ILAKE COUNTY INDEPENIDENT WAUKEGANWiEEKLY -SUN VOLI. XXI. .87 TWELVE PAGES LIBER'fYVILLE, LAKE (SOUNTY, ILL., FIHIAY. M.AY 23, 1913. ONE TO EIGH-T il .-u PER VEAR iN AI)VANCE FINED FOR NOT GIlVINEI AUTO PART 0F THE IGIIWAY Malt Wickersham of Aptakisic Pays Over Twenty Dollars for 'Hogging' the Road. GEO. QUENTIN COMPLAINS. Incident Occurred Near Apta- kisic Friday - Case Was Heard in Waukegam. I cUcjcc ccc i s ci . r c. , cI 111ic1.outjci, . c Id - ., 'l",c ' c I.ct.riccîi c j_ 11:11,1 'tii Vc <r I cc <,lit. p r '.' l « i 1 c. 11 cc1, i if'. 1 , cccj ci- c ,cc .. Quel 1 i jcl ic him lOagi6 an dcc' . jîilcjot ccc e l".i iicijc c-c' c ls dcj ,J cc cion :Icc j anguci.ra îj t cji ci, d lr-fc-cja i thT icmficJa-. nciiiie ht hlm ici-iînîhcv r rijadMis aneof he ri. wIhdeingh or hlmh to ae an e p tld o 1 The uarer' ttitmude slangeraI tr. Que'ntin Ihat lit aent 1cWaukegan scierpe h"sore oni a warralit, charg-1 big' the state law lu this regard. The learing decI i'uied e1djic i th, alcoce efreci ar-c lceJu.rc-- cn the, dFlendant ?ý,.unit c-ict.. andc NXlcker.chani in al cc.-. i.îc.d $2' 6<, auich ,-,id r,,cc fioli È th c'- cut--.tih-e e'ndant 'Tjri. a lea cf cciii'l".ir Qcc cin r-tc.l . b', ngpitri-ent. The outcionie (cffilce case. deciitcd -c-iey ilpo r ie c, idence ticai icker- jîcari did flot gis e the autoisl a ehaoce tcc get lpased by puhllglito ocea ide îa trille. shcîuld s.erve as a waroing ta other.. ir the coufty anmd remlnd the. licat un auto driver titider the law h as l!cc rIgl fo a8k for aid receive the ,-ccclî.c clcii Tsclausce of th, -ltte "id, lac, Prccc dc-c.This Ilait,, lics (-am, cofc i ce kc c oulcîe op but il i.. a knucc ac linIct icuiccri-itiof au luipss ia c - beic iiiel led icanc limeil Ici ctai- simîilar actions .a Iei tlY lc., iac 1 icieTc t-i i,.l ii c e m i ccer ofi Mr. Quentin. Mifcourse ficer(, are - iccc ic lcccg alictcl, acs w .11 as pIci- -ccic'.drivincg leaicco. but flc.-dccc c of G r c cittt r liac.fTic- caccc, rCc,cursf- cic aI T it ca i i -, l ili - i cr HOLD TOASTMASTER PRISONER AT LAKE FOREST COLLE6iE SEEK TO OUST WOMAN PEDIATIN NOTICE TO BASE BALL TEAMSPLN HNTN FRO RAINI PK HOSE.penenteach weeica desirea ,RMRVII K.HUE CRASH; ONE KILLED; toTp'rnlthe:esu::taof bail games in RICH HOMES TO fl c. iicc lîiac tark. c1)'icii liy, hrcuIii . clc 'd-ni, uiic cr "ic"ic, a s'sacl AVER Lake ccounty, giving the ouccco-negof if]ai.lo 'riiroiýi<, LK.CO. MAN DRI V1 yrea gmeplayed, n atlTAX DIÀMONDS i -ic Tc c if 1 îc,îî . NI tSrjccl. a - -wcere it was piayed. ccIccl c-stand,-icr u c icN l P.Tîi- . P to, Prsid £ f D iry1 Capla.ns therefore w.1i confer a f a sGso )S a ()fcl , r t, k - lcli t l jk, TP . atnresun O dt oar on the Independenl f lcrec will for- sesrTravs h Sac î-iainr i iThatueîscf cc- l Ia-.c.