CMPLD Local History Collection

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun, 16 May 1913, p. 4

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COUôïNTY INDEPcENDNlÀNÀT1~IONWvIDE fo Iole e ilTlepoeNer1 City Ecit or Residence 'Phone Nuinber 225-R FIGiT IS BEÔUNBY R7fit lter a@,loeof the IiuliJs m fmm- bw piogs l Llbertyville Exchange i sbrca i ll"hpt Id@b Mb ud . ti. Putotic etLibrt~cile. II le. p-hi, plt. 'i ght wttl he u rth P,pie 0* talnt o0lu1e I -~ ats iee eo non.ipl !Auton to Owners ofAu staf'es are f If"' ii;IE.errla'.ildOi em.Vdola Wben VtattàgtOb. l ____ an'ruldt.r euýtorývlp I oad8tise aligt thié b.b wtD wdEvry Friday. A .eriiz RatsMd nwno %pi eiý Un'te in a Fght Aqainst lek. t. r.hiuît iiii2oi maiés lihmore b o f eiiaiui II -el i ÏSCR1PTION PRICE. 81.60 PER YEAR STRICTI-V IN AOVANCE Payin.g the State Fees. iitprý.îîO. 1be a oatoeln ectiosi whn om &p c Manhe0.-hrne Pent Saturday in bave the& @»@b.l EdirWILL GO TO F-EDERAL CTS.j I.!'cahi. él. SMITH............................ ...... ....... ...... . .. . .................. - - orE.thr' Prie.' bas, iren absent trou -- *.SMITH ..................................................................... manager, Mapy Bclievel That Resuit VWiIIi ul h p1t lo"wîî tre mumpae VY L. HUOBARD.... .......................... ........................ .City Edtor >'t"'<'y . s . LUBERT YVILLE'S Be That Law WilI be -l l i Vonisyi Cicago, ettending F s ______Knocktd Out. aale odyugi Wtlh the sale of the Fox Lake line, why flot make one Th -trnc arigt reiig'~ CroiPin nire idthti Éthe features of the new C. & M. Electric franchise a ,,t court in helad h2costtuio- rth'r.n rcg t h.hnNi e \oveltv Store t-r Mmi which shaHl provide for the extension of the line aîîty of tire auteoilile registratio en im errxlan it Thrrrra iiiau LSTperr. Ilt from 'Waukegan within a certain time, to reach the t-owi be\Utrcis bordardofiethe pnrrirIurJOlN-tESTERlav r, tire ~r m i g d s t r c t h e r ? A ,~ e k a n A ut rire rli A s o ci îb e . ýn »i, ti ~W ith i s M arly attractiv e d e p a rt .ne n t of r rI Whle thereliras ieen an acquiesence 'q cji nfu.... liýa flar-en, lrri" Nvcti ad ndIO God nw olle a ASSESSING BILL-BOA.RDS. frsrra er o iepate atr >Lrnrirr, . .h . iere Ipatrons the opportunity tostcure mai Isi l aet ig thre tax hE vol u tes:A ; h The board of assesors in Chicago has declared a taxI th ccoig ie tire . ..îrtne- 'rse ad Muc r% n the blboard and sigboard owfers f Chicago. The.1 i asc ,Pi n iFIejoa........... ...... i~nl'tiroiI, igh GaeM sc geomrs il smmnwheitlean hythyiholdflt ngrsef ueirîr o arirr leta.ern.. h.rîhdeiiîvtnIfflt n tokwiI rdr.Sae osag ëamssed the s m sany athei' person ini business.cfap-oaipoet te, .. tîyr-lti-i ni i I -', pea inlin tirose tates wherc it eas ître ear1,11111 . 1', I I upilil o...e'iand gett lhcc. Biliboard and signboard owners neyer have paid a tihe legîsîatures orIrle pagt ulletLr li-ttI.SaiieY'V Il.