CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 2

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Nra "adMmNialad matou o!rwM niwer. the wssk sud gueste 61 C. B. laston. tam Sudsy, Lâtie Zurich va. Ts au»s lut uday betweu ým md Carpsutersvllle uas ý4t4&à1Wr. r'b ome boys test SOs12 tu,2Ia Ovîe ining gaeu 0 Wsborg vas deserted last Bat-1 rssrll everyoue golng to Wau-e ý- bel p celecate the. opening o! or uailcad. '*Ma tud iasDubar)MusIcal C. è wM lua gain ttis spriug. Tiiey i clanm o pople sud we a fsW te bave tbora wth u. Ml Seran sud Miss Llly Auderson Ing«o visited wth M àiss Lydia Mapor londay. SmOW Mr. Norman Ladd sud' Misa à teauer viited their parent& ebe il. lMpOebaeerasd abel DHlm visited McÉ. and IMc. John Smth st Joliet !ay sud Sunday. wu Mille Ficke sud ison Abert are Wg their home bers again a!lter an nie of &bout twelve years. le J. & . cairoad bas a gang of *t,*ork ber. repiscing the aid ralse *sýVora Blakeiîberg la again occu- gec cottage here. 8h. will camain 1»oSm ficbolr bas returned borna Sa tire. mothe' visit aith bar be eh""leiluChicagé 'ALÀTfNE "MDsmu0o Ivanhoe, irna a guest *«Vus hm xerecctly. YPa r Jstosd bride have taken up l_ý m e srscoveclng froua bis aky Mcys a tashort Mime vitb Sla Ie Zurich tus psut week. So.ras .la lnapeovug ra. her 4mmoigt Isuasuon *0 Dowe M, beok. saar hU oua el the *awn.2bundsyUla t uork. 1u4 Sewiugvleied with ber éls aluakes reontly. sted Bous le impraviug iceiy kWCVnan ,*e4,,. ý 1'. ber oister, Mrs. ?hllip Rommel, Sunday. yIAMOND LA" Mc. sd Mc. Q. itchell took a trip to Paslel hW rauto Suudsy. Mms. Leurs B. Bans visited Mma Frank Johuson at Waukegsu laut week. Wm. Wbeelec sud faually of Literty. ville, spant 8uuday st Mca. Towner's. Mire. A. Rouée vaspisasanty urprlsed br a mu.boe effriands helplng ber elebrate ber kbL4hds.., E. Brookuau sud fsmlly opens Satar- day lu Chifago. W. Lemker, Walter Lemker aud family and Geo. Tbatcher and family visited ab Cbarleas sté'iller'a St Long Grove suaday. Gertrude Tovuer leit àMonday for an inélefinlte stay at Liberty ville. OW 10oluselaetertaling ber citer Miahlsg olme vet 8ehomvas fccoin te KrriaL»sns c J il gv psuied by ber sister, Mrs. Auderson sud ,,4, oa inluSeip's auditorium, ou. ifrmbr atne tebrh W& MY 20. BeRehnenlaevd Seeafobeeatnedtebr sud eveiug. Admision te day surprise gven for tirs. Frauk FbLse.Daning lu tii.eeaning. Mitchell o Prairie Vev, Friday ulgt. merbodreocdially Invited. M. aud M94. Norton Johnson sud àm &. W. Wood returued Mouday6 Mr. sud Mr@. Stevens of Raveswoad, bue viutar boneinluCatlliocula. pent Sunday ai Oea. Ray'@. Otiier ganete uer.. M. and Mc. James Mdan b' iporIs tbr. neyer boashein &ansd son Chester o! Lake Forest. Vernue %q e u allfornis as cold as tbe past Ray etfbCicaga, Mrs. M. A. Andrews of .Fî-,AgcssD ifamonu at e! veetation vWaM Lltertyville, Wili tRay sua family sud M-RoberlSoue. and fanilyetaf Rockefeller. A surprise part: vas beld at Fied Kouass mt ult a5 e.rtou5 over.,Sturday nlghf. A jolly good > lait Tbucaday vteu coming, time vas eulayeod by ail. eb mwork lu thesfield. Dr. Starck mggummnoned sud alleran e-xamina- Mn. sud lire. E Gossviller sud iamiiY e.Ie.u4 