- atLake Zurich, Lost Control I acd to thc Independent office cach i Milionaire Honîcs in Lake cx r-iard lce-oîian> ccpo- i ~~*~Suriayevening or Mocday. the ce- sc-cjcl i~le co tcI1 -jt scci.utnS Ca o ay ut of their games on tie previous F rstfr ii aînd hac,,iteiecl tIe5ic- jc ilc-r. dl cliccic Saturday or Sunday. We cannaI usec lili the ic ce-u It i l tiiicccIiclI Icîici ~i, ,:t)ic..c l i- ii c.scfi,-c C M ANO A KL E .ai[ hliîneups in thecounîj ut wul HEIRES E U I1A .1 0 ilic i- î' Ii- t OM A IO WAcIL ED tke about 40 words icfllcuctory ce- E S SM S A ,T O Ili j c cl" aci .cî cl N'i -i cImarks about the biggec garnes, the &. ilii ri o! i iijcd,rljo--j cci Car hit Approach t10 ridg rnscore by nnings, lire batterces, StIlce- Aht liFevi 1:sted - - Quis and hts. Chica o, Tuning urtl c By coopecaîcon of all hai captains Autos arci TI-cse at Riclict-- SKETCH 0f LIFE Men Pinned Under It. tria can and mIuli bc macde an iniecesl orlfvLco Sums. 1 l fealccre foc h papec andalaso nl O F O N O O U T Y crea se cle est in base alI n Lake c : y . c i i c c Ni c i cc. i " BEST KNOWVN MENc c.ccc"ccc;:,;: RASAE1AN- c- ' c-icc-ci, icir a g- i r cc c.- ccc-,N cc-cil lcir: John icClure, Who Died at - c-ci j DNTRlAI-Ic . c. c c GUrnee. W as one of Warren' s c'ic[;c;;c:î. Ii, J' îiJJ'al i trc cc i. j Leading Rosidents. Tc îj rccIc,- c ccc ON ÀINEW fYIcisEri- ~ccrsccc [c1cc - ic , a1cic. 1 n , I il ;cîî ,lcfic\- ijci ucii-v cl, cri.-.1.. 'i j'-I; iîc , c,cc -.ilcjg ctI IPj1aII llT ccil..i- I!, N'Z', ct i.. lcc Patton i, kl i i ii cc-co,1, ,-5kt c , 0cci iij.c - til rl cIl- c 'iti llij i acl ic lcccncci cri. r a r. ditc. cccccc i li cc cr i-cc 1liliccic)c1ut ci cal-ci lc.- r- cc, ic- act 1,cpic c l ri IL 4, c . c - lca oc'I 1 tic 1.iS Ac1 jti a ie und it cnfgi'd itr o tîI',(. cc-ia Iiih fîjr, ii C r c ireTI -faicil lccsI'd 0 cis uc-i-cc forctire tccic îaîn I c. in tle tic. c' T lccc iccrtii catft- irel ic cIlagu- I lcbridge la opecn. i-i lac-k aascc l cii utc] liic-- sli-ccJochnc ici -cidurcng te r t h ie a cec ici-cicar. Lut Patton imaan- lc.- c chfacher snd mother asu it ufagcd In falitlear. ter tliicccathh util a out cii-cen 1Teamste.-s andnjt.ciht workr N, h leurs aga. i-he i-moeit wiîh bIs familiî otahiehome lnt thevillage. Mir. Mcilure and Helen C.'ci'leau were maried aI Nazomenle. clao sin, March 15,lS2.To îhem four children were boru. two utfhom, Rosie1 W. aid Lesile J., are sîilt liing. 