-Ikrir' lrrru, e' The McKinley Ediiion of Ten ixther personal or real, on property worth from $500 aeti wr u amre iclna i n-tIl ; % e.'I iugtrr'Ev,' etMuipeii7 ,0 ta $1,,000. The board plans ta engage a special at- int nres.est1arceiiaitatiin, ror ia trot , ILIBERTYVILLE, MLINOIS rnv su endeaor ta allectback txes amuntin t tken Up tiemoatter v. thtlirestate di- h. ruirI ijpile, îîitinî .1u. ni i an- névrt oletbc ae aotng t visions cf thre national body, with tier eu roi "je. I_________________________ mIaIIl thousaindè af dollars. dcddwhte iiorsresult tiret President ILaurens Enûs I E i Can.rî basr r-iilritri ehool am Pgtt -The 8888801'S bave flot dcddwehrblbad appolcted a special commttee to pre- iSîlait,"n ittarli ofîle iiiuriii ad al- boards should be listed as real or personfal prop . pare and presrurt a report et thr et-l Inrev e owaish,et îrîot ,of rI A a s& P tCo qty V on leased grounds they wiIl be designated as per- log t"Mbre f d laîBraltimore, MayîS. >, Dv CIening Specialiats ta cirairman of tire committee witir matde tijis viae qUite a r st r,tirred What is true in Chicago is true in Waukegan adin Lewis R. p cr f Massacirusetts, and Wplieidn lu lie.rr lre Mis Burris 1913 8 PRING S EÂSON. Illbr nearby cities. Billbaards should pay a tax. They H. M. îtowe of Maryland, as liris alnse hlera a a ig *vt-th purpse of medim frot whic the wners r cises. CarTirehadiretTet-eIs Te f irt .; s t fltire lt rhe, esad, liai ~ve-he urpse ! amedumnfro whichtheownrs r dtes Ciarls TradeusTera i h 1evru-t Pailrtv.atie For Expertiy Dry Cieang joffl get a revenue for advertising space. [t is the own- cirirmen of thre A. A. A. legislatIve pl dyivaIr, is... but nrt î-.îa Im-n- .ro. bordanebsirad mucir te do witir %%,iîî-.iiî u t-Iq -r,,.ni.ue eveirt ia-ILO E rfs persnal praperty, just as much as a newspaper i s t raming of Inctor laws lu many tr'.ýi 1-111- ie 4 lle llrt . ye onal property afitis owner. The biîboard answers 1 parts efthtie country, and will asist 1ir 1. ri tori ni 1e.,t.ielo5 bé lme purpase as the newpaper-it is an advertising 1tire conmmttee lu tire preparation of Ils MIsH.leeCne.,ci-ar îiia ais n etee' eItrn oly it is cheaper ta maintain, and still the news- rport. wirichi is geiîrg to ire onu rl. . s peirdrng noir-t, tîrrnre end effort irr aiS n etee' W blm ta pay taxes. trrui.r ieieer ,l iar-' a' LmkCountySmywl mlaeCo on Wiere tire registration tIl ias býirreîNgiit exerrîti- ier't r-,ver gir.-, r Wear. Rugs, Draperies, Iae Cuty3asessars mywl mlt ok n-jl in f al otirer a'csnid *- jraryi-% iniIgrl- l' ,il t vjialrrrnila-Tig I t rM i osieig hs aaio fbillboards for i' lmne sdeclr'usireîy for rondi tlrlir cri Itrr t,. ,Itr,ii are t', Miscellaneous, Etc. b 4n t corne sooner or later and the assessor who starts 1 -rance, as lu New York state. tirere 1 ,în vlire .'.'or,rlîr rh;r jrrrrrj 341435 'abhAvnu w1Uîl be the one v.ho will get ful credit from the public lasheen s!' iicv t fson tire part : t Jue:i,e Fcil -r. :0 .irere 4--3-5rabshrvnu ér e ectig a revenue which, for years, has been allowed ftenoorssertieineIsttJ-uir r nrr1ivnlUaî 1rr lntrr unr. rîrîr, CHICAGO tienal discrimination against oeellasa ainrr ery Lirrdii bac amrred tri 1r HNEDULA'7 inWeenetogounotcf. rrous~er-, as long as tire anrunt' li-rr r îrrgin r' rlrrrtir, r rf il- =urnt Issue ofite Chicago Heights Signal says: paid v.ere witin ressio. Tire pieteat pnrni ta t i,,,-ii ire.lir mman raisedrecentiy bsaccunnulated strengthlrnulriii rndr]nIv r ,ruubr mua anounedthat if Waukegan c rie$5000 rs ,rni-e'crn Y. L . A., Obicago Hfeights ought to go them a 100 tîrose states lu wiriclirtire ewners efrthMie urirrtii nire-rrr LB TY LL OFFIC bter"Evdety heSgnl nwssoehigmtor driven rehircesare called tiSon Mi..