tires fractured rtbsaud a& o! Quetin'# Corner@,. peut unuday at cose boue lu the fr. arn. JohunGae.wllle's. M. and Mc. H. Barlett etectained Mr. sud Mre. Frank Johnson sud 001*vaa pe* a' l " pridOtalu r dauubter of *Waukegan. tMc. and Mcae E. 0~10W ltO V5 t 515 TIlT kV- Wîliamo sud Mieea elen and Lllian WMPLlSE TNUB. lartlett af Lîbertyville. k~Ik Cosa ',1.i cmL air/ &CONOMY-Ust!:'u one thing yo amar lokig for in thea. days Ci bigh living ct--Calumet insures a wonder. lui sving iu yoar baking. But it does more. >hwam jemad" igt-to s»Uirgl-to bake iglal. A* mm O b iha llos o!vunen Who DU-oc as* yor rou. RzoeV!b mou= ?AWAMO WssMs P. r ad Zsis.~aM P «LU.16-2 =a esss, uet. 1815. W kii gevs-MAo4t I Ny . T.5WA5I Mma. L. A. Morris was a Cblcago'vWstor nearc Fair"ed. A large number of reia. I!ueday. tives am»dcledaaalated at thi ecam Mca. P. C. Steekel *pont Sunday vîth mouy uhiâh wa periormed by ltev. hicao. ein.Do* - bride sud groom bave relative la Chvcgo. w ltatus vlcluity sud ibave s Minuis Rouas retucned Tueeday irmcn ot à f=ietWaho ush them bappineas ah two usoe visitasi Marinette. The youg cople wlll make tWer rosi- Mma. Louise Sllecbt rtucned Saturday deuce bie la their bouse ou Park St. from au extended viait witb relatives et Eluahorc sud Mver Vlev. Base Bail Oecar Penny oki..bego, vislted ISun. i.Windnes u h adr ilayai te S.J. Jropey hme. booked up la g &rd battie last Snnday Mmc. J. Scott Carr won sick the. trct for the. t.ek lot champioucblp ai the part 01 tii. week. couuty sud by a woudecfnl bures (l Mins Katiiriue Jeffecles, who for tbe specd lbth hoe tesa managed ta wln puat year bas oeoupisd the Kngg hous by a score of 20 to 17. on Xàple stress returned test wesk to 15 vas sog gansd before it vrai bar home la Ccnago. "0l over the quack grass vas aIl wora off the base lu e b:the bnrrylug lest ai Next Sonda, morang Bey. Cari wlllths.dmon u ubae rec. spesk oun "ÀMeinoir' sud luatheevenlng Tho villlgain vm as another Waukt, viii tek$ foc bic subwet "Aerti gau amrfgstlan that travel wlder thi -Challenge.,, o! "Warmpesuute" or at leecél Otto Tegmeyer &,pent Sudy at that'c the. vs it cound@ when you esé Evanston. It. A fan bo lie stion in abailma su-.1-ulà .thf. w e -t., u - lire. i. Woods sud Um Vers, Woode versthe guesta o1 mra. J. A. beleet, Jr.. 8unday. Mca C. W. Pettii aud Mis. Fred Hagist' apent Sunday witb Mps. Fred Keceten or Chicago. Misé Catiow of Becrlntun, ban heeu hiced by the. directors of the. WilmoS sobool as tser for the. comlugf year. Mca. J. A. Riecheit, Jr., ha. lasued iu'iitstions tte igirls oaIbo eSenior Bible claas of tii. Presbyterlan chucch te abaadkeeief aboyer for UmaMiaule Hatchinoe. uho la tc, e a June bride. Dr. C. J. Davis and Mc. and Mrz. F. H. Neyer attended the. World at Chicago and the banquet givec by the Brother. bond of Chicago Pcesbytery Monday evealng. Misa Elizabeth Clatk sund Mca. Patter-c son af Chicago, wer. the. guesta of W. A.1 WhuttngFrldy. Mr. and Mr@. Roy EHanklns of Wllmette, were tii. week end gueste of Fred1 Bledesadt. Mc. and Mc@. W. W. Clark apeut Satur-1 day and Suuday wlitn their son, W. W. Clark, Jr. *Miss Mabel Horeuberger eusertalued MiesEHatie Keblamen cf Chicago, 8atucday sud Sunday. Misen Edlt Pettia and Auna Peterson vere hoteas to a number of their girl frieude of Chicago et a picut dinner lu the wooda. Mr@. Elechelt, Sr., aud Miss Irene Rockenbach took their Sunday echool clamse down to nhe World in Chicago Saturday: Miss Margaret Cerolan bas gone ou a trip to Florida for a number of wesks. 