'citth lita lite ispi-ul asi iadn nIf le mocntv, and becausi. of 1b1Is sterlinug inegrlîy and soltd wÔrth Ire belit a hlgh plage amoug the trualeit anui honoredi men of the rountc. For manc ears he reîreseulc'i the tua n et Niarren utc che iboardt of suir ilsors - lresed the accident, rau bo th e as-. sistance cof Kîelacanit puttei hlm Tram beneath lheesar lie ucas deait hefare medîcai sid arrîreit. Patton was arrc-dted bý Policeman Michael Flynn. Sla, k sha lc, as taken 10 au underlakicg e.tabi.. ment. An Inqîcest witt Uc hetit At the Central detail police station IPatton suld hecv.aa proceedtng norîh- ward ut a moderate rate of sîceeci wheu th e accident îcccurred. lie said Siack hait requcsîcit hlm ta take -hlm for a ride. PanditsIc-.jcdgnii-nt. diti-ritiou oanitWuean a 7 broadil i eci aetofutiucîc caicehWinga ay1 lIhe c-îlcticu cn f tîce mcanîr, îrobîencc- îe iuicneuls aI the coroners ilu coiitcontinzi liat icuiti \\Ni îîînu pc- quesintlu('ic-ugo Fclday aflernoon socnal amiiocncs tu gracif.v or ecuit 10show ed Ibal Pauaij.Patten. prest- acopiih tic was eauedto udi- dent cof a large dialr t Iake Zurich rJaly ieifh ait questions ant puss cc1 nLake county - -ciuclitl 0cumittit sui iu c lîeîî fcîcc ic.-hesoil- motîivse utfc ite 1c k-aîing Intrc lie Chiia co ris ir t he rîglit ccorrng ofui-therjcîcionu. a hii lie learni-itchut Thoniaci SIack, Thua li-cscc- Ioleî i)fcTccuna-nd a c icrk i 1h-et'iuterc-loteli-luChi- sulteit acc-in c - cc> ciai ci ccii cof i(on-ccgohuit c,,eii cruc-hei tcudi-atf inu t idi-ice.In ltlîe uflairs <f his Immej der thec uotjdnoojli- liiih Ptten hait - itite comîiutilt-ehe 1001 activelu in- beu iicng le cas cres enleittram tereslccnd %an'.couc-laniîc tdeitiicd jcryid c' fdîtuuiiod-to [lie -as a mc li-r et thbe c-c-oot ci- r)i licthe- îrccc i 't un cl utpcl ici-m eu trlicîcord frhic iciccîc-cicca r- N\%'h %h cio c cilit hI i i jc-t ci l-ie asc(lcihi. i-r çiic, c-cdc liorc iduc-ccioniai iîCcc g cmecr tîe rcilicc'cit tce Ru-b rnoinet fo th of trt bicdge. clions receilid hus uriiludiliic-dieacuc Thec rouii' cjru ci hi lui isu- est unit active suppîort lI, cacc- iicccl aledIn rto lthi-fac t-cintri ecccase re- est I litici chnitc cf hcc , cccccatciiîy-iaý urii .a erdilct of cccidIcicc ai ti, but uncy luck of a icullish.c ac-T-ctraicdi Iccieri Mic Iail hen ihi-lineit1)hci ,ici --cc o lthibauds foc a- cccii cîisihiepTie -c i iec-atcfl ic-Id duc- certain ofet c-icccaa iviglin uihcct, cccd cci-u-ci ccicc î-cu'.ion to sc c fcî ue PuîtTc'cc. ihics ccci tic heic-car,. icuc i iî 'cccc- Possible focr iii t,' loIi t. ci c cci k ciiil i c r .a riche. -, thc- llicie . ci l its îcs cNi c l c .--ru c f i nu - dc cci u'can e r tIi- accîccoill to ih uicr- iiicr cc, i and î-î-î ic chliheic-h,11ihsiretciidcgei ci -c-c nie ccci ci ocf N .crc,-randclci ci c-orf ci uiua .l an se ccic-liccîcoui-,,ccf Iluri .th, ýoI ccc. Il iccrcit iiriic' urici oili Ilic- c-ii ccii 'clma c, iccc ci iere thriicccccliootIc -Tri-c-t. c-ii-ciLt, îcc.cîailcc cîcciîori Iii' ,1-c cd Siijic cic-iicicIau-c rtîce cr. j Ii-,c-ed-ccc iacîci.cis c i l-,ccc l udsScc sic-I cais1eIng- t.icc-î c Slcelc-iec t Ticelicci- Tis or i Tutfrcccc iuiidth lccctccttccTc cccîirc-ii icrdîthi-cly lui- i%%as i1cc miiliile-TIi 1,lie uIc-utc- b is itc-uiicc, a îlth 1..