopli Spend Your Summer ln the .West qI Low round-trip, summer excursion fares are in effect on certain dates via Chicago a nd North-Western Railway toalal im- partant points West and North-West. Ç Splendidly equipped daily trains provid- ing through service leave the new and palatial Passenger Terminal. Chicago, at convenient hours. q l'r rates, reservations, ad fuil particulars appiy to Ticket Agents CHICAGO & NORTHWESTEIýN , RAILWAY, WAIJKEGAN, ILL. Duy Wauk.gan Sôlva y Coke One Waîikegan mian said: "By îîsing Wattkegaîî Solvay -Coke Iast Winter, I saved enough on niy fuel bill to pay my year 's taxes" WAUKEGAN SOLVAY COKE Is the itedt itut s ut'femal- I t is alitst pure arbon- 'l'le iîiîptnti is of the coal ha'.ing heen extracted in the nitaatîre of' WAUIKEGAN BOLVAY COKE North Shore Gas CompanY 8Sold loeally hy HOME LUMBER COMPANY Libertyville-Telephone 50.

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