3 Romaine Stryker and Miss Amanda Kuaak speut Sunday lu Chicago et the home o! Bd Kuaak. Miss Beatrîce Carolan vas the guent o! ber @inter, Mc.. A. Phister of Hiighlaud Para, Tuee4ay. 1 Mie. Chitteuden of Gurnee. mothier o! Mc,. E. J. HeYdecker of Waukegan. le i91 at hec homne aud hecause o! berb advanced age fere are eutertalued foc ber recovery. 8h. la 86 years ad aud la one of thie oldest racideuts of Lake couty.1t À vise observer or veaher sud o! the. reaulta o! veather estimates that the ralufat he past veek adéied $100.000 tQ the. veslth of Lake county. or prevsuted a lons of that amount, woicts a ti. day u cmto pt sud Re pointht ever vay oln te pt andbey fiolda, the. haked condition of the. soit sud the reiure o! the sesd te break thrfuh it not ouly lu the. large fields, but lu the. gardons as veli. Nov that copions reins have acaked the Il o, nov lire bas been put luto everytig andît la truly vouderful hoy the grain gissaud hay fields have growu ince these hountiful zains o! the. early vosit. ObituarY Mies Mary A. Osborue vas bou- lu Erigîsul lu April, 1828. luti. year 1851 she vas unuted lu the. baly bonds o! uaimouy tu Edwin Dymaud. then a raideut o! Libertyville. Souas jeare &go tbey reimoved tu Jefferson Park viiere tiie deosani Bis at the time of deahb, vhieb occucred on gaturday, May 10, 1918. M. Dymoud, who vs. velil kuavutbrough Laits couuty as a prominent dealer lu live etock, dled lu 1902. Tii. deceaeed vas 85 yeacesud ou.. montb af age sud leaves te maure ber death beeldes s asta! other relatives Sud frieuda two sons Charles E. o! Grand Rapidej, Mich, sud John H. of Jefferson Park, 1ii. She vas au aunt 0f W. B. sud F. P. Dymaud, Rdwvin sud John Austin aud Ruer Osborne-of tbje place., The funerai vas held aSt heie ts reidence in JeffersnsO Park, Tueeday vith Intermeut vis automobile, iu Lakeside cemetecy, bLbertyviile. Rev. Joues of the Jefferson Park Congrega- tional churci olllclaled. . FORMER RESIDENT or COUNTY Dits Jaeoh Movers of Pleasantville, dled at the home o! is son, Etca, et Pleasautville. Wasb., on Saturday, Msrch 22, aged 98 yeaca. Jacob Mowers vas boru lu Hscke'. mer county, hev York, mn 1815. His ior.!sîbecs came froua Halland sud ettied lu tie Moawk. Valley, Nev York, on land kuavu as the Rolland grant, aud the selies er. kuavu as the "Rolland Dutc," the tirât cettlere o! New Tank state. ReI came vet lu 1844 sud »eldlu Tirmon. Lake couuty. Illinois, b.lugI a ofblamtpionr de, testabllaSen on. of eriii. plouea of thot stae en the firet shop bteen Fort Sheridan sud Cicago. on *bat vas calied the gavecument road tetuesu Mlwaukee sud Chicsgo, there teiug nourallraad West o! Chicago. Mir. Movers vwas su uncle ai Peter MouersaifLitertyrile M. Nouer came te PsclSce couuty lu 1M04, r..ldiug froua that Unme nutil is desila wth is