îcîiubicci dci- q'i iitcrncecl afrrdcinivei. cc tilotis of litstoc, n d-i c cittlc Ii c racctic otIcec-ruiliri caniidcas abucitico \'hiiic sulchcutnei-iocf ILke Fccr ct uliicîl iciacitc-. lits reîligiccc failli cir cci ,er I I c li-ha piciiian i cîdc t iis ersil iS ere seuteil ri ic e aimalcciiandciielte , ci ile nutlci-i1(i cc -cr.cci-, c ccc T curci accii It hIdm.lie ccai t dle n ciasa bbanquetl ut lire Mloraine iîuti-l , cc'nuecce l iss cincc i-e. lu'.- rc ccci hîcacdcii ci cciii a cc l b-î ccu. ci ce Highlandt Park, Friitay iiglît. ilceir i eri To uc-et lis 0iIier ad ederrji -cSiiii0 ici'cilng tiie initdng o(f tiii- T ostntaster. J ricu i. NIilIon cf Au-.cci1c1, i ciifutlitsi cte îcacclaI ciciip c dbcroncer s juir'c The itc l1 ti.- ci rom. 'cas ridirig dp amuitdois Otleiout fiar. menîttfructîtreit SIarc'-c siccTinI lici tale shiore I a speedirig auto.,lice pri , 'cr 3c'ici home 'mas cal, aci -c duaînct lInsîantIy. suier cf 12 frestîmen. 1 isii c.iicial pride, andtic iere hiiuic Excited itclnesses of tlb.,ritci lent îltoti 'cas Ifitoapeit Friday afler- Tciitr amuit iooc cheer ciic c-ici-ignd.ti-ii-îei-t icitite policre liai Ico aiii icoori. 'cîcithlii-fresiimen sccoopeit e.odtiicc lhIs tacniI unit ni-ci-cso tcoiiii-s hait tcicncedI-i t he 1<, rcer clwooped itua mcou the Kappa Gamima - Iicdîciy us 'hen a tlb tireic,.Ili tia amuit en hIdi-conta 'ere hurr«icd lu che fruternlty bouse, made-bhlm a prîsoîcer l iti- ut cleanîs' lbougbt atid action. acene at once. At the luqucat Palten uni totok hlm ta Lake Zurich. îcposiiv e lu character yet toi-ranI of testili-i that hi- bat coîtrol of the haler ici was tcken 10 Vsaitlegan 'others' opinions, hi- ans a sîleudici ex-.machilne. und mwheu it was toc, late to reach the ample uf the force whlrh ih the lant banquet. returneci toakae Forest. uîîalysls controts and shapes thc de*. McCultough cf Gurnei-. hotu ai whom A plot to sleal the banquet by pou- tlny' of the repubic-tbe rural i-ad- were pr-si-ut at the tuners). ing ns sophamorea wns nippeit 'ciin er whom mi-n foîîow lieracîse titiy The tuners) vins hi-Id at Gurnee. opomres leaned of the plan suit knaw ant honor hlm. not from any Thuraday, asnd the- nimains viere titipeit off the hotet management, De- politîcal machination or Intriguîe b>. bured lu tIre famlly lot Is Oakwaod w III Clcartou visa chosen as sut- whlch hi- obtains power. cemi-ter>., Waukegan. Re... George tile taastmaster. Organlzed was mi-luOf Mr. McClurea tathers familly but toGlnnla, pastor of tIre Waukegan hi- declari-ioth e tri-aiment ciasa hy two membera reniais, Mrs. Julia Pol- Baptlat churci, conducted te serv- soîihamores at a meeting today. meteer of Chicago, and Mra. Mary 1ces. i WADSWOIRTH MAN TWO INJURED ON HURT AT RACINE.RERNNIOE c .ccc- c c cE l'j'iti al,! i- c , - - j c, IrKUIU I A I ui~lEAL I r-cc, cc - c- cc ..ccc'cMr. and Mrs. Charles McClure c cc , ci.cic - ir -ci i of Russelil nîured in Wau- c c- i j. :.c rcî,- , a ciikegan Thursday. c*!