îBoutr îîn. r'e ro lrr i --ýT 1L17C te p1 Eîety h ina nw sm ia aregistrationfl ee. persotiel a,,. a,>tP amili',tou mrtii NWBte ul S'akcmn'sspeed in li"confg across" for move- property tas: and still aneths-elt xfor n arotiv rriSaî,'rcFR g. -TEEPON M . hY 9 .A. kind. tire drvlng of tire car. Double taxa- îrer. CLarbutrîrrrurr ré absent sltlr Iln and discriminationl egainst eue mullrpc We wiii cal] for and douives taeamliast clans et rond user are tire two pointa Mie-n WiwLauî-r ha' a new PUivilir Marv oSiefs. Plant can rmak e O, uaa d tiret which IunconstitutiotialltY. fr on. Chiragu Ê' - SOI, tn unavallabla. Tire case tiret may becerrled up or- 'Fie luth grnde wiii bae a pieuteaIl Howaes«. nature la ber own indica i, giuated ln New Jersey, wiich titite Shoilotilurst (r-rt $iîrrly. tor. If the fruer elao rail the c oils for tiree peyments by tire auto- Miseso Crrrn. aieri nd Maure grave e ào gowhy ha camant analysaeiis own mbile ouruer; regîstration nif car, driv- Pil)lcti for t- r es Veri,,enday alte Ifondition, Ing liceuse end property tl.Tira A. "noon, Nise ýivhb aid bey wergoing -'n A asu no lover growing in bis fieldsifîthtie A. A. state organrisation Instittited tire cottfeseut nl a trnh tuaOhri1î 0i' = te me gOwtirtaispindly and pale suit, whicir irs iad adverse, decisions dut ku no ir.- utmal ' ç gallons - ThT L F1 t f gri'n lacolor. and If ahesep sorreilta lu tire New Jersey courts. taai n.rru e outt oaI i irrt T/A AI1Fmm àý f~ougnf growlng and mos il fourni] on Batimore Is tire place for tire A. A. huanli "e 1'urAI A a thre surface et tire gsoi. there la clear A. board meeting uporr Invitationl of Miss Crou biîet Saturriay ar-nlSi nler evIdenai of a gour condition orthtie tire Autemobile Club et Maryland, tIrnhca NOR ArN v aa !p el Sucb a condition may demand wiît sgvn aqe utr vi- Mica Webbintnd M rse. rederinkel driîe ~~~~Immediata attention te drainaea. If h ussIcui h l(risatF dyaýront ii sufficient drainage, aittier naturel or îng witir tir 9saicuigtr .tir~ear idvairru i i artificiel. ires been provided. condi- A. A. directors. tire goveruer of tire red 1-m40tSLREATFEDI tions, sucira mentioned above. cleer- state, Mayor ot city and otirer nota-Vnirr.ilr, rn.rerînitii î ENTRAL INDIANA. rlyin idicaete Uaneed of lime lu some bmes.Egtr rtrireLdliiir ilrmto neutraliza tihe souruesa ot - j îtrIli1 Ci tire sait.l 1 tilT1.1, grls are phil IIR' On a ani te alilcirgond tillage iras SWEEI LLUYIIj3E iîiririSr-t'rr,,egr, ratW'hereever beau givan and whîcir cotainasfil- rrrdar cliet orgauic eor vegetaile gatr e NO r igiifilr"I rt iuer terinir r thir.eal othr-yir plntoo rqureensare idcte O A IEED, BUT u Wl-:nIiîir zut.- ie roirit ,uiaote-y ehas-itl-..M- 4r, ir- irie inulceas if tireta ltgrowti ot tire rop la IS EXCELLENT IIAY spiudly and sor and tirealeae gen- Epracopai Services eral lack of vigor tire soit ln undouirt-r Servi,Hrit t1wir-tsn'opal cirurel ediy deficleut lu ntrogen. , The Decared Pest of Vacant vtrndirrn- rrie:turrir cerv If tirere 1% a strcrrZ growth. but ! 03 .m [d - )ayshýIu -wiren ears ot corn get to tire ffiing 1Lots Pand M~onp i:i fwJ2.s is 1i!tir iv r, :-iririv vitealto attend staerv d nt 11sadble. ndRv.A. i e 1, Iietevtor tha ears are Immature wiren troat _______________ cornes, tirere ta need et aveleirle piros- lu tire crrrent Issue of rarm and PaoWr phonoc actif.' Fire-ide tirere appears au tnferming PaoWr If tire kernela et <rn do not MI1 -Adera Pra o Shop nt ttak proPeriy. If tirea a nimber ofornmelaiticeaotSet-Coerwu x pli-,- Inn rave vour piano mg putaiurea In thirll, tireata a lack of tract tram ir hli follews: rear-i'rre ngtevr actiol potahIth ie sou1, lu thitmate. Uta "Stuc.