sou, EzanluPleasat- vidle. that gane, but he didu vt b.ete ou blamed pacttcular about the kiud ut It1 for there vers several-goad, bhdaîsud lndifferent viii a prepondereuce o! the second uamned. The unc redestnlng feature 0ftii gaume wae the fart that tbe bovc shoued that they ceau play air tight lbail uben tbey get dowu ta hs. Ou ti occasion tbey iailed ta get dowu to busine«sountil the litb and then the score stood 16 to 6 in favor o! the visitera, but dee-pite that handicap tbey tighâteued up sud beld their opponente ta ou. score for the iast four roundsr and st the saie, time pot over euouah of their own manufacture ta make a total o! tweuty. ,Next Souday the. crack Naval -Station testa comas hore for a game "nd Nana. ger Wtatson aud Ceptain Darfier are bath speudlng the week tigbtening, up the baose vbeoesIluthe nid machine sud ve bave their assurance that it vili b. lu tiret clas condition by Snnday. Ont of respect for the feelings oi the familles ansd friendi udr atbletes ve bave ornltted the box score of last week's game. L.YANIIOE Mdiss Emma Chamberlln bas been quit. sick wtb the mumps, but la reported Miss Daisy Van Plew returued froUI Chicago Thursday. Bbc bas just ceu- pleied te courus t the Congregational traiuing acheol. Ted Aichoiser @pent Sunday witb Ru- dolph Dorfier. Mca. MordU lieit ou Monday ta lotu lier busband ln Kenouha, wter. tbey expet te relde. Tiie meting of the Ladiese' Cemetery soclety at Mr@. Berna wsa on@ of the muet succesi an sd the sttesdsuce vas te largeat ai auy that bas ever heen beid. There wece memtecsansd ienda froua rayelake, I.bertyvllle, Rockefeller sud Ivauhoe, forty-flvslunail, sud evecy- anes semed ta enjay the social part. Tii. old offiers ver. re-eietd, after vhlch a bountiful enpper vas served, aud aIl depart-d foc ibeir homes haping somtilme to have the privilege ai meet-: ing wlth their gnali oatees agalu. There will be a social at the borne of Miss Agnes Payne May 23, given by the choir. A cordial Invitation lae etended f0 &il Mins Dora Dorfier waa a Chicago vis- Itor Monday. UmseLol Smth entertalned Misses leu Smith and Brbhs Glbert of Wau- kegan 8unday. Rer. A. 9. Neweomb sud wife are enter- talungi thir daughter, Mir@. Smith aud little son. Memoriai servies vili te heid at the Ivaubo. chureh at 10:30 a. m. an $uti- day, May 25, vith Bey. J. Scott rarr af Rockefeller as speaker. 2Etv. Cart viii aiea speak at Decrtian servies whlch viii b. heid ai Ivauboe ou Decoration Day at 2:00 o'elack p. M. Superfinous Labor Counta. The men wha have achleved suc. cae are the men reho have vnrkud, rea.d, thought more than vas abso- lutely neceesary, wha have not beau content wltii knovledge sufliclent for the present used, but who have eought iddltionai knowi.dgo aud stored Il avay for the emergsilcy reserve. It ia the superfluous lahor that equlpe a man for everythlug that COUnts lu i. I BEN tl. MILLER. AtefssY. Adjudication Notice. Publie Notice ln hereho 5lve!l that the 5<11e seriber ziecutix of ths Lust ii suad Testa' mnena of Evert B. Tracy. aeceaeed. viii attend thae outy Cour. Of La" GOunty, At s ternitiiereof lo b hOtds ai4tite Courit Bonne in vanteas. i naid <3unty, on llisfort Mndai 0, joli nexi. 113. vitens&" where ail poetons banna cialinsa &elusi sud ealaI. are uotifled snd reueleél In ereaut th. eaiue 10 âalél Court for &dedidetion. 