>! n.- i St.--. cMari i i alc . crcP, ct-ai fr u crg-rci,icirccc- THROWN TO BRICK PAVING. JIDE fEXPLAINS WIY lHE REFUSES TUE KIRBY C.&SEý Landis Says Ihe Could Not Give1 The Kirby Attorneys an Im- partial Trial Now. O oviseis inthe Forrmiof a New i ji c.T ccc iic i ,,ci ~- c ciTo ic-.r liiI- î'i' 1Lantern Stand That Should TTc' j. iccccc c cc oi 'c-c l.. .- - c--jci-r NwiI c1 c.- sci .ti clccii cr ccct ii -r 1i y i c -1:i c r - 1i. acI - it B e Boon ta Farmers. c -cici c Kccccc liî- irci!hc ;- ioc c--1 - i 11clii l i.î-d i t t 1 c 1i r ciii-Ii il 1ccci Zo ,n H E IS QUITE AN INVENTOR. dcl(cie i,îiî-cr cc.iiiccci>i-i-cer accu golditi-lcPli-i ica ,ucci 1 .cccccca ii I...Faîclrc J laIe aloii -icisk alcci ccîidtc- 10i i- o liii li loiIlts iý ltrY IisIý ti 1 .il '~-' ilcicl 1 -cao ei- .- a -i-a soil Tor ccrt ld r l' . - I ci-Ililig o ici 1h. ciu-c- that hii Same Inventor Recently GaI a cuit cci I ,c-ibng 111I cccciccîi acia-cTcade rit, lcccthe-matt-r as ' oser Tccccci-rdcc- cailble îroîcarcutoîbclgst hcul h Patent on a Foot Warming cris I kuccatic-c are-,con. alilng. The antreut f a lcku sai thc-rlughluthe fortunes orf creat helrcssc-s sicuotittnul Kirby lriate batik scandai. lie Device'Both Simple 1-escapc taxation."sae ecudntlo5iIygv h In thec.- aordc- Assec-uoc Thomcas four allorueis au Impartial trial. AIipteton ut Shields tria uship. ln i Ira Smith cof Grayslake, mico a whch L.ake Forest îs locacci. nmallei ^ski Reairons for Refusai. short tilîce agc) waa granteit a piatent huas n Saturdal.rilic hia itermîna- ling uft he stalement fcloaena on a foot warmiug itevîce whlch con-lon 10 farce the- ieatthy residients osfr cquesl front Juccge Baker, preslding sutdciou an asbestcis-covered meiul that ultra-fa shlimail-e suburii to puy iutiie of lice ('ourl t fAlceals, for a glbto be l pii-icaceit oser an ordînary their jicct sba-e of taxes fnb fle scatemeul ut reasons for refusing lci Iunterîc, bus remcls-ed word ronc tccasurc cof Lake count.v heur the case. Atorney Rosenîhal W'ashington ticat hi- bas been gi-anti-ci1 Charges Tas Dodging. had askeit Jîcge Baker tu requt'-e a patent ou a Lanteris Stand Piste I suspctchat t.uke Fore-U's sce rthe aissigrmencl of a resasont lu con- The desice la s.neIhat la eald to ic -cailedit .i-agoocolons- of uiiionairea jforuili3 ilh the statules. aonîething Ith chould meet with îîîc d1odge - a cri-at ciiaI "of heir taxes.'"cAfler Judgc