- colonial days tirere iras Tiey en-l 1frhe Shinuer tier lack ot potasir ta lndicated iry @mail. growrr along our readeides a legumne ictriîzitrrrr lltNurti(rirdai unshapeiy fruit. poor In color and lu-» claesed as u-eed iry farmers. weed Wankegau. sipid tn flavor. comuissiouers anrd even experiment Ithtira frmer understnnde fuhty tiret station officers. Tire Large., Magazine in lira initrogen influences tira vigor and ex- rUttil late ypars tire ouly steadfast Te.dey's tMagazine is tire large tent of plant etalk growtir and pboa- triend of tire seveet clover iras been Lest edired inaraeziîe pubilited Su691. Peu ACr.M Crop Fndpboric aCid iras in do wlt tirte settiug tire beeman. wlrose neiglrbars have In per year. Fiee cents pier copy M L& f rilze Aalz-othUe seeda and thea ripening ofthemn ssutire mpecti n ew.deeierm. Evpry tady wvira ~~~ fmL. IFrlie ntz ruit whiile potash hian to do vitirmt>'css tMedipacto s atc e reid magazine sirould @et molr ourtea. Amonîs, S par t, ftlîltue't tireseedsanad fruit and egaînet 1dm. accusing hmm of-catter- Ir"e ampi" eepy and premium e Wa,. Avail Phee. ACld. 2Vy5 Par Cent, tire tiffneis ofthtie grain gatir,.ire <eau ng tire seed rith mlîctous Inteut. Adires,â ToteAi 'e MaoàiNy.a, Yb". raad tireir needa lu tire indications This eutageuistic attitude le under- ýhO virich ireia ees lnuhii growing cropa. golsrg a change and tire egriculturat hU E 4!INICATOR 0F SOIL le auen.tierafore, to e large exteain pes ecnaemeny articles iry Presbytarl.aii Srvict -r NEKOS. te irisown afalyst. atock owersion a relu utri 03 Bn.mrigWnbP tu* la1bing scid t pr«ent about alyeaofel&I n rciala.sokgoeswoaetn nter I:j)a .mrigwpbp ~ et oit a alyse,.Trr a ocolle are good. The science praisea of (iris "new discovery" wiricir "The Cross Bearer" "0 dt1sifeanye s. of pinionai ot modern diatatios enabl@s tire a& promnises ta maire their poor tends ea 11:4he p npui ofundeY scrol. jAmu ere toiina entilicaily trainad cook te priipara profitable range for horses. cattle and 6:45 p nu.Ciritian Eni $ ff 0 Ct uflyis vIrlirltugis- food vitir te troper balance et pro- aireep. sujpect. *Tbe Stature af Christ.r, 9M ftUlegt information, tin and carroiryfratee for tbe needs Protein tsgtire meet expensive cou- 7:30 p. ri eveiu)g service,i pu ýlmintatina tuat a cienal- u normailiruman belng. Hwvr tttn ffa feB oprt Tire Book ot Numbers." Spacia te iralotu i lnonerte average irouaewtte does not de. analyses of sweet clover. alfelfe, red B.__Id.__________Pi 14,.VbIl* *amtbOr a mecîsaof ionger pendupon bar kuowledge oftie re io lvr ioi> n owecaoa c hmSgUtlftaiUitutà ebaicltou, carirobydratas and tatas viren tireterîytire altanf d cowpesoe d- Th< e or l Ibe gcte à lemore Important tir,.flan prepertng tirree menin e day for lber tcelled etoe l acweas ex-t Who wuleorla twh gidnt *.eouicjaealysis. Bull a tlifrd îamtly. Sire kueva b>'observation cle we lyrI ecn j fl UWtrTobtde 0410e heing considerabie igit vrlt ntliu fo > osraprotein, tire altalte iry 1 par cent and te bam nwered tire questi = iaetIoicutiougr sbi-tien air e laruB te 6o regulate taediet tire cowpeas by 3 per cent. Cousid- Utit Utlhlutuiansd mula Mere fiVOere cnni wat orthat thealtir and vigor etftirs tamiiy -ered t<am tire standpolut et digestible udffl aarde-d itba re ême t10 ~~~~~s ~ ~ ~ l avre are amt atfr tnauied. Tira situation ta pre- nutriments, we fiuditire telowing cu-Who Made tis arepily: 'In» tý40Mto agree. I l tct.ireed<al u an îtrU.trirvlesfrtr ifreed cdin"tire femer 01 modei. mem Xmf fo asetlemntof uc a "y heMam wth he arer ndparative vle orte- frn e ds: do ber«ovu ookiM .vauhi %Wat- t lora stte et"at snc a hise retîa. Il lira iliibut rend tire rSw,,et duer lîay-...