14ABIL M. TRACT, ExecutIx. vaukegan. lMay 12. lais8iiay'16-23480 ELUANAN W. COLDY, AttOIasy. Adjudication NOtic*. Public notice ta hereby glve!i tha4tlbe Bnb- Coite. decessedl vinAttendl 15e Oomty cour oi .5k coui. & e erm tli.reoi Courtbpiof Llh. 0= -rt ~ieiWu In iI. lu salé hIdonuA ionli na Mué CiJi lnexMd118 in nA he r ailMondai..OfarUI ne teé918 wec au a e u rOsalé CenI o cimesea stsisüd state are notiffleéAnd ALVENE . COLET. Exsculnx. Waukegau. lu.. Apffl an. aya9*1 'c.Dr. NàNlcssl Md son Laigh tad ber moUseMca Eby. cd Chieg4o,, afels Tburdday with 2ev. and Mma vSlubaah. Fl Wili Staucliffe sud Mc. sud Mrs. Louis Erueger spent Suuday wltb tirs. Will Itaeeffl at tb. Ravenawood boopital, sucre @hs le lmprovlug slowly. Mus. E. M. Umbaeh, Mr@. S. E. Kued- ter sud dsnghtec Finset e reChicago vlitors,Mionday. Mca. Harry Coon and Mr&. Herman tlbrectht sud ebldren weut te Wanke. gau Ssturday afternoou to visit Mr. and tirs. Will Coon. Berman Ahbéecbt aud Jack Biîlmau cafîrd for them Séuuday lu thei auto. Mr. snd Mma Chas. Berschnerger and sou Albect visited with Mr. aud Mr@. C. C. Mason Snndéay. ie In& Riebm atteuded the perform- auce of Tiie Worid lu Chicago Tueaday @vening. About thlrty.two relatives sud friends of Mr. sud Mr@. Frank Mitchell gave thein a plessant surprise Frldayeveuiug, tb&àcmlsou beiug Mr@. Mitcbell's birtb- day. loe cream sud cake ver.esceved. Mc. sund Mma.3. A. Muson visited lu Chicago the latter part of the wesk and attended the performance of Thc World. On Snuaday tbey came to Deerfield to visit witb Cassîns Eastou and their dangbter Mr@. Mabel Scbaefer. On Wedneeday morulug occucrrd the death ai Nicholas Vair, father o! Mr@. Chas. Stahi nf this place. Interment being at Long Grave cewetecy Frlday. Mm.. Will A. Ray sud ehildren oifiRocke- feller, vlsite2 as the M. W. Kurdiet home Monday. tfatncday eveing the yanng people o! D)iaunod Lake tcndered a surprise ou Mr. and Mr@. Pied Tavuer. Mre. Lydia Dunham Smrith of Chicago. sud Mc#-. Thas. luman O! iedar lipids, la., are visitiars ut tbe home ofi Mr. aud Mr@. F. M. Umbach. Dan't forget the concert at Grae churchon Friday, Miay 16tb, at 8 o,clocki Sies@ Carrde Chard o! Libertyvillic tble Prairie Viev Orchestra and other home talent are an the program. The. concert %éIll b. frcee, but an offorlug le ta b. taken for the benefit o! the orchestra. Executrix Sale The uudersigned executrix of the laet will and testament of Dr. E. & Tracey. will e»Il at public auctlon at bea horge at Prairie View, [IL.. on Monday, May 19, 1913. commencing at 1:00 O'clock shar the iollowing property: Phono- 'Zapbvith 100 plates, i piano player. 12 rugi, 2 large willow ecrs, willow rocker, wlllow settes, wlllow conter table, Inlaid table, 8 bids, epringe snd mattrees. cot bed. waahotaud. losange, cupboard wlth 6 large deep shelves. step laddec, clote wciDger, wasblng macine fur lap robe, fur driver'.