Lancia huit ilteditics mediîte facor cc hcfarmnera andtahsatI .Si-sec-or Acceiu Nlami.vutf ,rarcticulJudge Baker sougi cuit olbers alto are calleit upen 10 n-ce lhcm haie refcîceit to file -c hecîcîles .uitgeCiarpeuîer aiîh a ie., luget- tandemrs c-onsldc rubis -Ilw t iaing Ihat te. ý t hecc lcir c ticccc hlîc 10 lake the caue. Jcidgs A lechnicai itescripton cof the ie- inNi-cin Crihicag.o IlIs icccacse t1It'arpeuter retîcicit [lic but J ucge vice totioa-s mcli to ic i, iihclbi-r thes reaiic-1liaiker hie hait no jurisdictlon anuithIal t. The coclcucTlon alth a titac cailun Chic-ugo thai I dec-id ti-i scndIn lu its opiionthe unir juitue iho of a courenîri. uiic corseit plate se- a lic-st ofTîeir norme-s licSi-c ricirhli jurisitiction mcas the îcîdgc- le- curei t hereto îcrccc ed wlth an uic Kiiralccic-io f the- Cook Cciintl ioticci cfo-ecshccm tbc alilgei contemi T Irs if 1 fn tea e lt (iin ted m'ai-ic extcuiticicc lamge: a ctamping oft Ni-si--îr T cc iîitlc ti-ucicer acruîcgc-c i cccîcsste 10 saîc iu-scscl aiI li. or criîc ut Ii diii As a resi-it oftfTic- 'îiiiur tio s>t' curveit plteîfccccîit 0 f a csuon c- ccac-jîc i ill fiure, in iCok iicoc-eduig.-Tithefor lacsl. rs, are- section uof'mirliai iug the free 1c icinti 1 Ill i cti tnucTîir 'c -cîtli c ucitiricg a ici c..oimcg ticiel- ccticir minais tbcreuf coTctiitutinggclam icti ncii t i icn 1ccii iii cert - prhen ciccc--t. case- A ferlea]cu tcutge frontcc oicce armaanud thelccT'rnedidate sectIon i-'as lt eiii-c îclea- aitloiijr i-ec tlccllerciiscric-t in illicois ii or-,c tient arrungecclitcc iaceit parallel relud iiiN coii ccccbi c --icIc lion 10 foccîca a ilciguidiug siol :- *()il lccr ccdc acrToncoc i e cc i cT Tcî l icccc )c iiic oecf Tc ' îc.mail stuit hlîs carn. it l,% salit lplate unit1i-cl. anjd Til- cccii frontii $ ccc!ilic) ccWant touReopen Case. exli-udtng trclciiccîi sIot; andit cic.cTiccL c.c. I. ccccii .rc Te .rc-c ieohcc ic d nuls olitc aic.cii-c cc-Id slnd hoI- iici c-c - cýc$7cc\-- c c foc ri-ltuluin cciiucuîctivng ruencîer -.i-c-cr Nl icc AnIcc <eilcf ccsic iiccric a lad cldijiIon ini acliciali-it Icc i. îctîli -cti, cic di ýi daI- .c- cc - ici .111(1"e i..icli. i - I., e cîcci Tii . Il ci ut l.c u .c cffor' cc ccc c-! - li e lc-r nid iccTIo Tic c. ci t 1wceTIi. ir, The- coti ii.jicnc ithuc a tplate; of aci l l oRsýlt i cc c' c iic ic- c iami ng Tici i ijnicumti-i focr c- ili- c 'i f.i ccctir iiic'..c- dccc j co Io-1 iproca-ticuc Tilc 'c- i i ictrlscng i cl i clld ~ -cii c Iclcc c 'cc cci-c cc -jl cr tri Ici lf li ii i iic i f cd, tIc s, t' tifluons si-e ccion i - Icire rei nc-t tc, e T cs ic iic c!c.J i . Iccr torctcuan atlci, Ji ii.. s ctiolc arruange(]i <ýr. iis Tob it eu c c i c- a nic iillir cýl i-'c.til ermi al, It rji il caicl air, andci i j