$1849 _parton tee, aewing. brIng, up a tu WÇ O &"»« f tMletru th Ove U reignla s egraooing <ren the Alfalta lray------------.2016 par ton bOYs andi girl@ te b.lie ulOm - t nageametiufi~ -o euat tof e 4,ln covor tbmet U" Red edoter iray---------.14.12 par ton 0f eaiety, aMd lUdh ilme ft «= m t"= bA.ttb tirraie q-Timot'y-----------... 9.80 par ton tWalimproveuet." SIt atbOo len-Sireliad Corn ......... 20.16 par tan Your forethoug When it comes flot ai think ali be obtained fre THE AUTOMATIC SEALING BUIAL VAULT Tirlir i. thre c tà (f rtrrr'f ri liiuprovonierit And witir progreas bhm corne ltrcrea>.tiio d.nbotid far easrltablie recepteurle --r the indi"-,(if our deed-mnone- doi f, retîl$eCetr, i ild warr,dintoux wel ,liit w t hi . m rpjuive feeture ai Inter- gîit. %Itbh VIrtmlrita ci t i le ois t tire Let e,îin rot aweq-. Vauliaof ri-k. otrome anil 'abs 'r! plait-rave nal)foie.,trîuadeibnt thé','-rntinut ire mado lu. prirrie fi, water. Tho Automatic S.alîns Buria] Vaniltlum aiti~lotpiy veter roi! ne wr-Ili ae tidrrriii-tli i t ioé but iim t ii tiié-emerr r i utuel fretoft ssing nid anid c-niieirt ,ir.;v erioin hrd In.ue agid rutt wlth a mîinerai giaze filât rd4ers it si* iiiiiierrtau.n toi inrituî.- asies w. If supplice tîlm noed fore Ligir rade [mcmal vemit wtth a'rî.rral anjîl e iii ne-t tile liîgtîest nequiremtente in paitv ti o ie! iisrnttrrr , t hetii-iradtiz nderai-te vervwiere. Who) are Msnufaciured Sy W. C. BRUMM, Cemeni Coniracior LISERTYVILLEr ILLINOIS. r SPRING TOOLS CHIATHIAM FANNING MILS SEEDERS AND DRILS. DISK'I-ARROWSO LEVER UIARROWS. DEERE andJANES VILLE PLOWS WAGONS Olf AtL KINDS.' Largest Stock in Lake Caunty. Prico, right IF IT S SCSU UANCK IT'S 000() ~UBSCWBB TOMA 1.0FERYHAR' IS NO GOOD REASON ýST GOOD INSURANCE SUBSTITUTE FOR IT.1 .r failure to live means financiai becs, there irance. le your lii e o!f inancial value ta famiiy, partners or business? if 9c9,hf e erves your attention and deserves it naw. 1ht wîi be better than yaur afterthought. à ta the best kind of Life Incurance, men do ike. There je no desirabie kind that cannot The Old Michigan Mutual Life Insurance Company UNDER POLICIES IN THIS COMPANY you pay for what you get and get what you pay for. You pay a' fiat rate-just as you pay for f ire insurance, wbich is by far the most eatisfactory and is rapidly becoming the more popular. Everything in the policy is guaranteed-no guets-work as to what resuits will b..-,nothing borrowed from hope. Send for our annual statement; youfl uay Wts the best you ever saw. The company je 47 - years aid. Last year the ncome f rom interest and rente exceeded the amount paid in death claims. Which proves that we bave a great littie company. If you -would like to know for yourseif the latest phases of Lif e Insurance, or' wh in.: formation concerning any - form of Policy, consuit aur nearest agent, or write direct ta JOHN HODGE, District Manager. nE ITELE WH[I Iro ý i.

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