*oast, 2 ap rnýe'., B bore blanktt, 2 buggies. baruess*nd pole for buggy, eaddie and bridie, 1 boras. quantity oi oat@ and con, somB baled sta , 2 foot warmes. otLer sundries lu tril large suppîr ni tools, lnclndiug two @@e of dype, of] bester, 2 coal beaters, kitchen cabinet, kîtchen table. diuiug room extension table and 6 leati er seat oak chairs. 8 Cplain chairs, 2 large oak leather seat chaire, sewlug table, iawn swing. lawu mower, wbeelbarrow, 1 cythe and cycle, 1 epade, 2 shovele. 2 iorks. 1 ho., 1 sied, fi table desk, 1 tfpewrlter wltb type. wrtter table. 2 Delta buzgy lampe, bull 1dog, Magic lautern wlth slides aud a great many bousebold articles too numeroue to men tion. Terme oi sale cash. Mu. E. E. TRA.c, Executrix. J. ScHWINOBL, Auctionepr. Cow Stables, Etc. W hi tewashed' Work Guacanteed. Pries Régla. C. M. Kirtsinger. Ivanhoe. P. 0. Addraa* Rockefetler PL D. 3. Ue A. L Doéflh,'s Phone, 275-J-1. IThink BoII LawreCe'ý Regi.tered Perchreron Stud, pure bred, Illinois Stallion Board No. 8340, is one of the;I H-e is a dark gray, weght 2200 Ibo. Sired by Imported Boun Marceo 2300 Ibo., out of lmported Gilberte 2,o75 Ibo. Compare Bon Lawrence with auy percheron in the wocld and you will sec why 1 thiuk bitta; bard to beat. H1e stands at my farm one sud'! one-haif miles veet of Libertyville, il at the very loy tee af SI12. 00 for s suad $15.00 to meuare thel mare with fosi. Fee due for esson Nov. let, 1918, and for iusursnoe vbun mare shows, ta be eaf e vîth foal. R. B. SWIF Telephone 278-1- IBERTYVILLE, ILLEN 018 W! HAVE'146 SA!!6 DEpOISIT BOXES. The. sizea ara ix19*X5 I tand Dix 15jx bi Tlînvru nt f romo $2 te Sa a year. Yon et keep in tbsm Boud@, Stocke, Iusurautie folile», Mortgages, lýqanea, Notes, Receipts, BIUis, Willi, Important Letters, Accounts, Lepil Papero, Smail Siivervare, Jewels and.Jewelrk, Photographe, Relies, Rare Coins. !FIRST NATIOAL BANK, LUbertgvilleè lirois Soibal Bros. Cîrcus Comlng Dow* snd paut show viii give tua performances s Lberty ville, aller nooca sud oeeung, 8aturday, Mav i7. The show bas besu elarored tbis year, usu acts added sud Ih Ie claimed ta b. tic Most luéehed production ofiits klnd on tb. rosa. The Evausville, Wl.., ltevlew bas th- fllawiug ta say: Seibel Bros.. Who exbibited lu this lty ceentiy, have a unique show, sud witbai a Most eutertainiug on@. Oid circus gooca do not betate ta Bay that the traiucd poules éanuot te cacpaaeed lu their maacerful trile, lu ubici ttey dieplay marvelous iutelllgcuces Weillse msnifst remarkaàble shcili sud patience of thoir accompliiaed traiuec. BIbek Biron. offerte lthe public ouly the l.est of ia klud sud thé-y pree.nt a show, clean; vbo~iesonansd luter.stlog to bath young suad aid. Evanscille fteview, Thureday, Juue 15, 1911, D)ou'tforget the day sud date. turne ta tawn Parly sud witnesé the grand iree strert parade. -indepeudeut ada-read by 25.D000. "Nearly ai lwm ..wagon$ andf ggi.a are Studebakera" Every year ove? on. hundreci thouaad StdeLaker vedclame sai. Mis tefls you what the farnmr of the country tink of the Studebaker wagonts. Ilis appreciation has been constantly grow- izig for sîxty ycaru This appceciation has been earned by the deter- mnto f Cgdbae to produce an hooestly built wgnthat will do a full day a work and keen on