îîI ari: ofsetAGED WOMAN IS I h hipIc lc'ccc c. -lit mni ot areb\ DEAD A T EHOME itilt cc icî.hci- c-c-c-T Ttci i ji ii i lc oiiipcccied( scîcciiillý 'lcîîc,- rI-cc icfixcit cnd['M rs. Charles Lewis Passes TIi' icidcilic)ic'-Id, anic, ci uclcccTcdi cccri cAwaý ai Home of Mrs. Albert c!i;îc. 1 tiu-.dcc-cAit- cs-icc Ii - - icîc ncfcîtul l tice OLD VETS TO HAVE Ker re eet-în c.c iidc trot 0 --iic- Vcie rc ir T 1.if ilt ail1 cliii AL EXPEfNSES PÀ4ID . ib1 hc Ici.jicci t rolca i. i. diîî TO CELEBRA1'ION? lc-c W,-Ic lit ir I-mlo ol REUNION 0F GEN. Tta t W'nu k .-cccnitndLake- coutitt- 'tr. l-i ea Tiic c iil a c o cc ni-uc iers o et ii- lA.R. ncay atceý.a pic tiniu iiutcctet ., flic- udin g ii cci- the fiftlieIh nîîihcrsary 0f tbe batlle sîcai condiiitious andi clui-huit j, c-i of Gettysbuîrg ahîhont expense 10 fafiincg for ..urce tune paietiic id themselces, is eicdent mcmi the ac. sanced age at-o ciorîcci acual be r litou taken ut Spigiled Thursdsy. Possibcle rec-oierr' explaînecilntri îIatelegramu: Ntrg. Lewis I,; curvicit by Pera Springfild, I., itay 15.-Members daugîcier unit n siep soin, LaaetI C.b of the Illinois Grand Armay of the Re- Leias. of Easl NIoline, Ill. public proiahiy wIll attend thre fif. Mrs. Lewis orlcinally- rame tramr ti-tIrannlversary aofUer Iattie ar York îllis. N Y.. about 46t Gettysburg, to ehi hiccln iGettysburg years ugo. heing marrI-ci lun Waule- Juiy 1, 2, 3, andi 4. A bit) appropriaI- gaa- aller ahib aie move-citwth hi-r Ing $30.000 tatdemtra h ie expenses Of Iru.aanitu0 'cialworîb counly i.'cs,c thre veterans paased the Rougse taday vihere sie lveit for many years. by a vote oai112 ta Thitres eeSa- Putniral Sunda>. troin the house, clalista vote> affainst thre measure. b urlaIlu Warren cemet-ry. ROGER'S REGIMENT. Tîci- ccînccatreunlun of the c-un iî ors ocf tIhe laih tIllinois lofa ccl ccIli lie hi-lithIIs y-ar ai Alon. Ill., on May 24t1c. this place bccingch îîc-ciîa-. itlaI aiso l th'e i-ttng place fthedc a nnuaIul ae eocc cîcmc I ic t hi cli w ill lii hi-id troni Mav 2o-12.Thi-fiir.,i official oriter ri-celveciluy lice i-ti regîmnent after Itmas organiz-it 'cu ta proceeitfrtramrei-porr 10 Alctu whIere the state peittinry 'cas used as a harracla. (Col. Rogers. lte of Waulegan la the beat efthTie cegi- nient. Indi-pendent ad&-reail try 25,000. Mrs. McClure Received Severat Bad Cuts on Face and Head -Both Taken Home. i -j i i .c cc d p iuc cl Injurcies a1c ccc il i( c i ii-c.cccc cc Macrion c-tri-et c ir lfe ic-r l igc. atictlîd 1he, fu- i -cccl cc: c ri-lacic , Jolihn c(iire fa Gu i! cl Thcc cci dent happridt %efich-n lic. -an ofi iccr-esicheit to the c -ccciclc Ic i 'l i ic-1 a'er cdîug, be- c accu irigîtecl lcweîc a portion of c ci I1acrne.i ok Gfeoirge N-u- ijcc.lcccc. cltihei- il" 1dm t the MIr iaid NI ciNic-"iuce a ere sitting li the cc-ar c-la' 'ci leu the horses - ieccin lu ci ir et utîîI Mr. \Ir- Cluci- -oit aji Ici sec scict ias the trouble.'cAs he did su thce horses c-i ccli. fîcrcsrd and Nfc('lure was iccrleit iai i.a crd froc i h--.sîrrey te the pcavemetl ,I;ank, sîrickeu, bic ife sought te eac tronct te rig but lin the attempt ber coal caught on saine obstruction andt she telt heait foremost te th'e pcavement, lilcting ai-vers) bad gashes en ber face and bead. Il vas foîînd that 'Mr. McClur-e bail austaJ.ned. miereiy a hadly gpralned wrtat ai- though It was reported ai Oral that Ire had broken hIrs arm. ira. NMcClure ws lfted bâtir 1nto, 3Ite carniage and was taken te threof- 1 ice of a local physîcian wbere fil vas found necessary ta talc- sevenai stitches. The horsea dld not try te run sway otherwlse Mrs. NicClur. mlghî have heen dragged saune dis- l ance sud lnjured quîtlle everely. Taken as a whale tIre terminatian of the accident le consldered qutte for- tunale. 'cdir. aud 'cIrs.'clculiaugh bath kept their seala during tIre lime the horsea were pranclng about and nelther af them were hurt. TIre accident Irap- rceoed jucc olîlside the cemetery gate ou Mariou street. LAKE FOREST A REFUEiE FOR CITY TAÀXDODEERS? Board of Assessors Starts In- vestigation on the Suggest- ion of Lake Co. Officiai. Acre take Forcest and the towu cor 1Slclcld,, Lake courit., Iplaces of ref- uge foi, la.. docigers? The -bioardl of acscssors of tChicago ie hIc estlguliIogthe ciuesllorîlFor years rîclîlrs hjave becu pcrsistenit that the iccalthy huc.iîîess mnîca ndt iroperty oicccnrsoft'Cicago. a lt rcsidences In Lak Forsctlarîd oliier fasîclonable out- ] ing toa us. cave mcade use ofthicer Icco poslofficc aditresies to evaite as- sec-siclc-tt oic tieir persorcat property. Toda% a ctter was recelvet by Sec- retary Frank W.i Korateskt of the Chf- c-ugo bîccrit of ascceacorc. fran Thomas Acppleton, ussensor osf Lake county. cof- tccicg lits ccoîc'rciccrin au Inveatîga- tlinc.lîi t lticr foltoms: 'fil c,ouîîli]ticof au! use ta yon I SIIscîi you a licIt o persans reald- locg li Lake Foîrest andthtIe tawn of Shieclds, coîclîl.outLake, who have lîst- ed tîccîr personat property (partilily) fth fricue, aici state that lIrey flot thel- stocks. tbondsc rnney, aharea, etc.. la Ci'icacgo.1 sicoulit lime te know If thi-y cre lasitdodging." t Much Timber In Re..rve ýi Therle cIrsanuts cf lheCaaBf sOffer a vide field for tutuir. 4"YqhS' ment, altbaugh the valanut fo4iM a c thre bozwood 'nresaai .s< * i ehave been fu)>. exploit"d. TUM ber mille, ane et Plland tbe â ý 1ait Sukhum Kaje. represeet ftb. W of tbe lumbeutns cexried ob aSt@ ont. of a i ned 'ietv 79 ats good îroid 9c sook O9c en. tains qhoes They Plain ading i POis-