doing nesud oe build a cheap one. lle man who buy. the Studebaker Jet@alal the. iarprovement gained bt tii ezpceience ottwogoa«- silos. Ofwagon baidinrs. am w Trme é.,Wsa thes . SsSendsArw sas Sa. - Dssl. e mah cm STUDEBAKE South Ben& In&L Mm OK cicado DalLAs KAPIAS OT? "ýmicy aMalcU«nS ALTUES c arvunsas ,mS O'LN.0. THE PASSINGO0F THEf OLD STAGE COACHI ie siinilar to the cbanging methoda in handiing funde. It ienflot s0 romantic ta deposit fanuds in a Batik on a Checkicg Account as it in to carry a roll of bills around in the pocket or stuif them in a holu in the cellar wall, but it in a safer mmthod, mors convenient and mucli lease expensive. W'e invite your patronage, which will be of value to tic, and we bel jeve otir Banking Facilities will benefit you. TH-E ClrIZENS9 BANK ROCKErELLER, 1Lt., S. L. Tripp, Presidunt. Vice Presid.nt. Irving E. Payne. asahier. - 1 Cernent Stave Silos Are as Cheap as Wood Silos and are very mucb befter Because tbcy are permanent silos, actually growing etrouger with ag ý.te annot bc de8troyed by fire and are strong enongh te resit any wnd-tht y are absolutely air and water proof and yl preserve the silage perfcctly under al veather conditions-they are aid proof-tbcy require no attention to keep in perfect condition. THE CEMENT STAVE SILO i e. a beatitiful structure and adds te the appearànee of the faim home, Iu ite mnoteter proof walle the silage freezes less than in other siios, wbether bollow walI, brick, wooden or cernent,'ý It àa the BEST silo becanse the firet cositi@*týe total cosit. No expeuse forire pairs, painting, attention and ls fr om spoiled silage because by air leaks. If yon are going to bnild sS~ilo calA ou, write or telephone me. EDWARD WOLFF Phone 201-M , BARRINOTON, ILL. Wm. T. Goff le at premut lu Cedar 1 Rapide, le., dolelverlga seriesof lectur, .1 MissEdltbh fofiman boas returned tc, hec old postiou vith tihe Sheldon schooi. Ou Sunday, May 25tb aur cougrega. tion viii combine uith Dlamond Lake aud Ivanhoe and hold Memarai services st the lvauhoe churci at 10:80 a. m. Ail old soldiersansd asalors are invite to attend. ThE srmon vwili te deîivee by Rev. Carr. WIU K.lgge and famlly are movlua this week Itt their housou Maple etreet. Arthur and Ira Nehlich of Evaustan, @pent Suuday ber.. The young l&dies of the Snuday sebool viilgive "The $r.lgglcs Family" and .'Trouble st Satterlfes" at McBride's bail on Baturday evenlug, Mlay 24ttb a at 8o'ciock. Admission25ca ad 15e. On Thnraday, May 8tb, Edwin E. Roder sud lMies Emma Tonne wer. unnted lu marriage ut the brides home and 9 day. Mms 01 Job Miller, Marin openi day sl Miss of ber WiMrs. lu erld Mr. 1 the di Mefles Chri, Pleaaui trip ta the Ésec Osor Mme plaulai Devin# will Lao Heur witb a w rbe 'bee The attlod. Cioni Mere 5 Anse taaeb& were et 01 oMay fiowl 8cott, re.Ij rpgion LippUs( ADua by a a wleldei expoue theo 01 o c ia l ( sud pr< wam ui Howev baring dfiliver, bicer The( cire tric oi the, ( cabarei flec tri. aide ai eavrs, i more b buildiu additic trhes pleasin clutert oftheno letten bis vCl meott Jutenpt the cul the oui auditot vild E yelia fc pgrao

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